Japanese Reacts to "What my trip to Japan was like" by Jaiden Animations

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today i'm gonna be reacting to the video called what my trip to japan was like it has more than 20 million views and i am really looking forward to see where she went and how she felt about japan anyway without any further ado let's get started in october i went on the first vacation i've been on with my family in years my dad worked super hard all the time so normally it would be either my brother mom and me or just me and my mom and even those vacations became pretty sparse it's been over 10 years since we've all had a family vacation 10 years and all of a sudden we have a week to be squished together in a foreign country so how'd this one go day one we arrived at the tokyo airport after a nice 11 hour flight and got off the plane like wow i can't believe you finally made it we've been planning and looking forward to this trip for almost a year and it's finally happening how do we get out of here we walked around the airport for two hours trying to figure out which train we had to get we asked dad for like half an hour in the sea of asians i'd already expected the worst and thought he was dead but no worries turns out he wasn't taken out by the japanese mafia my mom had to get train tickets and he had to take care of the luggage so he split up and planned to meet at a ticket counter but little did we know there were two of them on opposite ends of the floor and as the stereotype goes they looked exactly the same so my parents were just rumbling and waiting for each other to show up at the opposite ticket stand with no method of communication because we didn't have wi-fi yet after figuring that out and getting to the tokyo station we had to use the subway to get to our hotel none of us grew up in the city and using the subway was new to us so we had to look at the train station map to see what to do and is this the windows 98 type screen saver what is this props to people who use the metro daily or even just know how to figure that stuff out because that's like a whole bill gates secret code and the consequence of making a mistake is paying to be plopped in an area you never wanted to be at in the first place we didn't okay stop yeah i totally agree with that the trademark in japan is so complicated there are 84 rules which are inside tokyo so not gonna lie but you will be panicked when your first time visit in tokyo to be honest there are quite a lot of people that doesn't understand train routes even though they are japanese i also got lost several times when i first moved into tokyo so i often use loot guidance application there are also guidance websites that you can use in english like japan tragic planner and hyperdia it tells you which train or the route and time and perform you should take to get to your destination so the percentage of getting lost will be reduced by using them of course google map is also convenient but no guidance websites are much recommendable even know how to start reading the map so my dad resorted to the only logical option do you speak english do you speak english konichiwa [Laughter] please uh help us oh my god what a little person oh my god she said did you really think that i can speak english you stupid foreigner get lost in japanese i don't know if that japanese woman really said that but i hope it's just a misunderstanding and i want you guys to know one thing that most of japanese people can speak english if we compare the english level to the other asian countries like korea or hong kong the japanese one is really lower anyway we never disrespect the tribes from foreign countries we just don't understand english and too shy to talk to foreign people a good 90 of the time we were lost and not knowing where to go so my dad would keep walking up to random japanese people and trying to communicate with them in english even though we were in a country that doesn't speak english and when they obviously wouldn't understand he would just try to say it all again but slower like that was going to make a difference but we found a guy named paul who helped us out thank you paul konichiwa japan is super different from the states i didn't really know what to expect but my mom and i were super hyped after experiencing and learning about the culture dad and jax not so much but they like the food so here's what happened first morning woke up early to do a tokyo bus tour this time after our best friend paul taught us the ropes we were experts at navigating the subway we got on the wrong train we stopped at today for breakfast and it was at that point where i realized i wasn't going to be able to use the image translation app i downloaded to try and make communication easier while we were there it would have been super awesome to just hover the camera over the japanese symbols and have the phone immediately be like hey this is what this says but it wasn't working the way i thought it would i don't speak japanese but i'm pretty sure they weren't selling a surprised egg topped with the first time the first time in fabric i don't think that's a thing who married an egg and why is he so surprised the tournaments won we went to a forest with some shrines saw some sumo wrestlers went up the tokyo tower pretty cool asian stuff second day we walked on japan's big famous crosswalk that looks like the bee movies traffic system okay yes she's talking about shibuya scramble crossing the number of people who are crossing this street in a day is half million pretty insane right that waited nine years for his dead owner to return from the train station i love you hachiko i went to a hedgehog cafe go out on the wrong train mega donut spend way too much money at the pokemon center one nothing had a big arcade and then collapsed into bed i should probably slow things down a bit so you can really take in day whatever wrong price triangles tiny banana snack my brother said it tasted weird walking tour oh god my legs hurt more noodles went to sleep we had another bus tour around kyoto and one of the stops was this thousand golden statues temple that was really cool and we learned about a bunch of gods one of which i a pokemon master already recognized since it was the inspiration behind thundurus [Music] this temple called and there's a whole backstory to this place where some people would do this thing called taking the plunge which was seen as a bold and desperate extreme wish-making act so it's simple what you do is jump off the 43-foot temple balcony and not die that's literally it i'm not joking in the edo period people believe that if they put their lives in the hands of canon the god of mercy you'd be granted a wish given you don't die because he doesn't give wishes to corpses during that time 200 people jumped and 85 of them survived which i'd say is actually a pretty good ratio one woman apparently even jumped twice hey my my wish didn't come true well i guess i jump again i don't let you do that anymore which i think is fair i guess anyway that wasn't even where i was going with that place there's this little shrine area at the foot of the temple with three waterfalls each representing either longer life wisdom or love and if you drink from one of them it's believed that you'd be granted that particular category in life but you only get one drink so i go up there with my long cup on a stick you get and was watching what everyone else was doing they would get the water in the cup wash one hand at a time then pour some water into one hand to drink from and let the rest drip into the pool below yeah anyway i want to add two things about kyo misdera one is about jumping off from kevin's thera it is true story i had that many people jumped with an umbrella at the time and also there is a proverb coming from this story it is kyo mizuno bhutai kara tobiori saying that jumping off from the stage of kyo mistera it means making big decision rallying me and we use it like this situation we knew about to get to a big project that you can't miss or you're about to propose the mileage to your lover second the proper way about drinking water what you need to do is just drink the water from the school directly you might think it's uncertainty but actually it is stored in sterilization machine so it's centering if you cannot accept it it is also okay to put your little finger into the water inside the scoop then you'll be able to get the benefit too to the chase basically you're in the presence of some pretty intense wisdom right now also there wasn't any place to dry your hands afterwards so i got wisdom water all over my pants after that we saw the thousand red gates you're allowed to walk under them but apparently it takes like three hours to get through them all and we didn't have that time so we walked under like ten and called it a day yeah ten thousand lake gates which is located in fushimi inner shrine those triggers were devoted to make their wish come true so that you can see the person's name through devoted and dead on it the cheapest trigger is 210 japanese yen so if we pay it you can have your own and you wish might come true after waking up with some french toast that was lightly dusted with a pound of sugar my mom and i went to the studio ghibli museum i can't express how incredible that place was i would recommend it to anyone who has an appreciation for ghibli or animation or art or anything i'd show you how mesmerizing it is in there but there's no filming or photos allowed inside so no spoilers here i'm a child of the law but i did snag this picture of the kids play area because i thought it was adorable and sometimes you just gotta break the rules and it's important okay we went to a conveyor belt sushi place and mom had never been to one before so she got overwhelmed and just immediately grabbed like five random things i've been to one once before but my skills aren't anywhere near coordinated so when i tried to put the wasabi bowl i ended up logging a bunch of plates and ruining a section of the sushi harmony and just being really obnoxious i felt really bad the next day we almost got on the wrong train the wisdom juice is kicking off we went to this famous sega arcade with eight floors that was immensely intimidating you know how you go to an arcade and there's always some asian kid who's an absolute god at a game and there's a little crowd watching because it's so mesmerizing and we're all pathetic this is the enlightenment mountain they climb oh my god [Laughter] i was thinking that the japanese word she used in this video is all correct and also she knows deeply about japanese history and trivia furthermore her animation is transcendentally great i am very impressed and consume nothing but tears of tigers car racing combat games even the children were getting spit out the womb playing like monks look at this guy i don't know what game this is or the objective here but the aura around him is screaming leave him and never come back unworthy rat we were also introduced yeah you can see those kinds of people in the arcade in japan as she said some of them are incredibly good at playing games so it is pretty fun to watch them brad we were also introduced to this dance game i've never seen before called dance rush stardom it's like ddr but with less arrows and 100 more late 90s melbourne shuffling my brother and i tried to play it and it felt like the whole country was like oh god why are they here they look asian but they're nice crackers but we got a good kick out of it so you know what don't don't eat you all yourself then we left and got on the wrong train for the last night we went to this robot show and let me tell you yeah this place is insane so the main attractions of the place are these giant flashy robots and stuff but i gotta talk about these drinks and light bulbs they were selling they were crazy with all their blinking colors and such it was like a little rave in a cup like dude who comes up with this stuff benjamin franklin wishes he did i'll tell you that you got to choose from like four drink choices but most of them were alcohol so i got this peach juice instead i'm legally allowed to drink now but i'm not the biggest fan and who knows yeah it is called pika pika soda in japan and also this robot restaurant in shinjuku is one of the most popular spots for foreign people it is so famous that even hollister also visited but i've never seen the japanese person who went there by the way she got the beautiful hyundai oh my god i think she is beautiful woman it's only my guest though outrageous the drink would have looked if i was a bit tipsy anyway definitely one of the most insane things i saw for sure top of the list of the entire show nothing compares to the lyft japan was so much fun and it's become one of my favorite memories with my family but the thing is when i started this script i wanted to briefly mention what we did so i could talk about how much trouble i had getting back home because that was a whole situation of classic jaden i thought you would enjoy but here i am on page four of the script and i haven't been able to do anything i don't like breaking stories into different parts but we're not animating a 20 minute video i'd rather put my hands in the life of canon twice so i'll see you in a few weeks with that hey thanks for watching so a bunch has happened since the last video youtube rewind was posted so that's cool business animation informative details about japan in this video i really enjoyed it and i also really glad to share that she made a good memories with her family and of course japan has a lot more awesome places to visit so i will introduce you guys our recommendation someday see you soon
Views: 707,590
Rating: 4.9788709 out of 5
Keywords: Jaiden reaction, Japanese reacts to Jaiden animations, what my trip to japan was like reaction, jaiden animations japan, Jaiden react, japanese reacts to what my trip to japan was like, what my trip to Japan was like, react to Jaiden Animation, Shugy's Japan House, i went to japan, Shugy, Japanese react, Jaiden, Jaiden Animations, Jaiden Animation, trip to Japan, Japanese reaction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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