Tutorial: Beginners Head Sculpt | EASY In Blender

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in this tutorial I'm going to be teaching you guys how to use very basic simple methods to get relatively good results with sculpting in blender you can see this lineup here is actually some real examples from the tutorial you're about to watch we're going to start by placing some primitive shapes like a sphere a cylinder and some cubes that we're just going to roughly manipulate and that's very very simple to do and then I'm going to show you how to turn that on to one mesh and then we're going to sculpt some basic features and we're going to work our way up to this result over here so this is a really fun tutorial and it's going to help you as a beginner understand some nice tips and tricks to kind of get the rough blocking done and kind of progressively work your way to the details a very common mistake that beginners make is that they want to start they just extrude a cylinder as a neck they put a little sphere on it and I started making a nose or eyes immediately and detailing way too early so by working with with this Progressive method where we sort of a rough shape and work our way up the details is really going to help simplify the process so in the description below there will be some free resources as well like on my gumroad page we're going to be using a starter file and I'm also going to be including a file that contains some errors and I'll explain why in the video you'll see but just keep watching and I will be putting the final result here on my patreon as well but um yeah hopefully this can take you from a beginner to a bit more of a professional sculptor and as always it's going to come down to practice looking at reference material and just trying don't get discouraged if your result doesn't look like this right away it just takes a bit of time a bit of practice and I will also mention I'm going to be using a mouse for this tutorial not a graphics table even though I do have one I actually just prefer to sculpt with the mouse because before I could afford a graphics tablet that's what I use so let's jump into this tutorial and I really hope you guys are able to make this result here which is what we're going to be doing today now here are the resources that I mentioned before we get started you can download this you can look in the description below it's on my gumroad page and it is free you can just type in xero here if you chose to donate to help out a channel that'll be really appreciated but that's completely up to you you can go ahead and download this and inside there is a setup for placing our primitive shape so it's just a starter blend file and it's also an error and you're going to see why we have the ear model as part of my workflow and I'll actually include a link as well in the description to where you can learn how to sculpt step by step the whole ear and blender but it's a very specific reason I've got it in there and you'll see as we progress but go ahead in the description below just download it it's free if you want it and yeah let's jump right into it okay so we're going to start off in our front orthographic view so this is the front view where we only have half of our example drawing here and the only reason we have half over here and not half on the um right over graphic is because this is non-symmetrical on the y-axis but at the front view this is a symmetrical plane here the x-axis so only having half of the image here is is all we need because it's going to automatically symmetrize over to the other side so let's start by going shift a and we're going to go to our mesh options and the first primitive shape we're adding in is a UV sphere I'm going to go g z and move that up till it's roughly where this circular part of the head is and we're going to press free to go into a right or for graphic View and we're going to go g and move that forward here we're placing it right about here you can see very simple now over here it bulges out a little bit so we'll just tab into edit mode and what we're going to do is we're going to go shift alt and just left click on this Edge to Loop select it enable the proportional editing here and then just go s x and just scale them to X you can roll your middle Mouse button that'll increase or decrease the fall off so we're just going SX and just bringing it a little bit in on the X like that very very simple let's turn that off tab back out and then now right before graphic view let's go shift a let's add in a cube we're going to take this Cube and move it up to where this square shape is and we're just going to rotate it almost at 45 we can go s to scale it down and you can just press G to move it as well and just place it so it's roughly where that square is then go into the front of graphic View and then go s x and scale it on the X and make it a little bit skinnier something like that it doesn't have to be 100 just more or less a little bit skinnier and to be efficient let's reuse this we're going to go shift d and then right off graphic view duplicate this right click and then s to scale and let's just bring it here to kind of make the shape over here once again we're keeping this really basic we're going to tab into edit mode Let's enable x-ray up here let's click and drag select these verts we're still in our right or for graphic view bring them in and then go to our front orthographic View Press a to select everything in an s x and scale it on the X until it's nice and wide like this then select these bottom verts and go s x and scale them on the X and then we're going to Simply come in here hover over this edge with your cursor then simply go Ctrl r or command R and you'll see that's the shortcut for the edge tool we're adding in an edge see that yellow line just left click twice once you see it and now it's added in go into your front orthographic View s x and scale on the X till it kind of makes a jaw here a little bit wider okay now you can see here it's going forward in the nose a little bit too much this is in our right view simply grab these two verts at the front very simple and move them back a little bit like this not too much okay you can see on the example here we have kind of this curve here when it notice this is the nose here but here's where the face starts flattening out and we do have the cheekbone up here so we do kind of want this here it'll be very handy but we want to bring that in a little bit but don't worry too much if there's some Square bits sticking out okay we're just going to go s x and just scale it on the X just a little bit okay we're going to turn off that x-ray it'll make things a little bit simpler and that looks fine okay that's all we need don't worry about all those Square bits we're just trying to get a rough shape here let's tab back out now and let's get another primitive we're gonna go shift a let's add in a cylinder and this one is really simple it's going to go s to scale it g to move it up and this is super easy R to rotate it and this is so easy I mean I hardly have to explain to you guys what to do here just rotate it line that column up there and then you can tap into edit mode just select these verts I just go into wireframe so Z wireframe just so I can select them all you can do the same thing with the X-ray this is just how I prefer to work sometimes and all these bottom ones I'm just going to scale them a little bit in an R to rotem ever so slightly rotate them and then e to extrude it down and then s to scale it doesn't have to be perfect just something like that then in your front view while you still have those active you can go s x and scale it on the X and then maybe g z move it up a bit really don't have to overdo it we're keeping it very very simple here and then we can in our right orthographic view just select some of these backwards enable proportional editing and uh make sure you enable the X mirror here so it kind of mirrors on both sides just so we don't mess up the Symmetry we're going to go g and we're going to just move it back like that just a little bit and then let's turn off proportional editing and let's turn off the mirror okay now we have that and let's tab back out and there we have it we just have four primitive shapes here some of them with this very roughly edited okay so now we're done with our primitive shapes we're simply going to come over here to our annotation tool and if you hold in control you can kind of just paint this away I'm just going to get this all out of the way we don't need that anymore okay these are just our rough lines holding in control with The annotation tool and just getting rid of those marks that I drew that came with the starter file let's go back to our move tool here so what we're going to do now is we're just going to press a to select all of these objects and then holding and shift let's just select just the neck pit the bottom bit there okay so that's the last active element here and this is go control J or command J and we've now joined all of this together and why are we joining it together because we're going to go over tail modifier add modifier and at this point we're going to use this really cool thing called remesh click on that and now it's just going to fuse everything together for us we're going to come here to the voxel size and the smaller we make this value the smaller these little volumetrically generated voxels are going to be here I'm not going to really get into voxels but let's just make this .05 so it's half that size I might even go 0.03 actually so 0.03 okay that's okay and then we're going to come here to the drop down and we're going to apply it okay so now that we have this shape applied we have this one solid mesh blender comes with a nice little workspace already in the package it's called the um sculpting where is it right over here almost clicked it on scripting that would not have been the subject so click on on the sculpting mode when you have selected the head model and in the sculpting workspace here you can see there's a few handy tools here it's at the top here you can see we have the active tools workspace and don't worry about all this different stuff really we're going to be keeping this so simple we're going to be using a handful of brushes and just working with the little slider bars up here really most of the time the one thing though at the moment and I'll quickly explain this to those who might not understand we have this thing down here called Dynamic topology so under here active tool and workspace settings go down to Dynamic topology if we didn't detect this what would happen is if we were to sculpt this it would just be moving around all of the topology that already exists but if we enable Dynamic topology it'll add in new topology otherwise things the faces will start to get really stretched out we won't have any new points or vertices so we have to make sure we enable Dynamic topology okay now one thing as well we could come here and sculpt but we don't want to end up sculpting just on one side and then have to come over here again when we can just simply come and symmetrize now don't go ahead and sculpt it yet because the moment it's nice and symmetrized already but if you come here to the cemetery you can enable it on the X now you can actually see here see this little Gizmo up here this is the x-axis going along like this so if we want to mirror on the Y we would enable y if we wanted to go up and down under Z axis we would do the Z so X is why we're doing that so now if I were to come here and sculpt on one side you can see it automatically happens on the other side okay so keep that in mind Dynamic topology and the X now also here is another thing at the moment the detail size lets us know how big to make the little individual faces when we're doing this the little see the little triangle so it's forming the topology but the problem is if we go in closer which is not really a problem it becomes even smaller see how these triangles the mesh is becoming smaller and smaller if I zoom in more and do a little strike you can see it comes even smaller because we have over here under the refine method we have um so under the detailing we have relative detail that just means the closer in we are the finer the detail the further back the rougher the detail if I go really back you can see it's really big so um this is actually okay to get started with some people if you're a beginner it can find it a bit hard because you're going to make the mesh really dense when in close or really big when you're far away but we'll try and kind of just stay close to our mesh so that the relative detail here doesn't matter so just leave it at 12 and leave the relative detail as it is okay I'm just going to undo this because that was just an example okay so what we're going to do is we have a whole bunch of brushes here the main brush we're going to be using is the clay strips brush this is really nice brush because you can just lay down strips of clay it's super satisfying and if you were to actually hold in control now this is one of the most important shortcut keys you need to keep in mind when we're working here if you're holding Ctrl or command you can inverse the brush here it does a negative see so I just go like this it's positive if I hold in control or command it's negative okay so keep that in mind write it down and one thing you want to do is well there is this smooth brush which we're going to be using a lot if you actually go over here it's called a smooth brush but we don't want to keep going in between brushes the whole time so what you can do it's a handy shortcut it doesn't matter what brush you're working on if you hold in shift your brush automatically becomes a smooth brush so we can be sculpting here and then just holding shift and automatically it becomes a smooth brush so if you can keep those things in mind it is really going to help you the only thing besides that that I just showed you we're going to really be doing is sliding the strength here and the radius by the way there are shortcuts the radius is just F if you want to control the radius of your brush that's the shortcut for this up here and shift f is the strength okay but if you're not comfortable with that just come up here and do that so let's start and by the way I am using a mouse for this but let's start by rounding out this face a little bit so we're going to hold and shift and let's come with the strength at about 0.5 and we're going to hold and shift and we're just going to smooth out the corners here like this okay just flatten it over here a little bit where it's a bit too boxy like that so I'm just holding a shift just going up and down here you can see it's very simple and then just smoothing it out in the corners a little bit and smoothing it here just to round this out a little bit more we do not want to do any detailing at the moment we're just softening the shape let's come up here to the nose holding in shift let's smooth this bridge over here and then come over here and smooth it down like that okay you can see already looking pretty cool how about that huh and then what we're going to do is we're going to come up here get our we still have a clay strips brush and with a strength at about the halfway as it is I'm going to come here and we're going to hold in control and we're going to kind of just make a bit of an oval pattern here just eating away at some of the clay over here okay that's where the eyes are going to be so just about that much and then we're going to hold and shift and just do a light smooth pass just going over just a little bit I'm just clicking here while I'm holding and shift and just moving it out a bit and already you can see we're using very simple Strokes here very simple brushes and methods and we're already starting to get that human look now at the moment it's still sitting a little bit low here so let's hold in control let's just eat away a little bit more over here at the top so just get rid of some of that clay bring it in just a little bit more okay that's a bit better and the cheekbone should be a little bit more back so let's just hold in control and let's just get rid of a little bit of the clay over here and I'm calling it clay I know it's not really clear but you get the idea so just holding in control just getting rid of that with the clay strips brush holding in shift just doing a few smooth passes and let's come about here at the corner of the head here and let's just make a little bit of an L so start here with the clay strips and then come down like that just make an L shape and then come over here holding control and just paint a little bit of a triangle here just to get rid of some of that clay holding and shift just go over it like that smooth it here holding and shifts move it here here and here and we're just trying to make this is going to be where the corner of the jaw is going to be at the moment it's looking a little bit rounded so let's come over here if the clay strips brush and let's Square it up a little bit add a little bit more clay all the way down to the jaw here holding and shift let's move it out again so now you can see it's a little bit more defined just adding strips of plates moving it out very simple and that's starting to look about where we want because we are going for male shape here and at the moment we also want some eyebrow ridges so let's just come here lay down some nice simple strips of clay starting at about here and then coming down here to the side and then let's attach this all the way down to where the the square of the jaw is over here just coming down a little bit of a clay strip there and then holding a shift let's just do a quick smooth pass let's move it out here and a little bit there and you can see just by adding that it already looks a lot better let's come in here holding and shift let's move that out a little bit and let's just start adding a little bit here because we've hollowed it out too much over here we do need to add a little bit of cheek here so let's just come just to about two strips of clay just like that you can see where we're going with this maybe one or two more okay that's looking a lot better then hold and shift and just lightly smooth it out here and this is kind of going to be where our eye is going to be eventually so you can kind of see we're really not trying to add details here we're keeping it very simple just adding light strips moving it out you can already see how the shape is starting to form here let's just leave it at that for now we'll add in the eyes eventually but we're just roughing out the shape let's do something with the nose here for a minute so a simple thing to turn this into noise is to kind of come here to the tip and then let's increase the string for the brush here because you want to add quite a bit so we're going to start here at the tip and we're going to drag it in towards the inside of the face here at about an angle like that as you can see and I'm going to start down here and let's just go one two three strips of clay in fact let's just make a little bowl like that just yeah like that just click with the brush and add some material now that's way too much let's just hold and shift and just simply smooth it out a bit like that and already you can see we have the shape of the nose here now um what I like to do instead of messing around too much of the clay strips once we've added those little nodes that decide what we can do is come here to this brush here called the grab brush and then we can simply go into our front orthographic View and I really like this at this point we can press F to grow the brush size a little bit let's come here and let's just shape this nose by dragging this material and then dragging it in here a little bit and here's really where you can now take this rough shape of the nose and you can really start to shape the overall idea of your nose look at some references at this point look at your character sheet whatever you're working on but that's just a really simple way to get started with a nose now you can see here we might want to um just smooth it a little bit over here so holding shift you smooth it we don't want it coming out too much but you get how simple a nose can actually be and let's get our clay strips and one little thing we can do to make this look really cool is kind of just make a ball of clay here at the front holding and shift to smooth it back like that and the more you do that to point here the nose will be so you can smooth it out quite a bit but we just want a little bit of meat over there and that kind of Blends that together a lot better you can see here we automatically have kind of like this little bit of skin coming down which is what we see on a real nose anyway all we now have to do is come in here and hold in control to get the inverse file brush and just roll it around a few times to make the holes and then hold and shift and just smooth like that and smooth over here with the smooth brush and look at that we're using really simple methods here and we're already getting really great results we really don't want to get bogged down with the details okay let's come up here let's add a strip just to add a bit more meat to the nose hold and shift just move it back a little bit okay that looks a lot better so we now have the overall shape of the head we have the nose starting out here but let's look at the mouth area here as well because that needs to have something done here it's looking very flat so what I'm going to do I'm going to hold and shift and just smooth this squareness out a little bit more like that now we have a nice area to start working and what I'm going to do is I'm going to come over here and I'm going to get this brusher called the crease brush and I press F just to grow it's smaller a little bit and I'm going to come down not quite halfway between the chin and nose but just a little bit up about here and I'm just going to drag like this over to the side to about here just to add a crease okay and then what I'm going to do I'm going to get my grab brush and I'm going to press F to grow it and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to take it not in the middle but a little bit off and I'm going to drag it up to kind of make a bit of an m shape like that see what we're doing here and that's going to kind of already give us a good place to start making a top lip and a bottom lip and then come here and drag this bottom bit out a bit to flatten it out and it's still not looking like a mouth but now gives us a good place to start and we're going to come here and get our clay strips brush now F to grow it a bit smaller and let's zoom in here and what we're going to do is we're going to come here and kind of draw an m so it's making a strip of clay and then a strip of clay coming down like that very simple and let's do it again and add a little strip another little strip here and let's add a little bit more meat here at the top as well but not too much and then at the bottom here let's make just a little rounded kind of egg shape here like that and now we're going to do is we're going to hold in shift and just lightly click and smooth it out and at the top here but not too much at the bottom just come here and smooth it like that cool and you can already see we're getting these lips for me here it's not quite right yet but it is a good start we're now going to come in here at the bottom not quite forward but a little bit up at angle now holding and shift we're just going to lightly smooth like that to flatten the lips out as well okay and then let's get our grab brush and now we're just going to shape our mouth a little bit so let's just bring these lips down a little bit so they meet and then drag the skin down here just kind of bringing the lips together bringing it up here and look at some reference um images of lips but you get the idea what we're doing here we're just trying to keep it really really simple it's just kind of like this top m shape and then this bottom bit it's all that it really is to the mouth and then kind of like this groove in here can still smooth it out at any time by holding in shift but already just like that we have a nice simple mouth forming and as you can see we're not really getting into any sort of details just really simple shapes starting to form here but just establishing the overall idea before we get into any sort of refining but already if you've made it this far you're doing really well so what I'm going to do now is get the clay strips brush I'm going to hold and shift and I'm just going to smooth out around here a little bit just get rid of all of this sort of boxy look here the little squares that's just from the um UV sphere that we used as a primitive and the remeshing algorithm kind of made it look like that but we're just moving it out a bit and let's just come here to the neck and this is a really one of the parts I really love look how quickly we're going to make this look like a neck I'm going to come in here press F to shrink our brush and with our clay strips brush let's just add a nice strip of clay going around here like that hold in shift to smooth it over here and over here a bit and then we're going to start at about this point here not too much out but about here at the bottom of the neck and we're just going to get a Clay's trip and bring it all the way down almost like a V like that let's do that again like that and then holding in control let's get rid of a little bit of clay here holding and shift just smooth it here and holding and shift let's move it here and then smooth under the neck a little bit maybe to smooth the chin just a bit and look at that already starting to look more like a neck let's come over here add a strip of clay down here just to make it look a little bit more that has a bit more volume at the base just like that just going all the way around just moving it out where I need to there we go with that smooth and let's come to the back here and let's just make a strip running down like this and then let's just move everything out by holding in shift let's move it out here to side and well look at that we're already seeing a neck forming here um just come here at the back maybe holding Ctrl and just get rid of some of this clay here it's a bit of a divot here at the back of the neck and then holding shift and just smooth it out so one thing here is that the jaw is a little bit too forward and that uh draw line being a bit more forward makes it look like it's kind of something in his mouth so what we're going to do is we're going to get our grab brush okay and we're simply just going to correct this by going to a right orthographic view pressing F to grow the brush let's just grab this jaw and let's just move it back and down a bit okay so just moving it back grabbing it like this and in a little bit just to have a bit more of a square so see here where we have the bottom of the skull here and when the neck starts that's kind of like the corner of the head here so we just want to tuck it all up into that point there and that wasn't a really hard edit at all that's pretty simple and then I'll just tuck that chin a little bit let's do a little bit of a chin tuck there and let's just quickly come to the front view and let's just bring it in a little bit it's a bit too much out so that was really not a difficult Adder that all we did is just pulled it back a little bit and pulled it in a bit and that worked just fine and also another thing is earlier we made those kind of little muscles coming down here but because the jaw wasn't in the right place and we put it forward a little bit too much but it's not a big deal we're just simply going to grab our clay strips brush let's just press F to shrink it and let's really bring up that strength and now that we have to corner here what we're going to do the ear will eventually be here but behind the ear here at the top of the skull is a big muscle it runs down all the way to here I actually know what it's called I've forgotten but um it starts here and you're gonna click and drag and you're gonna come all the way down and bring it down like this see that now that looks quite chunky but all you're going to do hold and shift and just smooth out the edge and hold and Shift come up and smooth out that edge and look at that that's already looking a lot better and uh if it's too chunky just simply get that trusty grab brush and just bring it in just a little bit like that just a little bit will do but now that looks a lot better and that's actually a bit more biologically accurate as well you can hold and shift and smooth it down if you need to if it's too much for you but now you can see that's kind of like the shape of the neck neck isn't just a round cylinder it's got this kind of like um it doesn't round out as much at the frontier especially it becomes a bit more squared because of those muscles wrapping around like that and we can also come here at the bottom just holding shift and just lightly smooth out all this funky stuff down there not really a big deal but you get the idea so um that's looking a lot better um maybe tuck it in here just a bit also just another quick thing is we can take the shoulders here and grab take the grab brush and just pull them back a little bit like this so it's just leaning in a bit more forward um once again a very minor edit but this makes things look a little bit better just tuck that back and I'm just going to quickly get my clay strips brush and I'm just going to add a little bit more flesh over here just kind of like that and it's holding in shift just to smooth it out that just makes a bit more of that sort of Adam's Apple kind of look and I think that looks a lot better um this is going to be more defined or less defined on different people so just keep that in mind but that really just helps us to between those two muscles coming down it really just makes this shape look quite lovely you can see we kind of have this V over here which is what we want um all very simple stuff so I think at this point what we're going to do is we're going to import our ears so just to recap in the description below you will find a link to my gumroad page where for free you can download the gumroad file this there's actually two blend files in there one of them is an ear so he's going to go to file you're going to go to append and then you're going to find wherever you would have saved that to so for me I know where I put that I'm just going to quickly grab it um so yeah it's called the sculpt starter file in there is the blend file for the ear you're just going to click on that blend file and go to object and then click on the it just says Cube but yeah you get the idea so there it is the ear all right and what we're going to do is we're going to go into our layout and um get the grab tool here to move tool let's select that ear and let's go s to scale that down like so about this much let's go g to move it let's move it to the left side of the character so that might be your right side but from the perspective of the character that's it's left and let's take it and move it down till the top of the ear is pretty much almost where the i i Ridge is over here something like that and then we're going to go R and we'll just slightly rotate it like that but not too much just about there okay and uh this scale can be a little bit smaller a little bit bigger but you don't want to go too big you don't want to go too small but get it right in there like that and it might look okay at the front but we need to go to the right of graphic view now we need to go g y and move this forward to about here where the corner of the header see how the jaw comes up here and it's the bottom of the skull just about there in fact I'll move mine just back a bit just about there it's a little bit more on the corner so that seems about right and what we're going to do now is you can see that there are some of the meshes sticking through if that's the case if you just select your model go into the sculpting mode make sure Dynamic topology is still enabled and let's just hold in shift and use the smooth brush and just smooth that out a bit just to get rid of it just like that okay it's holding in shift it's moving that out just like that and maybe just add a little bit more clay just around here like that if it's needed and then just smooth it out holding and shift okay just like I get roughly in place maybe a little bit more here you can uh refine these shapes a little bit later but if you have to add a bit more volume to the back of the head sometimes you just have to do that and once again just look at some reference images as you're working on that but roughly get that in place and then what we're going to do is we'll go back into object mode we're going to select that here holding and shift select the character head and then go Ctrl J or command J and how to join together but let's quickly go to our modifiers and let's remesh this and that'll add it all together let's make this point zero two okay that's okay for now and let's come to the drop down and let's apply that now you can see it's only on one side let's just go back in to our sculpting actually we are already in sculpting workspace but let's just go back up here um because I went into object mode let's just go in to sculpt mode go to our active tools and workspace and you can see Dynamic topology is disabled make sure to enable that again and you can see here we still have the Symmetry on the X but we need to mirror it again so we're going to click here on symmeterize and now it's symmetrized it like so and because we have X mirror on we can now just go over here and if we go shift and then just smooth that out blend it in you can see it happens on the other side so while we're holding in shift let's just come around here like this and let's just blend that in and this is a really simple method so I am actually going to put a link in the description below to my video where I show you guys step by step how to sculpt an ear but you guys get the idea here right now we have that ear in place and you can get your grab brush at this point grow it a little bit by pressing F and then you can come in here and you can make any necessary adjustments the rough shape of the ear is already in place but you can just come here and manipulate it to whatever model sheet you're working on or whatever character reference you're looking at or whatever Anatomy Pages whatever you're working with you can come here and now you have a nice base that you're working with and yeah that is the ears pretty much now I might just drag that up a bit we'll get back to that in a little bit but you can see the characters really come together but what we need to do actually I might just bring that in a little bit and bring that out like I like that but what we need to do now is bring in some eyeballs let's go into our layout workspace let's go shift a and let's add in a UV sphere s to scale it down and then G to move it up once again let's get to the left side of the character and and with the scale here um let's just actually press n and let's go to our items and there's a scale here I'm just making it yeah let's just make it 0.17 roughly there okay so it's 0.174 in this case but more or less that size and then go to your right view by pressing 300 number pad and then go g y and move it forward like so and you want to just about here where it's not um going there needs to be a little bit of a bridge here like a little bit of a gap you don't want a two back either though so just about here should be fine and the front this is what we have but we're also going to go and give it a mirror modifier click on a little eyedropper and then select the character mesh and now it's mirrored we're going to go right click and go Shades move and now we have some eyes in place let's select the character again let's go into our sculpting workspace and we want to make sure Dynamic topology is still enabled which it is and now with our grab brush we're going to come here and we're just going to tuck the eye the bridge of the eye here up a little bit like that just grabbing it inside here tucking it all up and by the way we're not going to be affecting the eye which is what we want we don't want to be affecting that ball we just want to be sitting there so we're going to kind of make a little bit of an arch coming over here by bringing these bits down just little tugs like that and pushing this mesh up here like that you can see we have that sort of Ridge there and then we're going to come here and do the same here very very simple just like that now that we have that in place we're going to come and get our clay strips brush we're going to go f to shrink it let's bring that strength down a little bit so maybe even a bit smaller so F I'm pressing here just to make it smaller and when it comes I'm going to add in a strip of clay here just to emphasize this um bridge over here above the eye a little bit more so something like that and then we're going to come in here we're going to fill in this volume over here a little bit more kind of like this tissue you get under here but not too much just you need a little bit of volume here because it's a bit flat at the moment let's just smooth that out with shift maybe not too much just do light little presses like that there we go and then we can also just smooth this out just a tiny little bit up here more at the top and you can see that sort of socket of the eyes really starting to take shape just a basic little strokes like this adding some clay here and having this bridge over here kind of coming up at a 45 angle but where the real magic is going to happen now is if we shrink our brush even more and we come in here and we're gonna kind of be at the front we're gonna look down at a little bit of an angle and starting over here in the corner of the eye we're going to kind of just add some strips of clay going like this in fact we might want to increase the strength for this one here so we're going to go back and forth like this just making the eyelid see like that just a few passes maybe build it up a little bit more here on the side and then what we're going to do is we're going to go to our front orthographic view we're going to get our grab brush and now we're going to take that eyelet that we just made and we're going to come here to front view we're going to move around and we're just going to drag that up like so until we make that eyelid there we go you can also hold in shift and just come here on the side and just smooth that out a little bit like that and then you can once again keep just dragging at it but we're taking this eyelid and we're moving it up and this this point it's important to look at some references you should always be looking at some references of some eyes and I've actually got a model sheet open here or a reference sheet of just some images that I compiled but I can't really put them on the screen for copyright purposes but you guys can easily go into Google you can even ask an AI to make you a face and for free so there's a lot of really cool stuff you guys can do to get resources just look at some reference images of some eyes and we're going to kind of make a bit more almond D over here so we want a bit more of an almond shape so we're going to grow the brush and we're going to drag this corner up here down a little bit and then you kind of see where we're going here we want a bit of an almond shape dragging that forward okay and that's more of what we're looking for with the shape okay now we have that done let's get that um clay strips brush again let's shrink it down and let's come here to the detail let's make it eight pixels and now we're going to come in here at the bottom so looking up and we have a smaller brush we're going to start here in the corner of the eye and we're going to go around like that and we're going to make the top eyelid see what we're doing just like that and then holding and shift you can just smooth it out and then do another pass we're just building up the strips of clay around here and making up the eyelid and in your front view you can simply grab your brush and hold and shift and just simply do some light smooth passes and just like that I can see we already have the eyelid of our characters starting to form and over here we kind of want this little bit of fatty tissue here it's kind of like a little bit of a bulbous fingering on here that's actually something you see a lot on people especially as I get a bit older and it's a bit more emphasized on males as well so I'm going to kind of not Define the lid too much over here but what I will do is I'll get the grab brush again and I'll just tuck this a little bit more and bring that up and I'm always just using my smooth brush as well as I'm working just to smooth things out lightly but already you can see we're really getting this eye shape forming here very very quickly okay let's see what that looks like from the side from the side it looks okay we don't want this too forward or too back you just want to kind of have a little bit of a v going on here but you want this one angled at top to be a bit longer the going out a bit further to about here and this one should look a little bit shorter like that sort of this kind of sleuth like that is what you're going for and then you can see the eyelet kind of Falls over here like that to the side of the face um let's get our clay strips brush and I'm going to make it small I'm going to come in here I'm just going to Define this Edge a little bit more on here for the eyelid at the bottom and then light little smoothing passes okay so there we have it the face is really almost pretty much done at this point it's just going to be a matter of polishing things up again so what I'm going to do I'm going to show you a few things that we can do to make it look a little bit smoother a little bit nicer and then we'll start wrapping the sculpt up but if you've made it here so far you're doing really well so just keep at it doesn't matter if yours looks exactly like mine but we're just trying to learn the basics of sculpting a face over here so you can see here we have a few little Speckles and areas where it's not quite smooth so what we're going to do is we're going to bring down the strength on our um brush quite a bit and we're going to hold in shift and we're just going to smooth things out a little bit yeah we don't want to go too crazy and in areas where the topology um looks kind of really a bit jaggedy we can in those areas grab certain tools to refine them a bit so in the lips here for example we can get a specific brush here called a crease brush and if we click on a crease brush we can actually zoom in here in the lips come with the front and let's just click here and drag and we're going to do a few passes and we're going to make the brush a little bit smaller each time and just to make that even finer and finer I'm zooming in here and it's just creasing it in there and just bringing those two lips together it just makes it look a lot nicer we can also get our clay strips brush and we can just kind of come here and just slightly emphasize the lips a little bit more like that I'm just simply keeping in mind this m shape that we have going on here and I'm trying not to destroy it just light little passes adding volume where we need to once again references are going to be your best friend I know I keep saying that but you really need to look at some references one little thing if you want to add some details to the lips you can get the crease brush you can start here where the M is so look at this kind of like an M it goes up like that and comes down if you hold in control you can do the inverse of the brush and then bring it down like this okay now the downside of that is it really makes it too sharp but if you're now holding shift and you're kind of smooth just along here like that and then come here and smooth just along there what you're going to do is you're really going to sharpen up that lip there in this case it's way too much what we want to do is just soften it a little bit here on the ends and how much you do despite is completely up to you but towards the edges and where the tops come together we just want to soften them a bit just so it doesn't look too sharp and that's looking a lot better we can also do the same thing with that crease brush holding in control we can just make a crease make the brush a bit smaller a crease coming in here holding and shift to smooth it out there and then get the clay strips and then holding control and do it inverted slit here I mean so like holding and control does the inverse and then holding in shift let's just smooth that out a little bit and then smooth up here to the nose you can see that's a lot more emphasized this is soften it a little bit here so it's not too extreme and let's get that crease brush again and let's just come here zooming in nice and close and let's just do a few creases around there like that and then holding in shift just to smooth that out on top of that you could also get your grab brush go to your front view and you can just simply just tuck this in a little bit this mesh around here that's a nice little trick just to emphasize the um details a little bit more and then smooth it where you need to you can see these are really really simple brushes despite having all of these different brushes here we've only really used a small handful and already we are getting some really nice results and so at this point it's just a matter of going around holding in shift it's moving it out and where I feel the volume is needed I will just get my trusty Old Clay strips brush decrease it in this point we really want to bring that strength down because we're only refining details a little bit and I'll emphasize where I want to smooth it out I'll get the crease brush every now and then and just emphasize areas where there's already an existing crease and keep in mind we don't want to go too crazy with this but you guys get the idea here so what I'm going to do now at this point is call this tutorial finished at this point it really just is a matter of going around the character and smoothing out the things I'm going to actually go ahead and just do that now because it's only a few more little things that need to be smoothed out and then I'll show you guys what the final result looks like but this is pretty much it I personally don't like to smooth out my sculpts too much because I feel like then it doesn't look like a sculpt anymore I kind of like that bit of like rough brushed look like you can see you can see that that was actually done by a clay strips brush and that's just my personal preference but I hope you guys have enjoyed this I'm going to quickly just polish this off and I'll show you guys what it looks like and here you can see I have finished um detailing it up where I want to I've added a few more creases here and there just to sharpen things up but I haven't done a whole lot like you can see here I really like to leave it a little bit um like I like to smooth areas out that don't look good but I like to leave kind of like a bit of like a clay kind of Blobby look to me personally I really like that even though I do sometimes um when I'm sculpting for clients I'll like polish things out really heavily but I really kind of like this look we can see it's been sculpted by hand and it's not just like a red apologize scan or something it's just something that I really like when it comes to sculpting personally but at this point I'm definitely going to call this done I really have enjoyed making this tutorial for you guys and I will be putting this sculpt that I've made on my patreon if you guys want to check that out in the description below and uh yeah definitely make something and if you have good results make sure to join the Discord server below and share it with the community just go ahead share it share people your result and don't worry about what it looks like I mean try your best and just keep working at it till you feel like what you're making really represents something more accurate and it looks like what you kind of had in mind so just keep practicing sculpting is definitely one of those things the more you do it the more it'll kind of just sink in so thank you for watching
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 386,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender tutorial, how to model in blender, how to use blender, blender, blender tutorial for beginners
Id: SVf-UvySGqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 25sec (2725 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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