Simple concepts to become unstoppable (Caro-Kann)

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everybody this video is going to be an in-depth guide on how to deal with the exchange variation and also how you can make rushing the advance so we're specifically discussing structures where sooner or later white is going for ed5 and we just recapture and I'm going to be teaching you how to use the potential that black has on the queen Side by using the so-called minority attack as well as how to get a quick win by exploiting typical mistakes that they make in the advance and how you can also squeeze balanced end games that are pretty likely to appear from this structure in case you're wondering all right what is up with Knight C3 they can also play that well in case they go for Knight C3 I have a separate video explaining uh some of the main ideas that you need to know while playing the attackers so I will kindly invite you to check out that video if this is the line that you want to see and in order to understand why I'm actually like tracing this out so much is because just by knowing couple of plants against lines like exchange or Advance it's basically like you need to drive somewhere it's like a new location and of course you use the GPS because it's gonna tell you what to do and how to get there properly whether there's like any police on the way stuff like that you know you know the drill while if you're not using the typical plans and let's say your main way to go is okay let me try to calculate something maybe it'll blunder I'm gonna go ahead and wing it just get development and then I don't know what to do it is basically like you're in a foreign country you need to get somewhere and and you try to drive on your own while you don't even know that country's own alphabet so in today's video I'm gonna be walking you from my thinking process as an international Master explaining some of the typical mistakes that your opponents are doing in this specific rating range so please feel free to use the timestamps from description be what you need and let's get started okay we do get another black game gonna be trying out the Karo Khan and what kind of video related to low rated games can we make without getting to mention the infamous hillbilly attack so we're gonna be playing D5 it's like this is not really the hillbilly attack the hillbilly attack is when they play Bishop between the Gambit the pawn so when they they this is basically just an improved version of the exchange for black and I guess the check specifically uh which can happen in like a variety of move orders and different positions if you haven't like developed anything yet I think blocking with a bishop is easiest and typically when they take Taking with a knight followed by Knight F6 E6 and then Bishop D6 it's quite an interesting move because the knights are protecting each other black is scoring pretty well in the online database with that and on Queen E2 you can definitely do many things against this I'm just gonna trade and then play the move Queen D7 important to protect B7 and I just want to kind of show you how to play this type of positions and it's definitely one of the important end games that you need to understand in order to like really become a successful Caro player so taking with the king is interesting it's more like kind of since it's an endgame it makes a lot of sense but I'm gonna stick with like the easier play of just going Knight F6 I think I'm just gonna start Bishop D6 here to stop him from playing Bishop F4 so then uh get this move in important detail there with Bishop D6 um gonna get castle this sort of goes to C8 because the other Rook can be used for the B file expecting them to play C3 and now we're about to unleash the minority attack so in case you're sitting there thinking uh what is this minority attack he always mentions it but never shows well yeah it is connected with the B5 move so what is the point with the minority attack you may be wondering well the point is to play before take and create a weak Pawn when Bishop G5 happens not that this is creating a frat or anything but it does make me wonder whether should we jump because typically that's the play jumping is definitely it's strong yeah I see no reason why not to go for it I think he will just uh slide back you could also play an ID too I guess I can take his bishop and there's gonna be like slightly better not like winning yet or anything but uh okay we played B5 what is the goal of this we just want to be playing B4 now the other way of doing it is a5b4 so you can think back with a pawn and also get some pressure on the a file that is also a very viable plan but I think generally you really want to get used to uh yeah continue the initiative so while A5 is a good move it is definitely a little bit slower so in case let's say uh we'll put in played a little bit better perhaps I would have gone A5 before and take with the pawn but yeah I really want to punish moves like Bishop D5 Bishop back and the fact that I'm already having the initiative and he did not develop any pieces on the queen side should definitely ring a bell okay I can sort of wait with this a little player kb8 or just do a move like A5 but I just want to take kind of creating the weak Pawn see this is the weak point that I was referring to this is kind of why we play the minority attack we played this way now the pawn cannot be protected by any pawns so the point is to just double up your Rooks and yeah one day we may uh have a position that is good enough to win that pawn so collect it then you win the game it's really that simple whenever you play against the exchange variation you want to get this weakness then you are not like start targeting it so this is a pretty funny position because opponent literally has no way to develop his Knight as we covered it so we could go on and get a move like Knight A4 which is simply increasing the pressure onto the main target the backward bonuses this is by the way a backward Point since it cannot be Advanced and it cannot be protected by any points so really I like to refer to this type of Pawns that are easily targetable as the turtle that has fallen on its back we're just attack it now it's like not gonna go anywhere and it's easy for us to convert now typically when you have such a good position moves like E5 become pretty strong because it's quite concrete threatening to take but in case he takes Bishop takes we do get more pressure so I wouldn't be surprised if the computer recommends that but I want to show you sort of how to win this with like no tactics so by the way I've got no time only 20 seconds left on the clock I've got to speed up with this this is no increment I was winning a pawn anyways and now we get to like pick up the exchange and go E5 D4 try to undermine this gonna go Rook C2 and then Rook C1 so he doesn't get to ever develop the Knight I gotta really show Sun speed which is like a little bit unfortunate but uh hey I hope you you get the idea of why was this actually so effective I'm just look he's unable to develop anything we trade Rooks when the Pawns yeah take take these make sure we get rid of his Pawn yeah you can promote it is whatever we're gonna get a queen can I get another queen let's get rid of his King from being there and typically you have this uh mating net but you just do it like this with the queens and uh you'll get a mate usually so I managed to win the game now uh unfortunately I had to speed up a little bit over there but uh we kind of stopped the talk a knight C4 where the position is like already completely winning so as I mentioned King Ito 92 already wins for us because he took with the king in the game allowing this critical uh check but if he was taking with a knight the knights no longer protecting the City Pawn meaning that we can just take it and we have a winning end game so yeah I mean opponent didn't really make any obvious mistakes in this game this is just such a kind of like a model game that you really want to have stored in your brain whenever you get like this type of positions that are like very common for the exchange your king is safe when your king is safe in The Exchange uh you're just gonna be slightly better because of the open file and the fact that you can put pressure with the minority attack so I went B5 kind of slight mistake Bishop G5 I think because of 94 but yeah we went for like the quick thing I doubled up the Rooks and at this point yeah I went Knight B6 we can check it with a computer I wouldn't be surprised if they play E5 here uh Knight B6 Top Line okay apparently E5 not yet within the first moves yeah we play Knight C4 and then apparently E5 was interesting in this position or just go Ruby Ruby too just kind of keep improving at this point when I'm winning a pawn by force there's no reason why to avoid it so the rest was completely winning and uh yeah in case uh you heard me say uh we do the minority attack before and you had no idea why we play that in the first place we do it so we can create this Target on C3 let me just keep attacking it and we have free pressure try to win the pawn and then the end game should be easily winning so with that being said I think we can just move on to the battling game okay it looks like we do manage to get another card game and we see that this Knight F3 move is actually like so common for this rating range and we do get to face the kind of transposition to the Advance where a lot of people tend to do it kind of Wrong by playing C5 now where honestly that's also fine but it's just like you don't have to sacrifice the pawn at this point you can just go E6 and then whenever they play H3 remember that always against the advanced variation we take typically in the exchange and in the advanced specifically if you're like below 1500 it's like always fine to take only in like the Tata cover so in case they play uh like let's say classical variation and we do decide to go for Knight F6 allowing the double pawns whenever H3 happens in the data where we slide back but here I always take and then go um c59 C6 with a huge pressure onto the D5 Pawn so nothing really special there get C3 Knight T6 threatening to literally just went upon and at this point we already have a choice so there is definitely like CD4 that I think it's gonna get uh played because we don't want to go like 97 dc5 potentially could be annoying yes there will be 95 but that could be kind of double aged so I think we do begin with this move and then it's either we play very aggressive which may be good here Queen Basics attacking both B2 and D4 or just 97 Knight F5 simple development that's definitely okay too but I feel like specifically because the queen is quite misplaced there this may be very juicy so we'll go aggressive however you want to be a little bit careful though with ideas like taking on D4 because they will have annoying Bishop B5 check at the end of the variation maybe that's not really such a big issue but I still don't want to allow any glass of color play specifically when there is a much safer option that could work even better because of B3 this diagonal has been weakened so he cannot play Knight C3 therefore I think the check is really Justified here and most likely we will get to c92 where we're taking would be more interesting but it does block with a bishop and I think vlogging with the bishop is not the Mal move to say the least because The Rook ends up being pretty misplaced after quindify and we simply managed to win in 11 moves with a Karo Khan by not taking any risks and simply following basic opening principles so you're not playing this opening against D4 I don't know what you're doing with your time I mean maybe you're playing a little bit too much stuff for gamble but I'm not gonna trash talk it since maybe I'm gonna make a video myself so uh yeah critical mistake of this game definitely B3 was a critical mistake I think it was supposed to just honestly I don't know let's check yeah he's supposed to play apparently Queen E2 or an id2 and keep equality but not easy for me to understand why is that okay for a while it just looks very very scary so B3 was decisive mistake and after Bishop before black is much better and I mean winning so with that being said I think we can just move on to the following game all right everybody getting another black game going for the usual stuff and uh long time no Advanced variation all right gonna be going for my favorite move over there Bishop F5 is a playable alternative but in case you're not trying to become a champion I wouldn't really recommend it so uh I'm gonna go Knight C6 C3 is by far the most common setup and I'm so glad that we actually come across this bishop B5 move because it is like so common it's like they either play Knight F3 or Bishop B5 these are like the two most common moves by far and Bishop to B5 unlike the usual let's say situations where this move is completely pointless this makes a little bit of sense at least because if you play like the most tempting move or any move let's say point is that the Knight is pain so white one's DC so if he was going DC now you could go 95 but after Bishop B5 that's no longer a thing so important to go Queen A5 critical move for this variation which I see that a lot of my students tend to forget about in the first place until I uh have a more serious talk with them and then they get back on track they need to get their [ __ ] together so Knight F3 just gonna go CD4 where the point of Queen A5 is that he's no longer able to take back with a pawn so where this throwing is centered and now my favorite move is to play Queen H6 this is what I'm recommending in my uh upcoming course just stopping away from castling and from my experience I think a lot of them are either going 22 or 92 just preparing castling now the position is still sensibly equal if opponent finds like a computer-ish approach of playing B4 A4 and then B5 they can eventually Castle which is definitely not something that I would expect from somebody who has a brain and it's 1300 so uh preparing to play the C5 move just undermining the Knight they'll expect him to I was expecting him to play 92 sooner or later maybe he does it now Knight B3 by by me uh well that's creating a flat I don't like when they create threats I should be the one making the threats also I don't want to let him I don't want to let him Castle you know it's like ever I have a pretty big fight that's going on in my mind right now whether we should let him castle and I really don't want to but man these demons really start to hunt me uh okay what else yeah I don't know we might just have to I think I'm gonna start Queen before trying to be clever I'm saying okay go A4 please weaken the B file like the b39 and then I might go Queen B6 here we see Queen G4 so uh this move makes absolutely zero sense to me doesn't necessarily mean that it's not a good move it just means that I don't understand it so how do I want to deal with this if we could get our Pawn to A4 I think that may be at least a sort of raise an eyebrow but uh yeah I don't know if I he may play A4 himself he may try C4 I think I'm going to start by uh hitting the queen I'm like okay show me buddy what do we have in mind with that Queen let's see it just H5 so I don't need to see for basically that is like the biggest argument and C4 you have to find why is that the blunder why C4 not working here and why is it actually completely losing black has a pretty nice little tactic so uh pause the video and wait for the solution in the post analysis tab if you're like really trying to actively work on your chest you should be pausing every single time that I'm asking you uh it does not only boost my watch time but it also makes you a better chess player so I find it a win-win thing and also you can try to pause the video and find why taking the pawn at least if I calculate it properly does not work so we may actually get to see the reason why in the game point is that if he was taking I have Knight F5 hitting the queen and opening up Bishop's path with a discovery winning a piece and yeah he's definitely very vulnerable now just gonna go Knight F5 in the next if I have A4 ideas if if we hit that night that is basically gonna be game over it feels also Queen F4 maybe G5 is interesting okay just goes there uh didn't make sense to play C4 we're gonna go Knight in the middle I mean I could just go to B8 honestly and just play very caveman chess like Ruby 8 C4 quivito let's see how you're trying to stop that he's trying to stop it with G4 okay can't take us Rook is hanging he's gonna take bishop and then play C4 fine let's see move the Knight sir please go away come on sir please move the knife would you be kind enough though he moved that knight from the B3 Square I'd be really appreciate it at this point it doesn't really like have a choice though we're gonna be winning a piece kind of no matter what it would be like a nice we have a final picture he clearly doesn't want to move the Knight which really annoys me to say the least she's gonna take three piece and uh well if that idea was lucrative in the first place I see no reason why not to try it for the second time yeah just going A5 A4 basically you know your ex just hurt your feelings massively so why won't you allow it once again yeah right like no big deal foreign just go for it what could go wrong okay A3 I think that movie is losing in a bunch of brilliant ways I'm just gonna infiltrate though just gonna knock at his door yeah Queen NATO robito could be a thing Bishop A3 loming and finally we do get to see what I initially planned so my evil mastermind plan worked in the end but yeah you just see how difficult this little variation just made my opponent's life at the like come up with Queen G4 kind of moves and uh well I did I remember asking you about something actually there was a trick that uh I forgot to that I forgot to like uh it was the reason why I asked you to pause the video can't really remember I have to guess I guess just watch the replay and uh yeah oh okay no I remember now there we go uh sorry guys just uh monkey brain so basically I asked h5yc for losing and you see like the bar is dropping like crazy because okay if you go DC4 Queen C4 white is happy with this they ruined our structure right is better but a point is on C4 well if you take it just takes and uh it's a trade but even better is if you go Queen B3 so saying okay if he takes we take his Queen and we manage to win a piece in the process so the point was that even if he goes like let's say queen takes on G7 which is really like not a great move but it's kind of like a cute idea that I wanted to show it could still take in V up a piece but the point is that you can have Queen intermediate movie check so you win two pieces actually so C4 the nice mode was going B3 and back wins a piece so um yeah give me a mistake for this game that the opponent played I think castling long but at this point yeah this rugby C4 is devastating so uh with that being said I think you can really move on to the following game okay everybody managed to get another E4 game gonna be sticking with the and let's see wow Knight F3 again I swear this movie is like so common for this rating range is like absolutely insane and here you have two ways of playing against basically the advanced transposition that is c596 so you can just start with Bishop G4 which is by far my favorite and what I'm gonna be recommending in my upcoming choosable course and the main reason why this is so nice is that we are gonna be transposing into the normal uh lines after C5 Knight C6 and for those of you that are trying to get your karakan to the next level I've got a big question how would you play against Bishop to G5 you have to pause the video think about that and let me know your reply because we're gonna be going over this in the post analysis game but I will let you know that black has a completely winning move yeah that a lot of people tend to forget about anyways on A3 just gonna be sticking with the normal stuff just putting pressure on the D4 Square and already threatening Bishop F3 which could be potentially winning upon 97 DC could be slightly odd so just gonna take for first preparing to go Knight F5 in case of Bishop G5 Queen B6 is typical reaction to one pin okay this is just like very common for low rated games I'm very happy we get to show it Bishop F3 Queen D4 huge flat Bishop F3 Queen B2 as well a big threat and I've noticed like very common mistake for lower rated players they always take this Free Pawn with a knight no you're like supposed to take it with the queen so you're like sort of forcing the queen trade get it into the end game your win rate will Skyrocket in this position I'm telling you so uh yeah okay opponent now best would be for him to just kind of go back I guess but he's already in like a very difficult position where I like not even past move 10 and I do believe black is completely winning by just playing a solid game no nonsense and it's just how powerful this opening really is so uh guys out there in the comments that are not playing the Karo gun what are you doing with your life I mean tell me I'm like really curious I never met somebody that's not playing the karukan so curious what these people look like uh okay 92 [Music] um basically saying if I take you will take back and if I go queen bee Turok Beyond rugby seven gives carplay fine I can I can see how that's working out I'm just gonna go Knight F5 running this and then picking out the Free Pawn so he's basically forced now to go back onto E3 which hey if he does uh yeah I take my head off for opponent because I was really expecting him to lose upon in uh 10 moves but uh I spoke too soon there it is Bishop F3 94 do not go Knight D4 because you're losing a piece so uh no don't take on D5 Bozo there is Knight takes Bishop Ito and uh secret that were about to reveal first time on the channel the Knight moved backwards only if you have a premium account on so then you lose a piece if they take yeah I'm just gonna be collecting the Free Pawn typically I like to take with this Knight because the other night covers E5 and we may be winning that pawn too so uh yeah people are like confused which Knight to take uh with there here's your answer and this will be the position where like so many people will go wrong and we just lose the game on the spot by playing Knight takes on D5 those white ass Bishop E3 you get pinned then you cry like oh I got pinches his heart I was completely winning and then I lost I quit no it's like you just gotta do the basics take with a queen get your extra up on end game and stop crying about it threatening this in case he takes her like more than happy to take back with a knight and remember that Bishop B5 is not a Checkmate because we can take it so in case that move freaked out some of you uh that was not working and problem with Queen A4 is that it does leave something undefended and that is the full Rook actually so opponent is going down in history for losing a lot of pieces very quickly and we're also going to be picking up the bishop because there is D5 which is yeah just taking advantage of the pinned piece and he may even go Castle when you see like a good move look for better so don't take the bishop go for mate this is why you signed up on this channel we're gonna pick up Bishop on the next move don't worry but this one uh go for a little cheeky idea I mean uh yeah this is simply what you can literally do to this Advanced variation players that are like below 16 1700 by getting these standard development literally not doing anything special but developing and winning the default pawn and now for those of you that are like wondering all right genius what was the point with that Bishop G5 idea that you brought up initially why is this so special you may be wondering well from my experience a lot of people will be tell me okay Bishop G5 Queen B6 we do that a lot of the times that's the move that has to be that's like good move it's reasonable I checked it with my computer it's fine maybe going okay then you have a pretty bad computer if it's not seeing the best move in this position let me tell you that but that is a very nice tactic and for those of you that uh fought Queen takes on G5 is the answer you get The Wooden Spoon that's reasonable but it's only a trade way better take the Knight and if he takes back you pick up the bishop three piece if you take your queen you take his Queen he takes Bishop you take Bishop you have apple piece boom simple now your opponent is wearing like an imaginary suit he will play the move Queen D2 which is saying you gotta move the queen and then I'm gonna take your Bishop that would be like 200 IQ I wouldn't really expect your opponent to play this in case he does it you're probably gonna lose anyway so uh there's no cure to that so anyways that is F6 move just double attack boom boom hit the bishop win a piece so he takes your Bishop you take his your upper B so no matter how you put it like he's gonna be completely winning so remember that little idea because really it is so common and like so many people just forget about it because for low rated games especially this rating range people are just like you attack their piece they need to move it it's like uh you tell them to do something they're like oh okay fine not like looking for a stronger flatter like counter attack you really need to do that because you're potentially missing out on like a lot of great opportunities so uh okay critical mistake of this game was definitely before he's supposed to just play Bishop E3 position is still slightly better for black but nothing like dramatic yet so after we won the pawn this is game over 24 critical move and then we seal the deal and for those of you that were scared about this oh we get checkmate no it's not Checkmate there is one move but it's good enough data free Bishop so with that being said I think you can really move on to the Halloween game getting another black game this time against somebody that's rated around 1250 going for the central approach so far and we do get to face the advance which is from my experience one of the hardest lines to deal with especially for people that are just getting started with Karo Khan and it does play the most common mode which is C3 kind of the only sort of serious try for white here is to go DC or the way they played more recently at the top level just Knight F3 you can see three important to get the Knight out and important to understand what kind of game we have well if they're clearly a mistake however the idea is that we're basically trying to get like a French defense structure but with an active Bishop so ideally we want to take and if Knight F3 the point is to pin the Knight we have like show that many times on the channel in the past uh however on F3 which is not really a move that I would understand I guess he wanted to play Maybe F4 and just mouth slipped just gonna be taking and playing Bishop F5 I'm like okay your mom sleep go F4 we still get like a normal game point is to play E6 and not get the bishop locked inside the pawn chain so it should be five currently do much about that going Queen A5 is not like the most lucrative approach because of Knight C3 you could try to go for intermediate with Bishop young and in case they take that is check and you win the piece but on Bishop bionic and throwing the Intermezzo and uh that's also not going to be like winning either so now we just have to take and then well 97 very natural move I think I'm just gonna get started with Queen B6 sort of anticipating the fact that he is gonna castle and sort of looking forward to break with C5 which may be not the most accurate move of all time here because there will be Queen A4 check so perhaps for this reason we're gonna start with Knight E7 and then maybe C5 so we can block the check with Knight C6 uh okay I think here I'm gonna go for something pretty interesting or rather strange I'm gonna play the bishop takes on B1 because a lot of the times as you probably saw in the game that was played recently in the London system between uh dingly Ren and Yan nepomyachi daylight Squad Bishop is pretty active there but it's not really doing all that much so trading it for the Knight could be sensible idea specifically because I had in mind ideas to play like this but I quit C5 and then we could potentially get like a mating that going with Knight G3 not the case because of uh G4 but typically when G4 happens Knight H4 is a pretty nice move so I could do that I could also go back I think it's not a mistake to go back the point is that well uh we are retweeting but now we have a hook that we can try to attack so if I lets us take we're gonna be opening up the file against the enemy King so that should definitely uh yeah be interesting for us you can also sort of delay it I think I like delaying it with Knight G6 because taking is also opening up the file for my opponent so I'm gonna be only opening it up when it looks like we can take advantage of it somehow and I think it correctly goes G5 because I can like no longer jump with the Knight on F5 you could still try to maneuver around and I think that's what we're gonna do so you see that Caro especially when it's like a closed position we don't like really hesitate from moving back and forth just because the position is closed this means okay it's not really a lot about move my move stuff but it's about maneuvering and optimizing your pieces so when it goes Queen D3 now the main reason why I'm like so happy in this position with such a knight on F5 is that uh well you cannot really trade it with Knight G3 because he loses the pawn or we can also play H4 and I'm gonna go for a move trying to be instructive showing you why we can win only because of the F5 Knight if we play the end game so we got strong Knight he has uh weeknight and we have uh like big Target to play for so we can start by uh trying to get the file there is also idea of going for The Outpost I'm gonna start with the bishop and on Rook C1 first it's important that because we have an end game we're gonna be using the king to yeah cover the central squares it needs to watch out not to allow the fork and next up I'm ready to play Rook seat and ideas to use the Outpost but that is also a mistake in itself because it allows the fork but let's actually play it so that we don't win because of a blunder let's try to actually squeeze him so I'll just show you that an end game which looks completely symmetrical and harmless is actually very easy to lose for white so I'm like gonna start by getting the Knight to C4 hope he doesn't play King F2 blender in the fork so he has to go King F3 gonna go Knight C4 and now uh we'll use King B7 so that we're in time to defend against Knight C3 and then the point is to break with A5 and we're simply winning because these pawns are on the dark squares and we're able to Target them immediately so A5 next just gonna be winning a pawn I'm also gonna take the time and play G6 just fix everything we're not in a hurry and play A5 now so he kinda has to take I would assume could be maybe going 92 but that just looks like a very passive idea now this is a huge threat has to play like Knight B1 I guess and then King A4 Knight C3 was sort of a little bit problematic but uh I'm sure we could have definitely made some progress there now we're just like uh winning the free Pony as like literally now Carly just need to use my king and the filtrate there's like many ways and you can win this I'm just gonna do it trying to allow like the least kind of play now I'm gonna get a knight to F5 because we're winning another opponent I'm gonna have to hurry a bit just because there's not a lot of times that I have left on the clock and there is no increment in this game buddy anyways just resigns so uh yeah I hope this was like somewhat instructive for those of you that are kind of having a hard time understanding this type of caracana games because just look how effortlessly you can win such a symmetrical position because you got these pawns that are on a that square we have the dark screen Bishop so because the opponent has the same Bishop he's supposed to have his pawns on the light squares so they are safe now these are a Target and we're gonna be most likely winning because of A5 rarely white can hold but it's you don't really care about uh when they can hold that much like for instance Knight B1 was a move here I was considering King A4 and there is Knight C3 check so I have to go back but yeah as I was thinking after B4 Bishop takes on B4 all of his pieces are restricted and this is literally like a zugoswang so this position is actually completely lost I'm threatening just to bring the king and whenever we can trade something that is most likely just the winning position so he needs to stay with the King to D1 let's say and yeah just to like sort of showcase how would we make progress just putting the king and then you wanna go King Sito so he doesn't have any moves in the meantime notice if he tries to like uh do anything like let's say King Sito to sort of stop my king there is this bishop E1 movement he's really in the worst type of position because all of his pawns are on the dark Square so my Bishop can then just pick them up one by one so um yeah obviously if you get a game like this and you have the opportunity of going for a fork you should but I'm hoping that um highlighting this idea where uh yeah just the minor pcent games and because of the fact that uh opponent's pawns are fixed on the same color as his Bishop he's dead lost so uh but it's not something that's like super intuitive especially for low rated players and I hope this gives you a little bit more confidence in entering this type of end games and again if you end up drawing sometimes it's not a problem the goal is just to improve your position at best and make the most out of it you're not going to be able to to win every single one of these games but as long as you're pretty comfortable I think that's all that matters so with that being said I think you can really important to the Halloween game all right everybody getting another car game it seems and what is it gonna be this time it looks to be the advanced gonna be sticking with my favorite move the baldwini cars and we've seen Bishop to B5 in like a previous game where it's important to play Queen A5 really critical move and now we do get to face another interesting sideline where definitely the best move that it can go for is CD4 followed by H5 and by the way F4 is critical because it's protecting E5 creating a threat of dc5 so in previous position dc5 uh not a critical move sorry here because of 95 but after F4 that really becomes a threat so you should take and then the computer really likes the sort of weird H5 move after they take that's like best objectively with Bishop G4 but I find this pretty tricky to remember if you can do it and sure why not go ahead but I think a bit of an easier and more practical approach that I'm gonna recommend in my uh coming accessible course Bishop F5 I find it easier H5 is given there in both Levy's course on chestly and selecki or unjustable so that's a good line however if you're like 1300 let me have my doubts that you're gonna always remember that so I think this is a little bit more practical and depending on how they're gonna develop their light squared Bishop we're gonna decide what do we do with this night so because he didn't commit yet I think already I'm gonna start my plan most people in this position would just go 96 Bishop p7 Castle which is fine but could get you in trouble sometimes with h3g4 kind of stuff so I really am a huge fan uh at least for you to kind of be aware of this idea which may not work very well now because you play Bishop D3 which yeah it's this plan works optimally if his Bishop is committed to Ito but really remember this maneuver of getting high to B6 and getting castled now we can go for trades you can also play a move like G6 I'm gonna go for G6 here looks a little bit odd but the point is though kind of keep control over the king side a little maybe use the file Play Bishop E7 and as long as our yeah position is pretty safe there we have all the money on the queen side we want to attack there like Knight V6 Rook C8 Knight A5 Knight C4 that's all we're hoping for uh and yeah we're just playing around these light squares as you can see gasoline may be potentially inviting that move let's not rush with things I'm just gonna yeah to be honest now that we got the open G file it is actually like really interesting to consider long Castle however the initial plan is to like just go Queen side uh and use this like typical Knight C4 type of ideas but hey Jess is you know a reactive game as I like to say and perhaps uh the next move will be pretty shocking for you watching I'm gonna give you like 10 tries you're not gonna guess the move that I'm about to play and the funny thing about it is that it might actually be a good move then try write them down you're not gonna guess it and the main reason why I think this movie is actually quite clever we're gonna have a very easy way to bring our toys over the King side some reason in my brain I was trying to debate whether this what kind of site that is but you have to bring the pieces over and then maybe like double up and because the position is closed hey guess what king is very safe uh in the middle you can already start uh something like this he's kind of indicating that he's gonna play Rook U1 with his last move I think a nice move to begin with Queen G4 and then uh maybe do that whenever he wants to take Pawn on F4 will drop that's kind of the main argument that I am trying to make here so yeah I can bring that okay you can start with H5 I don't think it like makes a difference I'm gonna start with H5 92 just loses the pawn it feels like Knight D1 also hard to believe this can be like serious mode maybe just Queen H3 you just feel like he feels like he has a difficult position overall but Rook G1 yeah it's kind of a nice sort of defensive move in a way that I'm not gonna be able to blast open the position immediately because of GH but still I feel like our position is quite promising and we managed to really speed up the attack thanks to this King D7 move G8 maybe H4 GH Queen F4 should definitely be okay for us as you can see it's already timing down a little bit indicating that his position is definitely very uncomfortable I think at this point what he may be best is trying to bring the Rook like this I don't know just kind of bringing some pieces over the king side my problem is that all my Knights are kind of stuck on the queen side I don't really see a way of bringing the knights which would have just made it too simple but on the other hand uh yeah he's got these two pieces over there as well so we're not really in that big of a deficit I would say and uh yeah I could play like use this and in the meantime the position is like so scary that the opponent may start just playing worse because he's terrified of my upcoming attack yeah he's probably gonna go to C2 that's very clever if he manages to find it I mean big credits to him uh also logical would be to play before but that's always kind of creating additional weaknesses so hard for him to like really do anything it's like a close position I have obvious attack and he has no move so he commits decisive mistake I feel like because he's just a free Pawn if we trade Queens yeah we're just gonna be having a very easy and straightforward end game I feel like this is optimal there is also idea to take it this way but uh yeah just we're winning a pawn and we're gonna have great pressure along the H file so I'm gonna do this then time to improve the Knight then get the weak Pawn oh by the way this was an idea that I should have uh considered that list so uh um gotta keep an eye on that the opponent is trying to infiltrate so I'm gonna play a bit of a defensive move Knight C8 ideas to go E6 next so that he doesn't uh get to activate the Knight fully so still even when you're out ahead it's nice to like watch out for your opponents flats and go for this kind of like prophylaxis if you need it if you don't need it then don't don't go for it I mean pretty easy so yeah taking the Free Pawn up two points currently ready to Manny for the night maybe I can already open it tactically with G3 because if it takes I have Rook H2 and then pick up the bishop so perhaps that's what I'm gonna do next never mind no it still works now The Rook remains undefended best move foreign everything and we have a pretty easy and straightforward uh win in the end game should be a walk in the park at this point um so let's see you may be actually running out of time because this is uh yeah no increment game but I'm obviously ready to pick up everything and then uh yeah I'm also ready to like take Pawn on D4 Knight F3 ideas coming so this is definitely yeah quite a disaster for my opponent who's running out of time but yeah now I'm curious now this is like Moment of Truth we're gonna look at it with an engine like now it looks like a brilliant move like what I just did but you look at it where the engine is just gonna be laughing in our face I don't know let's see I'm like Curious what engine thinks about it okay engine does not even have it in like top five moves this King D7 idea why not I mean is it just bad so King D7 it says like plus one kind of but I'm actually curious what Leela thinks of this position because I feel like these engines are like a little bit weaker here and I'm curious to see what stronger engines would evaluate this position be like and the way I actually came up with this idea is that I was familiar with uh the gameplay between Victor erdogs and Alia zafiruzia were in actually more of like an open position than we have here Adidas are literally walked his King and he was fine and he's just one in like rushing fashion so yeah that kind of rangabel and now okay I'm just gonna go ahead input this into the cloud engines and we'll come back with some feedback alright everybody we are inside chess Bay so this is what it uh looks like gonna be turning on the engine first uh let's say in this position and then we're gonna be having heading towards cloud and let's uh actually higher like the most expensive Leela that we can get which is like uh one ducat per minute so the higher that this one is what I usually use and as you can see this is like these are like the candidate moves and the position is evaluated as even and King D7 may take a while for Lila to recommend it but if you play it see now it actually starts to show us like the sixth move but it's only like losing zero zero five in eval meaning that it's a perfectly fine move if you play it that's like Lila thinks it's perfectly fine just don't go you're doing well buddy well if you look at it with like the weaker engine it's completely misleading it's like telling it's plus one for white which was clearly not the case so I feel pretty happy about like this King D7 move in itself it's quite logical if you ask me but okay you may be wondering all right what does stockfish think about it so we're gonna close down uh let's actually keep Leela so you can have it there let's just uh get rid of some of the candidate moves so you can go a little bit deeper and that's actually also higher the strongest stockfish on the market so this one is um costs like to do cuts per minute yeah and uh as you can see it actually has 356 CPUs so it's like super strong just literally strongest engine that's available on the market so as you can see stockfish does not find King D7 as one of the top modes but what will happen normally if you let's say Play the Top Line on stockfish and then play the best move on Lila they will normally start to agree after a while so yeah it looks like Leela would continue Roxy hit let's just continue with the moves for just a little bit um yeah knightito looks like based on both apparently H3 gets played for some reason King C7 let's say Bishop D2 um ba it doesn't really matter as you can see a lot of these moves are like kind of equivalent let's say lmg8 he plays King H2 uh let's go King B8 rogeto now is the brilliant find Rook fa1 protecting the pawn let's say like uh Rook C7 or whatever now it just translates more into like uh waiting game like Knight B5 Rook C8 Bishop E1 A6 Knight back this is just kind of like engine game basically it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense but yeah my point is that normally if you like play a lot of moves they will just start to agree eventually like Rook C7 uh yeah it just plays Rook B A1 now these stock fees just so you understand it this becomes more of like a waiting game now it seems where both sides kind of need to stay solid so it seems like Lila please Rook C8 and stockfish gives this kind of like sort of uh more drastic evaluation of the position like a plus zero five but as you can see it's not really making any progress so uh yeah this is what I've been uh completely fine so now you just saw what it basically looks like while I'm doing the analysis for the courses I usually like to have both engines turned on to kind of have like sort of a wider uh view of uh what the options are for both sides because Turkish is way better when it comes to like Mumbai move stuff but when it's something more like long term like a king D7 type of plan uh Lila really has the edge in this type of like closed positions so uh yeah critical mistake after um definitely I think playing Knight H4 was critical mistake then we just have easy win however his position is already uh quite dubious because we're about to break with H4 and uh GH4 we pick up the effort Pawn so uh that being said I think we can really move on to the following game okay looks like we're getting another game and we're ready to hop into the karaoke oops I was about to move the queen that would have been the wrong chest tutorial so just gonna be going for D5 expecting them a lot to take when Knight F3 is Big doesn't move over there they could also transpose into the Theo Knights they could also play a move like D3 which is a bit of a cheeky attempt nowadays of entering these kind of end games where uh yeah I was about to say uh we are gonna be going for an interesting approach of playing G6 in my upcoming course and I think that is by far the easiest line even though I know for a fact a lot of people just like to enter these type of end games anyways if you are like uh anywhere near this rating range the end game arising after D3 which is like super popular nowadays at the top level it will never really get played against you I mean maybe it will but it will be combined with Knight G5 so it is not something that you should be worried about anyways here's ed5 we're gonna be recapturing and we just have a basic version of The Exchange expecting a lot of them to play Bishop to B5 uh there we go I swear I did not pay this guy uh not because I didn't want to but because he didn't accept so uh pinning the Knight he just plays Knight C3 which is already a little bit of a common mistake because the Knight is not like ideally placed uh there in this structure will be like way better place than let's say in the future on like detail so it was 93 just gonna go E6 waiting for Bishop G5 where we have an immediately winning move so geez you're trying to get good at the karakan you should really try to pause the video and find the winning continuation here because I'm telling you most of my students are like the people that I that attempted to just play Bishop E7 and exchange while in fact black is completely winning there pause the video look for that and wait for the answer in the analysis tab after the game so he castles which is going to be developing we're meeting A3 with takes and we'll always play Bishop E7 Castle okay this is a very interesting position because my opponent plays Queen D3 and typically we only take on F3 when ah3 is played in order to provoke it so we don't lose a Tempo but on Queen D3 which is like specifically aimed to unpin so that he can play 95 it is completely Justified to take on F3 so that is the best move you will be taking and notice how he wasted the tempo doing this little zigzag with the queen so then I mean there's no really other move than taking with the queen taking with the pawn is really gonna not make a whole lot of sense because his King will be long term weakened um and yeah we just want to do this quindex is safe because I cannot take this yet because of the pin so uh I'm just gonna go Bishop to E7 get castled by the way this becomes a threat so he just uh plays rookie one to defend make sure to get your Rook on the open file boys stop going for nonsense like Queen B6 type of moves or A6 first you gotta be able to take back with a rook that is like the key idea of getting the initiative going and now we're going minority attack okay he plays A35 do not go before because that would be a little bit of a premature attack relation since it's completely weakening your queen side specifically the A6 pawn something similar can be said about a5b4 because if you do this if I was weakening the B5 Pawn you want to start with either Queen B6 or Knight E5 I typically like to begin with the Knight it's just maybe it will open up some opportunities for tactics even earlier so opening goes up to detail I'm gonna continue with the plan and on Bishop takes on C4 remember this key idea we want to take back with the Rook so what is the point of taking back with the Rook you may be wondering well when it's pretty simple we want to play Queen B6 Rook C8 A5 B4 it has to move the Knight loses the seater pawn it is that simple Queen H3 is a nice looking move the problem with this nice looking move is that it's really not doing a whole lot of sense Queen would be nice that if let's say he had the bishop like in the London system to try to Checkmate me but without light Square Bishop you should generally be really safe in the karokan so the way you see this kind of General strategy for the uh let's say exchange variation as long as your king is safe and you're not getting mated you should be having free pressure on the queen side this actually something that uh we should be worried about uh not yet I would like to think so I'm just gonna ignore it for now um he may be looking forward to play something like Queen H4 next putting more pressure I can just go King f8 no it's like his attack is not really doing anything so you could maybe play a move like G6 if you're like afraid but uh yeah I'm just gonna focus on our counter Frets in Queen H4 yeah okay he just takes which is not really sensible like at all like what's the point of taking in the first place I'm just gonna take hit the Knight expecting Knight A4 and then I think this queen B5 is a nice little move hitting the night unexpecting Knight C5 but simply Rook D4 pick up the Free Pawn could have also maybe when Queen A6 trying to sort of pin the Knight saying he's got some little back rank issues that reminds me of the Hikaru clip that's asking hey girl can I get into your back rank well that would be here but uh apparently I decided not to go for it silly me I know please be three okay I think I'm just gonna go take the Free Pawn as I said initially play A5 before get rid of the Knight so you can win C to pawn that's how you win the game that's the whole plan against the exchange so one of the main things that I really love about icaro Khan is that you can have this kind of like one typical plan in each variation that you can literally abuse and get countless wins so no rocket science very simple very solid even if you mess things up uh we'll probably have a very solid position and your opponent will self-destroy or self-destride whatever it was because I forgot uh so yeah it doesn't really seem to help a lot in particular because uh we do manage to squeeze into his backyard by playing Rook C1 and we get a Checkmate so pretty effortless win against exchange not gonna like this guy got a little bit more counter play than usual like he tried this whole kind of group Leaf sort of business but without the light Square Bishop hey that is not a problem uh I don't know what to really compare this with it's like you're going to a war but you are not armed that's literally how these guys attack felt like so critical mistakes for this game first mistake was uh well not clear mistakes first just his opening sucks so uh yeah maybe we can agree rookie 3 was a mistake I wouldn't really put this in like the mistake category even though his position is already very difficult uh he should have tried something like Queen H4 I mean not here but uh let's say like takes Big C moves the night whatever hmm like this okay I mean I even have roxito intermediate move that's not fair yeah I don't really know what I was uh what I was calculating during the game or maybe Queen H4 it was indeed and then I felt like he could try to get some Bishop F6 sort of carplay maybe we don't care and we take the Rook no I I feel like we do care can you just get the mating thingy here with Rook G8 what am I missing now I just like escaping yeah anyways uh in the game I would have probably just won King fa this is the variation that I saw and pinning and okay I still he can take this Pawn but like who cares about that when we have escaped Squad and we can start collecting so yeah I think mistake was going Bishop F6 and not trying his luck with Queen H4 like a lot of people in this rating range will kind of get overwhelmed by uh this fret with the pin so after that he played Bishop F6 I don't think he has any way to come back into the game so we just managed to pick up the free win so with that being said I think we can really move on to the following game alright guys you remember I said that Bishop to G5 was uh an alternative so of course I forgot to mention it after the game but here we come in the ultra high quality production we are gonna address them of Bishop G5 anyway so there you go now maybe one thing okay why is Bishop G5 actually losing the point is and point was and hopefully you figure this out by yourself in case you didn't that's fine you're like most of the players in this position like as Bishop takes on F3 she's eliminating the defender if you take back Bishop is hanging and if you take Queen we take his trade them all and we end up with an extra piece so with that being said we can actually really move on to the following game right everybody looks like we're getting another opponent I'm gonna be trying out the Karo Khan and we do get to see the Knight F3 Movado which is uh typically going to be leading to The Exchange they also have the option of going for E5 where I like to stick with Bishop G4 and we get the most likely transpose back into the advanced wouldn't be surprised if we get to face the check or a D4 at the most common moves in the position I'm gonna begin with this Knight ultimately we end up developing both nights but it's nicer to begin with this one just so we can stop any like let's say 95 ideas because we can like get rid of his Knight immediately and then just Bishop to B5 there's basically two interesting ways in which you can play this if you really wanna go for like the most precise Way Queen A5 is quite interesting because it's forcing white to misplace the Knight on C3 however I believe the easier move is just to go Bishop to G4 whenever they will play H3 because of the bishop on B5 it's best to take so besides that we just want to go E6 Knight F6 and uh in if development Rock will typically go onto the open file and then once we do that we want to go for the minority attack with A6 B5 and basically the main idea is though uh put pressure on the queen side it's the exchange variation the main goal is to make sure the king is safe once the castle short and then because of the open file we just have free pressure on the queen side are we gonna be able to win just because of that that is less relevant we just kind of want to make the best hour of our position and pick it up from there typically what will happen in this rating range a lot you will see that you just play this kind of like natural moves and then your opponents will start doing really weird stuff so that is gonna make it uh of course easier now opponent however plays a pretty good move Bishop to D3 because he's ready to play C3 and save the bishoper which is not something that they will typically do and in this position I basically have like two main candidates moves um I'm gonna start with Rook C8 it's useful move he's supposed to play C3 now because otherwise uh as I was about to say we have a big possessional threat of playing Knight before looks like he's just going Rook C1 so we're just gonna go ahead and start attacking his Bishop if he tries to save it I think it's a little bit too late because there is something hanging in the position specifically because of his latest move and we have a friend of Knight D2 so in case of C3 don't take because the Knight gets trapped and uh yeah we would have just captured his Bishop now when he's doing this move we already get kind of like a slightly better position long term because these double points they are not only like double pawns but they are also isolated meaning that it's gonna be way harder for your opponent to like sort of defend them you could basically think think of these pawns as like a turtle that's fallen on its back it's just kind of like unable to move and pretty easy for us to Target gonna begin with Queen B6 here just uh attacking the pawn on between keeping an eye on D4 as well I'm happy that he starts with this move because now we get to have full access over the open file and uh well what good uh it is an open file for if not for using it so considering move like Queen B3 idea being to infiltrate because rookie is usually optimally placed on the second rank but the queen B3 also have to figure out what is opponent gonna do so I think he'll try to challenge me with Rook C1 I don't see an easy move there so I'm gonna play H6 which is typically going to be answered by Bishop H4 so that this is useful for us to include because he will no longer control the C1 square with a bishop now if he is clever he finds the intermediate move but even if he does uh it's like we play useful move anyways I kind of doubt that they will difficult mistake for this rating range they rarely go for counter attacks so you attack like one of their pieces they're just like gonna defend they're not gonna look for potentially making a stronger threat if they are taking were happier because now our positional Advantage is increasing not only that we have open file he has double pawns but we also have Bishop against Knight so we're already having uh three assets and ultimately he makes a pretty significant blunder because Knight E5 it's looking like a pretty active move but do not forget that this is leaving something undefended so we can simply punish it by going Queen takes on D4 hitting the Knight and when the Knight will move probably we're gonna be able to win another one we just have them with green beater because the bishop and the queen are cooperating pretty nicely the respawn on A3 waiting for us to be taken so three extra pawns expecting him to play like rookie1 or 95 and now you can really go ahead and try to pause the video find like the easiest way because I know like a lot of people may be tempted to rash with let's say pushing the pawns or stuff like that which everything wins obviously but best make sure you trade his Rook trade all the pieces get him into the end game and uh he will pretty much have no kind to play now however key idea it's an end game so we need to bring our King closer to the metal I can continue with the King I'm just gonna do the bishop I want the bishop kind of control all of these squares well let's say his Knight could uh jump one kind of dominating his Knight and then we can bring the king closer to the queen side follow it up with pushing the pawns whenever he allows me to take his night time obviously more than happy to do so if B5 he may be willing to do this kind of weird annoying stuff let's just go F6 maybe push E5 he may be tempted to play F4 stop me but in case he does not I'm just gonna expand he's trying like a pretty interesting uh thing with the King but I'm afraid this is not really gonna be enough though give him any compensation whatsoever we're just gonna dislodge the Knight then maybe start targeting these pawns potentially also maybe there's idea to sacrifice the bishop so we get very strong pawns I mean that could be an interesting idea sometimes however normally you don't have to sacrifice in order to win these type of positions um his Knight is going there I think there's no reason why not to push and he's attacking the pawn let's just defend it and use the king a bit to like uh start hunting his Knight so notice how we use our King really as an attacking piece it's like he tried to do this like ingenious play with his own King but uh it ended up uh yeah being more passive than doing anything at all so I'm just gonna promote but then yeah you can go detail you can do anything yeah just promoting and also looks like we will be in time to actually win this game because we're no longer playing increment so I have many moves now I'm gonna go for 24 and then Checkmate so just resign so okay critical mistake of this game you may be wondering well first mistake allowing Knight B4 he was supposed to play C3 second mistake taking with the pawn you should have taken with the queen and position somewhat equal after this I'm just better and then kind of like third mistake and sort of last not playing Rook C1 I think he was supposed to like not take after take so just I think too much at this point I've got pressure on D4 there is this constant for out of Queen B3 rookie to infiltrating and I think at this point he simply has no way to stop us from at least winning a Pawn on the Queensland and with that most likely the game so with that being said I think we can just move on to the following game
Channel: IM Alex Banzea
Views: 104,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hY1Z04ggaKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 19sec (4639 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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