Blender Sculpting Tutorial for Beginners - Stylized Head Sculpt Blender Tutorial

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so 3D avatars are incredibly trendy and if you know me I'm all about creating stylus character illustrations but I've never really brought too much skeleton to the channel but today is going to be my first episode in a series of videos where together we're gonna transform the starting Cube into a cute sculpted character illustration but as always my name is Keelan and if you're ready to jump in with me today grab yourself a nice cup of tea coffee hot chocolate whatever you're into and let's get into it alright welcome back everybody hope everybody's keeping well and hope you're feeling good nice and hyped and ready to jump in with me today the focus of this tutorial is going to be turning our default Cube into a nice sculpted character stylized head and then some other videos down the line we're going to be taking a look at how to perhaps create some nice stylized character here a bit of texture painting and also we'll finish up with some compositing and lighting and rendering but there's a couple of notes before we jump in make sure you keep an eye down here that's going to show you my mouse clicks and my keyboard inputs and it's probably worth having at least blender 3.3 installed just to be nice and up to date to make sure you have all the tools and even though this is catered to beginners it's probably worth just having a general basic understanding of blenders blenders interface in addition to just knowing how to orbit in the viewport just so you don't get lost along the way but nonetheless I will try my best to keep you in the loop so do not worry I'm sure you will have a good time all the same so let's start by getting rid of some of these things we're not going to use the light not going to use the camera we're going to get rid of the default timeline and we're going to hide the gizmos so now we've got this nice big and beautiful minimal viewport to work with so in order to start sculpting without default Cube here then we are going to need more geometry and we can create that nice and simply by going into our modifiers and add it in a subdivision surface modifier to start this off I am just going to use a subdivision level of 2 so that we can go ahead and apply that and as we go along we will increment this and add more subdivisions to have a nice smooth finish as we go along but I think this will do just to block out the general shape of the head so with that done let's go ahead and jump now into our sculpt mode now you may or may not be familiar with the sculpt tools already but what agenda what I genuinely recommend just in case is by dragging out this section once and twice you're going to have a nice little layout here with all the labels next to the individual tools so that way you can learn the general names and their function and to start this off we are just going to begin by stretching out the general shape our heads here to begin the general Shape Up and for that I'm going to be using the grab tool here and as we go along you want to make sure that you're comfortable here to enable x-axis mirroring that's just going to make sure that anything we do on one side is automatically going to occur in the other and you can see right now we've got a 3D cursor here and when we click and drag we are making changes to our measure right now the 3D cursor is far too small and we're making these little spikes on our mesh so if you're trying to create something like Darth Maul probably pretty good but in our case not so good so I'm going to undo that and what we're going to do we can either come into our radius suit and increase the size of our cursor or what you're probably going to want to get used to doing is pressing f as you go along and if we move our cursor left and right like this we could change the channel radius and right now I want it to be quite large to start blogging this out so something like that maybe and from there let's go ahead and in front view I'm going to start dragging down the front of the head and this is just going to be where the chin will be and I want the head top of the head to come up a little larger because I am going for a stylized character approach which is always nice because you're not really working with realistic proportions so nothing needs to be too exact with this and just remember we are working in 3D as you are going to need to jump into different views to start stretching out your character making sure he looks good from all angles and what I'm generally looking for here is a nice jawline that comes down and then it's going to come up to meet the back of the skull so I want to bring up the back of the head here to get this sort of shape going on just adjusting my cursor with f as I go along until I get the sort of shape I like and just like I said earlier make sure you are rotate in and check and there's some all different angles and now in top view maybe something like that I do want to bring the jaw out and make a little bit more defined but before we do that it's probably worth now adding in some extra geometry and like I said earlier we can go ahead and do that with another subdivision modifier in this case I think I'm going to go for three this part is Jones's preference depending on how much geometry you want but another three should be fine so we now have five in total and we're going to continue sculpting until we get a general shape that we like perhaps I'll bring the joke a bit more here make it a little bit more defined but I may or may not speed through this section A little bit but feel free to take your time with this till you achieve a general look that you like and don't be too fussy with this end of the day we're still learning and nothing is going to be perfect maybe something like that is looking pretty cute let me make the chin a little bit pointier uh maybe I'll smooth this out slightly oh and that's probably something I should explain so during your time sculpting in Blender at any point in time you can hold shift and click to begin smoothing over different sections using the smooth tool and that's just going to nicely smooth over different sections I'm just clicking around a little bit here just to smooth the chin line out a bit more or the jawline rather but I think for the purposes of this tutorial something like that should look pretty good and I'm also while I'm here actually I'm going to come into my drop down appear and I'm going to switch to a matte cap this is just preference once again but in here I like to use this red one because I think it looks pretty nice when you sculpting [Music] talking out some of the other features such as the neck and the ears and to do that let's firstly go ahead and jump back in to object mode here and I'm just going to go ahead and I want to bring my head up maybe to around there and we're just going to go ahead and do a little bit of box modeling to get the basic shapes that we're looking for here and I'm going to start with the neck so let's go ahead and do shift a and we can add in a nice new cue and I'm going to use a subdivision surface modifier to start smoothing this over perhaps give it a three subdivisions and I'm going to leave the subdivision modifier active at the moment then we can shrink this down with s and then I'm going to jump in the side view and let's bring our head forward a little bit with G way to lock that to the y-axis and all I'm looking to do is to have a nice neck that comes up like this so tab into edit mode on our Cube here three to select faces and then clicking on this top face inside view we're going to extrude this up so it's a nicely curved shape and what I like to do in these sort of circumstances is rather than just extruding with e and move in adjusting you can actually hold Ctrl and right click to keep extruded in different directions like this obviously that neck's a bit large and I think I'm going to scale this down slightly too actually and then back in edit mode let's hold Ctrl right click right click and then we can just adjust as we need something like that I think we'll do for now and we can make some fine adjustments and I'm going to toggle x-ray view here make sure I press one to select vertices and I'm just going to highlight these I want to adjust this to get a bit more of a curved neck shape and we can flatten out these sections with Ctrl R to add in some Loop Cuts drag them down something whoops undo that and bring that here something like that I'm just looking for a general curve shape to block this out back into object mode disable x-ray View okay that looks pretty good still a little bit too thick so I'm going to go into front view top back of the edit mode then select faces we can select this entire Loop here by holding alt and selecting an edge and with that I'm just going to scale this down a little bit to give it a little bit more of a skinny neck look to suit this stylized character Maybe something like that and you can keep readjusting this as much as you like you know I'm like I'm pretty fussy with these things so you know I can spend far too much time here but I think something like that should do the job perfect okay so now let's block out some ears too and we're gonna use pretty much the same method but let's go ahead and move our 3D cursor up to here first with shift s cursor to the selected object shift a uh the cube scale this down bring this out and then s and Y I think to make this a little thinner I'm not going for realistic years here I am keeping this nice and stylized so we're going to subdivide this again three subdivisions and then actually let's shade smooth everything too so I'm going to hide everything right click shade smooth and then let's go ahead and just scale up our ear to start and in my right side view I like to align mine generally up with the jaw section here from above I like to tilt them out to have it something like that for now and then let's go ahead and mirror this across to the other side by adding another modifier for our mirror and the object is going to be the head itself and so if I jump the front view to have a little look here perhaps bring these down slightly okay how is this looking I think that's looking pretty good as far as a general blockout goes he is gonna have a nice big ears because I like that look that's just me but as I said feel free to adjust this and make this your own at this point in time we're good now to start rematching these to make them one uniform object so we can start doing some sculpting so in order to do that we need these to be uh we need this to be an actual mesh right now it's technically just a preview because under the hood you can see that we still got the square look and in order to do that all we need to do is to apply this here and what I normally recommend as well at this point in time because we are about to rematch and do some heavier sculpting it's a good option to save up and I genuinely like to keep backups of my different stages too so perhaps we'll make a duplicate with this with shift d and then you can press M make a new collection I'm just going to call this back up and then you can also disable this in here to go ahead and make sure it's disabled to the extent that it's not affecting your performance in in any way and now let's go ahead and join up these objects to do some remission so initially to make these one single object click on the neck then shift click on the head and we can either press Ctrl J or right click and just click join right here and now there are one object but technically they are still separate because if I use l to select them you can see that they are still selectable as independent objects so what we need to do at this point is to jump back into sculpt mode and what we're going to do is utilize this remesh option up here now this is something you do need to be careful with because if you go too low with your number your your essence you're going to crash your computer or crash blender and so take your time I tend to start with 0.05 and the smaller this number goes the more vertices it's going to add to your mesh to give you a higher dense mesh is is generally the tube and we can also also disable the face set and that's going to remove this color here to signify Which object is which so let's go ahead rematch I'm going to start with 0.05 take away my face set and click rematch so just like that you can now see this is one uniform mesh although generally for me this isn't enough detail so I'm going to undo and then just slowly increment so perhaps we'll do 0.0 uh two now and see what sort of density we have there we go that looks pretty good to me I'm pretty happy with that and if you do care about exact numbers you can come into here and turn on statistics I'm actually going to turn off text info and you can see we're now working with 50 000 faces on our shape here but that's great now that's plenty to start sculpting with and we can start smoothing this over to make this look nice and connected so let's go ahead and do that now I'm going to hold shift and it just starts smoothing this over a little by a little just take your time with this and adjust your cursor where you need it to and I'm just going to make the transition between the neck and the head a little smoother just so we have this nice finish to the back of the head something like that and you can see you've also got these lines here you can also smooth smooth those over something like that and I think that's looking pretty good guys this is this is turning out quite well I've recorded this about three times well I like this one something good and if you're still with me right now congratulations you're doing really well looks to jump to side view so that's looking nice and smooth look at that head beautiful right so now we need to do a bit of sculpting on the ears I think so let's go ahead and jump back into object mode and of course we do have two ears right now because of the mirror modifier but when you sculpt in uh with like modifiers active it can affect the performance so generally let's come down to here and disable the mirror modifier just for the time being and I'm going to apply the subdivision so the mirror modify is still here we've just disabled it in the viewport for the time meeting and what I want to do now is go ahead and start sculpting a little bit more shape oh and if you ever see this pop up here and uniform scale or non-uniform scale come back into object mode if I press n on my object here to open up my n menu and in item you can see these are all the different data properties for this object and you generally want all of these scalable variables when you sculpt in to be one so you can just do that by by applying the scale with Ctrl a and then apply a scale and that's going to nicely reset those variables so that when we saw that when we move and adjust and transform this shape it's all nice and uniform okay so let's press n to close that up and now I'm going to jump back into sculpt mode I think all I'm going to do for this initially is I want a bit more of an indentation here and then perhaps I'll adjust the overall shape of the use slightly but for most of this I'm just going to be using the grab tool again so we can press G or select it over here and then I'm going to press F to increase the scale on this and let's focusing on this oh a quick tip guys a lot of people don't know about this but you can actually hold alt and the middle Mouse click on any section to jump to it I thought that's uh that's a very handy tip that I don't see a lot of people utilizing but at this point if I stop rambling we're just going to start pulling the ear in like this to give him a little bit of an indentation I'm using a mouse and keyboard here by the way normally I'd use a display tablet or a tablet in general but I just wanted this tutorial to be a little bit more accessible for everybody I just wanted everybody to see that you can achieve pretty good results even if you don't have all the tools right let me jump at the front view here and I'm just gonna make the shape a little less perfectly round a little bit more abnormal so it's not too perfect something like that and now I want to subdivide this a little bit more maybe maybe give another two whoops two and apply this and then I think using the draw tool up here now the draw tool if I shrink this down using F again it's just going to let us extrude different sections but with any sculpting tool in blender you can actually hold Ctrl and then that's going to invert that Extrusion so instead of drawing right now it's going to draw inwards so you can see we're making little indentations here and I'm gonna draw a little bit of I don't know what it's called you know last section of the ear here and then I'm just going to smooth it over I don't know where it's called but I just want to give a little bit of an impression like there's something there for that but I think for the purposes of this tutorial that's a pretty cute looking here what do you think right I'm pretty happy with that so now we're gonna go ahead and do the same thing as we did before we're looking to convert this to a mesh and then remesh it along with the head so we can nicely join everything up so back into object mode let's re-enable the mirror modifier so now we nicely have two ears looking very cool and then we can apply and then with the ears selected shift click on the head control J and then we're going to go back into sculpt mode and then using the remesh tool perhaps I'll increase this to actually know what let's try 0.02 again and see how it looks okay that's not too bad it's starting to get a little bit more jaggedy around the edges here so I think I'm going to undo and try a 0.01 for this yeah that looks pretty nice and smooth and then just like we did before make sure you have your x-axis mirroring on so it affects both sides I'm just going to come in and start smoothing this over look at that beautiful transition there I love it smooth it over smooth it overcast and over you're gonna have to put up missing in for a little bit now while we do this all right I think just looking good and don't forget you can adjust the size of your curses you go along to get nicely into those little crevices something like that and you can see he does have this overall um they you know when you remesh and sometimes you can't get this these lines appearing but you know go ahead and start smoothing them all over again but I think this is looking pretty nice turned out pretty good how we feel it I hope you all having a good time oh do you know these ears are cute [Music] so once again a lot of this is going to be subjective and down to the style that you're looking to achieve but in my case I'm just gonna go ahead and using the draw tool again I'm going to shrink down my crystal a little bit making sure that my x-axis mirroring is on I'm in front of you let's go ahead and just start drawing in some eye sockets so you can hold Ctrl and then if I just start clicking and just making a little rotation with my cursor here and then releasing and going again to go even deeper and you can make this as deep as you need to fit your eyeballs you might have big eyes you might have little eyes but something like that I think no a little bit more a little bit deeper something like that I think we'll do for the moment and then using our grab tool again with g we can shape up the eyes a little bit and I don't know why but I like my guys with a little bit of attitude so I tend to drop the eyes down a little bit because I think there is something cool and interesting about a character that's got a bit of attitude in his eyes it's just a general style I've been going with for a while now cool I think something like that will do and as we go along it's probably worth adding in some eyeballs now because it just makes it a little easier to visualize what's going on so back into object mode and we're going to move our 3D cursor here to the eye socket so we can hold shift and right click right here and then shift a and we're going to use a UV sphere in this case I'm going to use S to scale this down and I want to rotate this 90 degrees on the x-axis so R to rotate X to lock that to the x-axis then just type it nine zero and now you can see the circular part of of the UV sphere is facing forward and that way it just looks a bit more like enable and when you come to our shaders later you can sort of use this as an indication of where the pupil is and such but that looks pretty good to me and we're going to want to bring this forward and then just make sure everything aligns up nicely something like that and just like with it years earlier in a modifiers we can add in a mirror modifier boom and then we have two eyeballs looking pretty cool with some altitude so now I want to add a nose so what I'm going to do is I want to make sure the nose is perfectly centered and we can do that by using this center point on the head again so shift s cursor to selected so let's do shift a then and I'm just going to do our nose with a nice Cube scaling this down then gy to bring this out and what I'm going to do here is just move this into place so let's start subdividing out the nose here and then I'm going to type in the edit mode edit mode and using Ctrl R let's add in a little bit of shape to this whoops Ctrl R again and I'm just going to line my nose up slightly like this maybe get a little bit wider and as I said guys this is just generally my style of character feel free to do whatever you like but then we can right click a shade smooth on this and at this point in time I think that looks pretty cool let's go ahead and right click and convert this to a mesh and I'm going to go ahead and combine this with the head and then we're going to do the same old as we did before we're going to remesh this to make it one uniform object so with this selected shift click on the head control J in to scout mode and we're going to remesh using the 0.01 again boom nicely one uniform shape and we can go ahead and smooth this over and take your time around the edges here because I do want to keep a bit of a nicely defined edge with it when it comes to the nose I think something like that looks pretty cool and then let's use the grab tool to shape this up just a little bit more something like that I think that's looking pretty cool I think I'm gonna give him a little bit more of a pudgy cheek here looking pretty snazzy if I do say so myself but right now he can't breathe he needs some nostrils or at least if that's the style you want to go for I'm gonna do this with the draw tool again and then jump in into my bottom view here let's go ahead and hold Ctrl and do some nice circles for nostrils I can breathe something like that that's looking pretty nice and you can go ahead and smooth this over one I think the smooth tool might be a little bit strong here I mean uh that should be okay but at any point if you want to reduce the strength or increase the strength even of your tools you can adjust it up here so it's right here the smooth brush so I can turn the strength of this down just to smooth it a little more gently and not forgetting to check this from different angles too so I'm just going to jump into my side view and I want to make sure this nose looks nice and smooth depending on how you want yours to look now all that's left to do I think with this is to go ahead and sculpt a little mouth and in this case I don't do a lot of detail on my stylized mounts I just do generally just do like a little line so for that I am actually going to turn off my x-axis mirroring and we'll see how well I do this because you know they don't always turn out the same but I'm going to start by using the draw shop tool which is pretty much the same as the draw tool except it's going to draw inwards by default and it's going to be a little sharper too so what I tend to do with this is to do a line and you can also if you want to make sure this line is nice and smooth you can actually go into your stroke options up here and enable a stable a stroke and that's going to give you this nice smooth stroll effect so let's go ahead and shrink down the size of a cursor and it might actually be worth increasing the size not the size the strength of our brush just a little bit 0.75 there I'm just going to give him a little smile oh nice and cheeky that looks pretty good and now I just want to make this a little bit thinner and for that perhaps we'll use the pinch tool increasing this a little bit you can go along your mouth crease here to really get a nice defined lip sort of thing I don't know where you'd call call this on a stylus character because they don't really have lips do they I'm just smoothing this over a little bit here how's that that looks pretty cool right pretty nifty okay I like it and I think that's gonna just about do for today's video I hope you enjoyed and in the next episode of this we're going to be looking at doing stylist here and giving our guy a little bit more expression with some eyebrows and such so if you're interested in that don't forget to hit that subscribe button and hit the notification Bell to be notified when that comes out other than that the source house for this as always will be over on my patreon but I hope you very much enjoyed my name has been Keelan I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and I'll catch you in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Keelan Jon
Views: 316,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender3D, Blendertutorial, Design, Development, 3dArtist, 3dart
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 18sec (1638 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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