The Try Guys Vs. World's Smelliest Foods!

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this is the most foul smelling thing on the planet oh i'm terrified you should be come out of here i'm out of here [Applause] welcome to another episode of game time featuring our wives thanks to new fresh step with fabry's freshness and gain scent for sponsoring today's video today we are playing a game of stinky cat trivia we're gonna be doing six rounds of trivia with six stinky items if we get it right we're gonna get to pour fresh step with febreze freshness and gain scent all over it thus neutralizing the smell alfred today we're playing for your heart whoever wins gets to play with you i know that you let the hattersburgers think you love them more but truly you want to hang out with us the cornsta montes and if we get it wrong we have to stay for one minute in the most horrific smells imaginable we got durian we got rotten eggs and you know it we got serum strumming it is known as the worst smelling food in the world i'm really hoping that this is as good as it claims to be because if it is not then we are going to be stuck in these smells but i think it's going to work out and we'll find out soon enough how strong this stuff is round one let the stinky cat trivia begin here's natto fermented soy beans i think it looks like um rice krispie treats it looks like farro and rice krispie treats had a baby oh the more you smell it the worse it gets should i touch it or would that be a mistake [Music] dear god please let me get this right which bones in a cat's body are not attached to the rest of their skeleton there's part of a cat's body that's not attached to their body so just like a little bone floating out there maybe the tails maybe because like the tails are like segmented right i'm gonna tell you what playing with this is crazy a little bone floating on a cloud a little cloud bone i'll go the sternum shoulder bones final answer yeah the answer of course is the collar bone because kitty cats do you know if their heads can fit in it anything else can fit in it collarbone fine announcer you are correct yeah give me that kitty litter spare us of this hell so now i have to put my face in it for 60 seconds we got it right you know what that means bye bye foul smell that's about a minute oh it's so weird because at first it's vanilla and then it's not i'm like like ooh good oh bad kind of foulness that could be mistaken for savoriness bye bye oh that is so much better oh yeah oh wow we're just hanging out in a field of flowers i do natto smell any natto all right bring on round two round two so for this round we took eggs whisked them together and then left it out in the sun for five days and now we're going to uncork it i am terrified oh it's liquid why is it wet oh the side of it oh just looking at it oh it is too much water it's chunky i don't even want to come closer it's horrible it smells like baby diaper that doesn't bother me what's wrong with you what are you crazy i can't smell it oh what is the question nick cats are believed to be the only mammal who can't taste what sour sweetness spice bitterness sour sweet salt is umami an option i just you need to do an answer just whatever you want bitter you got bitter bitter final answer final answer you are incorrect no i can't think straight i'm just going to go spicy that is incorrect alfred cannot have sweet survey said you are correct let's get rid of this i know it doesn't bother you but it is bothering me what now 60 seconds in the bucket i just just stay here oh god i've gotten them all wrong this smells so bad whoa oh there's a bubble in here there's a bubble why is there a bubble i don't i can't imagine it would work oh you know i can actually smell the change in the room happening it smells like totally normal like so it's weird because i can see it i should be able to smell it i see parts of it but i still i can't smell it at all i'm very impressed the gain set just overpowers it oh the bubble popped it smells so bad if you get a willow oh my life just flat before my eyes how much how much time is left 30 30 seconds [Music] i'm gonna vomit we have one point on the board zach and maggie also have one point on the board so here's where the harrisburg take the lead round three times for mackerel oh look they have little heads hello hello holy mackerel wow i'm kind of into this one you guys this just takes me back it makes me think of fishing trips with my dad and my grandpa like you get all you know you get the guts all over your hands you just bring back dinner i hate the way it looks i hate the way it smells it's been sitting out in the sun yeah i can tell can we get the questions so we can answer it and cover this which u.s city hey final answer am i right you are not it doesn't matter yeah can we eat these this is like is this like good for eating it's been sitting out in the sun for a couple hours which u.s city had a cat for a mayor for almost 20 years all right let's go kansas sure incorrect what was it alaska you are correct how did you know that it was on one of those lists it was unlike a listicle his name was like stubby or stuff oh my gosh i'm so impressed with you give me a little kisses give me a like you know what it is awesome about today is that i could be farting as much as i want that is not true people would have no idea no that is not true it's a new smell i in fact i might right now no bye bye bye boys bye boys no you can get all the way in here not that i would ever advise you get all the way into a litter box but you can't like as i finished pouring them like i still smell the fish but now not on some fish delicious we are now officially in the lead lead we have two points but it's now round four which i believe is durian which i've had a lot of experience with but no amount of experience really prepares you for it oh that's a big bucket of durian it looks crazy oh there it is it kind of looks like chicken it's like mango and fart it smells fresh actually i don't want to have two in a row where i kind of like it but wow have i finally done it they say the more you're exposed to durian the more you like like it yeah i think it smells like a mango i think it kind of smells good in cat speak which is the unofficial language of cats what does beans mean yeah it icon has cheeseburger it's lock hats yeah this isn't real trivia beans beans beans poop pellets maybe these little poops cat poop final answer yeah i think i think it's like it is the squishy undersides of a cat's paw oh they're all totally they're toe beans you guys are correct okay 60 seconds in the bucket 60 seconds you have to endure the pain covering it up with the kitty litter can i eat this oh you do it and i'll put my face in your hair what are these little balls in here [Music] i've had it before it never gets better it smells a lot cleaner no i don't smell anymore wow what a lovely time we no longer have to end durian [Music] how about some weird psychological thing where i kind of like it even though i really don't it's round five the second to last round i have not gotten a single question right stink bombs like you would get in a lot of trouble if you lit one of those off in middle school so this is a stink bomb shot probably not so bad it's just a little shot yeah here we go can't be that bad right yeah i mean this is like all the smells from before are back oh that's a question nick what's the question which world-renowned singer has a song titled cat people oh no no prince we picked prince i think just make it free maybe madonna though maybe he's madonna uh um stop fanning him i think it's david bowie because he does some things that are very visual i'm even focused i don't care it's prince you are wrong oh damn boy final answer i'm gonna rush yes oh my goodness yes it smells so bad fresh tip oh my god why am i salving i'm not smoking my mouth water get in there work your magic let it sink in oh wow that's much better oh i mean now that the smell is receding i i kind of feel like i'm just floating on a cloud you know it's not so much a stink bomb it's just a nice hug you know you hug someone nice and then you go been so bad can we go outside now and now the final challenge sir strumming zach and maggie and the habersburgers are neck and neck finally sir streaming it's legendary it's apparently the foulest food in terms of smell ever this one is worse than all the others combined i am told please get it right ready [Music] oh did you see it oh it smells like vinegar i'm out of here i'm out of here are you kidding me are you kidding me what the hell was that oh my eyes are watering how did that happen where did it go oh oh it's all in my hands oh oh it smells like a petting zoo oh it's still moving oh i sound like zack and i have to pour it in no i don't want to touch it [Music] just all over you how do cats mark you as their territory how do cats mark you as your territory i i don't i don't i don't know they pee on you do they lick you is it licking is it looking [Applause] you are let's correct against you and that's it [Music] oh you're gonna have to burn that the sting bomb is nothing you have to burn the table no i don't care i'm breaking the rules oh oh get out of here please work please work oh there's still some liquid on the end oh okay it smells immeasurably better wow it smells so much better now than it did a second ago i could not breathe before this letter combated stuff that smells way worse than any kitty pee pee or poo poo i've ever encountered if it can mask that you're good okay thanks for watching try guys be sure to subscribe and thanks to the new fresh step with febreze freshness and gain scent it'll help those poo poos smell real nice but i do think that we've earned ourselves a kiddie playdate [Music] [Applause] alfred are you ready to meet your new parents for the next 30 minutes oh he has his hand around you too like this it's so cute look
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 1,783,557
Rating: 4.7982006 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, smelly food, durian, taste test, stinky tofu, smelliest food, fermented, best family vloggers, food, blue cheese, smelly, gross, surstromming, smelliest, stinky, century egg, smell, taste
Id: 5pAaxICjLO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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