Tucker vs. Bill Nye the Science Guy

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You know when you walk down a cul-de-sac by mistake and you see someone and they sort of look at you like… ‘You don’t live in the cul de sac’ - Carlson always has that look on his face.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/tingbot2902 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

Cralson rubs me the wrong way. His sniveling, whiny, annoying tone makes me want to jump through my monitor and kick his ass, which is weird because I'm not a bully, or even a man. I'm a rather petite woman, but I'm still pretty sure I could take him.

👍︎︎ 97 👤︎︎ u/HeavenlyRose 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

This guy wasn't even trying to have a discussion. He was just looking for a fight. When Bill Nye tries to explain things, he goes on the defensive and claims that Bill was attacking him?

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/GanasbinTagap 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Fox News is just a conspiratorial, illogical, fact dodging, right wing propaganda network. Tucker Carlson is just a babbling idiot and Bill did a good job of keeping his composure and simply explaining the science and gave good examples of the findings which the host couldn’t combat.

👍︎︎ 51 👤︎︎ u/Gryffindumble 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

being a skeptic does not mean a blanket refutation of all conclusions to always leave open the possibility of the opposite, that's just being an idiot. Being a skeptic means appropriating a level of acceptance of a claim in proportion to the weight of the evidence for the claim.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/FatherUncleDad 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

I've lost a lot of respect for Tucker lately. A few years ago my opinion of him was that he was a logical person that argued with facts and evidence. And yet I see him more and more on this sub being a complete ass. Either he's changed a lot over the years or I just never noticed it.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Matits2004 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

Tucker Carlson is a really smart guy who is doing propaganda. It is an act.. He’s interrupting on purpose to throw people off of their train of thought and to control the conversation. The key to getting out your point with someone like him is to keep it simple, and to use easily confirmed facts. When you do that, he will quickly try to pivot to some other point, so anyone on his show needs to be prepared to not let him do that and keep the conversation focused on the right talking points.

I think Bill could’ve easily done that by just saying “ all you have to do is extend the trend history of warming out the way it was going prior to the appearance of the hockey stick acceleration point. That would show the planet warming trend without human Influence. But once humans start burning fossil fuel at an industrial level, that’s point where the humans take the wheel and turn it in a bad direction. So we need to take the wheel back and get us back in a positive direction.” Or something like that.…

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Picking-a-username-u 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

People saying Bill Nye isn’t a real scientist here is besides the fact. Carlson’s behavior was still wildly cringe-worthy

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Badr45ta 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

God damn, Tucker was trying his hardest to keep throwing nonsensical questions at Bill to try and trip him up, and interrupting him. And Bill just kept shutting him down. While also seeing that dumbfounded look on Tucker’s face attempting to understand Bill’s explanations to his questions. Good stuff.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Nahdudeurgood 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] we're coming to you live from outside the US Capitol building where President Trump will address a joint session of Congress in fewer than 24 hours you may hear construction noise behind us during the show that's because there is construction going on there always is in Washington the richest city in America we want to thank you for that for sending your tax dollars here it's built a pretty nice place well Bill Nye the Science Guy is now aspiring to a new title Bill Nye the psychoanalyst guy during a Facebook live event with senator Bernie Sanders today the mechanical engineer and TV personality said skeptics of global warming suffer from the psychological delusion of cognitive dissonance the slight bump up from last year when his he was open to the idea of imprisoning skeptics global warming as more criminals is that the choice Bell viewer Nuremburg Bill Nye joins us now bill it's great to see you doesn't sound like science to me Bill Nye the Science Guy that sounds like something very different so cognitive distance is not a delusion it's a feature that's human nature so we in science community are looking for an explanation why climate change deniers or extreme skeptics do not accept the overwhelming scientific evidence for climate change in the most reasonable explanation is you have a worldview and then you have evidence and the evidence disagrees with your worldview so you deny the evidence and then with that you deny the authorities that are providing the evidence now if you have a better hypothesis for why climate deniers deny the overwhelming scientific evidence bring it on it's not a delusion let's just like the Fox and the grapes well it's you can't really brand so he says the graduation look it's you know people do come to every debate with preconceptions friend you're right about that of course but the essence of science is extreme extreme skepticism we always ought to be telling is my hypothesis I'm a member of those skeptic organizations mr. Karlson and this is this is done the climate in denial is denial the evidence is overwhelming don't get me well I love you as a person more than life itself but the evidence for over for climate change is overwhelming so we are running for an explanation of why you guys someone strong right here oh wait so down before the name-calling begins and before you try to end the conversation let's start it by asking what exactly you mean now I think most people are open phidian's the climate is changing it has always changed by the way as you know it is the race mr. Carlson it's still real the core question from what I can tell is why the chain is it part of the endless cycle of climate change or is human activity causing it that seems to be the debate to me and it seems an open question not a census question to what degree human activity is causing that it's not it's not an open questions to settle question human activity is causing climate change rate to a degree that it's that it's a very serious problem in the next what steps up sup we don't you said it's a settled point and I many times I do I was just so pointed okay then then if you'll if you'll listen for me I'd be grateful to what degree is climate change caused by human activities a hundred percent of climate change is caused by human activity is it 74.3% it's settled science please tell us to what degree you know so that's your awesome so the word degree is a word that you chose but the speed that climate change is happening is caused by humans instead of happening on timescales of right millions of years or let's say fifteen thousand years it's happening on the timescale of decades and now years now you know I offered the way we live but hold on hold on but you know I mean to what extent is human activity responsible for speeding that up I mean please try to precise if that's the normal your way humans are causing catastrophic aliy fast okay so at what rate would it have changed that human activity and ignore that I'm asking these questions but they're very basic questions okay style basically the cycles of climate change the last ice age we had was tens of thousands of years ago so our mind that in ancient dinosaur days there was more carbon dioxide the world was warmer than it is now there was an in bloom see and what is now Wyoming and I understand you have a congress member member of Congress from Colorado used to be underwater and you go to dinosaur eggs on my way I see it okay but that's millions of years ago the problem is you said it was ten mm that was the ice age the rate the rate is the problem now here's the thing half the people in the world live on sea coasts as we get the ocean a little bit warmer the oceans going to expand and people learn on this your career change is all ice but you're not answering I talk about this because you're describing what the spirit of this container and I'm asking a simple question : I'm asking you a simple question about the rate of climate change so the ridge said that it would be happening but that rate has accelerated because of human activity and I'm at the were accelerated is an understatement it's happening extraordinarily simple question and because the science is settled I hope you can answer it in simple terms which is without human activity how long would it have taken for us to reach this level of warmth in our climate it's not clear that it would have happened in other words humans have changed the climate so drastically that we had avoided another Ice Age there would have been another Ice Age anga happen because of you and me so the sooner weekends we know that when would it have happened when when the next Ice Age have happened yeah is that good question that's human activity what would what would the process look here's the point that I hope our viewers can understand I'm not in any way denying that the climate is changing I'm utterly open to the possibility that the change is caused by man's activity I'm merely calling into question your claim that all of this is settled that the person that we know precisely what is happening and why and did anyone who ask pointed questions about it is a denier and ought to be imprisoned or shouted up the state that was your word that's you guys it's not my saw my claim and I really would you like me to would you like then read your quote that people who disagree with you ought to potentially go to jail you said that okay and I'm just saying is they're not sure that this is every what I make district size and we can talk about that shortly but is it appropriate to jail the guys from and rob was appropriate to jail the people the cigarette industry who promised it wasn't addictive at cetera your look my only point is shouldn't we be encouraging people to ask honest questions which I am doing and you don't seem to have the answers to those okay I got to disagree with you I claim I do at the end okay okay so let me do this why aren't you concerned about it don't you have four children why don't you consign because that's why I'm having you on you look you don't reach correct conclusions in science or politics or any other field unless you can ask honest answers without being shouted down I'm thinking like you but I know what you mean so I women have you I do mean I have it I want to know what what happened without my machine it's a simple question the climate is always changing you've conceded that you're saying that Humanity is in crisis our feed increases the speed of that change and my point is what would the climate look like right now without human activity never look like it would it hasit 150 the Britain would not not have change during that agreeing yes Britain would not be very well suited to growing grapes as it is today French winemakers would not be buying land to the north as they are now people who plan to run ski resorts would still be able to do it in Europe and so the climate you and the parasite you're using the language of politics look you're not you're not as you know you're a popularizer it is the land that's economics I'm just saying you asked what a bit exempting you presented people did you have any people from having an honest conversation you're doing a grave disservice to science don't you think that so you asked you asked how long it would be before what would the climate would be like if humans weren't involved right now is that right yeah yes that's exactly right you might have changes I'm just saying you don't actually know because it's unstoppable this one takes you bundle up me okay it takes you quite a bit less than six seconds so the climate would be like it was in 1750 and the economics would be that you could not grow wine worthy grapes in Britain as you can today because the climate is changing the use of pesticides in the Midwest would not be increasing because the parasites are showing up sooner and hang are the pests are showing up sooner and hanging around longer I mean it's probably on Wyoming you would not be overwhelmed by pine bark beetles as it is because of climate change that's an opportunity you don't know for who you pretend that you know but you don't know I agree with that I really have to disagree with you I've been a lot of time with this time open-minded you are not and we're out of time unfortunately thank you for joining you guys are the mainstream media and I can tell you why they're leaks because the president has created two factions in his administration they don't like each other so they leak it's not from the outside it's from the inside carry on mr. Karlson I'm sure we will cross paths again that's a very ominous thing to say I don't know what it means but come back any time
Channel: Fox News
Views: 4,785,820
Rating: 3.0618072 out of 5
Keywords: Tucker Carlson, Tucker Carlson Tonight, Climate, Planet Earth, Apple News, Tv, Entertainment, On Air, Opinion, Personality, Primary Entertainment, Science, Special, Fox News, News, Bill Nye, Tucker, Climate Change, Bill Nye the Science Guy, Science Guy, Climate Deniers, global Warming, Environment
Id: qN5L2q6hfWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2017
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