Chris Distefano Shares Real Life Stories About Ted Bundy and Son of Sam

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The Joe Rogan Experience that's sick that's my favorite follow that's stoic Instagram oh stoic is great yeah Ryan holiday is great too oh yeah Ryan holiday yeah he looks like the guy that killed four college students in Idaho that's who I thought it was I was like oh the stomach is a mass murderer he's out he's out he's writing books about just being cool about everything but did you hear that by the way I know they're thinking about bringing back the firing squad if he gets convicted oh my god well they think he might have killed people in Washington state too is that where it was it was somewhere else there was a another place where he lived where similar similar crime took place and they think he was studying um uh crime in in college in order to get better at it right it's really Eve it's an evil scary story if if all this they're accusing him his act of uh is accurate it's horrific right that guy was out there right dude you want to hear a wild story so my mom had a friend let's see if we could find out if that's true though yeah which part the part where um they think that he might have committed a similar crime excuse me somewhere else here we go see this is what's happening now on an intermittent fasting stomach I'm going to start getting crazy it's gonna uh it might get bad and you want to take another sniff why the hell not all right here we go ready oh that was deep oh Joey we went in I went get in there Chrissy Jamie no no Jamie said no I didn't I didn't even get his full name out before Noah was coming out of it Jamie that one burned that one fogged up my glasses that one burned baby I get it dude I want to lift right now seriously deadlifts I I seriously like yeah like I want to [ __ ] I want to yeah put the lid on it I wanna I wanna like start doing Jiu Jitsu with you I don't even know how to do it there's nothing like the a freshie when you open them up fresh that is refreshing yeah when you when you let them sit for a while they lose a lot of their potency like we had one that was here for a few months and it had lost a lot of kick but damn when you open them fresh see anything about other crimes I'm trying I'm looking still um I believe it was where he was originally going to school he had said he was Washington State yeah but just did you Google may have possibly committed similar crime in Washington state Washington okay just Google may have possibly committed wanted for possibly committing similar crime a lot of serial killers come from this part of the country he could be major link to other murders this is it and this is in Newsweek okay no it says um new evidence recovered may be a major link to the Idaho murders he's been accused of fatally stabbing the University of Idaho students the search warrant which is reported by the New York Times discussed several items which is taken from his residence where is the thing about the other cases oh here it is attending another place and December 30th he was arrested as parents residents in Pennsylvania um extradited to Idaho is currently charged coburger was attending Washington State University at the time of the murders yeah he looks like the guy from the stomach but there was he does looks a lot like them but Ryan holidays quite a bit more handsome Ryan Hall is older like media brother Ryan holiday Hottie with a body but uh it says Pennsylvania is sifting through cold cases for links to him oh it was Pennsylvania interesting yeah that's who yeah they pulled him over and it was in his parents house and because remember the media was saying we don't know we don't have any leads but the FBI was following him across the country yeah they can't just leak yeah you can't do formation they're in the middle of an investigation of a [ __ ] psycho but it is wild like with these these you know he's famous now for these murders but as you said could be stuffed before my mom had a friend right grew up in um Utah seven maybe she's 18 19 years old on whatever year of 70s 80s whatever goes on a date with a guy right normal day just met him I think at the supermarket goes on a date with this guy and she's um at the table with him and she feels very like a ominous feeling looking at this man she's like I'm looking at him and I can see like there's nothing behind his eyes like there's just something that I don't like about this guy so to the point where she has never done this you know I never she was only 18 but since this has never done this she went to a pay phone at the restaurant called her brother and was like can you please come pick me up like immediately and stayed in the bathroom and told her brother was outside and went in the car and left and she was like I'm just creeped out by this guy I can't explain it I'm creeped out all this energy I'm creeped out creeped out now he had this man had picked her up from her house so the brother had a paper route he's leaving the next morning at 5am see some ruffling in the bushes okay crazy right like whatever sees a guy running out of the bushes ex says holy [ __ ] whatever runs back in the house tells his mom and dad sister wakes up says he was wearing like a beige jacket she's like that's the guy was on a date with like that he was like waiting he must have been like waiting for me right whatever goes on life goes on what is psycho lunatic boyfriend three years later Ted Bundy on the news face she was on a date with Ted Bundy before he had committed any murders or he had committed murders but had not been famous for it yet had not been convicted of it yet she said when he saw him he she literally almost fell out of her chair because she was like that look she said that Ted Bundy about you know how you know everyone says he's so handsome whatever she said he would get a look over him when he was preying on a victim which she was felt she was being preyed on that she doesn't even look he's like he does not look like that his face configures and contorts to something that looks so Sinister and that she literally was like get me away from him now so I was like whoa [ __ ] Teddy B imagine you on a date with Ted with a young Teddy being that'd be [ __ ] nuts dude so he had already committed murders and so he was already and so he was looking to murder her and he was giving that energy out she said you know based off when all his crimes were exposed from what the FBI said when she went on a date with him let's say it was 1978 he had already been convicted uh connected to murders in other parts of that because his first murders were in like the Utah region and that's where they were wild right holy [ __ ] dude [ __ ] it's pretty it's pretty nuts and then I think I might have said this on the last one but TT Jerry when she was in prison served prison time with the Son of Sam she shared a wall with the Son of Sam two murderers she shared one with the Son of Sam and um uh Ronald defeo from The Amityville Horror house the man who killed all those people in the you know the movie The Amityville who was really based off Ronald defale she was in prison with both of them at the same time and the prisoners from Escape from dannemora who like that um Showtime show that they made so she was in like real deal prisoners but she said the Son of Sam now this was months before the Netflix documentary came out TT Jerry said she's like you know the Son of Sam David did not did not kill all those people he was involved in a cult there were other murderers but they the city pinned it all on him and then a few months later this Netflix documentary comes out came out a couple years ago basically saying that most likely Son of Sam did not kill all those people he killed maybe one or two but there was other murderers that just got away with it do you know the Henry Lee Lucas story Henry Lee Lucas well utterly Lucas they made a film about him called Henry portrait of a serial killer okay and it's a guy who got arrested for 62 murders and he was basically a Drifter and he was traveling across the country murdering people okay but they think that what really happened was they came up to him and they said you know hey Henry you know there was a few people that were killed behind the bushes in Indianapolis in 76 we'd sure love to solve that crime was that used yep that's me I killed them too well how did you do it with a knife because we found a knife yep knife killed him with a knife yeah and this guy was basically a Dullard and may may have killed people like made you know a lot of drifters have killed people but it seems like Google that make sure I'm correct on this I think now they think that they attributed a bunch of crimes to him that he couldn't possibly have committed it's a wild thing the depraved serial killer who confessed to hundreds of murders see this is it so it was more than 62 which is what he was I think he was originally charged with 600 people okay Drawn Together by shared childhood trauma Henry Lee Lucas and Otis tool became lovers then serial killers who terrorized America in the 1970s so it's but but he confessed to hundreds of murders but they think that some of them he couldn't possibly have done but did he stay in prison for the rest of his life because of it uh yeah he I think they might have killed him in prison I don't know what happened I don't know if he I don't know if he's still alive but see see if he got um if that's a story that they got him to confess to a bunch of murders that he couldn't have actually done that's a common thing though right people confess to stuff all the time you know I I there's a show on Apple TV was called Blackbird it just came out last year it's about a real story about a guy who what his tactic would be is is he murdered a lot of people but he would he would say to the police oh I murdered that girl in that county I'm confessing to it but then they would go through the research and be like no you couldn't have possibly but he would cop to it and then the cops would be like he did that like five times they'd like every County he was investigating like that's what he does he confesses to murders he's a bullshitter but he really was killing people he was using he was confessing to false ones so he could get away with the real ones holy wild right oh yeah [ __ ] so it's like some of these guys are so smart I think is William Hauser uh something this is one of the best actors in my generation no Joe I don't know if you know this guy this guy's acting is like um Daniel Day Lewis level he is a phenomenal actor when you watch a show Blackbird you cannot believe it where I'm like and this is on Apple Plus Apple TV it this is one of the best shows I've seen came out last summer this oh [ __ ] this kid is literally like phenomenal and then and then I'm watching 101 Dalmatians a day later with my kids and he's in that I'm like look at his [ __ ] lunatic he plays uh Richard Jewel yes uh Georgia Jewel movie about the Olympic Park bombing yep wow unbelievable actor he was also in that in that sketch show I think you should leave on Netflix which is one of the funniest sketchos I've ever seen in my life he's got great sketches in that that guy but that show Blackbird was uh it's unbelievable so basically what happens is this guy who uh who's from um he's from a bunch of movies this kid is ripped by the way this kid has to be intermittent fasting yeah he's in the watch not the Watchman though um with uh with um yeah Samuel Jackson's in it it's um it's a famous movie and he's excellent but basically the premise of it's based on a true story this guy the guy the hottie with the body he gets convicted 10 years in prison for gun charges I think he's got out of Massachusetts so and he was a good con man right this is all real good con man could you know gift to gab whatever so the FBI wants to pin the the guy with the mutton chops how's Earth they want to pin Larry Hall is his name in real life they want to pin murders on him they know that they've kind of caught up to his game now they know that he lies about murders here to commit murder [ __ ] they know it but they got to convict they got to get him to confess to one of these murders because they found the girl's body because he was killing kids like 14 year old girls like brutal [ __ ] raping them horrific so they say to this kid to the to the jacked guy they say look you got The Gift of Gab you got 10 years in federal prison okay you're three months into your sentence we're gonna transfer you to this Maximum Security Prison where Larry Hall is if you can get him to confess to the murder of this girl that we have evidence on and you can get that your sentence is commuted immediately and you're out of prison that's all you got to do but he was in a minimum security prison so he would be able to either Coast through 10 years or take a chance and go to the prison with murderers rapists and potentially be murdered in the shower stall but if he can convince get this guy gifted gab and get him to confess then he'll get out holy [ __ ] and that's what the show's about and it was dude amazing show like edge of my seat it was one of the best shows I've seen in a long time that's all I want to watch it I want to watch it again on smelling salts thank you for bringing that up I'm [ __ ] pumped about that I've been looking for a new show yeah oh and by the way before let me just finish a thought about Jerry what I want to say is the Son of Sam thing he said you know he was a serial killer yes and don't get me wrong murderer you know deserves to be in prison he said the biggest [ __ ] lunatic like he was like the only person who I met I was like this guy needs to be like either put to death or kept like in a cage like under the jail he said was Ronald defeo who the Amityville Horror house guy because he said he would cook for him all the time around the phone he would like let Ronald defeo like jerk off to me they would put like a prison mirror and he would like because he was trans chairs he would shake his ass a little bit and let Ronald like get his rocks off whatever he didn't care he said but every morning he would make Ronald defeo Junior like a little breakfast on his little you know they had like little um hot hot stoves in there they would let prisoners like Jerry after you did enough time give you some stuff you'd make a little bacon and stuff for him and he said every morning like clockwork seven days a week every morning bring Ronald his food and say how was your how was your night Ronald how are you feeling he was like good I feel good I just I didn't kill my grandma it's the only thing I just I I killed everyone in that house but I did not get my grandma so but everything other than that it's good and cherry black okay and then keep so he's like still he's in prison for the and that is true the only one he didn't kill in that house the grandma either got out or wasn't there but he was he was like there's no Rehabilitation for that man he genuinely believes if he does not kill his he would say to him if I don't kill my grandma I'm not getting into heaven so he had it warped he killed his entire family and he's like that's how I get to heaven but I gotta get the grandma and then he died in prison recently but I was like whoa whoa whoa [ __ ] I know it's it's wild
Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 3,660,922
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Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Joe, Rogan, podcast, MMA, comedy, stand, up, funny, Freak, Party
Id: MGfhVxVEgik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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