Learn the London with Hikaru

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welcome back everyone for today's video we are  going to be taking a look at some of the games   that were played by some of our subs here on the  YouTube channel now thank you so much to everybody   for your submissions I intend to continue doing  opening videos going forward for today's topic   we are going to be focusing on the London system  [Music] away we go you guys so first game we're   going to be taking a look at is the game was  played between kamesh raghavan from India and   Mort's shirehob from Germany you can tell from  the ratings white player 1340 black player 1114   game was 10 minutes so we got D4 D5 Bishop to F4  and now we get Pawn to E6 being played here by   Mort shirehoff now in a future video I am actually  going to focus on systems where black plays Bishop   F5 and Knight to C6 but that will not be for today  all right so we get E6 here we get Pawn to E3 and   now Knight C6 is played by more at shirehof now  this is a slight mistake here in this position   you can put the Knight on C6 if you've developed  the bishop to F5 but generally speaking in a lot   of these Queen Pawn openings where white pushes  D4 and D5 normally you want to push a pawn to C4   C5 and bring the Knight out behind the pawn  because here when you put the Knight on C6   you can never really put pressure on the central  punching you can try to play for E5 but it's much   more effective to push this Pawn first then play  Knight C6 and now you're putting more pressure on   the central D4 point and you still can also play  for this E5 Pawn break as well so nice this looks   a little bit dubious Knight to F3 is played here  and now we get Bishop D7 a move that doesn't make   a lot of sense White's plan is very simple you  want to bring the Knight out bring the bishop   out Castle the king plays C3 very very straight  forward but for black with the bishop behind his   punch and the light Square Bishop's a little bit  dubious Knight on C6 isn't great great isn't great   here you can't really push for E5 C5 is not an  option either so white is already considerably   better if I were playing black and suspicion what  I would aim for is to play Bishop D6 to try try   to trade off these dark Square Bishops for example  if white trades the Bishops and then plays Bishop   D3 now black can already play E5 striking in the  center and the position is very balanced here but   black has no issues is now the light Square Bishop  is very active you can develop the Knight here to   F6 very quickly and then just simply Castle the  king out of the center of the board so black   has no issues so Bishop D7 doesn't really do a  whole lot here because you're not really playing   on the queen side additionally if we go back a few  moves if you had say this position where where you   can play Bishop D7 with the idea of Rook to C8  followed by taking you can try to play on the C   file with this Knight in this Rook one example  let's just say H3 takes takes maybe something like   Knight B4 to put pressure on the pawn on C2 so  with that without this Pawn on C7 Now The Rook is   very well placed on C8 but in the game as you'll  notice here with this Pawn on C7 Rook C8 doesn't   make sense you can't play for C5 and the bishop  simply is doing nothing on D7 so we get Bishop to   B4 being played here now white plays C3 correctly  Bishop A5 we get A4 setting up a nasty trick if   black plays Knight G to E7 you B for it Bishop  to B6 and then A5 trapping this bishop on B6   so Bishop B6 is played B4 played and now to his  credit Moritz plays A6 here stopping white from   trapping the bishop because after A5 now you  simply go Bishop A7 and the bishop is safe on   the Square that being said of course white has a  lot of space here on the queen side black does not   really have great Pawn breaks white can also  follow up with Bishop D in three castles and   Knight to E5 and white should be considerably  better so we get Knight to E5 being played   here now this is a move that I don't necessarily  dislike it's a very good move objectively but one   thing that's really important when you're newer  to the game is to follow the basic principles of   what you're aiming for and when you do play the  London system you're almost always aiming for the   startup with the following moves you want the  Pawns in F2 E3 D4 you want this chain you want   the pawn on C3 and then you want the two knights  and the Bishops developed on D3 up four and D2 and   F3 and this is generally the starting setup that  you want so while Knight E5 is a reasonable move   I would I would suggest you continue following  the teams first with say Bishop D3 Knight to F6   castles and then Knight to E5 like this because  now you finish your development you have the   perfect setup with the Bishops the knights are  very well placed and white should be better   nonetheless 95 is of course a very reasonable  move so we got Knight to E5 Knight takes Knight   Bishop takes Knight now the bishop is threatening  to capture the pawn on G7 and the win The Rook in   the corner we got Pawn to F6 played here now  this is kind of a maybe it's a reasonable move   it's not a move that I love um I know the computer  actually thinks it's the best move but probably I   would suggest playing Knight F6 just so you can  castle and have something that's a little bit   more standard because again at this rating range  trying to play these these unusual setups like F6   here it makes it very difficult to follow it up  precisely so now we get Bishop to G3 being played   here by kamesh ragabond we get Knight to H6 a good  move here black tries to Castle maybe also you can   bring the Knight to F5 to win the bishop on G3 we  got Bishop to E2 now this of course is a move that   I really don't like here again follow the themes  one of the things that you're always looking to to   do as a newer player is put the pieces on some of  these standard squares and develop and if you put   the bishop on D3 and then Castle the position  is completely fine but when you start getting   too creative I I would say in the London system  specifically you always want to try to follow   the setup unless there's a specific reason so  let me illustrate one example say black has   um say you say black is some setup like this  now of course the specific position is somewhat   irrelevant here but say black whatever the setup  and you you want to put the bishop on D3 but it   loses to E4 then yes you do need to improvise  but if there is no reason that you're going   to be losing material you want to put these minor  pieces the Bishops and the Knights on the squares   um that that they belong so Bishop to E2 is played  now we get Knight to F5 we got Bishop to H5 check   being played here by kamesh G not G6 okay King E7  is played probably if I were playing Black here   after G6 Bishop F3 black can already plays unusual  move H5 trying to go for the same thing that white   was doing on the queen side winning this bishop  and if white say castles you have ah4 G5 uh oh   spaghettio there goes your dark Square Bishop you  will lose the game and if you do play a move like   H4 here to stop the pawn push them black and trade  the Knight for the bishop and after C6 followed   by Bishop B8 white has a lot of problems with  this weak Pawn next to This Light Square Bishop   so King D7 is not the best move but again you  can't be too critical of the players at this level   we get castles Knight takes bishop and now white  captures with the F Pawn now this is a move that   is not the correct decision I would say at the  levels below probably I would say expert or Master   Level the number of times when you're gonna end  up with stacked pawns say like on G3 and G2 these   double pawns here I would say like 95 of the time  you want to capture towards the center so what   does that mean when you look at the center of the  board that is the E files and the D files here so   when you capture with the H Pawn you're capturing  towards the center the pawn is going towards the   center part of the board when you capture with  the F Pawn here your Pawn is going towards   the edge of the board so I would say like 95 of  the time you want to capture towards the center   um if you can't so when you take with the F Pawn  there are some situations where it makes sense   but in this case even though you open up the  f file for The Rook here there really are no   threats towards this Pawn on F6 game continues  with Bishop to B5 we get Bishop to E2 and now   black plays Queen D7 and already here this is  where you to take stock of position now this is   this is more middle game Concepts at a 1300 level  I don't really expect players to to grasp this   necessarily but in a position like this when you  look at this on first glitch you'll notice that   black has the bishop pair Bishop pair is it's a  little bit better than the bishop Knight Bishop   Knight in general so it's slightly preferable for  black however that being said black is lacking   development here if you look at the position  the Rooks are on their original squares the   queen has not been developed the king is in the  center of the board additionally this bishop on   A7 is doing nothing because all these pawns are  simply killing this diagonal so because of that   what you're looking for is you're looking to not  not sort of trade down because if you trade down   in the long run let's think about this logically  the last thing I forgot to mention I realized   is the pawn structure when you look at the pawns  Black's Pawn structure is better than White's Pawn   structure because white has these pawns they're  stacked and additionally this Pawn on the center   in the long term could become a slight weakness so  generally here the advantage for white is that the   blacking is in the center he's lacking development  Black's Advantage is that he's the bishop pair and   a better Pawn structure so if you keep pieces on  the board it's a lot less likely that black can   fix this king king issue that he has with a king  stuck in the middle of the board nonetheless we   got Bishop E2 Queen to D7 Knight to B3 Bishops  are traded we get Queen to C6 and now Knight to   C5 played by kamesh not a bad move again already  here there are not as many pieces on the board so   the advantage of slowly slipping away black plays  Rook 88 we got Queen to G4 and now King the f8 is   played here if I was playing with black probably  what I would have done here is I would have   already probably traded and then played rookie 8  with the idea of let's just say white plays Rook   B1 going King to d8 and I'm just gonna make some  random moves to ah3 E5 and now black tries to play   on this this e file which is somewhat open Black's  work is very well placed on E8 King can always   just run to C8 and B8 potentially be very safe  here and black is very much in the game so rookie   8 Queen G4 has played King f8 and now H4 not the  best move but again very hard to understand what   you're playing for if I was playing this bishop  probably what I would play as Rook to I don't   know which square is better either F through  F2 with the idea of say let's say black plays   E5 going workout one stacking the Rooks maybe  there's a 97 trick and white should be better   again it's not conclusive it's not like this  position is winning but white has some pressure   instead H4 is played here and now the game  continues with age five we get Queen to G6 rookie   H6 is played here and now two is credit kamesh  finds the winning tactic with Rook takes F6 now in   this position after H4 what black should do here  is probably trade and then play something like   um Rook to E7 because if white tries to do H5 and  H6 let me just illustrate it sucks you undermine   the pawn chain and win the game if black pushes  you win the pawn or you win the pawn and so it's   very good however in this bishop black and play  H6 here and the pawn structure is it's difficult   to progress you can't really push forward pawns  are very solid here in Black at least for the   time being is holding on so H5 isn't the best move  Queen G6 Rook H6 now Rook takes F6 great move by   kamesh because now if you take the Rook you lose  your Rook on H6 King G8 is played we got Queen F7   King to h8 trade Rook F1 great move bring the last  piece into the game from the A1 square and white   wants to go Rook F6 and go for checkmate Bishop  C5 is played we get D takes C5 now again this is   not I mean there are many all roads lead to Rome  here but I will stress once again for Mr kamesh   in this position what did I say earlier about  having pawns you're gonna notice that white is   going to end up with stack pawns here on C5 and  C3 now once again white is capturing away from   the center of the board when you do this you're  capturing towards the edge of the board whereas   when you catch with this Pawn you're capturing  towards the center of the board so once again   for Mr kamesh I strongly recommend that you think  about this concept where when you have the double   pawns you think about capturing towards the center  rather than a way towards the edge of the board   nonetheless he takes and in this case it doesn't  matter all that much we got Queen to B5 plate Rook   to F6 played here by kamesh Queen to C6 and  now he plays Rook takes H6 which is Checkmate   so what to say about this game overall very very  well played game by Mr kamesh um there are some   inaccuracies but again the inaccuracy these are  things that don't matter at this level so much so   one there are two takeaways however that I would  stress first one is that in this opening phase   you want to follow your basic setup like you want  you basically this is the ideal setup where you   you put the bishop on D3 you get these four pieces  and you get this pyramid as well this is the ideal   setup in the London system if you can achieve it  so when you have the opportunity later on to set   it up first of all I mean he had this spot he  also had a few moves earlier just remember the   perfect placement of the Bishops and the Knights  and London system and the second point is just in   general and this does apply to the London system a  lot which is that there are many cases where black   will play night Knight F5 takes G3 or more common  a more common theme is something like Knight H5   and taking like this on G3 and you almost always  I would say at a 1300 level always capture towards   the center with an H Pawn taking on G3 I would I  would say that you always want to do that so just   remember that when you end up with Pawn stacked  on top of each other captured towards the center   of the board just think of it capturing towards  these two files so you want to capture towards   rather than a way towards the edge of the board  where nothing is happening so those are the two   big takeaways but nonetheless overall a very very  well played game by kamesh raghavan so big shout   out to him next game we have is a game that is  played between dikichi 1460 from the great country   of Nippon also known as Japan and of course JK  bihani 1459 from India now this game is a one   hour game so a little bit slower so maybe I'll be  a little bit more critical of my Subs game starts   with D4 we get D5 but about four Knight F6 E3 E6  all standard Knight F3 bing bing boom Bishop B4   now it's weird that just like in the first game  the black player plays Bishop B4 now again this   does nothing except help white get the setup he  wants and this is called losing Tempo now tempo   of course means it essentially means losing time  in Italian because in this position if you play   Bishop to D6 for example white will have to waste  time to go C3 here white plays this move and then   lo and behold it's Black's turn but when you throw  in this check and you go to D6 you'll notice that   now it's White's move so now I play Knight D2  versus this position where here it's locked so   you're basically losing time and you're helping  white improve and get the pre Premiere setup with   these pawns from B2 to D4 and F2 to D4 and of  course this mini pyramid Bishop to A5 is played   not a great move because now black is going  to have trouble fighting for the center one   of the biggest reasons you play Bishop D6 is not  even necessarily a trade the dark Square Bishops   um right on F4 I should say but you know white  trades you can very quickly always fight for the   center with E5 Pawn pushes and even if white even  if white doesn't trade say white plays Bishop D3   C5 castles Queen C7 Bishop G3 you still can fight  for the center with Knight bd7 C3 and E5 here so   that's why you want to really consider putting  the bishop on D6 if you have pushed the pawns   to D5 and E6 very specifically if you've done this  and you haven't developed the light Square Bishop   you're always looking to play Bishop D6 now of  course the bishop on A5 it's gonna be very hard   to fight for a pawn pushed with the E5 Pawn you  also can't really play C5 either so it's very   very difficult game continues with an ipd2 we get  H6 being played here Bishop to D3 castles white   plays Knight to E5 great move um castles of course  is fine eh3 also fine I would say it's sort of for   choice but I think white has an idea in mind so  we get 95 Knight bd7 and now Bishop G3 now here   dikichi is actually aiming for something different  what he's trying to do is he's on top of playing   a London system he's now trying to create the  classic Stonewall Jackson in the center of the   board now there is an opening called the stone  wall which I will just show it very quickly for   those of you guys who are wondering where and try  to bring the bishop out and you try to create this   this situation where you have this Pawn structure  here with these dark Square pods and then you try   eventually to plop a pony on E5 and this is what  we call the stone wall however in the specific   position this is quite different because here what  we have is we do have a stone wall white does have   these pawns out in the center of the board but  additionally White's dark Square Bishop is all   the way over here it can almost always go to H4  and this bishop is much better on G3 than it would   be staying at home on this critical C1 Square  so this is a bit of a Stonewall and a London but   with this active dark swear Bishop it's very very  nice to play we've got C takes D4 correctly dkg   captures with the e-pawn you do not capture the  C Pawn because even though this keeps the center   intact and the classic Diamond hands formation  this bishop on A5 is spying the Knight on D2   and the King on E1 and here black can even play  Knight takes Pawn takes Knight to E4 and you'd   be forced here to trade with the bishop because  there is this pin problem that you have towards   the knight in the king and after takes takes and  castles takes takes Bishop D7 followed by Bishop   C6 position is fairly balanced of course but  white doesn't really have any way to attack easily   so white takes with the E Pawn now of course if  black was 94 you simply gobble gobble because the   diagonal is closed we get Pawn to A6 being played  here by J J B Connie Bishop to H4 excellent move   pinning the Knight on F6 here Queen C7 has played  and now dica Chico's G4 now this is a move that I   think is a great move in the situation black has  many issues first of all you see this bishop and   this Rook they're very passive even if you move  the Knight out of the way Bishop is still still   staring at a closed diagonal this Pawn on E6  in the way so the bishop and The Rook are very   passive even if you can play B6 and say Bishop  B7 for example you're still looking at a closed   diagonal so it's Bishop on B7 or C8 is very  very passive which also means his Rook on Aid   is stuck and not in the game so I really like this  additionally with black and castles and push this   Pawn white has some very basic ideas like G5 takes  takes and then Rook G1 followed by Queen F3 or   queen H5 there are all kinds of threats here with  this King on G8 and black is in a world of hurt   so we get Knight takes Knight and now we get  D takes E5 played by dikichi now this is a   very bad move it is not the correct move in this  position as what I would say most London systems   if there is a trade on E5 maybe pawns on D4 and  F4 I would say probably 90 of the time you want   to catch with the F punt now again you're  probably saying well you said this about to   double pause and everything about this you make  it sound too easy but in in the London system   when this does occur where there's a trade you  almost always want a cab for the f-pot unless   there's something very specific now I'm going  to give you guys a really Advanced tip here now   probably probably let me just set this up in a  different situation or actually let me let me   just put the bishop here for a second if we could  magically reach this position where there's a   bishop on D7 taking with this Pawn is actually  quite good because now the Knight is to go to   either E8 and you'll notice that this Pawn on E5  covers both the squares where the Knight can jump   um and also white can try to put this Knight  on this critical D4 Square as well and get a   nice little Outpost so in this situation it  would actually make some sense however when   you capture with the pawn here because this D7  square is available Black's Knight can jump to   C5 to Target the bishop on D3 or go to the  center and additionally here black and also   put this bishop on B6 and there's now this open  diagonal which is going to cause a white king   some uncomfortable situation here so this is why  you should not take if you take with the F Pawn   here after say Knight D7 and castles for example  you have a great connect five here black can't   really push F6 because of the bishop in the pawn  say black tries just to just to show you guys why   um you can simply take take take and play like  Queen F3 Queen to E7 Rook to F1 King G7 and now   a simple move like Bishop C2 threatening to go  Queen D3 and create this big battery on this   diagonal and go bring the queen to either the  square here or here it's just a lot a lot of a   lot of problems for black to deal with so F takes  would be better basically for those two reasons   first of all it opens up the diagonal but also the  Knight can jump to C5 so you do want to capture   with the f-pawn rather than d-pod nonetheless at  this level probably not that big of a deal we get   Knight to H7 being played which is wrong now we  get Bishop takes Knight now this is a horrible   horrible horrible move I cannot state it enough  for the following reason one thing that you want   to look at and this is not easy to conceptualize  at the lower levels lower intermediate levels   um but one thing that you do want to think about  when you're looking at trades is a couple things   first of all you look at this Pony on H7 and  it's Bishop on D3 the bishop on D3 is a great   piece it's keeping an eye on this Knight an eye on  the pawn as well and this Knight can't really go   anywhere the Knight can't go to either the F6 or  G5 squares if you say play Knight F6 I just take   the Knight you go to G5 I take the Knight and  the bishop also can't be traded so the bishop   is basically just spying this Knight forever  essentially and because of that the bishop   is a much better piece knight has no squares and  really trading here is just not what you're aiming   for especially because White has violated one  of the basic principles in the opening which is   that white has started pushing the pawns on the  king side without finishing the development and   castling the king so when you've done that you  generally want to be very aggressive in attack   and when you're attacking trading off pizzas  normally is not the right approach obviously   it's situation it depends on the situation but  nonetheless in this case you definitely don't want   to trade this great Bishop for this Knight that  simply is just sitting here on H7 doing nothing   so we get the trade Waco's G5 here now black  takes on G5 now this is an example like I said   where because the players are at an intermediate  level black is unable to to fend off this attack   but what I would say here is that if this was  a stronger player say around Master Level black   actually can play D4 here and it looks very scary  for example after Queen H5 but what you'll notice   in this position I'm just gonna play random  move not the best but like Bishop D7 is that   white can't really progress with the attack you  can't really push G6 I just take the Pawn King is   very safe if you take on H6 here I actually go G6  very quietly ignoring everything and when you play   Queen G5 here I can simply take let's just say you  take and I I go Bishop C6 just to illustrate the   point even if you get Queen F6 you're threatening  the Lolly Checkmate on G7 blackheads still stop   it with Rook G8 the queen guards the pawn and  white is in a lot of trouble here because the   Rook is under attack your other Rook is hasn't  moved yet your king is stuck in the center of   the board you don't have safety either way you try  to Castle here they're probably really bad things   like Queen D7 and eventually a queen D5 or even  Bishop d8 winning the queen here on F6 so it's   very very scary to play and if you try to Castle  Queen so this of course is pretty pretty absurds   after takes takes black and simply go Queen takes  C3 King C1 Queen D3 check and wherever the King   goes you will lose the Knight with Chuck or if you  go to A1 you simply get checkmated with Bishop C3   so it's a total disaster so this is something that  intermediate level players probably won't be able   to find out the attack but as you're trying to  improve or getting better players will understand   how to defend against this pure attack with only  a queen and a pawn here if you go for this however   in this game Pawn takes Pawn is played which is a  big mistake because now after Queen H5 King G8 and   Bishop takes G5 white is doing very very well here  now the now the age file is open the G files open   they're ideas like Bishop F6 and Rook G1 creating  Checkmate threats and the rest should be pretty   straightforward but let's see what happens so F5  is played good attempt by JB honey here to try and   do something one illustration of a very cute maybe  would be F6 or Not Sorry D4 Bishop to F6 here   and now black takes the bishop you've Rook q1  Checkmate if black plays G6 we got the classic   Lobster pincer checkmate with Bishop to h8 and  if black takes on C3 you can completely ignore   it and go Rook to G1 Pawn takes Knight and then  King to D1 King is very safe here there are no   real checks there is a check on C1 of course but  no matter what black does he's made a G6 G6 Queen   h8 is mate if you move the Rook I go Rook takes  G7 king f8 and queen to h8 Checkmate and so the   only way to prolong me would be Queen C1 whoops  would be Queen to C1 but this two also leaves a   Checkmate after King B1 and rookie eight Rook G7  king f8 queen to h a so I do like F5 here because   it's a move to stop the whole Bishop F6 Works  G1 idea game continues with Rook G1 here still   same threats Bishop F6 with Bishop H6 with this  Rook eyeing the king we end up seven is played   and now we get Queen H3 now there is a beautiful  way to win here which I believe is that white can   play Bishop to F6 because after Queen takes Queen  you take King dh8 there's Rook G5 and the king is   in check you're gonna win the queen and the rest  again will be very straight forward but that being   said there's no need to allow this either so white  plays Queen to H3 we get Queen to G6 now White   Castle is worth noting white kanako Bishop F6 here  because then uh oh spaghetti you hang the Rook on   G1 and with it you lose the game so White Castles  we get Queen to E8 now this is a bad move but   black should have tried here if anything was to  go Queen H7 trying to trade off the Queens because   since white is trying to attack here and black is  underdeveloped with this bishop in The Rook not in   the game yet you want to try to trade off if you  can so Queen to E8 is played we got Bishop to F6   Rook to F7 now we get Knight to F3 being played  here Bishop B6 Rook G2 Knight G5 is winning here   for anyone who's wondering but again Rook G2 is  relatively fine we got Bishop to Da being played   now some people might wonder can black go Bishop  E3 check the King has to move and then take the   pawn stopping this Knight G5 move now black could  play this however after this move Rook to G1 with   a double stack the bishop on F6 here and this Pawn  on G7 under major fire the game should be pretty   much over so instead Bishop d8 has played white  plays Bishop takes G7 a great move as well takes   takes takes bring the Rook to the open file check  the king we got King to f8 Queen to h8 excellent   King to E7 and now we get Rook to G7 check and  here Jay JB honey very respectfully resigns   the game at this level 1400 I would not expect  someone to resign here I'd expect them to play   on with Queen F7 but after Rook takes queen king  takes Rook Queen takes Bishop with the queen and   a knight for the rook and the bishop and an open  King it it'll be very cleanly winning for white   so what to say about this game I would say overall  very very well played game by dikichi um I don't   know if there aren't necessarily black repertoires  against London so much in terms of these games   where both these games we looked at feature this  bishop B4 check which is not the correct move um   so from the black perspective I mean maybe try to  study a little bit more from the white perspective   in this game I think dikichi played this very well  he had a very straightforward Planet playing this   this hybrid Stonewall setup um with the diamond  hand formation setup and The Bishop's on D3 and G3   with the London really really nice overall I would  say it's a great game only only bigquam I have is   that here when black trade the knights you should  take with the F Pawn here because the thing is   when you take with the F Pawn and the night night  moves say let's just say uh let's just say E8 even   here you can still always play G5 you don't need  the pawn on F4 to support the G5 Pawn push because   you always have the bishop here to recapture  so that that's maybe the one thing I would say   is that in general also in structures which this  is very similar to another structure which comes   out of the French and I will just show this to  you guys very quickly going back to the start   so there's like this E4 e6d4 D5 uh let's just say  Knight c396 E5 Knight D7 um is this is this one a   structures I'm trying to think of a structure  of black takes and you take back with the pawn   um what's a what's a good structure but just  to illustrate there's some structures where you   get like this French setup where you have these  pawns opposing on e6d5 and D4 and E5 and there   are situations where you do take with the pawn  because you have access to D4 square but generally   speaking especially below probably Master Level I  think I think that most of the time when you're in   the situation just always look to capture towards  the center when you have this front structure of   these pawns and D4 and E5 versus these pawns on E6  and D5 if you can that's my only real qualm with   this game I would say overall but very well played  game I mean it's a one hour game um both players   in one hour and I think I think pretty good pretty  pretty good game from White obviously should know   how to trade the bishop for the night on H7 either  but again that's just something where I think as   you play more and more you'll realize like what  are the good pieces like another example is let's   just say I put an item B3 and black plays V6 this  is just one final example we're in this position   you look at this tray of the night for the bishop  now if you trade yeah it's black as double pawns   on the edge of board that's not great however  when you look at the Knight placed here versus   the bishop is the bishop doing anything no the  bishop is stuck here can't Retreat you can't take   the pawn bishop is simply sitting out to lunch the  Knight on the other hand could still go to D4 you   can always keep an eye on the bishop and if you  say castle here you still can always capture the   bishop the bishop can't go anywhere so you have  time to wait now if black plays B5 then you have   to decide well do I trade this Knight for this  bishop or let the bishop go back to B6 but in this   situation the Knight is simply much better and the  same thing applies for the bishop on V3 relative   to the Knight Knight can't go anywhere the two  squares where it can jump or simply covered and   so later on you can always decide you want to  trade the bishop for the night but you don't   need to be Hasty and do it right away so that's  my only criticism but again the way that the   game progresses the whole G5 sets through the G5  moves that was played and then Bishop G5 Queen H5   I'm very understanding of that and I can't be too  critical because at this level it's not something   that probably is going to matter so overall very  very good gameplay by decatchee nothing but uh   nothing but props and um I hope you guys enjoyed  this video these are two games that we're covering   of our subs here on the YouTube channel uh in the  London system I will be doing other openings in   the near future I also as I alluded to at the  start of this video um we'll be doing another   video on the London system where black set starts  out with knights at six and five which kind of   prevents white from getting the classic setup with  the bishop unopposed on D3 Knight F3 and C3 so   stay tuned for that as well because we have some  other sub games but anyway I hope you guys enjoyed   the video make sure to hit that subscribe button  below if you have not and we'll be back with more   great YouTube content in the near future hope  you guys enjoyed it have a great one bye [Music]   thank you [Music]
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 509,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, chess speedruns, hikaru teaches the london, hikaru teaches fuslie the london system, Hikaru london opening, london opening, london system opening, hikaru teaches london for beginners, london for beginners, london system for beginners
Id: 4azymOvz0xE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 57sec (1737 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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