Level UP FASTER with this Amazing Practice Method - Digital Sculpting

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this is Jennifer bin and in this video we're going to be sculpting her an amazing way to improve your sculpting skills is Portrait sculpting it will improve your sculpting skill focusing on likeness observational skills form and eventually confidence in sculpting anything the process will be divided into two main important steps first step is to find a portrait that looks fun to sculpt you want to make sure to enjoy the process I would personally choose a cool looking style over a boring normal photo anytime any day as a beginner avoid choosing a frontal photo since it would be more challenging to do try for a quarter View or a side view also go for portraits with unique features it will make your life easier and will make your sculpt look cooler for this video I chose this badass looking portrait of Jennifer bin it has a nice angle cool looking hairstyle and a funky look definitely something that looks fun to sculpt emphasis on fun you need to make sure to enjoy your practice sessions the second step is to start sculpting the sculpting will be divided into different stages the first stage is blocking out the space for starters I will shape a generic looking head from all sides I'll then mask the slower part and pull out her neck I'll mask the ears and pull them out as well I will then start carving the face indicating some of the face features without adding any details the point here is to have an approximate location for the face features that we can later work on to match the reference with that out of the way I'll rotate the generic looking head to match the reference photo from the front view of my 3D scene by doing that in object mode I can keep the Symmetry I can now start adjusting the proportions of the head to better match the reference I'll start carving her lips as having more elements will make it easier to spot proportional mistakes early on also her mouth is a big part of her identity with her upper lips being bigger than the average so getting them rights will help a lot with the likeness find the important parts of your reference and make sure to focus on them a bit more than the rest they can make or break your sculpt I'll create a sphere and add it where her eyes should be keep in mind generally speaking the eyes have a huge impact on portraits getting the placement shape and overall look of them right will play a big role on the likeness your scout doesn't have to be exactly like the reference you can either go for a perfect match or make a stylized cup with the likeness of the reference just make sure to closely observe what makes the photo unique which features should you get right and focus on the most I'll keep the eyes like this for now we can improve them later on here I will sculpt her nostrils then continue to improve the form of her heads taking the reference image into account I pushed her details a bit too much for this stage but that's okay let's move on to Stage 2. for the second stage I'll start blocking out the second important element which in this case is her hair I'll use primitive shapes and divide the hair into four different parts the idea here is identifying the big forms and separating them to make your sculpting experience a bit smoother depending on the reference and portrait you have the main elements might be different for example for my reference her hair plays a big role in her likeness so I want to make sure that I get that part right her lips eyes and expression are also a big part of this photo her outfit on the other hand is not as important when identifying who she is of course for some characters the outfit can be the main element so keep an eye out for what makes the identity of the person or character that you are sculpting for stage 3 I'll start blocking out her jacket since this won't be a big part of who she is my main focus won't be here but still I would like to make it look similar to the reference for now I'll keep the shapes big and separated into two main parts I'll then quickly add her nose ring and call the stage done with the main parts blocked out I can now start sculpting in more forms I'll improve and refine the sculpt as much as I want while still working on the likeness overall shapes and proportions this stage is where you will want to spend most of your time of course make sure that your blockout stage is at least decent the better the big forms are the smoother this part will be you will also end up with better results I'll model the iris here then I'll rotate her eye similarly to hers in the photo I'll improve some of the forms such as the eyelets shape the eyebrows of the cheeks the nasolabial fold the ellipse and fill trim I'll then jump back here to start carving the hair strands mainly to show the flow of the hair once I am done I'll go back to the face to continue to improve the forms make sure that shading of your sculpt looks good and organic nothing too flat observe your reference look at the lighting and shading to figure out when the form goes outwards and when it goes inwards I'll sculpt her mold here then I'll continue with her hair a bit followed by her jackets sculpting in some folds and pushing it further keep jumping back and forth when sculpting dividing your attention to different parts of your sculpt instead of focusing too much on only one part you'll continue to change and improve the proportions and likeness throughout the sculpting process so you don't want to waste too much time on one part and find yourself having to work that area all over again once you have to make changes I'll model the slider of the zipper right here then I'll add some hair strands using curves to make it a little more interesting I'll start sculpting more elements of the jacket while still keeping these parts basic the angle of the face is tilted downward words in the photo more than my sculpt and we can check that by comparing the eye Line's angle of the reference to the spot I'll fix that by rotating her head a bit to match that The Closer you start getting to the likeness of your reference the more you'll be able to zoom in different areas and focus on finer refinements I will now work on the jackets a bit which is way behind the face and the hair in terms of form and refinement I'll sculpt in more elements of the jacket refined areas smooth some parts and rework them if needed if you add details too fast sometimes you'll have to take a step back remove from the details to smooth the primary form and then work it again this is what happens when you get impatient and sculpt details too fast I'll get back to the face and start sculpting some of the individual eyebrows just to add a small Touch of realism to the sculpt and then I'll improve the form of the upper eyelids don't forget the eyes play a big role here which is why you will see me jump back to it a few times till it looks good I'll smooth the lips here mask the upper part then lower the mouth a bit to better represent the expression of the reference portrait with a slightly open mouth I'll then use a sphere to sculpt part of the teeth that we can see in the reference photo then I will refine the lips that need work after making these changes I'll carve some creases for the lips just like she has in the photo again just to add a nice touch of realism without overdoing it I will then go ahead and continue to work the forms of different parts of the face don't forget to relax observe the reference and with great intention you will notice a lot of subtle differences in the form that you can then apply to your sculpt there is a great deal to learn from each reference and sculpt that you do as long as you are intentional about it the form and shading of the hair looks a bit wonky here so I'll clean it up right away again this stage is where you will spend most of your time refining areas and improving the form make sure you compare your form to your reference as much as you can now that the proportions are acceptable and the likeness is more or less there I can start with the fifth stage where I will take the sculpt from amateur level to the real deal of course the stage is for when you get good enough in the previous stages if stages want to 4 are lacking then you won't be able to do too much in this stage since it is simply building up on what you already made here I'll start to add more details and refine the form as much as I am willing to put time into this one's cup I'll go to every area and make sure that the form is on point looks organic and is interesting this stage is all about mastering form and adding tertiary details if needed I'll add more hair strands cover more details here and there refine the flesh the skin and continue to push the sculpts in this stage I'll tend to zoom in more than before and I'll also use smaller sized brushes don't expect to get this right from the start it takes a lot of practice to get good and to get the hang of it the most important thing is to enjoy the process don't be impatient and make sure to learn from every sculpt you do as long as you do that constantly and consistently you will drastically improve with time I am more or less done with both the face and the hair so I'll go ahead and work on the jacket a bit more improving the folds and overall form of the whole thing without spending too much time on it since it is not the main focus here once I'm done I'll add have the earrings for her ears using simple shapes and methods they're just a small part of the portrait so I won't do anything fancy here I'll now change the form of the eyes to be a bit more natural looking then I'll start with the next step the sculpting is done so for this bonus step I'll add some lighting to match the portrait reference since I thought it looked interesting I'll turn the background purple then I'll start adding lights to try and match the overall feel of the photo bluish 10 slides to the front and a saturated pink light to the side you will mostly do I'll make sure that this part of the jacket emits light then I'll turn the jacket and zipper sliders black I'll paint the hair pink and also apply that color to the hair strands I'll then paint the Sparks black use the same color for these hair strands and then I'll paint this top Parts black as well I'll continue to paint the hair a bit for shadows and highlights then I'll start painting the face I'll paint Reds and some skin tones on her face then I'll add some darker colors for her eyebrows and eyelashes I'll paint her lips refine the eyelashes then paint her eyes black her Iris green and her pupils black I'll add a pink Crim lights here and a blue one there I'll finish up painting her hair then quickly change the form of her upper eyelids to match the reference a bit better I'll paint Her mole and call it done nice real nice it is extremely important to remember to enjoy the process while sculpting relax take it easy don't get frustrated when you don't get the results right away because sculpting is a skill that's earned it's not given it takes time it requires patience and consistent practice consistent efforts as long as you do that you'll definitely improve before you know it you can check out my patreon for monthly sculpting content and tutorials you can also check out my gumroad for sculpting courses I'll add links Down Below in the description of this video of course don't forget to subscribe to this channel for more free awesome content like this one also give this video a like a share and I'll see you guys in the next one who's you are beautiful [Music] thank you
Channel: YanSculpts
Views: 162,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digital sculpting, sculpting, sculpture, how to learn art fast, art advice, how to sculpt, yansculpts, how to learn drawing, how to learn sculpting, how to, blender, blender tutorial, blender modeling tutorial, blender sculpting tutorial, blender texture painting, sculpting face, digital art, 3d blender, how to sculpt in blender, sculpting a girl, female character, sculpt, blender 3.5, portrait sculpting, how to sculpt a face
Id: PjIz1wZ76uI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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