What Did Donald Rumsfeld Know About the 9/11 Attacks?

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the Joe Rogan experience thank you see I watched on the plane the other day the Dick Cheney movie with Hertz great oh you must watch this since I called Cheney's vice with Christian Bale right he gained like seventy [ __ ] pounds were unreal in this movie he's great at everything he does he's in a whole nother gear he turns into this guy man and it's so crazy it was just a guy working for Halliburton you know he's running all this military stuff and has all this experience with you know politics but he's really just a business owner and so working a good he looks like incredible he says I'm real how many fat guys saw that movie and go if I just lost weight yeah to be bad inside of me I could be Batman I got Batman inside of me I mean I got these pudgy wrists and fucked-up hands but apprentice Wow he gotta see it is crazy and is that him with or their next each other oh just a picture picture next to each other about he got fat huh he went for it he really went for it man it's so good you really exposes that part of things how close you know you can he's he wants you know he's running a massive business that makes military stuff so us having to do stuff benefits him how to tremendously it's one of the most transparent scams that's legal in the history of the world just pause and think about how crazy everybody's going on about this Trump call to Ukraine and whether or not there was enough to impeach him and all this madness people going crazy about this right this is like the this is the topic and I've heard many Democrats go there's nothing here folks you got to back up this is not enough to take a guy out of office the Republicans are never gonna vote for this like you guys are you know you're making a big mistake here now think imagine a guy who's the vice president of the United States who is also a guy who used to be the CEO of Halliburton then this guy decides to go to war under false pretenses they make up some [ __ ] about weapons of mass destruction they blow this [ __ ] place to smithereens and then Halliburton gets no-bid contracts I mean this wasn't someone saying I can do it for three billion I can do it for 2.7 it wasn't any of that there was a no-bid contract for billions of dollars to repair the places they blow up and he was making money off of it it's crazy I think for the first year or something like that I want to know when Dick Cheney was actually making money off a Halliburton I think he had abandoned his position or give up his stocks or something but it was a while it was it was it was one of those things where you like me you just left you just left and then the company you just left is now getting no bid contracts in the billions am i stupid right how are you allowed to do this on television in front of everybody in the movie oh and you know in movie also shows how much of the president's ear he really had because the president the George W needed him to win it you needed him to run with him to get the you know the real like Republican votes at the time for sure yeah for sure no one else was you know I could do what he could do he needed him he was deeply deeply deeply connected but it was also bushed in wha doing that Shiller you go ahead and handle it so yeah yeah that was the deal with the occasion at least in the movie that's the deal that they made basically he's like plays Bush someone unbelievable it's what's his name Sam Rockwell I think it is yeah yeah he's unreal I mean this movie was so easy to watch I never is one of those movies where like halfway through it you're like I hope this never ends long who plays Bush Sam Rockwell yeah did you ever see the moon move movie just moon there it is you see the two billboards that well looks like Bush that's amazing he's got the eyebrows down Steve Carell destroys as Donald Rumsfeld oh of course he does Carell is obese dude he's unreal in this they make Rumsfeld look like basically what he was just a big doofus like you know would get out and do his own thing and they'd have to control Rumsfeld you want to hear another conspiracy theory yeah you probably don't know it's gonna blow your minds do it the day before 9/11 the day before the attacks Rumsfeld gave a press conference where we talked about trillions of dollars missing the day then a plane slams into the very part of the building where they were doing the accounting blows up half the [ __ ] building of the Pentagon blows up a wall Donald Rumsfeld was on what was it the White House lawn listen to this this is a like this like ten minutes but it's at the Pentagon this is on c-span yeah and look it up right now just we've got to get to the quote where he says mentions 2.3 trillion dollars in missing receipts talks about his adversary but see if you could just find that whoa see the just there's I know there's YouTube videos you're what are you looking at these clips on here on c-span okay if you just google it on don't even do that just go through YouTube I know you have to see it because you hear him say it you're like wait what the [ __ ] did he just say yeah yeah I think that's it let's see already spends according to some estimates we cannot track 2.3 trillion dollars in transactions two point three okay now again somebody told you that literally like right before 9/11 happened they said they they couldn't track two point three trillion dollars you go no that didn't happen that did not happen but it did happen what the [ __ ] yeah so think about what Kennedy said yeah think about what you saw when you saw that Vice movie where Dick Cheney was CEO of Halliburton becomes a vice president and gets billions of dollars in no-bid contracts now think about we just saw with Donald Rumsfeld saying they couldn't find 2.3 trillion dollars I what I don't know I don't know it seems like we should have had it so okay we'll keep looking oh no the spot where we look just blew up oh my god what find out that's true if the it was the accounting office because this is what I loved I love to say it because it sounds good but let's make sure it's true that that part blew up but either way that he did say that and then they did get hit by a plane a couple of days later it's unbelievable you know we talked about that trillion dollars trillion 2.3 trillion to trillions bigger than most countries right that you build a whole nother country so that's 2.3 million million ooh isn't it no thousand trillion is a billion right no a thousand billion how about no yeah that well yeah a thousand million is a billion is a thousand billion a trillion yeah a thousand billion is a trillion and it's 900 every billion trillion is that really what it is it's 999 billion times - it was a billion trillion a couple more billions no it's we're so stupid it's a hundred thousand and then a million and then 10 of those is a billion right yeah or a hundred of those a hundred millions of billion it's a hundred so it's a hot each one is a hundred oh [ __ ] yeah trillions a whole nother three zeroes another three zeroes yeah that's so much how would you say that would you say that's uh look how big it looks written out so it's a million so that's a billion that's a trillion it's the word billion is referred exclusively to as a million millions a million million okay but how many is a trillion a billion millions trillions a million millions oh well what's a billion a thousand millions okay that makes sense a million Millions so it's 2.3 million Millions no that seems like a lot to be missing and then BOOM plane hits the Pentagon everybody stops talking about it what was the last time you heard about that 2.3 trillion never that didn't come up all the times we were talking about flight 93 let's roll remember that let's roll that's what they said right before they went up to kick her ass and that's why that plane hit the ground it didn't kill all the fine people that it was going towards the White House or whatever it's [ __ ] out of here in British terms British English which is not American English the word billion referred exclusively to a million millions however is no longer common and the word is now used to mean 1,000 million so if anybody is in another country and it's confused that's why it seems like if that would have got that make sense it was a million makes sense million million doesn't make sense it seems like if that would have gotten out that that that money was missing that the whole country could have revolted like I mean that's what what did you do with our tax money that's not money right but that's a way to steal 2.3 trillion if you're if you get if you stole 2.3 trillion you want to cover it up start a war right I mean boom immediately everybody's freaking out they can't believe what's going on I mean that's what the tinfoil hat Brigade would say what does this say MSU scholars find 21 trillion unauthorized government spending oh my god this is recent 21 trillion and unauthorized government spending defense department to conduct first-ever audit oh they've never audited before why would they audit they just get free money they're not like a regular company right the Defense Department's not like a company where like all the stockholders are going hey [ __ ] what are you doing I got you know a hundred thousand shares you're stupid [ __ ] company your CEOs running into the ground no they don't even have to audit they don't don't do [ __ ] they just take that job oh we missing you know 21 I don't even know what that is it's a thousand million billion or something twenty one whatever come on that's just come on so the last four years we've been good don't don't pay attention that last four years we have a Miss spent at all that's what Kennedy was talking about literally not saying that anyone you know I'm absolutely not saying 9/11 was an inside job I don't think it was but I am saying that when things happen and disasters take place people capitalize on those disasters and if it's possible that someone was going to set something up some sort of an attack and they're gonna do it because they were in the process of stealing something or was gonna steal something you would have to be a lot Billy wait a minute what are they gonna do how much money would it be worth it to start a war that might be the number two point three trillion that might be the number like you feel like what's how much would it cost to start a war if you're evil anyway hmm would you start a war for a hundred million man I can't spread that then enough you know I got a gonna grease a lot of Palms we're gonna start a war why are we starting a war what's going on well you gotta get this [ __ ] oil man I don't know how to do it I'm thinking they just I don't like the World Trade Center hilarious I just googled how much have we spent in Afghanistan you want to guess how much that number got to okay I guess ever you know this says published the thing I just found was going off of Congressional Budget Office reported report published in October 2007 said oh could this isn't a potential numbers of potential spending then this is potential what they wanted to spend as of 2007 what they wanted to spend plan to spending well how much did they spend do they spent more or less not think they spent way more okay let's just guess what how much what do you think the number is geez this is a tough one Afghanistan only enough counter it says uh actually says Iraq and Afghanistan bracha desk yeah I'm gonna go with a hundred and thirteen trillion dollars whoa that's a lot I'm gonna go with uh I'm gonna go with 100 billion what is it they conveniently planned on spending two point four trillion dollars which is a very convenient number after that we lost two point three but they spent closer to like six or so this is the worst is like if you check somebody's accounting books and they just have stick figures with googly eyes like what are the odds that is so crazy but it's not like we covered it up good they'll never imagine that that that's you're laundering that's your money laundering war it's not but it is right like if you're if you are someone that makes weapons and you have a huge contract with Defense Department and you have the ear of the Defense Department and you know you guys play golf jet and you dress up like druids and burn an effigy worship Molech tallow god and you start talking and you say hey man what are we gonna do to keep this [ __ ] I got these tanks I'm making there are [ __ ] wouldn't be great try them out you know today my god I got a deal for you well then they just walk around playing golf talking [ __ ] and the next thing you know [Applause]
Channel: JRE Clips
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
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Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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