Trust Issues | Try Me | (Part 1 ) Jerry Flowers

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hello everybody it's that time again it's Thursday evening service and listen this new series that we're about to start on tonight I know it's gonna be awesome I can't wait for you to check it out I'm so honored that you're joining us every single Thursday at 7:30 right here and now like we announced before on Sunday at 6 p.m. you want to catch part two of this try be series that we're launching on tonight part 1 of this new series is gonna be trust issues anybody have some of those we're gonna talk about it welcome to our online service let's get to it [Applause] [Music] [Music] well good afternoon everybody I hope that you're ready I'm excited I believe this is a now word just for you we're gonna start in Genesis chapter 29 Genesis chapter 29 we're gonna read a few verses we're gonna launch our reading at verse 15 Genesis chapter 29 verse 15 it says then Laban said to Jacob because you are my relative should you therefore serve me for nothing tell me what should your wages be now Laban had two daughters the name of the elder was Leah and the name of the younger was Rachel Leah's eyes her delicate but Rachel was beautiful of form and appearance now Jacob loved Rachel so he said I will serve you seven years for Rachel your younger daughter this woman had to be bad my wife is bad but I've never seen a woman so bad well like I don't even know nothing about her yet but I wanted to work seven years for this woman and Laban said it is better that I give her to you then I should give her to another man stay with me so Jacob served seven years for Rachel and they seemed only a few days to him because of his love for her people in the Saints where I work and everybody say oh because of his love for her then Jacob said to Laban give me my wife for my days are fulfilled that I may go into her isn't he such a man that's the first thing he says he says give me my wife so that I may go into her I'm just reading about I'm just reading father it says that I may go into her and Laban gather together all the men of that place and made a feast now it came to pass in the evening that he took Leah his daughter and brought her to Jacob and he went into her and Laban gave him made Zilpah to his daughter Leah as a maid so it came to pass in the morning either he was drunk or he was intoxicated with his desire that behold he rolled over to Leah and he said I just got a pulse could you just imagine that moment you worked seven years for this woman and you said it felt just like a few days and when that sunlight hit her face you see them delicate eyes it says what is this that you have done to me was it not for Rachel that I served you why then have you deceived me our verse of concern our Clause of consideration as we launch this new series takes residence in verse 23 now it came to pass in the evening that he took Leah his daughter and brought her to Jacob and he went in to her ladies and gentlemen and everybody watching a lot of what do you do when you expect it Rachel but you keep rolling over to Leah father God thank you for this message I pray that you anoint my lips to be the PA system of heaven we are looking for just advice Oh God we need a word and we're praying that you give it to us on tonight in Jesus name and everybody who agrees in that prayer would you put in all caps in the room Amanda not a man but a man amen so we're starting this brand-new series and if I just be honest I feel like this is gonna be awesome we're starting a brand new series on tonight entitled try me now this this is a very personal message to me because it was it's been in my belly since November of 2019 our church came together and leadership was like you know what let's start another midweek service and I was like no we don't need to do a midweek service if we're gonna do another service let's do a weekend experience let's do a Friday or Saturday like no I think we should do Thursday and I'm just like I don't think this is gonna work I don't think anybody's gonna come out I don't think anybody's gonna watch on stream I don't believe this gonna work and they're just like no this is what we decided so I'm in a sanctuary mad if it been some magic ears a heart I'm mad I'm mad vacuum and I'm talking to myself because it's okay to talk to yourself as long as you don't respond I'm gonna sense we're talking to myself ain't nobody gonna come to this ain't nobody gonna watch online and I'm not one to usually say that God told me but on this one God told me it was just two words that I heard as I was vacuuming the pews with frustration and it was try me try me I had chills at that moment and of course now fast-forwarding if you look through the obedience of this year watching online we had started service before the corona outbreak people were coming the Lord was in this place we will worship Him but that's not even my point my point is I was so caught up within woodwork I had so much doubt I had so much insecurity in it that I recognized at that moment I was having some trust issues so I think for us to start this series off for lesson one let's talk from this thought around this subject trust issues does anybody have some of those I have some trust issues because of what I went through I have some trust issues and I think this is a very important place for us to talk about on tonight trust issues I feel as though sometimes God is like one of my favorite childhood move is Aladdin I don't know if you remember this movie but there was a scene when Aladdin was standing on this magic carpet and I firmly believed that this is how God is doing to a lot of us Aladdin stretched his hand and he asked Jasmine this question do you trust me do you trust me I want to show you a whole new but I can't show you a whole new world if you don't trust me I can't show you a whole new dimension if you don't trust me I can't take you to a whole new level if you don't trust me I can't expand your faith if you don't trust me I can't take you to another level of anointing if you don't trust me I can't heal that wound if you don't trust me I can't heal that marriage if you won't trust me I can't help you in your loneliness if you don't trust me if you want to go to a whole new world you're gonna have to trust me because many times I believe when we are doubting and what we and when we are worrying all we're really saying is God I don't trust you in this area that's all it is God I don't trust you in this area and I believe sometimes God is sitting on his throne and he's saying to himself why did they keep calling the devil a liar but then treat me like I'm one do you trust me we coming for your life again let's get to work so ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters and everybody under the sound of my voice this might be education to some and it might be a reminder to others but we are now in the year 2020 we have now been in this year for 106 days for 106 days and if you're like me you came into this year with some expectation there was some stuff that you said I'm gonna walk into there's some stuff that you said that she's gonna walk away from there's some goals you had there's some things that you wanted to achieve you were gonna either graduate this year hopefully God can answer your prayer and send you a man this year or you discover a wife this year you had all these financial goals this year things you're gonna pay off this year then all of a sudden due to an unfortunate series of events due to a surprise you and I received what we didn't order hmm we kept getting things please hear me we kept on ending up with Leah when we expected due to how hard we've been working out how hard we've been praying then we're gonna get Rachel now I shared this before my local assembly but this is new to you there is nothing please don't judge me and if you do it's okay there is nothing more frustrating nothing more irritating nothing that makes me grit my teeth like when I go through the drive-through I place my order and then they have the audacity to regurgitate back to me what I order and then to add insult to injury they have the nerve to say is everything correct on the screen I look at the screen and I'm smiling because I'm hungry and I say yes it is I'll pull up to the drive-through I exchanged it my money they give me the bag now I'm driving off I pull up in my driveway mouth watering stick my hand in the bag with hopeful expectation that I'm going to get and consume what my mouth has been watering for for the last three or four hours only to discover I got the wrong sandwich I got the wrong sandwich and in some cases it's not even a sandwich this is a PITA I didn't even ask for this I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich why do I have a beef Peter this is not what I ordered I ordered a number seven why did y'all end up giving me a number fo I didn't say four I'm using Ebonics because I'm frustrated why did y'all give me a number fo let your lip hang though now in this moment you could be three types of people we have type a I'm Type A I'm the individual well I'm like you know what I'm hungry I'm gonna eat it because I'm just grateful I got food and it is what it is I'm a just charge to the game that's Type A that's me right but then we have type beat type B they gonna say something they gonna complain but they still gonna eat it though they're gonna call them and say I ordered french fries but you gave me these onion rings I just want you to know about it I want you to know that you inconvenienced me I want you to know what you did was out of line I want you to know that you messed up my order and they did this because they're hoping for some type of gift card some type of compensation for my difficulty but they still gonna eat it let's type B and then you have my mama and then you have my wife type C is all heaven all Oh heaven all to the null heaven now to the now no no heaven to the know they gonna get that bag and they gonna go back up to the stove they're not even gonna take the condiments out or napkins they gonna say y'all messed up my water got messed up my order I did not order this I did not order this Peter I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich I need to speak to a manager I need you to go get somebody because this is not what I ordered that happens naturally well for we move forward I want you to tell me which one are you or you type a like you know what I'm going to charge the game I'm gonna eat it anyway are you type B I'm a complain but I'm still gonna eat it that's like my dad like will go out to pop it or something and they'll mess up he'll call the waiter over you didn't put my garlic on Oh we'll take it back no you ain't taking it back I just want to let you know you messed up but he still eats it but my mama she's like Type C she like I'm just gonna take it back you said you want a garlic powder we gonna give you a garlic powder no don't eat that don't the spoon down give it back which one are you type a Type B or type C now this can happen if we go to Panera Bread this could happen if we go to KFC it could even happen if we go to chick-fil-a but chick-fil-a is dope they'll give you a free cookie and a free meal and a free sandwich and oh sorry they'll apologize this could happen if you go to all of these places but what do you do when it seems as though heaven has messed up your order yeah what do you do when it seems as though God didn't hear you when you are articulated with great detail that you wanted Rachel and for some reason and for some and for some how God gives you Leah will you trust him will you trust him when you expect Rachel but God continues to give you Leah will you trust me and see I understand I know that this is a problematic issue and it's a great concern of mine for the body especially like I always say Western him fear Christianity because we have heard over and over this false erroneous doctrine that God always says yes and that God always gives you Rachel I know that this is a problem see I can already hear it online everybody got quiet we expect God to always say yes we expect God to always give us Rachel I know that this is a problematic and deleterious issue because whenever we don't get what we want time to come for your life whenever we don't get what we want whenever God places us in a difficult season not because he's punishing you but he's placing you in this season for the express purpose of what he put in your bosom to go through every trimester necessary for full development because God does not want you to miscarry God does not want you to abort this God is gonna take you full-term whenever we feel as though God has taken too long or we tire we'll step out of the season we need to try to chase the season we won't we'll try to chase the season we want and forsake this season we need but what if forsaking that season keeps us in psycho seasons see this this is why we must have trust and character because I believe the devil sends storms not just to punish you not even to stop you but to activate reactive and impulsive behavior he wants to get you so frustrated so agitated so irritable that you leave the church that you're supposed to be in because you don't like somebody else in the church if they said something to you and you'll relocate your place because you don't like the pressure of that place you leave the marriage and of course if there's abuse or something I'm not talking about that but I'm talking about how we constantly run when it gets difficult I believe the devil strategically sends trials and storms and sins test because he wants to see if I could activate impulsive behavior I want to get them on a day with her real irritated yes their gift makes rule but the character makes residents and if I can get them to do something outside of character it doesn't matter everybody will want to eat a five-star meal but they don't want to eat it from a trash can lid right so he's like if I could discredit them I can't stop them I can't stop what God is doing I can't stop their call I can't stop their anointing I can't step what stop where God has taken them but if I could discredit them by getting them to be impulsive then the audience of people that they're supposed to reach won't even tune their ear to what they have to say because I did something to get them to act impulsively please hear me please hear me everything you can't push away everything you can't rebuke everything you can't say okay I'm tired of this what if God is looking for you to have endurance and Trust please hear me endurance and trust endurance and trust endurance and Trust trust and endurance because we're constantly trying to get out of stuff but I see in the text do you have the endurance and do you trust God when he allows you to spend the night in the lion's den and you really can't sleep well because of what's around you do you have the endurance to stand in the fiery furnace do you have the endurance to withstand in the storm do you have the endurance or as soon as it get difficult you run do you trust God and do you trust the process and I believe that's the word that we need to hear on tonight it's trust and endure trust and endure nobody said it would be easy if it was easy everybody would do it but do you have the capability that imma trust you even when I don't understand I'm gonna trust you even when I can't trace you I'm gonna trust you in trials I'm a trustee in roblox I'm gonna trust you and setbacks I'm gonna trust you when layoffs hits I'm a trust what I don't have enough I'm gonna trust you because that's how God is going to strengthen you that's how God is gonna strengthen you and please hear me on tonight I know we don't like this type of preaching but we need to hear it we need more messages more messages that give us roots and not just branches because like I said last week those sugar-coated messages don't work no sugarcoating messages weren't bringing forth revival though sugar-coated messages weren't unleashing the power of God sugar-coated messages weren't activating the miraculous and as I begin to travel as my wife begin to travel with me we begin to recognize a lot of churches have a sweet tooth a lot of churches have a sweet tooth and we like sugar-coated content which is an oxymoron in itself because we're called to be salt the obvious it it's an oxymoron in itself because we're called to be salt there's a war please hear me there's a war that you and I are in and the weapon of choice by the enemy is the weapon of distraction please listen there is literally a war over your concentration life can you concentrate there's a warfare over it because the devil knows mismanaged focus causes misplaced trust did you hear what I just said mismanaged focus causes misplaced trust so if I'm focused on money then I put my trust in the career if I'm focused on money I'll put my trust in the investment I'll put my focus my trust in the job but then when I get laid off all that reveals I have misplaced trust yeah that reveals I have put my trust in my resource instead of instead of my trust in the source because of Miss manager focus causes misplaced trust and I think we've done a great job we've taught you how to shout you heard that something before we've done a great job we've taught you how to dance you've heard that sermon before we've done a great job we've taught you how to give you've heard that some before we've done a great job we've taught you how to praise you've heard that someone before but what we haven't really served you well in is how to suffer how to suffer how do we handle loss how do I handle trials how do I handle letdowns how do I handle when I keep on getting Leah and I expected Rachel how do I still have faith in that how do I still have faith when I prayed and they died anyway how do I still have faith when I asked God to help me with this and it doesn't seem like he came through how do I still have faith and if we don't touch on this everybody if we don't touch on this church family will be people who can only handle blessings but we can't handle tests so many times God is saying do you trust me do you trust me do you trust me what if I told you what if I told you that leah is actually the blessing what if I told you that leah is God's will but rachel is your will see we got to talk about this because there are a lot of people who say I just believe God will give me the desires of my heart and if I desire Rachel then he's gonna give me Rachel we have to really break that down because if God were to give you the desires of your heart if you like me you have sinful desires and actually if God gave us all the desires of our heart he'll be helping us in so this means we have to break this down when he says he gives us the desires of our heart it's because our heart is so until art that we end up desiring what he desires and he puts his desires and our desires so now I desire what he desires so he gives me the desires after my own heart because my desires after his own heart does that make sense what if I told you the blessing is leah because leah is God's will but rachel is your will let let's talk about the rules of wills for a second because a lot of times people don't tell you when you come to Christ this Christian journey is more like a Tollway it's gonna cost you it'll cost you some relationships that dude that you thought was the one once you got saved it on fire and you recognize it's hard to be holy with this one with this woman with this girl it's gonna cost you something it's gonna cost you something but when you live life your way it's more like a freeway a freeway on the freeway life you can do what you want to do you can say what you want to say you can go where you want to go date who you want to date if you don't like them God must not like them either it's all about you on the freeway it's about your will because it's more about being feelings based in spirit led so if you ain't feeling it you ain't doing it if you don't feel like getting up you're not getting up if you don't feel like sacrificing you're not sacrificing if you don't feel like being held accountable I'm not being held accountable if I don't feel like going with them even though they make me stronger I'm not going with them because it's all feeling based I'm working hard for Rachel I don't care what anybody else thinks because this is what I want I don't care if it hurts my family I don't care if I work so much and I'm not there for my children this is about me the freeway see people who traffic in this lane they're consumers not producers y'all ready for this they're consumers not producers these type of people they always see you as a purse not a person they see you as a purse not a person they're consumers not producers another trait of these type of people who carry out their will they possess a convenience-store mentality the only traffic in convenient lanes if you try to inconvenience them to leave the cruise line of their comfort zone they'll cut you off they'll go ghosts they won't text you back they won't call you back then we'll have nothing to do with you because you're constantly trying to get them to leave their comfort zone these are people who live their way and then we have people who have a vampire's nature this is that Jesus saved me but don't change me I just want your blood and that's it and I think sometimes the reason we have trust issues is not because of God it's because of people we have misplaced people and now I have trust issues due to the places I placed people can we talk spoke about this in a webisode not too long ago there are really four types of people we have pawns we have projects we have partners and we have parasites who pawns partners projects and parasites and if you can't just your partner from your project no wonder you have trust issues because you trusted you issued trust to somebody who never showed themself trustworthy you put them in a room in your heart okay let's just break it down let's just break it down number one projects okay before I go into this I want us to understand this this is why we need discernment because you always can't tell which one is a project which one is upon which one's a partner which one's a parasite so I need discernment you know what I believe the sermon is needed discernment is God's calling to us to engage in intercession did you hear what I just said needed the sermon is God's Way of calling you in the intercession you will have to pray about this one man you got to pray about this well sir you can't make this decision just how rolling dice on just off what you think because if you look at your resume why you trust you so much you're gonna encounter a situation a person an opportunity where it's going to cost for you to pray I need discernment because discernment is the ability to remove presentation discernment is to be able to remove the presentation because a lot of people present themselves to be one thing but the intention and the motive of it is another thing and I need to pray because I need some discernment discernment will give you this they talking good but there's just something not sitting right in my soul there's just something that tell them you don't take this offer don't call her back don't do this but because it's discernment project a project is a person you're not looking to build a bond you're looking where to place bricks yeah this is a relationship you just help you just build them with them this is an assignment not an alignment you don't date projects you help them but you don't date them okay now listen my sisters this one applies to you really heavily okay I feel your pain this will apply to you because God has cosmically created for you to be a helper and this is why you must have significance before somebody else's arrival comes on the because you confuse your contribution as confirmation you confuse your contribution as confirmation because you really never really felt valued you really kind of struggle with your own insecurities and because you see how your help is making a difference in them because you see your help has benefiting to them because you see that their help has actually caused it for them to appreciate you you end up liking them and catching feelings for them but this is not somebody you're supposed to join up with this is somebody you just build and if you don't know your value if you don't know your value and you confuse your contribution as confirmation everybody say project that's a project now a parasite parasites are people who drain the life out of you like they live off of you and this is why some of us have trust issues because we trusted a parasite they live off of you I'm gonna take it a little deeper and put my foot on the gas this is why your ex keeps coming back this is why do you keep getting that text from their exes and hey wassup stranger hey what's up bighead because they lived off of you and they haven't found another host to test themselves to they haven't found another host and so they come back because you literally gave them life okay this this is a parasite these are the type of people if you let them they keep they will keep sending you in recovery season after recovery season after recovery season and truthfully they hate to see you grow because when you grow you remove what y'all had in common this is good you remove what they had and common with you so they don't like to see you grow so these type of people can be very very very strong manipulators because they fear if you ever grow you're gonna outgrow me parasites now listen parasites All Shall also should shift your perspective you'll go from man I was just lonely to you know what I just want God's will I just want God's will I had that before I read the piece than your company okay I have a new hobby after that relationship I have a new hobby after that you know my new hobby is I enjoy not engage and parasitic relationships and having my piece and choosing my piece over your drama that's what I enjoyed that's my favorite hobby now they give you new hobby somebody say parasites now ponds ponds are people who are sent by the enemy to disturb your inner me you catch that ponds are people who are sent by the enemy to disturb your inner me your inner peace your inner passion your inner joy your inner security you are questioning anything until they came along and there is a constant decline in your spiritual hunger now listen they also carried the attributes of the devil what does it devil do kill steal and destroy you want to know how you dealing with a devil if ever since they came in your life they kill something they stole something and they destroy something that's the clearest way to identify this is a pond and this is not a partner now a partner is an individual who helps you evolve you are already evolving before them but ever since they came in there's been an X like an like an increased level of your evolution because they came into your life that's a partner and if we can't discern which one is placed in a which category we'll have trust issues and so of course when God tells us to do something we won't really trust that because the last time I trusted somebody I ended up falling for somebody who had no intentions of catching me and that bleeds over in our faith and our prayer life and so we doubt God because somebody else that we put our trust in was really a parasite but we called them a partner priests Holy Ghost that's always gonna cost you when you recognize it's about God's ways about God's will and someone cost you some relationships is gonna cause some people making fun of you it's gonna cost for you to remove certain things out of your life because you're more caught up with God's will than your will Jacob I'm like okay he had to be drunk he had to be under some type of influence because the Bible says her eyes were delicate and I'm thinking that the wind and were you not looking at her eyes well you're not look even if they were covered up were you not looking through that veil it must have been a dick type of veil for you to not to be able to see that this is not what you wanted and this may be comedic to some of us but it's possible for you to want something so bad that you even recognize you getting the wrong thing you will start saying stuff I just have a piece about it I just have a piece about it God just told me you are wanting something so bad that you can't even see that this is not Rachel that this is Leah this brother worked seven years for this woman seven years for this woman discovered he got deceived and said you know what I'm gonna work seven more years because I want to Rachel so bad and it's so funny because the whole time I'm going to show you something they'll probably blow your mind but the whole time as he's doing this Leah was always the will of God Rachel was the will of Jacob and I wonder how many things that you're working hard for I wonder how many things that you're working hard for and you one is so bad that you haven't paused and looked and prayed and asked God God is this your will what if I want Rachel but that's not what you want for my life you want me to have Leah so let's look at this and Genesis chapter 29 verse 31 it says when the Lord saw that leah was unloved he opened her womb but Rachel was barren I could preach that all day the very thing that you wanted didn't produce fruit okay when the Lord saw that leah was unloved so now we see God cares about Leah you know the thing that he thought was the wrong one that he said what did she do to me God cares about that because that's God's will okay so Leah conceived and bore a son as she called his name Reuben for she said the Lord has surely looked on my affliction now therefore my husband will love me then she conceived again and bore son and said because the Lord has heard that I am unloved he has therefore giving me this son also I want to pause for the cause and I want you to recognize this woman is having sex with a man that she knows as I love her she knows this man doesn't love me ladies please listen to this American give you his time he can give you his body he could give you his conversation he could even give you his money but you still not have that brothers heart and she's trying so hard the bible says she feels afflicted because she's not getting love by her husband i want you to watch this okay and she called his name let's go to verse the next verse i the lord saw that i am a love he has therefore giving me this son also and she called his name simeon she conceived again and bore a son and said now this time my husband will become attached to me because i have borne him three sons therefore his name was called levi and she conceived again so i've seen this jacob is like I don't love you but I could use you I should just end this dream right now I don't love you but I could use you and because you want me to be attached to you because you want me so bad because you want me to really really notice you so bad you're overlooking the fact that you're not even pleased yourself now I want you to look what happens look she conceived again and bore a son and said now I will praise the Lord what now imma praise the Lord therefore she called his name Judah then she stopped bearing I could throw my mic right here but I can't cuz it's attached in my face this woman was like you know what I'm trying so hard to get you to notice me I'm trying so hard to get your attention I'm stopping to stop focusing on you I'm gonna give God praise I'm gonna give birth to something and I'ma call this one Judah because this is when I recognize once I praise God I don't have to produce for you anymore the Bible says she stopped barren she's like you know I don't have to you have to get your acceptance I don't have to get your approval you don't like me that's your problem boo-boo you don't like me that's yo issue you don't want me here that's your problem but once I get to a place why this come as long as I got my focused on God because like we said mismanaged focus causes misplaced trust but what she recognized as long as I got God I can stop producing for you now let's go deeper let's go deeper Jacob loved Rachel but what if you love what you don't need and God knows this is distracting you ha this is so good this is distracting you from what I need for you to focus on I want you to see what God does look check this out let's go to verse 16 Genesis 35 verse 16 Genesis chapter 35 verse 16 it says then they journey from Bethel and when there was but a little distance to go Rachel laboured in childbirth and she had a hard labor now it came to pass while she was in hard labor that the midwife said to her do not fear you will have this son also and so it was as her soul was departing for she had died that she called his name Ben oh my but his caller fought him Benjamin I was like man this shows something to me so powerful this boy were fourteen years for this woman but I believe women focus on the wrong thing God will allow certain things that die so that you can focus on what's going to help you live this relationship has to die because as long as he or she is here you're not focused on me you're not seeking my face and so guys like I know how to get your attention we heard this on our last series when God doesn't have your attention he will disturb what does so if you listen to this you like okay I hear this but why do you keep saying that God's Will was Leah I'm going to show you let's go to Matthew chapter 1 we're gonna end with this Matthew chapter 1 check this out the book of the genealogy of Jesus cry the son of David the son of Abraham Abraham begot Isaac Isaac begat jacob and jacob begat judah whoa what Jacob begat Judah Judah was the son of Leah the woman that Jacob never wanted but what he didn't want it the father needed what he didn't want the father needed and it was so critical for him to get Leah because it brought in the Messiah what if you are wanting your Rachel so bad that you're missing that Jesus is in your Leah Jesus isn't that thing that you said this ain't gonna work Jesus isn't that thing that you say this is dead Jesus isn't that thing that you say it's over it's never gonna happen but God was in Leah and this whole story shifts because it gets me to understand if I trust when God gives me Leah if I trust when God gives me Leah even when I worked hard for Rachel I prayed hard for Rachel I believe for Rachel if I trust in God when he gives me Leah I will see that this glory in this there's a way maker in this there's a promise keeper in this there's a savior in this there's a redeemer in this there's an Alpha and the Omega in this but you won't see it as long as you're upset about your order being incorrect trust issues trustus shifts what do you do when you keep on prayer for Rachel and you roll over to Leah how about instead of being type-c taking it back maybe there's purpose in the end maybe there's something that God wants me to get because we see from this story that Leah your bloodline was the bloodline of Jesus so father God we pray help us to have a heart that trusts you I may not understand it but I trust you I may not like it but I trust you it may be difficult but I trust you help me with my trust issues I've tried everything else after our relationships I've tried cheap sex I've tried weed I tried lesbianism I try to alcohol I try clubs I tried all of that and we're hearing you say try me try me try me and trust me so that even when I give you Leah it's gonna turn out not just for your cut but for the good and every bloodline every Jesus name we pray just what if God's will is Leah but yours is Rachel this is one of those perspective messages one of those messages to really get us evaluate our hearts could I be having trust issues because I want what I want instead of trusting what God wants for me to have he's a good father and he knows what we need even before we ask make sure to catch us on Sunday at 6 p.m. Central Time as we're on part 2 of this try me series thank you for joining us we love you so much have an absolutely wonderful wonderful night you
Views: 83,440
Rating: 4.9726753 out of 5
Keywords: jerry flowers, pastor flowers, pastor jerry flowers, trust issues, christian, Michael todd, dharius Daniels, Steven furtick
Id: 5O0f1FWO_hI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 9sec (2469 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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