Testing my limit - Indoor 8B+ boulder

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hey guys so in the last video you uh i asked  you if you wanted to see this bowler again   and i think some of you wanted to see it  again at least but it's gonna take a lot   of work and in this video i kind of just wanted  to show you guys how i would work on a boiler   this hard so i'm gonna try the different  parts in the last video i only tried the   bottom part so i've kind of figured out  like the first move i guess but i need   to figure out the other moves as well before  i start like trying it from the ground again   and there are also some other bowlers in this  gym that i haven't done i've trained a few times   since the last video that i made but there are  some like seven seas and seven b's even that i   haven't figured out yet so this video is just  gonna be like lots of trying hard and climbing   trying to climb hard i guess there's also like a  really cool slab of the week downstairs i looked   at the list and there's only one person who've  done it so i think it's going to be pretty hard   so the problem with these holes is that uh  they take a lot of skin so i don't have that   many tries the positions feel good but  moving between the positions feel really bad well that was a good first try i think i'm  just gonna like try this move separately are you going for i don't know if i could  fill up like a high helix or something   five six moves long only and  now i've done one two three   four of those six moves so i just  need to do the last two moves and then   i can start linking it when i go for this if i  keep my foot there like i try to not i'm gonna be   too stretched out so i'm probably gonna try like  a high heel or something see if that feels better well that feels pretty good actually that heel  though it's like you have so much force on it   i think if i tried it later on in session  my foot would be so sweaty that the heel   would just come off so i feel like i need  to try this with like a fresh shoe i don't   know if you know that feeling when you climb  in the gym for a long time it feels really   wet in the shoe i mean maybe this is  just me is that too much information now the heel is coming off but i do  think that's the way for me to do it   because this one is so bad i need something  for my feet that i can really pull with   and the top hole looks kind of good too i mean  it's a crimp but it looks like a good crimp so i think i could do the last move  oh but those two last moves so hard   and i think to do this well you  need really good skin as well   i kind of just need to do the second to last  move and last move and when i get there i'm   going to be more tired less skin also but also  chalk on my fingers because those volumes they   really suck the the chalk out of your fingers  i'm going to try the last move a couple of times all right just one move missing now i feel  like that was not the intended way but   it's the best way for me i guess  oh man look how much rubber   i left on this hole okay so i just  need to get from this hole to that hole it's just that one move with the heel  hook going off to the terrible slipper   but it feels very strange  to put the heel that high   i don't really know if uh if i can do it  that way maybe i have to do that move like   i first tried it and then get the heel hook  up and go again standing low one more time   and going up i don't really feel that's the way  but the heel feels really awkward as well so i think i'm just going to try  it from the ground one time   and uh then move on to the next bowler  because it really takes a lot of skin   those big volumey kind of holes uh the slopers  they're really textured and you're like always   adjusting the grip so so it wears out the skin  really quickly i'm gonna try slab afterwards   and it's set with almost the same holes as  this and you can see how difficult that is too i hit my knee i felt so good that time the  pinch just i felt like i hit it precisely how i   wanted it it's strange how it move like that that  pinch sometimes feels really good and sometimes   it feels really bad depending on because you  just have one chance to kind of hit it right   you can't really adjust it that  well so now it just felt really good   and i kind of like tried to move my foot  up and i hit my knee against the wall it feels easy when you try it separately  that move but coming from the ground you   feel like your bag of potatoes like  body is like too far from the wall so this bowler took me probably like 20 or 30  tries to figure out first i couldn't figure this   part out going from here to there i tried to like  mantle this going up like this all the way and   i just couldn't figure it out and then the last  move i probably felt like 10 times or something   but now i figured it out but these are exactly  the same holes as the ap plus puller like this   hole is pretty much exactly uh facing the  exactly the same way as that holds on the   plus two so i don't know kinda just gives  you an idea of how bad those holes really are the top hole is so close to the to the ceiling  that you have to hit it like really precisely you   should have seen me the first time i tried this  move going from here to here i had no chance so   it's nice to see that the like the little amount  of training that i've done lately has paid off   that last move it's so hard after this i'm going  to try there's a 7c here that i haven't done   i know there's one move that i can't  do so hopefully i can do it this   session i always perform better when you guys are watching oh that was close i almost missed that lower  move up hopefully you guys appreciate the   climbing content i know there's been a lot of  like other videos on this channel as well and   i don't know this vid this channel never started  out as a climbing channel it started out as a vlog   channel so i i will make videos of other things as  well i want to make videos about the things that i   enjoy and uh i mean i enjoy climbing and there's  going to be mostly climbing but i do want to make   videos about other stuff as well and if i want  to do this in the long run i think i just have to   make videos about the things that i enjoy and kind  of the things that i enjoy making videos about   because for me to make only climbing videos  get a little bit repetitive sometimes and   i know i just enjoy making other kinds of videos  as well this is 7d and i feel like this exact same   boulder have been on this exact same wall before  i mean it's not the same but these holes have   definitely been on something up here before at  least one time maybe even a couple of times i know   these kind of holes kind of they fit perfectly  on this the steepest angle so i guess that's why we're just gonna go for it so these store holes are really small i have two  cameras filming this because it's such a long   boulder too but this one i have not done before  there's that one move this move going from here   to here you go to intermediate in here keep  your feet up i haven't been able to do that move   holes are tiny   oh i wasn't strong enough to lock that crimp as  soon as you get that toe hook it's pretty good but   just couldn't see how far we got  to try to get the toes more up here i keep touching all the other holes the holder  and the way i think i actually need to make   a tick mark for where i can where i can smear  so here there's no holes i can put my toe here oh   okay so there's only one person who've done it  but it's only been up for two days so it's not   i mean it's not been up for that long  you have to be really close to the wall trying to clean the chalk from my shoes because  the shoes get a lot less sticky if there's a   lot of chalk underneath that's where you see in  competitions people have like socks that they take   off right before they start climbing that's to  prevent the shoes from getting chopped up because   the rubber is much more sticky if you  don't have a layer of chalk okay how was it still slipping with my i don't  know what's going on my shoes   like that like a pinched second away oh that took a lot of choice yeah that was definitely the beta like first   i tried to go like this but  the beta is to go like this all right so that was it for this video  thank you guys so much for watching   make sure to like and subscribe put those uh post  notifications on and i will see you next time
Channel: Magnus Midtbø
Views: 317,933
Rating: 4.9875765 out of 5
Keywords: Magnus, Midtbø, Climbing, Viral, Insane, Bouldering, Boulder, Crazy, Hard, Indoor Climbing, magmidt, boulder, gym, fitness
Id: tIE_nJWmXB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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