This makes Caro-Kann simpler than ever

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double pawns are a good idea and that for a number of pretty unexpected reasons but before we get into that I want to address how critical this topic actually really is according to some very experienced coaches this is the most popular misconception in the game of chess interestingly enough nowadays there is very clear proof of that just take a look on this mainstream variation of the Karo Khan which starts after E4 C6 D4 D5 Knight c3d takes on e4 Knight takes on e4 where for decades because of this misconception everyone was playing Bishop to F5 almost exclusively which nowadays started to drop a little bit in popularity and the reason is pretty funny imagine that top level Grand Masters started playing almost only the move Knight F6 yes voluntarily allowing the double pawns now this leads us to the question why what could have modern computers possibly discovered all of a sudden in a possession championed by some of the greatest players of all time like Anatoly karpov and Richie Anand I mean sure the extra layer of security around Black's King feels pretty nice but that alone cannot compensate the fact that white is better in all the end games because of their Queen side majority now to better understand this topic I'm gonna be walking you through the incredibly simple but effective strategy that you can use at any level to outspunt your opponent with a double pawns this of course by sharing my experience as an international master and coach for adult improvers alright everybody getting the black pieces and against E4 the most common move for white we're gonna be going for the Karo Khan okay now this may look a little bit weird if you have never played a karaoke before because the strategy behind it looks to be a little bit counter-intuitive because you get taught that as white or you know in general you should be aiming for these two squares if you could like place your pawns there in the center you're gonna have already an advantage you have no idea how to capitalize on that but you're gonna have an advantage so you want that uh because it's just like controlling so many squares and usually the most common moves for black are either E5 or C5 making sure whenever the pawn gets there we can just get rid of it so why do we play the Karo Khan if we simply let white uh go D4 now you could think of it as basically we're trying to get an improved version of the Scandinavian opening so Scandinavian opening goes D5 right away trying to destroy White Center the small drawback with a Scandinavian is that after ed5 we have to develop the queen very early on in the game by capturing the pawn and then the enemy Knight is going to be able to develop while gaining a Tempo therefore putting us a little bit behind Scandinavian opening is playable interesting however not my favorite I really recommend the karukan if you are somewhere like let's say a beginner who just picked up chess or you're let's say intermediate player even for like a title player strong player that's like trying to become like a female master or maybe even higher I would recommend the Karo Khan it's an opening that I played almost exclusively to reach the international Master title so um Point goes 93 kind of similar to D4 in a way but uh we're just gonna do the same move and the main idea and the advantage compared to the scan is that we can take back with a pawn and have a pawn in the center so we're just kind of preparing it in a way there is also another opening that's like a little bit similar with that idea which is the so-called French defense playing E6 and then V5 idea being to be able to take back uh with a pawn however when you play E6 the bishop is gonna be locked inside the pawn chain that is kind of the main drawback of The Fringe now if you look at it the Karo Khan the bishop is open so that's kind of nice about it and opponent plays the move Knight F3 here which is the so-called Donuts variation usually when they play Knight C3 especially for low rated games I would be expecting a lot of ed5 which is transposing Into The Exchange variation or as well as uh E5 getting some a little bit of like an odd Advanced variation so Knight F3 is a little bit unexpected if you're playing like below 1000 it'd be surprised that F3 actually gets played sometimes and uh it's actually crazy that uh literally all of my students play that position so bad when black is actually supposed to just get uh almost a winning Advantage I mean let's just say just a very promising position because after F3 very common mistake that I see almost all of my students are making exclusively they're going like oh the four we play karokan we have to take but if you think about it the drawback of F3 is that it's taking away the square for the night so if you take they can take back with a pawn the Knight will have a square and they open the file that is pretty good for white and if they play F3 actually best is to Simply keep white spawn there restart it in the night and keep advancing in the center with D4 then I will have to go into like a pretty uh awkward Square I mean usually whenever you can like kick the Knight play D4 the Knight really needs to have a safe home and feel comfortable there I mean we just want to make sure that after D4 the Knight has to live with his parents so um probably has to go to like B1 we could continue with advancing in the center play E5 and easily develop our pieces so that's a little bit of context on what you normally facing this position another interesting sideline let's say for more like high rated games could be Queen F3 but that is super rare I never really see it in my students games uh below 1500 so Knight F3 very popular move very common uh which is also similar to the positions that you're gonna get after D4 which is the classical variation where the typical idea is that uh well normally you kind of always want to go de4 and uh basically the story White Center the main idea is because we want to be able to play Knight F6 and develop but usually the problem is they could just go E4 hitting the Knight and the Knight does not have a say Square that's why we need to take one E4 usually except when they can take back with a pawn okay that's like the exception of the role if they can take back with a pawn don't take on e4 okay just to make it very clear so after Knight F3 first we want to go for D takes on e4 and after Knight takes on e4 you have definitely a bunch of moves but the main point is to stick with the most natural developing move just uh going Knight F6 and uh offering this nitrate yes we do allow the double pawns but that's going to be leading to a pretty thematic structure for the karokanda so-called Tata cover besides that you could see moves such as Knight G3 um Knight G5 or Knight C3 back which are known to be harmless anyways we'll cover that on the Channel many times the only kind of important mention is that on 93 I like to go for the fiancuro because that's restricting the Knight and uh it's actually quite easy to play after Knight takes on F6 we always take back with the e-pawn making sure that we're gonna have a very nice Point formation on the king side and then the main idea is we play Bishop D6 we want a castle we play Bishop G4 this Knight goes to D7 this through goes to the open file whenever they play H3 we always keep the bishop on H5 in the Tata cover then the Knight goes to f8 and I like to set up a very sneaky battery with Bishop C7 Queen D6 and that we usually give us a lot of play against the enemy King I'm sure you can already visualize Black's uh black pressure [Music] but anyways you'll get what I mean so uh I know this may look a little bit uh scary and kind of intimidating that I'm going this deep into the line but that's how you want to think about it and the main reason why you wanna sort of visualize all these arrows and where your pieces are going because this is what really makes just easy you want to have like sort of a main game plan and the only thing that you really need to do once you know this you just keep an eye on what your opponent is doing because let's be honest in lower rated games your opponents are gonna do a lot of crazy weird aggressive stuff that you just need to keep an eye on because you want to be able to stick to the main plan but sometimes you may have to deviate and take advantage of your opponent's mistake so put in place Bishop to C4 now what should we do we simply continue with our plan we know Bishop d6s well we want to play is there a reason to not do that I mean not one that I can see so just gonna do it by the way typical mistake in this position uh that I see my students do all the time they just are actually the bishop on G4 because they're like so in love with this pin yes that's like where the bishop belongs but it's not a disaster if let's say opponent will play H3 not allow that okay you don't need to like be married or this idea just just find an actual girlfriend what it's like so tough about it I mean sure I should be the one to do it first and then talk but I mean still really just stop getting married to this bishop G4 idea whenever you see like an iron F3 just have a little bit of patience okay castle and then get the bishop to G4 and um that is just game changer so typical mistake that I see by the way people start with rookie 8 open file which is a tempting move I mean don't uh don't get me wrong you really want to have uh the Rook on the open files but it's even more annoying for our opponent to start with the bishoping and we can get the p i mean the open file uh let's say on the very next move now you remember I mentioned that on H3 we always step back expecting him to play Bishop E3 rookie one or H3 those are basically the moves that I see normally or Pawn to C3 or even Bishop to E2 let's say this is what I would be expecting okay from my experience I've played this structure plenty of times both against the low rated ends stronger opponents um so we'll see maybe he is going to be able to invent uh something interesting that I'm not familiar with um so yeah on H3 remember we always slide back the bishop we never take on F3 by the way just to explain you a little bit the pawn structure that we have on the board he's got this little majority with uh oh D5 that I didn't mention that's pretty interesting so I wanted to say that he's got this point majority with four against three on the queen side so basically all the end games are sort of suffering for black you want to avoid exchanges as much as you can it's true we do get a Ultra safe King which is very nice but the drawback of it is that our end games are like pretty bad okay it's almost like we're down upon in the end games so you really want to be able to come and say well uh some Dynamics okay so we get a bishop to G4 he goes D5 now you may be wondering what is this crazy individual doing with that move well I don't know I wish I could tell I I'm supposed to know these things but this is something very offbeat okay this is exactly why you're here to just see how to deal with this uh offbeat variations right Okay so he plays D5 now what are the options option one we can take but that develops c-squeen which I'm not like a huge fan of we could play C5 that's I think it's easier it's probably not the best move from my experience according to the computer but it's like usually pretty safe so I think I'm just gonna stick with it just because it's like a bit simpler but I feel like the computer would come up with like maybe 97 dc6 play something active like 95 find Khana play and so on that could be the case but it's pretty tricky also Queen C7 interesting move just so we can play 97 and have the bishop defended and queen C7 is creating a threat of Bishop takes on H2 taking advantage of this uh being that we created so Prince E7 could uh be a very decent move as well which I might actually I think that's best move by the way now could it be more instructive if I just play C5 and uh we play like a little bit slower I feel like I just want to show you guys how the battery could potentially work out so we'll check it after the game My sort of Rusty intuition of a retired 22 years old chess coach and offer says that 27 was best okay not sure about that but I think C5 is perhaps like slightly worse but I think definitely playable always so um yeah I'm basically counting on the fact that we should be getting a pretty easy game and I'll try to highlight some of the main attacking ideas that black has so now I'm expecting opponent to either play H3 or Bishop E3 or rookie one or maybe bishop E2 those are like uh the main moves maybe this one I'm gonna get it right but the previous move I had like a bunch of candidates I think we're getting close to like 10 candidates for a while but I haven't managed to guess his move so it was a little bit embarrassing but hey there we go so um maybe this time we're gonna do a little bit better from that perspective we should see I mean these guys can cook up something interesting but anyways I think the main idea that we want to have is the bishop C7 Queen E6 set up the battery and then go like 97 probably just try to finish development I know probably just a little bit better just go 97.95 directly but I really want to show you guys how deadly the battery could be you may like be a little bit surprised by this idea but when the queen is getting in front of the bishop it's it's actually pretty powerful this move we managed to predict very logical occupying open file now I could do Bishop C7 Queen D6 what I don't like about that is the fact that it's simply ignoring development of the Knight which is uh a little bit silly yeah I think there's just silly so I'm just gonna finish development and maybe later on we will be able to highlight the battery but you know you shouldn't like even something like that is pretty juicy and could be very fun you want to make sure that you still remain friends with the rest of your pieces you don't want to like neglect anybody okay it's like you want to view your pieces as basically like a whole family you want to make sure like get everybody involved check up on them see how they're doing make sure they're happy and then you make your decision so uh that's what we got again the night developed now what this move actually achieves is well basically nothing but threatening the place I'm 95 and that is activating a little bit at least so that would probably forcing Bishop E2 then we have to sort of go for some trades which I'm not like a huge fan of but uh I mean life is not perfect guys you get on cannot really like have anything that you want uh always so you gotta like sort of grow up and accept it I learned it the hard way okay so I can tell so Pony goes Queen to D3 now this wasn't really one of my main candidates but he's unpinning so it makes some sort of sense now basically two main moves that come to mind are um Bishop takes on F3 because it's a caption we always look for this forcing things and there is also a 95 type of move which could potentially solve the issue of our Pawn structure because we could potentially undouble our pawns which hey does not look that bad I'm just gonna go for it now also before you do that you want to sort of visualize a little bit if there is anything interesting after 95 double attack but on Quinto E2 as long as I'm not missing anything I don't think there's like a good way to continue this so I like 95 just because it's aggressive and it's sort of forcing him to take 25 repairing our Pawn structure otherwise we'll take one F3 doubling up uh White pawns which is Big strategical concession so another reason why I'm like a huge fan of this uh 95 because it makes it very easy to predict um what's gonna happen next okay and it could really sort of compare this with pool so in order to be like a great snooker player or pool player it's not about like putting a single ball okay that's kind of what you learn uh when you're like really making your first steps in chess you learn oh one mover back ranker pickup free Queen pick up that and this kind of stuff then when you like make your next steps it's like all right I make a good move and then it's gonna be the punch line so you wanna like put a ball then you want to make sure you control the cue ball so you have a good move or a good part onto the next shot um so this is why we do with 95 here it just makes it very easy for us to visualize that we're going to have a good position in the future because it's very forcing and uh it's pretty easy for us to visualize what's going to happen now after we make this movie now okay F5 E4 potentially coming we made a huge Improvement strategically speaking because we no longer have the double pawns and you know the bishop that looks kind of passive now at the end of the day could be monster Bishop I mean just look at it now now guys just like imagine if we could potentially no F5 and E4 for the moment I mean this bishop is not really like such a terrifying sniper on D6 yeah I mean it's just like honestly this bishop is just like looking like that they're holding a banana and trying to shoot the white king with a banana that's not gonna be working but if you pick F5 E4 this bishop is just now like a terrible sniper oh almost mating immediately so it has a little bit of potential okay I'm not necessarily saying that this potential will uh really materialize in anything concrete just like my professional chess career but there is some hope okay there's like one percent of hope this bishop will become active and then you may get rewarded so um okay what is white supposed to do at this point well first of all I think that Bishop is now like looking pretty funny but their position is not that bad yet so I think they just need to watch out for this idea and even though uh Ben Feingold uh would get pretty upset they should be playing the move F3 hitting the bishop and making sure E4 is gonna be pretty hard for black to achieve at the end of the day we might be playing anyways because we're a degens where Alex buying the subscribers so we might not care but uh I'm just saying that's sort of what they need to do now with A3 I think this is not necessarily the move that I would have made he probably is trying to go for B4 and try to get some Queen side activity it's kind of seizing that he's got a pawn majority on this side with four against three so I think the mindset is kind of correct but we've got four against three here so time to focus on this side you really wanna guys in general focus on your uh Stronger side yeah don't play on your weak side always uh look for the positives and focus on that yo F5 idea to go uh E4 next and uh yeah I mean not sure I actually have so many League viewers on the channel but I feel like a good comparison is let's say if you're like playing jungle you always wanna and I mean not really playing jungle but it's like a team game you always uh want to like figure out what's like the best uh player in your team and you want to try to play together with them and sort of ignore like the weaker players from the from the team so basically it's kind of similar in chess I mean you focus your stronger side and try to play on that try to play um yeah but uh what do you have so we've got a little bit of pressure on the king side and a little bit of enthusiasm because we haven't made the blunder in like the previous uh 13 moves so there is always something to look up for and if we actually manage to get in E4 I mean this bishop is no longer gonna be shooting bananas but it might become an actual deadly sniper one interesting noting my idea he's just focusing on B4 so see this is kind of like a typical mistake that low rated players make they're not thinking prophylactic okay they're not like okay what is my opponent trying to do they're about oh what do I need to do and sure it's important to do something but uh if you get mated I mean you may very well just wanna depend against that I guess what you're saying just continue with our idea we basically achieve our dream with E4 we get a pawn to E4 and now what is actually a move that uh you would be looking forward to play next guys he's probably gonna do Queenie frequency too those are like the main things that I'm expecting now what are you gonna be playing on the next mode let's say he goes Queen C2 I think that's a very interesting uh exercise to actually test out a little bit your Dynamics because our Bishop is now just uh activating all of a sudden and we could potentially bring more pieces into the game we've got like a variety of ways to do that and I think it's pretty interesting uh to see how that variation might play out I think we've got a choice between a number of Queen moves after Queen City that could be potentially going very aggressive this is uh probably the most natural move after Quincy oh he plays 23 instead I mean that's okay it just gives us additional options to consider a move like F4 sacrificing the pawn definitely something you want to be uh 100 sure it works before you do it so probably not gonna do that but just saying it's an extra option that uh we want to keep an eye on now you really want to think of the first thing moves okay just like in uh snooker you wanna really be able to control the cue ball so Queen H4 hitting this Pawn most likely he will be playing the move G3 healing the queen defending against mate okay what can we do probably a move like Queen H3 Bishop F3 trying to get the mate on G2 however that can kind of easily be counted by his Bishop F1 so Queen H4 G3 then we'll have to retreat the queen now H5 could be an interesting Square and then we still have this sort of ideas to play Bishop F3 and break with F4 so probably that's the best move another interesting idea by the way you could think of uh you could try to come up with another way of bringing uh more pieces on the king side and I think Rook F6 comes to mind trying to go for The Rook lift perhaps like this and Bishop F3 but I think that's like wasting a little bit of time since the Rook is already involved and could be used after we push the F1 so I think we start with the queen also Bishop takes an H2 barely crossed my mind finished working G1 F4 I don't think that should work and also Bishop F3 sometimes it's like an interesting sacrifice so that after Pawn takes Queen H4 it's harder for them to protect H2 but once again not really working because of f4 I believe so I'm gonna start with the queen they are mainly gonna play G3 F4 allows a premium move here and G3 is a Tempo move H3 is another candidate but I think it's not that good because it's not restricting the dark squared Bishop so after H3 I feel like uh now um we could perhaps go for like a pretty beautiful shot which you guys can uh try to come up with there is of course nothing wrong with like the retreating move just going Bishop to H5 but I think we might have something even better just saying I mean I haven't calculated but my intuition kind of tells me I mean who am I like trying to to fool here I'm like never calculating but um yeah I think after H3 Bishop F3 could potentially be an interesting move sacrificing say he takes with a pawn we pick up H3 but then the same kind of f4 idea does not seem very easy to refute so I think that's perhaps fine for my opponent I'm not sure guys okay I'm not stockfish if you if you expect that lower your expectation please chill I mean apparently nobody was really expecting me to be Stockbridge because I'm obviously not that good but uh just saying actually Bishop after interesting probably not working then what do we do do we just lose I mean is H3 actually creating a threat you think about it that way can he actually take our Bishop I mean I'm not super sure they can take because then we have Queen H2 check we infiltrate so maybe H3 how about we come up with a pretty useful move that is just ignoring White's fret how could you guys like try to improve your position there while not making it super obvious I think a move like Rook E8 would be very useful there just doing this and be like all right can I have my Bishop mate get a bishop and uh potentially sacrifice take on H2 and down the king and probably we have a very good attack you'll just have to wait and we're gonna go over it in the uh post analysis game but so far we see the most expected move G3 we just uh slide back to H5 and we have a huge flat of playing F4 in a lot of positions and the queen is specifically nice because it's also controlling E8 because in a lot of lines after Queenie 4 rookie 8. White had the option of sacrificing the Queen photo Rook sweet now unclear play but now the queen defends that and white will no longer have that defensive resource so with this move I mean Bishop F3 F4 if we can play that that's crashing probably just F4 right away since Queen E4 we already figured it out that it's losing to rookie 8 because they will have to move the queen and the Rook remains and defend it and you have to understand why does that happen because they have no development that is why they teach you in schools that you should have your rocks connected so that's why we just play F4 because they're breaking one of the most important fundamental rules which says dude if you're playing an opening just connect your Rooks what is wrong with you so um yeah let's see he's not like forced to take but if he is not taking that poison Pawn onto E4 um well that's gonna be anyways making a lot of progress for us since we have ideas of taking on G3 opening up this Rook which I told you like a few moves ago that it was already like pretty active so that's why we prioritize uh bringing the queen over and uh yeah how can they like actually avoid this they could play Queen D2 but I mean it's a move that's like so ugly and I think you can screen it we have a very interesting uh little idea that is not very natural actually but I think it's a very strong move so on Queen to D2 I think we can come up with like a pretty Innovative Pawn sack and I think well the idea is that G3 is pretty weak but is defended by two pawns well we could go for E3 sacrificing the pawn and then this guy remains uh Beauty week we can take take with the bishop I mean why do we have no pawns uh next to the king what is this this is just gonna be like a homeless King I mean it's just gonna be like nobody protecting him it's just gonna be the weakest King in the world I mean I cannot express how weak that King is gonna be just uh just just think about it I mean this is not gonna be a position that white will be able to get away and defend usually when the enemy King is yeah actually I'm glad that we get to show this idea on the board so um kind of forcing him to take otherwise we take on F2 and we take on G3 and we manage to accomplish the same thing and after he takes this remains undefended it's just like nobody is defending the castle anymore it's just they just caught on to like a vacation and we can just like hang around into like White's Castle right now it's it's pretty funny pretty funny for sure um so yeah fe3 F takes on G3 that's gonna happen but yeah what I wanted to actually mention is that okay we play Queen H5 having a huge fan of uh F4 and white played B4 trying to get some kind of play of his own but this is already a little bit like too slow his position was already very dangerous he should have tried to play more prophylactic go something like Queen G5 because there's like a huge attack that's about to come with F4 I mean what is getting mad Josephine doing in this position when you need like house is burning you need to defend your king just worrying about like makeup go before like nothing so um okay after the queen to D3 you see that this Tempo could have it potentially used to defend the King which is now um yeah we're gonna be easily taking advantage of it taking his first day back with the King otherwise we're gonna be winning a rook and then we've got a million of winning moves I mean you can guys like come up with one but I think there's like a first chick made in two moves probably more than that but uh that's the one that I can see and that's the one that I highlight so um now he will be taking with the King we pick up the H2 Pawn then on King F1 we have a very nice chick mate in one move and not taking the pawn that's not gonna be made because he could block with a queen or with a bishop and it's gonna be prolonged the fight like maybe just a couple more moves but we could go for the bishop check there on H3 and that is going to be Checkmate in fact not sure if you guys can like actually visualize this but I'm pretty sure you guys can do it so if you already made it this far into the video I mean congratulations for listening to my annoying voice for more than like five seconds I mean be glad for you yep now opening just um has to grab the real candidate and this is like typical beginner sort of thing what about the Ching made them while look at these pieces they're playing with white opening with like an extra move but they've got no development we're actually the one that's like better developed so as I was saying he's like trying to avoid this direct mate I could like pick up the Rook but I'm just gonna go Queen H3 because I think uh he's just even stronger um there is nothing wrong with that but uh yeah you guys can try to visualize the mate once again after King takes on F2 that is gonna be way simpler there's nothing wrong with taking the Rook perhaps for you it's gonna be even better to just keep it simple collect the Rook but now Queen H3 forcing him pick up the pawn and we'll just start transposing back into the line that we just calculated and uh yeah that is gonna be simply giving him no counter play or at least that I can see so he's getting down to his last minute where both actually getting down uh on the clock in this game a pretty fought battle by both sides I mean we still have to do the analysis where uh we're gonna go over whether it was geared to play C5 or not I mean my intuition says Queen C7 is better if you remember I mean if you stick for that moment I mean we're gonna get to discuss it so yeah now we just take and uh how are we gonna Checkmate him in one guys this is important because you don't want to mess around here too much okay maybe you can at this point since a lot of moves are winning but there's gonna be a pretty straightforward Checkmate if that's a word uh um he just resigns because on King F1 that was Bishop H3 uh Checkmate so okay analysis analysis analysis he played D5 so far everything is by the book egos D5 and okay this is not like a super strong engine but it says Queen C7 is top move at like a pretty low depth which yeah I kind of had the feeling that's just Queen C7 97 and 95 playing it this way good work but it was a bit complicated so I mean as long as C5 is not terrible I think it's easier to play see now the position is just equal according to the computer instead of black having a slight Edge one 97 so yeah just to show you if I had to play Bishop C7 and uh say he does um just like sort of a random developing move if we get to this position I mean this is still like okay after g397 you get developed but I mean he plays Bishop F4 this is pretty awkward we have to play like 95 or queen B6 not a huge fan of that so yeah I think uh just getting uh developed was the right call with an even position we need to be a bit of a mistake and here you can notice that clearly 95 is the best move yeah look at it so 23 95 best move by far well I know I mean it is practically the best move I'm telling you and it's because it just makes the game uh so easy and straightforward just remember this concept guys don't think about putting the ball think about like putting the ball and then controlling the cue ball that's like the most important thing um in chess just like in uh snooker so play the five he had to play F3 I mean once again probably there's like an E4 move and just sacrificing I told you this could be an option but I haven't calculated it actually black has a crashing tactic in this position which you can try to pause the video and find because uh well instead of Queen H4 that's uh trying to hit H2 and this that is G3 defending both and the bishop sack won't work because uh the queen covers that but even better just go Bishop takes on each two first and then when Queen H4 comes he has no time for G3 and pick up the Rook next with a winning position so apparently F3 was not saving either and after that we just get like a crashing uh position H3 was a bit of a better move but I was just like wondering guys if we can completely ignore this and play like okay E8 that's probably what I would have done and the computer says this is fine and instead of taking which is quite dubious best for white is Queen G5 with an even position just because it's forcing the Queens off and we're gonna play an end game I don't mind playing an equal possession it's kind of like a bummer that we would have had to slow down a little bit but that's like life sometimes um so yeah I mean Bishop H5 a move too but I probably would have liked to Sag because the initiative just looked very interesting after something like this let's say opening up The Rook if he starts running away yes we don't have like a clear mate but with threats such as G3 and Rook f2o I mean he's playing basically like down the rook and the bishop I mean do you care that we sacrifice the piece what's good for him to have these extra pieces if they are not in the game so I think huh like he's just winning here but uh he could have gone Queen G5 there which was kind of safe and uh close to equal however after G3 and then F4 that's just the crashing position he cannot take E4 because of rookie 8 and as I was saying because the Rooks are not connected uh this just allows this beautiful tactic and we would have just um one a lot of material and then there is this very simple after E3 uh we just got a first mate and um we managed to get a pretty smooth uh and easy uh win so you see guys why uh this is my main recommendation against uh both the two knights and also if he was to play classical variation I really love the Tata cover in this position as well so
Channel: IM Alex Banzea
Views: 148,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T2D6MhE5D48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 20sec (2420 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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