The Beauty Of Tawakkul

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[Music] today's topic in today's discussion surrounds a very important concept in our religion which is what we call tawa code now the what we'll if you were to assembly translate it it would be on the lines of reliance relying on someone and when we talk about reliance and our religion we're talking about the look on Allah meaning relying on allah subhanho wa taala this is a very important concept in our religion and the reason is because you have to realize that there's only so much you can do as a person and after you've exhausted your ability to do something at that point you have to step back and say for the rest of it I'm going to rely on allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala because as human beings is only so much ability we hold and you have to learn to accept that and appreciate it will you ever see the results of your efforts in this world it's possible sometimes it may not happen sometimes you might want something to happen right now you're trying so hard you're forcing it you're pushing it but it's just not happening that's where you have to rely on allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala that allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala will take care of the end result so there is an idea of relying on allah subhanahu wata'ala to guide you towards what's good there's the idea to rely on allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala on him providing you with the means to achieve that goal and then there's relying on allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala for the goal itself so there's three levels of Reliance the first level of Reliance is reliance on Allah that he guides you towards what's right I don't know if what of what I'm about to say to you is right or not for that I rely on allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala for example or any any any project you take on in life you have to rely on Allah that he gives you the tophi the ability that's why allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala he quotes his famous dois in the Quran al hamdulillah elody Hagana le ha de mama : daddy Allah Allah and Allah all praises to Allah who guided us and had it not been for his guidance we wouldn't have been guided so you're relying on Allah to guide you towards what needs to be done the second thing is then relying that Allah to help you and provide for you the means so someone wants a job they want a want a job so that they can work and provide for their family it figured out the goal but now the problem is they're not getting a job they're struggling with that so you're trying your best and then you're relying on a lot the third is once you've fulfilled the means you've worked all day now relying on a lot to give you the ends that Ya Allah give me the result of it because many times what happens is you may work work and work but you won't see the result in your lifetime you think about Ibrahim Ali Salaam he builds the Kaaba the skyscraper of its time today if you stand in front of the Kaaba someone I consider myself somewhat of a tall person 64 when I extend my hand I'm over seven foot okay and I'm trying to reach the door of the Kaaba and I can just about touch it with the tip of my fingers that's just the door not the top of the structure it's huge it's ginormous and considering the time that he's in where people didn't have elevators or stairs were still you know finding their way and they weren't really multi-story stairs that were available people were just climbing one-story here there you know what he builds the Kaaba surrounded by mountains is a huge structure and after he builds that he asks Allah Allah what was the structure for and Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala says give the Adhan Muhammadi sallam he enters into the open area and he gives the Adhan calling people for Hajj how did he see people respond to the Adhan of hajj during his lifetime no he didn't see it now for you and i how would that end we view that as failure then i'd made this whole structure nobody came can you believe that Ibrahim Ali Saddam didn't view that as failure because he knew that he had adopted the means he did everything the way it should have been done and now the result was in the hands of allah subhanahu wata'ala the progress of the llamada he was adam said that allah subhanahu wa tada will accept your prayer as long as you don't hurry as long as you don't force it the Companions asked for Messenger of Allah what does it mean to hurry and force something the prophet sallallaahu a day was sudden what that means is that you say to Allah Ya Allah I pray to you I called on you and you didn't accept my prayer yeah like called on you you didn't accept my prayer ya alive I mean wha do you you didn't accept my prayer well the acceptance is in the hands of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala do not see the example of a umanets Salam a man who went through so much difficulty in his life that every inch of his body was covered in his disease and it was such a difficult moment in his life and yet he remained in that physical illness for 14 years 14 years that's insane and then don't we see the example of Yaakov Ali sallam he loses his little munchkin his small little son Yusuf Ali Sonam you ask someone who has a small beautiful handsome son when her child comes back from school you want to hug them and you never want to let them go and he loses his son and he missed his son so much that he cried and cried like any parent would he cried so much at the loss of his child what latina whom in a hoodie that he actually lost his eyesight in the process and when does he get to meet his son again forty years later he makes the law for 40 years and what we learned from the statistics and I can confirm I can coax incident after incident story of after story is that you have to learn to I realize your deficiencies your weaknesses there's only so far you can go as a person but those deficiencies and those weaknesses can actually be very beautiful if you exert yourself completely in them so I for example I have a limit I have a weakness now I know that's as far as I can go but within my boundary I've exerted myself to make sure that I've conducted you know whatever action it was whatever the lie was whatever I needed to do to the best of my ability and at the end of it I rely on Allah subhana WA Ta'ala by saying Ya Allah I did my best as a parent I worked for my child I provided for my child I guided them I gave them an Islamic education Islamic environment their guidance is in your head Ya Allah I search in a spouse I made sure this was the right person I did my mr. hodda I didn't mind wha I did my sister shot I saw consultation from the people around me and tomorrow I'm getting married Ya Allah I'm gonna rely on you you know you have to learn to the concept of the work will teaches you that you don't control every detail of what happens now what quality tis us to work the local teaches us to make an effort that's why when we translate the word the local unfortunately many people they misunderstand it they said how believe that the local in reliance and Allah means that you sit back kick your legs up on a couch while hoping that allah subhanho wa taala is going to give you all the victory of the world and all the treasures of the world that it's all just going to fall to you reliance on allah means that i don't to go to work tomorrow because Allah is the one who's gonna provide for me reliance on Allah means that I'm gonna be cured somehow miraculously and I'm not gonna take any medicine you know people they make these statements if Allah once it'll happen if Allah once it'll happen if Allah once it'll happen but you have to want it as well Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala says in the Quran in Allah Allah you fight you tomorrow at home I tell you what you don't have you and to see him you want change you have to first desire that change you have to walk towards that change the purpose of Allah why they was Adam says you come one hand span towards Allah Allah WA coming to you on arm's length but you have to first start that journey you'll have to desire it this is a very important discussion here and when we look at the lives of the Companions when you look at the lives of the prophets when you look at all the great people that came before this was one foundational point that was developed and set all of them and this is one thing the parents always made sure they had given their children was to rely on Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala from a young age our parents tell us that make dua to Allah the purpose of Allah Allah will set them separate the Companions if you ever need anything you ask Allah first and the promise of the llamada he will sometime said until the point even if you break your shoelace you know and you know how they have these straps that go around the foot in sandals even if your strap of your sandal breaks the first person you ask is Allah and then you go to the store you're saying Allah I want you to make this process of fixing my shoe easier small mundane simple things and if Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala gives you his support of allah subhanho wa taala gives you his help at any matter of your life that issue will become much more easier the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he's teaching this lesson to his companions from a young age one of the greatest examples of this is the hadith of hippodamus of the allah one I'm delighted our bus of your loved one was a cousin of the purpose of longhua Davis in him and it was also a young companion of the purpose of Allah in cinema the story is that one day the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was riding on an animal and in his passenger seat was AB dilemna bus young kid and he's kind of like cruising there taking a drive around the city together it's him in the profit the purpose of Allah Molly was that he thought that why not make the most of this moment he started advising this young man he said to him yeah when I'm a young man listen to me carefully if for the lay public if for the lot I did go to jihad be mindful of Allah Allah will be mindful of you be careful of Allah be mindful of Allah and you will find a line in front of you what does that mean finding a lot in front of you mean a lot help we'll be in the pathway that you walk on the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said to him he does say el déficit allah if you ever need to ask as a lover's why he does Stan toughest animal ah and when you need assistance ask Allah for a system first he's teaching this young man from a young age that you are always dependent on the muscle and if you can drill this reality into your mind you'll always be connected to Allah but the moment you forget that you are dependent on Allah then you will slowly drift away from Allah and he is drilling these pegs impossible on from a child he says to him I want you to know what I am and Omata Louise Lamarre Italian layin Farouk a lama cuttable Evonik he said to him if the entire world gathered together to give you something that Allah has not written for you they can never give it to you it's not possible and if everyone in the world wanted to harm you but a lives on your side they can't harm you Rufio I think a phenomena just for the serve the pen has been lifted the papers have dried that's the promise of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala you rely on Allah Allah will always take care of you now relying that Allah and Allah taking care of you doesn't necessarily mean that your life is going to be easy some people are under this delusion they believe that because I believe in Allah somehow my life is supposed to become miraculously a million times easier I'm not supposed I'm not supposed to face challenges anymore in my life because I wear a hijab but because I have a beard that wraps around my waist No you know being having Allah with you does not mean that you're not going to face challenges in your life anymore my teacher he used to say this very beautifully he is to say having Allah with you does not mean sailing in a sea which has no waves having a lot with you means sailing and a ship with no storm can destroy that's what it actually means now those difficulties are going to continue coming but as they come now you're inside a ship there's no storm can destroy you have along with you and you you're telling yourself you know that whatever the outcome is it was determined by Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala Allah subhana WA thought I was aware of it before I will be fry even came into existence the calamity I'm going through Allah I don't ask for calamity but if you're going to put me through calamity I will be patient because I know that you will reward me fully for it and any person that came in the history of mankind and trusted Allah Allah never ever let that person's trust down never the happens before so the brother before us who recited he recited the verses regarding the story of Musa ELISA Lam's mother allah subhanho wa taala commands her to take her child and put him in the water which mother has a heart to do that to take her child and put him in the water you would think to yourself that I'd rather trust myself the mother with the child and some water what is the water gonna do and I'm sure she didn't run any safety tests on the basket whether the water was gonna leak through or not you know it wasn't like she hasn't got a floater she was putting Missoni salam in it was a basket she put him in and that's done how does her mother do that how she does that is because she trusts Allah she knew the command came from Allah and that was it in the loss of Hanuman thought I would never fail her how does the father Ibrahim Ali Salaam hold his son by the hand and take him to be sacrifice I don't know how that's done if I hold my six-year-old son's hand with intention to even strike him my hand begins to shake how do you take a blade and put it against your own child's neck how you do that as you know that you trust Allah and Allah will never fail you how do you get launched into the fire and be ready for it and you're in the air and you're landing in the fire and you're not even worried about what's gonna happen because you trust Allah subhanAllah how does it happen to the purpose of Aloha do instead of that he's outside five covered in his blood and his adopted sons they've been hot if out of the Ilana and his foster son who the Prophet took care of her he says that I saw the Prophet that day he was crying he was covered in tears he raised his hands and made the Auto Allah he said y'all I have a complain to you and the complain he made to Allah on the day of judgment was on that day was he said allahumma ash new alayka thought of a poet eol I complained to you that I was a weak person I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough in my approach he doesn't put the blame on Allah that's how we run you know we put the blame on Allah right away he doesn't do that no oh Allah this isn't your fault this is my fault I wasn't strong enough but if you're not angry with me and if you accept this action of mine then I'm ready to do it all over again if you want me to and I know that good is going to come out of this and a lot of I don't want that I bless those people with good you have to always remember that there's only so far you can go with your actions then after that you have to learn to rely on Allah and the principal Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala has in the Quran is well mania tehuacán Allah bahu Hassan whoever relies on Allah Allah will suffice that person in allahabad a hominid Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala will fulfill every matter of his but the jaw Allahu lacunae shame father ah for everything there is a specific place in time never be despondent of allah subhanahu wata'ala is mercy now this to bring back a discussion I just talked about very briefly right now I want to bring that I bring this back and be very clear about it we are not advocating that people don't take means what we're telling you is adopt the means you want to become a physician in your life adopt a means take your classes take your exams work hard study hard but at the end of it let the end result be in the hand of Allah subhanAllah if for whatever reason you don't become a physician don't view yourself as a failure because your job and my job is to only try the results were never in our hands we never had control over them we never had any say over them those results were always with Allah Subhanahu WA Donna [Music]
Channel: TheProphetsPath
Views: 243,451
Rating: 4.9119415 out of 5
Keywords: theprophetspath, the prophets path, tawakkul, peace, Hadith, Allah, Quran, Islamic video, emotional reminder, planning, islamic reminders, trust, love, Islam
Id: Q53zUbCwsVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2017
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