Tucker versus socialist college student

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well president like Trump is getting ready for tonight's rally in Wisconsin you'll see it here live when he begins to speak in the meantime socialism is alive and well in the United States and getting more popular according to polls one group of socialist students are organizing a walkout on Election Day the organizers then call themselves socialist alternative say this will send a message to President Trump joining us now Iran a Quebec he's a junior at Northeastern University and is on the socialist students organizing committee Ilan thanks all for coming on thank you so much for having me Tucker so the question if you're a socialist and by the way I take your views seriously don't agree with them but I don't think you're you know a lot of people agree with you if you are a soda list and you care about working people but you also hate Trump how do you square the fact that the majority of private sector union members the very people you exist to help and stand up for voted for Trump yeah that's a great question I mean the reality is is a lot of people had to vote for Trump for him to get elected and I don't question that and you know he's now the president of the United States of America and we have to deal with that but from our perspective and socialist students we're calling for a national day of student walkouts on January 20th on inauguration day in order to send the strongest possible message starting on day one that we reject his agenda of you know attacks on women and not letting women you know have the right to choose what to do with their body his agenda of deporting millions of horde you know working-class immigrants you know working people like you're talking about his agenda of forcing Muslims millions of peaceful you know genuine Muslims to register in this in this registry so that the government can monitor him and we reject his corporate agenda which will actually hurt a lot of working-class people and really the whole ninety-nine percent a as a whole so what we're doing this calling for students to walk out of classes and protests in their cities on January twentieth to send that message that and build you know step one in the process I'm building an amusement is just about the message so if you're a socialist you're primarily interested in changing our economic policy and I read your website and you say that you're young people who see the crisis of student debt our declining living standards are entirely based on capitalism the system that exploits the money for the benefit of a few I get it but again back to my first question a lot of people voted for Trump but they were largely overwhelmingly working-class people the very people you say you're here to represent and help have you thought at all about why that is absolutely yeah I mean in my opinion the dominant feature of this whole election not just the general election but going back I mean this election has been longer than I think a lot of us would have preferred it to be you know about a year and a half I think the dominant feature of this was a mood you know in anti-establishment mood people are upset with the way things are going including myself and certainly a lot of you know working people young people and students and so I think people who are looking for a change and a lot of people voted for Trump because they thought you know he was saying he was going to drain the swamp change the system he's talking about Washington insiders right he's talking about you know the political establishment and and these are a lot of things that I agree with I do think there's Washington insiders but from my point of view what we need is is anti-corporate candidates anti-racist candidates anti-sexist candidates and not a message of division but a message of unity based on the 99 percent opposing our common enemy which you know we in social students see as as the 1% but wait a second who did the 1% support in this election we did every CEO the entire tech community all of finance all of them were against Trump and by the way who's in favor of the mass immigration that you claim to support its businesses because they want cheaper labor they don't want immigrants to come in well make America more diverse they want them to come in and work for cheap wages do you see the connection at all and why you're a betting master certainly a lot of certainly a lot of you know corporate CEOs and what not endorsed Hillary and this is because Hillary you know was a Wall Street friendly candidate but but that's it that's actually not true what you're saying I mean if you look at Trump's appointments on the past two days he just appointed the CEO of ExxonMobil one of the most major gas companies in the country and actually the world - yep that he just appointed him as Secretary of State he you know the CEO of goldman sachs is now at the end of it no because what you're saying is totally true no but here's what he's not really he has appointed a bunch of corporate people for sure but on the question of the image areas are they supporting low-skilled low-wage immigration business is for that you're for it - why do you think they're for it because they want to see a more complicated tapestry no because their labor costs decline when they import low-skilled people who will work for less whom they can exploit right and that's why one of the key things that socialist students calls for is is a $15 an hour minimum wage for all workers because anybody who works anybody who contributes to society deserves to have a living wage so I don't accept this argument that if workers come from another country that should allow corporations to drive down wages the reality is is that every single person who works whether your I didn't okay or a working person with the family that you should have a living wage there's okay that's fine and no one disagrees with that but there is massive unemployment in the middle of the country massive and a higher rate four million during the Great Depression if you bring in more workers will there be more or less employment there will be less employment more people competing for fewer jobs this is basic economics how can you as a socialist before that what we need is what we need is jobs programs and the reality is is that you know appointing a CEO what the reality is is that appointing you know a CEO of goldman sachs as our you know our not an adviser somebody will reject the concept of the minimum wage look I'm taking you seriously you're just repeating dumb liberal talking points be a socialist be a radical open your ma I'm serious you're not a socialist you're a lifestyle limp I upset about the same boring rich people topics look at the economics of it and you know what I mean you are looking at the economics I feel like you're trying to get us distracted the key message know that young people you know friend the majority of high schoolers couldn't even vote for Donald Trump because they weren't old enough but Donald Trump's policies of deporting immigrants came making Muslims register attacking women's rights these things are going to affect high school boys you know what the one thing about this is are kind of interesting Elon open your mind we're out of time unfortunately being told we got a stuff but I appreciate your coming on thank you
Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,588,117
Rating: 4.7527456 out of 5
Keywords: Tucker Carlson Tonight, Tucker Carlson, Campus Craziness, Education, College, Controversies, On Air, Opinion, Personality, Primary Opinion, US, Fox News, News
Id: Rnny2C1RFHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2016
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