Try Guys Test Craziest 5-Minute Crafts

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I kind of loved the chaotic energy of this video. Like classic try guys energy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 68 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/disworldtraveler πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This video is more about how crazy we’re all getting in the time of coronavirus than anything else.

When these guys get weird, they produce some of their best stuff. I laughed out loud throughout.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/moonorchid84 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I absolutely love the videos they do after being away from eachother. You can tell they were very happy to be in person again it’s so sweet to know they genuinely like working together.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Camcam-1995 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sometimes they get flak for being too over the top and playing characters instead of being themselves, but for as crazy this video felt, it totally seemed like they were being themselves and genuinely having fun. I was not expecting to love this video as much as I did.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Squeakersquirrel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This may be my new favourite video of theirs. I’m currently getting over side effects from the Covid vaccine and this put the biggest smile on my face!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/genderfxck πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is like when it’s your first time home alone as a kid. No production oversight from Rachel or Nick πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jacqlily πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is what happens when Rachel doesn't babysit! Loved every minute of it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ileftthedooropen πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is the chaotic energy I didn't know was missing in my life. One of my favorites in recent times.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mel_bell_123456_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is the Try Guys content I am looking for!! I loved every second of it and really brought OG vibes from me. The chaotic energy is amazing and I love their friendship.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LovelyRS πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- [Keith] Five minute crafts. It's a channel, it's a lifestyle. (boys laughing) We're testing if you can do them in five minutes, and if they're even worth doing. - [Ned] I'm sorry, I'm an idiot. I didn't actually start rolling. - What, we're not even rolling?! - [Ned] No, only on this one, 'cause I it's been like literally... - It just has a slow drown. - You got to redo your whole delivery. - [Ned] No, my camera angle- - We got it on the camera that Zach was trying to tilt up. - But the whole point of filming in person again is getting this sweet ass B cam zoom action. - Everyone loves the B Cam zoom. Look, we haven't done this in a while, we hire people to do this for us, and now we're back in it. Okay, I need my camera back over here, guys! - My god, it's supposed to be such a simple video, guys. I want to get out of here. - [Keith] You're running sound. (upbeat rock intro) (90's synth music) - If you don't know, 5-Minute Crafts is one of the largest, most popular channels on YouTube. They have 71 million subscribers, there's a lot of questions about whether these crafts are real or useful. - We're gonna try and have beef (cow mooing) with someone that has 10 times as many subscribers as we do, 'cause that's how it works. We're going to test eight crafts today, five minutes each, so let's get 40 minutes on the clock. - God Damnit, I think I need to take this. Hello? - We've got five minutes! - Yeah. - He's taking a call! - Hey, can I give you a call back later? I'm just in the middle of something. Awesome. Thanks. - First craft we're going to do is turning straws into sandals. Okay. We got some wax paper and we're putting straws in a row. - Oh pretty! - So then you draw foot. Did they give us a foot template? - We may have to use your foot. - Up first, bag made from a shirt. - You sure Buzzfeed doesn't own this brand? (laughter) Okay. Cuts a V-neck. Did she cut that all the way? - I can't tell. One, she cut... - Oh, she cut that all the way. (horn blasts) - This looks very Coachella. - Okay. That's all we need to know. Give us the goods. - Let's get five minutes on the clock. - Do we have wax paper? I'll do the wax paper, you get the straws ready. - Oh, we're doing it together? - We're doing it together. Well, we only have one iron. - I'm gonna need some, some go-go juice. - All right. First, we're going to make a V-neck. - Is that what was first? I forget already. Okay. No, Ned's wrong. - First thing you do is you fold the shirt. - Second thing you do, you make the tank top. I'm way ahead of you brother. - The really, the limit of having five minutes just feels like not enough. - You need another layer on top of this. And make sure it's all nice together. - Well. - You know who loves scissors? My son, Wes, but he's not satisfied with the scissors that are made for three-year-olds. He always says, I want pokey scissors. - Haven't you also taught him how to play with power drills? - Whoa! (yelling) - I think that's why! - [Producer] Two minutes are left. - Two? Okay. - Is it hot enough? Is it melting it? It doesn't look that melted to me. - It looks like it is. - Yeah. Is it hot? - Ow, ow, yeah. - I don't like wearing sandals or flip flops. I don't like the way they make my feet feel. I'm a tennis shoe kind of guy. I would like to keep my shoes on pretty much from the moment I put them on after like the shower until I get into the bed. I love my shoes. - [Producer] Right from the shower. - All right. Now I'm just tying tassels. Ah, my clumsy man hands can't do it fast enough. I can do it. I can do it. I can do it. I can do it. I can do it. I can do this. - Oh boy. These are not melted together very well. Let's just put, put it here. Iron it! - Mind getting that tape off so I don't.. - It's not, what's the worst that can happen? - It'll melt. - That's what we want! (applause) - You guys, this is fun. - We're just having a good time. - Can we get popsicles? - [Producer] Yeah you got one minute left. (beep) - Right, now I'm dealing one of those things where I have like an ingrown or some kind of toenail issue. And when I was working on it the other day I just had my leg just (beep) and my foot was just in the sink, I'm pouring Hydrogen peroxide on my foot. Trying to see if there's anything wrong. See if it bubbled, you know. You've got to check the bubbles and, but anyway I've been carving little pieces of toenail out of my toe trying to figure out what the business is. - What the (beep) is this story? (laughs) - I've got toenail issues right now. - It's really gross. - Oh no, I'm not going to make it. Man, I'm not going to make it. - I told you not to rewatch the video. - This is a six minute crafts for me. - I have 10 tassels. I need to do one tassel every three seconds. - Okay. - Just focus. When we go too fast, we make mistakes. - Get that nasty foot on there, Keith. - This is on like the highest heat. - Yes, no. Okay. - Oh no! - Okay. - Yeah! - Let's just... put them together. We'll just glue it to my foot. - I don't know. I think this... - That's good. - Wait, now I got to cut it. - While you're doing that, I'm going to go ahead and just sort of bind some of these together. - [Producer] Five minutes is up! - I'm still going. - Uhhhhhh. Tada! - The first question is, can we finish this in five minutes? The second question, does it work? - [Producer] Three! Two! One! - It matches my shirt. Cause I'm wearing tye dye, collection. The cloud collection. - Man I think I (beep) did it. Drop, put my phone in here. - Okay. - Ohhhh! (air horn blasts) - Oh no! My bag broke. - Is that crack new? Oh no. Oh, no. - More like five minute cracks. - I don't think this one is the best option. This one didn't really work. But now we know. So now you know, you don't have to try it yourself and let's move on to the next craft. - A sleeve into a dog sweater. We're taking the sweater and we're going to look at the sleeve. Oh, it's frayed. Bullshit, it's useless. So we've got to get rid of it. Nothing that is sewn can be done in five minutes. - A sweater dog bed. - Okay. So you do... - I don't want to do this. - This has sewing? I don't know how to sew. My dog is going to rip this to (beep) shreds. - This is Alfred's color. - Yeah, that's way more, that's way more Alfred. - So first thing I need to do... - Get this computer outta here. You want to hold this for me, Keith? Thank you. All right. Now we take the two ends. We tie them together. Just like my mama taught me. - This sweater is cute. - They should keep the sleeve for the collar. Why would I cut this? Why would, why would I, why would I cut the why would I, why would I, why would I cut the? Look, it's a turtleneck already. - Zach you're in my airspace. - I - This sweater is so big. You want to make one together? - [Producer] Minute and a half down. - Ned, I'm telling you man we could combine forces here, buddy. - You right, (beep) this sweater. - Okay. You do the bottom. I'll do the top. - Alright, I'm beginning to think my yarn might've been too long. (cat meows) Whatever everything's yarn if you look at it close enough. (bell dings) Okay. I'm almost done with step one. - And, done! - Well, it's almost like a balaclava. Baca-lava. Balaclava. Baklava? (air horn blasts) Baclackakava? Wait, how do you say it? Baclavaka. Ballavugga. - A whole ball of clava! - Wait did I get it right the first time? Well, it's almost like a balaclava. (cheering) - Ned, I think that the pillow is not... - Did you stitch the sleeve together? - I say it's too shallow for this pillow. - I can't fit it through. - It just looks, it just looks like I'm putting boobs in a shirt. It's completely detached. Am I Santa? Ho ho ho ho. I got for you this Christmas, a project to do. It's the gift of an experience, little boy. - I think we've only done one sixth of the sewing. - Here we go. - Yeah. Get in there. - Okay. Sit. Down boy. (whimpers) - [Man] Bowie, it's your new bed. Ahhh, he loves it. Yeeeeeah! - [Man] Oh, he looks great. - [Woman] Aw, he's a good boy! - [Man] He's a good boy. - [Woman] Yes! - [Keith] Dog sweater out of sleeves? I think it works. (seductive music) (laughter) - Hi Eugene! - Hi! Uh...wha... (indistinct) - Next one I'm going to do is called hot Cheeto waffles. Wait are there hot dogs? (air horn blasts) Okay. We're doing two waffles right now. We'll do one Cheeto waffle, one hot dog waffle. - [Producer] Yeah, yeah, do two at the same time. - Cheeto waffles! We need the cheese though, Ned. And the jalapeΓ±os. - Okay. Cut the sides off. - Cut the bag. - You can already vision how this could... Oh yeah. - And the bag becomes a long bag. - And then you...oh man this might be, we can do this in the five minutes I bet. - First of all, look at this. One shat cat. (horn honks) - They're so good I know. Dude you gotta, we only have five minutes. - Okay, alright, alright. Look at this dong of a jalapeΓ±o. - That's huge! - You're telling me.. - That's a pener. - That's spicy. - That's good. Not too many for Keith. And then we put a bunch of cheese. Yeah. I need to turn it on Cheetos. - She just cut off part of the bottom, right? - However long you want your apron. - Uhhhhh... I want my apron to go... to the, does it cover the dick? - Yeah. - I wanna keep the cat. - Sometimes I don't think they're making the best choices in 5-Minutes Crafts. - Hmmm controversy! - Okay. So the hot dogs have to become noodles. How are we going to do that? - With the paper, whaa-- - With a (beep), with a paperclip. Give me a paperclip. I need a paperclip! It works a little bit disturbingly well. - Oh my God, this works insanely well. It just is carving up these little dogs. - Oh I hate this. - This is very satisfying. Eugene, get me a close up on this bitch. (harp playing) - Wow! Does that just give you a boner or what? (air horn blasts) - Ohhhhh! - Did I make mine too sexy? (seductive music) This is hot cooking. - We've got to put an egg on that bro. - On the hot dogs? - Yes! - No that was a separate one? - Nope! It's the hot dog. Crack an egg! - You guys remember "How to Basic"? - No Ned! - More eggs! That one got everywhere. Don't eat that side. - I will say this is the only thing that we've done so far where I'm like, yes, this works. - Thank you. You know, one way I'd improve this is I would actually take more of the strips that you cut off from the edges, like this from the sides and I would actually have tied these here or even done it as like all the way across to make the waistline wider and stronger. - Yessss. - We have a new design element - Design element in the booty ain't bad neither. - All right, I think mine's ready. Oh, that looks pretty waffle-y. - Hi. Do you guys actually have hotdog eggs? - Um yes, it's very pricey. It takes a long time to make. There's a lot of eggshells in one of these quadrants. - Okay! - It looks like a waffle, right? - We need a little bit of the California squeeze. - There's already mustard on there. - But we need a little extra. - Okay. Hers was definitely a solid pizza pie. - Yeah. - Yeah! (laughter) - [Eugene] But what about the flavor? - I don't know man, it's mushy. - It reeks of mustard. Just solid crispy mustard. - That one might be on me. - The problem is that we didn't clean the waffle iron. (laughter) It tastes like plastic. We're going to have to make a note to the production staff to clean the equipment before we use it or else we're gonna eat plastic. - I really like a hot dog. And I really eggs. It's not solid at all. - We didn't follow these recipes to a tee, but you could do these in five minutes. I don't think anyone ever will. - If you had your mise-en-scene. - You mean Mise-en-place? - Yes, yes, if you had your mise-en-place. - It's Keith and Zach, and we're making hands of soap. So we have to cut the soap into cubes. - Chop up. Oh I gotta get some knives. - Melt them down. Adding food coloring, mixing it up, and then we're going to pour it into a glove around a jar. - Ohh. - Okay, that's easy. You can wash your hand with a hand. - Toothpaste pills. It's like wax paper. - Oh! Soda? - Little toothpaste... - Baking soda? - Little like Hershey Kisses of toothpaste. - That's cute. A little pill bottle. - They look almost like pieces of gum now. - Are you eating these? Do you swallow them? Is it good for your stomach? - They look like pieces of gum. - We haven't been in this office in a long time. We disassembled everything. There are no knives here. - It's gonna take more than five minutes. - You help me out. - How am I supposed to? You're using your hand on the part that I would cut. How am I supposed to help you out? - [Producer] You've got two minutes left! - Okay, that's a lie. That's too much of a lie for me even to believe. - So these should be like - oh (beep) - I know. Not cute. - Just to throw a little plot twist! - That's so bad. Smaller, smaller. Too small. In between. Smaller. Yes. Okay. Now time to dump it with baking soda. This can't be great for your mouth, right? - I don't know. - It's like a cleaning product. - It's doing something weird to the mustard. - Oh, we're getting a reaction. - What is it? Chemistry. - This is a base and mustard is acidic. We're having a little reaction over here. - [Eugene] Wow, Science Daddy! - [Ned] Oh it's foaming. Thank you, Science Daddy! - You know what we should do? I'll make a volcano out of the mustard. - Okay. - How are you guys enjoying this footage? It's really good, huh? - Editor give the audience 30 straight seconds of this. - Unedited. - Unedited. They want to see what the real process is. - We haven't ever won an editing Streamy. Maybe it's because we are editing too much. (waiting room music) Maybe it's cause we are editing too much. - This isn't hot enough. - Maybe we should try not editing. Whoa, that's how you do it? - That's how you double boil. - [Producer] That's how they were having you melt it. - Yeah. - Really? - Yeah. That's what they wanted me to do. - Why? - That's what the video said. - Why? - 5-Minute crafts. - [Producer] So it's like not super direct heat. - Yeah. That's how you melt chocolate. All right, nevermind, that was a bad idea editor. Get out of here. - Where is the vinegar? Vinegar, vinegar, vinegar. Vinegar. - I know where there's vinegar, Ned. - You do? - Our pickles in the fridge. (bell chimes) - All right. All right. All right. - Oh my God. - Oh my God. He's making a volcano. - Oh my God. - This is not the video that we were supposed to make! We were supposed to be making little toothpaste pills! What is this? - You want to know why these- - What is this? - You want to know what these bloody eggs are? It's from our Will it Pickle video. I hope it comes out before.. - Oh this bitch is sealed on there. Help me strong man. - I'm doing some good camera work. (laughter) - Oh that's pickled for awhile. - Is it hot yet? - Are you using chopsticks? - That's all I have! There's nothing else! Why are we all in the kitchen? We set up this beautiful shot. We set up the lights. Now we're in the kitchen. Terrible. Everyone's going to know our wifi password! - No one knew that this was a wifi password until you said it. - Oh it's obvious. - Now we have to change it! - Oh my God. It's like, it's like, oh my God. - Whoa. It is alive. - Oh that's good. Here we go. Just a little bit at a time right? - This here's the mustard toothpaste volcano! - [Eugene] Very gentle. - What are we expecting to happen? - [Keith] Oh yeah. It's going nuts. (laughter) - Very mild reaction here. How much vinegar was in here? - That was like half vinegar. (buzzer buzzes) β™ͺ We're making soap hands! Soap hands! β™ͺ We're heating our soap on the stove pans. We're gonna put the soap in a rubber glove. We're gonna let it set and then cut the glove, and then we'll have a soap hand soap hand. Soap hand! We're gonna have some soap hand! We're soap man, with the soap hands. With the soap plan, we're so fan. Give me some soap if you can, Daddy. Give me some soap, you're a man, Daddy. Give me, give me, give me, give me soap Daddy. Give me, give me, give me, give me soap Daddy. Soap Daddy, soap. Soap Daddy, soap. (laughter) This is taking (beep) forever. - Well I was planning on putting it in here, mixing the food coloring up, and then putting in. - I say just put it in the bowl. - Yeah get in there. - Oh wow, it got so purple. - Hold it, hold it. - Wow! - We (beep) did it! (cheering) We know how to make videos. - [Ned] Yeah we do. - Now we have to let it sit. This is so (beep) long. This is not a five minute craft. - This is the longest craft ever. - You know what it needs, just a nice little. - It's got so much baking soda. - That's the active ingredient though. - I know. - Toothpaste is just window dressing. - All right so this is toothpaste pills. Five minute crafts. (laughter) - [Ned] All right, here we go. (suspenseful music) (everyone yelling) - Glug, glug, glug. - This is exciting. This is the first time we've been like, all together in a room, goofing around. It's been a lot of filming by ourselves, just talking to a camera. Oh wow, look at that shot. - [Keith] Guys, five minute crafts. You know, while the crafts weren't real, it created a lot of fun for the four of us friends together. And some of them did work. I think only the apron worked, and was in the time limit. - What are you talking about, the toothpaste one worked? - [Ned] What about the mustard volcano? (indistinct chatter) (laughter) (gurgles) - Hit subscribe. (outro music) - Oh, I have to wash my hands. - Yeah! That's what I'm looking for.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 1,833,527
Rating: 4.9594698 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, 5-minute crafts, do it yourself, diy projects, diy activities, useful things, lifehacks, diy, tricks, crafts, 5-minute crafts like, 5 minute craft, life hacks, 5-minute crafts family, 5-minute crafts recycle, 5 minutes craft, 5-minute crafts girly, 5-minute crafts play, 5 minute crafts, five minute crafts, tips
Id: ry012O9W0Z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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