44 Cats | 60 MINUTES with Isotta and the Buffycats

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foreign [Music] game over bumpy cats Grammy Pina will be home from her trip any minute you're right Milady we should do something special to welcome her back don't worry I'll clean it up get in position hello there Buffy cats we're getting ready to welcome granny Pina just came back from Japan and our suitcase is too heavy let me a pop please oh that's so so kind of you zata but don't worry about the suitcase I got it granny I can't do it Granny's going to take a nap now then I'll make a nice lunch for everyone okay we can help izata what's a sweater doing out of the suitcase we better take it inside my lady wait daddy the sweater I'm sorry if I scared you my name is Sushi and who are you we're The Buffy cats I'm wample and this is Milady kilo and me why you know what lovey cats Sushi is my little globetrotting dog [Music] oh have you lost something no how you greet someone in Japan fantastic you know cats are very popular there you would love it Sushi just gave me a funny brainstorm why don't we welcome granny Pina back Japanese style great idea Milady leave it to me in Japan there are cat cafes where cats and humans relax and to eat together we will make granny Pina a special meal oh yes yes [Applause] make mushy but I can't eat a friend especially a new friend like you oh no meatball Sushi is a kind of Japanese food I need my little dog Sushi after my first trip to Japan and now I'm gonna teach you how to make sushi it's made with rice seaweed trust me it's delicious we'll also need a mat and some wooden sticks I've got canned fish I took the mat here are my drumsticks I'm not a sushi expert but I don't think this stuff is gonna work izata is right besides the fish must be raw and fresh [Music] even better we need a Japanese mat the matisu and a pair of wooden sticks called Hashi no problem my whiskers will help us find everything we need [Music] my whiskers are telling us to go to piperitas restaurant hello my burrito do you have some fresh fish for us are you okay I wanted to whip up some paella from my guests but without help I'll never get it done don't worry The Buffy cats are here to help the rice is almost ready now let's add the vegetables [Music] meat what attempt to smell of oil sunflower seed oil linseed oil maybe it's this one foreign [Music] perfectly cooked thank you Seafood [Music] [Music] oh that smells good [Music] thanks for everything puffy cats we made record time you've been caught red pod [Music] hey who turned out the lights trick or treat [Music] [Music] is that really you but why are you dressed up like a witch because it's Halloween and tonight we're gonna team up Buffy cats we'll take turns trick-or-treating that way people will give us lots of candy Halloween would be my favorite holiday except for the Halloween monster come on meatball there's no such thing as Halloween monster [Music] trick or treat trickle hey aren't you scared even a teeny tiny bit nothing scary about you I'm going trick-or-treating now bye [Music] no she thinks she's some kind of Halloween Queen walking around with those ready cats hey boss but we'll show them we'll get way more candy Winston's honor look Buffy cats Winston is with those two cat catchers but what are they up to this city dirty celebrity one will think it was the cats and I'll become mayor gotta stop them wait Lampo our noodle power has worn off don't worry Milady I've got a buffy brainstorm [Music] look the cats have dirtied our city [Music] as soon as I become mayor I promise I'll free you from Cats Forever I agree with that everyone's clapping for Winston but soon they'll find out the truth come on [Music] this is the first project I'll make happen as soon as I become mayor the anti-cat whoa pictures away hey Brutus and birdie made the city dirty and Winston was with him [Music] innocent kitties is wrong but Winston asked us to do it and you listen to that big bad Winston we're sorry we made a mistake down with Winston huh [Music] oh no the shop is closed there might be a way in from the roof [Music] hello hope I'm izata nice to meet you don't be sad The Buffy cats are coming to rescue you let's go in here hero hope we've come to the rescue good job kittens free her right now look these kittens are so cute oh I wish I could adopt one have you already decided which of these four all right five kittens you're gonna take home with you well I choose one when I can have them all mister [Music] accomplished [Music] hey this can't be right I've already captured that kitten oh what I'm still hungry for spaghetti and meatballs [Music] [Music] after him yes Milady but I'm too tired to make it time for a snack with Granny petos noodles [Music] good thing I took them with me out the secrets [Music] [Music] lift your feet off the pedals we'll take it from here the pet store is closed so birdie will take hope to the shelter for the night and there's only one way to get there that way [Music] [Applause] ow stop him [Music] [Music] [Music] mommy oh hi love thank you puffy cats we have to thank you zata we couldn't have done it without her and if you thank me I can even say you're welcome lovey cats let's play cat and seek ready come on you can hide one two three four five six plus two makes forty four ready or not here I come foreign [Music] that bon bon looks familiar are you hurt me I always have a soft Landing wall has a rear airbag oh [Music] my kitty Center friends I've got no more ideas Mimi the pediatrician cat she always knows what to do with little ones [Music] oh looking after a kitten like hope is easier than you can imagine Buffy cats are you serious Mimi of course meatball all you have to do is give hope a game that keeps her busy Look Hope with this spoon you have to take the mousey to his little house it's your turn now hope nothing oh really [Music] it's my pleasure pilu but I must go now other little ones might need me hope we'll have lots of fun and you'll be perfect Kitty sitters all right puffy cats let's take this chance to tidy up the game room so hope can play safely meatball you tidy up the toys here is a good place for these what do I see wait for me [Music] look at me [Music] no missed by a whisker my turn now [Music] I scored yeah but the ball didn't my bun bun please don't destroy all the games this place is kind of fun [Applause] and I won't have to go to the gym anymore come to the gym Buffy cats did you start playing without me okay foreign no thanks I'm not interested in any encyclopedias and I already have four vacuum cleaners go on Milady it's your turn [Music] oh what a nice kitty you know I guess I can give you a few treats here you go meatball you hold the treats oh they all look so yummy don't eat a meatball they're for all of us to share oh I know that lamppo I solemnly swear not to touch a single one till the end of the night we trust you meatball now let's go get more candy I just hope we don't run into the Halloween monster [Music] trick or treat oh I'm sorry ma'am I just wanted a treat [Music] aren't you ashamed at your age let me explain [Music] moving on Boss come on let's go get more candy it's lambo's turn now I hope the Halloween monster isn't on the other side of that door huh meatball is scared of the Halloween monster trick or treat oh it's my choice I picked the trick oh a real spider it's super scary now that trick deserves lots of treats [Music] great great grandpa time to put my plan into action [Music] who got my name [Music] [Music] meatball fell for my trick too easy [Music] there you are meatball well done you still have all of our treats um yeah of course oh no how can I tell her the cat catcher uh hello little girl oh Hello Kitties wanna see my little trick [Music] could you give us some treats please [Music] you're sweeter than all these sweets [Music] it wouldn't be Halloween without candy write me a ball um yeah you're right Philo hmm [Music] only monster doesn't exist the Halloween monster doesn't mean give me your treats please oh where is he was I dreaming [Music] it's not a dream [Music] oh I stole all meatballs candy Winston will be so happy [Music] trick or treat hmm oh hi Winston here's a treat for you oh thanks Alfredo more precisely it's a cat treat getting candy is harder than I thought boss hey what's in there Ah that's my boss I'm sure you took this from those ready cats you learned from the best meatball now it's your turn to help me trick or treat do I really have to resort up come on people it's gonna be fun [Music] trick or treat oh what a cute witch and a good kitty I have something for you these are my special chocolates what's the matter Katie you don't like them I'm sorry but I don't have anything else not even a kitty treat I gave my last one to Winston I've never seen meatball act like that around food what's got you down my furry fellow is empty there's no there's notes at all meatball don't tell me you ate all the candy it was the Halloween monster he scared me and stole all the treats there I said it even though I know you'll never believe me I believe you meatball I know you're telling the truth thanks Milady but then the Halloween monster really exists or there's someone disguised as a Halloween monster who ate our treats don't worry I can get them back I want to lend you a paw that's great meatball here's the plan [Music] oh this bag is too heavy it's so full of treats we'll split the candy when we get back [Music] hand over all the candy meatballs yay I'm running away let's see what that Buffy loser has for me in his bag all right Halloween monster time to see who you really are boss get back our treats huh too late I've already eaten them all [Music] the impression someone's just told a lie you ruined my trick Buffy losers but it's too late I already gave all your treats to Winston cheer up Buffy cats there's still one last house where we can trick or treat oh what a great Halloween night I'll stuff myself with candy hey who's bothering me so late at night [Music] I knocked on your door with a special trick-or-treat just for you what did I do you kept all the candy for yourself and I am here to get it back I am the Halloween monster a three-headed monster treats all of them I won't eat candy anymore [Music] I won't eat candy anymore I won't eat candy anymore [Music] [Music] treats for everyone thank you rosata and thank you Halloween monster [Laughter] what are you looking at the calendar for meatball tomorrow is international cat treat day Lambo but it's also izata's birthday he's on his birthday yes Buffy cats we need to throw her a possum party yeah a surprise party izata won't know a thing to the last moment we'll invite all our furry fellows they won't know a thing till the last moment either that way we'll be sure nothing will spoil the surprise he made fairy fellows what are you doing with those balloons balloons what balloons the ones behind your back milady uh those aren't balloons he's Atta they're pool floats uh okay can I come to the clubhouse and play with you uh yeah uh no we can't go in there right now uh yeah the clubhouse is flooded yep uh pipe bro we'll need a big pink ship to get over all that water pink thanks to the color of our pink ship we can get over that tidal wave Sailors right you are Captain pilu uh we better go call Wrench is the right cat to fix that pipe all right Buffy cats see you later let me know when everything is okay again zata almost caught us time to go get her a gift a gift I better follow the puffy cats I want to find out what they're up to [Music] hello Ambrosio could you give us some advice on a gift of course who is it for let's not tell him that it's for hisota let me handle this granny peanut and pepina are throwing a party for their old school teacher wow granny penis teacher must be getting on in years congratulations on your 404 Years miss teacher you don't look a day over 800. I'm sure she's gonna love this sweatshirt you can see for yourself Ambrosio you're invited to the party but remember it's a surprise hey there Buffy cats what are you doing around here oh we need a chocolate cake for a party cream no problem what kind of party is it it's for a traditional Antarctic penguin Jamboree [Music] chocolate for everyone [Music] sounds like it's gonna be a very cold party of course oh just be sure to wear a warm coat and hey don't tell anyone it's a surprise party surprise party well that's interesting [Music] hey there my furry fellows did you ask wrench to fix your pipe um oh uh actually no he's not a wrench can't get in there at least until we get that whale out of the clubhouse a whale uh yeah she must have come in through the pipes we'll take care of it and get her back to Sea okay my furry fellows call me when everything's back to normal [Music] thing uh-huh so that's what those Buffy losers are up to a party freezata and I'm gonna ruin it laughs [Music] I know it's the day of the party what happened everything's gone even the gift who could have done such a terrible thing into the cake of all things don't worry Buffy cats the power of my whiskers will help us find everything [Music] these whiskers were telling us all of our things are at the airport come on Buffy caps [Music] oh throw that plane we gotta get it before it takes off speed up [Music] you know what can we do what a catastrophe we have no cake and we're out of time to set up the party so I was early [Music] I was in the plane waiting for the alien cat party to start but there was no party then suddenly boss showed up boss yeah and he left all these things on the plane he didn't notice me and I heard him say Buffy cats come and get them if you can so I left to bring them back to you huh thanks Cosmo are you thinking what I'm thinking [Music] all set let's go kalisata and show her our surprise whoa hey there my furry fellows I was waiting for you huh what's up izata my friends are throwing me a birthday party I have to go I'll see you later [Music] all this hustle and bustle for nothing it's izata's birthday she decides which party to go to okay let's go take down the Garland [Music] oh who turned off the light [Music] our furry fellows we figured you were throwing a party and we decided to surprise you instead what about the party with your friends I made it up so you wouldn't suspect anything sorry I told a little white lie we owe you an apology too izata and to all of you too oh so we told a few Little White Lies but for a good cause we wanted a real surprise party for izata and now it turned out to be a double surprise party thank you so much my furry fellows you're awesome and now we can start the party [Music] happy birthday wow it's awesome now make a wish done this is the best birthday ever hi granny Pina you're here [Music] so granny peanuts did all this just for a human yeah Lambo and she called her little kitty oh she's so cute oh granny thanks for inviting me it will be a special weekend izata these are my keys oh they're so sweet hi kitties they are Lambo me lady meatballs I don't think they like me granny oh no izata they're very shy and very lazy now let's get you settled in your room this is far worse than another cat yeah lamppo we can't compete with a human especially a granddaughter more like a hurricane a nice hurricane anyway you know what Buffy cats izata can stay here as long as she wants to we'll just hang out here in our clubhouse yeah oh wow this place is wonderful [Music] she's good at drums but she's the troll pillow wow an electric guitar [Music] [Applause] saved by hair whoa this pot is so soft a little push in The Wheel of Fortune turns at this rate we'll be here less soon this is a catastrophe mommy cats we have to find a way to ward off this human any ideas what do you mean by ward off I mean keep us safe from [Music] I just want to play with you just be your friend she understands us [Music] did I see something wrong hello there Buffy cats we're getting ready to welcome granny peanut just came back from Japan in our suitcase is too heavy let me a pop please hi granny oh that's so kind of yumizata but don't worry about the suitcase I got it granny I can't do it Granny's going to take a nap now then I'll make a nice lunch for everyone [Music] we can help you zata what's a sweater doing out of the suitcase we better take it inside my lady that huh the sweater is alive [Music] I'm sorry if I scared you my name is Sushi almost perfect but something's missing that's how they serve sushi in Tokyo's best restaurants [Music] kitties izata Sushi where are you my darlings [Music] what did I smell is it coming from the kitchen granny peanut is coming take your places [Music] hi granny izata dear what are you doing in the kitchen I have a super surprise for you welcome back wow sorry we have a super surprise for you Granny [Music] so sweet sweet you brought a taste of Japan right to my house delicious you're a really good cook izata they deserve to cut it too Sushi came up with the idea and meatball went into town and got all the ingredients wow and then we all cooked together it sounds like you had some very special helpers time to eat the sushi [Music] Sushi is hard [Music] not for me Lambo you're great at eating sushi no I'm great at eating anything I can't believe my eyes Winston is helping that lady across the street if you elect me not only will you have a Mayo with a perfect smile but you'll also be free of all cats forever no he's still a bad guy Madam don't listen to this man he's always telling lies [Music] and wins the election it's gonna be a catastrophe for you hmm vote Winston look at the polls I am the favorite soon I will become your Charming mayor I'm gonna build a really high wall we'll get rid of cats forever hmm look the cats are here I will get rid of them because they are bad cats are not bad they just need a little fruit and lots of cuddles cats are cute and sweet everyone knows it is if Winston becomes mayor he'll build a super high wall that'll keep us out of town [Music] here's an idea go around town doing good deeds you'll just need some energy from these granny peanuts [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay my furry fellows let's go ruin Winston's plans [Music] kitties this is bedtime not pillow fight time you're right but we're not sleepy you know kitties there's a foolproof way to fall asleep it's called a bedtime story how about Puss in Boots yeah [Music] us what a possum fairy tale Jazz finally became a hero with lots of furry fellows yes pilu but izata is sleeping did we dream the whole thing no my lady everyone lived happily ever after thanks to Puss in Boots [Music] Winston lost the election no more anti-cat wall and there's more possum news a new holiday stray cat day will be celebrated right at Winston's Villa as a punishment Winston Brutus and birdie will have to look after all the cats in town thank you a swap meet what's that this is my stuff you can take anything you want seriously of course but you have to swap it with something of yours this bag is really nice your doll is very nice too [Music] hey Buffy cats are you done playing we're done because we're out of ideas what games can we play with a tire other than yarn Hoops Buffy cats why don't you swap your tire for a new game you see I just want my bag for the stall that's a great Buffy brainstorming zota yeah we'll have a cat stop [Music] we played so much Buffy cats you're right pillow now we need a good nap ah yeah a good nap kitties look my granddaughter isata has come to visit Hello Kitties I brought the possum Book of World Records that was me granny let's look at these cat world records together oh all righty SATA I love everything about cats look these kittens made the biggest ball of wool when they were playing with strings oh this kitten lives on the highest mountain in the world do you see that kitties oh yeah and these kittens made the tallest hamburger in the world yum yum granny I'm hungry I'd really like to have a hamburger like this one I don't think I have the ingredients to make a hamburger isata but we can use the phone to order one [Music] let's go hello fast food delivery no what's with this interference hello granny Pena must have confused the walkie-talkie with the phone again stop talking me perfect thank you very kind of you I ordered a hamburger come now he's Ulta let's go wait for the delivery person enjoy the book Buffy cats [Music] fluffy cats let's play cat and seek ready come on you can hide two three four five six times seven is forty two plus two makes forty four ready or not here I come [Music] aha that bon bon looks familiar are you hurt me I always have a soft Landing meatball her air bag my tooth is wiggly what do I do you can ask my cat for help Mimi is a doctor for kittens she can definitely help with your teeth I guess I'll be fixing this light on my own then don't worry meatball my lady and I will lend you a paw bye bye puffy cats bye Santa see you later my special guest is coming soon should i serve apricot filling or vanilla who do you think granny penis talking about I would eat both no maybe neither of them oh yummy granny wants to take in another cat we have to make sure she doesn't forget us oh no time for tummy rubs now my little one will be here any second [Music] black currant oh these cupcakes were a waste of time I think it's delicious I'll cook something else for risotta [Music] so granny peanuts did all this just for a human yeah Lambo and she called her little kitty oh she's so cute oh granny thanks for inviting me it will be a special weekend izata these are my keys oh they're so sweet hi kitties they are Lambo me ladies meatballs Buffy cats where are you come on let's play together maybe you're behind the tree where did you hide oh both a single whisker it's hiding place won't be safe for long I'm really hungry for spaghetti and meatballs meatballs that means danger maybe isata has found us [Music] you're so pretty all right kitten with a pedigree like yours belongs in a pet store and you're gonna make me a lot of money Marty the cat catcher he took my little hope Lola he's going too fast for us to catch him it's too late it's never too late to save a kitten yes she can talk to cats isata where did you find that bike granny gave it to me hop in we'll stop that kitten napper meatball what's that I brought a little snack you'll take it to go [Music] [Applause] Hello Kitties did you see the cat catcher's van just by sure they went around that corner maybe this catnip ice cream has a strange side effect I thought I was talking to a human you were Cosmo at least I didn't see a dog meowing can I like so what now where do I go there's no one to ask for directions [Music] my whiskers are telling us birdie went that way Lambo why didn't you tell me about your whiskers power before huh [Music] [Music] good morning [Music] oh no the shop is closed there might be a way in from the roof [Music] hello hope I'm izata nice to meet you don't be sad The Buffy cats are coming to rescue you let's go in wait I'll catch up here we go hope we've come to the rescue good job kittens we are right now look these kittens are so cute oh I wish I could adopt one have you already decided which of these four all right five kittens you're gonna take home with you well I choose one when I can have them all oh accomplished [Music] this can't be right I've already captured that kitten still hungry for spaghetti and meatballs oh no Birdie's chasing us I can't go any faster than this we have to go after him yes my lady but I'm too tired to make it time for a snack with Granny petos noodles good thing I took them with me pop the secrets [Music] [Music] yeah lift your feet off the pedals we'll take it from here the pet store is closed so birdie will take hope to the shelter for the night if there's only one way to get there that way [Music] [Applause] ow stop him [Music] [Music] mommy oh hi love thank you puffy cats we have to thank you zata we couldn't have done it without her and if you thank me I can even say you're welcome kitties I had a wonderful idea while you were out playing with izata welcome to your new games room you can use it every day to play and get in shape okay please don't destroy all the games this place is kind of fun [Applause] and I won't have to go to the gym anymore meatball you've never been to the gym jumping on this trampoline is the best yeah Buffy cats did you start playing without me okay [Music] a swap meet what's that this is my stuff you can take anything you want seriously of course but you have to swap it with something of yours this bag is really nice your doll is very nice too then let's lock them [Music] hey Buffy cats are you done playing we're done because we're out of ideas what games can we play with a tire other than yarn Hoops Buffy cats why don't you swap your tire for a new game you see I just want my bag for this doll that's a great Buffy brainstorming zota yeah [Music] but who needs a tire Igor the strongest cat he always uses tires to work out hi Igor hello Buffy kids who want to work out with me thanks maybe another time equal I see that you have one tire there you could test your strength by lifting two times players limbo is right [Music] now eagle has barbell for the workout eager think Buffy gets [Music] cover can you give us something to play with Igor has put some toys magnet a magnet how can we play with a magnet magnets stick to metal objects wow that sounds fun [Music] we played so much Buffy cats you're right pillow now we need a good nap yeah a good nap my granddaughter issata has come to Hello Kitties I brought the possum Book of World Records sit with me granny let's look at these cat world records together oh all righty thought huh I love everything about cats look these kittens made the biggest ball of wool when they were playing with strings oh this kitten lives on the highest mountain in the world do you see that kitties and these kittens made the tallest hamburger in the world yum yum granny I'm hungry I'd really like to have a hamburger like this one I don't think I have the ingredients to make a hamburger isata but we can use the phone to order one [Music] let's go hello fast food delivery what's with this interference hello granny Pina must have confused the walkie-talkie with the phone again hey can you hear me stop talking to me perfect thank you very kind of you [Music] [Applause] I ordered a hamburger come now he's alter let's go wait for the delivery person enjoy the book Buffy cats [Music]
Channel: Rainbow Junior - English
Views: 2,155,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 44 Cats english, 44 cats, 44 cats characters, 44 cats episodes, 44 cats theme song, 44 cats theme song lyrics, Buffycats, Lampo, Meatball, Milady, Music Video, Pilou, Rainbow, Rainbow Junior, cartoons, rainbow, song, tv series
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 53sec (3593 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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