True's BEST Season 3 Adventures! 🌈 COMPILATION 🌈 True and the Rainbow Kingdom 🌈

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[Music] you're a worthy opponent master pillow we will meet again who's ready for a yummy surprise kitty natty ninja cats are always ready for surprises popped peppy peppers that's like my fourth favorite snack after of course fishy poop crackers fishy poof crackers with zesty cheese and limited edition extra light poof fishy poof crackers hold it popped peppy peppers [Music] straws [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thanks little helpers and check there everything's ready for the sleepover okay back to snacking oh bendy straws i feel like a princess you never know when a real princess might show up i'm here for zelda it wouldn't be a party without you i know where's frookie kids is right here [Music] care for an ice cold zazuni juice yes please but would you happen to have a bendy straw so thoughtful of you true hello party people so far so good everything's going just this place now we're just waiting on the rainbow king that must be him now welcome rainbow king huh your majesty a lovely lavender evening to you true and bartleby i'm so excited about your sleepover i was just making sure i didn't forget anything important not my blankie or my pillow or uh hmm hey if you need a toothbrush i got lots oh there's my tail cleaning brush i was looking for that works like a charm and i found my gum bubble chew hmm you want some ew no thanks no it's not a toothbrush i've got one of those oh what could it be don't worry your majesty we've got everything you could possibly need purple persimmons true your particular predisposition to planning is perfection personified what he said thank you rainbow king please come in rainbow kingdom well that's it everybody's here check next up [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] uh oh looks like we're down to our very last party plan a delicious number pancake breakfast in the morning all right everybody let's get ready for bed [Music] [Laughter] good night everyone good night squishy splashy springs is spectacular [Music] [Applause] those gushing geysers look like so much fun well playing around in hot water might be fun too come on let's go for a swim well swimming's not really my thing i'm a cat you know but sometimes you got to dip your toes in and test the water literally i think your toes extra sensitive today trust me you do not want to go in there you're a big furry yeti it can't be that cold yes again it's freezing maybe we'll just stick to the geysers today [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Music] i mean that's silly i mean what does a mad mountain even look like [Music] you go with the yetis and make sure grock's okay you can count on me true i'm going to go see what's bothering mount huffing puffs [Music] okay stay right here uncle barterly's gonna get you down [Music] oh please go ahead i think i loosened it there for you a bit [Music] [Applause] [Music] um hi mount huffin puff my name's true we couldn't help but notice that you seem a little upset is everything okay i don't think the mountain likes it when we do that oh no it's burning hot lava oh no that is hot lava i think this is not good it's heading straight for the never-ending forest and all the creatures that live there yeah i can confirm that this is definitely lava which means we definitely have to hurry this up [Music] now everybody [Music] i better go warn everyone cue me low i'm sorry you're not feeling well mountain huffing puff but i need to make sure my friends are okay i'll be back soon with some help faster faster try to keep up please thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] there you are we're being chased by lava i'm going to go on ahead and find a place where you'll be safe okay we'll just keep running [Music] a cave that's perfect snick turn left quick phew okay i think we're safe you may be safe from the lava but you're also a little bit stuck i'm really sorry i can't carry you all to safety with cumulo i'm going to need some wish help uh-huh wish help would be good i think sit tight everyone chew the wishing tree please [Music] don't worry about us true uncle bartleby will keep these yetis entertained have no fear my furry friends burning hot lava may be boiling hot to the touch but it's perfect if you're in the market for a tasty treat okay the first one always gets burned okay so maybe we have to wait for this lava to cool down a little bit in the meantime we can uh let's see uh well what do we have here we have rocks some more rocks over there and uh boy a lot of rocks in this cave huh i don't know i'm want to do a fun craft spirit hi hush bye i need your lullaby power i've got a crowd full of yeti fans down there who are just a little bit too loud great okay sing us the sweetest lullaby you know [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] did you see the new yeti trading cards [Music] oh boy this is so comfy it's working on bartleby but i don't think the crowd can hear you let's try a little louder [Music] oh and she's got a wish it's so cute it's not as cute as this new yeti baby doll i just got get your cute baby yeti dolls here squeeze them and they'll talk [Music] mine's broken [Music] what's going on did i miss the baby it's not working b hush bye you were the perfect wish but no one can hear you can you keep trying while i figure out what to do next thanks hushabai [Applause] [Music] don't worry erg i'll get everyone to quiet down [Applause] will never come back if the crowd is this loud and i know hashem i could calm them down but they aren't even paying attention to the lullaby [Music] come on true focus wait that's it keep saying help is on the way it's time for my third wish zip zap zoo i choose you wake up pinpoint wish come true i pinpoint i need your help to get a really excited crowd to calm down and focus yes i know that's your specialty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh i feel so much calmer yeah now i really just want to be quiet and listen to what true has to say me too that's how i feel as well it's working sorry too everyone it's great that we're all excited for the yeti baby but we need to remember this is not our home it's the yeti's home i know the yetis are usually very noisy but when they're going to have a baby they need everyone to be very quiet [Music] you did such a great job wishes thank you so much now back in the past [Music] now that we're all quiet maybe we'll be able to hear a very special song by a very special bird [Music] wait i think i hear it i do too bartleby look [Music] oh [Music] it's time for the shh remember we have to be quiet oh right we keep forgetting [Music] oh my goodness [Music] i'm pleased to present the newest member of the rainbow kingdom but that's not all and the second newest member of the rainbow kingdom triplets and now as part of the yeti tradition it's time for us to celebrate loudly [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so everyone can hear [Music] [Music] [Applause] how's everyone doing my insides feel jiggly i'm trying i don't know indigo insomnia this is ruining my royal map hang in there we're going to figure this out take us up please [Music] never get tired of that cumulo time for my second wish [Music] wish come true hi bumbershoot i need your help to catch and hold down those boingy citizens uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh are you sure this is gonna work only one way to find out roll over cumilo [Music] wow [Music] okay bumper shoe it worked everyone stopped bouncing oh great thank you for i'm bouncing us true i couldn't have done it without bumper shoot you were super helpful now tuck yourself back in [Music] okay now stay put if you move you'll start balancing again um true i think taita is about to untie oh no okay it's finally time to tell griselda to turn her machine off my tummy is all jiggly bubble is a zuni juice to calm your belly storm hmm that just might settle it excuse me 10 less jiggly make that 20 what's your name here you go puppy face next [Music] a lineup [Music] next she can't hear us we need to get past this crowd sounds like a job for a stealth kitty naughty master follow me [Music] almost there so how many fishy poop crackers for me and the friend to get to see the princess next [Music] we've got to tell grizelda no matter what it takes even if it means standing in line [Music] what's your name it's me here you go it's me i need to tell you something i need to tell you something what a unique name zelda it's me true your machine is turning people into bouncy bling bling what [Music] oh no way how could my machine turn people into blink blings allow me to when the green crystals ran through the machine bouncing blinklings weren't the only thing that came out green water gushed out of the back and into the river turning it green the green water ran through the city and any citizens that touched it blew up like bling blings they started bouncing higher and higher and higher and higher so we had to jump off cumulo to catch them with bumper chute which was super scary then we ran to tell you to turn off the machine but the grismo said no and we said please and the grismo said no and we said pretty please and then they said no so we waited in line until it was our turn to see you and we said gazelle you're turning people into plagues job b um what's happening it's gonna blow everyone what's happening to me [Applause] she's way bouncier than the others [Music] after that bouncy boingy princess she's headed straight for a boy lagoon [Music] we need a way to catch her something with the jiggly gooey center hmm sounds yummy it really does doesn't it less talking more savings it's time for my third wish [Music] is going to land here any second we need you to catch her [Music] okay here [Music] it worked yes nice work too bigly now let's get griselda back to the expo we still need to un-buoy everyone now what princesses are rarely polka dotty and never inflated and absolutely never green don't worry griselda we just need to figure out how to unvoice the boinginess wow you're not boingy anymore no a bubbly zazuni burp did the trick excuse me oh i can do that trick oh excuse me farmer monster juice ball me please one juice ball coming at you what's up why aren't you burping are you kidding burping is very fun princessy but if you don't burp you'll stay like that forever i will do many things but i will never pardon me well i won't be doing that ever again i'm me again thanks q bigly youtube ty ty you were both super helpful zoo zip zap wishes in my pack [Music] oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you you're welcome griselda it's my birthday [Music] [Music] ready for a treat i made something extra special guess what it is it's you yeah i call them bartle biscuits i got the idea from the mirror hmm which part should i eat first my ears of course good choice hey this kind of tastes like straw nilla are we having straw now a cake at my party you'll have to wait and see with wiggly jiggly jelly and bubble two icing mm-hmm yeah and as your best friend i of course knew you'd want all those different flavors together it's definitely not just a basic mellow berry cake oh b you know me so well can i borrow your face bubble thingy for a non-birthday emergency sure here have another bottle biscuit try eating it as loud as you can oh loud enough griselda answer my face bubble [Music] griselda we have a birthday emergency oh you ran out of glitter balloons no we need to change the melee berry cake into a straw nilly wiggly jiggly jelly bubble chew icing cake oh that's no problem baking isn't hard all you need is a princess's delicate touch but you don't have a recipe princesses don't need recipes we're amazing at everything we do right christmas okay but don't forget the cake is the most important part of our party i'll be that's why i'm in charge of it okay grizzmos you heard bartleby mellow berries out and strawnello wiggly jiggly jelly bubble two icing is in where's my super fast ever rice powder [Music] let's add more more is better [Music] hey guys everything good with the decorations okay great talk to you soon all aboard the mushroom town birthday express hey yeah everyone's on their way you bet right on schedule great [Music] hey bingo bingo you know the weight right you turn left at the neverending forest oh yeah um okay i'll take that as a yes who's ready for ice cream lunch ice cream for lunch we can do that sure it's your birthday let's put the scream in ice cream birthday lunch perfect ready to bake what are you girls doing step aside this needs a princess's delicate touch baking would be hard if i wasn't so good at it okay bartleby i think that's enough just one last thing to top it off a fishy poof cracker [Music] now i can't wear this to my party ah you weren't gonna wear that anyway cause we're gonna get you a new outfit really but only after you finish all your ice cream challenge accepted [Music] oh no no no no this simply won't do we need to make it pop because all together more is better [Music] nothing's going to stop this express bus to true's birthday party except for this delicious goo hey what's the hold up i gotta get the truth party pardon me i have a party to attend can you please move it along yeah what's going on okay this is perfect ready to see my new birthday suit is it as cute as mine i love it in that fabulous outfit you are going to rock this party [Music] next stop yeti village are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet every day yes we just left but i can't blame you for being excited i can't wait to babysit the yeti triplets me too yeah three yeti babies equals three times the fun which is why i packed all my toys i just didn't know if they'd be into squeaky toys or tin foil balls or silly faces i'm sure the yeti babies will love your toys thanks for bringing them bartleby and thank you griselda for coming along to help oh it's no problem after all i am a pro when it comes to babies look i brought my how to raise a freaky book written by the most fabulous writer i know me a whole chapter on baby talk i'm fluent listen his wittle baby bart'll be excited to see the yeti weddings oh she's good yeah you are a baby expert mm-hmm i raised rookie all by myself and he turned out perfectly babysitting is going to be easy right well we just have to remember though not to actually sit on the babies okay grizz no baby sitting look i have a whole chapter on how not to sit on the babies last stop yeti village we're here [Music] this is going to be so great [Music] hi erg we are so ready to babysit your fuzzy little triplets i've got my freaky training book and i brought all my toys [Music] they're almost cute enough to be princesses oh okay the babies just had their nap a little marble and they ate some number and now berries ready for playtime did someone say playtime nope not that not that nope nope yes yes what should we play fetch chase or tail round and round smother bartleby with kisses [Music] see what sunset we'll make sure they're in bed by then all right cuties who's ready for some true tickles hey where'd they go i have croc correction i had grok [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay gronk that's a good girl uncle barnaby's arms are getting a little tired i'm just gonna put you down for a second okay who wants to go for a kitty back ride [Music] there you are you silly girl [Music] wait [Music] i think we should take these little bundles of fun outside where things are less breaky who wants to go for a little carriage ride [Music] wait we need toys my freaky schmuckum's never leased home without his favorite chew toy b what do you have well let's see i got the squeaky mouthy no uh yarn ball any takers hmm tough crowd let's see [Music] [Applause] i know you can't go wrong with a tinfoil ball the babies [Music] [Music] phew just wanted to go to the playground okay who wants a push from uncle bartleby after he has a rest blue that is such a cute pose okay now stay i've got to face bubble this ready say i'm a cutie silly floof calm down here the only thing cuter than a princess is a princess with a yeti baby [Music] okay come on baby let's be careful you have to come down because i can't find the page for what to do improving climbs too high [Music] okay that was fun and you know what else is fun a nice walk by the river you're right drew that sounds way less jumpy and crashy what do you see drew uh see anything nothing yet just a lot of leaves huh there you are thanks zumi i've got it from here back in the pack please [Music] i'm glad you're safe but please don't hide cumulo i need you hmm i know i didn't ask for your help with the body float it's just sometimes i think i can do things all by myself that's how i am but i was wrong i'm sorry cumulo i always need your help yeah me too we missed you cumulo come on cumulo that's it i can't get the booty float down and save mila and rocky without you [Music] rocky do you want to go even faster [Music] we need to get you big again kimilo and quick what's the plan true i have one wish left squashy how's squishpower gonna help cumulo i think i might have an idea but we're going to have to find some water [Music] are you ready cumilo it's time for my third wish zip zap zoo i choose you wake up squashy wish come true okay squashy let's get squishy with it parting you [Music] wow that's a lot of water squashy squishy [Music] okay squashy now come over here to where cumulo is that's it nice and easy okay squashy squish [Music] cumulo it's so good to have you back to normal you look better than ever thanks for your help squashy zoo zip zap wishes in my pack [Music] [Music] that does not look safe [Applause] come on cumilo we've got no time to lose [Music] hey i want to try that don't get me wrong i'm still having a lot of fun but my arms are getting tired i want to be that when i grow up okay maybe it's time to [Music] mila stop rocky how's it going great i think we're done with the boating float now though daddy camus stay with them mila rocky i need you to let go let's go don't worry we got you [Music] okay true ready three [Music] yes wow clowns are really super fluffy thanks drew that was a really fun ride you're welcome but i could never have done it without cumilo's help yay thanks jimmy let's hear for the best cloud in the sky yay [Applause] [Music] i'm okay thanks again cubilo come on rocky let's go practice our parkour thanks quinoa you were amazing [Music] stick if you're saying this is a gloomy dark and spooky shadowy forest i'm right with you it is getting pretty dark out here but i've got just the thing it's time for my first wish [Music] zip zaps you wake up [Music] can you light up this gloomy forest for us this um gloomy dark spooky shadow so many scary words for us see much better all right okay you know huh things are looking up i can see the ground i can see the trees i can see my fishy poop crackers oh can we stop for a quick snack break true sure b how about a little rest wo-glo [Music] one for snick and one for true and one for the giant scary plant creature [Music] don't be scared it's just this cute little flower's shadow see okay it's gone thank goodness everybody relax don't do that shadow thing again okay true not all shadows are scary b some are fun here you shine woah glow on my hands hey it's me i'm famous rainbow king delightful daffodil i'm so pleased you like my shadow puppet show you're so good at making us not scared drew i couldn't do it without my lovely assistant woe glow glue oh sorry i know it's in here somewhere nope not that yes pollen from rainbow king's favorite flower and celestial particles [Music] i mean star sprinkles [Applause] a good scientist always knows when to check on his experiments [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice try forest you that might sound like a huge waterfall but ah sure it's just wonderful okay i do not remember a waterfall being here we've never been here before b no yeah that's why i don't remember it snake is the nine-eyed tree down there oh yeah she said all we have to do is follow the river uh how are we supposed to get down there easy we're going to jump i was afraid you'd say that bartleby's gonna have to be brave the yetis are depending on us to bring the nine-nine light back to the village time for my second wish [Music] zip zap zoo i choose can you help us float down safely from here well you sit on my shoulder okay bumbershoot we need you to get as big as you can uh-huh okay everyone one two three jump yeah [Music] [Music] okay gang we're on the lookout for a giant glow-in-the-dark tree come on [Music] next is something i call lightning in a bottle first we take frozen rain [Music] a pellets of storm cloud a sprinkling of negative electrons and shake [Music] forming in front of a big crowd is kind of great i don't know why i was so worried voila lightning in a bottle [Applause] [Music] hey snick my paws are getting kind of tired is that nine-nine tree close by oh yeah [Music] well i guess that's the nine-eyed tree oh thanks for your help lol glow whoa now back in the pack [Music] ah true why is the night tree so dark i don't know let's go take a closer look stick says the nine-nine tree is all lit up during the day then why do you think it looks so different at night oh it's sleeping of course it's all dark even nine-eyed trees go to bed so how do we wake it up dance [Music] wow so beautiful look at all those nine eyes but true they're so high up how are we gonna get them down it's time for my third wish zip zoo i choose you [Music] i need your super sticky power to help us catch all those nine eyes [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks for your help grab a ditty grab it today now back in the pack [Music] all right are you ready grok prepare to be busted by my floating [Music] yay nice catch gronk all right york i guess that means we're in the middle now thank you okay gross now throw the ball to us and bartleby will try to catch it and i'm ready for you um still ready don't you want to throw the ball to us grock oh boy she is tougher than a still fishy poof cracker come on grog don't you want to share sharing is caring b i think it's time for a song what do you say grok can i share a song about sharing with you oh please say yes [Music] is [Music] so what do you think grock that's the sharing spirit okay let's play again this time i'll go in the middle you throw to the triplets all right let's try this again floating load of striking tiger kick [Applause] wow bartleby that went really far yeah maybe a little too much tiger not enough lotus wait for us i think i see it over here and that's just a rock any luck true no i can't find it anywhere but watch your hey guys over here i think i found a ball it's right next to this this stick thing huh [Applause] yeah hold on so what is this for you nope still confused you know when you have an itchy spot on your back that's too hard to reach well now you can scratch that edge oh it's just a scratching stick this isn't just any scratching stick in the back it's an extra special super duper oh great scratching stick of the never-ending forest oh i got one of those see that's good scratching is really important to yetis because their big fuzzy coats get super itchy no yeah i might need a catnap all this excitement is making me see red i see it too bartleby it's a red yeti a ready yeti [Music] [Music] does this mean we can sing the sharing song again maybe not right now bartleby i'm going to go try and talk to him okay i'm here if you need me hi bear i'm true and these are my friends can we be friends with you well a fun way to be friends is to share want to try see now you're both having fun [Applause] everyone's having fun mommy's tree was just up ahead wait a minute hey is that who i think it is hmm rainbow king a groggy foggy day to you hey this is my alone zone bartleby everyone's been gloomified by the unhappy hearts and they're all here in the soggy bottom swamp [Music] oh the best part of being the only person who didn't like happy hearts day was being by myself this is terrible which is something i usually enjoy now even terrible is ruined for me mommy wait happy hearts day is ruined it's supposed to be the happiest day of the year and we're supposed to share happy thoughts and make everyone happy maybe not everyone wants to be happy why wouldn't you want to be happy because i like being glum that's it what's it mommy is it okay if i come join you i suppose thank you [Music] wow yeah it's beautiful isn't it you're right glommy [Music] this is beautiful if you had your own special day what would you want well it wouldn't be sunny i don't like the sun it hurts my eyes so it would be foggy instead yeah that would be better i do like the fog it's so mysterious i don't like mysterious fog okay non-mysterious fog what else hmm no chirpy birds yeah they hurt my ears sometimes i feel like that too especially when i just want to sleep in exactly i think i get it now your special day would just be different are you calling me that's the best compliment i've had all day we can call it glum chums who like to be alone by themselves to wallow all day day how about glumtron's day for short that sounds great blue my favorite color i can see why you like it glommy it's beautiful and for me so is pink i love it because it makes me feel so happy and you like blue because it makes you feel so gloomy [Music] grummy i've got an idea let's try something well okay just because it's you true what are you doing [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] what just happened i have no idea whoa [Music] purple not bad this is actually kind of fun finally we agree on something this purple rain is the best [Music] i've never seen you laugh like that it's so cute purple rain is okay i guess it doesn't make me unhappy [Music] [Music] [Laughter] isn't this purple rain amazing it certainly is i almost forgot the wishing tree it's still covered with blue hearts we need to get this purple rain over to the wishing tree [Music] hi cumilo do you think you might be able to push this purple rain cloud out of soggy bottom swamp and into the rainbow kingdom [Applause] thanks for everything [Music] [Music]
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 7,847,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom, true cartoon, animation, tv, kids tv, kids, preschool, cartoon, cartoons, cartoons for kids, netflix, netflix jr, tru and rainbow kingdom, true and rainbow kingdom, rainbow kingdom, true ranbow kingdom, true and the rainbow, kids cartoon, kids cartoons, Kids shows, true and the rainbow kingdom compilation, true rainbow kingdom wishes, true and the rainbow kingdom season 3, princess grizelda, zee, true and bartleby, rainbow king
Id: fY2PQEPEbzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 7sec (3487 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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