Upside Down Challenge

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- Ever made a cup of coffee upside down? - Let's talk about that. (groovy theme music) Good mythical summer. - And Happy Memorial Day, we want to extend a very mythical thank you to all the brave men and women who served, or continue to serve our country, thank you. - Yes, thank you. And today, we will be serving you by doing a bunch of challenges while upside down. It's time for Now This Is an Episode All About How We Both Got Flipped, Turned Upside Down, So We'd Like to Take a Minute, Just Sit Right there, We're About to Play Some Games While We're Strapped to Inverted Chairs. - Okay, so we're gonna compete in a series of challenges while being suspended upside down, and the winner at the end of all these challenges gets a special prize. - Now to the upside down. - As if tying a tie wasn't difficult enough, now we're gonna do it as quickly as possible while upside down. Rhett is gonna go first, so invert yourself brother. - Oy, here we go, ohohohoh. - [Link] Rest easy man. - Oh, it's hard. - You're like a bat. Okay, so the object is to tie this tie as quickly as possible, and then do that faster than I do it in order to win the round. I'll be going second, so are you ready to grab that tie and go for it? - No, but I'll try. - In three, two, one, go. (Rhett grunting and making sounds) - Is this - Not pleasant. - It's not pleasant. - No. - He's doing some sort of under, upside down grunt language. (Rhett grunts) Your face is turning real red. There's no blood in those feet anymore. - Is there, that should be helping you. - Done, done. (buzzer) - Alright flip back up, I'll help you. Alright, so how long did that take him? - [Stevie] 24 seconds. - 24 seconds, and you know what, well, there's a little, probably, - I mean it's a little uneven, but it's tied. - The slim tie. - This is the new thing, though, 2017, you go long with the other one. - I don't think so. - Okay Link, the time to beat is 24 seconds, get into the position. (Link grunts) Yeah, you see those noises I was making, now you're making 'em. - Man, not pleasant. - Okay, the tie is down there. - Oh goodness. - You can pick it up, in three, two, one, go. There it goes, yeah. - I totally can't remember how to tie a tie. I can't remember how to do it. - Look down, it does help. - Ahhh, my face, my face is about to explode. - Well I can tell, I can tell by looking at it. - Oh, oh my goodness. - That's a pretty tie you got there. Okay, is it, okay, (Link grunts) - Done. - Okay, come on, - Get me out of here. - Come on up. - Oh my goodness. - Okay, what do we got here? - I'm about to faint. - It's pretty comparable, I mean a little bit of, - That looks good when you do this. - A little more of a mismatch, but what was the time on that one? - [Stevie] Just under 29 seconds. - Oh, just under 29. - There's a clear winner on this one. - Oh, the round goes to me. - Look at that. - Let's go out somewhere now. Okay, now it's time for some upside down coffee making. Link, assume the position, you have to make a cup of coffee, add cream and sugar, and then take a sip. - Oh goodness. - This isn't timed, but it's so uncomfortable being upside down that you're gonna want to go pretty quickly, and we're going to see who makes more of a mess, so the person who makes less of a mess is the winner, are you ready? - Uh, yeah. - In three, two, one, go. - Oh goodness. - Oh, already made a little bit, a little bit of a mess. - Oh my goodness, oh my gosh. This is complicated. - [Rhett] And now just pour a little bit, yeah, now it gotta go to the top, you gotta get to the top. - Oh my goodness this is hard. - Okay, leave some room for cream and sugar. Sorry you got a little anxious, a little ambitious there. - Oh the pain. - A little cream, that's probably gonna overflow. - Oh okay, ah shoot. - Add some sugar, or artificial sweetener, whichever you prefer. - Little bit of both. - More mess, now we need a little stir, a little stir, a little stir. And you need to top it off by taking a sip. You can do that, right? - How's this gonna work? - I don't know, I'm gonna take notes, though, because I'm going second. - This is not easy. - This is not easy, man. - I'm about to pour all of this up my nose. - Here we go. Okay, yep there we go, little bit of a mess. - I'm shaking. - Get it in there, and suck. Come back up. - Get me out of here. I made a little bit of a mess down here. - Okay, we'll hold our sheets up together at the end to see who made a bigger mess. Now it's my turn. - Okay Rhett, come on down. Now Rhett doesn't drink coffee, so he's gonna be making tea. - I'm a tea man. - But the tea bag is already in there, so it's the same amount of steps, still using the coffee carafe. - How the crap did you, what? - I know, it's disorienting when it's upside down, right. - I don't even know where to grab it. - Don't think about it, just go for it. Alright, we're gonna be comparing your spillage to mine. It's tough, isn't it? (Rhett makes noises) It's funny how you do like an upside down sing songy. Woah. - Hello. - [Link] Now you gotta fill it all the way up, to the brim. - [Rhett] I gotta leave room for cream. - Oh, you left a little room for cr-, oop, yeah set that down, maybe get some water there. I'd move the carafe. A little bit more, all the way, all the way to the top, just like I did. - And then with some sugar. - And then with some sugar whisper. It's not easy, is it? - Well it's actually not bad. - Alright now stir it. - [Rhett] Okay, just a little stir. - You gotta let it seep. And then, now the drinking is, there you go, now you're going everywhere. Let's move this out of the way, you gotta move that back. Hold on, I'm not moving the carafe for you. - Hold on, you moved the carafe back? - Yeah, I gotta put it back. There you go, now get your drinky drinky. How's that taste? - It went in my nose. - Yeah, get you another one, that's fine. - But it's nice and good. - Better the second time? Alright, let's compare. - Alright, let's see who's got more spillage. - It's hard to tell, I don't know. I mean mine's brown, I think the reason why yours looks like so much less is because, - Cause it's clear? - No, because there is less, but hold on, - You made like an eagle pattern or something. - This is like the Shroud of Turin, which one looks more like Jesus. - I don't think that's what we're competing on. I mean, first of all, - Which one looks more like a butterfly? - Yours doesn't look more like Jesus, man. - It looks like a hawk, I win. - Yours is more animal like, but mine has less spillage, which I recall was the actual test. - You win. - Hey. - I may be down two-zero, but it's anybody's game because the game is upside down basketball, where every basket counts as a point. Now Rhett, go ahead and invert yourself. You may notice that he's wearing an eye contraption, which is known as upside down goggles. - Oh gosh, uhhhhh. - Not only is Rhett hanging upside down. - Where is the freaking goal? - But he's seeing everything inverted. - Where the freak is the goal, where is it? - Over here. (Link claps) - There it is. - Now when you see the goal, is it upside down, or right side up? - No it's right side up, I'm gonna shoot right at it. - Rhett, you got 45 seconds to make even more of a lead on me. - Goodness gracious. - Your 45 seconds begins when the ball leaves your hands. Whenever you're ready. Go, oop, that was a little low. Oop, okay, looks like you're making an educated. You trying it? You're a little low brother. You haven't made one yet, that's good for me. You're giving me hope. - I have no idea. I have no idea. - Well you're missing to the right now. How much time we got? - [Ellie] That's time. (buzzer) - The last one was a fail, so zero points added for Rhett. - Unbelievable. Okay Link, the bar has been set very low, because I made zero, so all you gotta do is make, (Link grunts) if you make three you win, you make two you tie. - I don't even know where to look. - Follow my voice. - Where's the, - Follow my voice. It's at the goal. Follow my voice to the balls, I mean to these balls. Follow my voice to these balls. - Where's the ba-, where's, - Lower man, higher, higher. Okay, time starts as soon as you take your first shot. Good luck friend. - Oh my goodness, this is, the level of difficulty here is, - Right, okay, that was, I mean it was in the general direction. Oh you hit the rim. - I'm doing pretty good, huh? - That one's, that's high, that's still a little high, a little high, woah, woah, woah you made one! You got one. - I made one? - Don't celebrate too much, you gotta keep going. Oh, that hit the net, one more to tie. - Is that further away? - That was a lot worse. - I can't even see the goal. - Do the thing you did to make it. Ohhhhhhh. - Did I make another one? - No, close though. - Where's the, where, I keep losing it, I can't even, there it is. - How much time? - [Stevie] Five. - Oh god, now you're cheating. - Time. - Time. - Time, time, time, time. Oh gosh. - But I got one. - You got one, congratulations, you're still a loser. But you did make one, that's better than me. - Thank you for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - And we'll see you on Wednesday. You know what time it is. - Hello, this is Aaron. - And this is Felix. - And we're from Germany, Munich. - [Together] And it's time to spin The Wheel of Mythicality. - The upside down just doesn't stop here, we've also done some upside down challenges over on our This Is Mythical YouTube channel, at, check 'em out. - And click through to Good Mythical More, where we're gonna do an upside down eating experiment. - Collect All Five! We want you to keep your eyes peeled and collect all five of inanimate object faces, like outlets, places that you can find faces. - I see faces in that, get five of 'em. - Post your collection with #CollectAllFive and we will repost our favorites. - [Link] Click on the left to watch our show after the show, Good Mythical More. - [Rhett] Click on the right to watch another episode of Good Mythical Morning. - [Link] And make sure to check out our new channel, This Is Mythical, by clicking the video at the bottom. - [Rhett] Thanks for being your mythical best.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,923,969
Rating: 4.9536142 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, vlog rhett and link, season 11, upside down challenge, rhett link upside down challenge, upside down challenge rhett link, gmm upside down challenge, upside down challenge gmm, upside down, challenge, upside down goggles, upside down basketball, upside down sports, upside down coffee, drinking upside down, tying a tie, how to tie a tie
Id: MJobHSBfdp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2017
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