It Takes Two Ep. 1

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okay okay so what uh is there like a story or any oh we just the story is here all right please gpu do not be killed mine seems okay hey how was your day mine's a little bit yeah toaster broken mine's a little bit iffy too oh okay thank goodness not just me the dentist don't tell me you forgot about the dentist appointment no i didn't forget tomorrow but it's saturday i know i've got to work overtime you have to do that every week oh cody i'm not in the mood for this discussion again hey hey rose needs both of us okay that's not fair using her i'm not using her oh no she's watching her parents arguing why don't we just go ahead and tell her that we're divorcing him no she's overheard now she knows now it's too late let's not tell her is that us friends instead yes are you supposed to stand forever you want to be the man or the woman um i love you too i will be tubby leaf man okay i'll be yarn lady okay lady [Music] select character uh oh i okay cool yes i do be ready you ready basically voodoo dolls sick we're gonna start taking control of our parents and like flinging them around it's so photo real and i have my textures turned down hey honey can i just take elephant a sec all right you mean the elephant in the room uh rose honey you know we love you right yeah sometimes no combo goes goes well when it starts with that hey chad you know i love you guys in the level 5 hype train even though i'm not able to read them off right now well mum and dad we've decided to go our separate ways we love each other but we're not in love with you i never found it weird how there's always this third person discussing discussion discussion of oneself when talking to a child that is weird true like why don't you just say i or we why is it always mommy and daddy i don't know dude sick room okay anybody gonna dress the elephant in the room it could fall over at any moment that wasn't a secure place for it i was trying to think of a funny retort but i couldn't your your joke was just so high tier i couldn't resist thank you i appreciate it so are we as voodoo dolls going to save the parental marriage i guess we'll find out they have to stay together so when you have parents with two different accents what determined her adopting mom's accent you have to work on it uh the only way this could have happened is if they live in england um i guess that's true dad because kids don't get their actions from their parents actually they get it from their peers wow wait did she just say i wish you could be friends she just friend zone her parents she just friendzoned her parents oh my goodness it's doomed from the outset magic team have enchanted oh god oh no what's happened to me oh you this is horrifying put on some weight i guess just technically you lost weight i'm very small oh what is this oh help hello hello i'm trying [Music] oh wait did she make her parents why do you look like a wooden doll i didn't think we were going to become the parents we are the parents jordan what have you done what what what if you why are you blaming me yes why do you always blame him thank you what is that i'm dr hockey [Music] [Music] and now i will help you to get together again this is definitely a nightmare i need to wake up this is quite the intro to a game [Music] she just then alive herself oh oh you're back oh my god you can't wake up here exactly okay uh oh is it actually a dream book oh maybe how do you wake up cody may you're here to fix your relationship you can only if you commit to not getting divorced i don't think i've ever met an adult named cody no did they stay perpetually children like i've only known cody's as children and i don't know them as adults i guess it's like a mountain i don't know i don't know adult cody's no but i knew a cody who was in my class growing up so he i assume would be an adult now but maybe he stayed a kid the same but i i haven't seen them as adults so you know like schrodinger's adult cody uh-huh wait do we see each other's perspectives yeah look at that dude look at all this sick dude let's find a way this is weird this is like i guess this is the ultimate uh youtube slash twitch co-op because you don't even need to include the other person's perspective oh this is sick yeah you're right uh wait so what are we trying to accomplish right now can we oh i need to change did that position yeah you paused me oh wow um i need to change my turn i somebody said in chat this game is better played on a controller okay oh i have one to see if i can just make that work immediately oh yeah mine work immediately there we go oh that's so much better oh i can parkour can you oh yeah double jumps you better believe double jumps to the be the way wait so can you can you wall jump and stuff no you can like hang on the wall sort of oh i can butt butt dump um i feel like i need to move my face cam or something hold on consider moving your face can [Music] this is why we're doors sorry i can't help myself what are you doing [Laughter] okay pretty intuitive so what does triangle do no okay that's a little dash roll if the trigger is good okay it's really just is this death right down here try it do it do it yes you've evaporated fantastic oh oh we need to pull this lever we need to both do this okay oh why oh there we go did we just wake up more what the they're alive what is going on here i have no clue but whatever's going on we can't lower that staircase without those fuses but those fuses they just they just ran away i mean did you see them on their little fused legs worry about that later let's just bring them back i'm blocking the subtitles now shoot apparently i need to up my game volume okay one second sorry i don't know where to put my options uh i guess i'm already maxed on my game volume i'll just turn up the dialogue guys i assume that's what you want her accent sounds like an american doing a british accent can any brits confirm me hey my body feels weird because you're made of clay keep your eyes on the fuse okay i've got a fuse my what have you done i'm also this is why we are divorcing it's getting better the more i move i hope so yeah yoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii t ts time i'm infusing us with progress right now that looks like an unlive spot what have you done sorry okay that's perfect oh is it okay it says the fuse is up there is that the only other one that we need no we need three it's running oh you were falling and i can't get up okay why can't i do ninja warrior violence yo oh what the dang that's gnarly back here is it possible to sprint i don't like the sound me neither okay grab it firmly grasp it come back here oh wait danger i love danger danger is my middle name i'm going to find this little circuit ouch oh this is going to be wait oh it's over there oh toggle sprint whoa i sprint like a weirdo uh okay do we get to butt stomp these yeah jump and slide on surface what don't get don't get sawed in half oh oh you're just gonna like hang on are spiders come back here yeah apparently so did you just get sawed i just can't you fruit wait i can't do that i've evaporated yeah where do we live do we live out in the country or what apparently what happens if you do this that doesn't work well okay don't run into that oh wait oh dash okay i didn't see the dash [Laughter] oh that's some big plays oh yeah i do big big jumps maybe the great beyond down here yeah i don't know what we we live over the void apparently oh we can hamster wheel it maybe we hamster wheel it yeah oh maybe just hamster wheels did you get crushed by a bucket you crushed me how did i crush you with a bucket that thing weighs like a a half of a centimeter pound i know centimeters are a unit of length and not mass but just don't worry about it i think this powers the saw oh we got to plug it in i bought jumped that too oh god i gotta get up there and launch myself before you launch oh no don't go into the saw blade oh oh don't get near the saw blade wait we're supposed to do things down here what are we down here we must grab oh yeah you're right what the that's not safe what the that's not safe either got it you pesky little fuse did you see my flip let's do it again oh we're not here to do flips how did we suddenly become so acrobatic and gymnast we're hunting fuses with legs all right this is the last one let's put it in i like how we've just suddenly become very comfortable with the fact that we are miniature voodoo dolls yeah true okay i don't like you okay really i feel like the book is gonna be the final boss of the game oh it could be yeah just what just happened oh those damn fuses oh may there she is rose oh oh no rose darling she can't hear us god not you again stop this creepy thing i need to go and talk to my daughter just your daughter oh you talk like you own her ask yourself can you really own the people you love don't you just let us through come on i will but first there's someone i want you to meet my little girlfriend wow he is very okay the hook is definitely evil why do i recognize your voice me oh what no we've uh we've never met sorry looks a bit like a vacuum cleaner oh yeah she yep she didn't call it a hoover she's obviously american doing a british accent you know who this guy is i tell you this is cody you know the guy could suck up all kinds of crap in your stomach oh no that's uh that's you you ruined my bowels with all that that's what you're mean for bro oh my goodness that was it you should be happy you have a purpose in life [Music] oh god there's going to be horrible living creatures that are about to be vomited up oh like they're going to attack us so that's why it broke down it was your fault oh and you promised him you'd fix me thank you instead you put me away for life in here oh no oh we're inside a vacuum now instead of being with our daughter this book is such a bad guy [Music] bro how far did you just eat us oh my god what kind of vacuum cleaner is that that thing was like a gigantic factory why are you still here you want to get back to rose yes you want to talk to your daughter yes and you need to blend the vacuum together what is that it's a vacuum what is that that's like it's like an octopus shock shop vac you know collaboration is the key to a successful relationship collaboration listen collaboration you understand now see you later hasta la vista good luck all right bye-bye now crazy book this would never have happened if you hadn't broken it oh yeah well this would never have happened if you had fixed it like you promised well i didn't know we'd end up in a place where all vacuum cleaners alive well now we are maybe we're stuck here forever forever no way we're getting a divorce yeah i know we're getting a divorce but we can't do that unless we get back into our real bodies okay anyone handle doll lie in here climb that down vacuum cleaner handle what doll law it's like bird law but for dolls oh where's that annoying wait is that a bug oh look ann you said rose whoa are we like the size of ants hey ants how you doing he looks he looks uh scared of me maybe the size of a cockroach i love my running it's really really cool oh no i've fallen and i can't get up don't fall into the poopy water underneath [Music] yeah wait pill bugs are bigger than ants they look smaller than ants with this yeah they do maybe they're baby pill bugs all right maybe they're maybe they're fleas i don't know no they're definitely not fleas uh here we go wait is this like a sub vacuum how many vacuums do we have what is this place are you going here now oh why do we have so many vacuums okay that's not the right vacuum why what is this house why are there so many vacuums going into the vacuum jesus christ why hold on i'm just like what is with this why do we live here what do we do okay all right i'm in the vacuum you've just destroyed me okay now do i butt pound this i butt pounded something this is terrifying are we vacuum repair people and then and you just didn't do your job like it's literally our job honey and you're not repairing the vacuums how are we supposed to pay our mortgage this feels like a ride at disney world or something okay i'm coming across oh yeah oh yeah it's your boy okay uh does one of uh wait what if we loop the vat what if we enclose the ends of the vacuum together perpetually yeah jump inside the holes ah try not to drop me wait where do i want you to go up up there all right do it yeah my aim is impeccable uh chet how is the sound [Music] oh nice catch that was incredible maybe after we're done here you'll start repairing vacuums again so we can do the family business uh hold on music's a bit too loud apparently on my end uh okay okay all right oh yikers okay i really don't know what's going on with our workshop thing here honestly what is this place and why are there so many like mini vacuums doing things where this is coffee table parts what after you uh don't do it okay oh i'm very strong probably to be able to push this back i don't know oh that doesn't look good you're gonna electrocute yourself are you sure you want to complete that circuit i guess i don't know what i'm supposed to do i think i do have to complete the circuit wait how do i get by oh we both have to oh wait what how do i get by what do i know there's not really much i can do over here unless i can go up i don't think it wants me to go up here oh wait i think i see um oh you stopped the fan oh did i i don't know how but you stopped the fan so congratulations okay do you want to complete the circuit or do you want me to complete i think we both have to complete the circuit it looks like there's two oh wait there's three spots over here you start here first wait no there's three spots so yeah so start on y or start on this one i'll move to the next one then you move to the next one well does it it doesn't have to all be at once oh jesus man go to the next one i'm trying to wait don't get off damn too slow oh okay i see hold on i got it it it kind of it makes you stick in place for a moment as you were in great pain i can't leave okay oh got it uh why am i subjected to the most shocking bit of this but i i i got electrocuted twice per time oh you poor baby this is why we're getting a divorce honey i still understand what's going on here okay skydive absolute skydive of um incredibleness [Music] oh yeah acrobatics oh boy acrobat wait what i just want to drop i don't know i think we got we got that me down what the hell oh in here okay gotta crouch cool oh he's like i'm on a universal yeah yeah duh i'm gonna fall before this is all over neil oh yeah you see that double jump dash i've already mastered life as a doll maybe it's worth just sticking like this we get to go on more fun adventures wait what wait what just trying to figure out what i'm doing stop spinning oh nifty okay there you go you're welcome don't you dare there better be a way for me to get across here it seems to be remember to get zap ow i got zapped oh god it's getting faster no wait it attach yourself frick okay good i love the i love being a spider it's very impressive i made it we made it wow okay way to just go way ahead keep moving to the top oh dude i did paint me like one of your french girls poses in the air hey what is what are this what have you done uh okay switch it oh switching she says okay ready switch and switch okay wait is there glass on the other side can i not like jump through oh no you gotta i see yeah there's glass on the other side and switch switch nice are these roomba i why do we have floating roombas in our house yeah good question what is this thing i don't know something only problem what do you do for a living i told you we fixed vacuum cleaners and you have been doing it so we've not been able to pay mortgage and now we're getting a divorce this is why we're divorcing honey did you forget about the last year i think this has been more than just a year in the making no the crown was hard on us oh wait i need to get in where do i get in here right there oh oh i see [Music] you made it yeah no thanks to your aim all right uh how do you get up like this oh it reversed it that's a clever clever trickeroonie but i just i just hump it and then it turns on and off what's the point i don't know it's fun there's something in here [Music] nice job with that one oops and you just get destroyed by like the useless machine you did nice job so i guess we don't do anything with that split it wow what a save you saw that right i did oopsies hey what oh yeah i made it because i am an acrobat such an acrobat wait oh did we need to run into the button in the air oh wait there's buttons on the back side here i don't know if we can reach him though um unless we can parkour on the fence nope you can't stand on the vents i'm going somewhere i don't know oh yeah we're going we're zooming i can't breathe apparently that's not ideal damn moving whoa dude that was a little too much i'm coming okay perfect wait where are we going oopsies no honey nice job again but what are we even doing with that uh i need to go over to the other side yeah that was that was it wait find mei what do you mean find her oh i can just i see i said oh cause some suction and then i can come over okay okay i okay wait wait i don't oh do i laugh why did it do that why did he just not let me stand on that okay hold on no no no okay go do things i don't know why i don't just okay there that was weird but whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa the crowd now i forgot to crouch do it again okay here we go now i'm ready i'm ready preemptive crouching oh okay brilliant okay we're good hey i did not realize that i needed to crouch to get through i s not have spatial awareness in this situation uh okay wait why is that a thing what does that even do what does that kill me apparently we do not we just don't want to be in there we don't want that yet good to know so uh stand on it stand on it stand on it okay now jump into that jump into what the oh that thing over there okay bring me up beam me up scotty no wrong one other side oh my god wait is there another side oh okay one over there oh i see i was just you know there's options it's oh oh oh the lead up the wind up in the pitch and it's good he scores and butt dump come on over oh you're gonna do a little transfer you gotta go through a little bit of a rube goldberg machine i guess so and then over there [Music] oh you missed that's really sad it was all just laid out for you easy and you missed oh yeah i thought it was laid out i didn't have to [Music] what is that what are you doing are you leading me oh to where you need to go we need to get it down okay oh what am i about to feed this thing tomatoes okay feed me more feed me more oh am i feeding you to the machine okay uh feed the roomba more things no no no no oh god dang it god wait go into the thing okay try again try try again there we go now it's delicious enjoy roomba wait oh did it work oh it worked brilliant yeah that's so cool wow we're so good at feeding the roomba what it so desires oh we're both fishing that's cool i don't even see that what is this a dumbbell well i didn't do that we're automatically jumping i want to autopilot this that scene oh okay i still don't know what kind of vacuum you are and i i regret ever buying you i can still fix you i can make you work again no more lies no no no she's right she's an engineer a really good one oh are we going the undertale route and making nice thank you are you really gonna believe that because i would not okay shut up book of iron dick face i can fix you oh is that so then why did you buy the expensive turbo x2 000 ah hey what you've replaced me with the turbo x tooth how does he [Music] wait he said i'll show you who's the best sucker yeah i'm inclusive i guess so yeah okay all right i thought we were gonna make nice i thought we were gonna make nice like an undertale uh you just got yourself shot by a bomb that wasn't moving i wasn't ready oh yeah absorb them and shoot them at him oh i gotta get the top one i gotta get the top one yeah oh ow that hurt a little bit yeah it did hurt a little bit all right uh go up go up right into his mouth right into his mouth i can't reach the other one so we gotta make sure we're like okay in the center howie this vacuum is nuts bro he's just out no what what the freak dog i got oh no no no no no no i'm coming back i'm coming back i'm defibrillating my stuff oh i've messed up i'm so sorry we got a couple more we can do okay that's it sorry all right he's doing double whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what are this what is this this is a little okay okay the i'm sorry oh god vacuums are not supposed to be able to do this okay he's firing again oh he landed stay near the on me this okay ready yep here they are oh yeah that was big ow oh my god yeah that was the rocks were new oh my god dude oh my god dash keep dashing you have infinite dashes stay stay over here stay over here stay over here okay now go now go up not go up i got it don't worry i've only been alive several times oh easy game easy life no game no life what do you mean no game no life no game no life what your chat will know what is the cow return grass or something stay here stay here stay here okay now go go go up there go i go i go i go i run get on no stop this is so sad the vacuum is going to make us feel like really bad after all this is done he's going to be like why would you be mean to me so you're yeah you better believe it okay here we go take him out this is it this one's it right here bullseye he done he let's interconnect let's interconnect his suction tubes time to finish this ew we're docking we're sucking his eyeballs out oh no oh is too much god of oh that's just that's unsettling it's really unsettling oh god oh no what that is it's brutal yeah it is oh my god [Music] oh damn come on we have to find out oh we can't because she leaves i hope she knows what's happened to us well she must know something i mean she made these dolls she made these oh no why did she make them look like us i don't know why didn't you tell me about them oh why would i she's a kid she plays with all kinds of stuff yeah especially oh come on let's find her where are we you should know you use this place i haven't beaten him apparently uh other people have different apparently people have seen this boss fight before and they say it's uh version still just as bad there we go dang i wasn't expecting i wasn't expecting nc 17 gore i know right that was so cool vacuum cleaner vacuums look away all right we've made it back to square one what is she still doing here this seems dangerous yeah why the heck does our shack just have an opening to like go underground well how are we gonna get over there now i can help what no not not another who was it i don't know not another thing look i know the way come on i'll take you there if you help me save my friends well friends my tool friends we used to be important and taken care of but that human locked us up in her toolbox and left you mean may's toolbox yes yes that heartless woman you know no he doesn't anyway i heard that heartless woman got a new job in town and doesn't have time for our hobbies anymore who cares about hobbies do you know how painful it is to die from is this like toy story like 20 years later this reminds me more of the brave little toaster spray i haven't seen that one if you can get it oh it's so good it's creepy but it's good pick me up okay now go to that big door over there pull that nail out we're gonna need it okay here it goes whoa how did we get that much leverage whistle what really how is the hammer staying on your back and how is that not like too heavy for you yeah what how's that not too heavy for you i mean me i mean her it's literally floating on your back what how's this possible nail cody i don't want it in my eye hey don't drop that hammer on my toe don't worry i know how to handle tools what just happened to me did you just hammer me hammer you smashed your own thumb yeah bro you just hammered me why are you even why would you do that okay okay ow just be careful what the hell dude this is so satisfying [Music] bro okay all right okay fine go just use it on something okay i must recall my nail with loyalty it has the loyalty enchantment on it okay where do i throw this it's the most extreme pvp action the world has ever seen wait where are we going i don't know down here you're so violent jesus what are you doing okay you ready yeah wait oh i have to nail it into place oh geez all right all right hey yeah dude that's big plays right there and then i recall it off that nail nice that's so sick that's so sick not that sick anymore [Music] why can't i grab it why can't i grab this oh you have to have the hammer for it okay you just smash everything how do i get by i can't grab it hammer that i mean nail that yellow thing my nail is very flim what the f it's like a little worm what didn't we just earlier grab a drill and like flip off a drill and now i can't even grab a nail you flipped off a drill oh rude oh my god whatever hi cody because i have a hammer that's a silly question dang this thing has no arc it just goes straight into whatever i aim it as crazy there's another nail let's go get it uh yoo-hoo i'm still over here hello the bridge please oh i got another nail i'm nailing this oh that's cool wow your hammering skills are incredible i'm very good at hamburger ah yeah they're not so good at jumping okay so what are next oh you hammered that and then doing this yeah you do wait where oh oh beneath it beneath it i see it auto aims for me come on i'm better than needing auto aim that's ridiculous all right oh i don't oh one at a time i see jesus you're ruthless breaking everything we're gonna have such a cleanup job to do later also we're just running over the shark no you have the hey you are the hammer i wanna see i wanna see if you can break up with the nail oh no anyways you're doing great god you again can i shoot nails at him can you hammer him challenges make you grow what is it with you can't you just leave us alone when you're willing to face a challenge you always learn something new so what these days tambourines follow it keep following it and you will find the challenge you seek yeah welcome to your first bubbles challenge win or lose you must do it together i have two nails i can throw a nail in each of his eyes and maybe discombobulate him you want to give it a try okay oh are you afraid of losing me no way bring it on oh i'm gonna bring it our theme here is eyes we suck out the vacuum eyes and we uh nail the what the frick hit cody why would you want to hit me and we nailed the book's eyes score by staying up avoid getting hit uh yeah okay cody oh you won't beat me i'm faster than a mole my ham is faster than that oh it is pvp [Music] what are you doing i'm hitting you oh catching the crotch bro apparently if you just go in circles fast enough you're always going to hit me before i get points no see you got some there no i didn't actually get i got one point there [Music] he just looked psychotic yeah dang it stop see he doesn't give me points if i don't stay up long enough i win not fair whatever that's rigged game's rigged well you want to do it again yes oopsies wait you can fake out how do you fake out don't blink or you'll miss me winning [Music] no [Music] [Music] no jesus christ this is like the one of those games where you like you know the games where you like hold your palm out the other person has to flip their palm over and hit you quickly i hate those yeah except all you're doing is you're just you're just hitting over and over and over and over okay so do something about it i can't no probs i got one what i hit you i didn't you're good you're good kid all righty [Music] oh no ball sacks i'm not getting points now what the oh i'm not getting points finally here we go it's getting close getting close oh you want that oh there we go i'll meet you next time okay it's gotta be latency yeah everyone on my stream is saying it hit then wouldn't latency go both ways i'm tired okay this is fine ow i nail everything please don't nail me though thank you stop it stop it stop it i know what you're doing i know what you're doing i got that ranged weaponry that you ain't got wait what are you trying to do i think we need to nail both these things and you need to swing across them okay do something over there i still don't know how it is that we swung off a drill earlier and yet now i just can't grab nails which seemed like easier targets than a spinning drill but sure i don't know all right do things smash the glass what do you want me to do about that [Music] oh i'm large enough to be able to do that oh and then ah it is pinned now oh you gotta get this thingy oh wait that did oh interesting i thought it did the uh it's um first in last out for the nails oh here you go wow i saw that interesting wait what wow be careful now mate yeah wow cody don't screw this up yeah yeah just get the chat you have to stop it so it changes the rhythm wait stop it so it changes the rhythm yeah yeah yeah do you see uh down below to the right there's little holes in the woods no up up up up up up moving there's a hole got it so wait for like one second to hold it in wait when do you want me to hold it do it nail it nail it and then call it back after a second okay i call it back oh i got it i got what you mean so you'll be able to i okay it's not fine no it is fine don't worry don't worry don't worry you know stop it or not i didn't even need to i didn't even need to i had faith i know what's possible and what's not okay and then i need to 90 and nail this one i need to add a nail so that you can jump to it that was a close one uh okay we need nails wow brilliant work hero slide incredible okay uh oh that's a little launcher for [Music] me one more thing i don't know why i didn't want to launch me wait i got another nail yikes i don't like this i don't know where this next nail came from uh there's some three oh you gave it to me that's so cool uh uh okay i know you like hammering things but that doesn't seem to be helping this right now i'm trying to figure out what i'm supposed to do here um okay you need to get over there what does that do okay i think you just need to follow it and then i propel you up okay ah go go go go go go look at him almost made it no no you'd start too late no what the why didn't it how did it not okay that's ridiculous tbh oh wait no not yet not yet not yet and go we go in and do it there we go that was brilliant absolutely square contact uh i need to shoot nails at things another trust exercise what you think about it oh my god oh that was a good aim all right oh wait oh i'm not sure wants to do that okay so wait oh oh you gotta do the second one second one second one second oh oh i see the second one got it and then hold on take that one out yeah do that one now get rid of the ones okay now jump over jump over where jump just up as high as you can go oh never mind i can't oh you know what maybe it's this yeah and then boom and then okay hold on do it there we go nice and then that one to the right easy game easy life oh you smashed it and then i can get through this is why the nails can't like smash or pass you must smash oh no so much cleanup [Music] there's my toolbox both of you come on help me break it open i'm skeptical okay here we go we got this the very sad toolbox [Music] is this the next boss that we have to unlive in a gruesome fashion oh yeah get up hurry it's so depressed and rusty imagine if you cut yourself on that no honey why would you honey why would you let this is so dangerous to have like you could cut yourself and get tetanus booster now that i think about it i probably do too pbh at least i don't have rusty things in my shed no but if i did it wouldn't have rusty tool boxes in it what the frick is oh okay go go go go you'll never get away with this you stupid toolbox oh i've been impaled i got a taste of my own medicine and i don't like it you look at the shadows on the ground and you see what's coming nail it oh i wasn't even in the bath wait where am i nailing nail what turn the key oh okay uh uh hold on i got this i got this oh my lordy i've been sawn me too wait we've both been sawing huh we need to start over from the box oh no oh just from the rusty toolbox is so fast got it easy game easy life boom i t oh i don't think i was supposed to do that was i but you gotta hit something and then i nail it that's unfortunate um oh there wait yeah i've got it now we go across yeah i was quick on my reflexes okay okay where you must smash trying to shoot his eyeball out and it didn't laugh oh hold on hold on yeah dude i'm an expert with throwing nails bro okay this looks upset what the frick did he just grow a body what did he get piercings he did whoa what's the point of that [Music] he just looks crazy oh you have to swing to the thing swing over stop falling down swing over i messed up he's gonna he's gonna get loose he's getting less oh my god what are you doing all right here he comes ow hey no you got in the way oh that's not good okay go go go go go eat him into oblivion [Music] oh yeah dude oh oh oh yeah okay oh it's cool he's just like get back to where you were get together again that's nice uh-oh oh that is that an electric egg whisker oh it's a drill circular saw oh my god he's spleefing us i've never played nail spliff before oh my god what the freaking nail spliff with less real estate hurts oh okay get ready he's going to do it again he's going to do the exercise that's really dumb even though he knows that this is what's going to get him in trouble okay do it do it do it no you got it ah why did it for how did i hit the nail like that that doesn't even make sense go again never mind don't go again [Music] oh no no stop taking it it's gonna get more progressively difficult the longer we take i've fallen out of then i can't get up we both died this is not ideal does it reset us oh my god oh we have to do the lock again watch out all right you got this steady now okay do it do it do it go go go go [Music] nice both oh interesting both are almost dead we can i get on the drill no doesn't doesn't want you to do that you can't stand on that no dog no dog wait oh it's like they're both spinning oh my god [Music] i've unlocked myself hold on don't do the thing where i need to do the thing okay we're good we're good everything's fine okay here he comes inside get ready get ready i am alive so that i would have more health wrong one june i'm so sorry i've ruined everything it i shot two and then it i can't believe i've done this i'm sorry the platform is gonna lose more area and we're ruined it's fine it's fine okay get ready he's gonna do it again and i'm not gonna mess up this time there's no way perfect no not like this gotta go fast you gotta go fat oh frick almost this is not not great not ideal okay here it is here comes here comes okay okay okay [Music] got it gotti and gotti you've got this i believe smash that lock smash that lock button nice whoa so acrobatic oh my god why the heck is this well what was the point of that i married the ceo of cirque du soleil oh he's got an explosive inside of him oh no how do you just manage to impale a shovel into that good lord i can break the rope never mind that's not the strategy you get a nail in that yellow bit uh i don't think that would do anything right now what if i need to hammer it hmm there's got to be an action that we take advantage of oh run on top oh god i got two of them okay yeah boy gonna explode some boxes here oh geez he's eating saw blades at us oh no yo what the heck oh my god how small is the platform gonna get nice [Music] okay don't drive off oh my god it's going to get very small oh it hurts oh my god what what part of the thing is still stan can't he you need to bro you need to give us the ability to do we don't have much real estate anymore what stay alive stay alive stay alive okay oh no oh go again huh one more no it was a miss god dang it okay one more then we're good one more then we're good oh god yeah we are bro this saw has no chill it's very intense you ready ready ready [Music] it's fine i'm here i'm here go he done he done his brain is exploded are the tools happy to be free i guess so i'm ready i'm so ready for this it tickles it tickles how is everything so bendy leaves us from that rust oh thank you may you are a true hero how are you gonna blame him for oxidation bro what about me huh i was part of this too where's my hero love did you see that explosion anyway we still have to get to rose oh of course of course sebastian can you help him out they have to get to the other side flexible why is it so bendy come on it's safe okay oop this doesn't feel safe i'm not sure just relax okay don't worry he's very precise sebastian sling it i think you would have fallen off the other end yeah i don't know that the physics supports exactly what happened there but i'm glad that we're okay oh no she's leaving rose wait why can't you hear us are you not paying are you ignoring are you silent treatmenting us oh my god yeah okay this is the hold my caulk blocker oh you've locked us in you idiot now we're stuck in here stuckness he's a mental construct stare at the closed door you will miss the one that's hoping okay fyi there is only one door in this shed and one window good thinking man whoa is he doing like sonic grinds he did sonic grinds on the rail and so am i this is the coolest game ever i can grind like sonic oh i can i can air hump to make my grind fast wow this is incredible i love it i am best i am best air hump grinder of all time i am unbeatable yeah very cool oh hey watch those zaps they hurt i'm sure okay oh wait we're grinding over here exactly yeah they hurt oh you've been set back tremendously wait what that turn on the ac but yeah we need to time this together well excuses one more time okay so i have to like hit this thing what the oh oh i do i did hit it but uh i see we need to hit them at the same time okay so so we need to start our grinds simultaneously i'm assuming they're timed okay get ready and go mine is a little oh it's like two second delay all right okay so no i go first and then you go i think we got it i think we got it i think we got it boom yeah nice that was goodly time that was sick goodly time okay we grind we grind we oh wait hey well that actually somehow worked brilliantly on the first try i still died though i just tried to smash i just tried to smed didn't work okay take it off can i get off but i can't get off oh wait we need to do it again too fast come back i will give up we have to do it again oh my god okay okay uh three two one go yeah michael bay look at me now oh what oh i grind it oh no i grind all the way around okay i just i just do big grind and then who who wait what i just need to jump off what what are you doing let me jump off how do i get off oh i see i just rb it what are you doing just being energetic what have we done we broke it we worked it look it's your old binoculars amazing let's find rose oh rose uh oh no dude don't do this we're gonna have to suck out your eyeballs yes i know we look like dolls but we're actually her parents i know who you are nothing escapes my lenses look what in in here all right okay um let's see ew wait i'm here ah oh i look dead am i dead you're not dead what's going on how do these things know so much about us we're in a vegetative state all i know is that rose sat down there with her dolls and then you two came alive wow you're so intelligent mother telescope i didn't see anything else well there was one unusual thing why what happened she was crying oh i know quite unusual for real i am 100 sure because i could see her tears falling onto the dolls wow tears were falling that must she must have voodoo cursed us oh no they're gonna make the connection wait a minute i know what happened it's a spell to be ridiculous cody we've got to apply logic nay okay we're going to keep saying this we're dolls applying logic there is no logic in that goodness sake i don't even believe in spells okay well did you believe that you could be turned into a wooden doll huh he's got a point exactly it had to be the tears it was a spell i am telling you so if it is a spell how do we break it okay i got this yeah me and rose we read all about the spell stuff i'm a virtual wizard right now okay just give me some space i need to think okay so if the spell was cast through her tears we need to turn her eyes into vacuums and suck the tears back up we need to reverse vacuum i suck we have to reverse it through her tears boom right okay we basically have to find her and make her cry on us again really no we have to vacuum the tears back into her eyes fine do you know where to find her miss binoculars she's in her room go on okay thanks uh so why do we have to make her cry again that seems counterproductive you know easy we just climbed the tree all right so we have to torment her more so she cries and then we can be like thanks for saving us oh we could try to tell her to cry cry on command you're bound to be an actor okay i'm i just yolo it never mind not you again [Music] arms sprouting from the top of his head bro oh shut up and just throw us the rope okay okay may relax come on don't you tell me to relax come on you want it you wanna come on come on take it wow how were his legs strong enough to support him magic all right let's swing across yeah but whoa this is pretty my tree is huge can i recall the rope no i only get one experience with rope and that's it oh my god ladybug oh they flew away that's so sad we have a termite problem no ants okay fans are fine they're outside in the trees is this snail is this a snail fossil here we have a 200 million year old snail fossil we didn't even know it in our backyard the homeowners don't realize the value of this precious fossil that's buried in their tree one day they might discover it and realize that the value of their property is 50 times what they sold the house for wait what am i doing oh we rope in oh oh rope oops i told her i did that when i was a kid so you're the guilty one she's out why are you guilty of everything in this huh what is it in there ew there's mushrooms in the shoe why are there mushrooms growing on this tree that's weird why are there like that's not that weird wow there's plants growing like within the plant it's plant ception on this tree that's what happens what what do you mean every branch of this tree is growing it's everything it's like the tree doesn't even have its own tree it's all other things growing on the tree okay this is like ferns and mosses though that's pretty typical um did you build a tree house for rose no why do you ask there are windows oh who could have built those the old gods built them before we came to this land we upset them and they bewitched us how do we swing the swing oh i know hey oh and that's unfortunately you've done that how did i not make it i made it across cause i'm a champion i i don't see a way to get to rose's room yet let's get higher oh boy what's the what's the point of these things what the how'd you get a paper airplane what it was right here what do you mean i skipped the paper airplane oh you could throw a paper airplane to you just you just wasted the paper airplane that's really sad like that could have been put to good use oh my god there's trampolines i love trampolines you know what those are called paper airplanes no mushrooms [Music] okay we gotta both be here what's it doing up here looks like a pulley controls it you must you must grab i am grab okay brilliant what the frick we about to find the bilbo that tree i don't like it we got to get the roses room but pony you see how far away it is yes i can see how far away it is that's why we got to keep moving yeah maybe there's someone inside you can help us really bilbo knock knock knock squirrel hello we don't know what's inside there come on it might be a shortcut to the house yeah but what if it's not what if it's [Music] we come in peace we're trying to get to the house the house what's your business there we haven't got time for this is this a shortcut or not how does a squirrel speak english we're speaking squirrel uh probably when do i learn how to speak squirrel not helpful come on hello we turned into dolls what but i understand what we're saying right now when did the audience learn to speak squirrel they're typing squirrel right now too oh my god shut up dad dada is unalived right now it's important have you heard of this book by um dr hakeem yeah he's a dick he says that it's important i will never forgive you for dr hakeem you can become friends again dr hakeem and i will never be friends i will be suing him for all he's got after this i won't be able to prove a thing in court but his time will come sorry did she like shave the top of her head or something i don't know [Music] cody are you okay yeah been better but i'm okay that's cute cute champagne chairs are you working for the wasps oh my god military squirrels did they send you here to kill us what kill you no we're not working for any wasps we'll see you side you're on pull a switch you got it chief the square rooms what the frick balls ow what why would you do this oh god dude this is like my worst nightmare did they know that we would just evaporate into particles and why don't they die damn their plan was just to obliterate us they can help us i guess so abort what did what a freaking interrogation that is they just terrible they just ask you two questions and eliminate you is that door card that's a cardboard vault door hi it is so you want to get to the house yes we can get you there really you that's very um kind all one condition what do you mean follow me i've got to take out some wasps yeah i think we gotta kill the wasps for them because we can't die take out the queen the wasps have a queen there's a fat squirrel back there wow they must be real hoarders hey yeah they're swimming that's our remote control they stole it what do you mean you just said yeah they're squirrels i said it multiple times look oh my photos oh my god they stole our pictures are we like they're gods maybe we are uh how did my underwear get out of here used to that's her underwear what no it's his underwear oh oh i get it wait they they have they can animate how have the squirrels learned how to animate it's a tv but it has wasp custom animation on it well look they look at everything else they've made what yeah mostly it's just hoarding crazy creatures you nuts no offense don't worry you'll just survive too against a whole swarm of them surely will die that's why you're going to need these my latest in cyber hazelnut technology the tree southpap scheiki 57. oh where does it get ammo from that one seems better why do you get that one what the heck cause your hands are bigger oh my god your fingers are too thick to pull the trigger real quick but instead of wiping out the wasps our agent was seduced by its power and switch side what wow so kill the wasps and the agent in the robot and we'll help you get to the house understood oh is he blind in that eye sure i i think yeah he got stung they have a trap door directly to the wasp colony i guess so i really don't want to have to kill giant wasps well you wouldn't have to if you'd cleaned out the hive is your thing made you have an explosive launcher made from a pen in the real world in our tree i asked you so many times it's a pen with matches in it fine fine oh yeah it is wouldn't even be here if you hadn't knocked on the squirrel oh and i i have a self-dispenser on my back what are you kidding me you you believe that oh yeah you dropped those squirrels they stole my underwear oh believe me that was a blessing and you matches on your back wait but how does the dispenser feed into things sophisticated part of a floor you're asking too i can't wait to get back to my real body so that we can get divorced oh me too hey and to think i was about to honey you honey it's time to kill some wasps what alone don't worry we've got weapons you mean these homemade squirrel diy drill basser tap shaky things you saw how powerful they are that's drill bars yeah yours is mine just makes things wet jesus a target what neat meanwhile i think you have to unlock me really yeah i can't do anything in here i don't think so i think you can who is another one of my latest hazelnut tech creations you'll find them with key strategic points what's that hanging there oh i made it heavy okay interesting ah you're so funny cool do i have unlimited ammo can i just demoman everything can you can you blast the door ignite the sap do it dang that's gnarly whoa i can shoot it super far what the what the oh yeah you can you get me you get stuck in it or no no it doesn't i go through it oh can you explode me this is about to be really unfair oh you can't explode me okay never mind i thought you'd be able to explode me oh this is cute oh look at all this grass blow em up blow em up blow up the lost panics what about this one which one yeah oh wait can i can i put a match and then you put the stuff on it no it looks like it has to be the other order okay we got a butt pound the wasps have their own carnival think it's games shooting range let's try it out oh blow him up how do i have so much ammo can we please turn back that won't be possible [Music] i i can't i can't that's unfortunate uh-huh i i don't know how to get back uh-huh nope well i guess i'll die guess all alive ah wait did we just mess things up did we break the game they were like surely no one would be stupid enough to not both go under the thing at once can you not shoot through the bars oh i might be able to oh my goodness use your noggin okay how to come from you you shoot the bridge shoot stuff oh i weigh it down i gotta weigh it down zap is very heavy oh it's trampoline plants yes trampoline plants i love trees that's what these are dude the first time i ever tried tofu i called it trampoline food oh cause it basically is yeah tofu is like pretty much trampoline food okay wait don't weigh it down weigh it down oh yeah oh and then you can shoot the target i already shot the target though should you shot the target on there oh make it go kaboom oh oh is that what dropped it it just goes up and then back down how do we get up there hmm dost of our trampolines onto it aunt's carry me i know you can and oh i'm stuck i'm i'm actually stuck what the hell did you get oh i'm like i'm actually stuck oh no how did i get in here are we gonna meet the wasp if we're getting beaten by a tree branch i made it cara return tree [Music] oh oh that's what we do that's big smart okay you get up here and then you shoot the target i can't get up there now can you wait down the bridge again oh my goodness so needy you have to blow it up yeah i know that's what i did the first time nice progress heck yeah a lot of momentum come on down here with my heavy honey oh yeah i wonder if you launch me hold on launch me launch me launch me oh no watch me oh it doesn't work that way yeah dude yeah there we go i'm so scared oh it's magic wow why would you break the floating honey it's sad it's honey that's definitely honey i'm sorry no matter what they say uh-huh is honey explosive yes little known fact all the uh no no i have the better idea because i am the big smart [Laughter] blow it up yeah i'm hungry are you yeah it's because of all the honey yeah that's it i mean we can break whenever it is fine if you have to eat food no no no i'm still good okay do the thing what am i doing weighing down this caution like squirrel flammable isn't foolproof no i can i can make it land in the bucket duh why does it land in the bucket land in the bucket you fool oh my god it just goes as far as i aim i can't just make it land in the bucket bro it goes to if i shot this at the moon it would end up like in the moon oh never mind okay how do i okay okay oh okay there you go grippy surface wow thanks for the uh clue oh i can't zap that it literally says grippy surface oh there we go wait where am i supposed where are you supposed to go i'm not sure um can you motherfreak there you go whoa whoa whoa whoa literally the platform oh it's fine okay good good job great job grippy surface paint primer except it's not grippy enough for me to be able to rip it and grab it it wasn't grippy enough for me to be able to grip my sap too ridiculous that doesn't stick either work better just stand on it yeah maybe that works well this got interesting okay i guess i gotta get on that first they really are nuts look at those tests i get it these squirrels seem far more capable no no no no go back no you have to blow it up no i already blew it up go zap sorry wrong way oh my gosh okay i can fix this i am a god say hello to my little sip i mean honey no i needed that oh come back down oh okay i'm ready what are you ready for that oh you can dude ignore what's behind that wall when you say ignore you mean push the red button i definitely push the red button wait what's over here i'm supposed to push the red button i pushed the red button right there i'm trapped can you help hang on those are interesting calculations but i'm looking at the calculations i'm trapped and slowly losing oxygen i think you're fine huh this lid doesn't look so stable yeah i think i needed you i'm slowly losing oxygen please help you're a doll you don't consume oxygen nh3 plus h2o equals blah no wait ammonia plus water does that do anything i wouldn't think ammonia in water now okay uh sorry why are you experimenting on me like this bruh what are you doing are you doing this to me around you go what's this one [Music] this is nice of you to do this is very appreciated there's a stop button is there where i felt that one nae is this it [Music] where's the divorce button oh it's this one come on and i pressed that one already where's the divorce button oh yeah here it is oh that wasn't it either oh whoops well maybe you shouldn't depressed it that wasn't very funny oh look at that big nut yes that that is the mother nuts oh what did you do you gotta make a line around all of them more line they must connect let's see if that works oh wow that was incredible that was cool looks like something was kept in here yeah something big christmas lights whatever it was where did this tree like what what is our yard by the way that it houses a secret underground cave dimension of tree ecosystem trico system or what uh this duh ah there we go [Music] can't wait to trap you inside of some sort of experimentation chamber oh my god you're gonna have to oh my god oh no oh my jesus man i'm sorry bees we're invading our on your hive and it's blowing you up this is quite sad are are wasps as valuable as bees no why oh okay so this is okay to do this is okay oh look more nuts it's not the mother nut we don't care i think we need to bounce i think you need to start shooting stuff whoa you ready goes big oh oh my god oh oh that's pretty cool all right get on top yes i can't wait this is gonna be sick hold on hold on i'm i'm filling up the other one too good point okay here we go oh it's too sick hey mate i think there's a bridge here let's knock it down then wait uh shoot something you gotta make it link all the way to it oh i see yeah too good too good uh what do we do here oh you gotta shoot the thing right through the gate like like that other time we need to shoot things through the gate oh that's not what we're doing i just wanted the soccer ball it's actually called a football but okay hey it's our football whoa oh yeah [Music] i was just having too fun too much fun bouncing this thing wait look this is a thingy looks like something hey cody over here oh my god it's another pull me into the hole ready to fall into the hole oh that hole is made for you ah fits you better [Music] give up me easy oh you eat it yes i'm the master of the rope one way i can't do it okay i don't think i did the jitter click either what'd you do i just hit it try it again try it again i hope you bring your a game why'd you pause sorry bye-bye i can't i can't do it my okay my arm hurts and i was boxing earlier today my hands should be destroyed but they too strunk now all right i like how they put these competitive divorce games in the middle of things competitive divorce games oh man my legs worked my feet hurt when we get out of this mess i'm having a cold beer i'm having two what if we're stuck like easy there alcoholic breakfast no two beers so much ah dude oh yeah let's do some air hump grindy boys whoa it's like thunder mountain [Music] oh oh man disneyland disneyland will be oh okay smashed my face into something oh wait i don't want to be there oh backwards in progress oh that was sick those sick plays bro how did the wasps create big thunder mountain inside of their hives isn't it called thunder mountain railroad big thunder mountain dude never it's too cool and now i must i love grinding wait where am i going i'm going over there oh double ropeage i roped to a oh my god i ripped it right rope a dope dude took you long enough i had the butt smash now you burned spin the me to open it but be on your guard we've never made it past this point oh we're better than squirrels we don't have acorns from rings we have clay oh don't go in the hole just two i went in the hole oh what happens when you shoot in blow up the hole that'll teach whatever's in there okay the left one the left one what thank you another top one bro it wasn't enough yeah it might been how could you do that i hear wasp buzzing oh okay oh god i'm sorry guys this is horrible this is the most brutal game that i've ever played in my entire life quite brutal up that's i i commend your strategy that's that's smart of you he's he's uh he's zapped poor fellow is he uh wielding a pizza cutter i believe he is he just he's aggroing me so much yeah he's uh he's pizza cutter i'm still opening the vent you just need to get a shot on him dog he turns around too fast he wasps you i think they do oh poor fellow right here and assume they do it's true they should be playing flight of the bumblebee [Applause] [Music] okay i'm really sorry about that that's just really brutal i'm sorry let's get through that vault oh they are playing fly to the bumblebee i was just i guess quiet in the background oh oh i didn't notice sorry it's not copyright that's definitely public domain queen sounds very masculine that is one scary queen don't worry it's just a squirrel inside a robot yeah wait what a very big robot oh it's a squirrel inside a robot oh i forgot about that part yeah [Music] okay again no not you really right here exploring the uh premises right i think you look scared like doing little tickets no not at all we were just scouting preparing for the mission yeah right preparation is key good but remember collaboration is also key can we um very dangerous can we shoot and blow up the book thanks for reminding us oh that'd be cool can that be the finale of the game [Laughter] why are we so incapable of taking action against this book when we're capable of blowing up wasps in their own home i zoom you hiccup where are we going i don't know these christmas lights yeah apparently we christmas lighted the inside of our underground gigantic location oh now we have to blow up lost babies oh no oh jesus it's kind of sad is i tbh uh you blow up the whole oh my goodness you blow yourself regardless imagine being born just so you can like kamikaze yourself i don't think they realize that well they don't have the intelligence to uh think that oh you know what that's their weapons right now maybe we shouldn't engage no no they blow up if they get close to you oh it's not you blowing them up no i see ow oh yes they do do that help why didn't you save me i couldn't explode them because you didn't put any sap on them but you have big bomb i don't have big bomb you do go go go go go go go go they have limitless bodies to throw at us okay we're invading russia in the winter okay but put the sap on the net i'm trying we're invading russia in the winter damn okay it's rope time these rocks i guess not i think we just roped oh god wait i got this everything's fine but he's the hole uh i'll check don't go down there oh death okay hmm uh get that thing up there yeah dude can we nope can't do that oh i fell into the hole again there's multiple holes watch out for those let's see oh oh oh uh put the things on these things i think yeah there we go oh you explode and then you plug the hole yeah oh oh these guys can't hurt us this is very sad uh there's a man's the doobie chase oh who oh what are this mortar wasp bro my god it has its own ranged weapon you know what fair is fair [Applause] yo it's demo demo wasp get rid of this one chasing me where is it oh i got you hold on i tried to i tried to help oh you nice job okay i must i have i have yep there you go nice job i'll do again wow i'm so sorry you you've evolved beautifully like this is very incredible evolution and organization for insects and we are just blowing it up scientists would love to study this sort of thing and instead we're just over here like blowing it up to smithereens i can't believe this shoot mortar wasp oh my god i'm sorry more wasp [Music] japanese mortar hornet oh not again did you oh you did it dangerous weapons uh yeah okay um wait what oh i guess we just jump across the things now where's the light coming from i don't know probably the explosive stuff that we've put in yeah you got it no i'm having trouble they stole my camera oh i hope it's still working ah looks like the squirrels weren't always here wow such a cool picture oh my god such poses oh my goodness just so cool oh another scene [Music] [Applause] oh my god talk to the camera speak to the camera oh now i'm getting wrecked by a squirrel okay cool are there oh my god there's another one looks like ancient technology what ancient technology i'm such a beautiful darling oh work it working i am the world's greatest model you are oh my god is there a timer oh i can't both be on it quick into position wow so cool dude i was trying to come up with a pun for either facebook or instagram with hornets or bees but i can't uh put it on uh a face wasp oopsies and then yeah that's why that's how i turn the thing face beak let's see this one let's do this one hold on take a photo of me all right there it goes okay what's it look like if we went through wow i mean what am i a vampire okay get him to get into position oh i'm a freaking vampire dude okay we're great this is great but you have different poses than me yeah because i am the best at camering i can't guess what does this do oh we can put them up there do i have different ones i know i have the same oh yeah no there we go and then well we can look at them oh okay i think this one could use a couple more smiles yeah there's no one in that one no one in that one that sucks at least yeah you keep putting the bad ones up ah whatever dog okay get into position oh my god you're like my dad needing to take so many photos no you picked the wrong one okay we'll do it again yeah dude be the squirrel i'll be the squirrel and you'll be the wasp yeah it will be the bee i sting i like this one yeah throw it up yeah look at that not bad nice shot wow so cool so cool uh oh they're going to be some pho okay this is weird why there's a bunch of photos of us and squirrels uh how do they get all these acorns nuts well that's a big hive that's very scary this floor is about to break on us or something something's about to happen a crack will form hey huh yeah you're right let's blow it up not doing anything oh yeah i guess not i'm taking it on here i'll probably break yep why'd you do the oh god they're bringing out the big guns now oh that's a lot of uh waspy boys it's a hammer oh jesus i'm um oh they've been obliterated there's more coming there's more yeah it's not working how do we even do geez but more on okay this pain okay we got them oh there's more coming they're sending in reinforcements every time we just i don't know we keep defeating the reinforcements until they're like this ain't worth oh not a deal it's not turning us into dust oh are we gonna have a sliding fight here dude yeah neil oh yeah warm up blow him up blow up yeah dawg blah blah blah blah blah blah dog warm up i try but it runs out of ammo eventually okay here we go there we go yeah yeah well it just doesn't let me shoot for a second that's all but i'm trying i'm trying i'm trying blow hole in them yup too sick how are we going to heck right now like how deep does this go smash hornet smash wasp smash blow up oh i couldn't i ran out of ammo oh and you were giving me crap for saying i ran out of ammo i didn't know you right now uh-oh blow him up oh that's not gonna work well that's not gonna work well oh they're flying away they were waiting until you got back in order to form a barricade that's really nice of them okay you got it hit them i won't this is this is quite this is quite sad or poor wasp yeah oh man i'm doing anything like did we have no other way to get to our daughter's room now what i think we need to head that way oh come on may we can't swim in this oh we're going by boat huh help me out what my boat this is a boat all right come on nice sick boat all right you touch the butt how do we propel ourselves using explosives ores or something you need cody we've got an engine we do where uh it's in your hand what [Music] not just a wooden face mate yeah very funny all right oh i got the best engine ever that's so cool all right are we about to hit rapids everything has multiple features you just need to see them so you're an engineer yo this is so cool this is so cool that's not really helping us this is totally disney we're in disneyland oh god we gotta those are probably land mines oh sorry i've uh okay that's the land mine yeah it is no no no go the other way oh no okay oh you just have to blow him up i see you got to blow him up before i hit him hold on which way are you going the right way duh but where is that wait why why not that oh okay it doesn't want us to go that way it was like no no you do not do that i guess that was not the right way yeah it was the right way i only go the right way oh my god we're on pirates of the caribbean pirates of the hornets wasp i don't know uh oh we got incoming bogey's at 12 o'clock that's a lot of bogies that is many bogies take them out take them out oh my goodness oh my goodness i can only do a few at a time okay we're good we're good we're good we're gonna make it we're gonna make it we're gonna make it here we go here we go oh yeah impeccable captaining oh you almost jumped off the thing how many times cody what you want to try it uh no thanks i'll stick with my boomstick uh can you what do we do here oh you have to hit the uh target yeah i did okay cool pirates of the caribbean yeah that's what it is oh now we zoom look at me zoom in i zoom so good [Music] nice job you've done great why are you trying to fall out of the ship [Laughter] you're gonna fall out of the ship is this your desire oh okay well how is this gonna work i can't shoot them oh we're i'm not sure i believe in these physics where's the boat uh over there i wasn't able to get to the boat oh it's okay it just brought us back to the boat avoid it avoid it at all costs oh god there's so many how are they able to do this oh my god oh my god okay i just have to avoid the tornadoes you got to shoot the blobby blobs i've got this don't worry oh no no no no no no no no no no bad tornado perfect oh it's on our day i'm so sorry i can't believe i've done this but it's fine we'll make it to the both of the boats right over there we can do it will you do it yeah skydiving without a parachute turns out it's the right way to do it okay get ready to shoot the target asapalapagus there we go i can't see anything oh wow they are beautiful yeah deadly beauty jellyfish can be lethal we better they're not fish look the light let's go how could i be so wrong i don't think they're jellies either they are jellies why do we why do we have jelly under our house and why are there jellies steer straight ahead aye aye captain are you trying to shoot them they didn't do nothing i don't know see if they explode oh my god these are actual glows these are the actual glow squid did we make it what are these what the heck are these oh ignite it now yeah dude let there be light we continue oh my god are we bouncing we do be bouncing oh glow squid look at these look at these glow squid now look at you now look at these do you glow no do these glow yes wouldn't you like to be like this wouldn't you like to be better than you currently are then be this way if it don't be like it do then make it do be like a dew exactly well we just grew a bunch of shrooms can we bounce no no flame wow it's cave paintings of acorns from the ancient squirrel the paleolithic squirrel oh my goodness i feel like i'm on the winnie the pooh ride at disneyland what is this giant squirrel the oh legendary omega squirrel the omega square oh look at this the mega scrolled on oh is that oh that is us wait is that yeah i don't it's crazy wait did the squirrels oh squirrel's praise they praised the toilet paper they also went through pandemic wait what they did yeah they oh man you know 20 years from now we'll be telling the youth about remember those uh times of the toilet paper shortages of 20 20 and they'll be like what that wasn't toilet paper meanwhile it's going to dry out meanwhile there won't be any more water to go around in the world so we'll have bigger things to worry about okay what next wow we're in the center of the universe dude we're in the squirrel nebula whoa so pretty what the heck is that down there the universe of squirrel what the [Applause] uh what sort of psychedelic ancient squirrel burial site has our house been built on it's like avatar but squirrels yeah this do be crazy wait where are you going whoa where are you going magical vacuuming thing up there wait are we going to hit it yes good we were so close to the hive and now we're just in another dimension what the frick what the heck is that uh [Music] is this a this is a [Music] [Music] honey i told you to leave that back in the 70s he's big enough to eat us i think we ate some fermented nuts on accident from the sky who's moving i think he's trying to throw us off no no no it's just swimming just keep swimming oh yeah this is like dude we're in this is subnautica but it's of above nautica yeah okay we can we can stay on he's gonna take us back to the hive he wants to uh rid the squirrel ancient squirrel burial site of um of the wasps he's not a fan of the wasps either we got ghost fish on our side we got the ancient leviathan who's ready to fork up the bee wasps oh my god there's more of them huh there's another one there's more catfish in a bubbnautica is that me [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] you look somewhere else for a second i must have thought that my character was you and then right through that wall [Music] did we just keep going down yeah i don't know why she keeps blaming cody that's kind of a b move yeah it's a little ridiculous tbh everything's my fault apparently even though you forgot to fix the vacuum yeah thanks cleaner yeah well you shouldn't have such a weird stuff oh you're ready to say a bad word you're saying i'm in bad shape no oh i didn't say that hey i am made of clay could you run jump and fall like this in your real body no exactly so enjoy it while it lasts yeah okay all right that's so nice of you also plunger dungeon also now that it's been a couple hours i feel like maybe it is just so that my video doesn't mess up a good time to break it okay uh let's let's just try this minigame and then we'll call it oh oh is there a minigame yeah well i can just grind around the rail okay oh i see it's a little jousterooni all right all right is it don't let the moving targets reach your side charge gun oh interesting okay okay get ready to lose i'm aiming to win so am i what what move oh i know how to handle the floor nothing to it watch and learn smoky gun there we go i'm triggered so close oh rubbish oops i am losing bad not really though oh really i guess i haven't been looking cool i thought i hit that please [Music] god dang it oh my god okay one more one more shooting one more this ridiculous this ridiculous go blink or you'll miss me winning i wonder if this is harder with a controller actually i don't know maybe like all fps's oh yeah oh yeah boy what the heck how did that not hit that's right what's up [Music] that's right yes oh no so we don't end this on a draw no i'm done i got the hang of it okay very very sweet uh how do we save it is there like a save point we have to find or what i don't know probably auto saves maybe i don't know so let's see restart from checkpoint play mini games chapter select options probably auto saves i assume people are saying it auto saves aria is this the same i would i would think just just before we got to this mini game yeah all right good games good game again soon okay cool do you like do you like this game that's good game it's very nice i like it too it's like disneyland it does once my processor or my gpu was not at 100 it was very nice yeah what the heck how did you fix that i just reduced lots of the settings and fps and stuff like that and then it was and it was all good could it be your processor anyway no because gpu and task manager was like 100 oh that's so weird 2080 should be fine yeah it was bizarre okay cool we'll uh have a good one and i will see you later thanks for introing me to this okay bye bye bye all right everybody thank you very much for tuning in to uh wait what's the game called again um it takes two it takes two uh hopefully you've enjoyed make sure to like if you liked watching on youtube make sure you're following it captainsparklez check the playlist if you're watching this in the future and there are more episodes to skip to right after this and um yeah that's that's pretty much it i suppose so uh yeah it's pretty that's pretty sweet stuff and we'll see you next time it very cool
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 747,772
Rating: 4.8914633 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, karacorvus, it takes two
Id: oio2bNLRRXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 18sec (8538 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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