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all right so like for me reminded like it's easy for me to just sell people and get them killed right but if i'm confused it's an interesting game for me but if i'm not confused oh i know rey is moulding like [Music] he's upset oh i think he's gonna kill someone i just saw someone run in oh scarra it was you yeah just ran in and saw the wait how did you see me run in the lights are off oh oh oh oh i was i was on him i was on him to be very clear i was on on the lights on the yeah it was just at the entrance of lights that's what was the best that's a lie that's a lie you were next to me and ryan guys how did you see me i didn't see you or ryan ryan back me up okay yeah we were right on each other you come in here and immediately wow i'm not lying look i'm like you know but uh yeah yeah yeah we don't tolerate liars here wait he could be telling the truth but it also could be his partner i'm just going to vote you for the meme [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this guy's toast [Music] oh it's funny that is funny hmm that would make scarra and ryan chill in my eyes maybe it's not leveling i think it's not pokey either oh okay where is in the top of electrical i saw him left said his name out loud went back in and he's dead and i saw pokey leave at last i left him with you top of electrical so either someone vented or it was you no no no i went back to check if [ __ ] was venting to get out of there because he was in the corner another way where in electrical was it very top left literally on top of the vent whatever task that was the topic he was doing good one good one yeah coffee yes please buy it all right but i want to vote jack for the meme but no all right i'll i'll i won't do that yeah toast what were you doing uh i would just keeping an eye on her it could be a sneaky song okay because i saw i saw toast and pokey outside of electrical when i left yes and then when i went back in charlie was dead i i left electrical to the bottom left to do the the pinpoint thing and then ryan passed me going upwards and so there's no way he could have double backed and got the kill on the electrical you could still be the imposter thanks unless someone vented in killed him and vented out real quick that's that's a possibility that's a strong possibility or a self-report oh wait where is everyone right now ryan father i have material on the far left [Music] it's only one kill all right about me he's in the vents who who what's happening okay oh oh i thought you meant you figured out what it was i was like who is it i thought you meant go next like next game wait don't we think we already got one of the imposters look guys we need more spicy moments we need to spice things up i can't get myself killed i should need to die i feel like if i'm left at the end it's not spicy i want like the newer players the more inexperienced players left at the end and watch the chaos unfold if i'm left until the end there's enough information to piece things together right oh did pewdiepie just come in and do a quick download i hope i'm more i'm imposter more often damn it's a whole party in here oh interesting all right uh psycho you want to tell me why you just killed ryan uh well you see i thought you were downloading so your screen wouldn't be out you were doing the thing on the right weren't you thank you you guys [Applause] yeah you usually lie a lot better than that i played with you kind of outed yourself i'm rusty all right i think i'm in this time nice i think we're good ah that's a shame would have been a good game all right we have pink white yellow are we playing now yes sir yes all right ludwig is southeast ray is north white black green white black green and white black green pink white black green pink white black green pink white black green pink white black green pink and white green pink white green pink white green white green white green white green white green yellow top green yellow top white i just found the body like right outside of the med bay area um right or yes so the bottom left-ish right outside past the spawn yeah did you see anyone pass wait is jack also dead yeah yep he is oh guys um toast did you see anyone walk by i nope who did uh lights well what did the logs say so scara is def scarred are the only two that were by lights and we're up for the time so i'm inclined to think that scar is also innocent because two deaths happened and we weren't there ever i am trying to think that i am innocent as well all right ray did you walk up with scarra no scarra was there before me yeah i was already in the room when she walked in okay and charlie where were you i did the decontamination tasks i was going for a speed run record on the one through ten got two point eight seconds yo such a good alex this is such a good album hmm i saw pews in cafeteria yeah but you could have entered there let's get real come on i mean toast was in the area i don't think it was him with ryan yeah wait wait wait wait wait okay i was in ryan cafetera too yeah yeah i saw you walk in there too is it true that ludwig walked in there with me i i was with somebody and then i saw you after but i don't know it was me yeah okay could have been but i remembered and then i walked down and then [Music] what did you do by the way well i was just running up and then i heard the report but i was going towards reactor and then i saw the report button i ran back walked around a circle and then reported your own body what no um i'm getting vibes from ray but she didn't do this kill for sure she was north oh [ __ ] is it charlie charlie is is it charlie lud no no that was two kills it can't be raid oh god oh god i'm left with the killer i'm left with the killer it's one of okay so pewds jack ryan lud huge jack ryan lud right those were the amigos together so is it pubes a lot i don't think it's tychuno godskara don't think it's aikuno wow we're really going here secure [Music] all right so i'm pretty sure i saw a yellow vent i was following her to reactor during crisis and then i pulled off to look for a body i didn't see one and when i went back she wasn't in the decontamination hallway which tells me let me tell you she's also the only one grease that whole round so i was toast you saw me in uh the logs right when you ran by to go to yeah nope okay whatever okay i was on the logs i saw greece he was the last one to show up and so i was checking the logs and he passed north but he didn't pass the south never eat shredded wheat the southwest side but he was on the other side of the line so i was like are we voting yellow or what how sure are you i mean that's a hard accusation right the lights were out okay remember right they were through that was very specific last time and i don't know if it was fun we could make this easier first of all let's never eat soggy waffles and second how many people would you contaminate them all right if it's not valkyrie oh because i saw her with me early i don't think i don't think she does wires wait ryan no no ryan you double faked no ryan oh no no no what are you doing seikuno guys guys the reactor's gonna blow guys the reactor is going to blow guys please the reactor is going to blow guys the reactor guys the reactor is going to blow guys the reactor is going to blow guys the reactors are going to blow guys the reactor the reactor the reactor the reactor ah ah we see what happened right toast yeah ludwig yo what happened nothing happened i was waiting for you guys to come up oh why was there a body there i have no clue that's why i was waiting hey why do you not report you talk to pewdiepie because he's the one we have to convince few minutes i couldn't walked in ludwig wasn't even no i i am in i mean oh you're in he's here he's in let's go boys guys get up i'm sorry you guys understand well i was headed there i was continuing to do my task and i just i'm outside of the uh contamination right now i mean we sort of almost the bottom of it you could say uh i was not caught imposters left then i win the game no because your kill was on cooldown it was to kill you real quick felix where would i sit there uh i was next to saikuno and we were also so they're safe yeah it's just loud wake it's just ludwig why wouldn't i say but i was next to him that's all i know but they're backing charges it's over i'm i'm having it's really bad oh the game's not going to be over because they are the ones ryan yeah i believe that all right i've been taking me then that means oh sorry valkyrie [Music] [Laughter] so the imposters also i think went with the story that ray vented which is what i believe ryan let's hear it excuse me wait i don't know what i just told you what i was doing was at the bottom of the contamination room that means nothing to me but are you guys sure like no not at all all right there is one if it's not over is it if it's not over then botox that is true okay i mean i'm in let's do that all right you can vote me that's gotta be ryan right guys guys good luck guys good luck good luck guys you are two seconds away from a little oh i know oh thank god there was a body to reply how did you get to the body i i vented up there and i could have killed but i didn't do the math and i thought we would have oh damn oh oh guys comes comms okay all right don't screw me over again oh no right in the hallway again in the hole it wasn't green light green it wasn't uh pewds i saw him at the spawn right before him who has a little flower on their head i didn't see the color i do i don't know i don't have a flower on it i saw uh charlie go left when the lights went off behind slash with me all the way yeah it was scary lord ray pokey i know who it is i also know who it is wait i also know who it is i also voted you know i also oh only the killer would believe it only the killers the killers are trying to start done can i ask if anyone is already at lights i was almost there i wasn't out there edwig and i were on the way i was near the entrance or the spawn by [Music] no ryan you know who it is ryan you know ryan come on you know don't you come on i saw one person and it was blue and that's it okay all right it's blue it's blue wait you guys actually voted for people i thought we were all i think we were all skipping wait i thought we all knew who it was i thought we were there clearly i thought everybody was killed and you killed all them we can't oh yeah i think he'll do again right i need killer wick and ray especially ludwig but especially ray all right this is very important okay i was here no no no no okay i followed grease ball up to the [ __ ] i don't know what it's called doesn't matter i was about to report the body i was about to do it that was a [ __ ] move i was about to lie i was about to report the bodies okay guys so it's definitely i came from uh that i don't know i don't know if pewdiepie would make an event specifically where did you come from i have not done it historically so far oh yeah okay area nobody else was i was alone i came alone um i didn't see anyone uh it was in the the lights area okay were you faking the upload oh my god no he just admitted last time it was scary lord ray pokey and me please please vote i voted do it okay thank you he asked then right ryan said he saw blue up at lights which leaves toast pokey snipe me what the [ __ ] are you doing dark blue okay and you killed cafeteria by the table okay wait what what does that mean they were they running a button i wonder is it me and jack at lights right now no no i just left cafetera the night yeah i did on my screen and i passed you and i saw toast go back down he was headed towards the lights and went back down no no i'm i'm yeah i'm at lights right now no you're to see if anyone got killed i always double back because i know what people talk about this entire time wait i don't think it's toast toast where are you really precisely right now like you know to the right of lights between the computer and the power diverter no there's no no no so you are in office yes so your logs should check out for this car yes you can go check the logs i will stay still at cafeteria for you to check it okay okay no okay past the center thank you thank you guys your story it's ryan what the [ __ ] guys no no no someone come with me uh no if you die then we know it's toast can we all agree that i'm safe i was not in the stack okay either because i was it was me wait did someone in the stack die someone is said it was me told you said it was me i was on the stack who else was on it we can figure this out i don't know where the stack was but i was online right on what what on the lot okay so we said we sent pokey first who went in after her and [ __ ] up the logs pokey did you did you you saw it right logged everybody started everyone started running messed it up i don't know i was standing at cafeteria waiting and i saw all of you going past the sensor i will say i didn't read toast on the logs but i don't know for sure actually something on the logs yeah i okay the fact that we were suss of toast and he deliberately followed all of us and now is what i need to be there because you guys [ __ ] up the locks and see who killed them how did you know we [ __ ] up the logs because five people went past the sensor we said pokey would go the sensor who who started walking there after pokey because it's in their best interest to [ __ ] up the logs right ryan is it you uh it's toast i sparked my cafeter like i said i swear the only person i know it's not for sure is pewds so because i was with you a lot of the time and also toast i really don't believe that you could have passed me even if the lights were off you went back down this is the last science this has happened before okay okay did you walk in the left or the right side of the hallway i was walking on the right side of the hallway uh yeah i think it's the story of ray and toast guys i was parked in cafeteria okay i didn't want to play [Music] i need to kill ryan and pokey [Music] so okay who's a known double backer raise the ray's definitely a double backer this is hard i need a kill i need a kill ryan because he knows the truth if i kill anyone right anyone else right now that'll be two sus i need to keep pewdiepie alive god i need to kill ryan and leave ray and try and trick pokey i need to kill ryan for sure kill ryan blingray kill ryan blimbray uh so okay i just need to get the split right and you get the split right ah this is so hard [Music] [Music] uh um kill ryan blame break kill ryan blame ray kill ryan blame ray i think this has to be a light kill then ah no wait where it's on the stack um on the lights oh it was just me and toast on the lights yeah yeah support of the body very quickly because he doesn't have lights open yeah he wasn't no i wasn't okay uh ryan i saw you do a task and the bar went up uh huh unless a ghost did a task though now i think about it i think from the old last round it's obvious that it's toast right yeah i've been saying that since okay okay all right um i know i can't [ __ ] i didn't have the lights open because i was expecting a stack kill when i opened the panel can i ask the ghost can you call them the ghosts uh i don't think they can respond okay all right so here's why i didn't have the lights open okay i had the lights open two were on three were off and then the two on went off so someone like i was trying to [ __ ] with it we were all in a group yeah and then we got separated yeah it's me and ryan on the stack and ryan killed pokey that's why i didn't have the panel open because i it wasn't open i need to see who would do the stack kill and ray was slightly to the left of it so i don't think it's right okay who hasn't done their task at this point seriously well we're going to win anyway but like yeah that's a good point i've just it's a four valkyrie how many things do you have left you might have one left all right okay what wait do you think it's v okay it's not uh because you reported the body so quickly because i did i was expecting the stat kill once the on lights got switched off i knew like someone's [ __ ] it so that we stack that's why it got up what do you think it is for me it's 100 right but i know i can't convince you guys a hundred percent i think ryan sounded genuinely confused oh can you take care i am i'm always confused hope i'll be very confused now [Applause] i needed to kill ryan the goats like photo friends good job guys [Music] you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 3,570,198
Rating: 4.9527631 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us impostor gameplay, among us vent, valkyrae, pewdiepie, moistcr1tikal, jacksepticeye, pokimane, xqc, penguinz0, ryan higa, among us impostor
Id: MYIq6Ho30aA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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