6 Ways To Cool A Hot Mouth (EXPERIMENT)

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what's the best way to cool down a mouth that's burning from spicy food let's talk about that good mythical morning welcome to the season 7 finale of good mythical morning don't worry we're gonna be back Season 8 starts August 10th have a good break and and it may take that entire time for us to recover from this episode I mean we've had a number of spicy hot pepper stunt episodes where it's like can we eat this hot pepper right are we crazy enough to do this and the thing that we've always ended up doing is the way out the way to relief has been milk more than ice cream dairy products that's what we've used to cool down our mouths because we read somewhere oh that's the best way to cool down on your mouth well we want to find out is that actually true so what we're gonna do today is we're going to induce some hots in our mouth using habanero slivers we're not going all the way to the Carolina Reaper or the Ghost Pepper but this is gonna be plenty hot straight-up habanero slivers hot enough for me to have been nervous like I was having dreams about it last night I feel sorry for you I'm just I mean I mean I'm not looking forward to it but the thing is it's not migraine is different we're gonna be able to have relief over and over again but then we're gonna have to eat them over and over we have to eat a new sliver of a quarter of a habanero before each round and then we're going to introduce the item we're gonna start with milk and then go through some other ones to see how they compare and we were gonna use smokey the Bears we're gonna have from from 1 to 10 smokey the Bears rating scale but smokey the bear is copyrighted so I'm gonna be having smoke ish the bear kind of like Smokey the Bear ish yeah right smoke ish the bear he's he's popular are you ready no let's do it round 1 round 1 okay the milk is here I'm comforted by its proximity all right so these are these are comparable below just circulating too much okay I gotta go I got a compound I think that's that should happen I don't think you're black circulating too much I think it's creating enough blood pressure man all right here we go whoo I'm gonna get a cup big time oh gosh I forgot how much I hate this why was this the idea for the season don't vomit ly tell the facts man max are the protein in milk breaks down the bonds oh the spicy kept your nerve receptors so anyway the case via protein in the milk okay without rec it down protein bring it on hmm there's relief instant relief then it goes away mm-hmm and have to keep drinking no I just got it up my nose a little bit Nick no you didn't you did see I came go oh my nose wow this is really helping though I mean it's really hot it's really hot ah well we got to keep going it's a bad idea I'm gonna get a 5/5 smokers five smokers because I don't know where this is going I'm gonna give this one as a 4 as you I hate this for messes up yeah just to kind of have some wiggle room talking like that that's good I'm trying to bring air in when I speak I mean it's still really hot but I don't want to hurt myself anymore Oh guys round 2 round 2 okay link okay this is my favorite yeah this is something good for me peanut butter can I eat it first no you have to eat this I think you're supposed to coat nope it's supposed to be a treatment oh gosh oh my goodness I get one way look at this one dude Wow stupid is this at least the initial bite is gone my buddy so you dope all right fatty oils and peanut butter behind with the cap see I'm worried it coats your tongue I'm very worried what's happening with your body right now oh man I'm just feeling so sick I'm trying not to vomit but I love peanut butter what happens how does it work I seriously love peanut butter so much that I'm finding emotional comfort in eating it like you're coming through for me again lady plausible lady mmm cuz she treats me right you think if you like it's binding with the capsaicin yeah this is helping well this is better than milk guys and I don't know if it's because it's the second pepper and there's not that initial jolt that better help man cuz what do I want for me what I want right now milk real bad oh it's really in my back of my throat hurt real bad right back there well this is helping me I'm gonna say an eight yeah man you're blinded by your love for peanut butter that's not scientific I was like a scientist going into the lavish life I love the blue paint on this in this lab everything I doing here is gonna be right I'm not going lower than a 7 7 4 so it you you want more milk real bad Wow 3 and okay next up is sugar it's just it's just a big jar of sugar ma'am but I think about her I am I am hopeful but I'm just I gotta take this win people taking it we're taking a little shortcut the rest of them are bad it's gonna get bad again well you ready yeah do it think of it like Beach are you okay Spidey all right tell me about the sugar how's the Konami link here's the science man sugar sugar supposedly absorbs the spicy oil and helps mask the spicy taste in fact they made the Scoville scale based on sugar the heat in chili peppers is based on the amount of sugar needed to neutralize the heat oh here's the use to go bill I think this is I think this is the one that is really gonna all start coming up there's a lot of retching this happened on this show and it's about to come to a culmination I'm glad you have a custom bar from buggit oh it's not helping as much as the peanut butter but the Scoville scale is based on this man so at zero on the Scoville is sugar no you just leave me out of this man it's shifted to my lips is he shifted to your lips do you need someone should be a song it's it's reached a new place it went to the lips but the sugar helped the inside but it made my lips burn it's not so I didn't know so that's some points for sugar but for getting it outside in my mouth but sugar made my lips burn I'm gonna give this one for as well for smoke ish the Bears yeah I'm gonna give this one I thought the same as milk oh man but I would give it a five a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine per go now no Mary Poppins all right I gave it a five all right there you have it oh gosh let's get this over with Round four okay we have avocados here we do I'm glad I like avocados will you feel about peppers I hate their existence I'm gonna try not to vomit guys my brain is already singing don't put this in your mouth and so a medium worried great difficult is pretty difficult to be next to a man that's behaving this way and not begin to bother the pepper came out oh it didn't a little peanut butter you tell us about why I've got his work he served with guacamole with salsa for a reason and that's hopefully to help with this this was really all ma'am is it hot Oh in the back the creamy texture and the fat in the avocado should help horrible are you hiccuping or vomiting oh my gosh yeah you got some seeds now you got some seeds is it helping eat some more avocado that's the test it's helping me there's not helping I recommend vomiting a little first what was your oh I give it a zero you didn't help you at all put it on your lips that's not helping you any Liz Oh fine did you smush it in your mouth or just swallow it do you forget yeah zero I'm giving this one a 6 I mean the fatty the fatty so unscientific okay now we have white toothpaste and I'm told the Mythbusters said that this did not help them at all well let's try them now we're not supposed to eat this stuff we'll just swish it around in our mouth and vomit it up which inevitably I'm gonna do my brain is not gonna let we're just go down this right now if I can put the toothpaste in first just do this 3t is easy whatever came up so gutter oh man yeah that's where it comes from it's just is it burning for you but yes I don't know if this is gonna make it worse though all right what's gonna make your teeth clean oh you're making it worse yeah it's not matter it's burning but my teeth are getting very clean honey breathe in refreshing yeah a mega Network dope oh wow man who came up with it oh that's not a good idea the idea behind that one is that the peppermint or the menthol flavour will cancel out the burning sensation of the capsaicin from the pepper there's an Asterix next to that and it says Eddie made this up so okay so don't get worse man so if you eat a hot pepper don't rush it - y'all go brush your teeth oh I'll give it a I give a negative one yeah I give that I give that a zero round six oh gosh okay here we go you know what's gonna happen or not I do a palo de you know what's gonna happen they do it you're gonna go can you go and then you throw when you're gonna go you're gonna stew get something out any gonna be like I got some toothpaste up that's what's gonna I could have a GoPro my head oh so I can see right in you don't want to see that it's so hot all right tell me what the lemon does cuz I do need to limit because supposedly capsaicin is an alkaloid and lemon juice contains citric acid on the wood plus plus acid equals neutral all right Diddy's did it ease the pain I don't think it did anything is that sour yeah I don't know what doesn't in there this isn't gonna change I think the proof is positive I keep going back to the milk I know I rated the peanut butter higher but the cold and liquid miss of this the milk was so good how can you say the peanut butter is better ma'am people all around here Milka I'll give milk I uh give it 9 now I love you milk oh you're going back you give it a 9 what do you give the limits I give the limits to don't care about limits the experiment for the Prius I'll give them a 3 I give the limit of 3 because it took my mind off her it didn't help it although but the milk man so now you know thanks for liking to comment on this hi guys this is the best room from cabinets chimney alright thanks for watching season seven of good mythical morning stay busy over the break cuz you got with there's a lot of episodes out there also you can listen to our latest episode of beer biscuits this week's guest was missglamorazzi Ingrid Nilsen check that out click through to good mythical more where you hang out with us I hope to get someone to eat at least part of this pepper from the crew danced out of frame oh what a great way to end this use your thumb down who else wants to try
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 9,308,765
Rating: 4.93325 out of 5
Keywords: Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking, season 7, Experiment (Literature Subject), Taste Test, Pepper, Habanero Chili (Ingredient), Hot, Spicy, Spicy Food, Hot Food, Milk, Mythbusters, Toothpaste, Lemon, Dairy, Capsaicin (Chemical Compound), Food, Eating, Season Finale, Finale, Peanut Butter, Barf
Id: lYuohq1l2ZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2015
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