Twelve: Q&A #1

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[Music] those stars alright I can do it watch well auntie silly oh go go go full guidan guild Gargery well it's obviously the only mother here okay my owners were really good sure but honestly my dad's a pretty good chef - I'm pretty sure he could make a better pie I don't know Ivy's is the only one who's ever made me pie so I know my wife yes my wife makes the best pies though um if I said otherwise she'd probably kill me in my sleep oh hi honey [Music] I guess I would have to say blue I like green it's a solid color I really like a soft pink or light blue my favorite color has to be read in the past few days I've sort of learned what I've thrown away and what I've lost and I've also learned how much I really hate puns it was really weird being a dog but after a while I got used to it know if he's only trying to save himself he even wants to get out and I want to live it's just a mutual careless thing oh boy I was gonna eat the whole demon vibe from the very beginning I mean look at the guy who would trust that I don't think I'll ever get used to it honestly I miss being me and being able to say what I want and do what I want whenever I want but I'm just glad this is temporary I don't survive I died remember I think you met dessert but my favorite desert is the Arctic desert because it's as cold as my soul I would take back my ability to hear so I wouldn't have to hear him blabbering on all day in human ears I'm sixteen years old but also 16 months old and cat ears but the question is do you like cake hey I can't tell you a secret that's why they're cold secrets you're not supposed to tell anybody duh-huh why does everybody keep saying I died I'm right here oh when I grow up I want to be an explorer and then I want to find an island and make myself after it yeah yeah yeah if we live the way that I wanted to nobody would ever have a bedtime and we never ever take bats we can eat candy all day long and then we can have Islands named after each other [Music] what is that a clock I already answer this question I wanna be an explorer oh okay tell you my favorite escape okay me and my mom you played this game called secret spies where she hugs my toys around the house and I have to try to find them and if she sees me that she chases me and it's really scary but it's also really fun you'd be surprised how many people in the rift crack a bunch of stupid puns so it kind of rubs off on you I'm sure the squared will be fine honestly I wouldn't have picked her up I didn't think she couldn't do the job what really I don't know if he noticed but she's kind of a brat ah yes next question yeah funny story about that Reapers don't really eat yeah thinking about being inside of the pocket watch is that you can literally watch the hours tick by right did a whole lot of nothing I wouldn't really know like I said Reapers don't really need to eat but I would definitely go with waffles like I said watching the hours tick by literally nothing to do but tweedle your Stubbs yes to answer your question it's pretty damn boring that should be easy but it's not because I don't remember well I was alive at one point boy I don't really like to talk about it I am gonna go ahead and hand that one off to Holly I think she has a picture of me when I was alive not sure I guess you could say that I've eaten reaper rocks before but that was usually whenever I got spiked down by the big-shot Reapers auditioning what oh oh oh you're talking about my voice actor okay hey ray great well to be completely honest Holly sent me a private message on YouTube asking me if I wanted to like shoot around audition for the character because she thought that I fit the role and I saw the trailer for 12 and I thought I'd love to help develop this project and so I auditioned for him and the rest is history [Music] yeah sort of another thing Reapers don't really fall in love either I mean once you kind of hit the underworld basic earthly concepts kind of go out the window other than that Mae's doing fine a little bit shook enough but I can't blame her like I said I kind of twiddle my stubbs and what's at Google is that like a like some people are crazy well the reason that I chose Bay is what no not really actually ah most people don't really take me seriously believe it or not at least not at first that's a good question man I really don't know yeah burger is definitely burgers burgers hands down all day every day [Music] interaction that's like yeah as it turns out keeping this look is not exactly easy it's gonna take a long time but to be completely honest I think she's changing right now I mean look at her she's like 10% less of a brat than she usually is oh please don't put that image in my head he's definitely not dead May is probably off exploring exploring for a very very long time where do I begin oh when may was an easy busy little baby pull herself up on the toilet and you know splash around inside my daughter would actually play inside the toilet bowl I have photos actually here we go my parents oh no no I never knew my parents I grew up in shelters my whole life so it's kind of been my goal to provide maybe the best life possible of course I do that little secret room what evil being a darkness that's just absurd where on earth would you get an idea like that your personality now I know she could be a bit all right big pain but she grows on you you know hard work being a mother has its perks but all in all it takes patience but we can't assume the worst I will not accept that we will find her I promise my wife [Music] [Music] what kind of a question is that of course we want her back she's our daughter she's our only daughter we love her and we'll never stop loving her May's mother and I were both in the same animal shelter growing and we used to play together all the time those were the days but later we both ended up being adopted into the same home and we haven't left each other side since the Celia has been very hospitable I've made quite a few friends my best have to be a dog named Garland Tommy burdock okay oh it's upon a time there lived a princess and a frog and that's the end okay we're done I've only met one other Tom and his name is burdock as of right now we're just friends but I could always change of course I will it was only one experience and that's written hold me back from him happy it felt as if something was elected and now as a part of a community and I couldn't be happier of course I miss I loved him and part of me still does I'm doing great I have many new friends and I feel like I'm finally in a place where I belong being homeless was one of the worst experiences I've ever had and Reed he pulled me out of it and I still love him for it why it's just you know on a stroll through my neighborhood and all and it wasn't even the first time I'd seen ivy is I've seen her multiple times and you know I mean you see the same homeless person in the same place eventually kind of do about it I guess alright well Ivy wasn't really doing a lot when she wasn't just sitting around she was leaving and I don't know what she was doing while she was gone in fact how do I know that she wasn't cheating on me I don't I don't feel like I can trust her okay I care about dogs that's the point of this question anyways I pronounced it the right way if I don't I don't really know any paths I suppose I don't really imagine myself as a bat and I don't really care to fly all right well if you really must know I kind of come from an abusive background my father was abusive and when I V became distant the only way I know how to keep her close to me is to force her because I don't I don't know any other way can I skip this one I'm not feeling up to Ivy was not the only one hurting in that relationship all right are there any questions that are not about ivy okay peanut butter moving on that's I'm done with questions okay goodbye dog Jesus what's the Jesus no it's because I am made of cotton candy I could never be free and fear getting eaten alive I am truly blessed to be led to my heaven we all get wiser by the hour and our perspectives constantly change but my outlook has definitely changed there are no words to express my gratitude and luck though I do miss my owner I didn't I really wish I could have been freed my owner by my side however the stars were kind enough just to let me be here I'd always find my own meeting beautiful drawings of a God almost as if they worshipped it I just felt it was only right to believe in it too [Music] of course when I was little I got into all sorts of little things and one day I found a small box beside my owners bed I opened it up and inside was an unfinished coller I was so excited I just haven't taken to them they finished it for me I'm entitled across my neck I've loved it ever since it was amazing I couldn't believe it host stars I couldn't imagine it could be but maybe someday far ahead I could I just hope they won't forget about me I've used fine she's made friends with birddog and she seems to really fit in with the pack I was forced to basically bertok and I grew up in the same household but we were later abandoned and we felt it was necessary to help the other strays so we created our pack in the forest [Music]
Channel: PetPyves
Views: 38,679
Rating: 4.9668813 out of 5
Keywords: twelve, animated, series, animatic, animation, petpyves, original, questions, answers, qna, and, one, episode, two, three, part, pmv, amv, fun
Id: RhR6j-azIpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2016
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