My Characters try International Snacks!

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oh it tastes like it's expired but it's not because it's nice and i respect your opinion but i think it's wrong vegans close your eyes vegetarians close your eyes [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to my youtube channel or welcome to my youtube channel i'm call me chris and we're trying out some german snacks and by we i mean all my uh alternate personalities characters characters so let's get into that so i figure i'm gonna kind of do this the way i did my unboxing with my characters and just start with janet probably because i don't need to change i don't do anything i'm lazy i'm lazy um actually scratch all that scratch i am currently at like 650 000 subscribers on this on youtube what the frig um hi welcome to the show thank you guys so much it's absolutely insane like i i can't even process this i couldn't i couldn't i can't process a thousand subscribers let alone this many subscribers but welcome welcome welcome welcome to the channel welcome to the family and i hope i entertain you that's all i want to do in my life i just want to entertain you all right let's get back into it all right so i'm gonna be janet we got these uh we got these german sweets there's only i think there's 18 so i'm only gonna do six characters trying two treats each yeah yeah so actually before i be janet i'm just gonna the people that sent me this sent me lovely very long letter that actually has the description of every single one of these treats so thank you so much um and thank you to sabine and sven for sending me these streets these trees these streets all the way from germany i can't speak today i don't know how this is going to work all the way from germany thank you guys so much i'm excited to try all these oh and one piece is from austria all right cool let's get into it i need that hey guys i'm back i know i'm everybody's favorite character that's why i'm first all right i'm janet nice to meet you blah blah blah let's get into it i'm gonna pick the two best candies two best looking candies so the other people they don't get good ones you know i'm an what's new so i'm liking the looks of this this looks delicious rid of sport waffle waffle flavor i think i've seen these before but i i i don't think i've seen the waffle kind so i'm excited to try this i'm excited to try this and not share it with riley because i deserve this sometimes you know i deal with a lot of at home okay so i deserve this all right let's try it oh i really don't make it easy to get into jesus oh oh she's thick maybe this will help out with my with my booty gains it looks delicious though all right oh it's like a kit kat had sex with a dairy milk bar oh my god it's so good i need to hide this from everyone 10 out of 10. 10 out of 10. i don't even know if we're writing these are we writing these yeah all right 10 out of 10 written sport waffle the slogan for rid of sport is square practical good i agree with all those terms yeah you killed it you killed it rita all right i feel like i want to mix it up from the chocolate so we'll go with these i think i tried these before i mean chris tried them before not me let's try these they're like little pigs all right look at these almost so cute so cute vegans close your eyes vegetarians close your eyes all that is good these are where we're sat i'm hiding these two these are mine okay freak off are you all the stupid-ass characters the piggies 10 out of 10. she said she knows she i like these before so she got me another pack spanish bean you're my kind of people you're my kind of people props to you thank you 10 out of ten love those next uh i'm gonna send then all your favorite character all right i'm gonna send them riley okay brb hello i'm riley and i'm gonna try some snacks i hope my mom didn't pick all the really good snacks i'm gonna find them i'm gonna find them okay let's start with coffees we have the toffees i'm excited to try them so let's try them these look really yummy i'm very excited there's plastic on them and i'm not allowed to touch sharp objects so mom okay my mom got me one from the pack let's try it oh [Music] that was delicious it's chocolate toffee and hazelnut so it was so good 10 out of 10. dang out of them very good okay next let's try these knickknacks knick-knacks the double crunch peanuts peanuts i mean i can't read they smell like barbecue oh oh it's really crunchy they taste like barbecue peanut chips but bean peanut barbecue chips i don't know but they're good i give it a seven out of ten seven out of ten because barbecue is not my favorite flavor but they're nice okay next i'm going to send in chad okay sup your favorite character is in the house my hat's the same shade as the background didn't think that one through is what it is all right so we got a we got a pretty primo selection here pretty pretty psyched i don't know at the start with really you know what i'm going to do these nutella sticks it looks like it's got nutella in the stick which just like takes away one step like dipping the steak in the nutella and i'm all about convenience so i'm all about this i'm excited to try this let's go how the frig do you open this janet thanks janet sick oh they're individually wrapped as well that is so good for on the go let's open jab it whoa it comes in like a full stick let's take a bite oh i like to think of myself as a chocolate savant of kinds this is so good like nutella like for real no cat best spread out there don't even shut up don't even no no peanut butter no jam no nutella nutella 100 p honey tea 10 out of 10. easy 10 out of 10 easiest 10 out of 10 i've ever done cool all right so i'm seeing this which intrigues me it intrigues my mind because i am a beverage savant as well red bull white claws what have you let's try it it's called a herj brows browse pulver nailed it i think i gotta put this in water and everything's in german sure let's go do that peace out one second okay so we're trying the orange flavor um i just mixed it in with some water and then just like just mixed it and then mix it that good one second not bad not bad um it's more like a slight flavor but you're done hey you know not bad i kind of like that it's not like in your face you know for sure so i'm gonna get this little number um seven out of ten seven and a half out of ten seven and a half out of ten i don't like no i gotta round that okay we'll give it an eight out of ten eight out of ten if i buy it next i'm gonna bring in katrina katrina wants to come in cheers hello comrades how are you just kidding i don't care i'm just kidding i can't i'm here to try some german candy not russian candy i would love to try russian candy not really german candy but here we are i feel like they're really picking all the good ones first which i don't like but i think i will uh i will try this because it's almost a swear word damn damn dim done damn i have even more respect for you germany way to go damn i cannot open this where's my knife they're all individually wrapped i loved it oh it's so cute it is so cute so cute so just um germany what the hell is that it is not good it is not great it is like average i wouldn't eat one of those again it's got some weird center that tastes off they are addictive and i love them i'm not going to ly sabine i'm not loving the dames but you know what i respect your opinion but i think it's wrong basically so i'm going to try something else let's try twix i've seen this before in stores but it says limited edition so i don't know what that means looks just like twix we will see oh names i would give them four out of ten four is my favorite number though if anybody cares so that was that interesting oh now i understand why is your limited edition they are gingerbread gingerbread twix those are quite lovely i would give it nine out of ten gingerbread twix very good very good i appreciate that thank you all right next i'm going to bring in the uh woman who has no filter at all it is nona all right no no let's go oh my god hi they actually invited me back that's so exciting it's so exciting i know everybody that i'm your favorite now i know that i know that shut up katrina shut up i'm excited to try these uh these candies and stuff i see they left me the scripts typical absolutely typical i'm gonna bring them in a little bit all right let's get uh let's get cooking i see these oh my god sorry about ignore that i see we got some gummies here i love gummies especially the uh the special kind that takes you away to a happy place you know what i mean you know what i mean not you kids look away look away you know what i mean yeah i know all right let's try these candies all right let's try this it's like black and red oh it's like a little bat oh how fun is that how cute is that all that says i think i just had a stroke all right let's try these oh oh oh no oh no it tastes like black licorice it is half gummy bear and half licorice oh i knew it so it's kind of sweet and salty straight up that's nasty okay and i know most of you would agree with me so this pot this part delicious i almost died from a gummy bear so outside gummy bear 10 out of 10 the black licorice none out of 10. zero negative 28. uh next let's try these they actually look really lovely they look more age-appropriate for me i guess i don't know caramel apple pie oh is it tea oh my god it's tea all right well let me put the kettle on put a tea bag in and we'll try another oh you know what i think we've got some biscuits oh hell yeah we're gonna make a tea and then we're gonna try the biscuits excuse me for a moment and i'm back so we're trying the caramel apple tk tea it has been steeping for a hot minuto let's give it a smell holy it actually smells like apple pie oh that's lovely that's really good oh i brought my tongue the tea ten out of ten i'm going to try with a biscuit listen is bad butter cakes i had another stroke oh they smell buttery they're so cute oh i can't wait okay i'm gonna dip it oh way better than digestive cookies if i may say so myself i'm gonna eat this whole bag what i'm all it's my turn's over okay well one second 20 out of 20 both of these can't say anything about it that was known as time i'm gonna take my team i'm gonna take my cookies and i'm gonna get out of here have a good one oh who's next misha is next all right misha is next see ya hello comrade i'm here to try sweets from germany and i'm very excited i'm very excited i heard the lively was in here already anyway um let's try something like maybe these nice like this because it's nice and small and fits in my tiny hands it's called a pickup pickup pickup um it's not easy to pick up but let's try it it looks like a wafer with milk chocolate in the middle all right it tastes like graham cracker with chocolate with no marshmallow it tastes like a s'more without the marshmallow very good i'd like it a lot i give this a 9 out of 10. all right next let's try these kinder choco buns i think they're just little kinder balls we have kinder surprise in canada but not kinder balls oh it looks so cute look at it look at it it's so cute damn it all right on package it says it looks like it has hit all right on package it looks like it has hazelnut and kinder stuff in it so i'm excited [Music] that is very good only thing i don't love is that there is a lot of cream in it shut up but they're pretty good i'd give them a 7 out of 10. 7 out of 13 i think next i will bring in carroll let's go get girl hey there everybody i'm excited to be here i'm surprised they invited me back honestly they don't really include me and much i see they didn't leave me a whole lot you know what i like the looks of this i'm excited i'm super excited um let's try these okay lip cut chin lip kitchen i'm probably probably not pronouncing that brad i'm sorry about that i don't know what that means but it looks good they look like little hearts they have those hearts on them i think that's so sweet i can't open this janet thank you i thought they'd be a lot smaller oh my god wow that looks really good that looks great i actually don't know what's in this they're christmas themed cookies but they're like a cake but in small and in in tough form now i'm more scared to try it because it sounds like this is a very confusing dessert but let's try it okay oh jesus that is a weird texture um one second how do i put this in the nicest way possible it's not good it's not it's not right zero and a tip you know what no i'm gonna be more one out of ten one out of ten okay okay let's move on okay i actually already tried nopers in one of my other videos i know they're already good so i'm going to save these for later and now we're left with some wafers and some nasini's new cities let's come on try these let's power thrown new cine new cine it's very light chocolate bar very oh oh that is very good it's like a wafer because that hazelnut flavor kind of like nutella delicious absolutely delicious i'm gonna give this eight and a half out of ten eight and a half out of ten the new sunnies all right we're gonna try the prince sands next it's a wafer with chocolate in the middle i don't think there really needs to be any more explanation oh oh little minis oh oh they're so cute they're like little cookies they taste like the pickups but they're a lot worse it tastes like it's expired but it's not yeah i'm gonna give these a like a three out of ten like if i was really wanting chocolate and these were in the back of my pantry and i had absolutely no other snacks in the house i would eat them only under those circumstances though you know what maybe i'll actually leave these to chris let's go let her eat something that would be really nice wouldn't it all right i'll go get her for you one you left me one all right well uh lastly mamr mammer crespimo i don't know it looks like a wafer or something okay i like wafers so i'm excited about this okay so we got a wafer with little layers in there smells delicious oh oh it's so good it's so light dip it in some coffee it's good and it's not too sweet like you could eat a few of these and you wouldn't get like sick hazelnuts crispinose i would give these like a 9 out of 10. highly recommend very much like delicious thank you so much sabine and sven for giving me these delicious treats i very much enjoyed that tea it was actually it was actually one of the highlights of this i'd say the tea the ritter sport and the toffees and the nutella sticks those are my favorite i'm gonna eat the out of those thank you guys for watching the video and all my characters um i hope you enjoyed if you did enjoy please like the video please and subscribe if you haven't already subscribed and hit the little notification bell for when i post next and i will see you in the next video okay love ya bye [Music] you
Channel: Kallmekris
Views: 850,081
Rating: 4.9828806 out of 5
Id: pNVh3PUvis0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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