How to beat 98% players using the Caro-Kann

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everybody the main takeaway of this video is that you can literally destroy 1700 rated players even if you are let's say 1 000 rated beginner but first it is crucial how you pick your battles let me explain the biggest difference between yourself and 1700 rated players is that they simply calculate better so what can we do play positions that require less calculation imagine you're at your local gym and you see the biggest bodybuilder your girlfriend is dreaming about I mean obviously from his size you can assume that that it has been lifting pretty heavy but this does not necessarily mean that is ready to outrun your average grandfather from the park so this is exactly what I mean from picking the right battles now how do we apply this to chess against E4 we start by going for the Karo Khan and specifically against the classical variation We're not gonna be going for the main move Bishop F5 because I can literally bang his head against the keyboard and get a very decent possession but we will play the second most common move the tartar color variation in case they're going for the advance meaning that in this position they play E5 I recommend you go for the butwenic variation so in today's video I'm gonna be literally walking you from my thinking process as an international Master taking an account from 1600 all the way to 1700 using the karokan showing some of the main ideas that you need to know while highlighting typical mistakes that your opponents will be making alright everybody get another opponent this time he is rated 1800 gonna be sticking with the Cairo Khan and let's see what variation is gonna be going for and we do get the classical line gonna be taking only four important not to play Knight F6 allowing E5 they're gonna be in trouble the most common beginner mistakes that I see by far and here we're not gonna be playing the most popular movie Bishop F5 but we're gonna be sticking with the modern main line which is just going for the data Tower inviting white to take and double up the Pawns and we're gonna be saying that the double pawns will give us enough Dynamic compensation to uh make it up for the worst in games where white has an edge because of this uh four against three majority on the queen side so you want to develop the following way this bishop goes to D6 we get castle then we play Bishop G for important do not start with Bishop G4 ioa that is come begin the mistake because of H3 Bishop H5 Bishop C4 and then uh let's say queen E2 type of ideas can be very annoying to deal with oh starting this way then we get castled in case he checks uh that's typical uh for low rated games just block with this bishop get castle Rook on the open file and try to win your opponent's uh dignity so let's start gonna get canceled here and best move here to start with Bishop G4 taking the open file uh is also reasonable but starting with the pin is the most annoying move for my opponent and want to play C3 we're gonna be happily playing uh Rook 28 97 is also alternative but you want to prioritize uh controlling the open file and we see that opponent plays H3 targeting my bishop and when you're dealing with the classical variation you have a I mean yeah classical variation I said it right uh classical aka the TARTA Tower it is gonna be basically the same thing uh so just remember when you have this double pawns like this you always will meet H3 with Bishop H5 or at least I'm hoping you don't want to give up the bishop pair here for no reason because then kind of all the dynamic compensation will fade away and then we're gonna be developing our last piece so you don't want to be putting your knight onto the edge of the board if you wanna win interest usually or in case you're following some kind of theory that you know there's always an exception to the role so we played the move Knight to D7 and opponent just called Bishop to A2 I'm happy that he plays such a common setup he's 1800 this is literally possible even for like 1000 rated games and the next movie is gonna be really confusing a lot of you that are watching because we're gonna be doing Knight f8 and uh I know a lot of you may be like what are we trying to do with this Knight of Fate the night is so passive what is this even you know trying to achieve well the night is just a very nice there it's preparing to maneuver around and also making room for the um with the batteries so it's pretty useful there okay he plays 92 good move by him and pinning I can exchange which is very principled I can slide it back hmm I think I'm gonna slide back I just feel like he is having a hard time coordinating so I'm hoping this is gonna be a little bit more annoying for him to deal with and uh all right I think we just got this guy I think he's gonna be resigning in the next couple of moves after Queen to D6 randomly made because he doesn't know Focus oh D3 go ahead try to pause the video and spot Black's winning continuation and just look how effortlessly you can get this against 1800 rated people I mean how insane is that we have such an easy rookie tree sacrificing the rook and then he is literally just busted it is gonna be a fourth checkmate you literally had to play no moves by yourself tell me what other opening can you use to get such easy effortless wins with a black pieces now of course he's gonna be playing on and I'm just gonna go ahead collect some points no what can I do I'm a simple man I can play Rook D3 as well which one is better okay I'm just gonna I'm just gonna play like an alpha male and bring all of my pieces say okay take me if you want still going all out on the attack basically uh perhaps I'm regretting that decision a little bit now that I'm thinking of it but I'm gonna go all out on the attack I think I may have uh underestimated Rook to F2 but I think it's all good there should be like check okay he plays Queenie do this I saw and I thought should be okay for us because we got chick little chickarino and then King crash two do you take the bishop tell me would you take the bish taking the Bish will let him uh run away so you want to look for better and you just have a Checkmate on G3 okay everybody just a quick Interruption to make that one clear in case my opponent would have been taking the Rook point is my battery is now just Unstoppable the queen G3 only move for him would have been to going to the corner and then we have this simple Checkmate because do not forget about the bishop supporting the queen and uh that would have been ending the game and that's how you finish this guy and just look at this person go over his profile and let's look at his uh Blitz rating yeah that's what we care about look he's 1800. if you see this he's better than 98.6 of the players and you can just easily get a win like this by using the karokan and applying this simple modern strategy to just use the TARTA color yeah I I personally don't get it why why why do people still answer 94 with Bishop F5 and why is not everybody playing the TARTA cover so uh yeah what can I say critical mistake for opponent in this game was playing the move uh Knight to B3 because then he really lets himself completely tie down after this huge flat of uh Quinto D6 so he should already take some prophylactic measures but after Knight B3 he used defenseless why is he defenseless because there is no way to block this powerful battery this is a very important concept that you want to remember I have like a separate video about this structure as well if you want to learn more about it but essentially you cannot play G3 because what you saw in the game and F4 will leave the bishop undefended so that's also not working and uh yeah just uh just like that 1800 bite the dust and uh with that being said I think we can move on to the following game all right everybody looks like we get another game with the black pieces gonna be sticking with uh our move and okay opponent goes for uh E5 the so-called Advanced variation now there is actually a pretty funny story behind the advanced variation because for almost like 100 years uh Bishop F5 was and it still is the main line nowadays but this is not not my favorite line currently especially for players that are below 2200. therefore I suggest you to play the bad winning variation now this comes from the world championship match between mihail tal the guy that will literally sacrifice every single one of his pieces and Checkmate you at the end of the game back in 1961. we're about winning in the fourth game this is the first game when uh tal decides to go for the advance and how do you stop a guy that is planning to sacrifice every single one of his pieces while smoking cigars in your face you just played the budgeting variation now white has a choice between Doom moves I would say it's mainly takes or C3 taking is the most ambitious this is what Mikhail tal played of course but most of your opponents will do something less critical and I think still he could do dc5 or C3 we will transpose back to a line or the other pretty funny opponent still plays Bishop B5 which is a thing this is also going to be included in my upcoming course and he plays it with DC wow opponent actually pretty five head of wooden plays interesting line gonna go E6 simply preparing to take and I think here he is supposed to take and play Queen D4 anything else is just not making a whole lot of sense because now we can regain the porno it is and Bishop G5 will be a typical blunder for low rated player since there you can just win a piece and you do that by going Bishop F3 button plays H3 and there's a rule of thumb in the advanced variation we always take one F3 expected to take and now we just want to finish development and he's gonna be having a pretty rough time protecting that pawn on E5 so gonna start with castles and hopefully he plays knightito which is a mistake okay he plays C4 is that still a mistake I think it kind of is because I was about to say typical for these possessions we have a double attack with Bishop to D4 eating both B2 and E5 but we also have another tempting move because now we unpin then there is a potential for 94. she started getting the queen targeting the bishop I think only reasonable move for him 23 then we have A6 Bishop A4 DC4 looks very strong screen C4 my Bishop is attacked but I feel like maybe Rook C8 is interesting there so we're gonna go with Knight D4 also he needs to watch out for an ic2 by the way which is trapping the full Rook so I think Queen E3 is kind of mandatory maybe Queen D1 as well but against that I think at the very least we have uh A6 and DC4 so notice how easily you can get a completely winning position against people that are like 1650 which is better than at least 95 percent of the players just easily you do the Kara Khan make sure to go for the buttonic variation against the advance and uh this is just really easy I mean it's almost impossible to mess things up um so still gotta be a little bit focused Knight G6 hitting the bishop end targeting the pawn at this point we can go for simplifications with uh Knight c2o however I have such a beast Knight on D4 you don't really want to trade such a knight you know so easily uh the Knight is really powerful piece however you know an endgame is an end game we want to get those juicy in games with the extra pawns how do we force the end game we just played them with Queen E3 which is really gonna be depressing for white to face because he is forced to take and I mean sure the point is not gonna be so well defended but I feel like we should be in time to double up Rooks and uh the board is gonna be all right and he plays the move Queen C1 because he kind of knows trading Queens is not a practical option and it's similar to resignation however he blanders the trick that we have so make sure to pause the video try to find it on your own I literally advise you to stare for like five minutes into the position in case you have a hard time because it may be not very obvious but the motive is actually pretty simple because opponent has played H3 earlier with this pin going like a simple move just pick up the bishop and place quincyto and okay we still The Queen Is Not uh under any attack or anything like that so we have time to play another attacking move so we have a choice between Knight H4 and Knight F4 notice that he's gonna play uh Queenie for trying to defend so probably it's best to go here see some Queen in 24 there is Knight H3 uh taking advantage of the other pin so we do Knight H3 you can take it only move is there we have Knight F2 and is probably forced to take with the Rook if you ask me I'm gonna take he's gonna donate it losing another piece after Queen B2 hitting buff I mean maybe 21 but still that's uh hardly any playable I just gotta speed up a little with uh 16 seconds left but uh it should be rather manageable I think like Rook C1 yeah you just I mean I'm just gonna bring the Rook because he's still pinned and then take I wanna pretty much trade queens and then the rest is easily removable that is kind of what is going on uh in my mind right now I don't think he has uh many ways to really avoid this is take it so we don't lose the pawn a nice little technical detail gonna take back and then push the pawn he's not gonna take He's Just Gonna Keep but we push so we gotta be pretty safe into detail next to our D1 I can even remove this uh yeah easy pre-move next you should probably trade Queens trying to get uh mated uh slower I'm gonna be in time to bring my pieces and uh maybe Emoji too it seems although he's uh it's pretty close though getting some kind of like a stalemate not quite though because we get a fat Pawn Checkmate so managed to cash in the game and uh yeah curious to see what the game review was on this one let's say it was pretty decent so we managed to score at 95 and this is mainly because we just got a very easy position uh from the opening and um yeah what is the key thing to remember from this game yeah critical mistake I think for himos though play C4 but already that position is not very fun for white so with that being said I think we can move on to the following game alright everybody getting the black pieces facing 1700 opponent I'm gonna be sticking with akaro Khan and let's see what he has in mind against our beloved opening we want to take that pawn if possible unless they play the Fantasy and he goes for the move Knight to C3 which is the so-called classical variation now against Knight to C3 the first bullet that you have to dodge as a beginner is do not play the tempting Knight F6 this is one of the most common beginner mistakes that I say because of E5 and the Knight does not have a good Square so first things first we gotta chop that pawn and after they take we basically have a choice between three main moves the most popular is Bishop F5 which is definitely something uh that was very popular for decades this has been the main line for uh so much time but recently they discovered that there's actually one way that could be even more efficient for black so well-established moves in the past where Bishop F5 or the so-called carpal variation which is Knight to D7 pretty much preparing to play Knight F6 without allowing the double points but after a while thanks to the modern computers the black players have realized that the double pawns are actually pretty good and Knight to F6 is nowadays one of the most common moves especially for uh stronger players we take back with a pawn and what is actually so interesting about this variation is that is that it makes the position already unbalanced so one of the main issues that uh most people have after 94 while playing the sort of well-established path with Bishop to S5 is that white goes Knight G3 you slide back with the bishop they play H4 H5 they go Bishop D3 exchange Bishops gas along and why there's very easy playing it's very hard to beat such players even if they play Bad moves so Knight F6 is a variation that started to be a little bit more popular let's say like around seven years ago which is very interesting um and uh against Bishop to C4 you can basically play many ways I recommend Bishop D6 usually when they do it this way they want to go Queenie too uh that's the point of the move order so you don't have Bishop E6 to block the check because they win a pawn but he plays knightito which is another alternative uh by the way this player is interesting because he's got a picture with Tom dwan it seems so uh maybe a bit of a poker grinder so yeah anyways he castles now the knightonito is definitely a little bit weirdly placed this is not very common I would say for most players the Knight usually stays on F3 the point of this Knight is though I guess avoid the direct pain but I'm gonna be showing you a very nice little thingy when the bishop is on C4 so the point is to go Knight to C7 and then the bishop E6 and just shut down this guy on C4 this is one of the key ideas that black has to annihilate all these setups in the TARTA Tower and this is what I'm gonna be recommending in my upcoming car course a lot of our lines are based on Knight A6 on Bishop to C4 okay and he he just goes there avoiding my uh friendly offer that's fine not all offers need to be accepted I'm gonna go rookie in case of Queen D3 I think this G6 is an easy move to shut down that little battery just make sure not to get mated and I would assume it should be okay and yep G6 now even Bishop F5 could be a threat in some positions imagine he plays Bishop D2 that's just losing on the spot Bishop to F5 we want a piece kf4 still very risky why isn't this not winning okay it goes back and everything is somewhat defended for now I don't want to allow F5 and then he wants uh to take with a rook I think that's the main point so we can either block with a pawn or we do the bishop which one is better I would imagine it's the bishop first in the case of Queen D1 maybe we can try to be sneaky and pin him so he just plays Queen to detail now we pretty much have to trade I'm just gonna go Queen D7 letting him trade and saying that the queen is in a pretty funny spot blocking the bishop it was 93 putting more pressure I guess now we gotta take it and because the 5 is a big threat this means I gotta play it myself so gonna do this expecting Bishop to D2 and then uh yeah it really feels like these two squares are pretty juicy pretty vulnerable oh C4 that definitely weakens the D5 Pawn so something pretty nice as you play the Tata cover is that uh people really of that extent especially in this type of rating range like with low rated players the thing is they usually play very passive now when they climb the ladder a little and they get a bit more confidence they will start to be overly aggressive so notice how weak the opponent D4 is he's uh yeah already falling for a pretty nasty trap so please feel free to pause the video and really look for a very juicy way to just uh clutch this game in because our yeah nicely strategical game plan is getting rewarded because the king is in a misplaced position that is rookie tree I told you that square is pretty vulnerable and after Queen E3 we have the simple move Bishop captures The Queen Is Lost so I would assume my opponent May resign okay we can still keep playing so typical mistake day the queen I bet you would have taken that no you gotta increase the pressure Queen is not going anywhere you gotta squeeze the most uh juice out of these pins always here it's not making a huge difference but sometimes oh boy you have no idea it can make the difference from losing to I mean from winning to drawing or stuff like that you can take any points I'm just gonna go Knight E6 not allowing rookie seven trying to watch out for his counter play and I'm gonna have to speed up a little bit just because I don't have all the time in the world on the clock right now I have all the time in the world to make videos for you so there is no question about it 93 hoping for a smothered chick materino okay gonna go check I'm gonna pin the night I guess yes and then just want to go H5 H4 and exploit the pinned piece that seems to be a recurring theme for this game you can try Rook F1 but we don't really care just gonna pursue with our plan and King D1 just pick up his Knight there's also Knight HD that we can throw in between so he's pretty much stuck he has nowhere to go it's just uh stuck in the washing machine I'm gonna take here take that uh okay and you could already sacrifice the queen for The Rook I'm just gonna go simple and Rook Giannis help mating so hopefully he'll do that never mind Rook Gio Now is better I'm gonna get Queen to F2 is gonna be forced to go back and then how do we win this oh never mind you just uh sacrificed and helped mated now so all right I think this was a rather clean game I mean I'm curious what the game review will say about us oh you got a 95 hey that is not bad that is not bad or Nah on a gameplay game so once we get in F5 white needs to be very careful not to immediately collapse I told you this point is weak E3 square is vulnerable what is he doing he's saying okay I got many weaknesses how about I make another big weakness so just notice how the eval bar is dropping after C4 and then uh yeah Bishop f8 will just literally counter-attacking him play solid they're gonna be going uh over aggressive and yeah just managed to collect our free win so with that being said I think we can move on to the following game alright everybody getting another game with the black pieces and looks like we managed to get a pretty big fish here rated 1900 so gonna be sticking with uh our beloved opening and facing the advance gonna be going for uh the butwinic variation and the opponent plays C3 which is what I expect you to face uh at least half of your games no matter what your rating uh range is like even if you're like 800 you're gonna be coming across this move quite a lot so uh okay just gonna go in it6 C3 is not very critical because again this will just get an improved version of the French defense so uh for a little bit of context in the French defense uh black would be playing E6 on the next move and it just get kind of like a transposition while being down the temple and the bishop is pretty awkward inside the pawn chain so the key is to wait for them to play Knight F3 we take and then we get the bishop out or in case they do something different like maybe bishop Ito then you can take into Bishop F5 point is you don't want to be playing E6 locking the bishop in general that's how you want to think about this structure and for some reason the opponent is already pausing or quite a bit and he comes up with H4 wow the ad is pretty wild also wanted to mention that dc5 is not a problem because of Knight E5 and win back the pawn however age for I don't quite get it like I can do Bishop F5 but is he gonna go G4 then question is should we play Bishop B4 F3 Bishop B1 and CD4 I mean I think that's like perfectly fine so yeah I see no reason why not to play the natural move so Bishop before I think it's nice to provoke him to do this weakening movement then we take it for the night no reason to go back because after H5 you have to take anyways and um yeah we do this and next up I think we have an easy way to win a pawn like takes and then Queen A5 pick up A2 not sure that's like so good but I think we have an even nicer trick so there is CD and queen B6 and I think he's gonna take the bite playing uh I mean he's gonna be taking the bait not the bite sorry for that two different words English not on point but I think it takes the bait by going Bishop E3 he plays it instantly even let's see it's better to do 90 too if I haven't seen my opinion okay 92 is better because on Bishop E3 taking the bite you would have had Knight E5 taking advantage of the pin and notice why it's so critical to provoke this F3 like the bishop would have not been defended by the pawn that's the key detail that's why it's so nice to throw in Bishop E4 usually before doing something like Bishop B1 anyways you just get a slightly better version so uh yeah current position okay just gonna finish development still he's likely to blunder 95 because Bishop typically goes on to E3 and yeah maybe I go Bishop B4 check on the next move yeah BT I think we check him King F2 there is same motive in the bishop D2 I wonder can we just collect the three part I think we can collect oh my God is it gonna take there's no way he's taking there's no way this guy is actually taking that would be just like so funny okay he takes only four register like gives her ass but imagine he would have been taking on B4 that is literally Checkmate on the board Escape anywhere so he dodged a pretty big bullet take some B4 uh yeah no just I think will you take I don't see any reason to go for other chicks he had also Bishop B5 in this position may be more interesting I think black is very safe though after King f8 and finish the development up a pawn so he plays it this way instead um yeah H5 is a very nice move to kind of uh ask some annoying questions HIV is gonna be a very annoying move for him H5 is just like uh the landlord comes over to collect the rent especially after you spend your money buying all those just over courses so uh yeah just gonna be taking 495 I mean it's pretty easy stuff at this point I'm gonna go check pick up another one there's Queen F2 as well and the queen after just trapping him in the mating that he does the bishop and then I'm getting the rookie involved just just look at him he has absolutely no moves look what we you can do to even 1900 rated player just just take group it's even made he has nothing to do this is absolutely outrageous to me that you can play the but winning variation and just look how easy I mean guys like let's be honest if I showed you this game wear out spoiling what the rating of my opponent was you know what I know a lot of you would say oh this is like a 1000. you know like the key learning from this is if you apply the standard Theory the basic concepts do your development um and what I explain on a regular basis it doesn't really matter what rating your opponent has just because if you play good that just makes the rating irrelevant so yeah can't really say a critical mistake he just played as uh age for a move that is simply not uh not on point here like H4 makes sense in case uh yeah you play the bishop out because it could potentially trap black then the bishop is that notice I no longer have Bishop takes on B1 idea the bishop is literally getting trapped this is a very common trap for beginners and therefore you're supposed to meet H4 with H5 or H6 those are the principal moves but yeah after C5 this was simply not super on point and we got a very comfortable position and remember Bishop E3 allows 95. black is already better because we managed to provoke this ugly move so uh we are their thing get those free wins and with that being said I think we can move on to the Halloween game all right everybody managed to get another black game I'm gonna be sticking with uh vrock solid Karo Khan and uh opponent playing some kind of an advance through pretty weird move order starting Knight F3 my favorite way of tackling this is to play Bishop G4 which is uh also gonna be included in the sidelines chapter of my uh upcoming course and okay when they play A3 this is not really the traditional Advance yet but because of the pun on E5 you can kind of uh fill it in advance that uh it's gonna be in advance so uh against that we always take on F3 and just gonna do C5 playing same style as the but venic variation preparing to the Knight C6 and he's gonna have a pretty hard time defending E5 so therefore D4 is a must now I could do 97 I could start CD4 as well I think we start CD4 just avoiding dc5 nonsense and then it's all about trying to get the Knight to F5 hitting D4 expecting him to play Bishop E3 or 92 these are the two main moves on my radar and don't be sure B3 you actually have an interesting option which I don't think uh we're gonna be using the interesting option is to go Knight E3 then after the pawn takes you have annoying check but I don't think uh that is really gonna give us such a great follow-up so typically you only want to take on E3 in the advance whenever they just attack your knight so this is really important role that you want to remember for these positions whenever you have the choice on E3 uh to grab that you don't rush with it because it's not the most impressive Bishop of all time um so instead just focus on developing and get gasoline when G4 gets played sure that's different story and because he's really forcing my hand I kind of want to punish him and go for a check and then get gas okay this is not gonna be winning us the game immediately but at least uh hopefully it will make my opponent sweat a little bad I mean I don't know why would you want that in the first place but point is we're trying to make him uncomfortable uh when it goes Queen to see too I mean Roco on the open file is a very tempting another tempting move is to just break with F6 because that's forcing him to take and then we take with the queen he's gonna be playing uh one of the Rooks to the F files uh not sure what's the follow-up there so I'm just gonna start with the mysterious move first we're not having a threat immediately but this is gonna be quite uh unpleasant for him in the long run and yeah I think now it's just time to make something happen go F6 it's gonna take developing another piece so we can take this in the bishop but then he goes and we need to move the queen again so I think he's just better to take with the bishop because the bishop kind of like already served his purpose on the H4 like white lost the right to Castle on the bishop he's not really doing that much so bring the bishop and take him with the bishop also creates a hidden threat which I highly advise you to uh pause the video and try to find it on your own because I bet he's just gonna do look F1 one of the Rooks to F1 it's just the most natural move but then we would be having a winning continuation which is Bishop takes on D4 stealing a pawn but a pretty goddamn important Pawn it's just that is the soul of The Possession okay he defends wow very impressive stuff by opponent he spotted that I wanted to sacrifice my bishop and then we would have gotten a very deadly Fork so he defends okay credit's own opponent for that all right how do we continue we need to bring the queen so I thought initially this would be a juicy Square just because I I mean look at the Queen the queen sees everything it's just like basically you are on the highest building of your city and you just have Vision all over the place that is just how powerful the queen is and opponent just brain farts playing the move ether he like did okay defense so far but then he's like nope I had enough too many good moves in that oh I just gotta self-distract 1800 rated opponent just look at this oh my God 1800 I mean you have no idea how strong these players are and they make such mistakes okay I can't see the percentile it only will show me after the game so you'll have to wait and see uh how strong this guy actually really is but I bet he's better than like 98 of all players on so okay we have check he's gonna do 24 maybe not that it matters but I just still want to be somewhat precise would be appeared to I think 23 is kind of a cute finish targeting bishop and setting up a trap F1 because I'm creating double attacks so I'm expecting really Rook F1 and then once again you can try to post the video and uh yes the move that we're gonna be playing okay never mind it goes 23 so on Rook F1 point was uh I wanted Rook F3 and then uh Quincy to Eiffel that's smart maybe it's not I mean it really allows us to infiltrate and uh pick up the bishop so now um No Nonsense I'm just gonna do something that I feel it's instructive for the viewers whenever you have positions like this and you feel like this maybe somewhat complicated you want to go Queen trade and just simplify things sure I could have made it him in a few moves but uh when you trade Queens you just know 100 percent that he has no way to ever come back in the game and now time to exchange his Rook and then take his pawns one by one pick up this one pick up the a pawn uh yeah I'm gonna do this Rook move to cut the king and then when he attacks my Rook I'm gonna go all the way back we're gonna be promoting and then we're gonna be doing the ladder mate which is uh yeah pretty simple gonna check all the time so notice I'm not making any moves without check because I just literally that's the best way to avoid the stalemate just gonna get uh closer to him notice I'm always checking checking every single move it's a check yeah so no chance of tell mate and uh we managed to get the mate on the board so yeah just look at this guy Blitz rating 1800. wait why is it not showing he's percentile oh no is backed Let me refresh that must fix it why isn't that showing oh no all right everybody so for some reason that person's account didn't show up the percentile but I just took a similar random account from the internet so if you have the rating of 1800 in Blitz you're literally better than 98 of everybody on the website isn't that crazy that he can get wins like this I I may be repeating myself but I just find it mind-blowing so uh yeah I mean going back to our actual game I think everything was sort of okay by him until uh he played G4 G4 first pretty big mistake like he's supposed to keep it simple castle and then uh key idea that you wanna remember is uh that in this position the most important move for black is not Queen B6 like uh most of the people do but go Bishop G5 instead and I have a separate video really explaining this theme in depth so I'll just put it on the screen you go check it out so I play G4 instead and then uh yeah I think the keyword the bishop was pretty clever let's see what computer wants yeah so taking with the queen as you can see was a very tempting move but I realized the queen is not very useful there like he's gonna do Rook F1 and okay what are you gonna do with the queen you gotta go back I guess so taking with the bishop important and but like anyways we've been threatening stuff like this bishop D4 like Queen G3 and so on it was already a losing position for my opponent also this can be a thing to weaken him all over the place so yeah E4 critical mistake then we just get a pretty easy conversion so with that being said I think we can move on to the following game alright everybody managed to get another game on the black pieces I'm gonna be sticking with uh our bill of Karo Khan and opponent is going for the advanced variation well at this point you know that we're not gonna be following the most common path by going Bishop to F5 just because that will require you to know a lot of theory you have to know moves like H4 G4 Ultra aggressive stuff Knight C3 align as well positional play and so on just it is really difficult I mean the amount of variations that white has after the move Bishop to F5 can sometimes overtake the amount of brain cells that some of my viewers have so I mean some of my brain cells included I'm not trying to play like the smart guy here so so this reason I'm just gonna be sticking with C5 B so-called but winning variation and opponent plays Knight F3 okay just point is to get an improved uh French defense by lowering Knight to C6 Bishop G4 Gonna Keep it very simple and okay ready to do E6 on the next move I'm not really super afraid of the double Pawns as uh probably already know and okay I think it's kind of critical for him to try to win this Pawn somehow if they don't then we just have pretty easy game so after this black is completely fine typical way for them to blunder Bishop to G5 that just allows you to get a quick win not because of Queen G5 that just is a fancy way to trade Queens but because of Bishop F3 and black wins a piece plays Bishop to A3 instead then typically it's always good to take if they are forced to take back with a piece so I think his first take with the bishop because taking with the queen will really allow Bishop F3 doubling up the pawn so the queen needs to really cover that so he took with a bishop indeed also he cannot take with the Knight because of the pin um and after Bishop takes you cannot take that because uh he will eat your king so just do Knight E7 and point is to be able to retake with the Knight and we also have Knight F5 ideas and I think already the A6 becomes a very strong move because it can make our development a little bit nicer in case he takes and he's kind of forced to or he has to retreat because a move like Bishop D3 would be very careless since we can just uh win the bishop exploiting the pin so he does indeed take usually taking towards the center is quite uh beneficial but it's the opening phase still you want to get developed so we need to get the Knight out of the way we also have a threat so he plays C3 for that reason and I think it's best to just go Bishop E7 Castle now Knight takes on D4 would not really be a big mistake but I think it's just a little bit unnecessary because the bishop is not such an active piece right there I mean it's a decently placed special but it's kind of like exposed uh you know like when you're walking uh at the mall and uh you see all the shops around you see what they have uh in their window that's kind of like what the bishop looks like on D4 it's it's kind of nice but it's like sort of paralyzed it cannot move anywhere so just gonna get castled and we may have the option to take later but we'll just delay it for a bit try to keep uh opponent guessing and play look on the open file uh he targets that I mean B5 is typical can also say hello to his Queen by going Knight E5 and then trying to play Knight C4 I think that's actually pretty interesting I'm going to start with B5 just because it's such a thematic move I'm not afraid of A4 just because Knight A5 looks pretty reasonable um I think same idea Knight E5 Knight C4 yeah he plays A4 uh wanted to do 95 in the queen he's gonna go back only move and then probably it's all about getting that horsey onto C4 oh instead can we just uh try to be super annoying here hitting the queen that's 141 because he needs to keep the pawn defended another tempting move is B4 because we're creating a lot of pressure onto this pin many many tempting moves C4 also not bad you gotta be gotta be honest that's also not a bad move so many tempting choices just gonna go Knight C4 I'm Gonna Keep it very simple just follow up the plan Casey takes we have easy move you can also do 90 to forcing him to take that way I'm gonna take with the pawn let him decide things no Knight takes C4 we have interesting choice take with a B Pawn or take with the Rook okay I think that was a mistake because it could potentially have some uh some tactics yeah I think we have some tactics so main issue is that the pawn is now becoming pretty vulnerable so it's best to start by taking and in case of Queen things we have Bishop F3 ruining his Pawn structure and after Knight takes black has a strong move so point was to exploit the pin and do Bishop B4 so I think we were doing pretty well there thanks with the Queen instead allowing uh the ruined structure so we've got two weaknesses to play for the king and the pawn on C3 I can start with Bishop G5 it's not gonna be winning because he has F4 saving material but I'm gonna drop the bishop and I feel like uh with Queen H4 oh he plays Bishop E3 instead I thought he's gonna do F4 I was about to do that in Queen H4 here I think we're happy to trade and uh we're gonna be I think infiltrating with a queen I could also I'm just gonna start with keeping guessing maybe I'm gonna do queen C7 and just uh try to win the C3 Pawn by force a little speed up a little bit just because this guy has been playing pretty fast he's not been playing great but he's pretty fast so um his position is definitely quite passive and you can make uh draw at best I'm just gonna try to make some small improvements around I mean D4 was winning for a couple of moves already but I've just been kind of on a cautious mode I could have done D4 instead of uh H6 hey he's got a passive position so it's not running anywhere and I'm just gonna play the same game out I guess you should try to exchange queens and then it's important to bring my king this way yeah I'm just gonna bring the King around King is coming to F5 and then we're winning more Pawns uh okay how do we do this take on F4 and then on B4 E5 is dropping as well so he's like literally losing uh yeah all the pawns it's getting a bit of color play that was a good move by him I'm gonna have to speed things up a little winning H3 winning uh F3 yeah I just gotta hide and put in my Pawns Rook F3 may be coming yeah hopefully we can exchange his Rook that would be okay that's big mistake by him allowing Group trade I'm gonna have an easy pre-move from now on yeah I think we get the pre-move and hopefully this is gonna be doing it now the game just wins itself you have to do nothing just look at it so beautiful the strategy will you know pay off at the end wait is he gonna wait for like the whole minute oh by the way my king is in front so that may not be a Checkmate because I think he can uh he can wait for a bit I don't know he might be waiting for like the whole minute now uh okay he's really trying to fight uh with the price of his life to save this game I mean best of luck to him if this is gonna be Estelle made at that point I don't even care good for him deserved I guess no he just literally disconnected he has one line on the internet okay I think it's time to do a little report for stalling then it's very pretty disrespectful not taking a good beating oh usually when you do the stalling report it just hands you the win kind of quicker or at least that's like the goal of it may not be the case here but I guess I'll keep you updated if that guy ever makes a move again all right everybody I'm coming back from the future and as probably you already guessed it this guy did not come back so I'm curious to see what the game review was uh for this one it looked pretty clean we got only like an 88 would you say not bad I mean I'm just trying to play um Common Sense moves I feel like it worked out uh quite okay overall and yeah decisive mistake definitely before move it's like his position is not that bad like it's uncomfortable and quite difficult to play but still if you look at it with a computer it's like a plus zero too so I feel like B4 is really and syroki computer does not criticize this move too much personally I think that's the move that's losing the game I think after B4 if you take with the Knight I felt like this this is okay for us I mean maybe he can somehow survive with Queen Beetle yeah I saw this during the game but I felt like with this Pono C3 we should still be really pressing him so yeah this would have been just better for him instead like quintix on D2 allowing the double pawns and after Bishop G5 I feel like uh yeah F4 I was about to bring the queen point is Wake like just imagine a scenario like this is pretty likely on The Rook C4 would have been uh really kind of the last nail in the coffin for my opponent because he has no way to defend the pawn on F4 you could even think so think of uh funny ways to take like take it with a rook because Bishop takes will um give you a very juicy jackpot down the road so uh with that being said I think we can move on to the following game thanks a lot for making it this far into the video and in case you're wondering how are we supposed to deal with the exchange variation because that has not been mentioned a single time throughout the whole video please feel free to click the video that will appear on the screen and that will be a complete guide on how you want to tackle the exchange variation so I'll see you there
Channel: IM Alex Banzea
Views: 86,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pGOwk2tcGi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 44sec (3404 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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