Tawakkul - Having Trust In Allah

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Hey [Music] a great act of worship in an Islam it's the secret to personal strength Allah Spano tejada loves it so much and this is why he always supports the people who have it and the people who possess that and display it it's a great act of worship but it has to do with the heart it will help us get one step closer to allah subhana wa ta'ala like direct quote reliance on Allah at Oracle is a beautiful combination that is based in principle on the knowledge of Allah Spano Tala when we develop knowledge about our Creator about Allah subhanAllah tell about his greatness about his great attributes great his great names when we get to know how powerful Allah Spano to Allah is how knowledgeable Allah is how merciful he is how great he is that his knowledge encompasses everything but he knows everything before it even happens that nothing happens in this world except by his permission and by his will once we develop that knowledge it makes our heart move towards allah subhanaw taala so our hearts feel trust in Allah they trust Allah span or data they realize that the main cause behind everything is the will of allah subhana wa ta'ala so nothing happens in this world without the permission of Allah once our hearts embrace this belief and this conviction definitely we will start to rely on Allah Japan over to Hannah so we start to see through the physical means that we have in this world we realize that they don't function by themselves but by the will of Allah Spinoza who gave them the ability to function and to cause things this is the great aspect of TOEIC oh it's a beautiful amalgam it's a beautiful mixture of strong belief in allah sunnatullah proper knowledge about allah Spinoza Allah and it's an act of worship that is well that is based in the heart and this is why it's one of the most profound aspects in Muslim character and it has a profound a profound impact on our behavior and on everything we do but what does I lost power to Allah say about I talk a lot of analysis important Allah loves those who rely on him Allah subhana Allah order us in the Quran to hold on to the work group and rely on the everliving that does never die that means him allah subhana wa ta'ala to rely on him and every single thing that we do a lot also subpoena allah says in the for earn and it's enough for allah to rely on him so - what cool is an obligation but how can we attain to we can definitely attain to a by having or acquiring knowledge about a lot of Hannah Montana that's the essence of Telugu once we know the names and attributes of Allah and our hearts realize how great Allah is how powerful Allah is how knowledgeable Allah is our hearts are designed they're created in a way to respond actively to this type of knowledge this is why once our hearts receive that type of knowledge and embrace it they start to move and to become inclined towards Allah so Allah to put the trust in Allah to realize that Allah is the main cause behind everything the actions of Allah the will of Allah is behind everything that takes place in this world and everything that happens to what could also has to do with belief in the decree of Allah to believe that everything before it happens Allah knew it Allah had written it down on the preserved tablet and the last panel Hannah willed that this thing takes place this is the belief in the decree of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and once we realize this our hearts will be we'll have the safety the tranquility that everything is in the hands of Allah subhanAllah Tejada this this will give us the reassurance every human being is searching for throughout their lives so we trace everything back to its original cause its creator Allah Shabana what's Adam and this is why the work will has profound fruits in our lives what are these fruits of the worker one of the fruits of this theorem though Allah will love you you will get the love of Allah if you rely on Allah the second is the realize that realization of Eman the Eman is correlated with telecoil there's a big correlation between a man and telecoil the more you have to look cool you're a man will race the least you'll have to look cool you're a man will go down the second thing is that the support of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala allah saw an artist a turnip or an and whoever relies on Allah verily Allah is will help him Allah will gather his affairs all that will be sufficient for him atelic could could give us the love of allah the high status of Eman and also the support and aid of Allah so pronounced at what else definitely there's a lot more with talk abut what is better than having and receiving the love of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala also lost platonic grants his support his aid and his victory he gives it to the people who have to look well why as a gift because the what cultures that these people really have strong belief in Allah that Allah Spanish Allah runs the affairs of the world that a large penalty Allah is the Lord of the world that allah subhanaw taala is the omnipotent the one who has power and control over everything in this world so to what cool is a clear reflection of your strong faith strong conviction in allah subhanahu wa ta'ala nothing will come to us except what Allah wills and what Allah wills for his believing servants is definitely something good so what is there in the world to feel also to work well having total work will gives you a shield or is a shield against the plotting or the plots of shape on this is exactly how our prophet muhammad sallallahu emily's companion where they were profound believers who put their trust in Allah even in this in the most difficult times in the darkest moments of their lives that put their trust in Allah and this is why they made it even when they were outnumbered of defeating their enemies but Allah subhanAllah de held them we want to have to work well you do everything you are supposed to do physically speaking put your trust in Allah and don't attach your heart to what you did but attach your heart Allah Spanish Allah if you manage to do that no force on earth can destroy your plans this is the power of telecoil and this was the great example of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the problem is making it clear if you really reach the high level of putting your trust in the lost penalty Allah Allah will break for you some of the laws that govern this universe that's a high level of trust in Allah span over to hell but yeah we shouldn't rely upon that what we should be striving to do is to put our trust in Allah and do our part of the job which is whatever we can do we do it physically speaking even a story of state news I mean there was no means or nothing with yours in the middle of the sea yeah and the people told them I mean that's it we aren't we're gonna we're gonna drown he said no Allah is with me and he's gonna guide me no means nothing he just had no one but Allah saw not either but yet his heart was so calm and with certainty but Allah who save him Japan and yet I well saved him from drowning subhanAllah imagine how the words of mostly said I'm can know in certainty please people were taken by fear apprehension but he was saying no he was reassured he was confident he wasn't calm I hope that we will be able to really follow that example in our lives obviously the story of Hodja when she put her trust in Allah and she's just said to Brahim if Allah commanded you to leave us here then he's not going to let us down he will not let us die he will take care of us in us that's a very beautiful example of trust in Allah the example of Prophet who'd alehissalaam put my trust in Allah you do whatever you want to do he's my Lord and he's even your Lord so I don't feel you there's no creature on this earth or in this universe except that he runs its affairs so what should I fear Allah it has control over you my trust in Allah if I'm in a good relationship with Allah subhanAllah I have nothing to fear Allah will save me from you one of these scholars said great scholars of Islam said if you want to test yourself we have really taught especially in terms of provision and money and wealth he said that you trust what is in the hands of Allah more than you trust what's in your own hands that's real - oh cool many people don't really trust the money unless it's in their hands but if you really have to work on that you trust what's with the Lost Planet Allah more than you trust what's in Europe physically in your possession that you really know that you give for the sake of Allah sponsor because you know Allah will provide for you so this is why - what can also place in charity a major role some people might think where do we need to work on we need to work cool most important aspect we need to work all in is in worshipping Allah put your trust in Allah that Allah will guide you if you are sincere Allah would show you the truth this is why we say yeah can I put well yeah can i stain we seek your help in worship we only worship you and it's only you help that we seek so we put our trust another aspect we need to work on in his matters of the of the world a provision taking care of our children taking care of our affairs we need to put our trust in Allah spirit of Hannah whoever puts his trust in Allah and unlife sufficient for him Allah would take care of all his affairs and Allah will definitely allows the best disposal or disposer of affairs so part of chemical as one of the earliest cons of islam said is to to trust allah to run your affairs more than you trust yourself yes that's an absolute a high level of Torah code that you wish that Allah runs you affairs rather than you doing that and say high level the only people with strong faith can reach that and there are beautiful aspects of telecoil actually dear viewers at Oakwood reliance on law is an active worship that could take us closer to him assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakato
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 242,407
Rating: 4.9487038 out of 5
Keywords: trust in allah, tawakkul, never give up, don't be sad
Id: XzSNSpj8QZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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