Easy way to model in Blender | Tissue Modifier

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let's learn how to create this really cool wicker or a tan Basket in blender really fast without struggling of modeling all these um how you say it in English I don't know these lines not lines but these patterns if you know the word for for this let me know down there in the comments I have no clue how this is called in English but I will show a really cool trick how you can make a small pattern and just apply to any object in blender and have some really really cool result really fast so let's do it okay let's jump straight into blender and here I will just select both camera and light and I will delete it because I don't need those two but I will actually use default Cube and create a simple basket shade out of this so basically I will go press Tab and if you don't have this menu this is because I'm using a free plugin that is called machine tool it's a really cool one I'm talking about this plugin in my very first or very second episode on this channel so check it out and yeah it's free it's just a simple way to go straight from object to face Vertex or Edge instead of just pressing Tab and then go here or pressing one two or three on a keyboard it's just the personal preference and also here you can see what I'm pressing on my mouse and keyboard all right now I'm in a face view I will select the top face X and delete face that's first thing that I want to do right then I will just press controlr go right here add a loop cut right click to confirm it and then s to scale it like that then we will add here in a modifier sub subdivision surface okay and go with amount of three level viewports so something like this is cool and also we can play a little bit maybe with this and then go back and I want s shift Z and I will scale it on everything except that so maybe scale it a little bit down like this and this is the basic shape of my basket that I want to have all right perfect now that we made a basic shape of the basket we don't need to model these again I don't know the name of it we just need to create a simple pattern that will will apply with almost one click on all the basket or any object in blender so how to do it okay I will go to the top view by pressing seven on the keyboard G and move it move this a little bit here then okay let's go right there and press shift a and then add a plane scale it down I will go with s and Y and scale it something like this and now I will go to face edit mode press contrl R and add two Loop cuts by scrolling with mouse you can add as many Lookouts as you want I will add two okay and press s and x and I will move it towards the address something like this okay and then I will go with this one gz and move it down with this one gz and move it up press one to go to the front uh View and it looks almost same like I nail it almost 100% it's pretty cool also what I want to do is to select both of them press contrl B at bevel and with scroller of the mouse add more of these um cut Loop Cuts or something like this to have more like a wavy shape and this is cool okay now we need to add a thickness to this we can either screw it or we can add solidify modifier so let's go here add solidify and add the thickness desired thickness that you want so maybe something like this maybe smaller personal preferences when you're happy with the result just go here and say apply all right this is the first wave so let's go to the second wave shift d duplicate move it on y- axis something like this and then we want to rotate this r z and 180 just Ty type 180 on the keyboard and that's it we have these two we want two more so select both of these and shift d duplicate and just move it up and use approximately the same distance and that's it so so you can see that this is almost rectangular type of shape we want for this pattern I want more squarish type so I will go with s scale it no no select everything s scale it on x- axis and something approximately like that perfect so we have this and I want to add two more throws or whatever is the name of these these things here and uh that goes through this call so again seven to go to the the top view shift a and go to the plane add a new plane move it somewhere here and basically I want to SX scale it down on xaxis s y scale it a little bit up and so now we need to properly scale this so how much well it's really simple I will show you basically you can see now on both sides there is small portion that is hanging over these vertical elements so we want the uh when you add this and this portion to be equal as this Gap right here so I will show you really quickly what is that but I will now go with s and Y and approximately do something like this maybe it's too much but I will see if we select everything because this is a pattern and we want to create a seamless pattern when we make a copy of this and put it right there see we want this Gap and this Gap to be the same so these are these two are touching so I think this is pretty fine so let's let's uh undo this okay and I want to add a depth thickness to this so go to the face and this time I will press e and extrude it a little bit like that okay then go to front view by pressing one on the keyboard right there and I think this is cool okay I can make this wider so s and x and made it like that let's see SX like that I think this is okay now shift d to duplicate it and move it right there and I think we have really good pattern right there so I will select all of these and uh basically let me show you one more trick we want this middle gap between these two to be the same like we add these two gaps so I think it's not the same so we need to move this one a little bit inside and this one a little bit inside and I think now it's almost there let's see if I duplicate this and put it here uh not yet so we need to move this one a little bit more inside and this one this is just eyeballing there is probably a proper way to do it but for this demonstration this is cool now I will select all of this press control J or command J on a Mac not this but J where is the J it's right there okay and then I'm just merging them into one mesh perfect now now that we did this now we need just to go to edit preferences and enable a blender default plugin that is not enable by default it's tissue tissue okay I have it enabled you will have this kind of situation just enable it go right here save preferences close this and press n on the keyboard to load the side menu side panel find tissue it's right there and the fun begins so select the pattern select with a shift your object object that you want to apply this pattern on and now just press tesselate and you can leave everything as default just make sure that you select quads we can uh get back to these options later and press okay and you will have something like this if I press G and move this out you will see what I have let's let's also move this out so we have the original one we have the new one but the new one is a little bit strange so basically we have these lines these lines that I wanted to go like vertical they're horizontal so we need to rotate them there are few ways how you can do it one way is to select the pattern r z and go with 90° perfect and then contrl a and just apply rotation and then just go select the basket and refresh that's it now it's much better so this is it but we have these gaps okay how to fix that issue really simple let's go here to data and find tissue tesselate and here we have all the options you can also rotate it here and do other things and about rot uh under the rotation you can bring it back to 90° or like that that's the second way how you can do it but before we do that uh I want to go with a scale I want to put the four amount of the scale is four it's just random you can see if I go less it's really thin so I want if you go more it will be more vant like that but for me I think four is really cool um sweet spot and also we need to close the gap so we need to go with the merge option here merge and we want uncheck open edges only and also we want to go here with maybe maybe like that let's see maybe even less 0.05 almost there 0.08 okay this looks decent we merge everything yeah and what happens here 0.07 it's better 0 point H let's let's find a sweet spot 0.06 also what we can do yeah this this maybe 0.05 let's see if if this works no 0.06 okay this is cool another thing is that if you don't like the pattern you can change it you can just make another one I have one here and we can delete this for example and just go with this and this and say I want to tesselate it one more time G and move it here you can really easily switch the patterns uh this time let me show you really quickly right here I will go again scale four and uh we can shade uh smooth shading and uh let's see about the merge option 0 0 0 1 yeah this is cool this is also cool it goes like that if I want to rotate it let's see rotation one yeah but I don't want like that I I want it like this so this is also cool so any pattern that you can pattern that you can create these one are similar uh this is a little bit more densed this is not like they're similar so I just want to show you how you can re easily really easily switch the pattern also what is really cool these two are connected so if you want uh to change the shape of the basket you just need to go to this one to edit and whatever you want to edit for example you want to make this narrow and go back and just go to this one set click refresh and you will have this or you don't want this maybe maybe you want this wider maybe you want this wider I don't know let's go back here set refresh and this is it okay and now we can go and use uh this environment this world and add environment environment color environment texture and I can add any of HDR that I have right here so let's go to HDR I will go with Studio this one small studio and uh go to film and make it transparent and now if we go to view to render View and set from Eevee to cycles and from CPU to GPU we can add a material to this one new material set the color maybe some kind of this color maybe less satation I don't know and this is really cool we have really simple basket you can also change the pattern uh and make it more less dense more view through this and have this kind of effect and also you can do plenty of things you can add any kind of shape and just with this state and pattern you create it doesn't need to be this kind of pattern it can create any kind of pattern you can create really really amazing complex things using this this distillation option is basically like instances instead of using instances you can make one and like populate the object with these kind of instances but this tutorial is about making the basket and let me show you a bonus part how to create a lid of this basket if you want it's really simple and easy I will go to the original one let's go back right here go to the original one go to the edge edit select the top Edge shift d to duplicate it okay then Escape P separate by selection go back to the object and go to this this one that we made and now I want to go to the modifiers and apply this one okay then I want to go W to go to this or right click depends what you're doing what you're using right Mouse button for right click or W for right click depends uh just convert it to curve perfect I will hide this press press h and hide it we have this as a curve we have curve settings here and I want to go and uh create let's go shift s and set cursor to select it okay it's right there and I will create mesh Circle okay I will go oh yeah yeah this is the circle I will go with a smaller one right there and what I like to do right here is maybe even smaller even smaller G and move it on y AIS until I'm out of this cursor somewhere here okay then press dot on the keyboard and instead of median go to 3D cursor or you can go right here instead of uh median go to 3D cursor that means that I will now rotate this um on 3D cursor not on the center point okay and then press shift d to duplicate then press right away r z and say 90 on keyboard press enter then just press shift r two more times if you're do it in this order you can really easily just repeat this with shift R otherwise you need to do every single time from the beginning okay now that we did this I will select all of these four circles control J merge it into one object and then go to the modifiers and add screw modifier like this woo where it is it's right there okay now just go with the screw option and see you don't want this middle part to be like that and why is this happening let me just hide this it's because that's perfect that happens because we can learn something new because this is the origin point and we want origin point to be in the middle of the object so w or right click and go set origin to geometry and now it's right here now we can add screw modifier and now if you go up woohoo this is it we made really cool part like a row part or something like that perfect then we want to add array modifier array modifier here we want to uncheck this and go with a constant offset go right here set zero on X and go with the Zed until you're almost there we can go a little bit up and then set merge and we can merge it by going Z down until it's merged you will see that happens like that like it's merged okay now we have this we will add also curve modifier and go right there select our curve perfect and uh also what we want to do is to go and change from X to zed and goes around the we can go with I know few of these oops too many so something like this we can also if you make this smaller let's go increase this okay we can just go like that G and O apply everything so we can go right here and say oops contrl a contrl a contrl a a apply everything G move it right here perfect we have this kind of uh lid that I like and also we can use this one right click and convert to mesh back to mesh then we can go to the face edit view select everything press space and uh just type fill and you will see this grid fill option we want this and now we want to populate this with uh the same the same pattern so just select the pattern and shift select the object testate and let me show a really cool trick we can select merge and smooth shading and you can see right here that this is um it has some kind of density but we want to have more to be even dense so the density depends of the subdivision of the object that you are doing so I will press control 2 to add more subdivisions so let's let's go here control 2 we have have more subdivisions and now I will do the same oh I don't want this I want only this control 2 so select this object this object tesselate set the scale for for four and can we set a four four yeah we can okay and here we have it we can move it right there now now it's maybe too Danse see all it's too Danse so we don't want two we want one perfect and uh just desolate again and now if you move it yes this is something that I like and yeah here we have it we can go back to our render view select this shift this shift the bag and then contrl L and Link materials and perfect we have really cool basket with the lid and everything we can can move this together if you if you want I would go back to median and uh maybe rotate it like like this and just open it like it's a semiopen something like let's let's see this and this and move it here and yeah it's totally not logical but why not it's cool so you can do whatever you want you can also make another smaller ring like this uh over the top of this and uh do whatever you want I will just go and um have only this in my render View and uh with really simple cool T desolation trick and with that tissue plug-in that is blender default you can create this or plenty other different uh type of patterns that you can apply over any any kind of object in blender that you want now have an experiment and try this on your own also check my video about UV unwrapping if you have issue with UVS this is really important in any 3D software see you there
Channel: 3Dnot2D
Views: 21,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, 3Dnot2D, 3D not 2D, Blender tutorial, Blender for beginners, Wicker basket in blender, How to model wicker basket in blender, Rattan basket in blender, Rattan basket, Tissue plugin, Tessallate, Tessallation, Blender tutorials for beginners, How to, Blender tricks, Easy blender tutorials, blender tricks and tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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