Trying 'Candy Smoothies' From The Jamba Juice Secret Hidden Menu!

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weirdest morning already like most adventurous morning i've had in quite some time i was getting my shoes on and i already tweeted about this if you guys follow me on twitter link down in the description below you've already heard this story a bit i was putting my shoes on and one shoe felt tighter than the other and i was like putting it on and i was like what is wrong with this like i don't understand i was like oh okay it must be like the inside sole of the shoe like scrunched up and i'm like these are new shoes are you kidding me and i was like a little annoyed because they're like 100 shoes i rarely spend that type of money on shoes so i was like are these shoes already messed up i'm done i reach into my shoe and i'm like what what is that it feels like a giant shoelace so i try to like grab at it and it starts moving and i'm like nope i take my hand out as fast as i possibly can a giant lizard jumps out of my shoe okay i kid you not this lizard was six inches it was this big and that thick i was like my shoes were on the top shelf i'm at this point in my day where i'm like i'm kind of already done with the day i'm not scared of lizards i'm not really scared of critters i'm not really scared of like i haven't had a good scare and i feel like a decade like that i don't know there's something psychological about that about the unknown like the darkness whole that is your shoe and you're like what is in there like sure hope it's not an animal of some kind and then whatever pops his head out is alive and you were just messing around with it and like squishing with your foot and the poor lizard's probably traumatized now because i shoved my foot in there so hard it's just like one giant moment of impact and it just like boom you'll never be able to scare me like that with like a boo or ah it's like that's just like next level unknown type fear it's just weird and like looking back on it oh it's a lizard in your shoe big deal yeah but but it was scary what's up my oh just you where'd pogo why does it just have to be about him i said my boys but uh i don't know where paul went dude yeah i want to change that i got you fam what are you doing dude boom boom welcome to heaven connor yes sir today do you know what we're doing the jamba jamba juice we're going to check out the secret menu i'm talking here he's like just so excited yeah we have a jamba juice right by red robin dude oh yeah next to rubios yes yes yes we are going to see if jamba juice has a secret menu uh newsflash they do already looked it up in my head and you know there's like 20 flavors what we're gonna do is we're gonna get a bunch of smoothies today they're candy smoothies candy so i'm stoked about that bread stoked this heck i want liquid candy in my mouth every day she said all right so my gigi shoots my cheesy shoes my doper nub shoots they're done are you guys ready to go get some secret hidden smoothies it's like this morning do you think they'll let me put the shmootie in the acai bowl what i'll buy the smoothie if you want i say well you get that too nice yeah but i've heard smoothie you want a smoothie what flavor are you getting uh red gummy bears it happens it's like so ominous with all the white lights i know that's what i'm saying weird let's hit it to the batmobile everyone smiles and laughs okay it's recording oh funny joke anyways we're all done it's a jamba juice right they know that i already said that like six times and the title of this video is like eating like the secret jamba in the mouth so we gotta reiterate it one more time we collected you guys in this car for one reason really pokemon what if i asked you as a friend would you go catch some pokemon with me would you do it yeah i'd get the ash ketchum hat the gloves hashtag sponsored by pokemon go as a friend matt i would say like you're wasting your time there we go that's my friend because i was like all these two yes men dude yeah dude pokemon let's play that he agreed i just said this video is sponsored by pokemon go still is not just sponsored by pokemon by the way it sucks no not sponsored by pokemon honestly never play pokemon go weak it's weak pokemon in general is just pretty weak i think you're going to trigger a lot of people by saying pokemon go is weak yu-gi-oh is the better pokemon catch me inside digimon is the better yu-gi-oh digimon [Music] i'm just like a master anagramer you know so we're going to jamba juice right what are we getting for food well matt's getting his drinks we can get some food too aren't the smoothies going to melt before we get food are we just going to do this bit let's just drink on the go on the way to food are we going to suck each other's smoothies i mean yeah so do we insert our straws into that's i was thinking about this this morning i was like so maybe we just grabbed spoons and we scooped out of the top what are we from france i don't want to get mono from you weirdos all the time connor's giving me mono fun fact that's what i'm saying the gunner gave you money no it was just don't let them finish yeah get ready maybe we go so get larges and then get red solo cups and then just pour a little bit into them and then label them okay we can do that and then we listen to smash mouth smash mouth yeah i don't really know hey tanner why don't you go to mcdonald's for lunch that's about all you worth sucka got him it's so god it did i didn't hear you over the sound of the fans cheering me on so far they could cheer you on once birthday yeah because they want to support me matt they want to support me are you guys ready for some candy smoothie i'm ready to vomit good roll out autobots you got another foot of coverage that you could hold up your butt's sticking out do you think so he's knocking my parking it's not bad you know how much matt talks about spatial awareness let's do this you know what you're gonna order you know what you're gonna order you know what you're gonna order i know what i'm going to order it's loud in here guys i found this is a secret menu it's right here uh oh my gosh the subscribe button bell icon make sure you guys press that so you get notified of all these crazy things we do check it out this is the sour patch look at all like sour pads they all look the same honestly no yours is dark are you trying not good it tastes like a gummy worm what's yours mine's gummy bear it tastes really good it's exceptional i see i think starburst tastes nothing like pink starburst i'm a little bit sad this is actually huge this yeah should be sour right what oh no joke that's sour really is it here that's an old cup with trash in it let me pour something in there for you open the lid can i stick on yours yeah you can suck them drink the fluid so good yeah what do you think tower that's really sour you guys want to suck mine that's so sour you guys should suck tatters this is good you guys are going to get me teen rated i swear [Music] let's take a drink out of the straw yet nancy what's your guys's deal it looks so awkward oh that's good that is so good mine's not gonna matter yours tastes like a starburst mine sucks yeah i think she switched them here you guys want to try mine yeah yours tastes like starbursts a little mild starburst or mild mine's mine's playing that's the fruity rocks one fruity pebbles yes chase mine said fruity taste like that's what the lady called it it's not that great well that's just really good yeah that's exceptional it's got flavor tastes like sour patties mine tastes like paper matte is good i think mine and matter the best my lid won't go that kind i don't know about really sour but it's good wait don't drink any more connor calm down last time he drank it's just like the root beer float all over again here's what we're gonna do right now we're gonna go into target get some candy to click bait you pretty much it was the prettiest looking drink mine's just pink i think mine might be mine looks like a fleshy tone so wait butter tastes like oh you know it tastes it tastes like nuts i didn't taste it try it it doesn't taste great yours is boiling mine's bland his head sucks why are you upset about that why does that upset him he's just like i think everything about me but he just agreed that it was bland and then i said it sucks and then he got upset how dare you agree with me all right all right at target now we're gonna try and get exactly what we bought so that we can actually compare compare and contrast see what it tastes like we'll make a vent diagram sour patch tastes pretty good though what are the chances we just run into amanda right now i feel like she's in target way more than she should be i'm gonna show her that and see what she thinks about you she's the real boss by the way she already has told me what you think about me tanner stop burping on camera stop farting on camera that's me okay you can have it it's all about me i'm just saying i'm trying to get the facts straight hyperbola that's me who burns i do that finally here with the candy aisle starburst sour patch there's some gummy bears right there tanner there's sour though i have starburst fave reds so it has like the pink what's your favorite i don't know where did connor go oh he went to go get pretty normal pink's good but what's that all paul pink you like they make this pink's the best flavor make it right there this is what i can tell you right now let's do it everyone put whatever you got inside your smoothies and then do like a little taste test i just want to point out the fact that they make this is impressive why are you so pink is the best watch everyone's going to comment down below that thinks the best strawberry what figures this will get you some health problems for sure [Music] do you think this is going to work oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] we don't have matthew all right so i'm gonna try this now with the yeah with our actual ingredients [Music] this paper is gonna get everywhere why didn't anyone grab napkins look at how soupy this oh my god it's got mine's like 80 percent gummy bear now that's what's up dude i'm like packing my fruity pebbles in there sorry i think it's better actually honestly tastes super close to it mine tastes just like candy wow how does it taste no difference does it taste like uh cereal how much of my drink you dumped honestly it wasn't that much you know it dripped all the way down the side it's quite a bit it's underneath the seat i'll just take the seat out no big deal just got the whole car i was addicting now it's like better what is that is it really better got a little bit of sourness anybody want some fruity rocks can you get ants in a car depends if it's open if i see an ant trail coming into the car i'll just drive away you can't get me all right where to lunch where are we going dude i think i have like sugar on my neck i want a burger so bad that was a wild ride let's go in and out in and out hook partners right here let's just do it there's some hooks right there dude it's not a burger true i've never had it the sound of the buns that's what i'm saying not classic ale is what i named my daughter that's not what i put on a burger aioli can you imagine hey hey oli ayoli that's a cute name it's like an italian mobster name do we have any napkins in there no i looked bomber dude i'm always talking that's right napkins in my truck
Channel: Project: 863
Views: 1,197,710
Rating: 4.9210782 out of 5
Keywords: secret menu, jamba juice, taste test, matthias vlogs, team edge, hi5 studios, click crew, chill records, adpop, omneity, screentime, battle universe, REKT, DOPE or NOPE, get good gaming, matthias vlog, mathias vlogs, secret hidden, secret hidden menu, hidden menu, matthiasiam, menu hacks, secret, travel, hiding, secret menu items, exploring, candy smoothies, fast food, gummy bear, sour patch, fruity pebbles, how to get, comedy, review, test, reacting to
Id: dN4WC3QWHpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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