pulling off an insane 1000 IQ impostor play...

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[Music] i'm on to you leslie what where are you leslie i'm in an admin right now i did shields just wait you're an admin wait who was looking at the logs did you see let's see someone died no leslie leslie did not pass i didn't go back she's an admin but she wasn't on the logs go back on the long journey wait wait let me say she's an admin i'm the only i'm the only one up there literally it's gotta be crazy leslie get her out get him out i'll give you 20 subs if you don't vote for me oh [ __ ] wait wait do all of this you can't you can't give subs on facebook though there's no sub-gifting on facebook we call them supporters [Music] wow let's go john wait leslie did pass the north um i checked and logs and leslie definitely put past north center oh my god no it only said peter isn't peter peter wait unless i'm blind as [ __ ] i did not i've never saw leslie leslie i was an admin i i could have uh vouched for her but i saw her fake two tasks so i didn't want him why did peter say he didn't see leslie wait toast you saw the logs i saw the logs 1 000 billion trillion percent it said southwest and then said no i think peter's the killer well i was the one that fixed the lights immediately next to upload like i wouldn't do that if i'm by myself like what is what is the point what if you need to pay i'm sorry one of you died just decide which one just decide which one you guys can ask a question what are we voting to kick people off for i just want to say technically no one's committed any crimes that's not going to stop us edison i think that'll stop us from punishing people we should punish edison let's get out of his head how did he question us oh my goodness she could have said like she didn't see leslie pass north peters framed her said peter peter peter that's all right vote ray or peter i don't care who you vote for just vote for one of them just vote for one of them oh my god you guys killed peter i'm sorry he said one of them you guys are [ __ ] [ __ ] i hope you all burn in hell i hope your youtube video counts are low [Music] too far peter this guy's toast wait where's that i can't find lily no hey no oh are we doing it again look guys if we're doing it again i agree lily we should kill off ray just to be safe what no i don't think peter will cry did you see what i see though oh did you see anything you saw john right no no am i going blind wait i saw oh my god i'm gaslighting myself what'd you see billy what did you think [Music] wait you know what let's just skip no [Music] [Music] okay like we should just next game it and then they can start over it's sydney it's sydney do it do it do it oh my god oh my god it probably wasn't even her guys i thought it was for the record i want to say i did not promise that i wouldn't vote on it no i said i would think about it why am i dead right now [Music] oh sorry i actually got gift subs thanks for wow yeah nice that's why you called this meeting this is the youtube title we kill everyone without imposter killing anyone there's a tendency of one of these players when they're impostor to only vote at the very end as to not look sus even on three easy kills oh [Laughter] wendy oh you're right she does do that that's what she's known for that's what she's known for yellow oh [Applause] [Music] apologize to leslie because i i really did not see her up there that's my bad except i also saw leslie fake two tasks i didn't give you 20 john wow [Music] all right do we kill the smart people abe's doing download abe's going down the ape dude download ludwig trash hey the download lovely trash black yellow download black yellow download black yellow download black yellow download all right ludwig you're acting real smart not sure if i like that dude two people came from that direction last night if you went back to navigation after doing shields well i went i i went to lights i went towards the lights because i didn't want to die john and scara went towards lights and we ate i got the storage i got the storage and the lights turned back on so i ran backwards did the shield and i still have a task in navigation so i went to do it so you're saying there was three people there you the killer and the body before navigation listen there's okay there's two other people who do you think there was two other people that came from navigation side which was edison and myth good for edison and myth i meant it sure sounded surprised that you doubled back earlier oh so when you say deep in navigation how deep are we talking um it was like inches deep no no it was right up against like right up against the uh was it next to the vent no it wasn't it was like right up against the alignment thing anyone feel like it might have faked that download at the start too uh he didn't stand there for a while he's here for a while but the bar only went up card swipe amount i thought it went up a little more first of all the bar doesn't go up for download goes up for upload oh he's got an alibi wait broden where you is i avoid navigation i don't like going there because i always die that's not specific but where are you now i'm in the electrical room right now listen all i'm saying is i don't remember i'm dumb all right edison you got me a kill i appreciate that all right i can gaslight scarra scar standing in front of upload okay scar you're my patsy all right my little patsy scarra a lot of grouping gary's and grouping gophers scar went up that's nice down camps oh oh [ __ ] wait aren't that where i just thought brad and i feel tank uh okay so i was reported i came across the body in between the pathway of electrical and bottom left reactor john was ahead of me bro and one person walked by you john yeah i'm trying to remember it was abe it was abe wait okay i just came up towards the body what did you what were you doing why were you under coming on i came from camera yeah he was with edison and there were i was so i was on cameras this week i literally okay i literally watched toast walk like north towards the body okay so that's not possible brodin was trolling me or whoever was on camera for a little bit because we were watching and he just stands right in the middle of the hallway kind of taunting us then i see him go down towards reactor and electrical but there were a bunch of people that went down before he went down the only people who think it was couldn't have been there was a myth yeah let me spell it out for you abe was there all the way on the right side for navigation for the first kill here he walked past john edison saw me on camera and in person of me going from camera down and when i came across the toast toast was next to me i've already voted it's not me i believe toast you can't you just saw me in electrical why would i go back towards the bodies that i played all right now we do one kill into a double kill for the love of god just kill one i listen for the oh i knew it my god i was watching over you oh my god oh my heart was racing when john came across that smith body you went on a freaking killing spirit at the end dude holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] honestly i didn't really remember you being i remember you being in electrical but like i was watching you what a tweeze i lost my simp i need my sump um did danny just skip common tasks danny danny just leslie what are you doing leslie what are you doing leslie what are you doing let's why is she not doing any tasks oh she went straight for the scanner danny was last seen with leslie okay uh leslie psychono and danny right let's play secuno and what is huh yep guessing this one's in the top right area yellow hello body buy security cams uh that's i saw nothing oh i saw the only thing i saw was i so i went to lights just in case the lights were going to go off and then i saw jody underneath lights but not it's not near the body but she was just passing underneath me and then i went to go to cams to look at cams and then poop i was walking like from bottom node up yeah she's thinking too much about her story it's leslie guys [Music] okay what's up leslie leslie's sabotage screen was way too big she's running to a fence for five seconds when i left her she goes into the body himself reports guys guys guys guys when when i was on the right on the scanner leslie did scan i got the waiting phone oh my god hold on so john and peter just accused her i mean i mean i'm leaving luck here's what i'll say i know the identity of both imposters but it would be boring if i'd say it now so at the next meeting i will reveal it so the imposters have one round to kill me i got the secret lads keep me if you're an alive slap the button immediately see what he does guess what's gonna happen leslie is gonna kill the [ __ ] out of me right this is gonna kill me escorted me escorted me i'm positioning my i'm not a self-reporting sarah i swear oh wait but i saw this wait i just but i didn't see you buddy no it's because i went down right uh sorry uh we were in the tree room together and then i went down to exit weapons uh okay peter are you thinking what i'm thinking uh honestly it's between two people for me okay wait leslie did i pass around garbage or down i thought i went around i i didn't i don't think it's you hang out what no i didn't see a report button that's all no she's in weapons what's to the bottom yeah well that's because i saw hafu and danny come into weapons with us i mean already knows both killers wait do you do you guys really want me to end the game i can't go for it i mean it's a great youtube video then do it sure i mean leslie why did you say i saw you scan when you were never at the scanner you didn't scan i made that [ __ ] up and you just went along with it [Music] it's danny it is not sydney guys leslie why would you not not peter what do you mean if he says he said i could be wrong with it why would you just go with it i could because he was there he just fake watched me i mean i could be a hundred percent wrong that's the fun part yo they don't call me 50 toes for nothing leslie how much sweat was on your forehead when i called you out play by play huh on the teleport what are you talking about for the youtube video we have to go for leslie is it possible that both leslie and toast are wrong and they're both innocent no toast is 100 guilty because i was being watched on that thing but he fake watch me and then use it against me did we did we get danny out incorrectly then i think that oh no that was based off what you guys saw yeah you guys wait wait what i didn't okay someone said danny was it sydney i didn't know this is toast i never saw danny i was trusting sydney's in peter's word and i left tafu and danny together and weapons toast i never went to the right side leslie never went to the right side she didn't do any cash she ran into the fence for five seconds straight he did two self reports all right oh man i'm not asking you guys to blindly trust me i gave you five clues this is seven this is on seven and i don't think we i think it's because know yeah yeah we ran into a door for five leslie you survived this round everyone will go to me what more do i gotta say see the color she is oh my god he got lots he gots thank you jody jody hear me out you are defending someone that said i thought i could hop the fence you understand that right guys it's for real i messed up the directions membership in among us john i'm with you in that sense that i'm like okay yeah that sounds stupid but i'm also like leslie can't be like like think of the excuses that you would come up but with when your asset like you would not say would you be you say that no i actually believe i actually believe leslie and that she tried to follow the arrow coordinates and she just ran to a wall blindly like i don't know he would [ __ ] do that he's blatantly lying guys listen listen yeah don't listen don't listen live shut the [ __ ] up i believe leslie okay me psychono and john are on the same page so we just need to convince one of you other ones to kill her ass all right those two of you guys are imposters and the other is cycuno jody what you seem the most vulnerable to suggestion okay okay so i see john's point of view i'm the only reason i'm slightly cesar leslie is because the whole self-support andy thing that leslie does do but then i know that trust me peter and sydney said that shifter was the i don't know they won look if it's uh sydney and peter they would love to kill leslie here because they get a free win they just think they just believe leslie but jody you hit that button for a reason you knew someone needed to die you gotta trust yourself come on jody come on jody [Music] jody what i think there's a high possibility that this game is going to continue this game is going to continue and then i was wrong [Music] wait is it going to be a double kill oh wait jody doesn't have any uh emergencies left right i mean we must have gotten one between danny and leslie right i mean we just gotta oh time to do my task i can't show my face around here anymore i wonder which one it was did leslie actually do i just didn't go to the right oh this is embarrassing my favorite thing is getting killian players that's so funny okay the game didn't end so no one did a double kill so we got at least one of them thankfully thankfully we got at least one of them yo they don't call me 50 codes for nothing i don't have an emergency button though so that's kind of scary i need to check vitals to make sure not like a slew of people are dead oh wow no one's dead well well sydney and peter where were you guys coming from laughter reactor are you suspecting that we're like two imposters that wouldn't go for a double kill toast no no i'm just wondering where you guys came from because this body was on the right we did we did seismic yeah we did left seismic and joe i did right wait where was the body secundo where are you i'm in the bottom middle area bottom middle that can be more like below the gas tank uh below the gas tank near the com you know the calm sabotage that no one does near where you fixed that what what were you doing there sakurano you lost i was i was looking for you actually because i didn't see you at the emergency i thought maybe they killed you and left you in a corner uh well we got one killer right because there would have been a double kill and they would have won yes you're welcome by the way you're welcome it was probably leslie sydney and peter you guys probably messed up you guys probably messed up and got poor danny killed because on wanted to help tosh get a youtube video okay i do have a question why did no one press a button when the game didn't end after leslie because we knew that it wasn't the second imposter after leslie and peter confirmed that it was danny wait it's like where were you when we were doing uh seismic um i was running around looking well actually i saw you and naturey run to the left side yeah okay that's accurate you know that way yeah yeah yeah you're from now yeah yeah yeah so tell us i don't think it's you even though you have been wrong a lot 50 percent all right 50 percent fail this body is in the top right um i saw one person walking from there who was it i'm pretty sure you guys know exactly it was jody but peter leslie no no no it's jody i love killing people oh god i love killing people guys i would never what kind of you don't think it's difficult i don't think it's toast i think he's just playing spicy for youtube he's straight up lied about leslie though oh sorry jody i just want to say i only voted for you in hopes of getting toast a good video also i need a piece i didn't actually argue i'll be back i was so sad i demand an apology what was that oh mommy who killed you oh um those are just [ __ ] around for sure you were in attendance i would like to apologize to leslie i don't know i wasn't even on the right side but he just made that up for sure he knew i was freaking impostor the entire time but then why did leslie like go along with it because i swear he was there i thought i oh so she just she was afflicted by was just so happy someone was vouching for her i did do the scanner she okay so she just had boomer eyes that's all okay no i think she was just glad someone was like sticking up for her she didn't question it but i did also do the scanner just you did watch me then and you oh no it made me [Music] you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 4,324,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, among us vent
Id: 4-PCWGrHK88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 27sec (1827 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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