this deathrun took 96 HOURS to beat

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season nine is almost here and with that comes a new battle paths and item shops quick reminder to make sure you are always supporting a creator it expires every 14 days doesn't have to be me can be anyone but if you do want to support me it's carried laser with two A's star do it on your body oh I've the IQ of the goldfish do not let your battle pass and item shops go to waste yay we have a new challenge man by the name of Hellraiser has created another laser beam death run a map designed to push me to the limit to piss me off so this is another way spin death run all kinds of levels made to make me pissed off I'm not even remotely worried I'm wearing a pink flamingo shirt cuz I like to party and today is gonna be a party alright a laser beam death run shut up the Hellraiser check out all these stuff one of the best map creators in the business alright let's take a guess I already see bookcases Wow couldn't even read until L seven years old not a joke I was in special needs what is laser beams favorite word so these are our options yeah cuz of course I wasn't even surprised of course let me guess this one's got traps - let me get let me guess this is traps as well am I in my joke to you I've already confused my God - God ever get three level one I would get you I think I'm I think I may be I think I may have figured something out Oh cute buddy loves anti-climactic ha ha ha might be free I might finally be free my god I've broken through the barrier huh I fell down another hole correct the answer is yeah yeah but like I died in all the heat spots what the hell bro it took me there are 10 minutes to beat the first level that's not a good sign ok so this is actually this is actually the first level now okay I think I've got a trigger the trap okay and then think of it it pulls up the wall beautiful yes gone fight alright level two I look everywhere for traps yeah that one was pretty obvious trigger it a beautiful and then I think I'm gonna jump on this jump with that can't get through the door by get through the friggin get through the door yes yes if through the door laser beam at the ripe old age of 24 has figured out how to go through a door round of applause for him put easy trigger that one and we bounced up these oh okay ah there's so many doorways and traps and oh this one was a trickery mate there's an invisible platform over the traps there was nothing to be worried a bit alright level three g-man more toys alright so we gotta make it to that doorway haha beautiful okay just some simple parkour I've got the French word for it tattooed on my body okay parkour is simple teach your legs encounter or windows error mate it's so simple yet my character refuses to do it sometimes share was ordered oh yeah ah all that effort and you went the wrong way are there's a dance tiny little toys in the corner alright I guess we bounce on these little toy isn't and I still died okay I think I found something trigger the trap jump here I think that was too easy no I might I mean I felt pretty damn hard all right speed pads every map creator knows I hate these so of course it's in the laser beam death run well let's speed invisible death barrier I think I can get around the death barrier it's just so tight he's designed to be taught Oh visible death berries and speed pads my two most hated things I was inches away hell raisa has given me quality league my glasses he's giving me quality league ma I managed to land in here it's gonna try and trigger the trap yet beautiful and we bursted okay plan to land down here trigger this trap beautiful take the L take the L oh I hate it I hate this next look I hate it there's ice traps speed pads and impulse needs I'd rather do this alright let's just eat it okay instant death okay so I keep the impulse needs I think I've got to get the ice throw this here oh okay figured out you actually can get all the way to the end here with the immunity and then you do this and then you you know you die what you do you die and views the respawn bug and then then do this whatever's going on here and then do this no still alive somehow somehow still alive what's even going on okay no this Hellraiser bloke has cooked up some cook [ __ ] none of this makes sense not sort of Colin science yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it doesn't make scientifical sense they've confirmed it to me personally I spoke to science himself and science himself has confirmed to me it's cooked I'm stressin for a good reason I actually have no idea where the rest of the traps are is definitely one there wherever [ __ ] up God Jenna oh that bloke Lenin yeah that's only level 4 why I like my already hurts alright just enjoy this g8 pistol I I'm gonna make he'll freeze over look joke's on you immunity [ __ ] poor let's do the first try and there's a doorway easy Krabs oh I got bounced at Oh I'm gonna do it I'm a y8 ride into that door good yeah ok here we go all right the level is not done we have to also get over this okay I'm dead okay sick get ready for the greatest year of your life bro I just did a trap tunnel with these damn pistols seems like it would make sense do it normally and then we go through here okay beautiful beautiful nailed it you are nothing to me this what's this crap yeah that's checkpoint is what that is sauna party guys that's why I'm wearing this shirt and I really pray hell freezes over after all this effort okay so is this another level where I have to use the pistols yep all right easy enough easy enough [Music] that was the [ __ ] as yet I've ever seen I'm not sure if I'm a fan of him hitting me with like back-to-back eight levels you know all right spar seems easier god damn it well this might be the worst level ever designed in the history of you often I did it alright I've just got to land up here now easier said than done oh I was on my last pistol alright now I'm gonna make it to the bounce bed ha I did it we have to land exactly on the edge of the door are you goddamn serious okay traps be triggered we're gonna go go oh okay we're in business I can't see nothing oh yes oh I think I'm free I'm so confused what happens at the end do I just do I just treat is that the only answer have to shoot for the stars chief what I think I've broke the map see by breaking the map I was able to see that this was all the ploy I've been trying to get back here oh you can see that's where you're supposed to come here I think that's the checkpoint for the next level all right well I might just jump down onto this checkpoint now let's go beautiful enjoy spawn protection yes board protection only gets me to the end here but that's good enough not a big deal I've done these tunnels before I can dock jam it are easy claps easy clamps and there is a checkpoint for the beam oh [ __ ] level 5 I want this all to end alright we'll go to hover board oh okay sick I've got to do it you okay yeah I'm dead but I've that's sick I like it he's come up with some of the most interesting death run levels I've ever seen and I'm hating every second of it [Music] uh okay we're gonna dangle down here and then boost huh what am I even doing okay now next bits just up here he's a class oh god damn it every level is excruciating pain and they just keep on going I'm assuming this is parkour now oh yes I'm off of drift board this is sick this is what I've always wanted okay I'm already thinking I have to take the drift board through he did not oh yeah I feel like I needed the drift board here down for ya I need the drift what I needed a drift board I'm too stupid for death run man okay now let's try this with the drift board ah ah ah it's gonna be a lot of these noises get ready save it save it yay die damn it I'm done so I ended up spending days trying to beat this level I kept running into glitches that would make me start again got over it and I DM the map creator we have entered the fourth day I've given up the party shirt because we're no longer partying I literally had the map creator build me a ton of level 6 this is easily the most excruciating death run I've ever done all right it looks like level 6 is an impulse level interesting stuff at least it's not rift boss Oh guess we're gonna go to these platforms good ah too easy piece of piss we would say all right Kay and I'm dead I've got to stop chat and [ __ ] uh what about the head oh that was beautiful Lennon didn't even intend to do that [Music] Oh Oh my god I finally made it that's easy I just got to get to that little platform there now oh that was easy yeah it's just jumps up I'm God I am God in gingerbread form my word oh it's too easy my bad you went the wrong way check under the parco logo near the star or is this the urge to break [ __ ] what's the parkour logo is it that uh is it this thing oh all right just guessing wig impulse and throw some more traps no big deal look I might be dying but at least it's not drift boards beautiful got at that done all right now what am I going to that platform [ __ ] oh now it did I get up on a doorway goddamn [ __ ] oh oh level seven alright level seven to ease our case speed pads I hate this already but you compared to drift boards they're nothin till I'm honestly excited let's go oh yeah it's a doorways not too hard he says as he immediately gets penetrated yeah I'm just gonna say I think I saw a doorway like three hit yet getting a cab bet this is like a I thought that was like a sacred path [Music] oh no one told me I was gonna have to be jumping water now jump right why don't I jump I just gonna park here okay I figured that I go to stop for a second least I made the jump small victories huh Wow okay so I think when I get through here I'm gonna like trigger the trap chill here and then jump then run who are this always bored Oh Oh what but what I just uh I reckon I could just make that I could have just stopped there and jumped here literally 30 minutes ago and that is why laser beam is the biggest bot now see you oh my god I feel so stupid I feel so done level way oh cool we got we got balloons happy birthday to it maybe it's a party again now I can't be arsed putting the shirt on it's a balloon death run oh this already sucks okay [Music] good thing I'm a balloon god wait wait I can see there's a room behind this trap let me guess Hellraiser the entire rest of this bloody course was an elaborate ploy and you're gonna tell me at the end of it to come back here oh my I can't believe it oh you are so lucky I did not spend hours getting to the end of this level easy claps here's an easy level alright now for I believe you you sneaky bastard never trust the devil my grandmother always said and the devil killed her okay it's a bounce pad okay I'm saying bounce pads and lots of traps why do I feel like this won't be easy and I'm already dead I think this is literally just a float on a bounce pad kind of level but we just bounce some bounce pads and [ __ ] and I'm dead beyond splats are just so damn clunky when you hear about is this a game to you what the hell some pants meet up this stop this something's right now feel like I'm trapped in a loop right now don't think this isn't ending ah ah hey I think I've done it yes level 10 all right I see speed pads I see us oh I see traps penetrating my boy okay I'm going down here I don't know if that was the right way to go I am no longer in control woods Oh what what is that doing there well it's very rough to go is that so I can escape this damn hell oh I am so ready for this death run to be over no death run has ever given me this much leg muck it's clearly been designed to piss me off which makes sense it's a laser beam death run after all yeah I'm so close to it I just want to escape it [Music] I got the riff to go now I'm a riff to go and beat the whole oh look at that oh the fireworks to celebrate me conquer in this [ __ ] laser babe oh that's adorable thank you Hellraiser I'm going to the ship so I can escape this I'm looking ahead to the future a future that doesn't include that goddamn death run that was the most painful experience of my life the amount of oil ignor went through the amount of eye drops I went through share that to Hellraiser he really put me through hell he does a lot of builds with a lot of people he gets featured all the time so go check him out yes and that is the final victory that's what I needed Laser laser wins Oh God play again - over my dead body
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 14,301,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, gameplay, lazarbeam, DEATHRUN, challenge, video game, gaming, funny, rage
Id: h6GXTFvHd2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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