The Best of Pete Davidson on The Tonight Show | The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

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-Alec Baldwin. -Yeah. -We asked you how you stay in shape, so he does 100 pushups and 100 sit ups a day. -Yeah. So he came up to me and he was like, "What do you do?" And I didn't want to be rude and say, like, "I just still have metabolism." So I'm not, I'm not in my mid 50s. I just wake up like this, so I, to make him feel better, I was like, Oh, man, I do 100 push ups and 100 sit ups every day. And he was like, "Got it." And then and then he got the Trump gig. And so I would see him every week and every time we would run into the hall, and he'd be like, "Hundred a day." And he started to do it and he lost like 100 pounds. -Yeah. He looks fantastic. -Yeah. And says it's all 'cause of me. [ Laughter ] -We're about to play a game of deception called True Confessions. [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ Now we're going to need one more player to fill out this table, you know him from "Saturday Night Live." Give it up for Pete Davidson. [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ -Wow. -Alright. -Wow! Here's how it works, in front of each of us are two envelopes containing confessions, one confession is true, the other is a lie. Once you read your confession, the other two players have 60 seconds to interrogate you and they have to guess if you've been lying or telling the truth, John, you'll go first. Pete, which envelope should John open? -Wait mine or his? -Hi. -Oh, number two. I don't know. -Yeah, no, that doesn't really matter. That's part of it. Yeah, but this could be the liar. The truth we don't know. -Alright. You got to say or he's selling already. Look at him. -Are we doing it correctly? -Yes. Is this mine or? -Yeah., -No, this is his. -So what am I. Who am I talking about? You? -You're talking about you. -Oh. -Okay. -Alright. -You get it. -Yeah. I should read the e-mail. -Alright, gentlemen. [ Clears throat ] My neighbor was arrested by the FBI for being a cannibal. -Okay, what year was it? -2013. -So, cannibalism, totally illegal at this point. -So wait, is this L.A.? -New York. -Oh. -Oh, wow. Yeah. The FBI got involved. How did you know they knocked down to answer questions? -Uh, when the FBI was swarming our lobby and arrested this guy in a 6:00 a.m. raid. -Now, did you have any clue that he was suspicious of anything? -No, he never said to me in the elevator, "Guess what? I might be a cannibal." -It's freaking me out because his voice is like what interrogation is. You're like, "I was there, it was 6:00 a.m., -A pre-dawn raid. -Yeah. -Did the guy ever act odd at all? -He was quiet. -Yeah. -But he was so hungry. -What was his name. -I don't know his name. -Oh, interesting. Didn't have it. Didn't have a nickname for him. -No, it was a big building in New York so I didn't have names for everyone. -I say no, because if it was L.A. I would buy it. But I don't think people, eat people here. -I think it's the opposite -- -you think it's the opposite? -I think New York has got some crazy seedy stuff. Oh, they'll cut your head off here, but out there, they will cut it off and eat it. That's Hollywood. -I know. What are you going to say? -I'm gonna say no. I think it's false. -I'm gonna say no, it's false. -It's true. -No. -What are you talking about? What?! -Alright. Do you remember the cannibal cop? -What? -You don't remember-- Who remembers the cannibal cop? You remember that story, alright. There was a cop and he was he was he was online. He was on message boards going, "I'm gonna eat people, I'm going to kill and eat people." And then other people would go, "I'm going to kill people with you and eat them, too," you know. And -- -What message boards are you on? [ Laughter ] -I'm not on these! Alright? My neighbors and friends are OK. So our neighbor was on a message board with a man who was planning to kidnap and eat someone with the cannibal cop. They did a sting operation where an FBI agent pretended to be another interested cannibal who was also hungry for people. And then he was like, let's meet at 6:00 a.m. and we'll go get someone and eat him. My neighbor goes, "Yes," the FBI shows up at 6:00 a.m. and arrest my neighbor. And we have not spoken since. -Wow, unbelievable. Well, done. Wow. I thought that one was out there. -I mean. Yeah. -I thought that was out there. -Yeah. I did not see that. -You've probably told me this before. -I haven't lived a full life. There's many stories. -Alright. It's my turn. Which envelope should I open? Does it matter? One or two. -One. -Sure, two's pretty good, -No, I like one. -Here we go. I once went for a beer with a musician and woke up in a hotel room in Nashville. -Where did the evening start? -New York. -Yes, it's true. [ Laughter ] -You have to ask questions. -Nope. -You have to ask. -Nope true. I know you. It's true. [ Laughter ] -You have to ask questions. -There's still time. I think, too. -You both know. -What what instrument did the musician play? -Mandolin. -Mandolin. -No, just kidding. And I'm just kind of in a guitar. -Do you recall any of the trip from New York to Nashville? -I remember, yes, getting to Nashville. -You recall you came alert in Nashville. -Yeah. Yeah. I was in Nashville. I totally remember that part of it. Yeah. And then I just didn't know that I was going to stay over there. -Was this the first time you met this musician? -No. -Oh. -Okay. -Is is it a one guy band? No, that's a good question because I don't like it -- No, like a one-man band thing? No. It's a duo. -It's a duo. -A duo duo. -Interesting. -Yeah. -A mandolin and something else, but what? [ Laughter ] [ Buzzer ] -You both were just asking me fake what you think really happened? -Of course. -Of course. -It's so true. -Yeah, it is true, yeah. -Alright. [ Applause ] -Guys, you should've, even question it. Why would you even question it? -Because it's just like -- -It ended up happening. -Yeah. -We've all been there. -Alright. Alright. -How -- wait, so. -It was John Rich -- -Who? -Big & Rich. -Who? -Big & Rich. -It's country music. -Oh. [ Laughter ] -They were on "The Bachelor" one time. So my reaction was correct. -That's it we're not guessing. -As long as I'm right. -Pete, it's your turn. I'm going to choose envelope number one, of course. -Alright. -Yeah, that's the one. Not one question you would get. -Yeah -I band. -Lorne Michaels and I went to Jamaica together on vacation for New Year's. -I really want that to be a lie. -Lorne Michaels, who was our boss, who started all of our careers. -Yeah. -Went to Jamaica with, you? -I went with him for New Years. -Went with him. -Yeah. -When I was 20. -I don't know if I would ever, ever go to Jamaica with you. I might as well go to Nashville and wake up in Nashville. -Yeah. -I don't know if I'd come back. -There's really laughing in Jamaica that you haven't duplicated here in the United States. [ Laughter ] -That is totally true. -Wait, you were 20? -Yes. -Oh, 20 years old. -How old were you when you began being on "Saturday Night Live"? -20. -20. -The first year? -First season. -Yeah. -First season you're never really that close with Lorne, though. -Right? -New Year's, too? -Yeah. -Over the break. -So this is 8 episodes in. -Eight episodes in. -20 years old. Yes. -A man, your senior -- -Yeah. -Goes, "That kid Jamaica." -Yeah. [ Buzzer ] [ Laughter ] -No. -I mean, because I could see maybe now you and Lorne maybe might vacation somewhere and meet up somewhere, but at the time, -I mean, Jamaica? The two of them walking around Jamaica? I vote -- I want it to be true, but I'll go no. -I want it to e true, I'm saying, no, not true. -It is true. [ Laughter ] -I'm terrible at this game. What?! I'm terrible at this game. How? What do you mean? -Oh, he grew me in the office. No, no, he was I just he just was like, "I'm going to Jamaica, do you want to come?" And I was like, "[bleep] yeah, dude." [ Laughter ] -Did you guys, like, stay next to each other in the hotel? -Yeah, I stayed. Well, I stayed. I didn't want to stay. He offered to stay where he was, but I didn't want to, like, you know, be me around him. So I stayed at the hotel ten minutes away. So because -- I would have been fired if I stayed there. I have to get lead -You have to get that much lead? Oh, my God. -Yeah, well, yeah, it was a lot of fun. -Yeah. Oh, my God. Our thanks to John Mulaney. Pete Davidson. -Welcome back to the show, bud. -Thank you. I want to show a picture because Kim Kardashian was on our show a couple weeks ago. -Yeah. -And she showed us a photo of. Explain this to me, so you're out to dinner with Kanye, is that Timothy Chow and Kid Cudi? -Yes. -Now, what was -And I am that is really me. I'm not super imposed at all. -That's an actual real photo. -So, yeah, it was Cudi's birthday and he was like, "Hey, let's go to Nobu." And I was like, "That's awesome." I'm going with, like my manager and producer. I was like, "Cool, that'll be great." So I got there a little early so I could, like, give them my card so it can be, you know, I thought it was just like us three, you know. So I was like, I -- -You were gonna treat with a credit card. -Yeah. You know, you know buy my boy birthday dinner. -That was nice. -You know, because he's like the greatest piece. He's the best musician that's ever lived. and yeah. And it's like an honor. Right. -That's nice. -So I get there and we're outside and, you know, we order a couple of things. I'm like, "Hey, this is cool." Everybody's like, you know, skinny and whatever. It's all fine. [ Laughter ] -Everyone's skinny. -Yeah. -"I can treat for these people." -Yeah. I was like, "This is chill." Alright, then Timothée Chalamet shows up, and I'm like, "Alright. Also skinny. It's gonna be fine, no problem." And then, Cudi goes, "Hey, Kim and Kanye might come by." And I was like, "That would be awesome." And then I was like, "Oh, no." So they come by and we're outside, right? And then Kanye goes, "Let's get the special room in the back." And I was like, "Oh, no." I was like, "Yeah! Alright, cool, sick." So we're sitting in there, and I'm, like -- I'm, like, texting my touring agent. I'm like, "Yo, you got to book more shows." -[ Laughing ] -"[Bleep] getting real over here." So, then, you know, the waiter comes, and Kanye's like -- "What would you like to order, Kanye?" and he goes, "I want that stuff that's not even on the menu, that crazy stuff." I was like, "Oh, my God. The crazy stuff?" -"Crazy stuff"? What does that mean? -I just want to say, like, Kim and Kanye, the cutest couple ever. Very, very sweet people. I had a really good time with them. -Yeah, they're great. Yeah. But you still don't want to pay. Like, "Dude, you're Kanye. You should treat." -No! Like, it was fine. It was just, like -- It actually wasn't as bad as you would think. But, you know, it's not like it's Applebee's, you know? [ Laughter ] It's Nobu, you know? -It's Nobu, yeah. -Which is like 77 Applebee's-es. [ Laughter ] -Dude... Did you just pluralize "Applebee's"? -Yeah, yeah. -Applebee's-es. -Applebee's-es. [ Laughter ] -Tell me about what you're doing. I'm so excited about this. What are you doing with the new "Mortal Kombat"? How are you involved with this? -"Mortal Kombat 11" -- it's my favorite number. -I love "Mortal Kombat." -Yeah. Also, well, they are paying me to be here to talk about it. -Oh, wow. [ Laughter ] -Yeah. Yeah, and I -- Yeah, that's why. [ Cheers and applause ] That's really -- -Thank you for being honest. -Yeah, no, yeah. You know, I'm trying to get a helicopter to Coachella. [ Laughter ] They were like, "Do you like this game?" I was like, "Sure." No. [ Laughter ] It's actually really sick. There's this guy that I really like to kill in it. [ Laughter ] 'Cause he looks like a real douchebag. [ Laughter ] So, there's this guy, Johnny Cage. -Oh, yeah, Johnny Cage. -Yeah. So, he does splits and punches you in the [bleep] is his special move. [ Laughter ] -Yeah, so it's one of his moves, yeah. -And he just looks like everybody I grew up with in Staten Island, so I just kill that dude. [ Laughter ] I enjoy killing him. Also, he has, like, a hot daughter, which is, like, weird, because I'm lonely and she's, like, not real. [ Laughter ] So there's that in the video game, as well -- sexual confusion. -Sexual confusion! With the new "Mortal Kombat 11." -Yeah. The effects are, like, really good. I'm actually wearing -- I have to shout-out, "Mortal Kombat" sneakers. [ Cheers and applause ] Yeah, they exist. -Wow. -Yeah. They are real things. -I like -- My dude I like is Scorpion. -You like Scorpion. Oh, I got you -- -That's my dude. -I heard you like Scorpion, so I got this for you... -"Get over here!" case you want to have fun with your wife over the Easter break. [ Laughter ] [ Cheers and applause ] -I don't know if this is gonna fit, but we'll see. -No, I mean -- Yeah. [ Laughter ] -Oh, me! Oh, I see. -Yeah. I mean, wear it for sex. [ Laughter ] -Thank you. I understood -- I understood the first time. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. But you do love video games. I heard you're building an arcade at your house. -I am. So, I live with my mom. Well, we bought a house together, but nobody believes that. [ Laughter ] So, I live with my mom, kind of, so I have, like, a basement that's, uh, mine. [ Laughter ] It's like -- But that's like an apartment, so I live underneath her. [ Laughter ] -Yeah. -Yeah. So, like, I'm getting, like, a little arcade setup down there, try to make it -- try to make it a little mine. [ Laughter ] -What do you have? What does that mean, an arcade? Do you have, like, a bunch of pinball machines? -Well, no, you know, I'm gonna get, like, a "Mortal Kombat" machine. [ Laughter ] -No, no, no, you're good. No, the check has cleared. The check has cleared. You're good. Yeah. You can have "Mortal Kombat." But, yeah, we're good. -Okay, cool. -So you'll get one "Mortal Kombat" machine, but what else? -Well, I'm redoing my whole entire -- So, I was calling it The Man Cave, but the Mulaneys told me that if I call it that, they will no longer be my friend. [ Laughter ] I didn't know. Do you not call the basement the man-cave? Is that weird? -Some people do, but, no, you can't. -Yeah, so now I call it "The Basement," like The Ohio State University. [ Laughter and applause ] Yeah, it means something. -"The." -Oh, I don't like that college. I just -- You know. [ Laughter ] It's the "The" that's the important -- Go, CSI! Division III. Whoo! -Oh, my gosh! Division III. D-III, man. -D-III, baby. -That's the real deal. Are you gonna charge people when they play the video games? -Hell yeah. Absolutely. [ Laughter ] One of my many schemes I'm working on, Jimmy. -Pete, we always love when you come here, and I'll let you know what happens with this guy, yeah. -Oh, yeah, sure. Thanks for having me. -Pete Davidson, everybody. -Thank you very much. "Saturday Night Live." This is how this works, okay? We're gonna have a bunch of instruments over here that neither of us know how to play. And on your turn, you'll pick a card from the board, which will give you a name of a random song. -Okay. -Alright? Then Tariq will pick it from a bag. He will give us a random instrument. He'll then have to play the song with that instrument. If The Roots can guess what song you're playing, you get a point. -Okay. -Enough rules? That make sense? -It sounds good. Hi, Roots. -Alright. Since I'm the host, I go first, I guess. Alright. Which number, guys? We have an audience. This is exciting. It's such a great audience that they all just went, "Four!" No one said any other number. Out of all the numbers, everyone just said, "Four!" No, that's good. I got you. I heard everyone loud and clear. Okay. Alright, Tariq, what instrument will I be playing? -Uh, let's see here. Oh, you're gonna be playing a long wooden flute. -Okay. I have no idea. Alright. Uh... Alright. Alright. This is not even a normal flute. This is like some weird -- -It's a long one. I know. I understand it's a long one, but this is, like, a... That's not the weird part. I've seen long flutes before. I just -- [ Clears throat ] I own one, actually. It's just the bamboo is what gets me. Alright. I have no idea where to even... [ Laughter ] Yeah, alright. Okay, alright. Everybody, alright. Okay, here we go. Alright. Alright. Uh... [ Whooshing ] Alright. 30 seconds on the clock. [ Laughing ] [ Whooshing ] -Is it "God Save the Queen?" -No. Why would you guess "God Save the --" No. It's not a punk-rock song. -Start from the top. -I was. [ Whooshing ] [ Buzzer ] Whatever, man. "Party in the U.S.A.," Miley Cyrus! -Oh, man. -Turn it up! -Wait. That was "Par--" Okay. I was gonna say that. -Hey, that wasn't fair. -[ Laughs ] No, it's not fair. Thank you. I appreciate it, Pete. -Yeah, man. -Pete, you're up, buddy. Pick a song from the board. Yeah. -Which one do you guys... [ Indistinct shouting ] -There you go. -8? I heard 7. I heard 7. [ Shouting continues ] Alright, alright! -Now they're getting -- -Alright. What do I got to do? Which instrument? -Okay. Oh, yeah. You got to play the Omnichord. -What the [bleep] is that? [ Laughter ] -You can't say -- -I'm sorry. -You can't say the F-word. -I'm gonna guess it's this guy, the accordion-looking thing, right? -The big-ass thing? -Yeah. -Wait. -No, no, no. The Omnichord is this thing. -This? Really? Yeah? -That's a microphone. -I thought that was a CPAP machine. -Okay. And this thing's just on? Okay, guys. -Come on, Pete. You got this, buddy. -So far... -Wait. I think it's broken. [ Laughter ] Wait, wait, wait, wait. -It's kind of dope. -Wait. Is it going to stop? [ Synthesizer continues ] Wait. -"Happy Birthday to You?" [ Laughter ] -What?! -Wait. -Pete, maybe slide the thing up and down, that white thing. [ Buzzer ] If you slide that thing up and -- No, the other thing. -What thing? No, we should actually figure this out, 'cause that's not cool. -It looks cool, but -- -Alright, it broke. I don't know what it was. It was "Brick House." -Oh, man! ♪ She's a brick...♪ Yeah. Alright. Yeah. -Thanks, guys. -Dude, we got to go on concert -- on tour together. It's gonna be great. -We're sick, dude. -Alright, my turn. Here we go. 10? [ Indistinct shouting ] "5!" Love it -- 5. Okay. -Oh, yes! -You got this. -Alright, what instrument do I got? I know the song. -Eh, it's a new song. -Okay, okay. Now you got to play it on the theremin. That's that guy. -That's the cool one. That's where you just go like this, right? ♪♪ -Are you sure you know this song? -Yes, I know this song. Here we go. -Okay. [ Humming ] [ Humming continues ] [ Screeching ] -There you go. Unh! [ Screeching continues ] -"Up" by Cardi B? -Yes! How did you... [ Dinging ] ♪♪ -Wow, that's amazing. -It is amazing. Yeah, thank you. That was unbelievable. How did you get "Up"? -That was cool, man. Alright, that was pretty fun. Alright, Pete. -I was like, "I don't know what it is, but it sounds great." What do you guys... [ Indistinct shouting ] 1? Okay. Oh, come on. Alright. What do I got? -Upright bass. -Upright bass? -Yeah. -Is that that big one? -Yeah, it's the upright one. -You can do this, man. You got this. ♪♪ -Alright. -This is great. -This is just something I thought I'd never have to do in my life. ♪♪ -Lower. -Okay, hold on. Lower? You think lower? -Yeah, yeah. -Okay. -Higher, higher. -Okay. [ Laughter ] -This audience is very interactive. -Yeah. Okay. Wait. Hold on. ♪♪ [ Buzzer ] -What was it? Do that again. -Yeah, a little more. Yeah, a little more. -Alright, one more time. -It's, like, something on a soundtrack. -"Toxic" by Britney Spears? -We're in the realm. -Oh, crap! -We're in the realm. No, it was "Like a Virgin" by Madonna. -Aah! -Oh! [ Cymbal crashes ] -Why did you say "Aah," like you were close? That was -- -That was good. -That was good, absolutely. Madonna would be proud. Alright, this last one, let's join forces and do a song. [ Imitating upright bass ] I heard it. I heard it in my head. -Yeah, I heard it. -We're going to both try and play the same song at the same time and work together to get The Roots to guess. -Okay. -Let's join forces. Here we go. Pick the song. [ Indistinct shouting ] Yeah, let's go for 10. And I can see it, too, 'cause it's me and you. -Oh, this is a cool one. -Okay, yeah, yeah, we got this. Right? We got this. -Yeah, for sure. -Tariq, what instruments are we playing? -Guitarrón. -The what? -The guitarrón? -That's all you. You're a guitar man. -The guitarrón and the melodica. -The little piano? -Yeah. -Alright. Cool. We just do the chorus, right? -Yes, exactly, right? -Yeah. Okay. I got to blow into this? -Yeah. -Alright. -Pete, it's -- -I know, I know. Let me guess -- it's your first time, right? -No, pick it up. -Hold on. -You can pick it up. -Dude, it's not a drug test. It's not a drug test. -You can pick it up. -I can pick it up? -How he starts his cars. -Okay. -Ready? -Alright, wait. -You got it. -I have never seen something happen to this guy where it's like -- -It's COVID-friendly. -You got to kind of hollow out your chest? Wait. Alright? -One, two, three. -Two, three. ♪♪ Let's start it from the top again. Ready? One, two, three. ♪♪ [ Buzzer ] -Oh, come on! -Wait. Just one more time. One, two, three. ♪♪ -That was good! -"I Love Rock 'n Roll"? -"I Love Rock 'n Roll"? No, "I Want You to Want Me." -Yes! Cheap Trick. One, two, three. ♪♪ Yeah, you got... -Right? Yeah. [ Cheers and applause ] -Pete Davidson, everybody! I'm here with Pete Davidson. Thank you for doing "Random Instrument Challenge" with me. -Oh, thanks for having me. -I appreciate it, buddy. -That was an experience I'll never forget. -Before we talk about anything, I wanted to ask you about this because I heard about this thing that Alec Baldwin. -Yeah. -He asked you how to say -- how do you stay in shape? So he does 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups a day. -Yeah. -Now, have you heard that? And this is the truth. You do 100 push ups and... -No, so I was -- I was on set and Alec was hosting and it was a sketch where I had to be shirtless and like, you know, I guess like I'm a little bit cut or whatever. So he came up and there's no, like, nice way to say that. Okay? -I've never said that. -So he came up to me and he was like, what do you do? And I -- and I didn't want to be rude and say, like, I just still have metabolism. So... I'm not -- I'm not in my mid 50s. I just wake up like this So to make him feel better, I was like, "Oh, man, I do 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups every day." And he was like, "Got it." And then and then he got the Trump gig. And so I would see him every week and every time we would run into the hallway, he'd be like, "100 a day." And he started to do it and he lost like 100 pounds. -Yeah. He looks fantastic. -Yeah, and he says it's all 'cause of me. -[ Laughs ] Oh, that my favorite, dude. I wanted to hear about that story. I wanted your opinion on this. This is a very local story, but it's a big story. New York City is now legal, they're legalizing weed. -Yeah. -What do you think about that? Any thoughts? And what -- -I think you can see it in my eyes how happy I am. I think it's 12 years too late for me and my police record. But other than that, I think it's a great thing. I think like, you know, finally, it's a cool thing for the city. -Yeah. Will anything changed for you? -Well, you're a giant pothead. -I mean, I'm just getting the contact. I'm feeling something right now. But I just -- I find it interesting. I don't know how much will change, I guess. -For me, nothing. But it is like it's a great thing for, you know, I think for the city so I'm excited. -Good. How's everything going upstairs on "Saturday Night Live"? -Everything's great. We got a Carey Mulligan and Kid Cudi this week, which is awesome. -Yeah. -You've had a great season. You have a lot of good things happening I want to talk to you about. But earlier this year on "SNL," you had a great sketch, you and Timothy Chalamet with our very own Questlove in the sketch. -Yeah. -That was a big deal. This is one of the most viral videos to come from "SNL" this season. Congrats on that. -Thank you. -What was it like acting with Questlove? -Oh, dude. Total pro. Also, yeah. It's also like really cool when someone who like knows the show and watches the show and like is involved with it. And it was just so fun to work with him and he got the hit me which was cool. Yeah. -Yeah. I saw that part. Yeah. -I asked him if he would really hit me and he said no. -He told me to hit him for real. -Yeah. -No. -He's like I don't feel it. Hit me for real. -Yeah, I thought it would be cool for the sketch. -You can't have Questlove hit you on national television. -Yeah, but like you -- I don't know, you can usually tell when it's a fake hit. I wanted him to punch me in the face. -Hey, can I -- can I get a go? -We need him for the sketch. Come on. What are you talking about? -It would be an honor. -You have a cool projects coming up I got to talk about because I'm excited about this. "The Suicide Squad." -Yes. -The trailer came out and it broke the record for like the most -- like 150,000,000 people saw this trailer. And here's my man right here from the trailer. Pete Davidson. -That's right. -Come on now. -Now that's your boy. -Come on now. -That's your boy. -Come on now. -Yeah. -You play the character Blackguard. Do you know anything about this character going in or how did you get involved with the movie? -I love, you know, superhero movies. I'm a huge James Gunn fan and I got a call from James Gunn. He was like, there's this role for you in the movie and you play a guy named Richard Hertz. And I was like, Dick Hertz? I'm in. Yeah, that's his real name. My character's name is Dick Hertz. -Yeah. There you go. Yeah. Wow. -Yeah. And I was like, dude, that's the greatest. That's so awesome. And yeah, he just -- he was nice enough to let me be in it and like, it's a thing I still can't believe. It's like ridiculous. -Like how does it feel when that thing comes out because the world globally saw that thing and they're all loving it and so excited. -Well, my family and friends, like, it was the first time they ever got, like, super excited for anything I've ever done. And I was like, thanks, I just put a movie out. Yeah. That was about -- -That was about me. And the family. -They didn't care about that one? They want to see this one. -Yeah. But they were like "Suicide Squad" the two seconds, man. Two seconds in the trailer, bro. -Oh, dude. Congrats. -Thank you. -I just want to say I don't know if I told you, but "King of Staten Island," you crushed it, dude. It was great and there was some scenes where -- yeah. And you're funny in the whole thing. -Thank you very much. -And funny. -Thank you. There's a couple of scenes. I'm like, go, go, Pete, go, man, it was awesome. It was really great. I'm so happy for you. And I got to talk about the Audible original to "The Hit Job right here. -Yes. -Explain this to people. What is this? What is an Audible podcast? -Oh, it's an Audible original. So it's like a movie or TV show for your ears. Yes. The person from Audible backstage is like sweating. So it's pretty much a show with Keke Palmer, as you can see. -Yeah. -And she gets a job at a company that hires a hit man to kill the most the world's most dangerous man. And, you know, it's fun and it's dark and like it's -- -Funny. -Yeah, it's really funny. -And if you're in it, it's funny. -It's funny. And you don't have to see my face, which I heard is a lot of people's problem with me. -No, no, no. -So you got to just listen and it's really great. And it comes out August, August -- no, April 22nd. Yes, I'm almost done. -That's good. -And yeah, there's 12 episodes. We just love having you. Pete Davidson, everybody.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 749,199
Rating: 4.9428635 out of 5
Keywords: tonight show, talk, Jimmy Fallon, Michael Douglas, Billy Porter, Mustafa, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Saturday Night Live, Pete Davidson SNL, Ariana Grande, SMD, The King of Staten Island, Alive from New York, The Dirt, Judd Apatow, Pete Davidson on Fallon
Id: 2DFN2q5Sb5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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