How to make a Character in Blender - My Full Process in 10 Minutes

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foreign today we take another look at character modeling in blender I'm going to show you my whole up-to-date process from starting with the basic sketch all the way through to my final 3D model but as always my name is Keelan and welcome to my video on how to create amazing 3D characters in blender [Music] before we get started we need a concept and you can either try to create a piece from an artist you like or why not try sketching something yourself in this case I'm going to be sketching my own concept but it's currently 8 am here in the UK so before we get started let's go ahead and make some coffee okay we're back so my preferred source of inspiration is Pinterest and I generally browse for around 20 minutes or so selecting between 5 and 6 pieces that I like for a mood board perfect I love these and if you're one of the artists Behind these pieces thank you you are amazing but now it's time to go ahead and grab your tools to start sketching now sometimes I use a pencil and paper for this but today we're going to be jumping into procreate on my iPad now I like procreate because we can take advantage of some of the awesome digital tools that we have access to because I'm not actually the best at 2D illustrations so I need all the help I can get another tip you can use the Symmetry tool here in procreate make your own symmetrical features a lot easier now hit that music and let's do this [Music] okay I think that'll do for my sketch and I kept this pretty basic for now as I'll be adding a lot more detail during the 3D sculpt but now it's time to bring this little guy to life and to do that we're going to need to transition over to my computer to begin creating the 3D model and my software of choice is the one and only blender [Music] now if you've never heard of blender before it's an amazingly powerful 3D modeling software that lets you create 3D models CGI and animations and in my case I'm just going to be using it to create my 3D character which brings us nicely into the next step in my modeling process this step just involves using very basic shapes in blender to block out the general shape of my character think of this as just grabbing little bits of clay to help Define the initial base of your model and as you can see I've also loaded my sketch into the background to help me with my proportions during this process I generally start with the head and slowly work my way down the character using some of the basic sculpting brushes in blender to help grab and shape my objects as I go along [Music] thank you [Music] personally I've always leaned quite heavily into stylized characters so generally features such as the hand the hands of the feet are quite a bit larger than realistic proportions but reference is always key for these sort of things so I often look up some additional references as I go along here to help with the anatomy of my characters foreign [Music] alright I'm happy with this rough blockout and with that step 2 is complete for this next step we're going to start sculpting the details so I like to plug in a tablet for that extra bit of control and just in case anyone asks I'm currently using a canvas Pro 16 from q1 now when it comes to sculpting my characters I like to start with the head and the process of sculpting and blender generally goes like this you start with a lower poly object as you define the basic shapes and then slowly add more topology to your mesh for the finer details I like to do this in sculpt mode using blender's remesh tool and I'll slowly keep increasing the amount of detail I have until I've got enough for the lips the eyes and the nose and all these extra little details and the rematch option is also going to merge these nicely into one object for me alright this is looking pretty cool and I've also added some UV spheres here to help with the placement of my eyes too and yes this guy is looking quite grumpy but I love my characters with a little bit of attitude now let's carry on and refine the body too using the same method [Music] hello [Music] and now it's time to add some here but obviously here you can come in all different shapes and sizes when it comes to 3D modeling but right now I'm leaning more towards a nice rounded plastic look and to do this I generally start by sculpting out the base of the hair and then I add in some additional rounded cubes to block out the general style that I'm looking for before I then go ahead and remesh and smooth this over for a nice finish oof now it's looking pretty good to me now I've been here for quite some time so I'm going to take a break for today and head to the cinema [Music] okay I'm back and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was pretty good but it's day two and today is the day we finish this first up clothing for this I use a couple of methods but it all depends on what you need at the time but generally it boils down to two main approaches firstly in The Mask extract simply paint the mask on the area you want to reuse hit mask extract in the menu and boom you've got a new mesh you can sculpt and reuse the other method is just good old-fashioned box modeling add the basic shapes that you need and then sculpt them into shape oh yeah this is looking good but I do need to optimize this guy just a little bit we all know the manual read apology is absolute so insert my secret weapon the quad remaster add-on simply enter the amount of polygons you want hit the button and wow literally the best purchase of my life pair this with a multi-resolution modifier and now you've got a lower poly mesh for rigging and a higher polymesh for the render [Music] I already apologize the main body too using the add-on so I'm just going to go ahead and duplicate part of the mesh here for the trousers foreign for anything less organic such as the shoes I tend to model these sort of things with regular box modeling in this case I start from the bottom worked my way up until I have my lovely big clown shoes and there we have our finished clothing I thought he looked a bit plain so I also gave him some gloves some socks and a cool jacket too I was thinking Back to the Future Vibes but before we go ahead and jump into the last section and a quick word from today's sponsor and that is yours truly me so here's a quick word from Keelan from the future while I go Water Mine succulents hey this is Keelan from the future and I just wanted to pop in and quickly tell you about my blender for beginners course now this course I have packed with everything I have learned over my years of learning blender and in this course I will cover everything from installing blender for the first time all the way through to modeling sculpting lighting rigging red rendering and so much more you'll have access to this course for life including the many additional modules I have planned for release in the future too so if you're perhaps interested in starting your blender Journey with me check out the link in the description below and thank you for listening today alright guys we're so close to the end now stick with me next up it's time to add some color to this character using blender's default Shader hello [Music] where it gets a little bit different is the eyes in this case I use one material for the white of the eyes and I apply a separate material to the intersection then I use a basic note setup combining a gradient node with a color ramp to achieve my desired look [Music] to go the extra mile I also like to add an additional sphere around the eye with a very transmissive material and if you play around with the inverse of refraction 2 it creates a nice lens type effect to finish I just like to add a little bit of rosiness to my character's face and in this case I just plugged a color attribute node into my default Shader so I could vertex paint some color directly onto my sculpt [Music] and I also add just a little bit of subsurface scattering for the cherry on top and all that's left to do now is for me to give this guy a quick rig for posing and then to add some lights for some cinematic renders but thank you so much for watching today my friends and don't forget to let me know what you think in the comments below let's do this [Music] yo what what's going on with this face dude what's what is that wow dude your head come out of the screen
Channel: Keelan Jon
Views: 378,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender3D, Blendertutorial, Design, Development, 3dArtist, 3dart
Id: TumrA0XsX0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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