Tumblr Awards v15

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those fears at Target John buried clowns they slumber sentinels this picture of me and my friends crowding around my Barbie laptop back in 2006 looks like a stock photo and should honestly be a meme should I hit Send [ __ ] roast her Tiffany my brain from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. when I should be awake and active my brains from 12 a.m. to 6 a.m. exclusively favorite slang terms for penis WikiWiki long cloth bald pate fire silent flute gang instruments liver disturber master of ceremonies father confessor quim stick patentee ambassador kidney Buster Dingle Duval lingual ice smoker corned beef torpedo all selected from the timeline of slang terms for the penis what the hell happened in 1888 and 1935 I am noticing a distinct lack of the word chunga's concept you come over and I cook an apple for dinner we are in love as we look at each other a single tear hits the ground as I morph into an Armand slightly smaller than the average size you are running as fast as you can I think this was a nightmare I had last night if you put a bee in the freezer it will get cold and fall asleep after it's asleep put it in your mouth but don't eat it just let it sit there it will get warm and wake up now you have a bee in your mouth why the [ __ ] would I do that the dream job is probably being a Greek water nymph in an early romanticism painted in a pond tea does that look inboard and playing men with my girlfriends imagine if tumblr had memories like Facebook does one year ago today you posted I wish I could [ __ ] eat dirt like a worm me WTF why do I have acne googles causes of acne Google lack of sleep not drinking enough water stress poor diet not enough exercise me lol Oh Leon chopped judges she's just she's just shoving food into her jacket she's literally just here to steal food on the left is a roll of toilet paper on the right is my arm do you see how pale I am I know what you are you're impossibly fast and strong your skin is pale white and ice-cold your eyes change color and you never eat or come out into the Sun Sega's Frosty the Snowman me loves to lick the spoon after stir in brownie batter doesn't care about Salmonella whoever that is how do penises even fit in pants you have to touch it in your butthole thank you get changed right in front of the window because I love to give back to the community what if Lars yodeled instead of all I mean you can hear Alonso automate kilometres away so just imagine hearing a faint yodeling in the middle of the African savannah standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak like look at this flower this flower is taller than I am this flower is winning and I'm losing while you are not ready to hear about trees what if you had an identical twin that did porn on July 20 the grocery and they're like OMG I saw you take three books at once while wearing a turtle costume and you're like god damn it Jerry I mixed up Donkey Kong and King Kong and accidentally said kinky darn to my parents today look at my mails oMFG how did you take that photo somebody's put a bullet in my boy if I ever find out who I shall turn absolutely monstrous mummy Holmes doesn't mess around I genuinely thought it was her that poisoned Mary for a moment plot west series 4 starts off with mummy Holmes straight-up murdering Mary she reminds me of Molly Weasley not my son you [ __ ] what I'm ready to sold help crimes ice breakers how big is your dick how much money do you make do you like me unlikely would you be uncomfortable if I cried I smoked one alcohol and my left arm fell off protip number 43 unsure of your real friends get a bowl cut and see who stays my first boyfriend said bisexuality wasn't real so I broke up with him and dated his twin sister things to say during sex nothing you don't need six the Lord is watching comment my mom just said watch this then ran a red light and said I just don't care someone catfished meetly so I can get on NTV and promote my mixtape so you named your son wolf emic wolf and then pissed off the werewolf I really don't know what you expected to happen said the doctor at Saint mungus two loopings daddy probably I'm currently in a New York penthouse on the 80th floor and Beyonce's places six floors below I can officially say I'm above Beyonce I honestly have no idea who this guy is but he needs an award for this ready to use an OD rearranged leaves around the base of a tree in order to make it appear to be glowing press e to place tree I was admiring machu piccu and a llama decided to join me this is my dream its Emperor Kuzco looking at the hill to build his summer palace writing advice work on one project at a time don't overextend yourself me with one foot in at least 12 different to use in 15 different stories yeah slider pass with care if you insist I saw my chance to create something beautiful I took it I thought we agreed never to be creative again me I clean all the dishes mom aren't you going to put them away too you discovered a premium feature you have to upgrade from the free trial version to the full version family bands are so scary I'm so glad the 70s is over the Jonas Brothers kicked down your door fade to black gunshot why does every girl in doujinshi have to not like the one oh you're hot stuff is inside me it's pouring inside me oh no you're hot stuff is in me now I'll get pregnant with your hot stuff or not inside me me when I eat soup the [ __ ] kind of soup you eaten some really good [ __ ] soup right there where are we have we done Easter Island yet they worshipped you there have you seen the statues I think I just got this joke I will never see those statue heads the same way again without thinking of Matt Smith our death ray doesn't seem to be working I'm standing right in it and I'm not dead yet a true scientist I never want to see a naked man again accurate representation of omegle D past Deez Nuts presents dispositor future denmark has fallen Phuket show are you trying to tell us something just funny jokes Gehrig hazus could you please stop the kachou Thunder bolting my fault when I eat my spaghetti and ketchup in the microwave so at my house we have an intercom in everyone's room and when you press talk and speak into it everyone can hear what you say so last night at like 1:00 a.m. I spoken to it and quietly whispered Shia LaBeouf I heard my mom scream in the other room for a second I literally thought that the shark on the left was being executed and the shark on the right was being comforted imagine setting this loose in the middle of a big auditorium while syn important speech is going on they all look hi Tommy on that next level Tommy smoked himself to next life celebrity [ __ ] when they see a homeless man to record getting 20 bucks from them It's Showtime the humbucker electric kazoo a screeching kazoo that plugs into an amplifier this is proof God exists and loves us reblog if you love to cover yourself in baby powder and sit on the counter tricking passers-by into believing you are a powdered donut why did Boston Globe tweet a photo of a chocolate bird plug Boston Globe offers Reif explanation for chocolate but plug tweet I will never forget the time I asked a little girl how old she was and she said six but I've been alive like 30 years [ __ ] meat for the [ __ ] the impulse to just make weird noises for no reason is something I have to ignore like 24/7 [Music] what flavor lip gloss is that Sperry flutter Kona coca spurt dangers of social websites I'm so sorry followers I've been a giant spider this whole time who are you I mean bud stronger what is this he evolved this isn't cosplay change my mind what a cute polar bear I bought some shoes from a drug dealer I don't know what he laced them with but I've been trippin all day sometimes you see a punch so artfully constructed you just have to stand back in awe ideal number of teeth as many as I can get my hands on your password hint is you know I'm gonna go back in time and kick my own ass exercise block put the Block on the floor walk around it you have now walked around the block do it again when my grandma died I found this in my room I laughed so hard and I made me much more happy don't ever blink it shows weakness right now there's a hole in the floor and we can see the class below us so we tied a Cheeto to a piece of yarn and we are trying to communicate with this girl but so far she hasn't noticed Shawn Mendes confirmed he and KJ after have a secret project and it sounds huge at pornhub can you confirm species screamer Bella status alive thank God he is still with us just [ __ ] me up I went to Starbucks and told my best friend to just [ __ ] me up and he gave me a drink with every single syrup but was it good no first Thanksgiving 2015 medium hand drywall what a nice piece of art I hate how a reward systems never work for me like I can't just say if I finish this assignment I can have a cookie because my brain is like or you could just have one right now and I can't argue with that logic self-imposed deadlines don't work either because I know the guy who said the man he's full of [ __ ] a gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds what am I supposed to do with this information rats can't throw up please tell me that is your nose this completely went over my head as a kid at night the coral reef parrotfish sleep in a blanket made of mucus to protect themselves from parasites he looks so pleased with himself I Spit on myself so nothing will eat me what do you call a dictionary on drugs if you say a dictionary I swear to [ __ ] god I will cut you I was gonna say high definition but yours is better every time I walk past my neighbor's letterbox a little part of my soul evaporates one you fool that is an Alaskan bull worm when you're running down the stairs with no bra wrong jig little self helped him through one thing a day that scares you text someone first ask your crush to hang out purposefully irritate a wild raccoon [ __ ] cactus the only one stopping you is yourself do not [ __ ] a cactus no matter how insecure or shitty you feel just remember that my muscles are massive and I can punch through walls hey I really needed this thank you pulls you apart like a twizzler you can feel the regret in this picture hide your IP address become anonymous is that Obama I can't tell they are hiding their IP address don't move not a problem I hate moving Scully is me me if I owned a possible table someone hey what's up me I own a football table you [Music] cow belly let's go babe the monetization is drunk going to to stop the migration of trouble innovation and content creation and another as it rises all these states have got inspiration to drop a new cake on top of your faces and mock in the face of the clock is still raising this impatient one stories later not just escape news robbed like to paint you to be praying thought you would make it install the frame so who want to get paid for their wholesome creation so take the advice of a Godin make oh my god - says calvetti TV gets more traffic than a metropolis yes [ __ ] that
Channel: Cowbelly Studios
Views: 915,056
Rating: 4.9257455 out of 5
Keywords: comment, awards, memes, tumblr, tumblr awards, tumblr awards v, v12, tumblr meme, tumblr art, tumblr post, meme, dank meme, comment awards, cowbelly, post, dank meme com;ilation, graham the christian, dank meme compilation, fresh memes, instagram, memes compilation, best memes, meme compilation, dank compilation, new dank memes, new memes, funny memes, dankest, funny, laugh, friendly, cowbelly comment awards, funny meme
Id: ZdxOuhoXN1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 28 2018
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