Customizing a JUMBO Nesting Doll Set

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[Music] hey it's me and i have a friend today listen to it this is a russian nesting doll it's blank right now so it kind of just looks like a fat bowling pin now i know the one on the thumbnail it was uh not this one that's because thumbnails have to be eye-catching and this is not very eye-catching you're nothing don't feel tricked that does not fall under the category of click bait unlike many of the things that i choose to paint on this one you're actually supposed to paint on i have done this once before but with a much smaller doll yeah i'm not going to show you the insides of this one if you want to see how i finished the rest of that design you have to watch the video that one has five dolls inside of it this one has ten that's five ten ten my friend that's one that's two three four five six seven's a little wobbly and so is eight nine oh my gosh this is freaking ridiculous ten um this it's tiny okay it's a tooth how am i gonna paint this kind of just wanna flick it this is going to be a big project this is gonna take me forever why did i need to get one twice the size i don't know got a lot of work to do let's get to it all right so here is the big mama and we're just gonna make her birth all the rest of the dolls over again even though we've literally just gone through this and we arrive at the tiniest one so small but then i sat there and counted them why are there only nine oh no no how did i forget about you it's about the same size as the end of my dotting tool how is that gonna work it's gonna be fun here is a whole family naked together for one last time that sounds weird and barreling in it's gesso starting with the biggest one i'm gonna gesso each of these so i can be sure that when i go to paint them the colors are nice and strong and the paint is adhering to the surface properly okay next and right away this one is so much smaller than the first one i feel like it could have been a little bit more of a gradual decrease in size but it goes from the giant one to one that's like half the size like this is already kind of smallish as they get smaller and smaller it's getting more and more difficult to paint them even keep a hold of them also i'm just getting more and more paint all over my hands at this point i might as well just apply the paint with my fingers my paintbrush is now starting to feel very oversized okay that's better this is not satisfying to watch at all it's frustrating and finally the tiny one oh you're so small it makes me mad i really don't know how else to paint this well that was a mess all the pieces are now gessoed so i'm just gonna put them all back together do a quick head count everyone here good good yes okay we're gonna work this project one doll at a time and try not to think about the fact that there are 10 of them and they get annoyingly smaller i am just lightly sketching out my design here i'm not going to be doing anything super intricate because you know 10 of them i needed to find a balance between doing something that's interesting and fun but not so incredibly detailed that i'm gonna be doing this for the rest of my life okay i think we're ready for the paint now oh and you're rolling here we go oh right first brush stroke and i've already messed things up the pink is supposed to go down here there we go so my last set of russian nesting dolls i did animals and fruit costumes you still gotta watch that video to see them this time i've decided on blobs in costumes there's no theme for the costumes the ideas for those are all different and they get a little bit random but for the biggest one i decided to go for one of my tried and true themes it's a dessert themed costume now i chose blobs because i've been obsessed with them recently but also i thought that they would work particularly well for this since russian nesting dolls are kind of in a blobby shape after my last russian nesting doll set a lot of you wanted to see me make a set using my characters but i was having a hard time envisioning how to fit them into this shape without making them look super odd i could of course paint these things called human beings people because that's what traditional russian nesting dolls are maybe i will do some people nesting dolls in general i'm more of a food animal blob kind of person not much of a person person also i did have some very angry people last time angry because i'm painting cutesy designs on russian nesting dolls i've been accused of disgracing tradition you disgrace tradition with your so-called art i never thought a pair of quotation marks could be so hurtful don't get me wrong i do think the traditional style for nesting dolls is really pretty i'm in no way trying to make a statement that my so-called art is better than the traditional art style but this is my style it's just kind of what i do here this is not evil okay so i've gotten the background paint work done time for the details i've given this blob a nice little cherry to hold on to so i'm just gonna add a little bit of dimension to that and going around adding some shadows here and there let's add a little blush to you get your face on girl drop in some juicy highlights to make things pop then literally get your face on girl putting her face on she's gonna be a nice happy blob but you know how these blobs can be they are very moody so don't expect all of them to be as nice as this one and i'm realizing this almost does look like a human a very pink human which makes it kind of weird and a little bit confusing and of course i'm not gonna miss an opportunity for sprinkles [Music] alrighty looking good just some last little details i need to add here and yes first doll blob in a dessert costume let's pop that open and move on to the next one which is of course such an incredible size difference why aren't you bigger you know it's just that the bigger ones are so much easier to paint on and you can get cleaner details i don't know why they didn't try to keep them as large as possible for as long as possible but i need to stop complaining about that now because you don't care i need to get into the painting part which is the fun part i might as well enjoy it because it only gets worse from here up i said i would stop complaining okay i'm painting this one black which is always very fun to do because that beautiful coverage of black paint there's just nothing like it i'm covering the whole body with a black background except for the little area that i've sketched out which is going to be where the face and little blob hands are this blob is going to be wearing the galaxy what it's a galaxy costume so let's prepare some galaxy colors and i'm just going to create that nice typical galaxy look with the splotching and then we've all seen this before trying to create some nice variation in there with some areas kind of blending into the background and then putting some highlights in other areas to create that illusion of depth that we really want in a galaxy look and hey this is your final final final reminder that my rubik's cube is available for pre-order there are only a couple days left before this is ending officially so this is the last opportunity to grab a limited edition rubik's cube i'm so grateful for all your feedback and excitement and for those of you who have ordered one remember you can find the order page in the link in the description as well as answers to any questions that you may have about the pre-order that's all for the blob itself i went for a nice lavender color skin color do blobs have skin what are blobs made of i'll ponder that one later while that layer is drying i'll just pop on some little stars to finish off the galaxy design i thought it would be cute to give each of the blobs these little accessories to hold that goes with their costume theme just as a way to make the designs a little bit more detailed and interesting this blob has a face full of wonder because i thought you know that was fitting for the blob in the galaxy costume i guess this is just the facial expression that goes with galaxy okay is this done i think we need to add just some little little stars perfect and hey did i scare you moving on to the next one oh that's horrible oh i hate it and playing the drums now stop wasting time come on this one is going to start with a coat of white paint so let's just try to get through this real quick okay bringing it back together and here is the design for this one i'm going with another pink blob we've already done a pink blob i'm aware that this is not ideal i wanted to do a perfect variety of colors of blobs but it was quite the balancing act to choose the perfect balance of blob color which has to go with the costume color which has to be different than the blob and costume color of the blob and costume that come before and after it which has to contrast with their neighboring blob and costume color i spent a lot of time trying to work all that out this blob is getting a cow costume i don't know i just thought it would be cute at first i wasn't exactly sure what the cow costume blob should be holding a pail of milk is that kind of gross to be holding a bucket of your own bodily fluid it's kind of gross that we drink bodily fluids at all but i really just try not to think about that i would like to continue adding milk to my cereal or cereal to my milk whatever the order really doesn't matter even though some people try to act like it does but anyway stepped away from the milk idea and i landed on the bell which i thought was a little bit cuter and we are already in detail mode here starting to outline the face and hands i call these hands but they're not really hands what do you call blob hands as you can see i've chosen a very peeved face for this one i don't think he likes that he's the one being put in the cow costume we had the first blob as yummy dessert and then oh cool galaxy and then there's you dressed as a cow okay now move out of the way nope and here's the next one for this one i'm going with a candy theme let me just rip you in half real quick i'm going to start with a pink background color i'm doing light pink on the top piece and then i'm going to put darker pink on the bottom piece that little lip i'm holding this by it's pretty small at this point but keep holding on we still got much smaller to go once the paint is dry from that layer i'm gonna start blending the two pinks together i'm trying to keep the pieces together so that i can get a seamless gradient but also keep the little crack open so i don't seal the pieces together with the paint and going back and forth with that forever to the point where i got such a gradual transition it's kind of not even noticeable well that was time well spent let's move on to the face and it's blue we've got a blue blob holding a lollipop and i'm doing this one in kind of a different order i'm filling in all the details of the hands yes and face first and i'll get to the costume later and the face on this one is going to be a very hyper face this is what it looks like for a blob to experience a sugar rush for the costume i basically just did polka dots all the way around i guess they're kind of like little candies but i didn't add much detail to them because i'm running out of room for tons of details so i would really rather have something clean and simple there's that one let's move on yeah we're getting pretty small here i'm trying to show the scale it's small this one is going to be painted blue oh boy yep this is where it starts to get annoying i don't know if it's normal to hate painting at super small sizes so much like i do i know that some people do enjoy it but i've always found painting super tiny to be very frustrating maybe it's because of my fat fingers this one is also getting the gradient look so i'm blending the two tones of blue together and it's gonna be a yellow blob the face is kind of like the sunshine not in the creepy teletubby way this blob is wearing a sky costume which is now that i think about it what are these costumes like who dresses up like the sky you know what i'm gonna be for halloween this year the sky you'll see i'm gonna make it a thing and of course since it's a sky theme this blob is holding a rainbow just adding the outline i made the face uh sleeping it's the sun shouldn't it be awake whatever nothing makes sense all right there's that little cutie oh look at that an even smaller blob shaped doll shocker and it's running around oh okay the sketch is on now what was that and this one is a blob wearing a burger costume since this is so small i'm kind of ditching the paint all together and i'm just going to drain this whole thing with pastas instead of trying to use a paintbrush and while painting on this small of a scale isn't my favorite i think i've been very clear about that yes these little ones did go by pretty fast they didn't take me that long so it was really fine i was only miserable for a small period of time also you may notice by now that this one is not holding an accessory there's really just not enough space for it and i think if i had tried to cram it in there it would have been cluttering up that area too much so i decided to just have the accessories for the five larger ones and for the five tiny ones they get nothing it's a goofy burger blob and it's complete and who do we have here oh my gosh there's so many of these this one is a little bit bigger than my thumbnail so i'm trying to get clever here and find a better way of holding this while i paint that's not gonna work how about this i tried that for a little while but it wasn't a whole lot better gave up on that i think this is just going to be messy you're just gonna have to get over it okay that's me talking to myself this one is another little gradient background and this yellow blob is going to be in a slime costume so i've drawn the little tiny green drips of slime all around it and i'm giving him a very annoyed expression because he's got slime dripping into his eyes and it's annoying next i knew i wasn't going to be able to get much detail on this one at all so i really need to choose something very simple i'm having trouble just making a face this small i decided to just go with it and make his face really derpy on purpose i knew it was gonna be slightly derpy anyway purposeful derp is always better than accidental derp remember that he doesn't look like the most intelligent creature ever which is pretty fitting because he's wearing a potato okay and this is the last opening one and i feel like i've already gone as simple as i can with the costume designs a potato you don't get much simpler than that so i decided that this one is just going to be a naked blob he's too small for a costume they don't make them in your size so it's just a purple blob naked and now finally for the last one it looks like a wart i really had no idea how to paint this one so this is random but i just decided to make it a strawberry i don't know what to tell you i felt like a strawberry was the only thing i could paint that small i thought about throwing it away and pretending that it wasn't a thing but i couldn't bring myself to do that so there it is i'm having a hard time controlling it so now that everyone has been painted i'm going to varnish them definitely want to take them apart for this because the varnish will glue the pieces together if you're not careful once that whole process is over they are done here is the complete set these designs and honestly the whole idea is a little bit odd but i think they came out nice definitely not everyone's taste i think they're fun and they have a lot of variety and enough detail to make each one of them interesting so of course we have to experience opening each one of them up because that is so satisfying oh i love nesting dolls and with these each time you open one up it's like a surprise there's something new except it's not all that surprising because you know i just spent the last week painstakingly creating every detail of them i'd complained a lot about it but i even like how the small ones came out even the strawberry it's kind of funny how random it is so yeah that is it for today i hope you guys enjoyed watching me customize my second set of russian nesting dolls it was fun mostly thanks for watching and i'll see you next friday [Music] bye
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 3,436,658
Rating: 4.964221 out of 5
Id: N_eum5fn6As
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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