In this video we'll be sculpting a human
head from scratch. We'll start with a UV sphere and then
turning it step by step into a human head, going over all the steps that you
need to know to create a human head. We'll start off simple by first creating
the rough shape of a head from a UV sphere. We'll then start adding bit by bit all of
the facial elements to this sphere. We'll spend quite a bit of time at this
low resolution putting all the facial elements before then increasing the
resolution and adding some more definition to these shapes. Once we've done that we'll start dialing in all of these facial features to work together. Once we're done with the face we'll focus on the ears as well as the neck. And once we've done all that you'll have all the foundation to create interesting
heads and faces. Now I'm going to go over the assumption
that you know your way around the sculpting tools in Blender but if you
don't go check out Zach's course on 3D sculpting in Blender. It's a comprehensive course that will teach you all the basics as well as some
advanced techniques on how to sculpt in Blender. So now with that out of the way let's
jump into Blender. Hey hey so here we are in Blender. So to start off let's select all of our objects over here and let's delete these. We won't be needing these and let's add in a UV sphere. We'll be using this to sculpt our head. So now with our UV sphere added let's go
to the sculpting tab over here on the top. This will set the layout for Blender more
oriented towards sculpting and in fact we're already in sculpting mode as you
can see over here. Now in the 3D viewport I'm going to
adjust the tool panel. I'm just going to drag it out just a bit
just so we have two icons. Not so far that all the names pop up just
far enough that we have these two rows of icons. This will help you see which tools I'm
using when we start sculpting our head. Now in this video we're going to
primarily focus on the base shapes for the head. So we're going to work in symmetry. So for this let's enable X symmetry. So up here let's enable X symmetry. And now with this if we make any changes
to our model over here . So with our grab brush you can make any changes like so. The same will happen on the other side along the X axis. Now before we start sculpting anything it's important to have references. So I'm going to drag in my reference window. So for this I'm using PureRef. This is a very handy program. This allows me to have all my references
up here on top of Blender or whatever software I'm using. So I can easily modify anything within the software and then have all of my
references over here on top. So this makes it very easy to use
reference material when sculpting in Blender. Now we don't just have this window over here. We can move it whenever we want by holding right click. So if it's obstructing something we can easily move it out of the way. And then when we're done we can move it back just like so. Now to manipulate things within PureRef we can simply use the scroll wheel to
zoom in. Hold the middle mouse button to move around. And we can just use click and drag to modify what's inside. So having PureRef is really handy especially if you only have one screen. So you can have your references right there. But even if you have multiple screens I
still recommend using PureRef right on top of Blender. So you have this reference right next to where you're working. It really helps having something that close by hand. That said I have a second window open on my second screen where I have a lot of
references as well. So having as much reference as possible
is always good. Since no artist can work well just based
on muscle memory. Having something to use as a reference. Something to work off. Something to guide your decisions is
always better. So get as many references as you can. So now with that let's get started sculpting the head. So what we're going to do to start off is just to create the base rough shape for
the head. So we're just trying to get this upside
down egg shape as it were. Just from the front view over here. Pushing this in using our grab brush. Just adjusting this shape. Now from the side view what we're going to do. We're going to try to get the shape that we can see over here. So I'm just going to drag this in over here. Let's push this up as well. So we have this chin area over here. And the back of the skull over here. Just adjusting the shape like so. Again using the grab brush just to get
that rough shape. Now next up we want to create the neck. So for this we can use the mask tool. Let's mask out this area over here at the bottom. Let's invert our mask. Now just drag this down to create the neck. Now the geometry is warping a lot since we're working at low resolution. But this is fine. We just want to create the rough shape
for the neck. So let's just adjust this with our grab brush. Just so we get a rough approximation of what our neck will look like. We can now undo our mask. We can now adjust the shape of the head. Again let's look at our reference over here. Just adjust the shape of the head over here. To fit towards this new neck that we just added. So let's just adjust some of this
geometry over here. Just using the grab brush just to adjust
the silhouette of our head over here. Now once we're happy with the rough shape
of our head. We can use the voxel remesher to remesh
our mesh. To add a bit more geometry to work with. So let's press R. Let's set the resolution to something
like 0 .05. Let's now press CTRL R to apply the voxel remesh. So just like that we added all of this new geometry to our mesh. Let's now hold SHIFT just to smooth out all of this geometry. Just so we have a nice clean base to work from. So now with that all smoothed out we have
a nice base over here. Let's just use this grab brush just to
bring out this neck over here. Just a bit more. Let's now start bringing out some of these facial features. So some of these landmarks. So for this let's get our crease brush. And let's reduce the pinch value. As I don't want to pinch any of the
geometry together just yet. And let's start bringing out some of
these features. So let's increase the strength. And let's start bringing out some of these shapes. Over here let's bring out this jaw shape. So hold CTRL just to bring out this jaw
line over here. Now just trying to bring out landmarks. So we don't want to be too focused on getting these shapes right just now. We just want to get these landmarks. So let's for example bring in these eye sockets. So let's push this in over here. Let's just play fast and loose with these shapes. We just want to start getting a feel for some of these landmarks. These base shapes. So let's start bringing out this nose as well. Again just very simple. And here the mouth. So just push this area in just for the mouth. Let's push out where the actual mouth
would be like so. Now use the grab brush just to adjust the
profile, the silhouette of these shapes. Again we're just trying to very slowly
but surely bring out some of these very simple base shapes. Again let's make sure we're using our reference while we make these adjustments. So let's for example push in this ridge that we can see over here from the skull. So let's use our crease brush once again. Let's just push in this area over here. Let's bring out the brow as well. Let's also separate the forehead a bit
like so. I think also going to bring out the
cheekbone over here. And again let's drag out the shape of the jaw. So we're just you know playing fast and loose with the shapes. Just trying to bring out all of these landmarks. So over here at the side I think I'm
going to bring out the ear over here. Just behind the jaw
. So let's drag out this shape over here. Let's now get our grab brush just to adjust the shape over here. So I'm going to bring this lower part down just a bit more. And then push back the ends of our ear. Now that we're here we can also adjust
the silhouette of the forehead over here. As well as the mouth area. Now to guide us we can use this reference material of this skull over here to guide
these shapes. So if we line up the camera to our
reference we can already tell that our mouth is way too far forwards. So let's use our grab brush just to push this back a little. Next thing I notice is that we have this clear separation between the nose bridge
and the brow so let's adjust this as well We can also see we have this clear
protrusion of the chin so let's drag this chin out a bit. Let's use our grab brush just to pull this out just a bit more
And we can also tell the shape of the jaw needs to be adjusted as well. So let's use our grab brush just to adjust the shape of the jaw. Now we don't want to just focus on the facial features We also want to make sure
that the shape of the head is correct. So let's make sure that the like of the
head over here Follows the same shape that we can see in our reference material
So in this stage, you're basically just adjusting all of these areas to follow
more or less the shape that we can see in our reference
So we're just focusing on these big shapes. We're ignoring any of these smaller
details We're just trying to get all of these bigger shapes in place So once
we're happy with the structural changes based on the skull we can move on to
different references just to keep building on To these shapes for example
over here. We can tell that we can make our chin a
whole lot wider We can see this rounder shape. So let's just adjust this with our grab
brush We also see that the location of the ears need to be shifted down a bit. So let's get our ears and just direct these Down just a tad. I'm gonna just make some minor tweaks over here. For example, the tip of the nose We can push this down a bit. So just some of the cheeks again Just looking at the reference and then just
making these small changes Now when it comes to making these head sculpts for
me, I like to bring out a bit more of the base of the neck
So I like to bring out the trapezius from the back over here of the neck Now when
it comes to the front, I like to bring it all the way down to where I would imagine
the clavicle being So we're keeping these shapes are very simple. Just like we did with the rest of the head now I think we need to move the base
of the neck down a bit. So for this let's use the box select tool
Let's select this lower area over here Let's press M to get our mask tool and
it's smooth out the transition of this mask Now press ctrl I to invert this mask
and let's use the move tool just to move this base of the neck down a bit
So just like that we have the base of the neck lowered Let's not use the grab brush
just to adjust these shapes just a bit more again Let's use our reference as a
guide when it comes to these shapes So I just adjust all of these base shapes just
like we did with the head just to push them roughly into position
So now that we have these rough shapes in place Let's start dialing them in to
create some of these more defining shapes For example, let's get started with the nose
If we look at our reference we can see we have this particular shape when it comes
to the nose So let's not get our grab brush and I start adjusting the shape of
our nose to fit this shape So we're gonna drag these sides inwards
just a bit like so let's continue all the way down to the bottom Let's just push up
the nose. Just create these nostril shapes now here
from below I want to make sure is to separate out the nose from the cheeks If
we look at our reference over here, we can see that the nose goes quite a bit
into the face So let's just adjust this over here as well. Just push the nose further into the head Now focus on this side of the head now,
so I just adjust the shape again Let's focus on the profile that we can see in
our reference next up. We can see this nasal labial area over
here This is basically this group of fatty tissue that goes from the bridge of
the nose all the way to the side of the mouth We can see how these shapes blend together
If we look at the muscles below we can see we have this indentation over here
near the nose And we can see further towards the cheek. We have those cheekbones pushing this shape out again So let's use the grab
brush just to push this back into the face But let's maintain this cheekbone
area over here on the top Let's now use the crease brush just to push in this
area just a little bit more just to create that indentation We spoke of earlier. So just like that. We're starting to separate out the nose
from the cheek and the eyes Now speaking about eyes, let's focus on this area over
here so let's add a bit more of a volume where the eyes would be so we just have a
bit of reference of this tissue which Goes around the eye. So let's have a look at our reference Once
again, we can see we have this tissue around the eyeball and then we have this
brow going into the side of the face So we just use our crease brush just to
create these shapes as well. I just pushed this in over here Let's
also bring out the cheekbone a bit more now go on to the front view Let's use our
grab brush just to make this head just a bit thinner Let's use the grab brush just
to adjust the shape of the brow I just grabbed this and it's pushes down and
just ever so slightly Now move our reference to the front of the face Just
adjust the brow again pushing it down to create that shape and blend it into the
nose and then down Towards the tip of the nose now when it comes to the cheeks and
brow I like to use this reference material that's at this 45 degree angle
here We can see the profile and the volume of these shapes. So let's just adjust the cheeks a bit. Let's push these out Let's also push out
a bit the brow over here So I just drag that out to create that shape now the
handy piece of reference are these planar references These basically simplify all
of these shapes in their most simplest form so this really helps us find these
base shapes So we look at our reference over here and
we compare it to our sculpt We can see we already have these nice cheeks, but we
need to improve upon this chin area over here We lack that contrast. Let's push this in over here with the grab brush doing the same for the nose So
this nasal labial area, let's make sure we push this in a bit more again
Although we're working at a very lower solution We really want to try to dial in
these big shapes just so we have all of these landmarks in place I just tweak
these ever so slightly and again, this is all based on this reference that we have
Right, so now that we have all of these bigger shapes in place. We can focus on some of these smaller details now
We're not gonna go into high resolution just yet We're still gonna focus on this
low resolution model to get these shapes in place
So I'm gonna focus on these muscle shapes over here we want to you know, introduce
these shapes I want to avoid going too much into detail So that's what we're
gonna stay at this lower solution now to line up a bit our camera with this
reference I'm gonna increase the focal length. So I'm gonna set this to I think 95
Millimeters just so it's a bit easier to line up with this reference that we have
over here So also reduce a bit the distortion we
get from our perspective. So if I go back to 45 Millimeters you can
see we can love this distortion going on which can kind of confuse us. So let's set it back to 95 Let's start adding in some of these muscle shapes. So the focus over here on the cheekbone area over here So I got the crease brush. I'm gonna reduce the strength a bit more I'm gonna bring out this cheek shape that
we can see in our reference over here. So I just drag Out this shape for a cheek
We also have this deposit of muscles and fatty tissue around the corner of the
mouth Let's use the crease brush this time to push out just around The mouth
then use the smooth brush just to blend this back into the face You can start
blending this crease over here as well. So let's hold shift just to blend this in
over here I think the smooth brush is a bit too strong So I'm gonna reduce the
strength of the smooth brush So now when we try to blend these shapes
the smooth brush won't be so intense So before we continue adding some of
these facial muscles and these facial features I want to focus on the overall
shape of the head for a second now that we've increased the focal length We can
tell that we still have a lot of this egg shape So we need to adjust some of these areas
over here and push these nicely in to create the correct shape for the head So
let's use our grab brush. Let's start pushing in these areas Along
the silhouette for example these ears. Let's push them a bit further into the
head So from the back over here to grab the back of the ears just push those in
so just the Shape the head over here. We can use The planar reference that we
have over here from different angles to help us guide the shape of the head So
you can see we can push this area in over here Those ears in somewhat more Okay,
just the shape of the head itself Okay, we're looking mainly at the silhouette of
our reference. This will help us guide These shapes same
goes over here for the top of the head Let's line up the head to our reference. Let's just adjust the overall shape of the head over here
So I think it's good to overall Review your work as you're going over the model
For example, if we go to the forehead over here We can see although we have
this indentation at the front where we have the forehead It doesn't blend in
nicely to the back. So if I draw this out over here So
instead of straight and then we go BAM into the side So instead what we want is
the forehead to gradually transition into the back of the skull So for this we can
just use our grab brush just to push in these sides over here
So we get this nice softer transition into the back of the head
So if we now go to our front view we can see we have this indentation the side of
the head So if we go back to our reference over here
, we can see we have this soft transition into the side I'll just use our grab
brush just to remove any of these harsh bumps over here For example over here and
I just push in these areas just so this transition is a bit smoother Now in
general when it comes to the head, it's good to use a reference of a skull as
especially for the top and back Of the head. It's basically just a skull with skin on
it So let's compare our head to the silhouette that we can see over here of
our skull We can see that our head is a bit too square if that makes sense So
let's just adjust this with our grab brush again Focusing on the silhouette of
our head over here. So now focus on the side of the head
Let's get the reference to the side of the skull and again want to focus on the
silhouette over here So I just the silhouette of our head to
fit a bit the silhouette of this reference that we have over here
So by continuing to focus on this silhouette, we're starting to get a good
base shape for the head So getting these shapes in as early as
possible really helps against having to go back later to adjust these proportions
So I like to spend quite a bit of time over here at this low resolution just to
bring in these base shapes So now we've gone over the head. Let's focus on this brow area over here. So to start off Let's bring out this brow
shape again So let's go over here with our crease
brush and that's pushing this side area over here Just to create this temple
shape over here. Just push in this side over here Let's
also focus on this frontal area of the skull. So let's push in this circular shape Now
for this, I want to have a sharper crease. So let's set the falloff to the sharper curve
So get a sharper crease. I'm just going to create this circular
shape over here For the forehead
So let's keep pushing this in And holding shift just to blend this back into the
forehead Now focus on the eye area over here. We got this tissue right above the eye So
I'm going to use the crease brush just to bring this out over here And just holding
ctrl just to bring this forward over here And then separate out where the eyes are
going to be as well Now once we have the eyes separated out we can focus on this
eye socket shape over here So let's again just create that eye
socket shape over here with our crease brush Let's now slowly work our way down. So we also got our cheekbones. We already got them quite defined But I
just want to bring out a landmark over here So let's just drag out a crease along the
high point over here I also want to connect this shape up to the nose. I also want to define this nasal labial area over here
So let's use the crease brush once again over here Let's also separate out a bit
the nose from the face And again, I'm just using the crease
brush just to create the separation between these areas over here for the
mouth as well Let's just push in this area over here Where the lips would meet
This already gives us a good representation of where the mouth would
be Then we can move on further down just to separate out the lips from where the
chin starts Let's just create this crease over here at the tip of the chin. Let's just smooth this back out And create this definite crease over here So
just like that we're starting to get a lot of landmarks for the face even at
this low resolution We can start dialing it in even more if we want to for example
over here adding To the nostrils, but we can already see the face shining through
the lack of details We're getting the overview of the overall
face shape so this is a good stage to start manipulating all of the The
different facets of the face to get the face that you're looking for
So from here, we can just make tweaks with the grab brush just to adjust
proportions just to get the face shape that we're looking for So we can make all
of these tweaks and then as soon as we're happy with the result that we have over
here We can then move on to adding more resolution and then adding the next level
of details Now have you been watching this video up to this point? I think you have a liking towards sculpting in blender
So if you want to improve your skills have a look at zach's course on mastering
sculpting in blender over here You won't just learn the fundamentals. You'll learn a whole variety of advanced techniques and how to get better in sculpting
So if you're interested in this have a look at the link in the description below
This is also a great way to support us so we can make more videos like this one
So over here back to our head i've gone ahead and added a bit more resolution. I've set the voxel remesher to 0 .0085 and then by simply pressing ctrl r i've
remeshed our model once again Now at this point it might be hard to
know where to start what to do But it's basically the same that we've
done before we're just gonna build very softly from a distance these details
Starting with the big shapes and then working our way down
So let's start for example with this eye area over here. Let's use the clay strips brush Reduce the strength, but I think i'm gonna push
it up just ever so slightly I also want to disable the radius being controlled by
my pen pressure I only want the strength to be affected by my pen pressure just so
I feel like I have a bit more control I'm, just gonna sketch out this area
around the eye again. I'm just trying to follow the shape that
we can see in our reference so i'm using the Crease brush just to push this area
in I'm gonna do the Bottom part of the eye. So i'm gonna push this out Like so and I
use the crease brush once again Just to push in This area. So again, we're staying out at a distance. We're not going into a lot of detail just
yet We're just sketching out these base shapes next up. I'm gonna bring out this crease above the upper eyelid Just going over here with a
small brush Just sketching out that shape again, we're being quite rough since we
can so we're just creating these base shapes just going over These areas to
bring out these landmarks So now we've brought out the base shape
for these eyelids. Let's make sure that they're round keep
in mind. We have an eyeball Supposedly below these
so let's just use our grab brush just to push these out I think i'm gonna need a
smoother grab brush. Let's set the fall off to smoother Let's
just adjust the shape Of these eyelids imagining a eyeball right below it
Again, we're still in the early stages so we can tweak these eyelids However, we
like now they feel quite flat to me. So i'm going to get the crease brush I'm
not going to push in the corners of our eyes over here So i'm going to push in
this corner over here and i'm going to push in this corner here as well Now you
might be asking why I haven't added a sphere for the eyeball as a as a
reference Now I don't add these this early on as I feel that they kind of
Subconsciously anchor you to these eyeballs you try to make these eyelids
fit these eyeballs While maybe your eyes are not the shape
or size that you want So I like to add them on later and first focus on the
overall shape and size of the eyes So to illustrate let's adjust the shape
and size of our eyes right now So for this let's use our mask tool. Let's mask out the eyes. Let's now invert our mask with ctrl i
Let's now set the pivot where our mask is so let's go to sculpt let's now go to set
pivot set pivot to unmasked Let's now go to our scale tool and
as you can see our pivot is now where we have our eye We can now start scaling
this area. So we're going to make our eyes a bit
smaller We can also go to our move tool and we can move our eye wherever we want
them to be So let's move it a bit closer Let's move
it also a bit further into the head Like so it's a whole lot easier to adjust and
modify the eyes without having this eyeball in the way So now with the base
shape for our eyes done. Let's focus on the nose i'm just going to
use the crease brush just to bring out the Nostril over here and there's a very
simple nostril shape. I'm also going to push in the nose holes
again We're just trying to focus on these base shapes and as you can see most of
the heavy lifting has been done by the work that we did before since the Overall
shape of the nose is already there i'm not going to use the clay strips brush
just to bring out this shape in the nose over here. We got this part just above the nostril that's Joining back into this And this
nasal labial area and then from here We want to push in the part of the nose
where we have the bridge Joining up to the tip of the nose right over here
So let's just continue pushing this in with the clay strips brush also over here
alongside Where it joins towards the eye Just like that. We're starting to get a very simple nose shape What does these very few adjustments? Let's have a look at the side of our nose I'm going to look at the profile over here. You can use the grab brush just to adjust The profile i'm going to get this nice
straight nose Let's adjust a bit the tip over here. Just pushing it down ever so slightly Now at the risk of sounding like a broken
record again We want to focus on these big shapes. We're going to focus on the details just yet. Just adjusting these base shapes
So let's now move on from our nose to our mouth. Let's use the crease brush just to push
in over here where the lips would meet I'm going to use control just to push out
the edges Of both the upper lip and over here now the bottom lip
And as you can see most of the heavy lifting has been done by what we did
before where we had the base shape over here We're now just refining these shapes. So let's continue. Let's focus on this area over here I'm
going to add some more volume around the corner of the mouth This is the area
where a lot of muscles come together. There's also a lot of tissue over here So
this is this node on the corner of the mouth Let's just add some volume over
here the clay strips brush Just doing this gradual build up and then holding
shift just to blend these shapes nicely back together Now over here, we can also
add a bit more volume below the lips over here and hold shift to blend these together
So let's now move back to our nose and brow for a second
And let's just look at this reference that we have over here of this scan now,
although the nose is completely different There's still parts that we can glean
from this. For example, the bottom of our nose can
probably go forward just a bit over here You can also see that the chin of our
character might go down a bit further over here I think we can also bring the
brow down ever so slightly We can also add a bit more volume to this brow just
like we can see in our reference It's filling in this space over here just
above this crease From the upper eyelid. We don't want to copy directly what we
see in our reference instead What we want to do is find these shapes within our
reference that we can then apply to our face So let's now smooth this area of our brow
this volume that we just added And now with this let's focus on this center area
of the brow So if we go to our reference if we focus
this area over here, we have this triangular shape Let's see this better
let's go to the front of the face in our reference You can see here. We have this triangular shape. So let's use the crease brush Just to
bring out this triangular shape like so As you can see we're starting to bring in
these shapes bit by bit Over time getting into more detail. So we're not focused yet on creating the eye just perfect or anything like that
We're just bringing these shapes ever so slightly bit by bit. So i'm now going to focus again on this cheekbone area over here
It goes all the way towards the ear. So i'm going to drag this out with the
crease brush Now, I think this is a bit too strong. So i'm going to undo that drag Out this the shape over here and hold shift just
to blend these back in again This is just a landmark for us to to work off from
next up i'm going to work on this area over here This nasal labial area i'm just
going to drag this crease down again. This is just going to be a landmark
So to see this let's have a look at our reference once again Let's look at this
scan over here over here. You can see this nasal labial area
So now that we have created these landmarks, let's get our cleanser brush
and start filling in some of these these these crevices With some fatty tissue at
least i'm trying to imagine it being this fatty tissue. So i'm just going to connect up some of these shapes Just doing some soft build
-up with the clay strips brush. So over here i'm filling in a bit the eye
socket I'm, also going to add a bit of build -up around the nose Just doing this
soft build -up with the clay strips brush Here we're just going to try and fill in
some of these areas trying to blend the nose and the eyes nicely together Again,
we're using reference. I have reference on my second screen Just
to guide these these decisions So i'm going to focus on this area above
the upper eyelid I really want to bring out this shape over here this this tissue
that slightly overlaps on top of the upper eyelid
So i'm going to get the clay strips brush over here I'm, just going to add a bit
more volume to this area over here this crease that i've just drawn Just to fill
out this shape over here now for the lower eyelid. Let's do the exact same thing over here Let's define this shape. So I think we can use a crease brush for this So let's just define this shape to create
these creases below over here Just to define the shape of the eyelid. So just create this crease over here Let's now get the clay strips brush and
let's add some volume to this lower eyelid to again define the shape
So let's just use a small brush and just add a bit of volume over here Now swap to
the grab brush and just simply adjust a bit the edge of these eyelids Now once
we're happy we can swap to the flatten brush I'm going to set the normal radius
of the flatten brush To one so basically increase the radius
from which the normal is sampled So the bigger the number the more average
the normal of our brush will be so we're not using this normal to flatten our surface
So what we're doing basically is getting all of this noise along the surface
Finding the average normal and then flattening it to that normal
So I like to think of this as a polishing brush i'm removing all of this high noise
all of these Noisy bits of the surface and generating this averaged polished
surface It also makes it easier to blend certain shapes together basically finding
the average between these two shapes So now we have this polished up. Let's get the crease brush. Let's create this overlap with the upper
eyelid over here Just pushing this out holding control Now over here below. I want to focus on bringing out this eye socket shape It's one of those shapes we
often forget But it's a fundamental part of the face. Let's just bring out this eye socket shape i'm going to use a small size brush
just to bring out a sketch of this shape of the The eye socket just so we have it
as a reference So now that we've pushed in this area, we
have this part sticking out over here. That's bothering me
So i'm going to get the scrape brush. I'm just going to scrape away this harsh
edge over here Just so it blends nicely back into the face You can just continue
using the scrape brush just to remove any of these harsher edges You can continue
along this side of the mouth over here. Although it's a Rounder shape we can
remove any of these parts that are sticking out too far. Let's now continue our work downwards Let's focus on this mouth area over here. Let's clean up a bit the philtrum over here. Let's also adjust This area over here
with the grab brush Look at the nose as well while we're here
Just move this back a bit Let's have a look at those lips as well. Just move this lower lip up just ever so slightly it's also just the upper lip
over here, let's just Push this up. This really creates this sort of winged
shape for the upper lip I'm, also going to use the grab brush on the side of the
mouth over here Just to blend the shape a bit back into the face
Now for this side of the jaw over here, let's have a look at this escrochet that
I have over here Over here. We can see this masseter muscle. This is muscle that opens and closes the jaw. This is our biting muscle So let's use
our claytrips brush just to define the shape Of the masseter muscle. This is a muscle that we can often see in the face So it's important that we get
this clearly defined. I'm just going to add Some volume over
here once i'm happy i'm going to hold shift And just blend this all nicely
together once again Right, so now that we've gone over all of these facial
features and we now have this next level of detail Let's take a step back and
let's have a look at our face once again And see if we need to adjust any of the
proportions before we continue on to the next level
So let's have a look at the proportions of our face and let's compare them to
some of this reference that we have over here So here i'm looking At this scan over
here By the way, I can tell some things are off. For example, if we look at the ears You can see our ears are way too high up and
if we look at the side over here I think we're also way too far Forward so let's
get our mask tool and let's mask out these ears So let's mask this all out
Let's smooth our mask and let's also remove some of the mask closer to the
cheek as we do not want to change the cheek Let's now press ctrl i to invert our mask. Let's get the move tool and let's move these ears back a bit When I line up the
top of the ear roughly to where the eyes are and the lower part of the ear roughly
to about here So let's just also adjust the rotation a bit as we can see our ears
are tilted back a bit So let's rotate that let's then go back
to our move tool. Let's move our ears back just a bit more
So look again at our reference I think we can move it back just a bit more like so
now since we're happy with the location of our ears We can press alt m to clear
our mask. So let's have a look over here You know,
I think this is looking pretty good for our ears I like to catch these things as
early as possible Just so we don't have to go over all of these areas once again
later to fix these These minor mistakes. So if we look over here to the jaw, I can
see me to adjust the angle a bit So let's move this Up like so now
catching these these minor irregularities these minor mistakes early on really
saves us From a lot of headaches in the future. So I like to spend a bit of time over
here Just making these adjustments these corrections based on the reference that I have for
example over here I noticed that our nose is a bit too far down. So i'm going to get the mask tool once again Mask out our nose Let's remove some
of the mask from the nose as well as the forehead Then invert our mask. Let's use the move tool once again just to move our nose up just a bit Like so
Let's now clear our mask. Let's have a look at our face. I think it's looking a lot better already I think I can move the mouth up by a
small amount. So let's get our mask tool. Let's mask our mouth out Invert our mask. Let's get the move tool. Let's just move the mouth up just by a small amount Let's now clear our mask. Let's have a look at our mouth I think it's looking pretty good, but I think we
can move our mouth a bit further forward So let's press ctrl z let's get our mask
again Let's move the mouth forward by just a small amount the face from the
side should have a very slight triangular shape to it And the corner of the mouth
should more or less line up to where the eyes are
So now these adjustments made I want to focus a bit on the forehead over here I
think we push this a bit too far forward and move the brow back a bit move this
part out a bit Using the grab brush just to make these small tweaks for example
over here at the forehead Again, looking at the reference that you can see on the
screen trying to make The same shape for the head now keep in mind. I'm not trying to copy this. I'm just trying to find these shapes over
here, for example how the brow softly blends into the side of the head And
looking at the silhouette of the head again, we're just trying to find these
elements within the face We're not trying to copy the exact same
face from the reference Instead we want to get these elements and incorporate
them into our face now the flatten brush. I'm just gonna Slowly blend the brow into
the side of the face I'm going to clean up this area over here on the side I
don't have to worry about the ears just yet. We'll take care of that later Just focus
on the face for now. I get the crease brush. I'm trying to create this divide between the brows Just going to create this small
crease between the brows the same over here between the nose and the brow I've
gone a bit too far. I get the grab brush and move the nose
back a bit And move the brow forwards Now the nose itself we need to do a few
tweaks later But for now, we're just focusing on the
big shapes so we can ignore all of the incorrect Shapes on the small scale. We're just focusing on the big shapes for now Move this Forward as well over here
Again, we're just trying to get the overall big shapes in place Before we
start cleaning up and tidying up all of these facial features Let's now focus a
bit on this cheek area over here again I'm going to use the silhouette of our
reference use the grab brush just to push out some of this tissue over here around
the cheeks I like to zoom out to make sure I can see the full big picture and
battle against my tunnel vision So let's just push these areas in over
here Just to adjust again the muscles in the face now talking about muscles. I want to define again the masseter muscle over here I'm going to use the
cloister brush just to fill this area in over here again just to bring out this
masseter muscle i'm going to swap back to the grab brush and just blend these
shapes together by Raising and lowering the surface just trying to Think of where
all this fatty tissue is as the face is full of this Fatty tissue that basically
blends all of these muscle shapes together For example over here in the eye
corner We can add some of this fatty tissue as it were to blend the eye socket
out towards the side of the head I don't think the fill tool is doing it here. So i'm going to use the Claystrips brush just to dig into the Side of the face
over here around this eye corner. I'm going to use the flatten brush Just
to polish these shapes back into one another just going over these areas over
here these very short strokes Let's blend these shapes together Now as we're
blending it makes it look like we have this layer of skin this fatty tissue that
blends Between these somewhat harsher shapes. So I think with this we've made some good
adjustments to the structure of the face Let's now move on to having some more
details for example to the ear So, all right, let's now have a look at
the ears for our character So at the moment our ears are quite basic. We still have the base shape over here So let's start building upon these shapes. So i'm going to look over to this reference over here I'm going to create
these basic shapes now before we start off. I want to make sure we fix these Areas
that we have broken up. So i'm going to get the flatten brush
I'm, just going to go and clear up this area over here
So now with that kind of smoothed out and flattened let's focus on these base
shapes over here So i'm going to get the clay strips brush
and i'm going to bring out these base shapes So i'm going to start over here with the
bottom area over here. I'm just going to bring out this green
shape Then we've got this purple shape going all the way around Create these landmarks. Okay. I'm just drawing on top of the shape that
we have this yellow shape as well, this is sort of a Y shape And we've got this
light blue shape that's inside the Ear, so i'm going to push this down again. This is just to create these landmarks We're not trying to get the right shape
just yet. We're just creating these Landmarks now
the final shape is this little red shape over here So let's just bring it out
again with the clay strip brush Now as for the back of the ear, let's have a
look at our reference we have this Reference over here of the back of the
ear Quite a simple shape. We got the helix over here Now we got
this cylinder connecting the ear to the rest of the head So let's now use the
clay surf brush to separate out the helix from this cylinder shape connecting to
the head Now appear to be causing some artifacts over here
with the clay surf brush So i'm going to swap to the crease brush
and again i'm just going to create the separation between the helix and this
cylinder shape so it's going to be Quite rough over here. I'm just going to push this in again trying to get this tube shape for the
Back of the ear i'm being quite rough over here But this is fine since we're
just focusing on trying to get these base shapes in place So i don't have to worry
yet about making a mess. I'm going to use the grab brush just to
push this Tube shape a bit further into the ear I think i'm going to use the
flatten brush now just to polish away some of this mess that we created Around
the ear. So now with that, let's go back to the
side of the head. Let's get our grab brush Let's start
adjusting these shapes to fit more the ear shape that we're going for We don't
want our ears to be too big. So let's adjust this look at the front view
So let's move our reference over here, let's use the grab brush just to bring
out this area over here I want to create the Ear shape the rough ear shape over here. I don't want to focus yet on the small details We just want to bring out the
rough base shape for the ear So now that we have our ear roughly in
the shape that we want to let's start bringing out some of these shapes I'm
going to start over here to bring out this purple shape This is called the
helix the helix goes all the way around to the end over here Then we have the
yellow shape. This is called the anti helix
You can see by the shadow that this is quite deep into the ears I'm going to use
the grab brush over here just to push this in We can be quite rough because if
we distort any part too far we can just fix it quite easily with the grab brush
Let's now get the crease brush. Let's create this clear separation
between the helix over here and the anti helix Let's also dedicate a bit of time over
here to bring back the y shape for the anti helix
Let's follow this all the way down to the bottom over here and we can see that this
shape continues on Inwards towards the face. So I just bring this out with the crease
brush like so So now that we have these base shapes in
place Let's have a look at our scan over here Now we can see over here that this
inner shape this yellow shape sticks out by quite a bit
So let's do the same for our ear I like this design because I see that the top
goes inwards a bit more So let's push that in and what we basically have is
this outer shape which creates this very familiar ear shape And we have this anti
helix this inner shape that creates this s shape
So now that i'm happy with this base shape i'm going to go over these areas
with the clay strips brush Just to fill in some of these cavities just to add a
bit more volume to some of these parts of the ear
Now once i'm happy with these shapes i'm going to hold shift and smooth these
areas to blur them back into one another Now this might seem counterproductive
But in fact this helps to create this nice flow between these shapes And I can
then simply use the crease brush just to bring these details and these forms back
into these now flowing shapes So just going over these areas over here. Just pushing it in this crease brush looking at the reference comparing The
shape that we have over here with the reference i'm going to push in a bit the
shape of the helix here pushing in the This indentation that we have on the
inside of the helix We separate it out from the anti helix area is quite
separated in our reference. So let's create this Larger separation
let's continue this separation down between the two helices bring it all the
way down towards the earlobe And I get the grab brush just to adjust
the shape of the earlobe i'm going to bring it out a bit So it's starting to
look pretty good for our ear already Now before calling it a day Let's make sure
we look at different angles when it comes to our reference Over here. We can already see me to bring out a bit more of this shape within the anti helix
So let's push out this area over here. Let's now hold shift to blend that back
in I'm going to push in this upper area over here Let's just create this Y shape
you can also notice we can create more of a separation between the anti helix and
this inner part of the ear We also want to bring out this interesting edge that
we can see along the helix. I'm just bringing out This shape over
here along the helix This really separates the helix out from the anti
helix and over here at the back I'm going to focus on this area over here just to
separate out the The back of the helix from this tubular shape, so let's just
smooth this out over here Use the crease brush again to redefine
these shapes Now back to the side of the ear over here. We can see this interesting shape in our reference We can see this indentation as
the helix enters the ear as well as this crease going down the side of the ear
So let's create this first crease over here. Let's also create this crease on the side
It's just the angle. Let's push it in
Let's now get the flatten brush. Let's just blend this crease into the
face Same for this top crease over here Just blend that back into the face Let's
now go over this whole area with the flatten brush just to reduce the
intensity of this crease So now that we added the ears to our
head, let's focus on this last bit over here. Let's focus on the neck
So the first thing that stands out is that our neck is too far to the back over
here It looks like our character is pushing his head forward. So let's make this neck a bit more straight Now for this we can use the same
technique that we used for the ears mouth and nose Let's get the mask tool and
start masking out the neck over here Let's now remove from the mask the jaw
and head Let's now smooth the mask again Let's now invert the mask. Let's use the move tools to move our neck Forwards, so let's move our neck far enough. So it doesn't look like our character is leaning forwards with its head
So now with that sorted let's focus on smoothing the surface over here We still
have a lot of rough surface from when we remeshed the model. So let's clean up The area over here. So now that we have smoothed the surface,
let's bring out this adam's apple This is a real masculine feature of the neck. So let's bring this out. It's about Here a bit over the middle of
the neck. So let's bring this out with the grab
brush again I'm not worried about the correct shape just yet. We're just bringing out these landmarks Now for the rest of the neck, let's bring
out these muscles So let's use the crease brush just to
bring out these muscles. Now we're getting this nasty dot effect
So to fix this let's go to our stroke settings and let's reduce the spacing. Let's set it to five percent So we're going to disable the adjust
strength feature. I'm going to set the strength a bit lower
So if we now create a stroke, you can see we're getting a smoother effect since we
now have More steps in our stroke. So let's now use the crease brush just to
bring out these shapes of these muscles So i'm going to bring out these muscles
over here. This is the sternocleidomastoid. I'm going to bring this out over here You see again the crease brush Just to define
these landmarks again. We're not concerned yet. We're putting them in the correct space We're just bringing out these forms at
the bottom over here the muscles separate So let's create this separation over here
with the crease brush Let's push this out. And now these landmarks we can switch to
our grab brush. We can just adjust the shape of this
muscle Now one more thing that helps me with these muscle shapes is using the
clay strip brush and going along the grain of the muscle Now to illustrate
this a bit better. Let's increase the strength of our brush
over here Let's go along the grain of this muscle
And as you can see we create these streaks along which really help us read
the shape and flow of this muscle Let's now also bring out the clavicle
So i'm going to use the grab brush just to push this back a bit towards the neck
I'm going to use the clay strip brush once again And before we continue with
these muscles, I quickly want to bring out the clavicle
So this is a good landmark to have so i'm going to quickly sketch out a rough shape
for this clavicle So we have this big piece over here and
we have this smaller longer shape towards the shoulder It forms a sort of s shape. So let's use our grab brush just to Push this into this s shape Just like that we
have our landmark Let's now go back to our clay strip brush and start bringing
out these these forms these shapes along the muscle
So i'm going to follow the grain and that can be quite rough while i'm at it. We're going to create these Sort of muscle fibers making these long strokes
And from here I can use the grab brush just to adjust the shape of the muscle
And due to the fact that we have these these streaks you can easily see the flow
of these shapes Let's now separate a bit the clavicle heads over here I think I'm
going to use the clay strips brush for this. I'm going to push this in over here I'm
going to use the claystrips brush just to connect the muscles to the clavicle over
here And as for the adam's apple, we want to create this sort of v -shape
In fact, if we look at our reference, we can see this v -shape over here
So I use the crease brush just to bring out this v -shape. I'm going to use the grab brush Just to bring the tip out a bit And then the base
back into the neck I'm going to use the claystrips brush once again. I'm just going to bring out some more shapes around this inner section of the
neck I'm going to bring out this area over here Just alongside the adam's apple
Push in just above Along the side of the adam's apple just to really emphasize
this v -shape. Now I want to connect this up to the chin
So let's bring out some details along the chin over here And connect this to the
neck over here. So this creates this natural line along
the neck over here And then from here we can start blending these shapes together
again using the claystrips brush Just to blend these forms Now over here at the back. Let's continue with these muscle streaks So I'm going to go over these areas with
the claystrips brush again thinking of the shape of the muscles
So for example here we have the trapezius muscle So let's just bring that out again
following the grain of this muscle with our claystrips brush And also like to
create this bump at the base of the neck where the bones of the neck sit over here
Now for the trapezius, let's continue dragging out these fibers over here. This is a very big muscle. So let's bring out all of these Fibers
again, this will help us later to push this all into shape now the grab brush
I'm just going to adjust the the shape of these muscles Again, now that we have the
flow Drawn out it's easier to find the shape for these muscles Now this stage is
important to use a reference just so you can see where these muscles go And what
shape they have and since we have this streak pattern it's easier to follow the
flow of these muscles Now once i'm happy with these shapes i'm
going to use the flatten brush just to blend again these shapes all nicely
together Now with that i'm going to use the smooth brush just to finalize the
blending and create a nice smooth surface Now we lost a lot of detail by blending
these surfaces together So i'm going to use the crease brush just to bring some
details back into these shapes For example over here. Let's bring out the sternocleidomastoid Just bring that all the way down over
here Let's just push this in with the crease brush Let's also separate out a
bit more of the clavicle shape So i'm going to push this in over here And we
want to create this hint of a muscle below the surface. So i'm creating this crease And i'm smoothing it out again I'm not going to
create a crease and redefine every single muscle since we don't want to bring all
of them out again Keep in mind. We have this layer of fat and skin on top
of these muscles So some of these muscles we won't see as clearly defined as others. I think something like this will do for the neck So this is now a good moment
once again to step back. Let's have a look at these proportions
We can use the grab brush just to adjust some of the proportions of the neck to
fit better to our face so for example I'm gonna widen the neck by quite a bit. I want our character to come across as a strong character So i'm gonna broaden his
neck by quite a bit. So i'm gonna raise a bit his trapezius
So we now move the camera to the front view. We can already see our character's
looking quite a bit stronger So let's broaden his neck a bit more. Let's also increase the size of his masseter muscle So this cheek muscle also
makes our character look a lot stronger So by making these small tweaks with the
grab brush we're starting to bring out the personality of our character
So after spending a bit of time tweaking the face and neck with the grab brush
i've gotten to this result So within roughly an hour, we've gone
from a uv sphere to this head Now have you been with me this entire time this
entire hour of a video? Hats off to you Thank you very much for
putting up with me for this entire hour If you want to see more of this kind of
content do leave a comment below this really helps us out a lot And if this
video gets enough likes we might even make a second video
We're gonna bring this head to the next level Now
if you're interested in the model that we sculpted in this video head over to
cgboost .com over there under resources You'll be able to download both this
model as well as all the resources used within this video
While you're there check out the master 3 sculpting in blender course made by Zach. This is an amazing course It will really help you level up your sculpting skills
in no time now Once again, thank you guys for watching. That's all for me. See you in the next video