Trying A $7000 Cup Of Coffee

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ah you know those days where you like you wake up and you're just like it's just right I should be unconscious today's one of those days hey how's it going by the way haven't seen you guys in like a week right cool I haven't been getting a lot of sleep so I decided the best thing when you're not getting a lot of sleep it's not more sleep technically it's coffee so that's what we're gonna do Sam today we're making this all about coffee coffee machine it came in right where is it very back of in boxes no no no no I know I know I'm just I'm just saying there's two boxes okay so here's what's up I decided to go a little crazy with a coffee machine and this particular coffee machine it's so big it comes in two boxes alright so I decided to really really really spoil the hi-5 crew and myself a little it's this it stop this is way bigger than I thought so here's the thing if any of you ever go to Aldo sits in Santa Clarita he's he's a he's a barber he's a dope barber shout-out to Aldo he has one of these machines and I just I fell in love I absolutely fell in love with it ever just fall in love with an inanimate object just me cool what objects have you fallen in love with I have fallen in love with books they're so wise and I'll never steer you wrong unless you read Scientology that's weird stuff I'm a lazy person so I'm gonna go get and Paul and Connor if they're down and under the guise of you know hanging out and shooting a vlog I'm gonna get them to unpack this and build it that's mated look at pulse setup here I didn't give you a budget for Gavi at all yeah you guys want to come over and see it it's it's an it's in a box that like one of you can fit in we show up at 9:10 Stu's nowhere to be seen I was like yeah that's right when he makes his own shooting times man he's like hey I said 9 to 12 ish in my defense one of the perks of being a boss is that you get to set your own hours and you get to set everyone else's hours - so that's cool okay guys it's back here you can fit in this Paul for sure no it's still in there don't break it oh okay guys do you how much money you spend this five thousand five thousand dollars that's cool that's still pretty expensive this is a crash okay Paul knows what that is spoke too soon this holds the milk perpetually and refrigerate sexually yes so you fill it up and it's just ready to actually make a full latte whenever you want you don't have to mess around with milk for cleaning things and literally just feeds the system milk you can make a macchiato a latte don't drink that oh there's a lot of system cleaner yep I like to clean but I am afraid of being stinky that's my number one afraid of thing is being stinky so you know when poop comes around usually shower that's why I'm always late stop no stop what else did you do it lows beside opening boxes ooh opening boxes i watered plans in the morning that was really meditating at the time I talked with a lot of moms you don't talk with moms anymore no just people in the office there's no moms around here this tape have layers dude 120 volts do 1500 watts that's actually ah dude that's that's classy that's one whole cup here's here's the thing before we actually build it we have to kind of figure out what base it's going in what's your vote like where we put this you guys already have coffee machines in them so that means we have to keep your office perpetually open yeah so we just charge like the entire complex high five bucks so we'll just hand out high five bucks to all the employees when they do something really good get my coffee - high five bucks rub my feet five high five bucks turning a report on time ten high five bucks before you know it I'll have these people working for fake money people be walking upstairs to coffee why are you trying to point that true same is too young for 17 maybe got grinders you put coffee beans in there no maybe a little more red bass you pitched as a barista lunch area yes red base wearing red base and then you can write on the wall the menu I like that Sam Sam that's that's a vote for Sam I like it over in that how much did it cost it cost 56 bucks he's getting get three more tax I always forget about taxes that's why I go in debt every year about half as much as I make oh she came at them with fire dude I like if you order starbucks daily every day of the year and you buy like a medium to large-sized coffee that's two thousand dollars a year on Starbucks hey hey do you know how much it would cost to have a barista that much every two months yeah too much this will get you years what base do you think this should go on blue base okay that's a blue base vote you can convince them of all of your points if you want that's why you're here like you guys say red base Tanner says orange base it's going to be your office Livan Livan yes are you drinking coffee right now lavon's we have a giant coffee machine right and it literally makes whatever you want with the milk right you just press one button okay maybe two or three what base should it go in blue base true he's got a point everyone does have meetings here you know unless they're having meetings off the books you know those meetings after the meeting where people get together and they - talk people that were in the previous meeting I'm never invited to those okay thanks LaVon with that one vote for blue base one vote blue base okay two votes for blue but I'm not actually keeping track no no it doesn't really matter I'm just getting a general consensus and then I'm gonna choose really hey nervous always okay good we have a coffee machine food we have a coffee machine you know poppy machinist it it produces only black coffee okay I'm just kidding only milk coffee only milk it spits out on the GG set once you only drink milk why do you pretend to drink coffee in those GG cups because it always gets a kick out of you Matt that's why it's purely just based on comedy to make you laugh make you feel good because you know something you think an entire cup of milk I drink the every GG shoot I drink in making laughs I drink an entire gallon of milk every day so yes all realize you're doing good cop bad cop that's Oh true so far most people are saying blue base in blue base I don't know a causation does not equal correlation you know correlation does not equal causation either and you know what else communication does not equal a good relationship sometimes you have to get physical in that last 10% you know I'm saying we bought a really nice coffee machine yeah what base should it go in orange for sure yeah like I already have all the coffee that's surprising why would you guys say orange base because I've already making a cop those in there and this is our base yeah that's true Connor and I get a whole new office and we turn that into a coffee shop where would you guys go home your office oh that's it you don't work out that's try I just used these things he's referencing the channel that you guys made but they never made a video about and you said you're gonna make Paul this question but he's sick how do you think the roast is coming I can tell you what Paul would say yeah tell me what you'd say true yeah I thought I heard you did but okay they want to just all humor them do we got to do all right we got to do it right all right let's go stairs we bought a coffee machine it's really nice super nice for the entire studio what base should have gone that's a bow I think most of the coffee lovers are in orange brace and the ones who are also come to talk about the common area like come on now man they really went after the poor kid yeah a peanut gallery over here yeah you have a coffee bar be quiet I will you're lucky those blinds are shut my favorite management tactic is that what is that what I do here am i manager here is that oh boy that's deeply disturbing I haven't been doing that at all if I were to be a manager I'd that's what I've been doing this whole time I've been a manager that's a real challenge I'll play you right now okay yeah there's a fridge right around the corner we could store coffee things in I'm just saying like if we want this to meet the communal like sharing area we need to build it sharing oh yeah all I gotta say is that this place is depressing and it feels like a prison and I think we should leave it that way so we need to liven it up a reason to come here I think I'm with Paul on this one yeah again a question for Paul but he's not here why shouldn't prisoners be happy why shouldn't prisoners be happy because I'm not in prison and I'm not happy so like if they're in prison they should be less happy than me my imprison I hear her here instant coffee instant coffee let's just ask someone else yeah yeah well we were gonna ask we were gonna ask like we bought this nice coffee machine and we were gonna ask like what base do you vote to put it in but I mean you're set with instant how often you drink instant coffee yeah I don't like I don't like instant coffee but I like how it feels you know what I mean that means your tea Blatt what's your boat it being in any base do you know what I'm talking about coffee coffee machine so you don't want it in red base you you're actually opposed it to be in red base you're just like anti red base okay why you'd never think people could get so emotional over such a simple question you see that in the last vlog ahead Starbucks okay and I vowed to never drink it again what base should the new coffee maker go in it's a very fancy delicious oh I've heard I've heard about this coffee machine right outside my door not like if it's gonna be absolutely why not yeah why not in your door right now I'm getting a lot of mixed votes it seems like well let me see really yeah bullet said not red Basin that's you yeah that's the first person that's the first person's ever said not a particular base we got what we need someone wake up Tanner and look okay what's your vote just so we can be like inclusive in this office bulette said anti-red base so that just cancels it out all right I think I like Sam's idea I like the idea of having a bar right here that you can like sit at and like do your stuff you know you just like right and like computes some Kahlua some Jack Daniels maybe we just convert it into a bar bar yeah yeah what true okay so this is where the bar goes yes so we still okay where's the coffee go now domi are you on the phone who the girl just hung up on her friend like it was nothing that's respect to me not her friend she's a star back in so respect what we want to do is find a base for the coffee machine what base do you want and why give me it give me five reasons and give me the third one first what's your view of the commoners the commoners so like 98% of hi-5 studios are alright get the job done red base okay but the only place I think really has space and red base is the bathroom so I'll just okay yeah multitasking and coffee does help you poo can I sit on that can I test it oh yeah that's nice no look look at this you see this you're trying to kill me ah too many schools I have to pick out too many stools let's end his life and no more stools forever that was that was what she wanted to do I ditched the other guys because I've decided to make the decision myself action we haven't asked Izzy yet how often do you partake in a delicious brew coffee yeah how often often I usually I go yeah where what base should it go in what good like coffee bean you want me to put that at coffee bean what base blue based red base orange goes what base yeah yeah that's too much have orange close to your shop orange okay your office is an orange base that's why I'm like okay interesting let's see it's like a common theme I'm saying I'm not gonna pick any particular base because most people want blue and most people want orange that's because that's where most people are so I'm gonna pull CEO cart and just choose red because if people are gonna be mad they can be mad at me cuz I can take it Doh what kind of coffee beans let's go see I might have had to make a run today Sierra for coffee beans and for milk do we have milk no so we have to make a run anyways Stumptown stump towns good yeah some towns very good tell me about your coffee friends coffee friends what does that mean you told me you had coffee friends oh I guess I mean I don't remember saying that but yeah I have friends that are coffee friends that work at coffee shops consistently danny has come here before I know him my friend okay so just because you know something doesn't make me your friend okay I guess Danny's not my friend but you don't decap French first what is that that's not that's not some town yeah because the town was like 40 Syrah that's in plastic but this has really good Amazon reviews and it's decaf Don Pablo it's like a cartel [Laughter] yet there's a white person on the back for some reason even even Karen is the only one person that knows how to make a perfect cup of coffee smell this mmm this smells good alright so we're good on coffee but we need milk but I need to build the system I need to go put it in red base that's what that's what we got to do smell this Wow see for a lot of people I don't think they realize how expensive it is to own an office like for instance if I just go and walk around and be like hey what if I got everyone new chairs how much you think that would cost Sam how much do you think that would cost if I got everyone new office chairs wrong about 10 grand oh how much do you think it would cost if I got everyone new desks yeah Oh see now you're catching on yeah about that so if I were to just to get people new chairs and desks bare minimum 30 grand so now just coffee for the entire like hopefully this lasts five years seven grand that's not that crazy because when you're talking about little K Cups 30 people a day doing a cake up and a cake up is like $1 that's like wait really I'm saving money here you think I'm just lavishly spending money but really I'm being frugal with class check out my blog frugal with class comm and Tanner's blog just frugal comm here we go look at that beauty this this thing I hear you know I'm Sam good oh wow look at these beautiful cups of coffee - a Giga six I don't know what that means but I'm intrigued I'm about to read these instructions whoa whoa it's got flyaway whoa that's like doing compartments pain compartment that's so cute these things right here this is if I'm not mistaken Grindr yeah this is where yeah that's where you put in the beans so you can put two different kinds of beans in there all we got to do Sam is read the instructions and get her get her going so I looked at the instruction booklet and I just wasn't having it just you know some days you're just tired so I just I called the boys I've decided read base it is okay well it's my coffee machine so don't I didn't say you could touch it water hardness yeah insert filter you want hard water part of the water the better yet it's that's the fill today where does it go in here the dirty fill water in there no that's good water drink it if you think about it it just means aware of the environment that's all so yeah I would say I'm an environmentally conscious at least as much as the next vegan okay I literally just fell into place done no build a water tank okay geniuses what now it's floating that's how it keeps it down we did it family photo of water you see these and that goal there's more look you can just no Connor not just milk you're gonna order just a glass of milk no cancel when you go to a restaurant what is your beverage of choice beer any any beer it could be beer from a plastic bag normally that's called wine beer from a barrel cancel cancel cancel cancel the note that was not supposed to do that cancel we have to get milk you guys have milk you have milk we do a little bit Tanner had milk and cookies there's like three ounces in here a cup of milk yeah we can have we can pay people to bring this milk would you pay be able to bring us coffee do yeah okay insulation blowing gasps yeah the cutter blows gas as well guess hard oh this thing just does the sucking and that's it that's all yeah this all this does is just enough goes on can't go on we got two beans in mmm yeah beans bean black or pinto milk chocolate Sam Kenny no chocolate we go Kim coffee I don't like can I get a prep ochita with our coffee that's me it's lame really why don't you like coffee it's too bitter and like I've tried like very chocolatey sugary frappuccinos and whatever and I can just still taste the only bitter coffee taste to it oh okay no yes bellevigne this ability says beautiful I'm so good we just committed honestly so we're gonna do the one that's really visual okay that's why I keep that kid around he's just funny he's just fun to be around I don't even care if I don't know exactly what he does I think we need more milk let's go get know we need this again right who invited I was it was a question yeah yeah let's say I would say respect is just key in our relationship you know like me and the boys we laugh and we have fun and just having a grand old time but at the end of the day it's respect that matters time has passed how much time Sam about a week and you know my class is dirty this is a story for another day but people keep stealing my club my mug my glass this is this is dads hey high five mine let's go and let's test it let's see if we actually can get a real nice good cup of joe for Matt I'm gonna make a cup of joe right now so Sam what do you think you think I'm gonna be able to actually get a cup of coffee that's delicious and nutritious okay milk system is being rinsed okay well that sucks it's a robot it just does its own thing when it wants to this is way better than you know getting a barista cuz a barista they talk back to you less people the better this should be a logo of like hi-5 coffee shop logo so lavon's if you're looking at this that would be a great utilization of your skills to just maybe like make a little barista face like make me a barista and put like a high five apron on me and then make that the background Sam okay okay cool decaf latte macchiato that's beautiful I'm gonna do that one oh it's gonna make it three seconds boom I like it whoa it's beautiful it's not sputtering either this is just great news Sam we got a seven second interval look at that they're both synched up this is magic it's like the science of the future [Music] and oh he's a Star Wars fan okay well I would have put more foam on top but for all intents and purposes that is a decent macchiato made by a machine Joe looks pretty good Yeah right it smell it smells really good actually yeah where are you laughing at your own joke what do you guys think down the comments below is that pretty or what shut up if you don't agree stop typing that's good needs sugar now if we can somehow have someone just like beside it putting putting sugar in it or maybe if you want to since you work right there anyways you can just kind of hang out there and see if anyone needs a little sugar by adding barista to my job description I don't see why not go get your apron so the question is was it worth $7,000 I don't know but it's better than McDonald's coffee and I think that's really what matters guys check out that video right there that is a video also about coffee at the studio surprisingly I know multiple videos like that crazy and that right there that's a playlist about keys until anymore love okay cool later
Channel: Matthias
Views: 1,370,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matthias, matthiasiam, matthias vlogs, hi5, hi5 studios, vlog, vlogging, vlogger, dope or nope, get good gaming, battle universe, coffee, expensive, team edge, hi 5 studios, comedy, humor, fun, funny, coffee video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 52sec (1972 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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