Turning balanced positions into free wins | Caro-Kann Defense

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one of the main issues that low rated players have while considering whether to pick up the Karo Khan or not for their repertoire is the fact that black will normally get a comfortable equality but then how to actually win those positions may appear quite tricky especially to the untrained eye now so far on this channel I've been showing you how to completely brutalize your opponents that are especially below 1500 using the Karo Khan oftentimes just getting a crushing position within the first 20 moves so now that you have already been a loyal subscriber and both your rating and penis have increased so much to the point where your opponents actually start playing decent chess and you will be getting these situations where the games are pretty balanced I am here to highlight some of the main ideas that you can use too learning these balance positions into your favor so in today's video I'm gonna be walking you through my thinking process as an international Master showcasing common mistakes that low rated players make I'm gonna be taking an account from 1500 getting it all the way to 1600 playing the karokan only so please feel free to use the timestamps from the description event let's get started alright everybody getting another Karo game when it starts with Knight F3 I'm gonna be going for D5 and uh we do get to face another Exchange which is honestly quite surprising in this rating range people still have their openings very much like a 1000 word so I'm actually pretty glad that we get to pay this uh interesting uh combination between the exchange and then the check on B5 here if you ask the computer everything is fine except Queen D7 of course I don't know why would you play that but my favorite just exchange Bishops uh why it's just easier without the Bishops but make sure to take with a knight according to the recent research that was done for my upcoming uh course adjustable AKA Shameless plug right there taking with an I just chord is way better but the trick is compared to normal lines where we just play Bishop p7 all the time in The Exchange you can actually go to D6 main point being that whenever they go Bishop G5 this Knight is already covering F6 so we don't need the extra protection uh from the bishop like we need the extra protection uh from the night too but it's just very safe we can move the queen all the time it's uh yeah very nice and uh super important you really want to start by placing eurocon to the open file it's can basically analyze the position of chess pretty much the same way as you go to like a new grocery shop so first things first you enter the shop you need to locate the alcohol area that is pretty much where most of the money is gonna be spent same in chess we need to find what are the open files we just want to take advantage of them now after you find where the alcohol is sure you may want to go for like uh additional things like perhaps food or baby diapers whatever you need to buy um similar in chess if let's say there are now uh heavy pieces on the board like no Rooks no queens open files become less important because there's no pieces that can like effectively take advantage of them so same way if you don't have enough money you can just like skip the food so either gets played just gonna go maybe Queen B6 maybe Queen C7 I could consider Queen C7 or I just ignore that to get a knight to C4 I'm just gonna go A5 just staying a little bit flexible I'm not super sure what my opponent wants to do like playing this uh Queen DT move I have to say was really awkward it's like you see a dog for the first time and you're trying to like get close to him before uh before you pet him so Queenie too really awkward not sure this night was pretty sad there I was like am I a joke to you now opponent kind of realizing the mistake there's 23 very good accepted mistake is uh half uh forgiven or I'm not sure if you guys have that saying but um we usually use that in Romania from experience it's never even half forgiven but hey it's a funny thing I guess so uh it just sticks with the pawn You're Gonna Go Queen C6 now I get uh this question quite a lot uh I see you like really make a big thing out of this minority attack I don't get first of all why is it called this way and what are we trying to achieve with this minority attack just look you win the game that's what you achieve what is so complicated I don't get people that ask me questions like this well look this position white is very solid queenito yes kind of funny but uh he is very sorry no weaknesses you push the pawn the target is you getting before if they take twice uh ponambito is vulnerable it's alone Pawn is not defended by a pawn pawn is a weakness plays Rook C1 Pawn is lost you win Pawn you win game it's basically pure math at this point go back of course you capture the pawn just make sure to get the hell out of there it's just like somebody that just robbed the shop you just get your stuff and you run you're not gonna be like hanging out there like waiting for the cops to come around ask you what's up no you just you may be saying maybe I'm not like teaching you the best lessons on the channel but it is inspired from your life okay it's not like you hear it for the first time so gonna go in ic5 now we just have the free extra Pawn and uh I know a lot of you may be expecting uh to have an easily winning position that we should win all the time uh definitely that is the case am I gonna win it all the time uh that is something that we need to see so just gonna go Queen A4 trying to initiate uh more trades because that is uh make me blunderless so uh I like me blunderlist just gonna take on C3 and hopefully he will fall for the greedy Rook takes on A5 okay played profiling acting move that was good on him that was a good move my opponent will give him that I'm gonna go A4 try to keep my Pawn I like my Pawn uh okay 94 hitting his Rook let's see is he gonna exchange he should play locator if you ask me if you don't then uh okay yep gotta speed up with this a little bit not a whole lot of time on the clock hopefully the pointless stories were not uh backfire but I will need the speed up a bit guys so uh yeah we gotta focus on um converting this I mean it's not like if I don't win this you're gonna love me less right I mean no that's actually how it works if if I cannot like win one single game my career is over so uh yes it is pretty stressful to have everything on the line in one game every single time especially uh when you're not an amazing chess player so I'm gonna go King D7 try to switch the funds get the Rook Behind the Kids optimally Place behind gonna get my king oh that was um shouldn't have allowed it but it was a pretty move so that's an excuse that I like to use gonna go F6 win his last Pawn and then uh yeah it should be oh he allows me to trade Rook use the king always make sure to use the king in the end game really the most important thing that I can tell you so can't stress that enough and okay opponent that does not even attempt to flag so bring a little bit of respect right there and I mean look you may be going over saying like all right you just won against a 1500 this is simply something uh unachievable it's just like uh almost as difficult as uh moving away before you are like 30 from your parents so no it's actually doable it's like you don't have to do it but you can so um look just we develop normally yeah fine anybody can do this I have proof people that are like 800 in Rapids that I've worked with can get this position now why do you need more in order to take down a 1500 opponent uh of course you need a little bit of brain you bozo but besides that go for minority attack push the pawns create a weak Pawn keep pressing there like a shark that's smelling blood and that's how you win you just swim fast so do that and uh okay there is no or I could say just position completely winning already literally no kind of play we made no difficult moves whatsoever and we just get a winning position with black we have no idea how actually starting that is with the black pieces it should be like maybe slightly worse maybe okay position try to make a draw every time you play the Karo Khan you get dream positions from the opening so yeah there's not really much uh to add on that one and you can just move on to the following game alright everybody getting a black uh game we're gonna be going for the Karo Khan and opponent goes for Knight F3 which is yeah typically just a sign that they are about to go for exchange and there we have it a little bit better I would say it's considered to be either 93 leading to the two nights variation or the somewhat funny and topical move nowadays among the best players in the world which is D3 offering a pretty cheeky end game after Queen D1 King D1 white is losing the right to Castle but they can actually get to hide their King quite safely leading to pretty complicated positions so of course we get to see none of that and why just goes for uh Edie gonna be taking back uh with a c pawn and uh why it goes for the move d4 typically we just wanna develop Knights on their natural squares we want to get this bishop in if possible and uh as a rule of thumb while playing against the exchange variation whenever white will go for H3 because of the Knight on C3 it's always good to take so if it's either Knight on C3 or if Bishop lands on B5 answering H3 with Bishop takes on F3 is optimal that's a pretty nice and simple rule that you can use and I think we're about to get a very interesting game because the way it looks like opponent may be really willing to cast along which I feel like it's very common specifically for this rating range and uh from my experience a lot of my students uh tend to struggle in this structure so Bishop to B5 now I have a trade between Bishop E7 or the move Rook to C8 going A6 may be very natural to a lot of you but uh that would be a little bit sub-optimal since they're gonna be taking at some point anyway so you kind of want to prioritize development and in my opinion even nicer if you can recapture with the Rook so because there is like no urgency to Castle yet why it has like no threats we can pause for a second and throw in this Rook C8 move so I'm just gonna go visual p7 Castle beating Bishop takes uh with Rook takes and uh this isn't gonna be pretty instructive because opponent goes cringey tree we're gonna Castle pretty much allowing Bishop to H6 which most of the people that get to face Bishop H6 they just almost have like a semi-heart attack they Panic they fall off their chair uh their mom starts calling they need to leave the room whatever scenario you maybe imagine you want to imagine when Bishop gets there but in fact black has a stunning move that is actually like simply invisible for people that are playing this raiding range so in fact black has a very simple way of Defending against this threat and that is to Simply playing id8 yes Knights do move backwards and they also defend against checkmate so after this we basically have uh yeah no problems whatsoever white has no flats and you just get to solve something that has really created a lot of headaches so opponent just plays A4 of course just uh he's relaxing you know he's Russian chess School playing this is something that my old coaches used to say like Russian chess could play one move on the right say one move of the left side and slowly improve that's not quite how it works but we'll give him that all right so important move now opponent will pretty much feel like Bishop is Immortal on H6 so we just unpin creating a flat and I would say lower 80 players forget about the bishop now this guy is pretty strong so I expect him to move the bishop but you have no idea how many people just literally forget about the fact that the bishop can be taken so yeah he goes back if you're like 1200 they'll definitely forget because in their brain somehow they place the bishop once on H6 you don't take it on the first move and then you just for some reason it's like immortal so he just goes back fine our Knight will go back onto the normal Square too and notice we easily managed to dodge that attack while he can no longer do the same because we take and we have a bit of a positional threat now as well uh oh by the way I could have won a free Pawn I was just not really paying attention to the game so excuse me if you're new to the channel uh that may happen pretty often I may say Bishop to E5 so this bishop 25 really feels like uh kind of an annoying mosquito that's just flying around so I want to get rid of it immediately and then we just do whatever so uh yes the fact that we did not take that Free Pawn was pretty embarrassing and uh I don't really know why you're still watching the video but easier though hey that is very much appreciated and hopefully we get to show why the minority attack is actually so effective in this traction I'm gonna start by playing A6 stopping him from playing Knight B5 and I'm gonna go Rook C8 and have ideas to play Queen before I guess why because of this really silly um A4 move that is just basically now saying okay come here play Queen before okay if you ask I don't need special invitation I'm just gonna go there double attack win the pawn easy just like that uh so why would you win the three point in the first place when you can actually make a 200 IQ move and then Win It In Style that is definitely how real men do it so for now collect my free pawn and uh guess what we're gonna do once we manage to capture we just uh get the heck out of here so now he's also attacking even if he was not um yeah now pay attention to this move 24 initiating Queen trade so end games are the way to go whenever you are trying to convert um yeah if you have problems finishing always go for the end game that is gonna make it way easier so going 92 it moves The Rook I'm gonna double up if he plays 94 I may go Rook C4 may get my Rook trapped in the process as well I mean that just makes things more fun so gonna go nice for only 30 seconds so we're no longer playing increment just because uh it gets a little bit trickier to find games in this rating range if we were to play increment and uh hey who doesn't like a little bit of speed once in a while okay too bad uh I'm not really a processor of that speed but uh I'm gonna do my best this is just uh gonna look like some of those like pro athletes that are now like 40 years old and haven't worked out in uh in like ages and they try to do some of their like Olympic uh times and just ends up being a massive fail this is what you're about to see so I just decided to let it in advance but hey we may uh if the guy is like even worse then that's always good so um gonna take that gonna take exchange and a four zerks off um yeah happy to do it one opponent he has to take oh he didn't I told him he had to take funny singing okay then I go back and trade Rooks yes I'm gonna check just to get his King on the mating net now need to double up if Rook D4 G5 yeah okay he's in the mating net so if you double up oh never mind no waiting net trying to exchange his Rook yeah managed to exchange his rook and then it should be an easy removable win you really want to get it get it into the removable territory which is a bit unfortunate because I know some of you may be having a bit of a hard time keeping up with the Primos but it is something that you will have to pick up sooner or later um so yeah understanding primoves uh as a blitz player it's like basically let's say somehow you get lucky and you make it past the first date then you know once all the pickup lines and all the nonsense is finished you need to actually act like a human and stop being an NPC that's the same with the primoves you need you know just a little bit of pre-moving when you have like an extra Queen with 10-15 seconds at some point you can just make like random moves just if you pre-move them um there although you're pretty good in the long run Now do recommend the bleachers to beginners I would say it's should pretty much be a mix so I would recommend you sometime that's let's say five minutes five seconds with increment I'm obviously like playing this time uh for the sake of the video but if you can do five five I think that's pretty good maybe five three on leeches and uh yeah like 10 minutes rapid uh tends to be one of my favorites now coming back to the game critical moments uh really you want to pay attention to this bishop H6 moment and uh 98 that is really the move that you want to remember from this game and then uh of course when you once you defend if your opponent just acts like uh he doesn't want to defend the fake Pawn you should obviously just uh be a better player than myself and take it I was obviously just two zoned in onto the cheeky Bishop on H6 so completely missed that twice but then we yeah managed to get rid of his annoying piece and Queen before uh was basically the move that uh really put us ahead so with that being said I think we can move on to the following game all right everybody getting another game this time against the 1500 gonna be sticking with a Karo Khan and how nice we get to see F4 now the thing with this F4 move it's like it's pretty unexpected and you will still face it uh from time to time I like to compare it with basically just that uh it's exactly like that ankle that it's visiting you I don't know like annually or something like that and uh is of course like semi-drunk all the time and it's always first question you see him you like don't even know what his name is and he's asking okay how is your love life and maybe this is not really super weird in general but usually when that is happens you're like seven years old or something I don't know at least that's my case and I think most uh kids I grew up in Romania so this is how the variation is definitely a little bit awkward to deal with and can put you on the spot but uh yeah opponent plays Knight CT version which is let's say uh easier to deal with because we can just take and transpose into tartar conversation where he just has a bit of like a dodgy Pawn on F4 so normally the way this is played they just go E5 and import and there just play c596 wait for Knight F3 get the bishop to G4 that's like ideally how you want to do it typical inaccuracy people just play Bishop F5 right away and they miss on a lot of value so now we just get into normal positions um yeah okay it does not allow the third target goes in ID3 uh fine by me um typically when they decline Tata Logistics is an idea with Pawn on F4 it's a little bit strange but I think in this specific version if I recall this correctly because I checked it out for the course H5 is really something that opponent will have a hard time dealing with so typically Knights on G3 are super vulnerable to this kind of ideas so you can start Bishop G4 threatening to take or I can start H3 right away these are my candidates I think I'm gonna do Bishop G4 just because this very much remains an option and replace Knight C3 so that he can really take other Queen so we're not gonna be taking just yet uh E6 is a move I don't think we care about H3 we just could slide back or do anything really and okay I can definitely see that we're gonna be winning a piece so I'm gonna try to be very stealthy and play them with Bishop E7 letting him Castle which is like a huge blunder now it is time for you to go ahead pause the video and try to find the winning uh continuation for black because literally he just gifted away the game or this move because it allows Bishop takes on F3 and why is Bishop F3 so important well the Knight covers D4 Square we get rid of the Knight and then we have Queen D4 checking and then he has no way to block the check and save the bishop so picking up the three piece not too bad of an opening outcome if you ask me uh just gonna try to not lose my queen uh okay just gonna go back all the way home F5 I guess can just take be castled or develop I don't really care about this one um anymore like sure you can have it made it's uh we want a piece you can have a pawn sure that's like a fine trade who cares and yeah exchanging Queens would definitely make things uh way easier 95 would be initiating quite a lot of Trades I'm just gonna do it it's losing a pawn but it is opening up the position which definitely makes the win uh more straightforward there is actually nothing wrong with uh 97 as well but uh oh he just doesn't want to trade which is allowing another pretty juicy combo so you can once again try to pause the video and find it the movie is just uh 93. Apple Rook we go F5 try to get rid of his only active piece cannot go to G5 because Queen covers that okay gonna bring uh last piece uh into the game if Knight F5 we have a juicy move movers 21 still will go for it he cannot take because it's uh gets back ranked it's not like this movie is necessarily useful or anything but I'm just trying to flex my rusty tactics on uh no neo so okay gonna check him perhapskin the Knight F6 next inviting him to take because then I believe you can just uh move the Knight get a nasty discovery when I refuses to take I wonder why is that could just do an ig4 Knight F5 uh Knight F2 check is a nice uh oh my God this could be so beautiful hope he plays Knight F5 this is actually gonna be brilliant I hope uh we get to show this nice pattern on the board all right that's a bummer but I will show it into the analysis uh tab so uh wait until we get there uh oh can you just think rookie one anything wins it's like confusing there's a tough part when you have such a winning position it's you don't know what to decide random check why not take on G4 25 I guess initiating Queen trades okay I can start with look F2 if he goes back we mate or now can trade queens and with that you will definitely have no kind of play so and the resign button and we managed to get the win now for those of you that are wondering okay what was the point on Knight F5 that looks to be allowing Khana play point was we have Knight F2 in case of Rook days there is back rank that is Checkmate Checkmate ends the game there you go in case of King G1 we have Knight H3 double check King G1 King H1 only move and then you can try to post the video here in case you're not aware of this pattern black has a very juicy winning tactic it is so brilliant it's something that sticks in my memory since I was like a kid and the main reason is because I was on the receiving end of this goddamn combination so feels bad I thought my opponent was genuinely going for a Perpetual but then the like 1700 50 year old guy just placed them with Queen G1 and I'm like what frequent for me oh my god this is my lucky day oh my God I'm gonna go back home play video games after winning the game and I'm like wait a minute this guy is a little bit too confident playing this move and then I'm realizing my god he has Knight F2 I'm getting mated by this bastard [Music] so that is basically the pattern even better if you learn it this way and you don't find yourself on the receiving end so with that thing said I think we can move on to the Halloween game alright everybody looks like we managed to get a game with the black pieces and the opponent goes E4 uh meaning that we've got a perfect chance of trying out the Karo Khan and uh all right looks like we are getting the exchange variation now incredibly common for this rating range uh I like to add and uh opponent please Bishop E3 at this point they are not really playing any kind of critical opening setup and just in general whenever they don't do anything critical like for instance Bishop D3 would be among the only serious ways of playing this position or uh Knight E5 in this position where I recommend A6 basically stopping Bishop B5 then you just want to do knights on natural squares Bishop goes to G4 or F5 depending on the case if they play H3 or not that may happen at times and then you just want to go E6 and specifically I would say below 1500 Bishop E7 all the time castle Rook on the open file then you go minority attack with a6b5 so uh okay I'll try to listen to my own advice for now and uh it will be interesting uh if my opponent plays H3 and there we have it on the board now whenever they go for uh H3 I like to use the following rule if you are looking forward to get the optimal version of this so it really works specifically against the exchange these rules do change depending whether you face the advanced variation or the tasks are covered so you really want to pay attention to that little detail and in the exchange whenever they have either Knight on C3 or Bishop on B5 like this bishop goes there we always meet H3 with x in the other cases it's fine to go back now in this position going back would not be a mistake but it is just a life hack that I like to use so politics with the queen which could actually lead to like a very interesting scenario in case he goes for long Castle this is something that I've noticed a lot of people in this rating range struggle to deal with but when they go Bishop D3 it's typically an indicator that they're just gonna go short Castle Bishop E7 Castle and another move that I'm like seriously considering at this point is night before just trying to steal the bishop pair because the bishop cannot really move like trying to save it because of knightsito however there is one drawback to this there is Bishop B5 check and white manages to save it so for this reason I'm gonna start with Castle huge positional threat so A3 was actually quite required and at this point there's really no other candidate move like Rook seat would be okay but missing all an opportunity of uh winning back the bishop pair so at this point expecting maybe Rook ad1 or quinito A3 huge positional mistake just allowing the double pawns is definitely very handy for us because these pawns uh are gonna be quite uh vulnerable in the long run and we're gonna take control over the open file Bishop G5 let's see what he wants to do with that Bishop typically they take when they play it this late uh okay he just goes back uh meaning that I won a free move I have a look now we're not gonna get back and I mated which hey it is pretty good news is if you ask me I'm gonna go a6b5 just uh expanding and preparing to play Queen B6 keep in mind that we're not playing Queen B6 because that would be blocking the pawns so we want to have the queen supporting the spawn push and at this point expecting him to take on C8 and play Rook C1 I feel like players in this rating range tend to run out of ideas or maybe Queen G3 that would be something that I'd uh also expect creating uh one move uh Cheap Trick Bishop takes on H6 so yeah case of Queen V3 I think we do sidestep and uh if he does anything else like Knight G3 let's say uh yeah I think just go A5 B4 idea is to take back with a pawn maybe play B3 and then infiltrate with roxito that is the whole game plan if it takes we get a very dangerous passer Knight H5 uh that night when it's like standing there on the king side next to our King it just feels like a very annoying mosquito so just um gonna get uh read of it ASAP and now we have a choice we could do before and follow the plan that I've mentioned we could also start with Bishop F6 started getting uh the Double Pawn which is uh very vulnerable pretty much almost as an upside down turtle but he still has cringy for defending anyways I think it's a good move to include would you play Bishop F6 though Rook C5 may become a thing so I'm just gonna start before I'm not like afraid at all of uh the bishop sack we just take and he doesn't have any Perpetual he doesn't have a single threat there will be just a 24. expecting him to take or play A4 yeah taking back with the pawn preparing B3 roxito if we can get that that would be super instructive because it just shows how from such like a symmetrical position black can easily get the initiative so against the roxito but then B3 so I wanna Target I mean Target the fix first of course I meant to say fix the Target and and then we play Rook desito black square or on a brown Square that's uh one of my students likes to say and then preparing to play Rook C8 like in a lot of end games just think about the fire if we trade all the Pieces perhaps I'll show this in the post analysis game so you should definitely wait and see that if we trade heavy pieces we can just maybe sacrifice the bishop and then Queen uh K Rook to C1 gets played I mean this is already a mistake because it does not have the right to challenge the C file because the pawn remains undefended so you should have definitely noticed that we're just gonna be taking it however he was about to get uh squeezed slowly so at this point we don't really need him to make a mistake to win of course uh when it happens it is very much appreciated uh feels good not to be on the receiving and once in a while I can do Bishop C5 or Bishop B4 perhaps uh Rook C2 looks very juicy too I'm going to Starbucks getting the Rook on the second rank uh cannot really hurt and gonna do like uh Queen C5 idea to play D4 next oh he plays D40 himself I guess never mind gotta go Queen C4 trying to infiltrate have to speed up a little just because we have uh not a whole lot of time left on the clock and we still need to dodge the Perpetual I'm gonna go Queenie to I think uh getting rid of the Queens is uh really critical in uh converting this end game keeping Queens on the board will still uh hold some chances for white of potentially somehow getting a perpetual I don't see how that happens but you never know when F4 just gonna go quinito keep an eye on this maybe he goes uh rookie one I don't know what I would have done in that case maybe just go back now this is a threat so maybe it goes back Bishop F6 stopping Queen F7 uh maybe 24 once again the reinforcing the queen trade idea and now we also have a tricking Casey declines because uh we have uh this thing looming with Rook C3 okay never mind we get it to this point uh Bishop D4 not a thing uh okay time to panic Bishop D5 going Bishop C1 targeting the pawn of course Bishop B2 gets pretty much a winning end game gotta keep the pawn that's like clean and now that time to bring the king kind of doubt that we're gonna be in time with it but uh trying my best oops oh you shouldn't have uh done that hope he doesn't play D5 if he plays D5 we're like so screwed oh no okay we do force uh Queens off I don't think we're gonna be in time though it's like we lose uh zero one uh each move oh he takes that pawn that wouldn't have uh that's not very clever yeah okay it's a Pity that uh we're not in time to convert this game however uh yeah I think opening was pretty instructive just normal play the key move of getting a great position here just play night before if you do something random like Rook say day three I mean sure you're still like doing fine going A6 B5 Knight A5 Knight C4 but it's uh definitely you know imagine you would have some more maneuver 92 C3 it could already be slightly worse so uh that was key idea to remember after that uh yeah I hope this plan of just kind of infiltrating with the Rook like just pay attention to this in case he's doing nothing yeah let's say he goes Queen F3 we go B3 and then roxito and he will have to pretty much take that like sooner or later and this just gives us a very dangerous spawn plus we can win B2 typically just winning and um you remember I brought up uh this scenario where let's say we could potentially trade all the heavy pieces so I'm just making a situation up just so you guys can get the point not like you couldn't visualize it but I think it may be a little bit better so like let's say somehow by accident white finds himself in this situation yeah let's just picture that black has a stunning move to just win the game because we have this uh born on B3 like put upon back on B7 probably a draw with Pawn on B3 you have tactical idea Bishop A3 Bishop is Immortal El sweet queen and we just win a pawn and then most likely the game so that's one of the sort of long-term assets of like just taking space pushing the pawn and then utilizing the open file or perhaps even the point itself so with that being said I think we can move on to the following game alright everybody managed to get another black game gonna be sticking with the karokan this time against an opponent That's rated 1660. so uh are we going for the Karo Khan as you already know and I'm actually super glad that we get to face the advanced variation because this is about to get pretty spicy and already we have a choice between Bishop to F5 or the C5 move basically I like to think of this the following way like let's say for some reason you just have to climb a skyscraper so you play C5 daily elevator you play Bishop F5 your work uh using the stairs so I don't care how good your physical condition is chances are the elevator will work better so hope that made any sense and we're just gonna be sticking with C5 now play C3 which is uh just leading to sort of an improved French defense for black because uh compared to the French defense we're gonna be actually able to get the bishop out hopefully to G4 or F5 so other moves where V takes on C5 the let's say move that was known to be the most dangerous were I will be recommending the move Knight to C6 in my upcoming course on Tuesday ball which by the way for those of you that are wondering maybe actually up in uh next month in June so that's kind of what I know by now no estimated date yet but things on my stuff are ready but okay she's gonna play Knight C6 Knight F3 is what you normally get Bishop to B5 here pretty common as well uh of course in the rating climb that we are making currently with the karokan in the past we faced moves like uh F4 or Bishop E3 so make sure to check out the whole playlist to see how to play against those now just gonna take get the bishop out it is very easy at this point because basically it's all gonna be about that pawn on D4 which if white manages to hold they may be making a draw if not I don't need to tell you what's gonna happen so gonna go Knight D7 typical move for a beginner here Bishop G5 just pinning the Knight and kind of making it awkward now don't play the move Queen C7 that's common mistake you don't want to have your lady here under the open file so you don't want to get any kind of interaction with the Enemy Rook that would be pretty painful uh but instead just play Queen B6 I'm paying go Knight F5 focus on the default Pawn H3 because it's the advance we always take on F3 not a single case where we step back go Knight F5 targeting the main weakness Bishop B3 only move gonna go Bishop B7 Castle against that important idea I know a lot of people are wondering all right when are we supposed to take that Bishop on E3 well if you look at that Bishop I normally say uh you need to treat your Bishops like he was a Ferrari well this is more of like an older version of a Ferrari it's not very active not very fast but when they do play G4 hell yeah we take when they provoke it with moves like either G4 or Bishop to G4 that's when we take otherwise we keep tension take back with a pawn of course now because we haven't castled yet the H5 could be an idea because we have the Rock and we can be using that hook however not super sure I think it's a little bit too risky just gonna stick with the stand up break with F6 this is uh pretty standard for the structure just so uh we're gonna be weakening uh some squares here the whole point I've noticed while analyzing these type of positions is that we're going to be weakening this tag and also um yeah I think started maybe A6 ideas to play Queen D6 so no Knight B5 Queen E6 and maybe like infinite actually there was no particular need for A6 now that I think about it but it feels like a nice move to be playing now I have Bishop H4 idea to infiltrate kind of forcing Knight E2 yeah I think I like to start with that Queen G3 huge flat only move 92 and then I'm thinking to try to increase pressure with E5 if we get E4 Bishop is trapped however if D5 we may lose the pawn on D5 so I'm gonna play prophylactic Rook d8 so that uh this Pawn will be safe if Knight F4 maybe even G5 is uh worth considering maybe actually just exchange sack I think it actually works way better than expected because then we get to inventory with the queen and pawn is also vulnerable neither four would be big blunder E5 really looming you should be careful if the E5 95 I mean looks pretty interesting for us also the E5 Queen E5 may be even better hitting buff Pawns so yeah I mean if anything black is not worse we may also be able to get some push so just gonna go E5 D5 now actually taking with a knight becomes more interesting because we hit the enemy queen as well So yeah thank you on the queen uh also reasonable many tempting options already which is always a good sign when D4 would be expecting and then uh like the obvious continuation would be trading on F3 twice oh and then we have a very juicy move then we have something so good that it's basically gonna be kind of like uh yeah annihilating White's King if that's a way to put it uh okay isn't this just uh losing a piece what am I missing opponing just panicked oh yeah it is just losing a piece here it is she just has absolutely no Flats but plays Knight F4 good okay good when we get the free piece that's pretty nice it's pretty much appreciated it's on my birthday yet but we're gonna take the three piece I'm gonna go G5 eliminating the Knight so that we can play Knight F3 and uh that is almost gonna be achievement so he will most likely have to give up uh the rook and with that probably the last hopes for uh surviving this game I would like to think so at least engage one uh typical mating net just allowing your location so yeah uh going back to that position by the way he made uh no obvious mistakes it's just that his opening was kind of not great and we played natural moves and we just took the initiative now I was expecting 24 but then you have Knight F3 and then I'm not sure but I was thinking the killer move is Greenwich too we can actually check it with the chest.com engine yeah Queen H2 -6 rest moves rest of the moves not very clear but Queen H2 is just like you're entering his home and just make him live you take all of his stuff his wife included okay I don't know about that but uh you will be devastating for sure uh so yeah this is how powerful the karokan is opponents that are almost 1700 make no mistakes you can still just go over them and basically like steamrolling them with the with a cattle console as long as you follow this uh basic concepts uh take one F3 always against the advance take on E3 only if provoked and then the F6 break uh is quite a key idea specifically for this uh porn structure with uh yeah after we take on E3 so in general otherwise be very careful with F6 okay Ben Feingold will be getting pretty mad so um okay with that being said I think can move on to the following game alright everybody getting another car game let's see what opponent has ready for us this time and we do get to face the advance which is definitely known to be one of the scariest lines that you could possibly be facing and opponent plays the move Knight F3 which actually can be something pretty double-edged it's either opponent knows what he's doing and it's gonna be a pretty difficult game or he is completely clueless he just develops Knight and we're gonna be transposing to the C3 structure nevertheless so CD4 is playable it has been disputed at the top level quite a lot there is typically something that players who go dc5 E6 wanna do but for us that would go dc59 C6 we're definitely very happy to play the same move because we are not afraid of dc5 because it just transposes to what we typically play anyways so opponent just goes C3 which we're happy to see just takes and go Bishop D4 for stake with a pawn mistake that I see occasionally by the white players they take with a knight and the black players actually forget about the fact that opponent E5 remains undefended so uh definitely something that you want to keep an eye on gonna get a bishop pin and uh Bishop to B5 is actually leading to interactive positions where a lot of people just thrash with the check okay they see check they give check no don't do that he just plays Knight C3 and you don't really get a whole lot so just go E6 and hopefully he's gonna do Bishop G5 illustrating like a very typical mistake hopefully he does it now even I'd be surprised though people that are 1700 Blitz to make that kind of mistake here feel free to pause the video and uh try to come up with the best reaction because from my experience most of the people would just be playing a move Bishop to E7 and you don't even get a wooden spoon for that it's just an even game if you're thinking about Queen takes on g5k are getting close you actually do these are the wooden spoon for it however Bishop to G5 really allows Bishop takes on F3 and you just win a piece just like that a simple against Castle I think 97 preparing Knight F5 if Bishop G5 we just done pin with Queen B6 H3 always take against the advance and then uh there is Knight F5 move he'll play Bishop E3 I think Queen B6 is a bit more precise because it's making Bishop E3 really uncomfortable now allowing Quimby to Queen C3 typical move gonna go Knight F5 expecting Bishop E3 next and then uh well we basically have a choice I think taking is uh not terrible this time combined with C5 but around with C5 it's that he has DC so interesting good videos Rook C8 with C5 next maybe bishop B4 is worth considering just because uh we're trying to destabilize his position quite a bit but I think we stick with takes takes takes this way C5 92 I expect maybe just Bishop B7 closure C1 ABCD that would be the simple blame but also the bishop e792 Castle expecting maybe something like okay C1 yeah I didn't want to get in the C5 break kind of as soon as we can because if he manages to like fix this pawn and get some pressure he can get ugly so I'm gonna do 93. only move taking with the pawn because Queen needs to guard the B2 and now C5 was the idea behind taking dc5 of course is kind of devastating mistake plays A3 for some reason um we'll try to finish development by castling and then Rook C8 I think black is uh just slightly better I mean we should be slightly better with uh perfect play because this line is used to be us for uh for white however I'm not super sure whether we followed it up in like the more space size fashion however I would uh I would say we're definitely doing okay now creating a threat of taking and opening up this pressure against this queen now c4 becomes interesting because uh we gain a tempo for interesting too just uh fixing that uh weakness maybe makes uh sense to consider something like F6 as well here which I think is ultimately what we're gonna play now should we do it in the first place I think not or maybe I think may not even matter that much but okay let's take so that we're fixing the weakness then the plan is to break threatening to take has to take or play Knight F3 Knight F3 I think would be the better move or maybe Rook C4 is interesting okay before just um completely blunders the fact that the pawn is pinned so gives us a free win especially when they planted the fork so opponent just had like a complete meltdown in like two moves which yes still 1700 blades close to like 2000 in uh rapid would be my guess they really go down uh this easily fixing the weakness let's play King G2 or something increasing the pressure not uh to blunder E6 Pawn so we have to take with the bishop otherwise I would have prioritized them trying to get a queen trade just to move the queen I'll go back with the bishop I think Bishop is no longer gonna be useful there he has no checks maybe next uh preparing 24 gotta watch out for Queen B8 however could play E5 as well just uh getting the pawn Center and then I'm gonna be supporting the pawns this way yeah Queen F5 or G4 play Queen C6 yeah I think just this topping the checks and trying to go for a cheeky Queen trade that's uh the main idea hopefully he plays uh something like that yeah of course read him like an open book and uh yeah this should be pretty movable with only 20 seconds we'll use my Bishop to fix his Pawns then bring the king were able to get another pass Pawn quite easily therefore uh just take create a passer he's unable to fight both of my Pawns they're pretty much Unstoppable at this point ready to use my Bishop to stop his Pawns but he will be trying out like a desperate King march okay hit him with a check and uh yeah no idea what the precise Checkmate would be here winning the pawn by force yeah easiest is just to get another queen and uh they move uh the Checkmate of course it's uh at this point we don't actually need to remove it but this just easily wins the games all the time so uh yeah managed to get the game now yeah I would say um definitely bad opening Bishop B5 takes one C6 black should be very comfortable Queen C3 okay move yeah now I'm here I'm curious to see what computer thinks uh it's best play computer recommends uh Bishop B4 Bishop E7 kind of everything is the same yeah I guess what we did is also very reasonable uh with C5 C5 among like the top moves especially yeah like after A3 black is just slightly better so this was definitely Justified and uh yeah maybe it's actually not very clear how to proceed in this position I thought we should be having like an objective Edge but apparently computer thinks maybe not burning up is optimal play however I don't really see how black is gonna be better there so I thought breaking with F6 it's critical however he was supposed to play Knight F3 at least if he wanted to keep equality so then after pontes he can dig back with the Knight now I was uh hoping he takes she's gonna give me Tempo and perhaps just allow us to win the pawn actually there might be even stronger move to play E5 because the pawn is pinned and there is Fork idea so he had to like really find this Knight F3 idea in order to keep an even position which of course one move wrong and white is busted so uh yep with that being said I think we can move on to the following game
Channel: IM Alex Banzea
Views: 73,119
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Id: kz6GUHzC1ck
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Length: 61min 31sec (3691 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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