Top 3 beginner mistakes in the Caro-Kann Defense

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hey everybody in today's video we're gonna be discussing about the most common three beginner mistakes that happen all the time below 1500 but nobody really talks about them in any opening courses books tutorials you name it but from my experience as an international master and coach for adult improvers I literally see this every single time so to be more specific we're talking about a very weird and aggressive E5 move super early on in the game after that there is of course gonna be the hillbilly attack Bishop to C4 on the second move followed by the very interesting topic when white goes for this very early check and I'm gonna be discussing about the optimal way to deal with this variation and last but not least we're gonna be discussing about the advance where white goes for you know a very common line C3 Knight F3 you play all the standard Theory and all of a sudden then you're very happy ready to play Knight F5 get pressure on D4 but they hit you with Bishop to G5 and you have no idea what to do so in case you wanna crash everybody below 1500 which will give you a feeling almost as satisfying as picking the last pickle from the jar I mean you know it takes a little bit of effort and skill but once you do it it just feels incredibly satisfying but even maybe some of you feel like pickles are gross still you may want to watch this video so let's just jump right into the action all right everybody getting another black game so we're gonna be sticking with the Caro going C6 and um are we gonna see some kind of like a main line or is it gonna be another pretty awkward move okay now there are not like many ways you could describe this uh E5 of it is clearly premature it is I guess kind of aggressive but very early I mean I'm not really sure what to compare this but compare this with but just think of it this way so you're basically just played E4 yeah and uh this is like I don't know you're texting your crash yeah just go E4 go for the opener pretty solid your crash applies yeah just this is like your second message and you go E5 that's like way too aggressive you gotta slow down a little with this move I mean it's like you haven't even talked with the girl and you already send her like a dick pic or something so guys you should not be approaching the scenario this way I swear it is not working you gotta be a little bit more like you know uh have some patience lady for whatever get the center blah blah blah and we should be good and um yeah if I've not the right way I'm telling you the strategy will normally not work so uh yeah just in case you are wondering that is just the story that I heard from a friend so uh okay we're just gonna be sticking with the karukan anyways playing normal so we might very well just transpose into the Advanced but it's just like kind of like a very weird E5 kind of thing move which they play occasionally for some reason and yes here we are Advanced uh for the really uh Advanced audience uh watching yes he could have gone for the ampa song by playing this where I think you can take either way I'm thinking with the pawn is safer sticking with the queen is interesting too but nevertheless we do get a transposition to the Advance where um you have basically domain moves so the sort of most common one would be Bishop to F5 which is not my main recommendation so my main recommendation is actually the let's say less popular move C5 which is a lot of the time is going to be involving upon sacrifices if they take but the good news is that as you already see by my opponents they rarely do or even when it happens they don't really know how to follow it up so opponent just plays C3 uh by the way another move in this position that you would get to face frequently Knight F3 where you can either take or play 96 or start with Bishop G4 many playable alternatives but we get C3 now we're gonna just continue with developing the Knight onto the natural squares getting the default Squad which is going to be the main Battlefield usually in this variation and now we get a very typical position for the line where believe it or not a lot of people kind of misplay they move on because yes I know you're dying to play Bishop G4 I can feel you you're just in the chair they're like let me get the push-up to G4 I really want to get that pin so I definitely understand that urge of pinning which is like reasonable but you gotta do it in the best version possible and that is by taking because if you start with the move he's gonna have dc5 now the good news is according to my analysis you know like 1800 they rarely punish you for that so my turn supposed to add the lines anyways so it's not that big of a problem but you really want to be aware of this so we take first then we get the bishop and then we have very easy development so just E6 Knight goes to E7 towards F5 focusing on the main Battlefield and then Bishop E7 Chason so we're just gonna do that and because it's the advance whenever they play H3 we're gonna be taking on F3 so once again you really want to have this sort of rules in mind based on each independent line so they play H3 in the advanced we always take and other rules for like classical variation or exchange so that's how you want to get it right now opponent because you know you play the Karo Khan in the you are an advanced kind of human being they just make this kind of moves and get like a winning position now question is okay why is this a bad move and why do we get a winning position you may be wondering well uh the problem with his last movie is that he's moving the Knight once again without really gaining anything special and well yes we do have uh hanging Bishop well spotted there Einstein so we're gonna take on it too and okay now after the last move that was just pre-moved by my opponent the pawn on default is pretty lonely just you know saying hi come and take me so we can basically do that I could also play H6 getting rid of this annoying Knight if I feel like this could be a problem but I don't really think uh White is threatening anything in particular so I think it's time to cash in the pawn an important this is not a thing because uh GM secret knight move backwards so we can take inning the queen and work ideas he needs to be careful like super careful we cannot even play Queen ft learning to mate because we take obviously so in case of Queen H5 fattening this can easily Dodge the attack with G6 and then uh ideas to go for the fork so uh yeah let's see what uh my opponent has in mind to do I mean already moved in and we just get the winning position with the Karo Khan so um I guess this is not the matter of an outcome definitely spending some time so he plays Queen D3 which is reasonable keeping an eye on that so the Knight is under attack uh we could go back we could also consider a counter attack hitting the bishop uh but he can simply play Knight C3 so I guess it's nothing special you can also consider attacking the Knight but then he can take and pick up the night after so that's not really great and I'm just gonna stick with a simple move okay just making sure the Knight is safe while attacking the pawn and he goes Queen to B5 kind of instantly which anyways it is not a dangerous move in itself but it's actually leading to a pretty interesting situation because I feel like the best move according to the engine it's not gonna be the move that I suggest you to play and probably we can make a bet if you want uh I think engine suggests something like Queen D7 or queen C7 wait maybe we can even play A6 oh that's not a great move I was thinking A6 Queen B7 Knight A5 then I grab the queen but that is Queen F7 mates so that won't uh do the job so yeah anyways engine probably suggests this idea I'm gonna play Queen A5 what's in the queen trade because we are up upon and whenever your app material if you manage to trade the Queens it's basically like half of the job is done you know it's like um you just went through like the college now you just have to pay somebody to write your final assignment I I'm just kidding you don't do that that's like illegal that's not allowed so uh yes just play H6 finish development get rid of the Annoying night yes I could have taken a free Pawn you're very right on that but uh yes on this channel we are not uh really supporting uh let's say greediness so we're already up phone we kind of won the game just time to sort of slow down a little uh just you know it's like guys it's like you're already aging and you know at some point when you're like young uh sure you care more about like career making a lot of money blah blah blah this kind of stuff but then when you age the family becomes more and more important it's kind of like the same when we are up in material so it's already like we want a pawn that's like enough to you know uh have a comfortable life and we focus on the more important things like family so uh in the meantime somebody got trapped anyways uh you get where I'm going with this so upon is enough just time to exchange all the pieces and slowly convert it into a winning position so um yeah I guess um it is this simple I mean look at our position how compact it is the pawn structure it's like everything is together all the pieces on like they're very standard squares there's like literally no theory that you need to remember just the squares where the pieces belong which is anyways very simple so I'm gonna continue in the same strategy just offering more and more trades while making a silent threat of a 42. so uh yeah he takes I can throw in a chick oh he he takes and resigns dude that like freaked me out I feel like have you seen like something scarier in your life like that he plays Rook C8 and just like this comes up on the board just like you kind of got mated or something like that man this was like really scary I swear but like what kind of individual plays like Angry Rook C8 and the very next second is hovering resign button like this is pretty funny I don't know if you guys like could explain this kind of behavior it's like pretty funny so uh yeah but before we continue I wanted to shout out the important sponsor of today's video at last VPN Atlas VPN is a tool that encrypts and hides your virtual location when connected to a VPN server your device is connected to a new IP and DNS address the VPN server decrypts information and allows traffic to access the desired destination Atlas VPN is available on iPhone Android Mac and PC right now Atlas VPN is running a huge discount meaning that you can get a 3-year subscription for only 183 a month with a 30 day money back warranty time is running out so get your deal by clicking the link from the description below now my favorite part about Atlas VPN is that you can save money yes save money so many websites have their pricing adjusted based on the region that your computer is in with the information provided by cookies and IP addresses these Services now right where 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just right back into the video uh okay let's go back to the position where we had a small bet yeah Queen D7 Top Line by far Queen B6 there Queen A5 not even top more so I'm telling you guys this is why engine I mean I have a video about that which you haven't really watched like that much to be honest I mean you should it's like I think a good video uh but uh yeah it's more about this topic on playing practical chess so um the computer does not even suggest Queen A5 in this position if you can look here in the top right Queen A5 is not mentioned in the top six moves which I think if you're trying to learn chess in the right way it should be the best move and the main thing that you should be focused on if you're like genuinely trying to improve so when I fight according to the computer just loses like I don't know minus I don't know point eight in eval but I'm telling you practically speaking this move just wins the game it is simply this strong so computer is not like really telling you this kind of little details and that is why it could be very misleading in a lot of positions and I would mainly use it as sort of like a blunder check when like let's say the eval jumps from like you know like uh table tennis chess like just goes uh crazy up and down you want to check the blunders but more than that I mean I wouldn't I would try to focus like on maybe learn from courses or maybe videos if somebody good is explaining it so obviously not the case here but uh yeah you get the idea and the rest was pretty simple so I think we can just move on to the next game getting another game so it's another hillbilly attack time so you thought okay there's not like enough games in the hillbilly this is you know another great reason of why you should be playing this opening because they just go for this very sort of shady business and uh yeah once again we're gonna be sticking with normal development but this is actually I'm actually even more uh hyped about this game because we get a pretty interesting situation that could happen a lot in different move order so okay exchange variation how are we supposed to deal with this early check I think that is a pretty common question and a topic that I see a lot in my students games as well so against the check you could basically play anything is besides Queen D7 and you should be okay uh yes you came here for this sort of useful information so I bet you already clicked the like button uh but Knight C6 would definitely be okay nothing wrong with it but from my experience perhaps even easier to play Bishop D7 because I feel like they're gonna exchange and you just get like a pretty easy position after Queen takes I usually like to do so we keep C6 Square for the night I'm just gonna do that and uh nothing wrong with taking with a knight of course uh upon end going Bishop to D3 though having a bit of a different idea which is definitely a thing sometimes when they had the pawn on D4 but not with the bishop on C1 opponent probably downloaded the room just tutorial uh anyways he goes there uh okay what are we supposed to do are we supposed to just go crazy on him and just try to trap the bishop of course no that would be like uh low IQ approach what do you do you just treat it like a sigma male meaning you simply don't care about it and just develop normally so this is like a common theme in a lot of possessions and a common mistake that I see a lot of people do opponent makes like kind of a weird uh move that you're like smarty enough to realize it's uh it's bad and then you're just like okay this is bad move I need to punish right now I need to go over him and just play caveman chess and beat him but that is usually not gonna be the right approach you should just ignore play your normal game you know just live your life like you know guys like whatever happens you're gonna live your life anyway so the same way so just do the same here and uh this mistake WIll sort of start to tell a little bit later in the game once we finish development and then we can actually start punishing him so yeah I'm just gonna develop Knights on the natural squares get the bishop on G4 uh if we can uh I mean we'll see and then finish development so yeah please don't go crazy that would be the only mistake that you could do in this sort of scenario so yeah as long as you treat it like any sort of game nothing special should be okay now however when opponent plays so many weird moves in a row man I feel like uh okay this is definitely not going in the right direction for him but how are we supposed to punish it there's definitely DC or 95 that comes to mind um I could play Bishop to G4 as well um could also play E6 I think I'm just gonna go Knight E5 that's like the simplest going after the bishop pair he's supposed to stay uh with the queen and defend the bishop my knight is under attack now so I'm just gonna be taking and then uh I think we're gonna set up a very dirty Trap by the way which you should go ahead and pause the video and try to test you your skill tactics I mean your Tactical skills I meant to say a little bit and kind of see whether you're like evil enough to set up this trap for your opponent because I'll give you even a hint so opponent has ideas to take and maybe win a pawn so you don't want to lose a pawn in general Common Sense move Bishop C6 of okay that's of course slightly better but how about this he is that takes I'm telling not even like any doubts about that but how do we win this if you haven't seen it before just pause the video now and try to find the winning move for black because it's a very unique scenario where the bishop is hanging so look to C8 simply winning a piece in 10 moves I mean this is how easy you can win with the Karo card in this rating range like I I don't get it guys you play Sicilian or whatever opening I don't know why would you be doing such things when the karokan is so simple and solid and if they do weird things you could punish them this hard so you tell me in the comments whatever the reason is anyways I'm not gonna like even pretend to understand you but I will maybe like your comment so you give it a try so just Bishop to C6 hitting that the success simply paralyzed like these Rogues are men this is like it's like not even funny I don't even know like what to compare this rock with but I don't know it's basically like this Rook is like you and your brother and you know I don't know your parents just received your tests from school and they got home this is your dad basically and this is you and your brother just you need to stay in your room and you cannot get out because you don't want to meet your dad that's like the frequency one it's like this wrong in case you you need that analogy to understand it so uh okay now he plays D3 now mommy's trying to come home too after the test result so this is pretty um yeah okay actually this is not the same because it should have been the black queen so I kind of messed up the analogy there a little bit but I hope you guys still love me uh my phone keeps ringing which is a little bit uh a little bit annoying but uh yeah I think I'm just gonna take stick with a simple move hope I'm not blending anything uh I wonder whether it's my landlord that's calling but anyways I'll check it after the video so um hitting this bishop F1 ideas so you just plays quinita hitting the rock Just Gonna Keep The Rook there no need to do anything crazy to winning the queen and yeah now just start collecting one Rook collect another Rook after like look at this Rook man it's just like thinking everything man like apple piece lyrics what else do we need to win more okay hit the Knight just start exchanging uh stuff oh another night we'll take it another piece man this is like Black Friday of pieces what is this opponent just giving up everything Oh my he must be really upset okay all right hope you guys had fun with us but imagine the mental state of my opponent right now after all of that just imagine he queued up tried to have a good day and play some games of Chess and 10 minutes later this is what happens this is like you half an hour later in your bleed session so basically like seven pieces hanging in a row I mean that's a record right there so with that being said I think we can move on to the following game alright everybody getting the black pieces so putting going for E4 and uh we're gonna be sticking with the most solid opening of all time the garu Khan defense and the opponent is going for Knight F3 which is a little bit of a sideline already where I'm gonna be playing the move D5 where he basically has like two main options he can also go Ed or E5 I mean sure D3 is kind of played occasionally as a trap mainly in this rating range but it's not really an issue so uh we see that our opponent placed E5 with uh which mainly leads to like pretty strange looking position at first but if you think about this what this actually really does it is simply transposing back into the advanced version so um in order to get there I mean you could just play like something like C5 and my favorite move in the advance in general especially in this move order is to just go Bishop to G4 so main question is okay how are we gonna deal with H3 you may be wondering and the main idea is whenever you get this question while you're playing the advanced guys it's really important if you're trying to sort of learn the opening and try to uh set like basically a bunch of rules that you could generally use without having to like really think about it in game Joanna structure it in your head basically uh based on any independent variation so basically if we're talking about karokani could really split it in three main things so it's C6 and then you have to be ready to have a set of rules uh against the advance Against The Exchange and against the Knight C3 which is the classical variation so three big main lines I mean unless you run against like a Dania Fanboy who plays F3 where anyways have a video and you can win in seven moves against that so um you really want to think it like that so he plays H3 now the question is okay how should I deal with this in the advance you don't want to be asking yourself how am I supposed to deal with this in the Karo Khan because that's not gonna be able to uh get like a precise solution in most of the case so if you're asking yourself okay how do I deal with this in the events you're gonna get the move every single time so uh sorry for the kind of elaborated intro but I felt like that was pretty important so now we're just gonna go for the usual stuff important by the way to play C5 and then it6 definitely a typical mistake that I see in low rated games people get the bishop to G4 and they literally forget that they are supposed to play with C5 they just like literally never play C5 so you don't want to do that you wanna take control over the center get an item to C6 and liquid same plan Knight goes to F5 because the natural square is taken by the pawn important I see another common mistake some people just because they get used to play against the advance always play 97 Knight F5 but we only play 97 in the advance because the natural square is taken away so generally you want to develop your Knights like that if possible not on B6 that would not be a legal move but you get a point so uh yeah one and play Sita which is very reasonable preparing the form and against D4 we basically have an alternative between two very natural moves so we could go Knight E7 or CD4 but which one do you guys think it's actually better because I think it's not the same thing so the main difference I would say stays in the fact that after 97 dc5 we could potentially enter some unpleasant positions so in order to avoid that just go CD and then he no longer has this uh type of ideas so we can just continue with 97 get a 9 to F5 and we're gonna be getting one of the most standard type of positions for the advanced variation which is so easy to play and uh generally by students below 1500 just yeah like a minus one position every single time against this is just absolutely crazy thinking about the fact that most people really struggle against the advance where yeah we're just like absolutely crashing it um by using these exact variation so okay I'm super glad that uh we get to face this move because this is like really uh one thousand 1500 Vibes because well Knight F5 you guessed it right would no longer be the best move but uh we can start by asking the bishop what's up and uh yeah let's see where the bishop will uh go normally stays on H4 end in this specific position you could also play G5 Knight F5 but that's a little bit weakening so in general you want to be super carefully playing move like G5 I would generally not risk it and here it's not like the queen always goes uh to B6 in the advance uh normally I actually rarely play that move I only do it specifically to one pin here so and then important we want to take with a queen on D4 if possible and not with the Knight because we want to offer the queen trade and then we're gonna go Knight F5 and pin this Pawn becomes very weak so doing absolutely nothing against our flat so what are we gonna do just um cashing in the Free Pawn now how do we take one D4 Knight or queen if you paid any attention to that you know it's the queen so forcing the end game extra opponent game most likely E5 is gonna drop as well because it's super loose and um yeah I mean you could literally get this opening below like 1500 easily it just that bad that they're usually playing it it's simply not an easy position for a ride I mean after all because we get a lot of annoying pressure very early on so by the way I still don't see the moves highlighted maybe I need to do something yeah okay now it should be good you just did that and uh we can take but normally it's even better I would say to kind of let him release the tension and play Knight F5 but I think can't really go wrong with Queen E2 because it's sort of forcing his Knight on a less active Square because normally C3 is the most active Square for the night so I think for this specific reason um nothing wrong with releasing the tension there the negative five what is this move doing besides activating the Knight well it's also threatening Knight G3 followed by the move Knight takes 25 cashing in another Pawn so expecting move like Rook to Iran now well with you guys uh thing to do you can definitely play a move something like Bishop 37 but also it looks quite interesting to develop the bishop in a little bit more of an aggressive fashion and gain a tempo so I'm gonna do that specifically here even though Bishop E7 is always fine just though uh we're in a bit of a Tempo I'm gonna make this move expecting him to play Rook 81 and then I think it will be simply time to get castled and try to sort of finish development so uh yeah do not neglect castling guys even if you're ahead I feel like this happens in general to a lot of low rated players when they they feel like they have an advantage or they want to pawn it just makes them feel like they get some kind of like super powers and they can just start breaking all the rules of Chess because they are ahead I mean sure when you are winning it's definitely easier to to other things that normally would not be possible but still you want to really treat it as yeah it was just like uh you play normal just try to stick to the main rules and no need to do any silly things like staying with the king in the middle for no reason or stuff like that so opponent plays Rook D1 now what the problem with that move really is is that the rook in the first place was meant to cover the pawn so it leaves this undefended after Knight G3 so uh I think the move forward is not really that important I'm gonna start with this and I'm gonna start with that move Bishop D2 just exchanging pieces and cashing in another Pawn so we're gonna have two extra Pawns soon after the move 95 threatening to take on F3 and and we're gonna be having a rook end game if white wants to stay in the game they need to keep the bishop so that's a good move by my opponent end you can definitely get canceled but because this is an end game uh even stronger a lot of the times is just play them of King E7 because the king is very useful in the middle of the board in all these type of end games so castling is not a mistake but you wanna get used to this kind of concept of having your king closer to the metal so opponent plays F4 uh yeah don't have a lot of squares for the night really like I could go Knight C4 but that's sort of giving me a bit of a weak point on C4 so I just prefer C6 as an easier Square so um yeah then I could play some in a group to see it simply double up that's basically the plan right now yeah Bishop to B5 I'm gonna use this Rook if he's trading I'm more than happy because Bishop is in general a little bit stronger than the knight uh I would say people generally think both are worth three points which is kind of right but I think just a little bit closer to the truth is that I think the bishop is worth like three and a quarter so just a little bit better in general of course nothing huge but you really want to get used to this little idea so foreign goes Rook to C1 I could play the move Knight before trying to initiate some trades so um now I'm creating a little bit of pressure with this move and he is probably gonna be exchanging and now we will be getting a very interesting position after it takes if he goes for the move A3 okay probably I'll show you that in the analysis tab y was actually so interesting and now what are we supposed to do well cannot really go wrong with infiltrating but after it takes Knight takes look to C1 it's not very obvious how to continue because if I move the Knight he gets to infiltrate so instead I would like to double up so there is a move to do that with rock C7 but it's even better if you can gain a temp when we managed to do that with a move such as Rook C5 first so we do this they look C8 and then we just want to go for a rook to C1 next if possible so let's see what the opponent has in mind definitely you need to be careful with these uh ones in the middle I mean really the biggest mistake that you could be doing is trying to rush with pushing these pawns usually people my students when they get these type of positions they're just like uh kind of freaking out a little bit because you know they're like so winning and they want to like really they get a little bit excited let's say did I just make a mistake probably was a bit better to play that because of B4 but uh I think we're still okay so okay I'm mentioning they make mistakes I'm making a mistake myself now but um yeah I'm in a little bit of a Time scramble so I'll try to not get flagged but I think we should generally be okay just gonna take back have the pawns connected before could be the only kind of messy move because then B5 can sort of come together with it opponent does not play it which is giving us a pretty easy game I'm just gonna play A5 next trying to be prophylactic or I could do king D6 now it's actually not that uh that important but yeah I'm gonna do king B6 just to have the pawn better protected you want to do A5 next yeah I'm just making sure B4 is not a thing he plays Bishop G2 most likely and what are we supposed to do there well he's gonna have a friend of growing Rook F1 and occupy that file so I think we just need to make sure we control all the open files and then um yeah how do we make progress uh actually not very easy to say how like the good thing in this rating range is that opponents generally will just make it easier for you like he just did here because his Bishop was kind of nice stopping the pawns but now we're just gonna have a pretty easy time moving the rook and then pushing the pawns so something like this ideas to go C5 C4 maybe play D3 as well so um switching The Rook over right now that becomes a very viable option so yeah just C5 expecting him Roxanne but the problem is with roxion that allows E4 so whatever he does one of these points will advance and then we're gonna be having an easier time pushing the pawns or at least I hope so um yeah then if we play C3 we want to be like a bit cautious with it although maybe it still works I'm just thinking uh if you want to be sure that this is always good you could start with Rook to C8 and then do C3 then you also have options to take with the Rook not to mention probably taking with a pawn is awesome perfectly fine here trying to convert so putting kind of running down uh I mean running out of moves because the king is uh cut yeah I'm just gonna do Rook C8 and then C3 now that the King has been misplaced it's not even like threatening to join the game anymore so we don't need to keep the Rook there and just ready to start advancing yeah I think I'm just gonna take with a rook that's usually simpler just making sure we keep these pawns connected that is usually kind of like the safest asset of the position just uh having those connected pawns is generally always a win kind no matter what you do so you really want to keep the pawns together so no matter like how hard you mess things up let's say you lose these pawns because you have the two connected usually it's still a win so uh that would be like a bit of a practical tip and uh other than that uh looks like opponent has flagged anyways I was about to do something like this and uh you start pushing the pawns so even if he does like a move such as Rook F7 you can even start going D3 and just push the pawn down the board so there's actually a pretty cute idea that I have um that I have seen a little bit earlier so here Knight C2 was best technique move I just noticed after it's still like completely winning every all the time but um I gave him a little bit of Canon play some the nice idea was that in this position if he takes let's actually close this engine so I'm not gonna give you a hint and he plays A3 now what is the best move so I feel like a lot of you may be tempted to suggest either knightsito based on the previous line or Knight to C6 but I think actually rooksito is strongest let's check so apparently rooksito is like the sixth move in strength I mean all the moves are kind of equally winning but I personally like roxito a lot because in games are easily winning and if he plays like this then we can keep the Knight and the Rook is also active so what I wasn't like a huge fan of playing 96 The Rook is kind of blocked by the Knight but yeah for the same reason you could check and then um say he goes whatever you can go back and you manage to activate the loop first and uh it will be even easier to play so um yeah I hope that kind of clarifies this mystery on uh how to deal with the bishop G5 kind of lines when they pin this Knight and a lot of players for some reason feel very uncomfortable but uh yeah as long as you go for Queen to B6 and then take on F3 most of the times you will just uh win both of these uh Central pawns and you know any position so nah yeah with that being said if you can just move on to the following game
Channel: IM Alex Banzea
Views: 78,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hPmuwutPWqo
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Length: 42min 41sec (2561 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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