Hacks That Are WORSE Than 5 Minute Crafts

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hello everybody and welcome back to my youtube channel or welcome to my youtube channel i'm call me chris and you can call me chris and i feel like you're not feeling 100 so i'm giving you a little hat on the head tell you you're looking beautiful today eyes are sparkling everything's looking snatched okay looking good oh i am still in new york i still am injured and i was cutting an avocado as everyone cuts an avocado you know rolling around i don't know what to tell you i don't know what to do about it so i thought that we could watch some stupid videos together and i'm going from five minute crafts to troom troom i don't know i'm talking like this we're gonna be watching trooms room which i have heard is even worse than five minute crafts i don't know if i believe it so let's find out [Music] all right we are walking and she has allergies i get allergies so if this is a good tip i'm ready i can't see how this could be worse than five minute crafts what the is are you oh are you serious first of all where'd you get the mask did you make that yourself i feel like you'd have to like cut up a mask reapply and that medically makes no this is bad i have already lost i don't have many lost most of my brain cells he's on the ground on his knees that's what she said that's what she said um okay so and now he's got grass stains on his pants i hate when i get on my knees and i get grass stains when i'm doing appropriate stuff all right what is the solution trim trim what is the solution i can't imagine what he's going to do is there just no is he going to cut out the stains where can i get those jeans is my first question this looks so bad like is that the solution to everything like if i get a stain let's say right here okay let's just say am i supposed to cut that out trim trim that's a crime now i've committed a crack and you're responsible for it i don't know where we stand now okay we just got out of the shower body lotion i need a lot of that because my skin is dry what's the issue is she is it why is there paint what the is going on is she i'm fun fact that is how i apply sunscreen if you must know so if you couldn't tell i'm literally whiter than my cats oh my god this reminds me of 90 day fiance when the short guy can't remember his name ed he did the same thing on his back and he's paint rolling shaving cream on his back that's what reminds me of but she he looks like she's really comfortable with white sticky stuff in all over her you know when you can just tell somebody has daddy issues trim trim what the we are cooking and i don't know what he's trying to do why are you using a strainer first what is the what's the issue you have to cook the pasta before you i i i you had a bowl right there you have several bowls i can see them there's one behind him that's one there's a little jar there that's two there's another jar that's three there's a bowl right there that's four there's pasta literally in a jar that's fine sir you need help i can't believe i'm saying this but five minute crafts i miss you i've made a mistake by coming here over to term true i don't know why i took you for granted so is he using this as a bowl yeah yeah yeah he's using it as a ball oh the man is stupid oh did she ruin she ruined her makeup in the shower did you are you is that supposed to block the makeup from getting sorry sorry is that supposed to block the water from hitting the makeup so she can go into the shower with the makeup is that you do eat there's this little thing trim tomb it's called steam okay i can't i think i've lost all my brain cells i forgot how to speak holy that's special she looks like a duck you should just like closing each of those just being like i don't want to talk to you i'll tell them close this closed for business oh he goes girls if you're not in the mood and your man is just close up shop oh no he's talking on the phone and he's dropping the phone because he's trying to do a million other things what is the solution trumtum i am going to jump out the window see you later bye but i want to see him take that tape off so bad because he deserves it because you're so stupid oh my god okay she's picking out shoes we're why can't we decide on shoes flippity flops otherwise known as thongs great perfect with socks no that is a crime stop what is she trying to do oh she's trying to get it take your sock off take your no don't why does trim trum want to ruin your clothes now you got a giant on your side and you look like an idiot and you look homeless oh my god what the what i hope you get blisters between your toes you stupid oh she stepped her toe oh no that does suck oh gosh what is the solution to stubbing your toe what is what is that is that she cut a toilet paper roll in half you're wasting so much toilet paper i don't know how to say toilet paper and french but that's what i think oh so only works if you go at something vertically and then hit your foot horizontally wait why can't you put in the front wouldn't that make more sense i think your hack is stupid but i can make it better so i think you should hire me trim truman and then i'm gonna shut down that so fast i'm gonna be the ceo i'm gonna work my way to the top okay i'm gonna be an intern all right i'm gonna be an intern to do such a good job and work my way up to an employee all right and then i'm gonna work my way up to ceo to become the ceo and i'm gonna shut that down so fast you can close your little flaps and it'll be gone okay okay we're brushing our hair her i think her back is itchy use the brush that's a good idea hire me oh okay how are we going to tape those together yeah okay i mean i mean i will throw you a bone trim trim this is probably the best one not gonna do it still not gonna do it can't pay me to do it but this is probably the best one so far all right what are we doing we're gathering our things a giant ass water bottle or no it's just a really small backpack okay what is he doing what is we wasted all of the water fantastic instead of grabbing a smaller bottle i think we're going to cut this one let's watch and see oh and we're cutting trim team loves to cut okay what are you gonna solder that together oh right tape you know what you know what i am a tape exparp if you want a tape cervant if you will the fact that you are not using duct tape where is the duct tape its not like duct tape fill up that water bottle i hope it leaks all over your nasty ass clothes david yes his name is david and then i hope you have to cut out those stains on your shirt and you walk around looking like some 19 year old who's at a rave who cut the out of her shirt all right we are cutting onions uh what okay what does this have to do why would you do that why would you what was the hack what was the hack why who am i asking i'm not asking anybody what was the hack i tell you what's in the box what was the hack what was the hack what was the hat she didn't solidify or solutionize solution eyes that a word it's gonna work be a word now solution eyes coming up with a solution for something i don't know she rubbed onion on her armpit and it smelled worse is that to avoid a man i need i need answers what's happening what is happening her bra fell off okay i can vibe with that strapless bras suck that's why i just don't even wear any she just glued straps just get a promise just channel's coming just so much money waste washroom okay unisex washroom i don't want to see a pee stream or a peen no toilet paper he put toilet paper on his arm if a man had toilet paper on his arm while i was on a date with him i'd wife him immediately all right what is this hair what's wrong with her hair not the balloons is it gonna pop he's gonna pop don't pop it what are you doing now that'll make it all frizzy what is going on what is that for to give you volume you look like a hot mess you look like you just did the devil's tango and then went out is that what you want because i wouldn't know anything about that oh the shoes are dirty okay okay i would love a solution for this because my shoes are always dirty her solution her solution her solution is gymnastics i gotta do a 10-year course on how to walk on my get damn hands for this tip oh five minute crafts how i miss thine how i miss david's got his pants again probably gonna cut him off oh did you just try to put pants on with sneakers here's a solution take the sneakers off david you idiot what take off the sneakers yes perfect is he putting them through the pants stop why why why can i break my phone i don't even care anymore i don't care i don't care about anything anymore he put the shoes through the pants and then put the pants on and put it on the shoes maybe i'm the stupid one am i the stupid one no okay can't hit my hand still injured i feel like i need to wash my eyeballs i don't know about you that was uh 35 000 times worse than five minute craft so i'm into crafts i miss you and uh i'm gonna come back to you because you make so much more sense room what the if you enjoyed the video please like the video please like the video and you should probably subscribe too because this is obviously basis youtube channel ever and i will see you you are my shining bright star that got me through this i will see you in the next video beautiful all right bye
Channel: Kallmekris
Views: 4,751,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9nP5mTk870s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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