The Reoccurring Ex | Cuffing Season | (Part 1) | Jerry Flowers

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family my wonderful family my wonderful family listen y'all i need you to brace yourself because for the next few weeks this like like this sermon series that we're launching on tonight cuffing season i need you to be a part of every single segment of this particular sermon series i believe that this series is going to be absolutely awesome if you don't know what cuffing season is if you actually look it up i didn't know there was a date but cuffing season starts from october 1st to valentine's day it is the time of year when people like to be cuffed up i want to be with somebody i want to spend time with people and not just that i'm taking a lot of different directions and curveballs for this cuffing season series um because the enemy many times around this time of year he's handing out handcuffs to people um i don't have my mom this time for the holidays like i had last year and so for a lot of people the holiday season and this time of year can be extremely difficult and i want to give you strategies blueprints and just some principles on how we could survive this particular cuffing season so i hope you guys are ready go ahead and take your screenshot tag us let us know where you are in the world and i'm telling you i need you to like send this link to somebody now it is on now so there's so much i want to share with you um as we kick off this brand new series cuffing season we're gonna start this particular conversation for the time that we have together in exodus exodus i could not compartmentalize this particular message to just one foundational text so we have two passages of scripture that we're gonna have for our foundational text on tonight first is exodus chapter 12 verse 31-33 it says during the night pharaoh summoned moses and aaron and said up leave my people you and the israelites go go worship the lord as you have requested take your flocks and your hurts as you have said and go and also bless me the egyptians urged the people to hurry and leave the country for otherwise they said we will all die so they say hey it's over it's over we are done we are breaking up we through can i get somebody to drop the comment in the room break up this is a breakup in exodus chapter 12 we are seeing pharaoh and the egyptians saying we are done we are through with you break up now let's look at exodus chapter 14. exodus chapter 14 verse 5 and 6 it says when the king of egypt was told that the people had fled pharaoh and his officials changed their mind about them and said what have we done we have let the israelites go and have lost their services so he had his chariot made ready and took his army with him our clause of concern and how we are going to launch this brand new sermon series on tonight lives in the halfway mark in the halfway mark of verse 5 of chapter 14. what have we done we have let the israelites go and have lost their services god you're awesome thank you so much for allowing us to have this time to just feast on your word and dissect this particular message and we're praying oh god that you would use this message as a surgical operation purge our hearts search the deep dark crevices of our hearts where there are things that we are holding on to that will allow anything of our past to tempt us to go back and as my typical request oh god allow me to be your pa system the soundtrack of heaven we're in high expectation that you're gonna do it in jesus name we pray amen amen and a man what have we done we have let them go and have lost their services so in other words it's not really even about the person i'm not even tripping over the fact that i lost the person the part that bothers me is i no longer have they services i'm not even tripping over him i'm not really even tripping over her the part that's bothering me and the part that's agitating me is the fact that i lost access to her because that access comes with the service i lost access to him because that access to him comes with the service i wonder if this is why they randomly have started texting you again uh oh i wonder if this is why they randomly have started popping up in your dms lately and you haven't heard from them in the last four weeks i wonder if this is why they have start calling you again all of the sudden why y'all looking at me like that we coming out just like this for this new series this is how we coming out we coming out real and raw maybe this is the reason they keep popping up now after they've been ghost maybe this is the reason they're popping up after they have been ghosts for the last six weeks they have gone ghost for the last six weeks but now they are popping up in my voicemail they are popping up in my inbox they are popping up in my text messages they are popping up at locations i used to go to they are popping up after they have gone ghost for an extended period of time could this be the reason why they're coming back it's because time has allowed them to recall a service you offered this is good y'all time has allowed them to remember a service that you came with there was a particular service that you offered that nobody else can offer it the way that you offer it there is a particular service that you had that put up with my narcissistic behavior there was a service that you had that put up with my dysfunction it put up with my anger it put up with my compromise and do and due to the fact that i no longer have this service is causing for me to come back after i have gone ghost i'm trying to help somebody on the night and i don't want for anybody to be confused if you don't know what it means to go ghost to be ghosted or ghosting just in case our international audience doesn't know what it means to go ghost when somebody goes ghost it is a sudden change of behavior without explanation or a reason on why the change happened and all of your attempts to reach out to them to continue the normal sequence of events goes unanswered for days goes unanswered for weeks for months and in some unfortunate cases it goes unanswered for years they're acting like y'all didn't talk every day at 12 o'clock they're acting like y'all haven't been going out for the last four to five weeks they're acting like they don't know you they're acting like you don't exist they're acting like you are dead to them it's not because of a fight it's not because of an argument or a disagreement they have just gone ghost has anybody ever been ghosted anybody ever been ghosted or if we're gonna have any honest people has anybody ever ghosted someone you don't have to like drop the comment and expose yourself on that one i understand that some people have gone ghost and others of us have ghosted i i want to i want to have this series and the reason i'm having this conversation is because i want to help somebody who's emotionally stuck i want to help somebody who's emotionally stuck due to somebody ghosting you due to somebody leaving please understand being ghosted is not just a romantic relationship some of us are emotionally stranded right now because our father went ghost when we were eight years old and we still don't know why we haven't heard from him we haven't got any closure we haven't got any explanation and i don't know why the sudden change of behavior it's not just romantic i'm doing this message for anybody who may be on the edge of mentally losing it because you are dealing with the immature and a person that has poor communication skills see please hear me on the night please hear me on the night when is god when is god you are never gonna have to keep on refreshing your social media to see if they have updated their status but they didn't return your text or your call from yesterday not one is god not one is god when it's god you won't have to stalk them i'm not even trying to be comedic when it's god you won't have to stalk them you won't have to stalk them and if they block you if they block you for the love of god please don't create another account please don't create another account so that you could monitor on them when you spend so much time monitoring them you can lose sight of you you'll lose sight of what god is doing in your life you'll you'll lose sight of how god is purging you you'll you'll lose sight of how god is pruning you you'll you'll lose sight of what god is doing in your life and you must label it no they didn't just leave you could god have possibly removed them because god knows our tomorrow today god is in our future today and he knows this individual is not conducive for where i'm taking her this individual is not conducive for where i'm taking him this individual family member will be toxic if they continue to hang in this atmosphere so i'm gonna remove them now so that i don't have to remove the trauma from their life later when it's god you won't have to keep monitoring them because if you do you risk losing sight of you and anybody watching this message if you don't understand that reality you risk trying to repair somebody who's breaking you this is good y'all you risk trying to repair somebody who's breaking you so let's go ahead and shame the enemy can i get everybody to drop this comment in the room what god is going to do is about to blow my mind yeah put that in all caps all caps all caps what god is about to do is going to blow my mind here's the second part but obedience and applied principles are required yeah that part though that part though what god is about to do is gonna blow my mind but obedience and applied principles are required see we we can't live according to the flesh and then be confused on why our spirit is in a drought the grass is not greener on the other side and if you go over to the other side you'll discover that it's just turf you'll discover that it's just turf it's not real it's not authentic joy it's not authentic peace it's not authentic hope is fake and god wants us to have real joy he wants us to have real confidence he wants us to have real contentment god wants us to experience the real thing what god is about to do is going to blow your mind but obedience and applied principles are required you're not going to have to make a different social media account when it's god i'm just firmly convinced i wonder is there anybody besides myself who believes this i'm just firmly convinced what god sends will not be toxic what god sends will not bring trauma i'm not saying that you won't need accountability and some guidance but this will not cause me to need therapy not one is god not what is god and somebody asked a question a few days ago they said hey i i want to heal from abandonment issues i want to heal from people ghosting and i just if i'm never going to get the apology from them if i'm never going to get closure for them from them could you explain to me why people go ghost why do they just leave and so i'm answering your question i believe the reason people go ghost number one is because you're too real you're too real see listen everybody says they want something real until they meet someone or enter a community that requires for them to be real everybody says they want something real until they meet a person or a community that requires for them to be real this requires for you to be real honest it requires for you to really tell the truth it requires requires for you to really be disciplined it requires for you to really be intentional it requires for you to really stop lying it requires for them to be real and perhaps the reason they keep going ghost and perhaps the reason they left is because you i'm getting ahead of myself you were exposing that they were fake this is so good y'all i'm talking to the ghosty and the ghoster because some of us have ghosted some people too maybe the reason they left is because you're so real you're so real and i'd rather change scenes and change partners than change myself that's the first reason i believe people go ghost you were too real the second reason why people just run and go ghost is because you were about to expose their fake life you were about to expose their fake life in other words you're not the only woman ma'am and i don't know why y'all looking at me like that women do it too you're not the only man sir this sister could be married yep this brother could be married and you just asking too many questions you want them to be honest and open and that's about to expose their fakery you're about to expose their fakery they forgetting dates and forgetting to delete emails and forgetting to delete calls and forgetting to delete text messages and forgetting the last lie you told because you know when you're a liar you have to keep up with the lie okay what lie did i tell her then what lie did i tell him what time did i tell her i was at this place and it's just too much work being with you being in this church being around this community being around this circle of individuals it is too much work for me to be fake because you do know being fake is exhausting right has anybody ever been fake anybody ever been fake i've been fake i'm being open honest and transparent being fake requires too much work you just got to keep up with things fake posts and and fake smiles and fake joy and fake happiness and due to them trying to hide their fake with you and it being so exhausting they leave because you making me work harder because you want real when i'm fake and you're so real that's it that it's exposing that i'm fake it's the second reason why i believe people go ghost the third reason why i believe people go ghost one that you may not think about is because they're running from themselves they're running from themselves somebody watching this message every time things get difficult you run when it gets hard you run when somebody challenges you you run when you get corrected you run when somebody tries to tell you about yourself you run when you don't know the answer you run when there's a giant you run you run the problem is you can never outrun you you can never outrun you eventually the real you is going to make its debut see if david would have ran from goliath instead of to goliath we don't even recognize that david fighting goliath it wasn't just about the fight it was his announcement david fighting goliath was an announcement to the world a new king is coming somebody else has the oil david fighting goliath was the transition from him just being a little shepherd boy who knows how to drop bars because he knew how to play the harp and write songs just him being a shepherd boy who could drop bars to a king that soon to come to a warrior that's sold to come and i wonder how many of us are running for my promotion in disguise because you don't want to fight your giant who am i preaching to you don't want to fight your giants so you keep running you keep running and you keep running and you keep running and while they were with you they had to keep looking over their shoulder because the real them was catching up and the reason they went ghost is because the real them almost showed themselves the real them was catching up have y'all noticed i didn't say nothing about you have you noticed i didn't say anything was your fault and if you would have did this this possibly wouldn't have happened and if you would have said this and if you would have known this because sometimes when people leave us without explanation it could cause for us to question ourselves it it could turn up the volume of our inner critic and i'm trying to get somebody to understand on tonight you don't have to get wet from a storm that's not yours that's their issue some stuff we need to return to cinder somebody drop in the comment return to sender this is not my issue return to cinder this is not my trauma return to cinder this is not my problem return to cinder this is not my storm return to cinder i don't have to get wet from a storm that's not mine and i get it now i get it now if the christ follower if the christ follower is supposed to be one who is filled with love like the litmus test that we are followers of jesus is exposed by how we love each other the billboard that lets everybody know that i'm a saint is by the way we love one another we are love carriers we are jesus's representation in the earth and is seen by how we love one another by this all men will know that you're my disciples by the way you love one another if that is the evidence that we're believers no wonder the enemy is after our hearts no wonder he wants to provide us with someone something or some trauma that contaminates our hearts so that our heart cannot release love but it only releases secondhand smoke every person i encounter has to deal with what i encountered every person i encounter has to deal with what i encountered and so i can't even reach the door of your heart without first being approached with the high grasp of your emotionalism and so now every person that tries to do life with you or helps you has to decide will i be patient and mow the lawn of grass i didn't plant because i have a wall up due to every person i have encountered and what i have noticed is sometimes the people who left come back sometimes the people who left come back it is a strategy of the enemy but i want us to level up so hard that certain things can't find you i want us to level up so hard that former things can't even locate you formal addictions form of people that you were with former temptations formal websites certain things can't even tempt you anymore i need you to evolve so hard that you have to reintroduce yourself if i were to go to the apple store right now and ask for an iphone 4 they would look at me like i'm crazy look at this they wouldn't question themselves they wouldn't question themselves they're like okay you're coming and you're trying to find something that we no longer produce i'm not on that level anymore i'm not there anymore i'm not in this atmosphere anymore i'm not in this season anymore you forgot who you were i didn't forget who i am i just refused to live where we met i'm not an iphone 4 phase anymore i've evolved i've evolved and i want us to become people who are so mature that for some people we have to be like an out of service elevator they can step in but i don't have to go to the floor that they pushed they're pushing buttons but i don't have to go to the floor that they're asking me to go to because i have self government and i have self mastery pharaoh pharaoh asked himself and his boys the question he said what have we done we have lost them and their services and i'm just trying to convince the people we need to be out of service for hell's use i am out of service to your schemes i'm out of service to your strategies i'm out of service to your temptations i'm out of service to your manipulation why because i have a new service provider y'all gonna make me preach up in here i'm i have a new service provider and my service provider has given me an unlimited plan i have unlimited blessings i have unlimited joy i have unlimited peace i have unlimited access to the father and i don't need to sacrifice the blood of bulls and goats i don't have to go to a pope or to a priest but the veil has been torn and i have unlimited access to the father somebody dropped the comment in the room access granted access granted access granted access granted and i would like to start this new sermon series off speaking around this thought from this subject for the time that we have together on tonight the reoccurring x yeah the re occurring x what in your life is trying to get you back because it lost your services who in your life has returned and has reoccurred in your life because they're trying to render back your services and the reason i feel led to do this sermon series is because for the next few weeks i want this particular series to be an investment in your soul care i want this this series to be an investment in your soul care because around this time of year when the wind gets more brisk when the pumpkin spice is being extended and when the holidays are approaching i want us to make holistic powerful conscious purpose benefiting decisions that are an investment in my soul care don't allow a season to cause you to enter into a season did you hear what i just said don't allow a season make you have a season i need to invest in soul care because for far too long we've had too many pews sanctuaries churches and pulpits and now due to covet viewers that have perfected face lifts but we don't have heart transplants we don't have heart transplants and one of the ways the enemy gets us to fall back one of the ways he interrupts our evolution journey and one of the ways he tries to [ __ ] our faith is by causing for an x to return back to your life and whenever we don't have forward vision we will always revert back to familiar chaos so so yes your location may have changed but your taste buds haven't your location has changed but your taste buds haven't i need us to become people who notice the timing notice the timing notice the timing notice the timing notice the timing because being aware of the timing can cause you to be aware of the cinder oh being aware of the timing can cause us to be aware of the cinder i need you to notice what is sent your way when you are about to fall into depression notice the timing i want you to notice the timing of when you are having a night when your flesh is on fire and you get a random text hey big head what you doing do you want to come through notice the timing i want you to notice the timing when you're about to make an unwise choice how that spiritual leader how that friend how that pastor how their brother or that sister seems to call you just to check on you to see how you're doing i need you to notice the timing notice the timing notice the timing because noticing timing allows me to understand who sent this notice the timing notice the timing notice the timing that as soon as you change your mind notice the timing that as soon as you get serious about your faith as soon as you get serious about fasting as soon as you get serious about your commitment as soon as you get serious with your devotion as soon as you get serious with sermon listening as soon as you get serious i'm gonna fight for my marriage as soon as you get serious and say i'm a fight for joy in my singleness as soon as you get serious and say i'm a fight for joy and i'm a fight to control my feelings because i should not allow people to control my mood i want to have the power where no texts or a text can't throw my whole day off but i know somebody who texts me and i have 66 love letters and 66 text messages that god has sent me and his text should be able to throw my whole day back on i want you to notice the timing notice as soon as you're about to make up your mind to do something that will become an assistant and secretary to your becoming process how an x occurs that x randomly reaches out that x randomly shows up now please don't misconstrue what i'm saying an x is not always a person an x is not always a person an x could be a thing an x could be an addiction an x could be a substance an x could be an unhealthy family member an x could be a location an ex is not always a person is anything that in your life at one time held you hostage an ex is anything that in one season of your life it held you hostage it used to hold you hostage notice the timing notice the timing as soon as you're about to deactivate your social media pharaoh is reminded that hey what have i done we have let them go and have lost their services notice the timing notice the timing notice the timing because many times the enemy will test us to see have your feet moved but your heart didn't see and this is why it's so dangerous to follow cultural doctrine because culture says follow your heart but sometimes god will ask us to do things that doesn't sit well with our heart but we're going to obey him anyway so our feet follows his instructions but our heart still doesn't understand why and if we follow our heart we'll go back to the very places that god has brought us out of do we have any real people who are honest enough to say that sometimes god asks us to do things that we don't want to do sometimes god asks us to do things that's uncomfortable and it's possible for my feet to move but my heart hasn't caught up yet and if you follow your heart you'll keep on going back to an x that is not conducive for your soul and i have to trust god so much where sometimes i have to make decisions that hurt my heart but it's beneficial for my assignment it's beneficial for my purpose and my destiny notice the timing notice the timing notice how that x always comes back when you are in between entry and exit oh this is so good y'all that x always comes back when we're right in between entry and exit the x may not be a person but it causes for hell to rage when you're right on the brink that right there is a sign to let you know that you're about to walk into something your flesh brings the most fury when you're right on the brink of something hell sends distraction after distraction when you're right on the brink of something x's return when you're right on the brink of something when you're right on the brink of something which is why you must have a vision see i believe that god puts a vision in our hearts and in our soul not always to remind us of where we're going but for when we hit the middle when we hit the middle when we're right in between the exit and the entry and that middle season i believe god has a vision in your soul so that when an ex tries to get you to go back remember it doesn't always have to be a person when that ex tries to get you to return when that ex tries to get you to return when the ex tries to persuade you to go back you got a vision in your belly you got something in your soul there is something that god has put on the inside of you where you're like you know what i'm not going back there because i know i'm going here i'm not here yet but i'm reminded of what god put in my bosom i'm reminded of what god put in my soul i'm reminded of what god is doing in my heart and that keeps me from going back to egypt because i have something in my belly i have a vision i have a vision notice when you're the most depressed motive notice when you're the most depressed when you're most discouraged when you're the most tired what comes back because noticing the timing will reveal the cinder notice it notice it notice that when you hit dark places who texts you notice when you're in a season of discouragement who's in your dms because dark places give space to familiar voices and the flesh always will bring fury when you have an x as an option y'all this is so good the flesh will always bring fury when you have an x as an option i'm trying to get somebody watching this message to have no plan b how about that have no backup why do you have like that backup contact in your phone like just in case i don't know what to do tonight just in case i don't have nobody just in case i feel like i'm coming for somebody's neck i'm coming for the neck i'm talking about remove plan b can i get you to drop that in the room remove plan b i'm gonna give you bible i'm gonna give you bible first kings chapter 19 we're going to launch our reading in verse 19. it says so elijah went from there and found elisha son of shafakt he was plowing with 12 yoke of oxen and he himself was driving the 12th pair elijah went up to him and threw his cloak around him elisha then left his auction and ran to elijah right after elijah let me kiss my father and my mother goodbye he said then i will come with you go back elijah said what go back elijah replied what have i done to you so elijah left him and went back look at this y'all he took his yoke of oxen and slaughtered them he burned the plowing equipment to cook the meat and gave it to the people and they ate then he set out to follow elijah and became his servant i want y'all to notice this i want y'all to notice this followed callings come with farewells following callings comes with a farewell elijah was like okay um what have i done go back and he's like all right listen i'm gonna go back not because i'm gonna stay here but i'm gonna slaughter everything that i knew i'ma give everything up away i'ma give all of these things away i have no plan b following jesus i have no plan b following my faith i have no plan b listening to the holy spirit i have no plan b and the reason a lot of us the reason your flesh is on fire is because you still are giving your flesh options you are feel you are still giving your flesh options and i'm trying to help you one of the ways to defeat this is by no plan b burn the plows burn the plows some of us like right now need to pull out your phone and delete some contacts delete some contacts no more backups no more backup people no more backup boos no more backup base no more backup people that you can get high with no more backup people that you could drink with no more backups no plan b no plan b if i had a beats no plan b one more time no plan b burn the plows the flesh will always bring fury when you give it options no plan b jesus says it this way in luke chapter 9 verse 62 jesus replied no one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of god no plan b i'm going all in i'm going all out i'm sold out to this thing i'm committed to this thing and just like i said on sunday this is the difference between interested and committed when you're interested you'll do what's convenient when you're committed you'll do what it takes so let me give you a few reasons on why i believe x's return number one do i still have a grip do i still have a grip what if i were to tell you that hell could be nervous because it sees your change it sees you changing it sees you praying it sees you binge in the whole world war me series it sees you taking notes it sees you fasting the enemy sees that change and so sometimes he has to send what work in one season i have to send what worked in one season to see if it still works in this season i want to see do i still have a grip on their emotions do i still have a grip on their lust do i still have a grip on their pity and they're doing all of these things that are changing and that's causing for me to get nervous because i used to be able to control her mood i used to have him not text good morning and it messed her whole day up can i still have the same access i had before did i lose their services do i still have access do i still have access to her mind do i still have access in her music playlist do i still have access with them watching porn do i still have access by that man still having a key to their apartment but she's saying she's practicing purity or do i still have access for that brother who gave that woman a key and she still has access to his apartment and his house do i still have access do i have a grip that's number one number two x's come when you're close to something when you're close to something i've said this so many times godsense and counterfeits usually arrive in the same season the reason we can't see the gossip is because the counterfeit is our preference god's sins and counterfeits come in the same season we have elijah we have bail worshipers we have moses we have pharaoh we have jesus we have herod and sometimes one of the evidences that you're about to walk into something is when things of your past keep popping up why because hell is nervous i don't know what to do i can't get any new temptation i don't have any new strategy so i have to use what used to work you're close you're close you're about to walk into something um number three so good another reason why i believe x's return is because they want to limit access they want to limit access in other words they're trying to limit other people from having access to you they're blockers if i can't have you no one can have you and the reason i'm trying to come back is because i want to limit somebody coming in the reason he sent that back is because he wants to limit your prayer life taking off the reason she came back is because he wants to limit your devotion taking off notice the timing notice every single time you try to make a commitment something always tries to step back is trying to stop your access has anybody ever noticed that when certain people depart peace arrives it's like peace arrival is tied to your departure and peace's departure is tied to your arrival limit access they're blockers to what heaven is trying to send your way this one's so basic another reason why i believe x's return is because they miss you and miss your services they really do they miss you and miss your service listen to somebody who's watching this message stop re-saving that contact that you deleted i need to say that again and when this is uploaded where it's not live right now i need you to rewind that part stop re-saving a contact that you deleted you deleted them for a reason the first time see a lot of us get in trouble because whenever we feel as though this is unfamiliar terrain whenever god places us in something new we try to reach back to something old to provide us with comfort but comfort zones and callings will never be romantically involved and anytime god calls you it always comes with the abandonment of a thing they miss you but here's the thing god never cracks a red sea so that you can return to egypt he cracks a red sea so that you can depart from egypt this is your exodus and you have to know missing them doesn't mean return i need somebody watching this message to be so secure in your faith that you don't allow that you don't allow an apology or and i miss you cause you to go right back into the very thing that you asked god to heal you from for some people all it takes is an apology and we'll go right back into the thing that gave us trauma don't mislabel the season a lot of us if i were to be honest you're not waiting you're not waiting you're getting dressed see there's there's a difference in getting ready and being dressed when you're ready you're waiting when you're becoming you're dressing a lot of us god is taking off some garments he's taken off some outfits he's taken off some mindsets he's taken off some perspectives that does not mean that you won't be ready but right now in this season i'm not waiting a lot of us think i'm just waiting for this i'm just waiting for it you're not waiting you're getting dressed and undressed when you're ready you're dressed and you're waiting it's like when you go over your friend's house and you told them that you were going to be there at 8 o'clock you text them hey i'm outside and they say okay i'm ready this man don't have his shoes on this woman is still trying to find her earrings and her keys you not ready you're getting dressed and i think a lot of us our anxiety is heightened because we don't recognize we're not in the season right now of ready we're in the season of getting dressed and that's okay that's okay i just want us to be aware that while you're getting dressed don't dress yourself with egypt clothing and don't allow egypt text messages cause you to undress what god has put on you as you are becoming so good y'all we just have to get to a place where we remove this amazon prime mentality we want to expedite shipping we want it now we want it quick one day shipping you can't do that with god you can't do that with god everything that god sends your way is going to come on time with god the only thing that you can have is on time shipping the only thing you can have is on time shipping now you can prolong a package by disobedience you could prolong a package by rebellion you could prolong a package by not getting the therapy you need you could prolong a package by not healing from that trauma you could prolong a package by entertaining an ex see for some of us god can't send the new thing until you let the old thing go and as long as you keep entertaining old things as long as you keep entertaining egypt people as long as you keep entertaining what pharaoh has you won't be able to receive what yahweh is giving ah this is so good y'all the enemy knows if i can't stop them from going where they're going maybe i could send something from where they've been that could keep them where they are or hopefully get them to go back to where they were last reason on why i believe x's come back in our life you gave them life not in a good way this was parasitic parasites live off host they live off host a leech the way i live is off somebody else's health the way i live is off somebody else's peace the way i live is off somebody else's joy and the reason they have come back is because you sustained their life they had a parasitic nature and i was surviving of what you had pharaoh said what have we done we have let them go and have lost their services and i wanted to come on here tonight for a few moments and give us a message to encourage us to be out of service for pharaoh to be out of service for hell to be out of service for distractions to be out of service for setbacks and anything of my past that tries to come back that tries to take me back i have a new service provider and the only reason pharaoh wanted them back was because i no longer have people who i can make my slaves sometimes things of the past come back because the enemy wants your service of slavery and as we start this series i want this series to be an investment in our soul care i'm not going back i'm not returning back i'm not looking back to anything god has brought me out of when god heals you and while god is healing you stop picking the scab stop picking the scab that could be looking back texting back responding back going back thinking back stop picking the scab because i'm trying to take you into a promise and one of the methods of the enemy to get us handcuffed and arrested in this season is to send back what comforted us in a former season so god we pray purge us and detox us from egypt purge and detox us from egypt so that we won't even be able to be tempted by the things of our past help us have enough wisdom to notice that
Views: 82,150
Rating: 4.9637055 out of 5
Keywords: RedefinedTV, redefined tv, jerry flowers, pastor jerry flowers, cuffing season, michael Todd, the reoccurring ex
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 28sec (2668 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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