The Try Guys Play With Dolls

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take your hat off you need to get your life together Stephanie Thanksgiving is tomorrow which means Black Friday is around the corner which means that the holiday season is upon us and now you can start listening to holiday songs if you did it before today you're a monster bad human being you need presents guess what we got [ __ ] you can buy we got a bunch of don't merch Wow are you pointing at oh yeah I assumed they put photos there right you can get this you can get some sweatshirts some sweatpants every day this week it's gonna be a different fun item on sale you got to keep your eyes peeled there's no Hanukkah fairy goes under your pillow and spins a dreidel and then he goes hey Zach yes found the kaberi why do you feel bad about this year Oh a lot of stuff you should feel really bad but don't worry about it things only get marginally worse as a kid in the 90s you were implicitly told if something's pink and a doll you're not supposed to play with it or vacanam a sari as a boy yeah yes or have a theme in a pink box yeah you're not allowed today the try guys are going to play with dolls because when you unbox kids toys the first thing you want the opinion of is from a 30 year old man we're an unboxing channel now suck it Ryan's toy review we're coming for you bro isn't he a child yeah [Applause] it's Molly's Rock she knows these streets a very exciting thing is at the end of this video we will be donating all of these toys to a local charity so keep be careful with the box I'll be careful with the box there could be a baby in here but you should never shake a baby I learned that from having friends with babies who's this oh [ __ ] it's a Mersenne she loves the spotlight and it loves her right back oh my god as a girl version of me you got a little white switch no no I want a gin doll why because I want to see myself reflected in media and my own toys we got her purse and her little beret oh just had a vain level to leader over here we're not mad at you says Willa we just like the real Emerson better than mighty girl whoa those are simple words but a very complex emotional concept how he desperately misses her dad who's in england helping wounded soldiers Maui this is heavy her mom is busy at the Red Cross whoa whoa Molly sings Molly's love is through World War two this looks exactly like a sack what are you talking about are you Molly we're in some sort of sci-fi thing because her like neck and legs are trapped Lord Molly rise my girl looks like she kind of has to pee oh it's like the Sailor Mercury stance when my dad comes back from the war we're going to have a perfect live she's not in World War two anymore no she's from the future she's actually a time traveler who's traveled back in time to kill Hitler still one more - she's actually a robot are you a hypnotist because that's the only way I'd sleep oh my god I just had the most crazy dream no you were there and you were there and you were there oh she's got little purse oh oh well can you open that up I want to make it rain hey are those who were they sized for for you I don't want to take her clothes off is that weird to say I just I'm not I don't want to do that she's wearing like very realistic underwear is it makes me uncomfortable oh come on just a little bit not my hair you [ __ ] Oh have a few favors I need to ask of you yes hit yourself in the face okay anything for friendship very good I think we're gonna come the best of friends Molly she's choking on her bud okay time for some CPR queer no that's that you're here what you're getting her heart that's not save you later mouth-to-mouth and with a magical kiss her internal bleeding was healed oh my God look when you lay them down their eyes closed it's kind of freaky that she knew that too their construction is so complete like when you're buying an American Girl doll you're not buying a toy you're not buying a doll you're buying a companion that's giving me a hug oh she wants to give you guys at home a hug sometimes when you hug things are out of focus yeah you look past people that you hide oh it's a baby a baby I mean I already have a real one of these you don't mean a play with a different baby when I'm already trying to keep my own GDP alive yes I said Gd instead of goddamn cuz there's goddamn kids watching this show that's a release of stupid bindings oh it's very uh yeah it's like the matrix the center is plush but the limbs or not this so soft but this is like [ __ ] you up that's hard yeah he's like don't know how to not use a hundred percent of their strength all the time so sometimes you just get punched by a baby like Oh a little I think that's this that's its eyes open there's something in the baby my baby has a baby doll that he plays with that's weird you think so yeah that'd be like us playing with human size dolls which having cool no people who do that probably less don't have a girlfriend you are a bitty baby oh yeah yeah bitty baby you can change my diaper okay okay I'm surprised this coffee table has a shattered yet pull your pants down please please please please oh my God look at this mess hold on I'm out of ye when a baby takes care of a baby it's kinda like googoo gaga Dickie yeah so I want souls oh it's got a diaper in a single nipple it's like the Janet Jackson Super Bowl nipple if you hold it the right way it looks like it's drunk Oh down Road on jukebox we gotta get that boy bag on top this is probably the number one danceable baby on the market look at this baby breakdancing time [Music] watch me whip yeah I don't know how to turn itself so it's hard to pantomime twerking - oh yeah babies do like love like weird body but a bunny dancing like yeah baby gay oh we can recreate the Nirvana album cover Liz O's sound cover where she's naked and covering her breasts all right it's the baby's final frame and bowling to get a perfect 300 it's a split which means she can't get a 300 next toy oh I think it's gonna be one of those dolls that was recalled for eating children's hair yeah it ain't like fake carrots you put it in and basically have this wheel so it would pull the carrot through and dryer out but you know it also ate children's hair Baby Alive realized can be baby you sure about that even anime would look at this and be like well you gotta cool down well you got all that don't you purse whoa-ohh horrid face how the eyes are so big oh no oh I don't like this I think it looks like a Lita battle angel you can soothe me with my pacifier help me blow cute kisses you gently pat and burp nice dawn buns in the butt it's a button the box is a crib called me - she said it wants you I don't want it Hey Baby hey baby hey like your son you like no doubt it's supposed to giggle [Music] why doesn't like thing upside down look at that base look no you can't have it what are her trigger words we don't love you I broke it wake up wake up did you get did you see it sad face this is not a toy this is a responsibility this is gonna be too realistic for Ned don't fam parenting baby whenever you're thinking let's talk about this this is scarier than Chucky really impressive I want to take it apart it's very interactive very engaged if you want to like dissect it I like to speak entirely for my dolls and this doll has its own voice oh shut up shut up is tiny Shusher Missy video things that I think that yeah letting kids have an imagination is so much more important than this like we don't need this I want Baby Alive to go back to being baby to Barbie and she's a doctor so this is an unboxing channel would be like okay so we've got a box it's got plastic on the outside we've got two illustrations here one of Barbie one of her friend they'd have segregated the baby ward this one's a little dark not as dark as my babies they look at baby's bones with x-rays you want to look at baby's bones first thing we're gonna do here is desegregate the babies put the little uh cinema Bob over it mobile I've got two babies for sale these babies very clearly are wearing lipstick Stephanie and kuma coach in are hanging out in the baby Bay and they've accidentally gotten all the babies mixed up Stephanie oh don't care go go go I don't know what to do okay calm down I don't know what to do first of all your hair is a mess I'm nervous so goddamn messy I know who's in the box second Stephanie your station oh I don't need to get your life together Stephanie snap out of it that's just Stephanie just we did not spend eight years in medical school to drop babies and mix them up in this ward okay have you informed the parents about the baby's heart condition there's no time to inform the parents we have to do surgery now oh my god the pants coming up when will we talk about when you go back to cake it stays in cocoon we have to go back to cocoon they didn't stay cool Stephanie when it's still here in my heart there's Bobby is gone when how it looks now it's getting say let's put the clothes back on if we're gonna eat her body will you Stephanie take this baby and become my lawfully wedded baby doctor wife and yes and will you take this baby and be my lawfully-wedded baby wife oh my god Stephanie I thought you would never ask lift you pair woman tears baby 100 do you think I can make this baby a superhero super babies gonna use its laser vision to kill all the zombies from before I'm a doctor for adults get over here oh my baby dr. wife she's dead is there a song request you might have I always wanted to play a Barbies when I was a little boy and now I realized that yeah I really miss down I also like that it seems like Barbies are having professions that are really aspirational so many careers in her life can he just what does he do he wears a Scott's Kim is a deadbeat that only wears board shorts for a living what does can't even do you can afford a Corvette probably some generational wealth [ __ ] Barbie out here she working who she a nurse she put in 12-hour shifts that's right time's night shift she has to work holidays that's not an easy life you show Barbie some goddamn respect that's right haired durable she is a doll the try Dora Dora balls it's very sister small reminds me of like um like a mid-sized Polly Pocket open up the surprise so this is a new thing with kids toys that we didn't have which is all these like mystery tiny toys Here I am you don't know what your dad is sand kitty so you have to buy them a million times it's almost like trading cards yeah but also like if you keep it close you could sell it to more because it might it could be a black library well --shoes oh yeah actually these do look these are sources of cambers oh my god Joe Joe a Lakers fan too it's the bow glasses this is her iPhone this is more to me more of a collector's item you put it on the shelf yeah with your with your Joe Joe memorable it's hard for me to have as much fun with this because I'm sort of jealous and the Entrepreneurship happening I don't compare myself to Barbie but we do compare ourselves to judge the CEO of time this boy who makes them in jokes better yeah we'll just cuz we are literally on simplifying we do like we do this to like we don't have overlapping audiences it's like we're the car weight over this would look great be kidding me could make a little shrine out of her head out of use bubble gum and you could praise her every day I like the big hair it also functions as a bruise right is a hair dorable or what [ __ ] yeah ha was her adorable Georgia she was like the Lisa Frank of a modern day wow you're so right does Jojo have like a orange cat village she just had a really interesting life for a dog a sleeping baby this is kind of freaky looking something about seeing a baby sleeping in a plastic bag gives me the heebies the name is pinky reborn this one looks dead yet I don't think its eyes open I mean everything that they've done here but even the closed eyes the little relaxed chaals the hands fingers being curled I mean everything it's like pretty realistic for a baby what can this toy do nothing can't even magnetic oh I'm back in that's right oh wow that's a real diaper no no it's clean do you get that close then oh yeah you got a have you ever gotten a little bit of poo on your like chin not on my chin on my hand daily he projectile pooped on my chest once take her hat off oh it's so much more terrifying it's to wheel cut the video haha they find there please oh no I don't want to play with this one you're telling me that this looks like baby hair this looks like his name is Morty and he's given you out Werther's that he's been keeping in his pocket for 30 years ug [ __ ] Athens Eugene I am the Oracle baby it has a certificate of birth and authenticity signed by the master doll maker and the chief doll inspector Jason Jason and the the doll inspectors name is Renner jeremy renner yeah if you could make something look like this then we certainly have adult human sized dolls that look like this right how do you think this one got born this is the baby of a sex doll they can reproduce it's like about tonight yeah suplex imagine walking into your room and this is just sitting right here could be reborn like me lightly a child of God okay special prize for all of us oh it's ro all surprise all surprise is the big [ __ ] toy of the season there's normally a doll and then a bunch of tiny mystery items you like this bangle yeah she's right we're trading you see you got a sticker everywhere gives you a present this guy's more my speed wanna study I came naked shall we we know what I instead okay yours is a rave girl look at these oh my god guys I want you to meet Jade she's a real visco girl she's ready to gram and tell the world how fab she is why is already rushing six different sororities she likes orange juice and boys mine's name crystal sapphire she likes to start fires but then she doesn't tell anyone my name is kings ollie I am the king of all babies on my sash my sash [ __ ] I found this sick little milk bar on Instagram you wanna go check it out somebody got a card a paper thank you so much I finally found a boy I'm king of the world but now everyone should like to kind of start kissing a little bit some little bit of 69 yeah I'll be on the bottom on time oh yeah my favorite toy was soft body hard limbs baby number one the way it dance was really unparalleled by all the other baby dancing it wasn't too alive it wasn't too dead the hair was reasonably normal basically all the babies that tried to be more real in some ways turned me off my favorite was the American Girl dolls feel like they had backstory they had drama they had dreams my favorite was the law surprise dolls cuz they were full of surprises that made me law I feel like today I caught up on a lifetime of playing with dolls toys are for anybody dolls are for everybody let your kid play with whatever the hell they want [Music] why are you losing your pants Stephanie and you don't feel the same thing I feel Stephanie maybe actions speak louder than words and my pants falling down whereas I [Music]
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 2,125,190
Rating: 4.9258056 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, baby, babies, review, reviews, reviewing, play, playing, dolls, barbie, barbies american girl doll, unbox, unboxing, game, jojo siwa, hairdorables, unbox therapy, kids toys, kid toys, kids vs. adults, adults, blackfriday2019, item unbox, prime unbox, mystery unbox, ima barbie girl, lol dolls, lol, lol surprise, toys review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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