Caro-Kann: 4 beginner mistakes that you can exploit

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in today's video we're going to be discussing about the karokan defense specifically about some of the strangest yet most common continuations that low rated players tend to go for so with that I'm referring to players around 1200 between 1500 based on their ratings and we're gonna be going over common openings such as let's say the infamous hillbilly attack or perhaps how to counter perfectly the sub-optimal version of The Exchange where they start with a knight and then they end up taking on D5 Plus this is quite a cute little variation where a lot of weaken players tend to struggle in general how to deal with the so-called pan of attack and last but not least for the final game of this video we're gonna be looking onto how to deal with the advance which is perhaps one of the most hated replies that white has against the karokan so how are we gonna do this I'm gonna be walking you through my thinking process playing against four low rated players trying to highlight some of the most common mistakes for this rating range so if you're looking for a quick fix against any of these variations please feel free to watch the whole video and without further introduction this is live right into the games all right everyone getting another black game hang out the most solid opening of all time you already know it the car Rock Island opponent plays a weird move order so whenever they do this kind of Knight C3 you can either go into two nights classical or what most of the players in this rating bracket will do 85 which is just kind of a very goofy way of playing The Exchange variation which is academically starting after D5 ed5 and it's just that the Knight on C3 is really misplaced for the variation now that is actually going to be um very interesting game because I have just finished the theory chapter and I did Cover a lot of new blinds for my upcoming uh course on the Karo Khan so let's see if anything is going to be there in case they go for the check usually blocking with the bishop is easiest just in general expecting him to play out of the either D4 or Knight F3 um there it is I'm gonna start with the Knight he can pin me it is whatever it doesn't really matter I'm just gonna go Knight F6 in that position so okay he goes H3 that one I have to say might not be included in the course would you say the nice part why you're watching the channel you wanna know how to deal with uh pretty off-beat stuff I guess or simply like my little accent so opponent plays Bishop to B5 now when that happens he doesn't really have a threat for now so we're gonna basically Castle and finish development but as you can see the issue is that the bishop gets locked in so first when I get the bishop out ideally onto G4 but because of H3 that will not be very advisable and and we just do that together on the open file and then what is the game plan in the exchange well game plan in the exchange may change when your opponent goes like an absolute monkey playing G4 but in general assuming he plays normal you just want to Castle short make sure your king is safe and then we attack on the queen side because we have pressure thanks to the open file um now on F4 just gonna play E6 stopping him from tapping my Bishop that would be pretty bad and embarrassing at the same time I don't know why we do what your guy who's getting his Bishop trapped so uh okay opponent plays Knight F3 [Music] now the downside of f4 as you can probably already imagine is that it's weakening the E4 Square making it a very juicy Outpost but there is also a downside of the move uh G4 and that's American play H5 however H5 95 could be a little bit annoying to deal with so maybe we have to get rid of this threat first and we could do it either by playing Bishop D6 or by playing Knight E4 because whenever Knight E5 happens we have a counter attack and I think I'm actually just gonna go for that because it may be like a pretty instructive theme to be aware of you have to Now find why is black winning after 95 it's just instantly winning and by the way I think I recalled this in one of my students games happening and he did completely miss the move and uh if you guys are struggling to find it point is that uh this ends up being more of a weakness than an attacking kind of combo so it allows the queen to join and look at the beautiful Knight on e4 it's just covering perfectly the entry Square on F2 now white can try to kind of run away even though I feel like we should have a Checkmate there so you can try to think in advance and uh come up with a Checkmate in that position because it's actually pretty nice and maybe a little unexpected so opponent finds the best defense but uh let's see King V3 did you find the Checkmate already is he gonna play it out or is he gonna resign yeah I think he's playing it out okay I'll give you a chance you can go ahead try to find it no it's not night before Bozo because your opponent will take your goddamn King I mean not literally but it's an illegal move and please stop taking Kings and over the boy chest that's like one of the most painful things to ever watch besides the kind of lame handshakes from the double matches so okay no night before is a gumbo because you know it's nice move and he's forced to go back 93 is tempting check but remember 9gt can eliminate the bishop so you want to make sure it's a double check and uh double check from Asian Greek means a very powerful move and how to deal with so yeah 95 is a double check notice how the Knight attacks the king and the bishop does the same thing meaning that white has literally no way to defend and that just proves to be fatal so all right maybe wondering fine genius but it's he was not playing 95 there's no way he could possibly win this game like come on you just got very lucky you may be thinking well yes and no because what else are they supposed to do and in order to find the truth about any just position there's like a little dot here that you can click on it any parts are just transforms into Magnus Carlson's second in a second well that didn't make much sense that was meant uh let's say better said every Patcher transforms into Magnus Carlson's trainer in a second second also means like uh let's say a player that's helping you with the openings in World Championship Cycles or just in general so um yeah turn on that little dot we understand chess you know in like a second and uh yeah black is already still better like if he castles I would have been uh really considering uh yeah more like Bishop D6 stopping Knight E5 turns out the computer also recommends the move that we are never supposed to play which is F6 just making fun of uh Ben feingolds or career yes but I don't think I would have played that so F6 is kind of sketchy it's definitely true in most of the positions to never play F6 and F3 but if you played the job of London or any other opening sometimes these moves are like really required so I think that advises mainly meant for players that are below 800 something like that I'm talking Blitz rating so whenever I say these kind of things guys I'm talking Blitz ratings rapid ratings are way different so 1200 Blitz 1500 rapid you think like these games are too weak for you like let's say an advanced already 5900 rapid player like why would you watch this kind of things there's no way your opponent make me stay like this rapid sorry to say it that's what it is it's not act like you know it's such a big deal so why is that you may be wondering simply because uh all the grand Masters and strong players are going for Blitz Games making the pool much harder to climb no serious player goes for Rapid games in online chess because it just takes too long okay uh hope we cleared the mystery that you never asked about and you remember this little uh thingy to bring your queen over and watch out for this nice little mate because I swear I saw this in one of my students games at some point so with that being said I think we can really move on to the following game all right everybody getting ourselves a new game and I have no idea how the heck can we get paired as a 1200 against somebody that's rated 1800. it is what it is I'm not gonna run away from The Challenge but it's kind of funny that's the advantage of having your formula on like minus 50 or -25 so plus infinite so anytime you find a guy like this it's probably gonna Crush you because he's way better but hey it's a good learning experience literally the best way to improve a chest is playing against people that are stronger than you and trying to learn from them opponent goes already for a bit of a weird opening which I actually just checked this morning for the uh queries that I'm making on the Cairo the so-called episode of panov and already first moment where people tend to go wrong they just recapture allowing Knight C3 gaining a tempo so ideally you're gonna be doing it this way and now they can either play 93 Bishop B5 or queen A4 check Knight C3 is kind of like whatever just let's have a game Queen A4 is more interesting that's what uh especially bad or jobava and uh board Nick are playing quite a lot in Rapid games it's they tend to do very well with this line because uh the reputation is um not very obvious important here to play Knight D7 the bishop to D7 uh is tempting but after Queen B3 can be a bit annoying and the idea is that uh now with the pawn on D5 playing E6 will really make it awkward after the ee your Pawn structure is very messed up so we have to go for the yankero instead they're gonna play with Bishop T4 usually and uh then we can start trying to go for a6b5 type of ideas so yeah Bishop C4 I think yeah I'm trying to understand whether it's better to start with A6 I think it's kind of the same he's gonna probably play D3 or Castle now this is a theory by the way so as you can see people in this rating range are already kind of aware of stuff now he's supposed to do queen A3 uh okay B5 is no longer working so well that's the point it's a bit of a tricky variation because it can just take and I look it's gonna be undefended if I take back so just gotta stick with B6 I'm gonna play Bishop B7 so he castles Bishop B7 and that's kind of the first sort of interesting position in the game uh I think so let's see I don't think he really has a lot to do besides uh gasoline I mean sometimes they throw in moves like Bishop E3 but uh okay I'm gonna accept the free night so this is the key sometimes players remember 10 moves of Fury they just blunder even at 1800 rated games he's of course not gonna give up because well I'm just like a 1200 rated Bachelor so be for sure you can still outplay me but man if you think like these guys are some kind of gods that you cannot beat and they just study chess their whole life in their basement they're really not that was just a pretty atrocious blunder that we that we saw I can think but that's improving his Pawn structure so I'm just gonna Retreat and uh late in common fashion just no need to rush slowly picking up the pawn the same if you take is gonna get the improved structure but that just leaves the phone undefended so taking it in like the best version possible F5 not really making any for that whenever I say that usually a threat randomly appears on the board who's gonna go here should be trying that move now just activating uh having some kind of pressure on E7 well 95 just going nowhere you can get rid of his Bishop you can play B5 probably just introducing ideas of Queen B6 check and if he takes some happy to recap can we make a little fun of his Queen we can get trapped yeah I don't know seems like it doesn't have that many squares left and uh well that looks like a Queen trap to me okay Bishop D5 do you take the queen is that the best move I don't think it is I mean there's something that's slightly better oh never mind it's not I was thinking Bishop D5 coin takes threatening mate is better but he has Quincy to back covering it never mind we have to take the queen there see at night uh revealing a big secret here the Knight does move backwards proven as you can see it's like it just happened if you blinked and missed it here it is you know these Knights can also move backwards if you're like you know good friends with them not all the time sometimes like when you try to make a move like this and you haven't talked to your knight in a while just to come interface with not let you to put it back but uh if you're like constantly looking after your nights hey you're gonna usually listen so um you don't want to be underestimating that okay I'm up like a full Queen like literally you can take my queen of the board I still have a fine position this is like how good we are doing um designs and yeah this is how you know it's like a bit of a David and Goliath battle here but man I'm telling you guys 1200 is out there you feel like I don't know it's impossible to win a game of chess against somebody that's slightly higher rated Daniel just do your opening do your theory try to learn your stuff and you see how these people make like crazy mistakes not even like provoked mistake we played theories like oh let me get my knight in there it's like a weak Square yeah of course you both so it's hanging like I'm gonna take you like what else do you want me to do so um then we just uh convert the game easily and I don't mean there's really a whole lot to talk about this game and we can just move on to the following game right everybody getting another game I'm gonna be sticking with Caro and we're gonna be making a video without getting to face the hillbilly attack hell yeah here we go they're gonna be thinking because they don't really know how to play the hillbilly hillbilly could actually be somewhat annoying if they play Bishop B3 I mean not really I just recently looked into it for the uh reputation that I'm gonna have in the car course it's not that bad spoiler alert it's not that terrible but um they are just taking which is technically a worse version of The Exchange I guess check I like the block with a bishop take back with a knight works pretty well according to the statistics and uh okay just gonna develop in normal fashion you just have to treat the hill videos any other opening so um just develop as you would normally do and don't try to like really refute it immediately no why is Hillbilly bad it's just wasting a couple of tempees and the bishop is not like really ideally placed on the queen side there because it's staring into the pawn but not gonna be able to like really kind of Checkmate why because of that but we're just gonna be going for the typical strategy for the change by the way I can throw in Bishop F3 Ms happy structure because Queen takes allows 95. I'm not gonna do that okay I I'm not trying to win because of this kind of of little things that he is uh blundering okay that's three Pawn you can take that you should definitely do it in your games but just because we're trying to get something that's a little bit more instructive I'm really looking forward to winning if let's say they make no mistake that's kind of what I'm looking for and I think we get to actually have a pretty instructive theme because here a lot of players May either go Rook C8 may go B5 uh some students of mine have gone B6 dude I will never understand the move B6 we're supposed to go minority attack do you have no idea that the pawn can move to squares at once I don't know so um yeah A5 pretty bad because you can usually fix you also decent with B5 but watch out open up your eyes because after you finish development whenever 94 is playable that is a hell of a move also hitting the bishop Knight does move backwards yes I see this mistake like very common even players around 1800s tend to miss this regularly whenever you play 90 for the very next movie I'm gonna go F5 and just reinforce the Knight just being Ultra annoying for opponent and it already looks like we have a very tempting move that uh oh boy this is actually gonna be so nice wow we have such a nice little sequence at this point that man it's just like really showcasing the power of the setup so go ahead be my guest try to pause the video gonna find it on your own I feel like most of you already have kind of gotten the right idea issues that maybe it's a little bit harder to calculate the whole thing and I think it starts with F4 where basically Bishop has no squares we're saying okay let's go after it now if Knight E4 uh we have two moves either take the bishop or recapture and then take the bishop check is not really a problem we can sidestep we just win a piece a more interesting part is when he goes Bishop takes because that's really the kind of only move by the way though there you may be wondering well that's why you should have been calculating this whole line wait is to go Knight X on detail okay you cannot recapture with the bishop because of the PIN and now because his King is there sitting on a pretty dangerous diagonal allows us to sacrifice The Rock they don't get for sorry for that silly impersonation I'm doing my best hey it's not uh let's say my main field of expertise but hey we're trying to keep up with a trend the point is Queen takes along BG5 exploiting the fact that these two pieces are going to be on the same diagonal and we just end up winning the queen so this is pretty nice to play maybe like 23 but we can maybe block give a check it is going to be a pretty straightforward the win afterwards so uh cape opponent will probably try to hang on or just left the game in pain and just makes me trapped in this game no apparently he's still fighting very good you're looking for you to play Bishop G5 next you're still now at this point what up a piece so still because your upper piece doesn't necessarily mean you gotta go crazy so I want to keep uh yeah a level of uh decency I'm gonna go Rook C8 kind of saying okay you wanna run away go ahead and give a check if you start running away there's a reason why this was played in the first place hey there's nothing random in chess I mean if you are like actually thinking as you play it's an interesting concept I know kind of advanced pretty difficult but you may want to give it a try at some point so uh oh it goes there by the way this is still like a pretty nice theme yeah I'm gonna go for it like anyways oops is that actually a blunder I don't think it is point is if he takes he got a lot of checkmate and if he had takes rookie for we've got the I got scared of Bishop E6 but uh but I got a knight move backwards so hey it happens [Music] yeah it's definitely a bit of a loose play like you don't have to find these kind of tactics but uh they are pretty nice and speed up the game and 24 does nice thing we can trade and at the end we pick up the road so that's kind of the Hidden point of the variation so uh yeah this thing is getting wide open what about to infiltrate or to get an end game with an extra Rook so can be pretty optimistic about the future let's see opponent does not really have that many alternatives I think that's for sure gasoline long would be a move if the initial Square for the king sadly it's not for my opponent and man this is getting like really really rough spending some time trying to find a defense problem is usually that when your position is bad all the moves are bad so you may very well just make a move and hope for the best at least don't spend all of your time on it but at this point yeah it's just pretty unlucky for him because that's really not even a try of making this somewhat even difficult for me like that's the biggest issue okay like if it's losing and you can make a move maybe give your opponent a chance to somewhat go wrong that is good you should be aiming for those and they're gonna really save you a lot of positions that you never even imagine that's possible but um not the case uh here for him as uh yeah she says no movement I really started to believe that he just left the game at this point maybe it's again once again another guy that's spending a lot of his time now obviously we don't really mind this since it's only a five minutes game so it's not that bad and in fact he was calculating these kind of uh complicated sequence that the king moves maybe he thinks blah blah blah but in fact the Knight moves backwards ultimate life hacking chess I know crazy I bet you already subscribed to the channel because I told you that so uh up to pieces in the end game not too bad gonna infiltrate I'm gonna cash in a pawn I'm gonna push this guy as far as we can and basically trying to promote I'm predicting to Fork his Rook too is that gonna happen I don't know hoping you'll always hope let's see this point went up so much we don't care about Bishops we care about promoting this Pawn you can definitely take a time and pause save your Bishop but hey it's like got better plans here no no waste energy saving the bishop or any kind of nonsense like that so looking for a huge threat next in case he takes my bishop and then he has literally no way to stop the pawn from promoting so um Casey plays rookie one I've got Bishop detail just like literally forcing you to give up the Rope for the pawn and I wanted like really trying his hardest to like come up with a defense I mean that's good if I had a student like this I would definitely appreciate him way more than the guy that uh hangs a piece and resigns in a second like showing no fighting Spirit at all is pretty bad so spending time there trying to find something it's definitely for the better I mean would have been an interesting concept for him to think more before blundering but hey let's not attack like these guys are kind of Masters or anything they're just casual players after all so we managed to get a free win remember let's say the key way to develop against the hillbilly and against the exchange in general uh well this is not the optimal setup but if you're below 1500 this is easiest you can literally do this every single time this is not gonna be the main recommendation in the course but it is my recommendation for you guys below 1500 just because I'm a I'm a good friend so uh then important whenever you can jump on e4 with a knight you may very well want to take advantage of that opportunity make sure just like in the London supported with F5 the very next move after it should be doing great be sure to remember this cute little idea sacrificing The Rook so uh with that being said I think we can really move on to the following game all right everybody looks like we managed to find ourselves a game and uh well we're doing nothing special but sticking with the best opening going for the Karo Khan stepping in the center and simply preparing to take back with the pawn in case white decides to go for the exchange in this position they really have three big main options to either play Knight C3 to take or to do what my opponent did which is simply going for the advance where as black you really have two main options either to go Bishop to F5 or to go for my favorite variation which is uh yeah I think it's the so-called bodwini cars um I saw it referred into some books as the cantin article variation definitely has many names really irrelevant to know what that is but important to know how the following positions play out so opponent just goes for the most common move C3 they're gonna do that kind of like half of the games 20 percent they're gonna take 20 they're gonna play Knight F3 other ten percent just doing goofy Sidelines around so C3 most common move now most precise you want to develop your knight and that is a little bit more accurate than starting with digging we're not afraid of DC because of Knight takes E5 and we restore material equality and opponent wow how interesting playing Bishop E3 which is deviating from the uh well established path of going Knight F3 which allows uh black to exchange Play Bishop G4 and get an easy position but he plays Bishop E3 instead which as you can see it does not allow me develop I mean it allows me to play Bishop F5 it does not allow me to play Bishop G4 which is kind of annoying for a lot of players okay how are we gonna deal with that well if you want to play it Ultra precise Knight H6 is a move do we want to go for that hell no we want to stick with simple play you're like a 1200 stop trying to play like a reborn Magnus colors and because we both know it's not gonna end well so playing simple moves just uh E6 still not afraid of these Seekers of Knight E5 I think could have taken now especially because he played 92 so after I take he no longer has Knight C3 so I think I'm just gonna do that now and there's basically two ways which you can try to develop at this point so um I think what most of the people would do 97 and the 95 another argument can be made for Bishop b497 here and just get kind of easy development and yeah I think that's perhaps the best in the current position I'm also considering kind of my favorite maneuver to get the Knight around and play Bishop E7 Castle but I don't think it will be as effective way then I don't need to perhaps I'm wrong I don't know wouldn't be the first time so I'm just gonna stick with uh simple development on A3 we're basically taking at this point giving up the two Bishops which is not ideal I know but trying to make the argument that we're gonna get an easy game we're gonna get castled we're not like super ambitious in the opening okay especially as a low rated player you really want to have achievable goals like okay give me a castle I try to have no weaknesses and take it from there do that every single one of your games and for sure you will be improving um all right what can we do next well there is an open file that's waiting for us to be taken so Rook seed becomes uh very natural I know a lot of you may be really tempted to just break with F6 which can be sometimes an idea but it's not really required here I feel like so generally stay away from F6 unless it's obviously good so I'm gonna continue with the move that I was suggesting just very natural moves you can make these type of ideas without really thinking much and all right this is kind of like the first sort of important moment in the game because we're basically uh running out of ideas a little there's definitely like a tempting move I don't know if you guys spotted that but the B3 square is a little low so that makes me wanna you know stick a knight there if possible you know just trying to get that Knight onto B3 will be pretty juicy by the way huge mistake Rook C1 there in a spot why I mean for many reasons but that's just I think losing the game on the spot I'm still noticed I'm keeping this tension common mistake that low rated players tend to do they would just like immediately get rid of the tension and if you do that then the queen covers B3 not a problem that's just chilling for white so I'm keeping attention low rated players tend to prematurely release the tension so don't want to do that nobody likes that so uh there is this move that okay it's not necessarily winning the game but it definitely will raise an eyebrow let's say hopefully Canada these days but when I was uh all right now what do we do opponent defense against that not unlucky just his house they always see our threats We're not gonna win because of a one mover what else can we do I don't know man it's been a struggle I've been playing this game for a long time and it's always been like that it's really rigged okay we'll try going B6 try one more time now while this could potentially be threatening takes and queen B2 it also had ideas to you know just develop the queen and improve our position so on before you can definitely go back but do you think we did all that to go back no that would be a huge waste of time so instead I'm gonna go on Knight C4 what is this called on C4 uh it is a whole but more so I like to academically call it an outpost so what is the point with the Outpost genius you may be wondering so I think with Outpost is that it is a square onto an open file where none of your opponents can attack it so you see like these pawns has been kind of over pushed and you know it could you would love to get this Pawn back and play B3 hit the Knight as an example we could take that here but but I mean you get it so the nice thing about The Outpost is that it's gonna be hard for them to get rid of your pieces plus whenever they do like imagine Bishop C4 gets played you also have the option of taking with a pawn and that will give us a pretty fast porn baby so that would be nice okay anyways when I'm playing Bishop to G5 just kind of uh ignoring uh all my uh speech that's fine uh uh okay he's just attacking the Knight how do we deal with it definitely Knight C6 comes to mind but then you gotta check whether Bishop takes Pawn takes Queen takes do we have anything there you really need to stop there and ask yourself do we have anything there and I think we do now it's up to you guys to try to guess what it is also hinting uh towards Knight takes one D4 ideas and uh well I can definitely take one F5 which uh I've gotta admit I did Overlook in the first place it's just because uh my eyes were really focused on the D5 font so he was that's why he I bet he didn't even consider it yeah I think we still don't care about the fact that we're gonna get like uh sort of double pawns there we are just gonna be going for the pawn grab at this point we're gonna be taking day back with a Queen Bishop takes yeah just don't really mind if iPhone will be pretty hard for him to protect um yeah oh he takes that one instead now we have many ways of recapturing which one do you guys think is best I think even though generally it's really nice to exchange a lot of pieces taking with a pawn might be best in this very specific situation because I feel like The Rook does a great job supporting the pawn Plus we had all kinds of Bishop D3 ideas I just feel like the pawn is a little bit faster if we keep the Queens on the board also one thing that needs to be mentioned is that we have opposite colored Bishops on the board which is um always kind of increasing the drawing chances for the defensive side I'm just gonna defend uh against Rook D1 by a counter-attacking my opponent's Queen hopefully he's not gonna see no that is going to be a disaster since my own Queen will be exposed but hey we do have another threat other than this so maybe you can try to pause the video and uh find it on your own I don't expect anybody to stay with the queen there I mean they're either gonna move it somewhere I I just don't think people in this rating range have enough confidence to live there when hanging or at least not on purpose so uh not trash talking The Silo just trying to give you some useful information you do what you want with that window E3 offering the queen trade I think we keep do you guys want to like see how the end game plays out and gives kind of dry so I think he really has a good drawing chances in the end game so I'm gonna go Queen D5 saying that Queen A7 we have Queen E5 so uh yeah by the way I hope we still play five and five increments so yeah it is increment so means we're not gonna get flagged Matt it's been a while since we recorded the video so I wasn't even familiar what time controller playing anymore what looks like everything is good just gonna sidestep Bishop to D6 is a move that I would be expecting and now I'm gonna play a move that if I give you 10 guesses you're still not gonna find it uh is it such a good move uh probably not so this is a threat I'm gonna change my mind I'm no longer gonna do that okay I'm allowed to it's my channel I can do what I want even though I love you guys I read the comments but really I'm gonna do that move next if it's still a possibility so okay let's see just goes Rook C1 any threats gotta check Rook D3 everything is covered so not a problem and the move was F5 now probably opponent does not know about the possibility of ampa song but anyways that wouldn't be great uh okay F4 instantly played I feel like with this we're making a little bit of progress okay now I'm just gonna try to exchange Queens it's not really the most consistent way of playing after declining the queen trade many times but I feel like including these moves was kind of uh useful for us Plus I don't know maybe we had the option of going H6 King H7 or jg5 and play for an attack I just couldn't really figure it out with 10 seconds whether that's gonna be dangerous enough so I choose to go for a more uh practical move I like to think which means okay we're gonna trade Queens what is that gonna do we're gonna be able to play a number of moves quickly catch up on the time maybe get to 13 30 seconds somewhere around that and then we have more time to think and perhaps take more risky decisions so chess it's basically about adapting so no matter whether you're playing longer games um shorter games you will have to do this kind of practical decisions at some point whether it's on the board so like actually you know it's a chess move or let's say a decision that you have to take into consideration the amount of time that you have left on the clock also sometimes maybe if you notice that your opponent does not have that much time on the clock you can perhaps afford to play a little bit more aggressive just with the idea that because he is low on time it will be uh almost impossible for him to come up with a defense so who cares if you know the computer can defend if practically speaking your opponent has no chance uh for now though as a beginner this are more kind of uh side things you don't have to worry about the subtle Bluffs or uh ideas like that you know the psychology of Chess and this kind of stuff no literally stop hanging your coin that's what you need to do you you just keep watching hundreds of YouTube videos trying to get better I'm telling you like you just stop need to stop hanging your pieces see he panicked immediately it's like he got bored he played to be honest like Oh The Rook he instantly played there okay fine in a side step now I'm playing a little bit risky I'm not taking his Rook I'm just trying to show you that the bishop could actually be stronger than the Rook when it's so dominant so um yeah I want to do this it's gonna be checkmating time now one thing that I really need to mention after opponent flagged we have opposite called Bishops on the board yeah yeah I know I'm repeating myself I mentioned this earlier but okay the situation changed so it's really important to remember the context in which opposite colored Bishops were mentioned because earlier I was talking about them when I was really expecting to get the queens of the board so end games are kind of dull but with the Queens on the board the opposite colored Bishops are really helping the side that is having the initiative so oftentimes it will just feel like you're attacking with an extra piece so you're completely winning just ask yourself this bishop on D6 oh so nice you know on D6 on The Outpost blah blah blah but what is that Bishop doing this is like literally you at work eight hours four hours of Demi play chess so it's like Bishop on D6 doing nothing just chilling okay nothing wrong with that I'm just saying it's not the most productive thing ever though uh yeah it's just basically doing nothing he's down a piece this guy absolute King top G on e4 attacking the enemy King and uh boom this was about to happen so opponent flagged now I just want to check uh whether my little inaccuracy of playing 96 was that bad yeah I mean 96 was pretty awful I mean you can see the eval not changing by a lot okay I don't know why I have a hundred variations in the first place here oh sorry guys my uh camera kind of moved oh oh never mind yeah I've got a camera that's kind of moving not sure if you noticed and it will sometimes like really piss me off I don't know how to lock it so hopefully that wasn't too weird on the on the actual game but uh yeah what I was trying to say so it's like minus zero five if you I mean this weekend engine believes that okay I would have played Rook Cafe that's a common sense decent move but this engine says taking and then Queen d8 is the best moves of self-pinning come on I think Quincy seven this way makes way more sense and blackish is better because we've got the Knight on The Outpost so we can leave it as that but yeah Knight T6 is just kind of even apparently if he finds Bishop takes and then uh in case he continues with uh something like Rook fd1 I was asking myself yeah there is H6 it doesn't have a great Square for the bishop needs to go kind of back I'm wondering if we're in time with 98 96 usually that would be a sixth Square for the night yeah so apparently Knight H4 is slightly annoying need to not forget about that yeah I give you a good teleport your knight to E6 maybe player four that is just an amazing square for the night but uh yeah I don't think we're like really in time here it seems and uh uh I don't know why the computer really wants to play a move like 97 I don't quite get it like what is that even threatening so let's say he does nothing this is by the way a thing that you can usually do if you don't understand what the computer wants uh you can make like a sort of random move and see how he wants to proceed so okay 93 what if he takes this way oh so 97 you take and you just infiltrate does that make sense yeah so 97 making room for the rook and if he's not careful you just take if he takes to the Queen We infiltrate this way it takes with the pawn the infiltrate that way so yeah that's kind of the point of this move should you be working uh with a computer too much as a lower repair not at all oh God damn it this camera uh all right I'm gonna fix it after the game I'm not gonna worry about it now but uh yeah point is you really don't want to spend a lot of time trying to understand what the computer says so the only kind of productive way that you can use the computer like let's say the game review and or whatever computer in general you just want to look for a quick blender check so you played your game make sure to do the analysis like spend around three minutes on it so check your opening with your courses file maybe whatever you have some notes check if opening was what you had in mind and then just look where the evaluation like really turns around so just see if there was any blunder made anything missed any green hanging so you're gonna really learn from those uh you know potential tactics that were missed so you know what to expect for the next game so um yeah after 96 he didn't take and then yeah after we got the pawn on D4 it is basically just uh completely winning position I would say remember in the opening if you really want to be a car can wizard you can play the move Knight eight six however it's really Boom by move stuff so in my course that I'm we're making actually solid progress on it that might be yeah kind of all the files might be ready in a week or two and expecting to publish it in uh mid-may by the way guys if you missed the update on the channel because anybody was wondering just saying I'm gonna be focusing on the bishop F5 type of lines whenever they do weird stuff like this so we just keep it simple I'm really against the kind of okay good lines but when they are not necessary I like the they're away from them but hey 96 is a cool move there because Bishop takes will lose the tempo and white does not have a great way to defend against Queen B6 type of ideas so there is that with the with the opening Theory so I think we can just move on to the following game
Channel: IM Alex Banzea
Views: 70,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z70x2oATCRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 40sec (3040 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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