Trying Terrible Troom Troom CHRISTMAS PRANKS

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do you hear the sound of screaming my favorite size is it a goblin oh god oh yeah get in there I need immediate satisfaction with pranking why did you do this to me hey guys and welcome back to the wonderful magical weird world of to room truth so last time I was on truth room I tried out some really terrible couples pranks on Bobby and a lot of you were really concerned about his well-being and that's very sweet of you but he's perfectly fine and thus why I've decided I'm going to prank him again with some more terrible true true pranks but not just any terrible truth room pranks Christmas / winter themed truth room pranks yep those exists so like last time I'm going to scour the true moon world looking through some pranks and deciding which ones I should actually do and then making fun of the rest all right let's start off slow by looking at some winter life hacks first say this music gets me hyped for some awesome Christmas pranks and ordered life hacks do you hear the noise of my hairdryer no it's not what you think wait a minute I need some what do you hear my hair dryer who doesn't take the time to shut off their hair dryer before answering the phone I take a phone and want to type a message oh no after all these years and all this technology they've still yet to come up with a glove with smart touch technology where you can wear a glove and use your phone at the same time that just doesn't exist let's see how they're gonna solve this unsolvable problem pop insulation and remove the conductor oh God earphones oh no turn a glove inside out thread the conductors a few stitches oh this is intense turn the glove right-side out is your phone screen without a problem attach a snowflake of course accessorize won't have to pull off my gloves each time I need to use my phone I mean it's pretty genius but you're ruining a pair of headphones to create gloves that already exist in this world congratulations what a life hack look at my friend she's having a wife I'm in place a phone case what why why can't you just hold your phone with a glove hand I don't understand this is not solving a problem trace it with a marker okay cut out a square hole not only are you solving a problem that doesn't exist but also now there's a huge hole of your freaking million your hands are going to be frozen put in your phone it's warm and practical and though it's thought it's not practical or harm on your phone without taking off your mitten why would you need to take off your being old your phone I don't understand is this like do people not know this as you can hold your phone while also wearing a minute it's possible I swear I meet my friend she believes my phone case mitten is amazing she believes I've gone a little crazy but don't worry she also has the glove with the wires sticking out of it but it doesn't at all seem suspicious or that it might shock you at some point do you hear the sound of screaming she believes she can use a candle to drive away evil spirits of the cold from her fingers this video is taking a dark turn what is happening I'm going to prank my friend using artificial snow yes baking soda into a bowl add shaving cream mix well this artificial snow is eco-friendly and say kind of wanted it doesn't melt what's this surprise it's my pocket snowstorm okay I think I found my first prank cuz one it's super easy and two Bobby loves snow but we haven't had any snow we just had a ton of rain lately I wonder if I could like make an actual snow ball and throw it at him let's go try this well hello welcome back to Lauren's kitchen holiday edition alright so this should be pretty easy hopefully they didn't give like a mount though so we're just gonna add a little bit of each ingredient and just you know feel it out literally until it kind of feels and or looks like snow okay so we got some some pure baking soda already looks like snow time and then we got to use this oh come on what's happening oh is it cuz there we go well this feels weird oh this feels really weird oh oh I don't like it smells like shaving cream okay alright and it's kind of like a snow consistency going I think I need a bit more her baking soda and now I can't touch it yeah feel like I'm just gonna keep adding ingredients and then I'm gonna have so much of this fake snow I'm not gonna know what to do with it it kind of looks like snow I'm not gonna lie good job Croom true it smells amazing - it smells super clean and fresh Oh Bobby's gonna love this alright I think I need a little bit more shaving cream oh this would be a merry mess oh yeah I don't see how I'm supposed to like shake this into a ball though the feeling of it has become more like snow and the smell is fantastic this is kind of turning into a little treat for me okay can I like shape it into a snowball no maybe it needs more of this I don't know like I said no measurements do you wanna build a baking powder shaving cream snowman oh my god it's working oh my god it's working oh never mind it's not working it is not working alright I think it's where it needs to be for the prank at least let's just get a close-up shot of this look at this it looks like snow I mean if I if I gave you this bowl you would be like Lauren that is snow it's pretty much snow it just smells delightful it doesn't hold its shape very well and doesn't melt oh I don't know exactly how I want to help this but uh let's go do this by day yeah it's snowing rainy no it's snowing look I got all this snow from outside it's snow it's no look I made a snowball - what is this it's snow what did you throw at me it's snow no it's not it's mostly come here yeah Dexter does it snow toons know gropes what is this it's not gross if you do these things to me no wait no we it's snow I swear no it's not like Oh Milton we know you want to make a snowman no we can't look making a snowman no don't touch it this notes no why don't not snow Lord yes it is look it's gone from you sure to ready it's snow it melted disgusting smell like shaving cream no it's no it's water molecules that have frozen in the air is that the head yeah it's not there Dexter no stay over there I don't know what this stuff is it can be dangerous for both of us look it let me just please that mean Oh what you saying it's snow so it's a snowman yay Dexter don't eat all right we need to decontaminate this area no it's fine it's snow no it's not all right Wow it's magic season when the best-known bearded man of the world is coming down at its magic season where the best-known bearded man of the world who talks like this no it isn't Gandalf the Grey neither is it Dumbledore it's a real Santa Claus I thought it was one of them for sure descending the chimney is kind of a workout will you start doing yoga is he lactose intolerant oh no the pranking milks turned to generous Santa into a slide prankster Grinch oh no he changes everything wait until they swell it may take a few hours Oh next prank I don't have a few hours okay I need immediate satisfaction with pranking and then he just throws them in oh it's gonna get all wet and gross in there what a terrible prank the Grinch has spoiled all the ornaments don't use these balls for decorating Oh God inflate balloons to fit ornament sighs okay I will do this sprinkle with glitter Wow and attach clip okay there's a bang all of a sudden the balloons pop what a pity what a pity my favorite color my favorite size my favorite color my favorite size why my grits you ruined Christmas is it a goblet well that seems like a terrible prank let's do that one Bobby's probably not gonna care at all about oh I think I'm gonna make three of these so we're gonna pick up the Christmas colors a green red and gold stole these from uh some other ornaments that I had and this is it's just gonna go great so first I gotta blow these up well that's a good size that's what you said daddy yay we're gonna be around the same size let's get three okay now I don't have a paintbrush I forgot to get one so I'm gonna try and get this glue on these with a paper towel it's probably not gonna end up being so good but you know what I have the spirit of Christmas guiding me I just realize I made the colors of a stop light I'm just gonna try and like you know put some one here this might work do this oh it's working I missed my calling as of being a craft Channel quickly before the group glue dries Oh God I think it's drying ready if they get dry ready glitter glitter glitter glitter glitter definitely gonna look like a real ornament Wow alright now I'm supposed to cut this off if this pops it I swear to God oh my god I did it I don't know how to stick it on I'm just gonna like try to leave it upright like that okay I gotta do you know what I'm just doing it right I'm just doing to screw it this time we're just gonna like throw the glue right onto the balloon great this is going so well watch out war DIY his Sarah come it's beginning to look a lot like Lauren's gone crazy oh look oh my god tell me you would not think that this was an ornament tell me what they look like or naved it's definitely not in real life but in the camera welcome to Lauren's ornament Etsy shop that's gonna be opening in 2019 Bobby's not even gonna want to touch these because he hates glitter cuz it gets all over him and then it never gets off yay Frank completed okay we're gonna leave these to dry and then somehow we're gonna prank Bobby with them I don't know I don't think he's gonna touch them I'm just gonna see if he'll think that they're real ornaments I mean look at them they look like real ornaments Bobby c'mere I promise I'm not gonna do anything wrong or you know Christmas Lauren you show us be nice these are balls you're gonna throw these at me aren't you I'm an adult doesn't matter of Santa thinks I'm bad or nice but no this is a nice this is a nice thing I made ornaments for us look a nice good job do you like how pretty they are yeah I blew the glass and everything myself oh I don't like glitter I know you don't you can't all right no you gotta take it from like the book no no you Brewin the illusion give me that balloon no this is glass here yeah oh no no no glitter all over you know like no what is this they're ornaments we have to go hang them on the tree here at any moment tree is this one no they don't hang don't they look real they're real find oh yes Oh humid pranked he's been pranked Oh Frank this one's really cool actually oh it's making noise this is really I wasn't expecting it to stab this one so I'm not gonna get exploded on there's nothing in it whoa science that's cool this is the coolest Frank you've done to me do you want one no I'm good great good job it's like a stress ball tent I don't like glitter you totally thought these were real this has been a successful prank ten out of ten right yeah I got you good the golden-haired one brings a gift and bites a piece of wrapping she seems to is this sugar paper sugar paste or whatever it's called a piece of rice paper oh no it's not oh this seems like too much effort looks like a fruit roll-up oh I wish I had fruit roll-ups we could have just did that dick the scenes using water this is so much a great let's find a ribbon around it also who wraps a gift like that the blue eyed girl can eat the wrapping as well only she's got the real inedible paper someone's put in a lot of effort to pack this gift put on a lot of cable ties around a little tube shaped box oh my god what's this it's a ghost ah it's a Green Monster oh where is it gone it crawled into your brains to lay eggs I guess I'll do the zip tie thing it's a terrible prank we're gonna do it we're only doing terrible pranks I just I don't know what to wrap up Bobby's probably just gonna hand it back of me like I don't care it up so goodness what an awesome prank my lips have dried out because of the cold I'm lucky my friend has a lip balm you'll need a candy cane and an empty whoa wait a minute how am I supposed to get such a freakin thick candy cane who makes the I've never seen one this thick cut a piece out of the candy and put it into the container Wow that's gonna fool anybody is it a candy stick instead of a lip stick my friend is angry because I try to bite if you gave it to her all right I guess I'll try that but I'm definitely not gonna be able to find like a super thick candy cane I'm not gonna hand Bobby a lipstick because why would I think I'm gonna have to get like a chap let's go see how it goes all right so as expected I could only find normal sized candy canes because I don't know where the heck they got the child one and I found a chassis I don't know if it's gonna work as well because I think there's like like a thing in the middle like a plastic thing in the middle but you know we're gonna try it cuz I don't know what else to do all right I got it open yeah there's this stick thing in the middle probably still get it in there yup okay bite off the rest mmm yes we've done it I'm gonna be like ooh Bobby do you want some chapstick and then when he opens it he's gonna have no idea that's not actually chapstick I mean look at it it looks exactly like stick you can even like oh my god it works you can even make it go up well technology okay that was easy prank completed also just a tie in the zip tie aspect I only have these little zip ties so I can't really do much with it I'm just gonna zip tie the chapstick like the top of it you might still be able to open it actually I'm just gonna put a bunch of them on here because the best pranks are the ones where the person you're pranking are very confused all right here we go it looks like some sort of death spiral chapstick of doom Merry Christmas um well he's definitely have to try and open some of these to open the chapstick which would then be another prank so double prank prank ception yes Bobby I have another cool prank for you wanna see okay what I need you this is your what this is the first gift that you're gonna get for Christmas here you go what is this chapstick covered in zip ties it's Merry Christmas you need to open it oh damn it I thought you'd have to cut them off to open it Merry Christmas is a chapstick what do you do and you just ruined it sir candy cane no it's chapstick it's like the new and improved chest does it hurt he were prey took a space artifact I know you didn't know but this was uh I wasn't supposed to open it no you were but you were supposed to like cut all the zip ties because I'll make it like harder fail tantek prankster did this moisten your lips yes you're welcome when the blue-eyed girl wakes up can somebody explain to me what this onesie is I think it's supposed to be a reindeer it could also be an owl but it has horns I don't know what animal this is the fairy is sure we're so exhausted and who the heck is that is this supposed to be some sort of like holiday neutral spirit inflate a little balloon a sugar bowl up sugar paste yeah it wouldn't be true and pranks without sugar paste which means we're not doing this one and let it dry overnight oh my god so much time and effort and energy they always like leave it for a couple hours or a couple days do you think people are that committed they're like yeah I'm gonna start planning my pranks now so that I can do them to apply gelatin in a water solution to the paste ball and attach the circle this is so much pain the ball with pearl food coloring pearl food cut they just keep throwing things out there they're like pearl food coloring gelatin mix sugar paste like look you just have all these things on hand use silver food coloring to paint it Oh silver food coloring yup just things that you always have around your house don't worry you break it with a fork and taste also they're literally eating sugar they're eating pieces of pure sugar it's delicious we immediately get into the Christmas spirit yeah cuz your sugar high now who take a chocolate Santa carefully take off the wrapping I can maybe do this mustard over the inside heat the edges above a flame and attach the half okay yeah that doesn't look like it's been tampered with at all I'd bite the chocolate ah it's ghastly alright I'm gonna do that one but I'm gonna feel pretty bad about it that'll be like the only probably bad one for Bobby hopefully he doesn't get sick alright so for some reason like five days before Christmas there was no more Santa's there was only this hollow bear that was it and there was only one of these I got really lucky alright so we have to nicely take the wrapping paper off so that we can rewrap it back up probably put a disclaimer in don't mess with people's food but I've got the extra bow aspect - ripped it a little bit there we go the bear is nakey I'm gonna eat it time to do surgery on the bear okay this is gonna be kind of tricky also I hope it's hollow really nervous I'm a crow oh god I cracked everybody and I was saying that as soon as I did I saw this prank I was like there's no way I'm gonna be able to get into this thing without cracking it oh it cracked okay well crap he won't notice did they do this true true mad props oh my god it's falling apart how oh this is a disaster okay we'll meet the front Oh God oh the whole butt fell off all right well the front of it is still intact inject me alright we're just gonna keep going by putting the mustard in it I'm just like trying to think of what mustard with chocolate is gonna taste like together and just thinking about it it's kind of grossed me out I'm feeling he's not even gonna touch this because look at this this doesn't look this doesn't look legitimate at all Oh God oh yeah get in there get up in there I don't want to do too much all right now according to droped room I'm gonna light the edges on fire and melt it back together cuz this is gonna go well it's missing so much there's no way this is gonna work it's missing too much of it it's starting to fuse back together a little bit few views with fusing yes guys do not try this at home I am a perfection we're if this is gonna make it taste even worse who is smoking Oh oh it smells like burnt oh this is gonna be so gross we're just gonna put it back in here this doesn't look like it was right look it kind of melted back together you know we're just gonna close it up the bow might actually hold this all together okay I mean if I gave this to you you wouldn't think anything was up with it right looks normal it looks adorable and then you know just don't look at the back the butt looks like it might have been tampered with a little bit but you know looks okay and when you open it I'm just gonna have to like try to get him to open it from the front somehow even though the openings in the back it's gonna work it's gonna work Bobby I have a treat for you yes sure it is a treat lick it see look how can i there's nothing it's still in its wrapping there's obviously nothing wrong with it probably sleep even though I'm filming and have my lighting set a better view lots because people thought I was really mean to you in the last video so this is me like showing them that I'm nice I mean just no wait open it from the front it may have looked like there was a hole of the top of its head but that was misleading this way yeah open it from the front look if there's nothing this chocolate its chocolate shops you at all I'm not gonna eat this there's absolutely nothing wrong with I don't know what's in there but it can't be good you're heating it I know I made it prove it to me you mean it first I'll take like a little a little nibble cuz I want you to have all of it it's for you okay you didn't even bite into it it's delicious chocolate - you're afraid what is in there what did you do to it I'm not scared I'm just I feel bad for you oh you don't want to eat it not even eating it look it was a bite I mean you're gonna look real stupid and don't find the hole in about five minutes you're gonna look real stupid I'm not now I'm not gonna give you any that's fine go ahead eat it custard peanut butter it's mustard I can smell it it's peanut butter why would you do this to me we're throwing snow at me you're giving me glitter bombs they're giving me chocolate monster what is this going on Christmas anymore Sam don't ever mix muster to top it it is not good cut a little ring out of an empty toilet paper roll taking a yarn and cut it into several pieces all right length fold that seems totally normal and take all the threat oh my god what is happening we've got a cute fluffy pom-pom what is this the Christmas tree is now dressed up in the latest styles and trend truly the epitome of the latest styles and trends who makes these I don't understand I've made a gift for my friend Wow under the tree could she finds my present trying to guess what's inside is it the latest iPhone Wow yes it looks exactly like the latest iPhone spot-on you just we can't surprise you anymore you're just too clever red-haired girl its insoles Wow what a grace ring on a piece of Geo textile wait what trace it with a marker no how did why your feet will be warm wow what a great gift her friend went from thinking she got her maybe possibly the latest iPhone - OH gave me things to put in my shoes to maybe keep my feet warm what kind of black magic is this take the cord out of a firecracker attach a firecracker on top tape the rope end to the door damn Savage run baby run as soon as you open the door a run baby run the shock wave knocks him off his feet we've caught him we've tied him up thoroughly we make the Grinch to drink tasty milk tasty milk we've saved Christmas whoa good job guys all right I bought some poppers some confetti powder I don't know if I'm gonna be able to actually like hook them up that when Bobby opens things they shoot out but we'll see otherwise I'm just gonna like pulling at him prank I'm trying to think if I should actually try to bring this up as a prank or just you know like pull it out of nowhere cuz that's still a prayer he's still wouldn't see it coming yeah let's do that just gonna be like yo prank while I pull this and it'll scare him so bad that it'll be a prank done thanks for the idea true true buddy why it's last thing I swear it's like it's good one don't see anything I just come stand next to me we're gonna take a picture together this is gonna be a great Christmas photo we're gonna do the outro together are you ready yeah Oh God smoking you've been pranked oh wait I brought some you could bring hold on come back I don't have any more I swear all right now I did it right I was supposed to yell prank while I did it so stupid that was my last prank all right guys that's gonna be a for true true Christmas pranks I hope all of you have a very Merry Christmas and or Hanukkah and or Kwanzaa and or anything else that you want to and or like to celebrate as always if you made it this far in the video and you want me to do some more truth room pranks and or life hacks in the future then make sure to leave a like before you go leave a comment below letting me know which of the pranks was your favorite subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos almost every single day and as always I will see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 5,127,855
Rating: 4.9129896 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, couples pranks, troom, troom troom, troom troom pranks, troom troom prank wars, troom troom couples pranks, couple pranks, pranks, prank, reaction, reacting, troom trooms awful pranks, edible pranks, funny pranks, how to, diy, prank ideas, prank wars, how to prank, best pranks, joke, pranks video, pranks on people, how to prank people, pranks troom troom, pranks for school, pranks with girlfriend, pranks with boyfriend, troom troom christmas pranks, christmas pranks
Id: JZvVVqDtbU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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