Caro-Kann: Advance Variation - GM Ben Finegold

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Finegold is always good for a laugh. My favorite: "...and both sides stand badly"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheBowtieClub πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 25 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

14 mins - "Taking with the pawn is risky, because it gives black a slight advantage" haha.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EXAX πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 25 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

Aside from being entertaining, this kind of lecture approach helps people better learn chess in my opinion. Chess can be intimidating, and a lot of times people who are new to chess think there's some sort of magic or unknowable genius needed to play chess at a very high level. Ben kind of knocks down this barrier with humor in a way that chess becomes more intellectually accessible to the inexperienced.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 25 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wesleycrush3r πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 25 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

The referenced Shirov endgame: Epic:

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fcstfan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 25 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

If I had the money I'd have Finegold tutor my kids and myself. I probably wouldn't learn a thing because his dry humor is epic.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RoboNerdOK πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 25 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

Finegold is awesome, and this is a classic! Thanks!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 25 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

"checkmate with advantage"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 26 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank you, OP! I'd like to think I'm the intended audience for this lecture (although I'm probably not that good), and this is the best chess lecture I've ever watched!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/buffalo_pete πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 25 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies
okay I'm I'm the rotating GM Grandmaster Ben Feingold I used to be the only Grandmaster residents but now I'm not next week we'll have yes or Sarah won back for about six weeks give or take and I'll be here until Sunday Super Bowl Sunday soon as the Super Bowl starts I'm out okay well before we start the lecture even though it's already started that was an interesting sentence grandmaster died a few days ago and got none of you heard of him well you heard of him at home and ken was barely heard of him his name was Gilles Sachs he was a Hungarian Grandmaster he was a candidate for the World Championship and he was a very strong player when I lived in Europe 25 years ago he was one of the top 20 players in the world possibly top 10 in the world that's stretching it a little but definitely top 20 so he was one of the top five or six players in Hungary for 30 years and while he died last week yeah it seems like every week when I lecture don't lecture a grandmaster dies so I guess I'll be the best player in the world soon might might take two or three years but if I'm alive I'm looking good and for the intermediate lecture I'm going to make things a little easier than usual because normally when I ask questions you know these these thought bubbles above your heads with like you know a donkey and flies around it and you know like and there's just you know there's like table Rosses everywhere you know what I'm saying right man yeah he's like man that's I took the words out of his mouth okay so the first so I want to show you some lighter games it's interesting I won rated game on Friday I played one Saturday I played one Sunday the Chess Club was closed on Monday so I played six No and that play zero and then on Tuesday which was yesterday I played two rated games in the latter tournament and I won them both surprisingly so I was black in the first game and in the second game okay so I'm playing everybody's favorite a grandmaster beater that's Preston Smith and Preston beat Grand Master last month which is on our website st. Louis Chess Club org and a simultaneous exhibition a perfect game and that was the Grand Master residence Josh free Dell the only geuman residence who was a GM and residents less than than this tenure this is a nine day ten year that I have now I think he was like four days so laughter luzina Preston no matter how bad the weather was and how many flights were canceled he had to fly back to Milwaukee okay so I'm black against Preston Preston always plays e4 and I play different openings I like to play the caro-kann I've been talking about the Carrick on lately with several people and Preston played theory for at least three moves which is almost a record okay almost okay I'll have to look into that but there are stats Department analyzed that okay he played the advanced variation now Preston likes to play F for when he's Wyatt and I'm from Michigan and there's a player there named Jennifer Skidmore who's a Class A player and she also always plays f4 with white and every opening doesn't played on move one but she plays that for eventually so every move I'm waiting for f4 like okay where's that for it's already move three come on okay now as you know this is called the advanced variation of the Carroll Khan and what is the main move that black can play in this position anyone anyone you this ship f5 now if you know me I don't like to play the main move because my opponent is more likely to know the main move the Noah sideline now this you may not know which move for black is the most common that is not the ship f5 ah there's the horse of a different color yes Dorothy c5 is correct he didn't get the The Wizard of Oz reference but even so in the horse of a different color all right Ken Weiss thank you okay all now they get now that I explain it okay good so c5 now this looks like an advanced French except my pawn is not on e6 come on work it's green ooh now it's red cool okay and then I like colors so normally your pawns on e6 well that didn't work and this is an advanced French but I've played c6 and c5 so I'm down a tempo but I haven't played e6 yet so when I play Bishop to f5 oh let's do it in red okay then my bishop will be outside of the pawn chain usually that Bishop has some issues now the way to punish c6 and c5 is to take on c5 so grandmasters would take on c5 here and whites upon ahead black eventually wins his pawn back but white has sort of a good version of the advanced French I think okay but Preston probably didn't know that move c5 he played a move that I faced a lot which is c3 and whites still playing like in the advanced French mode except I'm going to have a nice Bishop on f5 okay now this is a move a lot of players like you guys and you at home would play Preston plays it a lot against me in similar positions and it's almost always a mistake so hopefully Preston's not watching this okay a very common mistake that I see a lot fact the week before I be Preston in a ladder game where he blundered upon I move five the same way he plays Bishop to b5 he likes playing Bishop b5 but that's something that you should not like because with all of your pawns on dark squares your dark square Bishop is sort of locked behind them but your white square bishop is pretty awesome and it's considered your good Bishop so you don't want to trade it for my knight although he always does that so this opening seems to work out for me and when I played the French defense he plays the advance and we do the same thing and then I have the white square bishop and he doesn't so there should be five is a strategical error you you want your Bishop on d3 if possible okay and then you know you can sacrifice on h7 and mate your opponent likely not too likely Penzer your playing but this show goes on e 2 or D 3 in this kind of position not on b5 where can be traded now I had fond memories many years ago I won this bishop so I played Bishop f5 and what ended up happening was in this other game from from years ago although I'm this actually didn't happen and I'm making it up but okay we're just making we're just inventing moves now now in a position like this I was playing a player rated 1500 plus tax now he wasn't as good as the Missouri 1500 player because tax is less in Michigan so you guys got like nine or ten percent or some fraction I can't understand and in Michigan just six and when I was a kid tax was four percent of Michigan so the players were even weaker okay well I played Bishop takes b1 now who can raise their hand as I get my hot chocolate and tell me the right move for white what's the right move here for Wyatt ken west that's not raising your hand that's not raising your hand now let's call on a random student ken west what should white play also wait a minute you were sitting in the back what happened you got her early to sit in the back Ken's like I can see it's too far Queen a four that's actually very interesting hmm Queen a for Queen a four is much better than what my opponent did so I'm glad I wasn't playing you that Queen a four might be the right answer okay well what white should play Bishop takes Knight on c6 and then take the bishop on b1 possibly ken Wesley was even better possibly I don't say probably because you know by the fear you know by Occam's razor and Bayes theorem it can't be right anyway rook takes b1 was played by my opponent very suspicious okay that's the one I expected him to play and then I want a free bishop if you're taking notes winning a free bishop is good okay anyone who can who can bend do you know you're just a pretty face you just work here what no do you know sir he's like chess I'm just standing here leave me alone no no Malvina what do you do you can do it how does out is black with a piece probably this piece as it's hanging correct Czech Bishop b4 check now now just kidding correct Queen a5 check is what I played or well I didn't do that okay I had a little little little too much today so okay and then it was me because the King can't go to f1 because of the other arrow oh man that was an awesome move hold on let me let me protect that square further okay right and then all me and look how the king is trapped terrible okay so then my opponent actually resigned I believe okay so I was hoping to do something like this with Preston but Preston played Bishop takes c6 check and I played the best to move because I'm the grand master in residence so I played be take c6 and we developed our pieces okay and Preston played Bishop III and we need to pause here because whenever somebody moves a bishop I have to give a chess lesson and I've said the same thing many times someday somebody will listen now I'm just nobody will ever listen when you move your Bishop you're unde offending the pawn on the second rank that your Bishop was protecting okay I don't have a pawn on b7 so I can move my bishop okay even though happen later okay so the pawn on b2 is now unprotected also the pawn on g2 but that's hard to attack Bishop h3 is risky only Shroff can play such moves anyone anybody got that even and I terrible okay one of the greatest Bishop endings of all time was a game Chirag where he played Bishop h3 and it was hanging and then he wins by one tempo because I'm all right but look look the game up you'll like it okay so I want to attack b2 because his Bishop isn't defending b2 and it's not an open wine so make sense I should want to attack it on the other hand my pawn on c5 is attacked and it's in green so that's that be careful okay so what move can I make to defend my c5 pawn and attack is b2 one two four one who can do it probably can attack net beat Suppan and defend the c5 pawn all in one move or double your money back for this lecture Queen to b6 okay now he didn't want me to play Queen takes b2 because then I'd probably win so he played Queen to d2 and now I realized that his queen on g2 was blocking all of his pieces neither Knight can go to GT soon as Bishop can't go to d2 and more importantly his King can't go to d2 no that's not that important okay and because of that I can play a typical caro-kann move that you normally don't see in the French but this start is a carro con so it's still a carro con and what you want to do in the French advance when this Bishop is on CA is you very often play Knight g7 Knight f5 the reason you do that is Knight f6 is too risky play Knight f6 you can get in trouble but you can play 97 to f5 okay when you play Bishop f5 in the Carroll con it's hard to play Knight f5 because your bishops there so I play typical caro-kann move which I first saw in a game played around 1990 between Nigel short and yes or Sarah one yes you'll be here next week we can ask them if I got the year right and yassir played Bishop to e4 his knight was already on e7 he wanted to play Knight to f5 and now there should be for his extra strong because I don't know what he's going to do about his Knight there I'm going to take it and ruin his pawn structure and if he moves I'm going to take on g2 and 9 h4 like smells because I think it's ammonia ammonium nh4+ yeah I don't know it's one of them ok however the highest-rated chemists in the world is anyone anyone know you guys don't know he's a professor at Dartmouth named David Glick I hope you're watching this he's 2400 player quit chess and became a chemistry professor so I should actually email him and say as an NH for a h3 ok so well White's position he's in a lot of trouble here because I'm going to mess up his pawns now you didn't want to mess up just one set of pawns where you can mess up too if you saw the terrible movie contact you'll get that joke and no nobody saw that movie so now you saw it yeah he's white builds one when you could build two that made a lot of sense okay also man see Makani in them we made a lot of sense all right anyway he played Knights a three very suspicious okay well that was the only legal night move you got to give him that and he didn't want a cast though because I'm going to take on that three so he's sort of stuck maybe he should have played queen - II - hmm anyway I started to take things because that seems like a good idea Grandmaster Ken West you have three pieces that can take on d4 it's true which one would you capture with reverse psychology over here anyone at home have an answer you're shaking your head at home what's that with a pawn okay now taking what the pawn is risky yeah it's risky because Bishop b4 gives black a slight advantage yeah that's why it's risky okay now we know why the GM is in quotes okay so my opponent didn't like that although I would have known let's see another some percent he's going to play it okay but he played Bishop takes d4 attacking my queen but I saw it so I played c5 he played the only move remember I wanted to play Knight to f5 so we got to start with 90 to e7 okay now one of the reasons you guys are in very good at chess is you don't know how to chill right even now like Julian's twirling upon he shake it in his chair right he has to go to the bathroom but he's like I'll miss the lecture so he's all confused okay and the higher rated players like Ronin Harvey he's so Chili's not even here like he's like I he's relaxing at home you know okay so you got to be calm and slowly improve your position that's not Preston's mo most low rated players don't calmly improve their position they lash out violently my commerce style okay so what's the most violently lashing out move that white can play and that's what he played b4 now the problem is you won't see White's position in pawn structure chess because he has the seven-week pawns and hilary's doesn't have a tweak pawns is because the only has seven pawns even the pawn off the board was like shaking a bit like all right you know like jumping off the table trying to escape okay so my C pawn is attacked and I want it to play Knight f5 so that was sort of nice my bishop protects now this fun structure isn't bad enough so let's make it worse okay and that's that's about as bad a pawn structures you can have I think I don't think there's a worse pawn structure possible although my next game may prove that wrong which was play the same day so hard understand actually now my pawn structure is pretty good I got five pawns one pawn island White has nine pawn islands hard to understand that possibly I'm wrong possibly okay and he played nine to c2 since his Knights attacked and I castled now I was expecting Knight to d4 and then if I take his a knight he can straighten out all of his pawns if I don't take his knight he might take my knight and ruin my pawns so I was thinking whom what do I do against Knight d4 but preston was pretty quickly and we're playing gaben 30 so we'd have a lot of time to think then you played 93 and the 93 does not defend the f3 pawn which the knight on d4 does so I attacked it who would like to suggest we won't pick on Ken this time I'll pick on whoever answers who would like to suggest a way for white to stop knight takes f3 check yes sir King e2 was played I actually don't see another good way of doing it if you if you move your queen you know to defend the pawn you're sort of leaving this pawn hanging and then your rooks and then it's all hanging your ePHI pawn so I don't really see a good way to and this is why doubled pawns and isolated pawns are bad because other pawns can't protect them and if you look at my pawn chain here everybody could be protected and even the ones that aren't protected by other pawns they could be I could play h6 and this protects this or I could play g6 and to upon's protect it so even if my pawns aren't protected by other pawns it's possible they'll be protected here white just loses all of his pawns it's the worst fun structure ever until the next game so he lasted one game ok now you have many great suggestions yes well I could but I wouldn't call that a threat I would call that taking a winning advantage and giving myself an advantage because if I play Queen takes tonight it totally straightens out his pawn structure I went upon right yeah and then it's a deaden game and I got want to pawn up somehow probably I'd lose no I'd probably win ok so Julian has a crazy idea because you know is he's not 2300 yet he said after 94 I should still play this white will make a Nothing move so that the variation works and then I sacrificed my queen and then I went back my queen and blacks a pawn up and should win I somewhat agree but I think this is better for white than the actual than not doing that because now he has fewer weak pawns because I took them ok and you know he's a pawn down but it's hard for me to win probably should win so that's a tricky way of getting rid of his weak pawns of winning upon I don't know what I would have done but it would have been something I could have lectured about but left to wait till next time okay but 94 clearly a superior move because now there's nothing you can do look at all those arrows and colors what could you do okay say play King e2 as suggested by Julian notice how his King is defending his F pawn did you notice that and there's something you learned earlier in your life called removing the defender so what's defending is F pawn is king so I played removing the defender how did I remove that King I just picked it up now I didn't do that Queen to be five now while he moves this king I removed the defender you can't argue with that and if he blocks with his Queen which he did not do I take his queen he takes back I take this and now he's got to defend a five good luck and he's down upon and somehow he has five isolated pawns although not really but it seems like he has 500 point five isolated pawns wait till next game okay not kidding okay and I think Knight g4 just loses to h5 I think okay so horrible so you didn't play Queen d3 he played well King IPF won the Knight takes pawn check attacking his queen now King f1 was suggested by men and Justin because they don't make legal moves too often okay now they made mostly legal moves I'm just kidding okay so he played c4 and I took and now c3 check would win more material Queen takes e5 wins material so he played Queen c3 and again I want to attack the f3 pawn so I played Queen c6 attacking the f3 pawn okay and I have two guys attacking it this one and this all I guess this is actually a girl I have one guy attacking okay now if you want to defend your pawn you have to move your knight then your queen defend sideways you could play Knight takes e4 which is very dangerous because I could pick your night with rook c8 but probably I would just take anyway then this looks like White's not having a lot of fun White's down upon and his King is a bit iffy his works are pretty active no not really so although that's better than what happened so okay so Knight takes e4 is probably the right move but he played Knight to g4 and now black wins in one move somehow the game continued but I went in one move now I'm attacking f3 he defended f3 but now I have a move that really crushes him h5s you're in the wrong class now the night does not have a plethora of squares you said that often don't you yeah so then I can go to h6 or f6 he did go to one of those squares or he could not move and I would take a night which is good where he'd go back to e3 and then I would take on f3 and it would be horrible for him not for me be great for me so after h5 things aren't looking very good so if two grandmasters were playing white would resign because if you make any move it gets going to be really bad like then up on down okay but now now it's like seriously bad and well whenever my opponent moves their pieces near me and I can attack them I see if they have retreat squares or he can save there but he can't so h5 is sort of a strange move because I've canceled but I'm threatening a peace that has nowhere to go one of the mistakes you guys make a lot especially Julian is you attack pieces and they can move to like ten different squares and I'm like why'd you do that you're like oh I tacked his piece and I'm like well he moved it away how'd that help now here it helps because he can't move it away so that's even better you can attack a piece that can't move away that you're going to capture it so 93 which he did not play would allow Queen takes f3 check or night x f3 and then I don't know who wants to play white here but it's not me I refused to make a move for Wyatt even if you suggested probably like you'd suggest a good move because the illegal move is looking good now so you know Queen takes e4 Queen takes e4 attacks the knight and the Queen King takes f3 even better now there's the king of illegal moves so okay my opponent played the aggressive Knight f6 check which I took then he checked me again man 2 checks in a row then I went back and he took this now some of you may have noticed my rooks aren't very active but you were sort of quiet about it thank you okay so I played rook to d8 and now he made a threat which very nice because I am up a piece so you know you should make any threats Queen C - somebody raise their hand and tell me what white is threatening white just played Queen C - that's a hint C White's last move Queen C - yeah so what's white threatening yes you know the answer I can tell rip takes g6 with a monster attack okay although it's not working yeah there we go okay and then if it's queen goes to g6 I could get in trouble I don't want his queen to go to g6 now yesterday somebody we won't name they said check me but it wasn't checkmate because their opponent could block the check and this blocking thing seems to be an issue with a lot of you you guys know how to move on it check now how to block if your opponents threatening something you can protect it you could ignore it because you don't see it all so that would be tomorrow's class at 7:00 or you could block how do I block the Queen from going to g6 Grandmaster yet block the Queen from going to the g6 square how do I do that how does black do that very Grandmaster like in presentation Thank You rook to d3 now I'm threatening Queen f3 which gives me the advantage and I'm stopping him from going to g6 now in this position my opponent did not notice f3 was attacked and he was going to play rook to g5 and when his Rick was on g5 with his hand over it he was like he saw f3 was hanging put the Rick back on g1 and wondered where can I move this rook to defend my f3 pawn again most grandmasters would think differently they would think I'm resigning now but ok ok so he played rook to g3 which makes a lot of sense and was very upset when I made the right move he's like ah like he knew I would find that but he's like ah if I'd only played another move then he'd have a chance yeah so what is the move that's really crushing here extra crushing plus tax it's very similar to h5 very similar this sort of looks like h5 yeah and I'm not kidding serious you H more now your works doing double duty here it spinning my night but it's defending f3 and that's the only square can do it from so if your whip goes vertically I will take on f3 if your whip goes horizontal ergo h3 that Knight f4 check is good for black because my Knights not pinned anymore and I take his rook so he didn't like when I played h4 so he played the best move I think rook takes g6 and I recaptured now I'm up a rook so I'm looking good and I never noticed until right now he has triple pawns ah ok so even solicit bad pawn structure rook g'wan Queen f3 King e1 now I tried to play the computer move here most humans would defend g6 and then then the game would be over like you know king f7 ok but I was like well I don't think that pawn matters very much so I played rook to d8 threatening rook d1 with me he put me in check and I moved my king now playing white is difficult because rook d1 is me and I guess like I show the skin to my son Spencer he's like rook g8 the computer moved best and I was like yeah then if I take it f7 check best also true but ok instead my opponent resigned so in that game I castled and he didn't and I sort of dominated the center but most importantly I had a really good pawn structure his pawn structure was a bit iffy in fact and a lot of openings called the advanced variation Carroll Khan French white gets more space but White's pawn structure can get a little iffy because he's moving all his pawns up and then I take them ok a my pawn sort of stay back and well the pawn structure changed a bit when I started taking his pieces then the pawn structure doesn't matter anymore ok the next game was very similar except black had an even worse pawn structure or white did probably black did too ok so why had a much worse pawn structure in this game but when he did it was in tensional because he had other advantages but he didn't take advantage of those advantages ok great sentence okay so I plays a Carol con I'm playing Justin Hall everybody's favorite 17 a 1600 player ah supposed to be funny okay because I would have been right about two months ago all right 9c3 now I've played just too many blitz games and when I play d5 here it always plays Queen f3 and he told me after the game he was not going to play Queen f3 zijn to play Knight f3 now I could prepare for him for hours okay but I play d5 I like playing c6 then he 5 confusing my opponent Justin moved instantly d4 he was not perturbed now I had a game with Nolan Hendrickson a few months ago where he played d3 and then d 4 and I took it he took with a queen and even then white was better so I was like man if I take on d4 now that's a tempo down so I played d6 and we traded everything and this is sort of like a Philidor where white trades Queens early which I've had with white and black King he ate f6 Bishop e3 and I decided to try to ruin his pawns with Bishop b4 and Justins like that's fine so I did and now blacks development is a bit suspicious a bit ok but I have a good pun structure so the game went from really boring when we traded Queens to really double-edged either he's going to crush me with his lead and development into bishops or he's going to have the worst pawn structure ever hopefully the ladder which ended up happening so I played b6 because I wanted at some point to play King e7 and Bishop e6 and trade the bishops but kingi 7 runs into Bishop c5 check also maybe I'll play Bishop a6 and trade bishops if I can trade trade trade trade trade that his pawn structure is pretty bad but if I don't trade that he might checkmate me and attacked with his bishops so I want pieces off the board because I have the better pawn structure now after b6 White has a very obvious plan which might and didn't think of so I won the game but every move white should play this plan the next ten moves white should be doing this but since he didn't think about it he didn't do it that's a good excuse can't argue with that if you thought about it and didn't do it that's different then I would have said well you should have done it you thought about it here he's like on me I didn't see that idea so what's the main idea that white should play in this position it's very similar to when I played h5h four against Preston except not White's doing it so what's the winning plan for white anyone Bueller they went at home now you guys don't know either what we think offer what he got over here Justin told you but you remembered that's impressive it was a whole day ago yeah you should play a four a five okay and then he soughing me up on the b6 square he's opening a file for his rook and it's he's getting rid of an isolated point even if white wasn't attacking white should do that anyway white has a terrible isolated pawn and he's trading it off so after a four I don't know what I should do I can't play a five and stop him because my b6 pawn is hanging just takes it if I don't play a five that he's going to play a five so probably I'm going to let him play a five and I'll play B five when the moments right then he'll move his bishop and place 4 and his dark square bishop is really good and we want to talk about that also when you have two bishops which White has White has two bishops okay if you're playing bughouse you could have three or four bishops but in regular chess you could have two bishops black does not have two bishops which is intentional I mess up his pawn structure but I give him two bishops now in this situation my opponent has a dark square bishop and I don't and we both have white squared bishops in this instance he wants his dark squared bishop to crush me because I can't compete with it when I play b6 he should be playing a four a five accentuating the strength of his dark squared bishop now it's hard to play a four a five you didn't think of it then how you going to play it now there's a game I played with Papa blot knee from 2002 in the world open in Philadelphia and I had a similar pun structure with white and I played a four a five and eventually I won the game in a thousand moves and the game actually went to the New York Times it was one of the few games I won that they printed usually I have to lose and then it goes right in there okay even before I lose like the editors are there did he resign did he resign I never mind click and they put it anyway they just write that I resigned ok but ok I won this game and I played a four a five trade off my isolated point this font is isolated in week and there's just nothing black can do a four a five black white wants to trade it off or make it a strong pawn and it really makes the bishop on III much stronger against my my crushing pawn chain there well he didn't think of that he played Rick fe1 and I thought he played Rick fe1 for a very particular reason but he was like now so I thought that he thought that I wanted to play Bishop a6 which is true and then he can't move his bishop away because his rook is hanging so I thought he played here rook F e1 and if I play Bishop a6 which I thought about then he would play Bishop to b3 and I can't take his rook on f1 but he was like mad just thought that rook was good on e1 you instead of that use your words instead of what right he what he said he wanted his rook on e 1 which I don't I don't know I don't want my rook anyone there's like a bishop and a pawn in front of it so I agree D 1 is a better square also I would always play rook F 2 D 1 because I want to play a 4 a 5 he didn't want to play a 4 a 5 so he was gonna play rook a to D 1 so that's sort of explains why he played rook Fe 1 ok I played 97 and he played Knight 2 D 2 which I perfectly understand if the knight can go to C 4 and then I can go to d6 very reasonable okay now again I wanted to play King e7 and Bishop here and trade the bishops so I played Knight to g6 getting out of the way of my king my opponent played g3 which stops Knight f4 and prepares f4 but this is the wrong plan a4 a5 is the right plan and you have to realize if we both do nothing for the next 10 moves and as you know I'm the king of doing nothing well then his pawn structure is going to lose the game for him but if he can checkmate my King in the center and use the fact that his pieces are out and mine art then he could get an advantage that way and I think a 4 a 5 is the only way to do this but he played f4 and I was like ok let's get our rook out and he played f5 now here I have went to this game with a computer yet I suspect the computer is not going to like my move but I have an affinity for the move Knight h8 I play nun h8 a lot that's why I'm here lecturing and other grandmasters are playing in Grandmaster tournaments because I like to play 9 h8 but ok so I played 9 h8 because I'm going to go to f7 and then to d6 and I was like ok Knight d6 is a good square and then my other night can go to different squares I don't know maybe it actually made more sense to play Knight FA 97 night a six-night c5 the Knights protect each other maybe that made more sense I don't know but I like 9 h8 so I got a chance to play it ok so you probably don't like that eh eh he played rook a z1 and I was very happy because now I'm not worried about 8485 anymore and if he doesn't play a 4 a 5 I think he's going to have weak queenside pawns for the next well until the game ends game didn't go 20 more moves but if it did they would have been a week Bishop a 6 does white want to trade bishops anyone no white wants to keep all the pieces on the board and attack my stupid King in the center ok but my kids not as stupid as you think okay two years of Community College okay had some rough time but okay it's trying all right so Bishop e6 looks good okay it's like inter Kournikova looks good but he's not going to win okay and then 9 to d7 I finally got my pieces developed and the piece that's not developed is on my favourite square ok 9 88 97 was played Knight f3 after the game I said why did you play Knight f3 he said my night was good on f3 that answer my question although I don't see why he would think that can't go to d4 can't go to e5 can't go to g5 going h4 seems odd and if you remember a few moves ago about saying you do but if you remember a few moves ago his Knight was on f3 D 1 to D 2 so I don't know I thought that I was going to d2 as we go to c4 and really crush me now I did actually think of a reason why he played Knight f3 but he said not asked that why I did it I thought if I move my knight away from at d7 you know like 9 f8 that he would play Knight takes e5 I would take and then Bishop g5 check I thought that was his plan and I was like he my Kings out he said my rooks on d8 I got to watch out for that tom so I played Knight f7 and now he shocked me ok Peter Gabriel was asked to comment and he played Bishop takes f7 which I was not expecting I thought he sort of liked his bishop on e6 ok but he was pawn grabbing he wanted to win a pawn he went upon good for him if he does nothing I'll play 96 and then I'll play 9f8 and this is attacked my night has c4 and he still has these weak pawns so probably in this position a computer would say blacks better I'm guessing earlier in the game it's going to say black was worse because it's going to somehow attack me one of the things I was worried about for the last several moves was Bishop c1 Bishop a3 check and he was like nod and look at that so I was worried about a lot of stuff but it didn't happen and the stuff I wasn't worried about trading pieces that did happen now he played rook to d6 and I thought I had many good moves but the more I looked and where I didn't like it my pawn is attacked and if I play King g7 he can just check me away if I defend my pawn he'll double his rooks on the on the D file and my knight is pinned and it's sort of hard to defend it it's hard to break the pin so I played Knight f8 not my Knights not pinned seriously and he took upon yeah he's a pawn ahead and I was thinking man I want to win that rook because the rook has nowhere to go so the rook can go to c7 so I thought okay I'll play rip to d7 and then I'll play Bishop e5 and then I'll take his rook if only things were that easy but when he stops Bishop b5 let's say a four I don't see how attack is rook my King can't attack it my knight can't attack it if my bishop attacks is Rucka gives them an escape square and I could keep attacking it but I don't think I want to draw or if white wants to play for a win you could go here so I really wanted to trap his rook but I couldn't see a good way of doing it so I just traded the rook off rook c8 and now White's upon a head but why it's probably losing because all of these pawns are really weak and I'm going to take all of them and then some I'll take some other pawns too while I'm at it ah I don't know what to tell you I would be really unhappy with white here first of all there's one way to defend your c3 pawn and he plied it and now I play rook c4 and I have very simple plan I'm going to play Bishop b7 and take your pawn or I'll play 97-95 and take your pawn or I'll play rook a 42 and take this pawn and I don't see what white does I don't see any plan for white so by white pushing all of his pawns on the Kings side the e4 pawn is weak white can't play f3 and protect it sort of like what I did I have a pawn chain this pointy 4 can't be protected so the next two moves were sort of silly he didn't really do anything a three which I don't I don't get I attacked his pawn and now I thought he was trying to trick me I thought if I took this pawn which looks obvious he would play Knight to g4 for a total confusion but when I showed Knight to g4 he was confused so I guess that wasn't his plan but yeah now my bishop is attacked his night somehow defends is seeing his F pawns I thought that happened so that was pretty tricky I thought but there's nothing he can do to defend his e4 pawn so I might as well attack it some more Knight to d7 Knight to c5 now I'm going to take a lot of pawns now he made the strangest move of the game and there was a prize for that so he won the prize for strangest move of the game King to e3 letting me take out a 4 with Czech and winning the Jeep one very suspicious probably better was something like h3 so his G pawns defended that I would take all his other pawns but and I thought his idea afterward g4 was to play rook takes e5 I'm sure you were all thinking of that right and if I take on e5 which I would not have he takes and Forks my my king and rook right Alex see exactly ah and then probably still a draw okay but I have as missions ugh in between move Intermezzo right don't take his rook by the way if I take his Knight and you'll notice now his knight can't fork me because it's not on the board anymore that makes it hard what's its bughouse then my rook is hanging I hate when that happens and probably also a draw okay so what I was going to do was throw in a check this check is hard to meet because wherever you move your king I'm going to play Knight takes bishop let's move the King here we'll move it somewhere so blacks a piece ahead can I just took a piece this piece is attacked twice this piece is attacked the obvious was for white are to take my knight okay as Henny Youngman would say take my knight please he was said please right you heard ahead of Youngman unlike everybody else well you probably heard him too but everybody else is like what all right now if King takes Knight Bishop takes a knight I think black could win because I have an extra Bishop plus a better pawn structure if he takes with a knight he can't play he can't play Knight takes and fork because his Knights not there so I would take his rook and I'm up a ruck and Justin saw that and decided that would be good for me because I'm up a rook so instead of playing Rick takes pawn which fails tonighti for check he did not play rook takes pawn and he played h3 okay and I have many good rook moves but he would suspect that so I didn't move my rook I played naive for Chuck and this is stronger than moving my rook because now my rook has access to g3 and when I go rook g3 is going to be really bad for him so for example if King to e3 saving his king I play rook to g3 now we have some serious pinning an attacking action going on here that's going to be really bad for right if somehow white defends that which is impossible then I'll still win this Pont on h3 and then I'll be two pawns ahead although if you defend that knight on f3 you're a better player than I am because I'm going to I'm going to take I'm going to take a lot of things in the next few moves and as you can see as I promised last game although I did promise or Oni would be Karlstad in the Blitz game when he was like +5 he didn't win but I promise last game there would be five isolated pawns this game I promised so so White's pawn structure is not very good and after 94 check white resigned because I'm probably going to be three or four pawns up on the next four moves and that was too many pawns for him so in both games my opponents had bad pawn structures but in this game my King was getting in a little trouble that's what we call double edges play the first game wasn't double-edged I just had good pawn structure he had bad pawn structure so it's just fun for me this game was less fun because I had a good pawn structure he had a bad pawn structure but my King was exposed and he had a leading development so he could have tried to punish me better but instead he moved all of his kingside pawns forward and didn't really attack my King so those were played on the same day and I got my full rating points one rating point for two wins yes okay the most I could have hoped for okay you can't get more than that for winning two games right Julian who drew a game and gained 800 points Oh Oh
Channel: Saint Louis Chess Club
Views: 821,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chess, Grandmaster, Game, Lecture, Lesson, Teacher, Student, Classroom, Learn, Learning (Chess), Vugar Gashimov, Lessons, Education, Students, School, Critical Thinking, Planning, Goal Setting, Spatial Awareness, STEM, Sportsmanship, Consequences, Cause and Effect, St. Louis, Chess Club, Saint Louis, Scholastic Center, Scholastics, Teachers, Free, Tutorial, Ben Finegold
Id: vS_yagozyy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 2sec (2882 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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