Trump’s Still Banned from Facebook, Giuliani Lays Off Entourage: This Week’s News | The Tonight Show

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-Welcome, everybody, welcome, welcome to "The Tonight Show"! You're here. [ Cheering and applause ] ♪♪ Here's something positive to kick things off. A new poll shows that almost 2/3 of Americans are feeling optimistic after President Biden's first 100 days in office. [ Cheering and applause ] Yeah. Of course we're feeling good. We have vaccines in our arms, stimulus checks in our pockets, and hot sauce in our goldfish. Come on, things are -- -Come on! That's right -- 64% are feeling optimistic, while the other 36% had a rough weekend at the Kentucky Derby. According to polls, the last time we were close to being this optimistic was 2006. -Ooh! -I'm not surprised. That was when Tom Hanks brought back the mullet. Do you remember that? Meanwhile, as pandemic restrictions ease and the vaccine rollout continues, major companies, like Domino's, are now struggling to hire enough employees. Yeah, you can tell Domino's is desperate. Earlier today, they ordered Papa John's and kidnapped the driver. -Really? -Yeah. That's not good. -That is desperate. -Yeah. I also saw that Lowe's is looking to hire 50,000 employees, while Home Depot is looking to double the employees on the floor to two. Hello?! Hello?! [ As echo ] Anyone-anyone-anyone! -Use your app-app. -Echo-echo. -I need a nail! -What aisle are screwdrivers is in-in-in? -Bay sixteen-teen-teen! -I've been here for four days-days-days. How do I get out-out-out? -Now it's my home-home. -I built a home in Home Depot-ot. One place that looks like they're going to need some workers is the world's largest White Castle. It just opened -- Yeah, it just opened today in Orlando, and there was a bit of a line. Watch this. Look at this. That's all people waiting for -- -Oh! -It's a mile long. Yeah. And you know, after hours in that line, someone is still going to get to the window and not know what they want. "Uh, it's my first time here, so..." -"What do you got?" -You know one guy was calling his wife like, "Look, I know I missed the birth, but... you'll be psyched when I show up with a couple of these steamed burgers, okay." -"I ate them all." -Some news from overseas. After Biden criticized North Korea in his joint address last week, the country is now warning that the U.S. will face a "crisis beyond control" in the near future. That would actually be scary to hear, if we weren't already living in a crisis beyond our control. I'm not worried. North Korea's threats are a lot like the cicadas. They randomly show up, make a lot of annoying noise, and then you just go back to forgetting about them. [ Applause ] Some business news. I read that Verizon is selling Yahoo! and AOL for $5 billion. The deal is already being called the most successful tech sale of 1999. I didn't even know Verizon owned Yahoo! and AOL. That's like finding out Apple owns RadioShack. -What? -What? Apparently, the deal almost didn't happen, until Verizon threw in a CD-ROM with 100 free hours of AOL. -Enh! -Yeah, it was telling when they emailed the news to the heads of Yahoo! and AOL and they both had Gmail addresses. I'm sorry, but if you paid $5 billion for AOL, then... -You've got... -...scammed. [ Cheering and applause ] Timing? -Nice! -Oh, this is interesting. More business news. I heard that Gerber is searching for a new spokesbaby. -Ooh! -I mean, it's about time Gerber finally started looking for a new baby. I mean, the commercials were getting a little weird. -We're a company you can count on, because here at Gerber, we provide only the best for your children. Gerber -- babies are our business. -Goo-goo. Ga-ga. [ Coughs ] -What?! -A little weird. -Goo-goo, ga-ga? -Yeah. -Smoking? -And this has been going viral here. A Starbucks employee tweeted out a photo of a customer's extremely complicated order. Take a look at this thing. Look at that order. Oh, my gosh. Then Edward left Starbucks and held up the line at the world's largest White Castle. And, finally, we all know the world can feel overwhelming sometimes, but it's good to have some perspective, so we wanted to give you something to make you feel a little bit better about yourself. That's why it's time for, "Hey, at Least I'm Not That Guy." ♪♪ -Take a look at this. A tree fell on this Porta PottI while a man was inside. ♪♪ -There you go. Today is Teacher Appreciation Day and... [ Cheering and applause ] ♪♪ ...tonight's audience is filled with New York City school teachers. [ Cheering and applause ] So welcome. Thank you for being here. ♪♪ You always do incredible work, but to spend a year teaching remotely during a pandemic is really amazing. [ Cheering and applause ] You're all heroes for kids, parents, and liquor stores everywhere. [ Laughter, cheering, and applause ] I'm so honored that you're here. I want you to know, right before the show, I made sure none of tonight's jokes end in a preposition. [ Laughter and applause ] I know a lot of you are back in the classroom. I'm sure it's nice to see the kids in person again, but you can be honest -- I bet some of you are missing that sweet, sweet mute button. [ Laughter and applause ] Yeah, right? "We don't care about your weekend, Candace." [ Laughter ] A lot of businesses are offering discounts for teachers. I saw that Buffalo Wild Wings has a special deal, but Hooters doesn't. [ Laughter ] -Oh. -Which is probably smart because, if you thought running into your teacher at the mall was awkward... [ Laughter ] Speaking of school, yesterday, President Biden visited an elementary school in Virginia and he talked to some students about their remote learning experience. Watch this. [ Laughter and applause ] Biden was like, "Okay, there's two kids who are too honest for politics." [ Laughter ] Then, Biden started telling his story and the girl was like -- [ Snoring ] [ Laughter ] After the Bidens left, the teacher was like, "What?! What did you just do?! [ Laughter ] The president and first lady were just here! Alright, we're going to learn a new lesson, called Not Being a Rat! They're never coming back to the school!" [ Laughter ] Meanwhile, everyone is talking about this. The Jimmy Carter Library just released this photo of the Bidens visiting the Carters last week. Have you heard of this? Take a look. See if you see anything odd with this photograph. [ Laughter ] That looks like a second grader made a presidential diorama. [ Laughter and applause ] Can we see that photo again? [ Laughter ] They look like Jeff Dunham's retired puppets. [ Laughter and applause ] I learned two things from the photo -- the two families are very close and Biden is the size of Jason Momoa. [ Laughter and applause ] Yep, Biden is busy today. He gave an update on the vaccine rollout, but he struggled a bit with the name of the website. Listen to this. [ Laughter and applause ] -Yeah. That should make it easier. [ As Biden ] Again, the website is WrigleyWrigleyWrigley. vaccines.gum. [ Laughter ] The White House is like, "Damn it, somebody buy vaccines.gum, right now, stat! [ Laughter ] Buy it, just to have it! Everyone's going to --" [ As Biden ] Vaccines.gum. [ Laughter ] Yep, it's either Pfizer, Moderna, or Bubblicious. That's your choices. [ Laughter ] [ As Biden ] Make it easier for everybody. Go to vaccine.gum, .gov, .com. [ Laughter ] Here's some great news -- next week, the FDA is set to approve the Pfizer shot for kids between the ages of 12 and 15. [ Cheering and applause ] Parents were like, "Good, because, either way, they were going to summer camp." [ Laughter and applause ] Meanwhile, Governor Phil Murphy announced that New Jersey is offering free beer to residents who get vaccinated through its new Shot and a Beer program. [ Oohs and applause ] Which is why every 15-year-old just said they want to get vaccinated in New Jersey. [ Laughter ] Right now, some guy in Jersey's enjoying a free beer at a Bada Bing, thinking -- [ Italian accent ] Not all heroes wear capes. [ Laughter ] Ah! Some more COVID news -- I read that Washington, D.C. just unveiled new social distancing rules that ban dancing at weddings. [ Grumbling ] So, if you planned a big choreographed dance, the mayor just did you a huge favor. [ Laughter and applause ] If you're keeping track, we have an old guy as our president, tensions with North Korea, and we've banned dancing. This is going to be the best summer of 1952, ever! [ Cheering and applause ] Well, guys, not only is it Teacher Appreciation Day, but it's also Star Wars Day. [ Cheering and applause ] That's right. Today is May the Fourth, and that means news anchors around the country decided to try their best Yoda impression. Here are some of our favorites. -[ As Yoda ] Do or do not. There is no try. -[ As Yoda ] Do or not do. There is no try. -[ As Yoda ] Do or do not. -[ As Yoda ] Do or do not. -[ As Yoda ] There is no try. -[ As Yoda ] Do or do not. Because there is no try. -[ Robotically ] Do or do not. There is no try? [ Laughter and applause ] -Come on. -You actually did and didn't try, at the same time. [ Laughter and applause ] [ Robotically ] Do or do not, to that is try? [ Laughter ] Well, here's another story everyone's talking about. After 27 years of marriage, Bill and Melinda Gates just announced that they're splitting up. [ Awws ] You know Melinda Gates is thinking, "Finally, I can use a MacBook!" [ Laughter and applause ] I think they both deserve their privacy, but, if ABC wants to make Bill the next Bachelor, I'm all in. [ Laughter ] We're wishing them the best. Remember what they say -- "When God closes a door..." He opens a Windows 95. [ Laughter ] Finally, I saw that American Girl is bringing back its six original dolls to celebrate its 35th anniversary. [ Applause ] Yeah. And this is nice -- after the news yesterday, they're adding two new dolls. That's very interesting. [ Cheering and applause ] Hey, this is fun. Today is Cinco de Mayo. [ Cheering and applause ] Happy Cinco de Mayo. Cinco de Mayo, which, of course, is Spanish for "I puked in my Uber." Just a reminder for today -- if you're thinking, "Is what I'm about to wear racist?", then, yes, yes, it is. But this is nice. In honor of Cinco de Mayo, anyone who got their vaccine shot today got to suck on a lime right after. -Oh! -Let's get to some news. Well, guys, everybody is talking about this. Earlier today, Facebook ruled to uphold former President Trump's suspension. [ Cheering and applause ] Yeah, so if you want to see crazy conspiracy theories, you'll have to settle for any other person on Facebook. Yeah, it's a tough break for Trump. Now, he's scrambling to figure out how he'll keep in touch with his friends from high school. [ Laughter ] That's right -- no Facebook for Trump. On the bright side, he still has a good excuse for forgetting his kids' birthdays. You got to give this to Trump, though. He's the only person to leave social media without a long, annoying post about how he's leaving social media. "I just can't do it anymore." Get this -- since Rudy Giuliani is under investigation and facing a lot of legal problems, he's turning to an old friend to help pay for it all. Check it out. -New twist now in Rudy Giuliani's legal challenges. The New York Times detailing today how Giuliani allies were pressing former President Trump to help pay the former New York mayor's escalating legal costs. So far, to no avail. No shock there, yeah. Rudy's basically saying, "Pay me, or I'll spill everything," and, when Rudy says he's going to spill everything, he means it. Things keep getting worse for Rudy. A former Ukrainian official told NBC News about a phone call that he heard between Rudy and the president of Ukraine's top aide. Listen to this. Hang on a second. Could we see that guy again? [ Laughter ] -Oh, wow! -When did I become the top Ukrainian official? -Wow! -Good-looking guy. He's a very -- He's a good-looking guy. But let's focus on the current administration. President Biden just announced that he wants nearly 40,000 pharmacies to start offering walk-in vaccine appointments. [ Cheering and applause ] Yeah. If the walk-in appointments don't work, Biden's going to make pharmacists blow-dart the vaccine into customers. Thank you. Did anyone see this? Today on "Fox & Friends," Brian Kilmeade interviewed some kids about remote learning and returning to school. Let's see how that went. -How close are you to getting back in the room? -I think that we're very, very close to getting back to school and I think that the way that our new president is handling things is a very good way and we would not have gone to this if it were still the last president. -Really? That's hard to believe, because the last president was saying, "I want every kid back in school." [ Laughter ] -You know a "Fox & Friends" producer was like, "Mute. Mute him. Mute that child. No, not Brian. The child." Kilmeade was then like, "And another thing. You're a big dumb-dumb face." Speaking of school, New York City just announced that, next year, snow days will be replaced with remote learning days. [ Booing ] Which explains why third graders spent the day learning to say, "Friggin' de Blasio." Meanwhile, teachers were like -- [ As Vito Corleone ] You come to me on this week of teacher appreciation and ask to cancel snow days. It's very disrespectful. -Nice. Wow! ♪♪ [ Cheering and applause ] -Nice! -It's just some of the many voices you'll hear in my one-man show. -Oh, really? -Coming this holiday season. -Oh. It's remote? -It's a remote one-man show, yeah. And, weirdly, there's a 10% capacity on that. -Oh, really? -Yeah, even though it's remote. -On Zoom. -Yeah. I do all the impressions. -Really? -Do a version of the "Christmas Carol." -"Christmas Carol"? Do you do all the characters? -Yeah. Give me a character. -Tiny Tim. -Tiny Tim as played by John Travolta. -Really? -[ As Travolta ] I can't believe, like, we're not going to eat this Christmas, right? What's going on? -Wow! Bob Cratchit. What about Bob Cratchit? -Oh, Bob Cratchit. Of course, it will be Seinfeld. -Really? -Yeah. -How's that going to go? How would that sound? [ Laughter ] -[ As Seinfeld ] I can't believe I'm not getting a raise! It's the holidays! You give people raises! Where is my bonus?! -Is this part of your -- -I thought they were showing a video clip. -Is this part of your one-man show? -This is part of the one-man show where it looks like I had technical difficulties. -Oh, okay. -And then I get out of it by -- -Doing the dad from "Punky Brewster?" -No. No. -French Stewart. -No, I don't do French Stewart. Talking about -- No, I do Bullwinkle Moose. -Oh, what does he say? -[ As Bullwinkle ] I can't believe there's all these technical diffi-- No. Thank you. It's a long show. It's about three hours. Three hours and change. And, finally, someone in Wisconsin just filed a lawsuit claiming that Bagel Bites do not contain real cheese or tomato sauce. -Mm! -I guess they missed the authentic mini pizza bagels that Grandma brought back from the old country. [ Laughter ] [ Fresh laughter ] [ Cheering and applause ] -Wow. -Wow. -Wow! ♪♪ -Well, guys, it seems like there's so much going on right now. You got Prince William and Kate Middleton. They just launched their own YouTube channel. Cicadas are returning after 17 years. -No! -Yeah. Oh, they are. Sunday is Mother's Day. [ Cheering and applause ] And I heard about a woman who claims to have found a cigarette in her taco at Taco Bell. There's a lot to go over, so let's just jump in and cover it all at once. It's time for a "News Smash." [ Cheering and applause ] ♪♪ First up, Prince William and Kate Middleton have launched their own YouTube channel. They plan to upload videos, though it's not clear how often. They could post every day or they could post once every 17 years. That's right -- the cicadas are back. Experts are expecting trillions of these loud, obnoxious bugs to emerge from underground, just in time for Mother's Day. It's this weekend, so, if you haven't bought a gift, you should get on that, though Mom would be happy with whatever you get her, as long as it isn't a taco with a cigarette inside. That's right -- a woman said she found a damn cigarette in her Taco Bell meal. That's disgusting. To be honest, I'd rather find a cicada. They only pop up once every 17 years, so it's easy to forget about them, but it's okay, as long as you don't forget about Mother's Day. I mean, how could you? Flowers, cards, chocolates -- Mother's Day stuff is everywhere. No matter where you turn, you can't escape it, kind of like the royal family. Every TV show and movie is about them, and now they're taking over YouTube, too. I can't wait to see their first prank video, when they put a cigarette in someone's taco. What a terrible meal. It is the opposite of what you'll get on Mother's Day. And you get to eat in it bed. So, in conclusion, this should be fun, there's going to be a ton, Mom, you're number one, think outside the bun. [ Cheering and applause ] This has been a "News Smash." ♪♪ Oh, hey, this is exciting. Today is National Nurses Day. Yeah. [ Cheering and applause ] That's what I'm talking about. Absolutely. Yep, after Cinco de Mayo, everyone spent the day either thanking a nurse or needing one. And listen to this. The CDC just announced that they expect to see a sharp decline in COVID cases in the U.S. by July. [ Cheering and applause ] That's right. So get ready for Etsy's newest item -- bikinis made from recycled masks. This gives me hope that we can celebrate the 4th of July the way it's meant to be celebrated -- at a neighbor's barbecue, judging their house and trying to leave. Speaking of COVID, I read that the Mets and Yankees will soon offer free tickets to people who get vaccinated at their games. That's fantastic. Then, after parking, food, and a T-shirt, the vaccine will only cost you about 400 or 500 bucks. It's actually a great idea, except they're having the peanut vendor hurl the needle at people. You could also look for the guy in the parking lot who's yelling, "Pfizer! Get your ice-cold Pfizer here!" I'm kidding. Fans just have to show up on time and hope that Mr. Met has steady hands. Meanwhile, I saw that New York City is taking the effort a step further and now wants to start vaccinating tourists. -Ooh! -I can't wait to see a German tourist be like, "Yeah, I just got ze J&J at ze M&M store." Yeah, that's right -- tourists are excited. They're like, "It's New York City. We're going to get stabbed, one way or another." The vaccines would be administered in a mobile van. Here's a word of warning to tourists. If someone rolls up in a van and offers you a shot, don't get in, unless it's Mr. Met. Some news from overseas. I read that Russia just authorized use of a one-shot COVID vaccine called Sputnik Light. Which means everyone lining up in Russia is hearing -- [ Russian accent ] We're out of Sputnik. Is Sputnik Light okay? Is that fine? It tastes the same, basically. I mean, it's just as effective. Some news from Washington. I saw that House Republicans want to kick Liz Cheney off of their leadership team because she refuses to side with Trump and say the election was stolen. You can tell Republicans also upset Dick Cheney because they were like, "We should totally ditch Liz. She's such a..." [ Asphyxiating ] [ Imitates whooshing ] -[ As Darth Vader ] Liz, I am your father. -Liz Cheney said Republicans have to choose between the truth and Trump, to which Republicans said, "Um, the truth never gave us free hats." [ Brief laughter ] You guys getting tired? It's alright. [ Laughter ] We're almost at the end. Some entertainment news. HBO just released the first images from its "Game of Thrones" prequel series, "House of the Dragon." Yeah, here's one of the photos they released. [ Ewws ] We don't know much, but you can tell that they're not brother and sister, because they're not making out. Can we zoom into the background for a second? How did they miss that? -Oh, come on! -Come on! -Come on! -How did they miss that? You'd think someone would -- -Learn their lesson. -Well, now can we zoom out? What's going on? -Oh, come on! -I've seen those people in the Hamptons. -Really? -Did you guys see this? Last night, the New York Rangers and Washington Capitals played each other, and the game was pretty wild right from the start. Take a look at this. -Dowd and Garnet Hathaway -- they combined for 2 goals, 3 assists. -Here we go. Right off the draw. -And right off the face-off, three fights simultaneously. Rooney and Dowd. -People were calling it "The View on Ice." Yeah, there were six fights in the first five minutes, and a photo of the Capitals' penalty box went viral. Look at this. Looks like a Canadian prison. Can we see it again? It looks like a white-guy vending machine. Hey, get this -- in Ohio, lawmakers introduced a new bill against distracted driving, okay? And, on the same day that that bill was proposed, one senator tried to hide the fact that he was driving during a meeting. Watch this. -Programs to allow for the legislative process and discussions to continue. -On the regular agenda, are there any holds, no votes, or abstentions? Senator Brenner. -No holds. [ Laughter ] -The guy was like, "What, what, what, the seat belt? Yeah, when I get this rocking chair moving, who knows what's going to happen? I'm not in a car. You're in a car." Then he was like, "Sorry. My Zoom's cutting out. I'm going through a tunnel. I mean, I'm not going through a tunnel. I mean, I'm going through a tollbooth. I mean, not a toll-- Why would I say tollbooth? I'm just going to pull over. I'm going to pull my house over. Hold on." And, finally, a 12-year-old just built the world's tallest Popsicle-stick structure. Check this out. Wow. -Ooh! -Oh, yeah, we've got to get the kids back in school. It was cute until he said, "I'm building my own 5G tower to avoid government surveillance." Yep, everyone said, "Great Eiffel Tower," while the kid was like, "Eiffel Tower? This is Shaq's toothpick." ♪♪ Hey, this is exciting. This Sunday is Mother's Day, everyone. [ Cheering and applause ] We love all the moms out there. The kids and I planned something special for my wife. We made our own cards. There's going to be breakfast in bed. I booked her a mani-pedi. Whereas, on Father's Day, I got a Post-it note. It said, "We love Mom" on it. [ Laughter ] I read that, over the years, the average mom receives 45 pieces of homemade artwork. [ Cheering and applause ] That's a lot. I'm sure, after the first five, even da Vinci's mom was like, "How long before I can chuck this thing? I he watching?" Yeah, Mother's Day is almost here and, if you're looking for some last-minute inspiration, you may like this commercial I just saw. Check this out. -Here at Zales, we know how special moms are, and that's why we have the perfect gifts. Like a giant locket that goes with nothing, even though she mentioned wanting a manicure. Or a diamond-encrusted Mickey Mouse necklace, even though she handed you the number to a spa with a note that said, "Buy This!" Or a Casio watch that looks like you got it from a claw machine, even though she literally screamed "Running shoes" at you over breakfast. [ Cheering and applause ] -Aw, that's sweet, isn't it? Kind of beautiful. Well, let's get to some news. Yesterday, President Biden visited Louisiana. Did you see this? -Yeah. -And he opened his speech with a story about another time that he visited the state. Listen to this. -First time I came down here, with a guy named Russell Long, who I served with. I was 29 years old when I got elected, and I went to see Russell Long. He said, "How much money did you spend in your campaign?" "About," I said, "a little over $285,000." But then I had to borrow some money to get through it. And he said, "Good thing you won." And I said, "How's that?" He said, "Well," he said, "You got yourself a $38,000 'dee-ficit.'" And I said, "Yes, sir." He said, "Well, if you hadn't won, you'd just have a plain old dee-ficit. Now you can have a dee-ficit party." [ Laughs ] God, I miss him. He was amazing. [ Laughter ] -You know you're talking for a while when you watch the tide come in and go back out, right? You know that. I'll tell you one thing. Biden sure doesn't have a "dee-ficit" of long, rambling stories. Can we check in on Biden right now? Where is he? What's he doing? [ Crickets chirping ] -It's hard to believe that... -Oh, yeah, yeah. You already said -- Yeah. I believe it. I believe it. -Hideout. -Gosh. Holy moly. -Hogging the entire time. -Well, things just keep getting worse for Rudy Giuliani. [ Audience member whoops ] I saw that 'cause of his gr-- [ Laughter ] I saw that, 'cause of his growing legal bills, Rudy had to lay off several members of his entourage. -Mm. -It's the worst news those people have gotten since they found out that they were in Rudy Giuliani's entourage. [ Laughter ] -Me? I'm in his entourage? [ Cheering and applause ] I didn't know he had an entourage. I always assumed those people with him were orderlies. [ Laughter ] Well, this made me laugh. Last night on "Jeopardy!," I saw a contestant ran into a little trouble answering a question. Check this out. -Hot Stuff for $1,000. -Hot Stuff. -Steve. -What is a calzone? [ Laughter ] -No. [ Beep beep beep ] "What are ovens?" [ Laughter ] -Calzone? -He's like, "Of course, I'm sorry. Who -- Who is calzone?" When he said that, other contestants were thinking, "You idiot," while everyone at home was shouting, "What are Hot Pockets?" They actually are 800 degrees. Well, here's some news here. This isn't good for those of you trying to take an Uber or a Lyft this summer. Listen to this. -We're back with a heads-up for Lyft and Uber customers. A shortage of drivers is making the cost of the rideshares much higher than they used to be. -Oh, wait. I have to pay more for Uber now? -Yeah, sorry about that, Tariq. -It's all good. I actually bought a Hyundai last week, so, I'll drive myself. It's fine. -Oh. -"Oh," what? -Roll the clip. -Hyundai is recalling more than 390,000 vehicles for two problems that can cause fires. -What?! Now, how am I supposed to get around this summer? I guess I'll just sit at home and eat some ice cream or sherbet. -Well... -Don't you dare. -Roll the clip. -Almost 100 popular ice cream brands and sherbets have been recalled over possible listeria. -Well, at least I can eat some of that chocolate shell topping that goes on ice cream. Here's hoping there's no recall they want to make me aware of. -A recall we want to make you aware of. Hershey's is voluntarily recalling some of its chocolate shell topping. -Come on! -I'm sorry. Tariq, there's got to be something else you enjoy. What's your favorite snack? -Oh, that's easy. The Ruffles All Dressed potato chips. -Frito Lay is issuing a voluntary recall of select bags of Ruffles All Dressed potato chips. -What do I even have left, the beans in my cabinets?! -Check your cabinets. There's a recall of black beans and chili beans nationwide. -I give up! [ Laughter ] [ Applause ] This summer is a bust! -Oh, come on, Tariq! Look on the bright side. I mean, aren't you going on a double date this weekend? -That's true. I'm looking forward to that. -Yeah. Who are you going with, again? -Bill and Melinda Gates. [ Laughter ] -Let's just move on. Let's just move on. [ Cheering and applause ] [ Chuckles ] "The beans in my cabinets?" [ Laughter ] Oh. -[ Laughs ] -Oh, man. -[ Laughing ] And, finally -- It's such a good read. Finally, I heard that Rome just unveiled a new vending machine that makes hot pizza in three minutes. -Ooh. -Here it is. Yeah, look at that. And, if you buy a vending-machine pizza in Rome, it also comes with a T-shirt that says, "Rob me. I'm not from here."
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 712,213
Rating: 4.7459617 out of 5
Keywords: Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, Trump, Still Banned, Facebook, Giuliani, Lays Off, Entourage, This Week’s News, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Joe Biden, Biden, Kamala Harris, Kamala, White House, politics, news, current news, Donald Trump, President, Vice President
Id: e_DbWNaGThs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 5sec (1925 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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