Trying Dumb 5 Min Crafts with My Dog

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favorite simba few five minute crafts this isn't working hello everybody and welcome back to my youtube channel or welcome to my youtube channel i'm call me chris and you can call me chris and today we have a very special guest and that is why you're coming in i didn't even ask you just knew it's call me kevin it well you're facing the wrong can you come here i'm over here yeah sit lie down oh we got call me kevin on the show today and we're gonna do some five minute crafts okay and you're not gonna be mad at me we're gonna do some experimentation today and it's gonna be good you're gonna get so many treats and it's gonna be great we're gonna be trying some five minute crafts today i'm excited i love this dog so much for those of you who don't know this is kevin he's my son i love him so much and he is very large and he's an hi and he's a very good boy so let's not waste any more time let's go see what kind of five minute crafts we're gonna be doing okay no come here no come here you guys see look it okay ready we got to watch let's see what we're going to do you gotta be part of the video now okay we gotta have a bath we gotta have a bath oh he's not getting in the bath what's gonna happen oh we don't have that what is that putting treats in it and stuff no it's okay it's gonna be okay okay so you stick something okay we'll make something work okay let's go do that let's go do that okay so we've already run into our first problem i don't have that pop and lock and thing so i have an ice tray that could maybe stick to a wall i just gotta take the ice out and then i could put and i could put some treats in it so that could be good all right let's do that probably gonna stick it to the wall you know what we're gonna use duct tape is my favorite right kev he knows i'm packing to travel right now and when this video is posted i'll probably be in a different country so i'm gonna makeshift this contraption and get back to you turns out duct tape doesn't stick to whatever the hell this is so i'm gonna just put this in the shower and put some treats in it and see what happens let's go do that we have the treats kevin come here i just want to talk to you for a minute hate showers so much okay look at how small my shower is by the way he's not going to fit in here i closed him down outside that's what we're working with i'm just going to put him right there kevin come here you got treats in there come on okay come here come on inside oh we're having so much fun no no we're having fun okay look i brought you treats look at it there i should probably take my slivers off okay ready see treats come on five minute crafts no it's okay here get the treats mmm delicious don't mind what i'm doing nothing happening up here all right buddy it's gonna be no it's gonna be okay it's gonna you five minute grass this isn't working come here look at mmm delicious this won't hurt you i swear okay this one's a bust next what are we doing next let's see it is very cold oh my god oh god is she putting that sock on come here you got to see this you guys see this come on come here come here look at it come in come in we're going to put a sweater on you oh my god oh we're going to need a bigger sock than that oh okay it's okay we're gonna make it look beautiful you're gonna be beautiful oh god this is gonna be bad this is gonna be bad let's try it this one i don't have a sock that's big enough to fit around this freaking wolf so i picked two shirts and i'm gonna let kevin choose would you like to be like a basic bee and wear this tie-dye horoscope tee this one see oh you like this one okay but let me show you the next one just in case okay i'm gonna give you some options all right or i think you'll like this one because it suits you quite a bit all right we got this king kong t-shirt is your big boy you want okay now you pick this one or this one this one or this one you really want to be a basic okay let's go yeah i feel you buddy all right sometimes i get you a frappuccino with this thing man okay let's try to get this on all right cause we're chilly and we're please don't be mad at me when i do this oh oh you're so cute okay put this in you're being such a good boy good boy why haven't i done this earlier it's okay i hope you can walk in this i don't even know oh my god look at this okay look at the camera good boy look at that that's nice we gotta get some close-up footage of this oh my gosh just call me brittany hi buddy high five oh yeah you working it you're working it's so good you look so handsome i'm going to keep you in that for the rest of this video because that was fantastic five minute crafts even though this was a shirt and not a sock i proved next okay kevin doesn't want to watch anymore so i'm gonna watch uh oh you can't take a photo honestly kevin is the worst at taking photos like looking at the camera and stuff i have to ruin a pair of headphones and a tennis ball i don't have a tennis ball kevin's an idiot he doesn't play catch fetch okay well we'll improvise okay we have a show to do no no wait wait wait wait wait wait you're gonna ruin it sit sit sit okay so i don't have a tennis ball and i'm not gonna wreck a pair of headphones for this okay we're gonna make shift this we got the duct tape we got the phone and i got this pizza cookie for him because he's a bougie and he loves these come here what's this a sit yeah he's gonna stare at this we're gonna get some good photos sit okay wait let's type this on my phone yeah no no no no it's gonna be okay he doesn't like duct tape as much as this mom okay so i'm just gonna tape this to here kevin it's gonna be great look at this so we have this on the phone we're gonna take a photo wait come here sit ready it worked okay you get the pizza now here but we gotta show them some tricks okay we gotta shake my hand sir shake it shake it great other paw she's great can you lie down lie down oh that is such a good boy and sit up and yes good there's a pizza good job okay you can you can leave lunch break intermission we'll come back to the next one come on we have a couple more five-minute crafts to do i know it's terrible come here come here come here it's gonna be okay bad breath hey you got bad breath come here come here let me smell your breath let me smell your breath oh did you just sneeze in my mouth what the dude i'm definitely gonna do this i'm gonna stick a toothbrush in your mouth i gotta glue a toothbrush to my finger i don't have a glove we'll make it work okay next one i'm gonna brush kevin's teeth which i haven't done in a hot minute have i buddy in your breath she's reeking a little bit okay i'm gonna go grab i think i actually have like a toothbrush head thing but you know what i don't have i have this i haven't used it and now i won't use it now it's kevin's i don't have a glove so yeah you like it you won't get your teeth brushed duct tape she's gonna duct tape it to my finger which i actually have a lot of trouble brushing his teeth i just use like one of those regular dog toothbrushes so this might work or not at all and my fingers just gonna be gross and i'm gonna have to wash it 12 times but it's fine perfect kevin come here come here he really doesn't like duct tape all right come here i'm the dentist come here sit sit okay i'm gonna stick my hand in your mouth and i'm gonna ask you about your day okay because that's what dentists do okay ready this is working kind of no you want to help okay that's fine i'm sorry okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i i'm the dentist i'm the dentist i don't eat the toothbrush my fingers attached to it please no no no we we got this i got this oh we got this i think it's working okay this one sucks this one he's eating my finger out he doesn't know the difference no give it please god please go no i need this i'm gonna put it away i'm gonna put it away i'm gonna take it off my finger oh god it will come off now he hates it now he wants revenge wait wait wait wait wait oh god i can't get it off no please get him there come on okay okay we got uh we got oh no nail clipping okay kevin hates that i don't even think i have dog nail clippers but we'll make it i'm putting on my head i'm putting canned dog food on my head oh my god let's try it i guess i don't know okay the last one i don't know how i'm going to go about this i don't have canned food to put on my face but i think i have saran wrap and peanut butter so let's try that oh it's going to be so gross we got saran wrap and we have peanut butter and i have scissors i'm not actually going to cut his nails with these i just want to like simulate me cutting his nails and seeing if it'll actually distract him you know all right let's do this kevin where'd you go bud it's okay you know mom's crazy this isn't new information i feel like i gotta really really be good with this i really don't want peanut butter and dogs to live on my hair this has got to be the stupidest one kevin oh god hair out of there okay i feel like that's good kevin come back come here god dude yeah come on my dad just saw me and he's like all right peanut butter delicious kevin look at oh what's this your favorite simba i don't want to give you too much though can you get too big you know simba action kev come here up nope come up and sit good boy let's try this got my nail clipper simulator all right ready can i have your paw there look and now you can lick my forehead oh god it's working i hate this so much ew yeah it feels moist it got it in my eyebrow that's what she said okay i'm not actually clipping his nails my head feels wet it feels wet five-minute crafts is this what you wanted let's do your other paw wow this one works oh god okay so over this my head is wet are you happy unhappy okay thank you for watching that i think kevin had a lot of fun he got a lot of treats and he looks like a badass okay i like this i feel like he he really likes the shirt usually tries to take anything off that's on him and he's digging this and i kind of love it put your hand on my shoulder give me paw thank you sir thank you yes you did so good today everyone's so proud if you hate dogs don't like the video okay so that means you have to like the video because his feelings will be so hurt if you don't like the video and uh also subscribe if you have already subscribed please let me know what other kind of videos you want to see down in the comments below i really appreciate you guys so does kevin and i love you we love you very much and kevin he's almost stuck his tug in my mouth anyway we'll see you in the next video okay can you say bye say bye there we go bye [Music]
Channel: Kallmekris
Views: 1,782,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xGOZdBp73os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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