Jon Stewart vs Bill O'Reilly, the fourth time, uncut - 2011.05.16

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i Stuart I'm shocked I am shocked Yahoo you don't understand why people like me and millions of other Americans right Arps upset annoyed and looking for answers that a guy like common would be entertained at the White House a guy like common right what kind of guy is that okay let me just throw you at my best shot all right okay here we go common last year traveled to Cuba all right to meet with Joanne Chesimard who was convicted of killing a New Jersey State Trooper right on from NAFTA after the meeting common said quote this was just last year damn this was somebody who fought for my freedom hmm this is a cop killer this is a woman who gunned down along with two other accomplices a woman who is a member of the Black Liberation Army who they found 16 live rounds in her purse in her car and this guy thinks she's great thinks she's innocent no she's great well well but also this was somebody who fought for my freedom you maybe want to do better in life I can't I can't speak for him because I'm not him yes I don't think not yet I'm gay I know I can rap I rapped on the show and I think it was pretty impressive uh so you'll have to ask him and I'm sure you have has he have you contacted him to have a look I don't really care about comm and I have to be quite frank I care about the President of the United States okay all right and here's the distinction I would there is a distinction okay you are saying that he is celebrating a cop killer or promoting cop killing no I say he's promoting cop killing well people on their network are let's just speak to me all right talking to you celebrating celebrating a cop killer yes okay here's the only distinction I would make there and I can't speak for him what I think he's doing is not celebrating but honoring someone he thinks was wrongly convicted of cop killing I think he believes she was convicted unjustly okay now look at so that's fine and if common wasn't even born when this crime took place right thinks that based on not thing because the evidence is overwhelming all right he's entitled as American to do that the President of the United States them takes him into the house all right thereby thereby validating him come on that was a bad decision you're saying was it were saying is that by having him at the White House that in essence was tacit approval of everything he's ever done no to some extent validates him all right today it elevates him as an as a as a poet or whatever do you know how many poets would have liked to have been there let me let me ask know let me ask you a question why was he selected in your opinion why did he get that honor in your opinion because I think he's not defined as an artist by this Assata Shakur think I think he's defined well I think it probably isn't as big in in his career as you might think it is look when the president finding but let me let me go to a different point if I may it sounds like what you're saying isn't correct me if I'm wrong and I don't want to be wrong when I'm with you because you know I got mad love for you that's a rap phrase I got it all right correct me if I'm wrong what you're saying is if an artist supports someone that has been convicted of killing a cop they should not be allowed to go to the White House is that is that is that a reasonable I am saying I am no it's it's a little bit little more than that okay say I am saying that when a president invites someone in this case the first lady invites up me the resume has to be put in front of them and they have to select people who are almost unimpeachably all right because they're getting that honor to go to the White House this guy is controversial all day long with this stuff not only did he support this cop killer or celebrate the cop killer he celebrated another one in Philadelphia again I make the distinction he's not celebrating a cop killer he's celebrating someone he thinks was unjustly he's not celebrating it's just Perry Mason we're talking about now is this the most brilliant lawyer of all time poof this O'Connor let me ask you a question are you familiar with with Leonard Peltier yes okay Leonard Peltier was convicted of killing two all right now we're going out to Wounded Knee all right why are we going to Wounded Knee let's because I think it's an analogous situation and that that's right word forgives you use it is it an alligator with big I don't mean to it's similar uh-huh all right no it's not you why is there not because you're pettifogging the issue this is like one of my pedophile this is as simple as head of fogging is a kind of a larger word than analogous but go ahead okay you're poor than any gadget work but make a sounder analogy that doesn't really have anything to do it's the exact same thing it's a guy convicted of killing a law enforcement official now it's at wuzzy Jim particularly because the bar isn't in the United States is not involved oh well let me get him involved for okay you do that and then you can come back and talk Amin load at common wrote a song about Assata Shakur someone he feels was unjustly convicted of killing a cop guess who wrote a song about Leonard Peltier someone that they thought was unjustly convicted of killing a cop who he was on your show you said he was doing God's work want to know his name yeah Bono okay guess where he was the White House that's an interesting point booyah all right that's a wrap word okay did Bono did Bono yes basically come out and say that Leonard Pelletier Belcher Peltier okay did he actually come out and say that he was innocent I think that's the crux of the song you know I think it was raising a questions about it and and and the basic now who's pettifogging know I can't even see you I can't hear peda fog no that is exactly the same okay Bob Dylan wrote a song yeah about a convicted killer named hurricane Carter he's been to the White House why are you drawing the line at common is my question and that was the point of the bit that we did Bill and the point of it is this there is a selective outrage machine here at Fox that petty fogs only when it suits the narrative that suits them look and you do it every time this guy is in the crosshairs in a way that he shouldn't be whether you agree with him or not over you may think he's ignorant in believing that Assata Shakur is innocent you may think he's ignorant in believing that Mommy is but then guess what Bono can't go to the why house springsteen can't go to the White House Bob Dylan can't go to the White House you got a lot of people that aren't allowed to sit in the White House because they've written songs about people convicted of murder Oh specifically cop-killing and I'll give you another but wait let me reply okay so you say that because Bono Springsteen no no I love Dylan wrote songs defending people who were accused of heinous things yes that I have to give calm in a pass no because he did the same thing you have to be consistent but if you're outraged let me give you let me be exist I will common visited went to see so what if bono went to see Leonard helps you but if so last year so now that's your line said quote putting yourself in a smaller and smaller box I'm not so this guy is worthy of it because he actually visited well guess what yeah when you first started this story on Fox nobody even knew about that Assata Shakur you spent a 24 hour and I didn't even mention it's the first time I mentioned it was this okay this would my whole thing alright but I'm talking about your entire like you can't do that because unlined why not because unlike Comedy Central we have a lot of different opinions on this network not just lockstep liberalism like on your all your hosts seem to go in there no not at all I have a completely different take than many of the others is very different than Hannity honey did said Hannity is the O'Reilly O'Reilly Shepard Smith said to me I like common we have a lot of diverse I don't I don't know the guy here's what I'm saying you weren't saying you will ever set up for you have said you had a guy on your network say this proves Barack Obama is anti police that's what he said then you can destroy that argument I did here so why did you call me I called you because you are not seeing the big picture about Barack Obama inviting a guy who says this about a convicted cop killer resident we invited bono who said that I'm not allowed Kilis he wrote a song called negatives doesn't matter this guy said quote the same thing no it isn't was because this guy said after visiting this woman in Cuba damn this was somebody you fought for my that we had we know this research before we went ahead I didn't realize it and by the way I don't agree with you that that's what puts it over the top I complete this makes it beyond a reasonable doubt oh please oh come on you know this guy is sympathizing with two cop killers I don't you know that I don't know him he believes they were unjustly convicted that's what I imagine this is he don't you just whip this visit to Cuba you put it in your little draw it never happened no it happened okay that's enough for a sitting president to say you don't want this guy might be radioactive I'm not doing it if if someone visited Rubin hurricane Carter in jail if someone visited Leonard Peltier because they believed he was wrongly convicted of that crime let me ask you a question g gordon liddy has been on your show many times no he has always been on this network many time okay in the Randy Weaver case after the ATF stormed that facility right when he was talking about the ATF do you know what he said on his radio show he said if they broke down if they break down your doors don't shoot them here because they're wearing protective gear shoot for the head was that before or after Liddy made the gold commercial okay you see your craziness that you bring this stuff in it has nothing to do it's the exact same thing what you're saying is I think people need to be vetted let me do without I'd have you only but here's why you vet this guy because he fits the Fox narrative of Barack Obama as a Marxist Black Liberation Theology socialist that's not like the regular folk you and I just northern you I think this was a good decision to invite comment no you hind is a good decision I don't think anything I think that it was okay with you to invite comment to the White House okay I don't know enough about discount dodging but now that make you president the United States hug wait I just shudder which is right three let me ask you no no no don't it's my turn now and I don't get to leave that a person's opinion on one case or another I'll ask you another one Canada can I eleven show is this this is the fox news show i'll ask then you can ask okay I'm making you present the United States which is you every time I come here you make me president it's insane I know but I all right so you're sitting there and you know on your resume okay you already have Reverend right you got Bill Ayers okay and then a guy named common comes in and you mean that Fox unions has all these like these people as they've basically connected the dots as though these are the most influential people you have a history of associating with dubious people you know that I know what everybody knows it and then you say you know what it's a good idea to bring in a guy who sympathizes with a cop-killer let's bring him into poetry Def Jam white hat go back do you think that's a good decision here's what I think I think common believes that this one you're the president Li you make that call can I be honest with it yeah please if I'm the president yeah and I'm booking my own poetry slams throw me out of off okay because I would believe as president pleasure I would have things to do okay rather than go over the list how about you know 'try slam let your guys already have right you already have air here's what I've already a Bernie that door let's bring in comment here's what I would think let a court it's a poetry slam who gives a crock a lot of people do you know how many police officers you heard the police officer on this program uses national police we know about let's do something nice for police for National Police with you and I together let's agree on something rather than worrying about what this guy thinks about a woman that he believes may not have now I trust the system probably more than most people and should but I trust it usually but he doesn't and the african-american community has a very different relationship with the police especially in the 70s than you and I do so putting that aside let's agree on something we can do for national police we can that's this let's have us agree to promote a reinstatement of the ban on assault weapons because that doesn't celebrate killing cops metaphorically or figuratively it tries to weapons that kill cops literally off the streets as you that's important initially not any research no you do support it kind of saying correct let's and why don't you get the entire apparatus here the other wrap the the the infection machine that is the overly and diverse opinions that we have here you like you your network you you have not a diversity of opinion house you bring in people like calm so you can beat him around the head fellows I see but you don't have diversify his calms is it he has no defense mechanism here he's kind of just like uh uh could cause a smart guy he's a very smart guy he actually likes you which I like him as well he's a very easy breath kinda can I say this I like you as well it saddens me to see you wasting your time can I say on these types of things can I see this yeah I think you're a smart guy I think you have a blind spot what is I inspire what is the way common sense this was a bad decision by the White House maybe it nobody wasn't worthy it was a bad decision on the headlines on Fox's Karl Rove called them a thug and a misogynist because I've heard of a lot okay I'll call him among yeah everybody's entitled to their aperi strongly about this that guy does know the police do do they feel more strongly about that or assault weapons I think they feel it probably in the same category well I don't I don't know that that's the Coquette now let's get on to politics all right no I want to talk to you a little proton bolts all right now and by the way songs are not literal you know that right I'll stop I go into cue when the weather girls seeing it's raining men it's not really precipitation I got mail all right it's a metaphor stop attacking the weather girls are when my favorite groups are they really yeah I love them you would not believe where the girls well you know the weather girls support Jeffrey Dahmer I'm just going to say they went and visited him no and they said that's - that's they said informations on the way they said this this man thought he was eating a home okay this is horrible what you doing to the weather girls right now and if I were that much so you were happy holidays okay there's kind of fun though is it not yes the way my frustration is not we again it's watching the entire Isis I know you lo the network but you kind of load a little less I got no no I don't even let's talk politics actually enjoy your company um I feel like we should get together outside of this weirdly egg-shaped table okay let's let's not push it presidential politics Republican side any Republican possible possible candidate that you like that you respect uh we have music that we can put under Stuart dad that that I like yeah then you respect it I like your few I mean like them personally I would be good present there would be a good president yet doot-doot doot-doot anybody anybody out of the fifty thousand and may run a run look at you know again the standards for president think I don't expect the president to be a super hero I would imagine that Tim Pawlenty seems like a reasonably logical impolitely are you willing to endorse now endorse yeah uh well I'm look right now I'm looking at whose campaign to help run I think he seems like a reasonable guy has he been on your program Romney looks like if you were to open a box labeled president and pulled something out it would look like Mitt Romney so I guess I would enjoys out here like you guys get the same song top goes up a lot little salt and pepper and we're both Mormons so there we go so our way time but is that an endorsement of Romney do you like his policies you think he's a good leader I thought that he didn't do terribly for Massachusetts as I don't think I think Pawlenty actually was a little worse for Minnesota than maybe Romney I think was for Massachusetts and I look at their executive experience and I tend to think that executives tend to make a good presidents because they've had that experience right so Pawlenty and Romney because they did okay in their respective states you would consider them sure as viable candidate I would absolutely consider them as as viable candidates Sarah Palin she was a governor and high rep I'm sorry no as my I think my earpiece went out at Sarah Palin governor of Alaska by law office with high approval rating I'm sure she did yeah yeah then they got to know her no see she left with high approval rating she was in there fair enough like her I am NOT a particular fan of her style of rhetoric which is a very visceral and emotional and a very I would call it snarky in a manner that is not befitting of a candidate of that nature I think she's too thin-skinned she was like Colbert you're describing Colbert I would actually endorse for president I think he would I think he would be her to where I start I can just came into my she is reminiscent to me much more of a television personality than a politician because I think that her inability to get past slights it makes it very difficult to like I would just imagine her at night just with the hands going did you see that thing that Marcel let's do yeah and I think she sensitive isn't about it right Newt Gingrich hello lo hi yeah listen uh he has definitely his head is large enough that you imagine our great ideas in there but it's so big it's almost like they're free range ideas and I don't know if he could actually heard them and gather them and take them in I think that that Newt does not have the you know president's tend to be very charismatic individuals and I'm not suggesting that he is uncharismatic but he doesn't when you meet George Bush when you meet Barack Obama when you meet Bill Clinton you feel them you there's a certain in a literal sense in a literal system of them Sarah Palin has that by the way she has that she has sort of star quality is clear is absolutely I feel like he doesn't he would be an excellent guy who stands behind the president going he yeah but you don't hate him like the New York Times say loathe him oh I don't you know again I feel like this country is stronger than any individual you can throw at it so I don't hate any of these people and I don't think personally that the damage they can do is so drastic and so great that we would ever be run off course by one individual okay James Buchanan comes to mind but I know you are old I am and I'm ancient all right how about Donald Trump I pray for or against that he runs you'd like him the man puts his name on everything he has the only other people in the world that do that are six-year-olds like that for a comedian he has his name on a helicopter who puts your name on a helicopter and does he does he lose it in the parking lot like what why would you have your name on a helicopter he has he has silly hair and crazy thoughts that to me I mean he spends before he runs for president he spends his day arbitrating arguments between meatloaf and gary busey for me that could be good and diplomacy though I could put another wing on my house if that guy runs I'd be I'd be on you're not taking away arias Lee now you don't take any of these guys seriously that's mildly because I think you know unfortunately the system that we've got makes it harder and harder for people to govern effectively because so much of their time is spent running I guess actually agree with them don't you yeah look at you now I am coming very comfortable to me you don't want me to leave you want this date to go on forever okay let's see there anybody else in play there on the Republican side oh yeah Michelle Bachman Michel my bill yes I think that if sarah palin doesn't run yes michele bachmann could definitely put on that blazer and try and and sneak in there in the costume uh III think that she is uh I can tell you like I just buy there your face I you don't want to admit it though because you're left-wing audience would then despise you you like her right look look look at Stewart he likes Michelle I like the fact that when she did her State of the Union address which was I guess the third of the night that she never looked directly into the camera that was recording her so I kind of got a kick out of that you had the sense that she thought she was being interviewed by America as she gave her thing she was just doing one of these now this is just a treasure trove all this whole presidential run for you and your eighteen thousand writers I mean this is just unbelievable it's unbelievable Holy Grail it's no rapper invited to the White House in terms of a boon no we don't it's not big it's not that kind of juice why won't you have comment have you have you asked him of course we've asked and he doesn't he doesn't want to do it we can't find him you know we don't Darius oh you know those radicals probably lives in a jungle with che guevara oh you said it not me I'm okay now on the other side barack obama you've criticized the the president you said he's let you down a couple of times when he didn't do a far left thing that you would how far left mi uh it depends on the night it depends on the ratings it depends are you talking to don't know much about me and i don't want to know no that's not nice it's not stores nice to come in here but is there ever would there ever be a scenario where you can see not voting for barack obama and voting for republican so and what would that be what would barack obama have to be beside kicking you in the head uh what would he have to be is is what what if I didn't do if I didn't have a clear sense of the direction that he wanted to move the country and somebody else had a more logical sense of word it's an open mind a guy on this well I don't think I would ever be able to convince you of that but yeah okay I consider I consider myself millions of people are watching and I'm asking the questions that they want to know about you um right now yes grade President Obama going into the campaign I don't I can't I don't I don't do that I don't know the Jon Stewart scale of how much you voted for him has he live I don't your expectations no yes but I don't know if that's but I don't know if my expectations were fair to that individual I believed I believe that we were at a more transformative time and so but I I've come to respect a certain steadiness of his craft that I don't necessarily agree with I think he had an opportunity more in the Reagan mold to be a little bit more of a bully pulpit president then what appears to be which is more of a Tip O'Neill president like a legislative worker more of a someone who understands a bureaucratic method as opposed to something that's more you know Teddy Roosevelt Ronald Reagan type I didn't understand a word of that but it sounded really good is that true I'll ask you like this doing a bunch of a yeah I have no idea I thought it was more of a Woodrow will here is the most important question of the energy Terrace are you ready for this okay ready for this question I have no idea yeah I talked about all right how long are you going to squeeze the common thing by the way and how long I mean do you feel like it ain't no way gonna do what's the network in any way unfair to him do you think this network yeah we wasn't a diversity of opinion we have a lot of diverse was it fair to put up his name and say white house defends cop-killer rapper without fair I don't know what they do I can't do that but I had two women come on after I lambaste at him saying that he was okay so I'm trying to be fair and I have you on and I don't be fair to and here's the thing don't know him I'm just saying be consistent with your outrage okay if Sean Hannity wants to get upset about violent lyrics then he shouldn't defend Ted Nugent standing on stage holding an assault rifle saying Obama should such business that's between you and him okay on that you don't condemn a whole network for one guy that way I'd condemn Comedy Central if it was a Colbert and it wouldn't be if it was just one guy I wouldn't okay um this is the most important question are you ready for this yeah is Ashton cut you're going to be able to replace Charlie Sheen effectively in two and a half and that I really you know that I don't even know what that means you know Ashton Kutcher you know he's married to Demi Moore yeah no I know who that is he runs around with a little little phone or something he sells he's going to get your machines got a little phone that it's uh yeah you know these commercials he's gonna get Charlie Sheen's job did you know that which the two and a half men yeah the little thing you didn't know that no i don't yeah i mean you gotta you gotta get you don't understand yet why all the service about saving two-and-a-half men like in terms of it like why can't they just let that thing down you can't let why why when charlie sheen leaves like what is the cultural impact of just going like hey don't have men had a good run sheen left so yeah let's close the show on here oh is that yeah i can't the cultural collapse all right but here's what i say i don't want to i should cut you alright you know fair not to play that part you know i feel like i have to take the antagonistic role here and say what you're crazy he's perfect okay you have no idea all right went on but you know why i wanted to play that role Charlie Sheen's role you know Emilio Estevez close common big how big would that be how Hugh how did you wrap that around by the way you know who vetted common and found him to be okay who Elmo Elmo did he appeared with Elmo okay now you slanted to weather girls now you Selena and Elmo a lady appeared with Elmo yeah I'm telling you the guy is not you picked the wrong guy he was in a black little Queen Latifah rom-com all right it's not the guy you think I appreciate you coming in here I'm a very nice man you're a stand-up guy no you're a stand-up guy oh and I pretend you know this I will always defend my positions I'm not I don't put this out there lightly no one of the thing I like about you is you do take cheap shots all the time but you defend those cheap shots let me tell you some very well that's not the only thing you like I mean your respect for me grows and leaps and bounds in a way you're like the Grinch right after he realized they don't need presents for Christmas when you see me your heart grows two-dimensions you didn't even know about I'm like a shot of Levittown right in your ass like a b12 boom you love it you love me because you know we come from this we're the same people mmm I think I'm going to commit suicide jon's do it everyone
Channel: Michael Glass
Views: 1,667,580
Rating: 4.8540082 out of 5
Keywords: jon stewart, fox news, o'reilly, bill o'reilly, o'reilly factor, interview, unedited, daily show
Id: rbQRz2xF8cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2016
Reddit Comments

I love Jon, but I can't stand to watch that other sanctimonious asshole.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/e40 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

John is a genius

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Wait_for_You 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

I still wonder how deeply Bill loves The Weather Girls...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Grunge_bob 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2018 🗫︎ replies
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