how I won a $30,000 Among Us tournament...

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hey everyone welcome look at this we're like the brady bunch hi hi hi hi what's up hi yo just in case you didn't know you're sharing a lobby with the mark twan how good are you at among us and when you see this lobby how do you feel i've played among those couple times the only thing that i'm scared of today is toast and lying to these people i think my chat was telling me to kill toast if i'm the imposter so i mean that might be the strat for today we've definitely seen that chat in a play before knocking things out all right y'all so we're gonna hop in to the first game up among us with all of those personalities how did this happen the script is written too well toast starting as imposter here we know toast is obviously gifted and godlike and it's choco choco is going to be the other imposter here i haven't played in quite a while for a record chat listen up this is a four charity tournament oh i almost want to do that down low toast don't i swear to god don't kill me oh already well that was fast i don't want any shenanigans i'll be honest i'm pretty sure i saw someone someone's tiny little legs passed by no who was it go on ending with peterson oh wait no i saw five up is it o2 the leaf thing oh god uh i saw him go check up on you and then i went right and i think i passed nico going left hello no i actually did not see a single soul i definitely passed someone going left towards like that room when i was going towards navigation yeah i saw you walk into navigation i thought your little legs and then i saw lily's dead body under oh was it five up in sweden in the leaf no no no no i was doing weapons toast was right there and then peter i've never seen this party and then you stayed in leaves and you never left and then the body was called where was mark in all of this where were you toast where were you i was in navigation and then i went down anyone see you there nobody saw you huh and you said you were gonna kill her it was not me sorry my name's not peterson hi patron i don't remember what i saw but i'm getting i'm getting finagled here a little bit so after this first vote peter looked a little sucks because he didn't know who's around and does not get questioned at all here phil that's the thing and if i'm toast here peter's already got some suspicion on him i'm letting him rock i am not even thinking about slaying this man there's no reason to that's a good look for toast man sweet tails is with oh oh i see something i see something oh i'm scared i'm scared i don't want to go anywhere why is toast always next to me yeah she's watching toes play among us and just watching the gears term okay i can't do any door sabotages if i do a door sabotage it's going to imply that this person knows how to uh do sabotages so he's actually saying that i'm actually too gifted that if i do things they'll know it was me oh oh oh mark look at what he did it's purple electrical electricity she was just in um office where's the card swipe is that the office yeah yeah yeah yeah i saw it i saw her at um where's the little gas tank um at the bottom oh yeah funny you say that because i encountered a little peter in office oh which one's office again peter i saw you coming running into office too oh yeah because i had card swipe i have a question for toast actually we were holding hands on like the right side of the map and i saw you go into i think it's communications and then i doubled back and you were already leaving communications when it looked like you're supposed to be doing download but that was a little too fast i wasn't downloading bro oh what were you doing in there then hiding oh totally understandable well i walked by toast um coming out of electrical and then i saw him go that direction and then hokie was doing the little gas tank down there and then i think she walked left and got killed so i don't know i did fix first lights and i feel like it would be weird for me to call first lights and then fix it without killing anyone where you said this was an electrical like how long ago was she lasting alive i saw her i saw her like five seconds right before this yeah when i was in office and when i was leaving office peter and five up came running into office when the lights were out so and this is a deep electrical no no uh at the door i did see that i'm just well that's because i went back to office because i saw peter and i was like oh maybe he's suspicious for this entire time because the first round and then i was kind of with him again and then i checked admin to see if there's a body because i'm scouting shouldn't i be clear then if it was four seconds ago yeah i think you are i should be clear oh we're skipping also i would never kill my queen pokemon excuse me i can't remember who it was all right five up why do you have to go and be so smart and clear peter man a quick clean up there by toast why'd you have to be so smart and clear people lights still off i'm thinking imposters i think they got this ah ex-chocobarz and mark twain fixed the light well janet i hope you enjoy dying because i'm throwing you under the bus what the hell [Music] five oh can you explain why i just saw you saw me open a vent because i'm cleaning the vent out because there's a vent task oh okay nevermind that opens it though yeah and you know it was even scarier it made a dunk sound i thought oh i was surprised it plays a sound effect it startled me i thought i got caught with something i feel like he's lying here's a problem i threw sus on five up which makes him more suspicious and makes me more innocent but his five up is also smart and he can probably figure it out there's only three bars left i use my one emergency meeting [Music] toast pondering we go over to uh choco choco bars i feel like as an imposter is my x factor i'm freaking out i need to help someone i need to kill someone because look at her she's just bloodlusting right now oh [ __ ] i killed someone oh that is fixed janet comes in a little body the longer they allow this man to go unscathed the worse it's going to get i'll be honest with you no one's found the body yet your best bet go back up self-report she's going to find the box this might work in her favor actually because that's what five but this could be huge oh oh okay i left them with peter and with i was with peter just now mark i would have just killed you man yeah i was just lit your throat yes i was we were holding hands i'm kind of scared of the blue where's the body me which blue both we only know one body it's goomies at the entrance of office why are you such me what a great question what did i see i was running towards shields and tracko you were there obviously who else was there might have been me i had a task at navigation and that's about the time i met up with tuan mark twan right uh before the lights went off it was me nico gumi and peter uh in office lights went off i ran away to fix the lights i saw janet there we go back nico and gumi are dead so like nico's probably dead around office too yeah it must have been a double kill all right who do you think it is sweet tail i it's definitely not me i can tell you that i promise you it's definitely not me um because if i was i'd be like yelling right now because that's what i do when i get nervous what do you think um i'm i'm honestly sussing out i mean possibly i'm not gonna lie no don't do that don't do that don't do that i've always been suss of peter this whole time i circled around i did my last task i did electrical where's my navigation no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i'm so sorry mark i don't know wait if it's my fault and it's not him i'm sorry for third imposter nah you're gonna get the [ __ ] flamed out if you broke it wrong peter it's okay yeah hopefully you're not wrong yeah i don't think it's five up i feel like you're baiting me right now don't you i swear i think toast is baiting me i don't like it i was a good boy i just did my test man wait is the broadcast watching me it's another day at the office for toast i even killed to win that seems kind of boring way oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy no is it market toast janet we gotta go we gotta we gotta get ready i mean janna wants to kill her she can do it so one more kill does it mark toast oh no we're done oh no i feel like it's not mark we're about we're gonna lose we're gonna lose nobody else came is that it is it over it's janet i'm sorry i'm gonna say this in the nicest way possible never speak to me again guys i forgot to say this before we started playing don't trust toast so easily no no i've never trusted them i will make it up to you no don't don't don't do it don't lie to me don't lie to my face i'm not a liar i probably all right how about that for a game number one avisu that's like the perfect opening right if you had highlighted at the top of the show like toast is definitely that dude to watch out for spawns in as imposter and just completely manipulates the lobby to his liking clean victory and chocolate did fine too like she didn't give anything away she got her kills when she needed to definitely hyper about it but i appreciate the enthusiasm game number two we're going into polis oh what's the place that i won't get killed hey my secret tech you'll never take me alive someone's calling lights a lot surprised nobody's been called yet i hope there are people still alive why did everyone come left bro why are people following me wait look he's dead oh she keeps dying first i feel bad not a guilty i have my suspicions i have my suspicions as well i have none go on what was this where was the body nico the body was right next to where we originally spawned just right outside of it someone's got some balls hit five up let's just say something happened like a bug happened and it's good now i think oh okay i'm just wondering okay i can't help but notice that these kills are omega gigaslow and you're afk yeah that's what i'm saying well okay well let's just say on my screen it still showed toast and sweet tails in the drop ship oh i was not that's obviously not the case because i encountered sweet tales below but i'm saying there were things happening that is super weird because i only saw lily for the longest time and then i checked admin and no one was on the map except one in lab and two in dropship which was you and lily i think five up actually bugged with something okay that's kind of sucks yeah well when i finally did come to my senses i did see mark following pokey for a little bit oh no she was following me for a little bit oh that explains everything oh no the classic goomy insta-voted here's the thing chad if pokey was following mark most likely she wants to like protect him because that's kind of what pokey does when um an event is kind of like based around person because she wants like to make sure nothing bad happens to him but the problem is that mark was the impostor and that's why the kills are so slow because he didn't have the heart to kill her at least that's my suspicion because how oh my god i saw yellow yellow mark and nico's in the top right i mean lily should be pretty clear yes i found a body uh mark i just left her with you it's gotta be mark i left her i left her to i did i didn't well you guys it's suspense oh you know what's crazy you know who also is coming out of specimen right now yeah toast i saw toast and sweet tails both in special so this is this is what happened so we were all kind of hanging out and then i went down to the tunnel towards specimen i was by myself so everyone went up and then when i came up is when i found the body so the last people the last people that i saw that was going up was nico and mark i did i didn't i wasn't in specimen i was just up there no you were up there because that's where the body was was up and then i left i left mark with lily and that and then i went to um office to see vitals and i saw two were dead and then i saw lily was one of them so it was very recent like within the time it has to be marked because i remember pokey and how she followed my heart was it was hard killing someone who was trying to protect you it wasn't difficult to kill your protector so so mark listen man what do you got to say for yourself [Music] i mean i left lily i left lily lily there and then she died like five seconds after that mark i'm going to say this right now na hi guys you probably didn't want to do it you know i finished my tasks oh if janet is going straight for it oh thank god i saved the game oh cause if we were wrong about mark we would have lost unless who fixed the lice because you're definitely innocent as well me okay so me and janet 100 i'm gonna you know i i say we just vote off toast now and get it out of the way i don't know you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna say it toast being a little bit like this but you know what we give him a pass okay janet definitely good if mark is good i don't think sweet tales is a sociopath and would sink her imposter partner goodbye kind of just leaves one person five up exactly but instead of me the person below me nico there you go i did it i did and i kept checking on sweet tails to make sure toast didn't kill her well didn't you say that nico went up where uh uh lily's dead body is and there wasn't a report it was only yeah oh my god you're right she didn't you didn't report it no i didn't see it oh my god did i throw it imposter i swear to god i suck at you oh my mark oh my god wait hold on no i think you nico why didn't you report the body if i didn't see it i literally passed mark and lily and then i just went up you didn't i didn't even know what did you see you didn't see anybody else you were right behind me toast i left in specimen and then i saw mark and lily and then i just went up and then that's when someone records body this is a tough one guys oh this is cool i'm gonna i'm gonna do it i'm doing my thing you know oh wait oh i just voted oh i didn't do it it's okay it's okay wrong i'm gonna get you five up you think you fooled me no one does the next game no great job sweet tails mark did you kill pokeman your protector yes i did yeah like those games never feel great when it was fun because sweet tales is new marcus knew nico's new wish and to have them duke it out if both imposters skipped you would have lost not really because i don't think they would be able to pull off a sabotage into a double kill timing perfectly against five up if they do they deserve to win right nico definitely confused me because anyone who leaves me alive i tend to trust because most people kill me instantly and that's a good time to get some coffee hello hello all ten players let's go i think airship's just way too big the size is a problem not because it's like a lot of space to cover but more because like it's so much easier to hide bodies crewmates can't do tasks all they can do is run around and just be on a constant lookout for bodies you know wait how did she get he can kill me oh no no no no i'm sorry what was the plan what can i what yeah wait what happened mr disguise toe sir is there a morphling in this or no and now no more feelings what was the plan i'm lagging i believe her me too i dropped her muscle frame i believe when she really just snapped that person in half in front of pokemon i believe i'm just putting my laundry away and i stare what do you have to say for yourself kumi oh my legs over hello wait a second something's not right here oh my god i forgot it did this what the heck who does a calm sabotage it's either a super beginner or super big brain play i'm gonna go a super beginner [Music] so who's managed to pull this off then it's at the bottom like very very bottom like i have no idea what room it is okay so we already found one of the imposters right so there's only one out of like the seven of us the odds aren't that crazy right but the one person who probably could clutch this up is toast so how about we just take toast out right now and then we'll have a much more enjoyable fun game you know but we're not excited to die i want the pizzazz and if you do that that removes the pizzazz to it though i am one for toast and i've always skipped wait so we're voting for toast whatever you guys voted for toast sorry i'm just jumping on the killing bandwagon you know see because if we vote for toast then it's me next following that and i don't want to die so no i don't think it's five up whatever you guys want i think either way you know it'll be a fun game toast i think you're dead i don't know it is it okay well chad everyone's fine to express your feelings about what happened but telling other people or telling me how to feel about the situation it's [ __ ] cringe knock that [ __ ] off if you found it funny if you found it annoying if you found it whatever that's fine attacking each other attacking streamers that's cringe but as you guys saw icon new is coming i voted myself i don't think there's anything wrong with it um mainly because yeah you're right she's right it would be too easy [Music] let's take a look at the standings so far because we've got a couple of winners and a couple of people still looking to climb their way on up oh no all the way at the bottom with 900 and it's choco and toast tied for first right now all right starting oh we're going apparently crewmate i haven't been killed yet which is kind of weird i don't know i'm still alive all right no lights today buddy don't you mean don't see back to the wires uh oh oh no someone killed the excitement our happiness it's gone we're on the phone not tubbo why do they mock me why did why do they mock me i just walked in and i saw the body i don't know how long it's been dead for any vouchers i'm an admin i vouch for toast i was trying to egg him to kill me but it did not work i didn't even yeah i just entered electrical and i just passed five left so i think it's fine girl i'm in admin too you don't see me jenna what was the first task you did i did the download upload or whatever it's called um asteroids yeah she was around that area there's one person that killed an australian and we all know who that person is an australian pokey did you ever leave admin i'm doing wires right below admin taking a while all right sweet tails you're gonna keep me alive today the five i'll fix lights super quick wow that's the entrance of electrical i like that i think she could have gained my trust a lot more because she said uh she was baiting me to kill me and i actually believed her so i'm surprised she cashed in on that but maybe i would have sussed it out eventually but no i did not see that coming nice kill i was surprised i like being surprised so i didn't see you go in oh it was nico who said it i was trying to egg him to kill me but it did not work oh whoops sorry i'm meeting them both for the first time i was a fool i couldn't differentiate their voices and that's why i died still that was a ballsy kill very very very ballsy kill hi sweet i don't know not sorry toast what the plant just wilts and dies i've never seen this one that's so sad the last killer huh five up what are you doing can you make the 50 50. a big chase i would take your [ __ ] hello my life flashed before my eyes was like it was so terrifying i'm going through my head like oh it can't be janet it can't be lily it could maybe be goomy or it could be nico and as i say it's nico i see niko on the bottom my screen chasing after me doors are closing behind me not knowing what to do i ran back i ran to lilly for protection i tried to single for everyone i think because the color i haven't seen i'm gonna be honest with you from my perspective i thought we were having fun i was not having a fun time at all i thought we were all running around in a circle and thinking like okay well if someone dies we're all together that's what was going through my mind the complete opposite is gonna marinate five up here tears running from my eyes if she thought i was having fun maybe you were having just so much fun yeah i was wondering what was going on in the cafeteria when you both showed up running around i'm down to i just voted nico lilly used to have it i'm sorry no wait this is bad voting her out here is actually bad or else i don't know what could happen to me i'm just a suspicious person okay oh wait this is unless unless do you kill janet because five of us well well well it's time to apologize i am so sorry nico i was just startled i'm so sorry oh wait wait it wasn't wait how about that one goomby almost talked her way out of it didn't quite get the dub it was kept it close kept it interesting to say the least because it wasn't a unanimous vote the only win by imposter still in game number one after four games down we got two more left what will our creators pick for our final two let's find out here on twitch rivals ah so it's maybe this person or i'm pretty sure that was sweet tails [ __ ] don't do that all right oh you know what's crazy i don't know how to score in this game i saw jen why was she over there unless she was popping outside of her bed swipe why was she so pressed up against that left wall huh kind of sucks like who runs like this kind of sus janet but that's so unfair that i can see the x in her name if i suss her out for that because oh your name's a little longer than most people's name that's kind of [ __ ] too you know and stuff like that like that just gave me information i shouldn't have had right that's just a little unfortunate that's all do you guys think toaster like protect me get my trust and he's gonna kill me later oh thank god that could happen right like oh it could be a double kill right here oh no no no no no oh no no no oh mark mark you're a real homie you know that is anyone in here hey mark where you going buddy come on mark don't do it mark don't do it you're brave man oh brave what the [ __ ] [Music] i just saw double with five foot they were leaving okay go ahead it's a self report is it a self report no i'll have you know it is not a self-report can i just point out to the jury to the jury i would just have to state my case that um pokemon has been on mute for an awfully long time now and i've not said a word regarding what's down within like a second you thought i'd be thinking about another pokey another pretty purple little among us being with a crown on top no i see i would love to believe that okay i really i really would love to believe that but then with you i just like i just can't i just i merely can't you just can't i just i'm so sorry you've got the wrong one look at my accent what is it that makes you feel like you're wrong i'm on admin and there's still three people in electrical and i know who those three are yeah i can't believe you just left the wrong one i promised i thought we said we saw tobo i'm so confused oh i'm gonna kill someone all right jesus what was that look hilarious why is it upload so big i don't remember it being this big you know how about you're taking an awful long time on that upload it's kind of freaking me out bro [Music] did it always take that long trouble [Music] make coming from the top four man situation lily's doing upload i'm gonna loop around so i don't get uh drive by murdered really lily it's just really doing card swipe now go straight for the oxygen first there might be a body here but um whoa um i'm pretty sure lily and chan chan the last time i saw tobo he was with pokey because i was stopping and i'm like is she going to do it like kill me do it do it and then i just split up with him so i don't know i mean logically speaking of tubble said it was pokey who killed someone and tumbled dead yeah what do you guys say for yourself pokey guys i'm telling you taboo this song i really thought it was tough because everybody said he self-reported ah it's a head scratcher isn't it it sure is oh yeah i think maybe we should vote us down just for good measure [Laughter] that just actually works once only it works once are we voting i don't know i'll vote for whoever you vote for i'll i'll vote i'll vote pokey if you vote for people yeah i'll vote for whoever you vote for too sweet though all right i make no problem you gotta go whoever wants to be my friend i'll vote for the other person who am i listening to i'm just kidding uh pokey i love you but i think we're going to vote i think we're going to vote pokey landon was stressed out did no fix oxygen i thought you guys were going to fix it you were standing on lily's body wait no that died in front of me how are these games scored anyway is it just my placement is my kills is my votes i should have read the rules okay okay so i called a meeting very brave i really don't know why i just feel like we should vote maybe that would be sorry you know what i honestly thought there was four people left so that's my bad um so uh who are we sussing so i think pokey was definitely one who are who do we think the other person is i mean you said pokey and it looks like you're right so i i trust whatever you say why are you putting this on me why is it because he got the first one out mark yes what do you think um i feel like toast and gumiho is good like they're good i think i've been with them for entire games unless like post is like really playing me right now it's him yeah unless he's like just trying to gain my trust right now i want to vote him just for in case who said that was that janet yes why would you say that i literally i saw you kill lily i saw you kill lily but i was telling you don't impersonate [Applause] i mean toast is alive you guys will win the next round jen jen i voted myself okay okay great let me get on [Laughter] wait if i'm third in pocket i don't know [Applause] my blood has never is this your strategy to like mind i can't say the f4 you see what i'm saying i feel like i'm like trying to like pick up like you're like sussing me out or if like you know what i mean i was just drinking coffee before we get to game six let's hop back on in one more time like the brady bunch hi hello hello hello hello are we talking to you we're posting to a tribe i actually the question i had to start with you where you saw pokey kill right in front of your eyes then you told everyone exactly what happened and no one believed you how do you feel i have no idea yeah well um see normally yeah they just don't respect me okay well one more game left to go five up toast and i believe choco are all in the lead right now uh very close to i think toast is in the lead but uh we'll see how it goes here at the end with our final game good luck everyone launch final oh we're playing on stage yeah please just let me win for the lols like genuinely just hold me up please okay uh all the money is going to a good cause at the end of the day that's what's important i need to be close to janet because janet's the other person who's won an imposter game so if she wants an impostor game and i lose as a crewmate she overtakes me so i gotta follow janet so that when she kills me it'll be in front of people isn't that right come on you know you can't do it because if you do it you'll be celeste i caught you in my genjutsu yes can i help you sir oh this guy hey mark remember i'm with x choco bars yeah five up remember i'm with x joker bars yeah hey janet where are you going you got to keep me alive bro oh i'm back to upload again i'm pretty sure you've done this haven't you yet it kind oh no this guy's toast is dead oh there's a dead body remember who was i following wait oh my god oh my gosh okay holy poopy so i found toast dead in med baby so here's the thing right i need to follow janna because she's the only past other person who has a win with an imposter which is with me so that if i get killed she's immediately suss and people would vote her out therefore increasing the odds of me being crowned among us king wait i went to full clear lily then oh i've been with her for the entire round baby is pretty good so so janet oh tiana i saw you with toast quite a bit i was just gonna say the same about you oh it's like like yeah you're me you guys were like two peas in a pod is my eyebrows twitching from okay yeah you don't have to live and be a detective to help the team sometimes your death can be just as effective i'm so scared um i kind of just wanted to check dead bodies but also just wanted to clear sweet tale i think can you do tasks when you're imposter no okay where were you in the previous round at the end tubby's really quiet at the end of the previous round okay okay okay i just got back because i went for a piss at the start of the round because you know i didn't want to they were doing the interview and uh jaina where were you at the end of the round cafeteria doing wires i have us what's up lily talking okay it was oxygen was being pulled me and i were heading right and we saw oh yeah slightly swerve to the left and then go right yeah yeah yeah oh no i have my map open because i forget where everything is so i always walk with my mouth open and i can't fight it off open yeah how do you know where your tasks are if you don't have your map open i swear it's not me the arrows oh i just do map oh um i'm just sorry twice all right chad let me explain my let me explain my big brain plate [Music] look it's real simple right me and janet are the only two players to have an imposter win and i was a crew member for the remaining games and i've won every single crew member game so technically i have the maximum amount of points possible now janet had a game where she was imposted but she got caught therefore giving me a lead over her but the only way she beats me in the standings is if she is impostor this game with someone else and wins it so to secure the win if i stand by janet for the entire time it ought to make magically make her suspicious if i'm ever dead so but if she doesn't kill anyone as imposter then she can't win the game so she had to kill me therefore throwing the sus on herself allowing me to get first place assuming they don't win right here through kills alone because eventually they're gonna come down to a voting situation and janet has the most sus because of my dead body [Music] is okay hear me out i'll explain where i was okay you're like oh you were missing for a long time shut the [ __ ] up okay okay i was on cams and that is proof because the little red thing's blinking and both five up and janet saw me after they left the cam's room janet went up towards the top engine five it went down and i didn't see five up anymore and then when it was called i went down then i went into electrical to see if there was anything in there and then i ran up and then i ran through admin then i met up with a club okay okay so the club two other people then janet and five up that i'm sassy i think so too so there's two pairs it's pokey and sweet tail and lily and gumi yeah here's what i think but there's been no doubles i think i think pokey and sweet tales are good because when they were kind of interacting with each other sweetheart was following pokey going to the button and poki's then vouching for it that doesn't make sense if they're imposter duo because they're not coordinating that obviously um i think lily is good i think gumi is potentially good could be gaslighting lily but of the combo i think lily is good no matter what um so that leaves tubbo and janet with the possibility of gooming for me bro yeah i can say he was on campus in the beginning but everyone is kind of group so the whole round you can look at the blinking light bro well we did have the group huddle at 7 00 too i'm just gonna go with my gut on this guy i'm sorry and if i'm third and posturing i'm really sorry but i'm just i i'm sorry no why what's happening right now i think the only way janet and tubble went is to back-to-back double kills i think if it ever gets down to a voting situation one of them's dead oh my god i meant the last task so here's the thing with um among us voting you never want to force a vote if you're on the chopping block right like some people might feel like oh i'm suss i might as well take out as much people um as i can before i get out the better play is just going for the kill win because if a body ever gets caught if it's one body it's such a waste i would risk it for the biscuits in those situation and just double kill double kill and you just wait you have to buy your time oh no no no what for the perfect kill okay it's gotta be wait hold on it's gotta be tubbo it's gotta be purple it's gonna be tight okay guys hear me out where is the body can we start with the basement please no i was just with pokey i was just with her i went she went to security cams and i went to left lily what body did you find uh five ups janet what do you think about i think we should get tubble out because he's been sussed for way too many rounds i swear to god this is just false advertising okay or because you're violating every guideline right now jesus we're going to vote you out but keep defending yourself it's really yeah janna has a chance to win lily and gumi and sweet tales they took out five up and pokey that was really smart she can legitimately win here maybe them two hope they don't forget about jonathan wintels they forgot already the people who remember were pokey and five up she can do it louie's getting marinated i love marination she can do it uh does here is kill either lily or goomy and four sweet tails on a bad pick i think that that has a really high chance to work because sweet tales probably have to oh [ __ ] i should do my task all right oh god okay oh my god okay so janet can i finish defending myself lily what do you think uh we have so we have one so we have one imposter left if it was taboo it wasn't by the way i just want to clap surely you're gonna go stuck this way we can just detain yeah buddy so lily you're so it's not you oh i am like i am 100 clear lily who do you think it is do you think you're being marinated do you think what do you think uh i i don't think so i feel like i've been with gummy so long like if she had time to kill in that time so what if we voted out janet i know you're safe because pokey's dead and she and you were together so you're safe and you both vouch for each other i think lily is being marinated by gumi i also helped vote for tubbeau so you think it's goomy yeah so why don't we vote that would we lose or win if we did that you would probably lose if you voted you did great all right well there you have it the final game choco was almost there almost there but again getting down to four 1v3 so hard and so let's take a look at those standings one more time and make it official our winner of friday night my bites featuring mark twain and among us it's the among us king it's disguise toast who won every single game was able to win his one round as imposter choco got to play two more rounds for a total of three rounds as imposter where you do get more money but still uh just need to win one of those would have done okay congrats on the win congrats on uh first place and congratulations on getting to win in your last crewmate game thank you thanks dude i still stand by my point that if you two had ended up teaming together toasts would have dragged mark to a victory but this guy toast is god like bro like i just gotta say i saw a first hand bro my hat's off to you brother that you you nasty with it even when you're trolling a little bit too like you're still still doing it nice yeah lucky being the positive first game and mark actually sussed out me and my partner at chocobars towards the end with the the two blues but uh luckily uh no one listened to him yeah i was kind of too quiet maybe well there you have it uh toast uh mark thank you so much for uh spending time with us and uh congrats on giving more uh games today thank you thank you thank you guys sure take care fellas appreciate your camera right you went through this check remember you already do that
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 3,089,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, Toast Twitch, Disguised Toast Twitch, among us toast mark tuan, twitch rivals among us toast, toast tournament among us, toast competitive among us, twitch rivals among us, toast vod
Id: 0xSOiZhXk84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 32sec (3092 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 07 2022
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