Truckers, What Funny Things Have You Seen Due To Your Height Advantage? (r/AskReddit)

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truckers of reddit since you have a height advantage over mostly everyone on the road what was the weirdest thing you have seen someone doing in their car saw the dude getting rode had while I was driving a military truck he was casual as Frick about it to both hands on the steering wheel eyes forward and was a very good driver I saw the guy ripping a four foot bong that was in the passenger seat with one foot on his driver's side mirror oh crap please tell me this wasn't in law I saw three unwarranted dongs in one month all in pickups two of the dudes making active eye contact to active road head situations one woman completely make it on her back laying across the center console of a pickup truck man was driving one closed woman in a similar position with the man's hand under her tank top playing with her boobs two women making out into the back seat while guy drove I took an informal visual survey and discovered women in cars by themselves really tend to let their legs spread out oh and one woman with her hand under her skirt looking like she was trying to knockout Mike Tyson I saw three unwarranted dongs in one month totally read that as mouth the first couple of times I once saw a guy with his leg propped on the dash vigorously masturbating he actually gave me a goddamned thumbs up why me masturbating on the flip side of this when I was five I was eating licorice in the backseat of the car and a truck driver witnessed me put both sticks up my nose as a trucker I've seen stuff that can't be unseen some of the things I've witnessed a guy ramming his fingers into his forehead repeatedly while driving a guy playing a fiddle while driving two women making out in the passenger's seat while the man driving copter feel a guy playing on a laptop while driving a cop as well as countless others texting and driving a fellow trucker reading a book while driving a fellow trucker driving with a sandwich in one hand cell phone in the other while driving with his elbows saw a guy playing a trumpet I was on a bus once and saw a woman finger knitting while driving not sure if that's a euphemism or not not a truck up but I saw some guys smoking a hooker on the highway it was fully set up on the passenger side left hand on the steering wheel right hand on the tongs flipping those little pieces of coal imagine getting in a wreck the surprise would be what catches on fire from the charcoal I've been caught more than once taking my bra off at a stoplight but the need to release the Beast significantly outweighs my crushing self-consciousness I'm not a trucker but once on the motorway a car kept hanging back from me and then overtaking and each time it overtook the person and the passenger's seat was wearing a different mask and staring at me masks that I remember include and not in the sky fork style clown completes with rainbow afro horror bunny scream whilst holding a knife and sure if real or fake inbred hillbilly style horror mask and some sort of chubby baby when I was working as a cop I investigated a minor accident where the guy who was driving was not hurt but his GF had bumped the back of her head on the steering wheel only her hand must have been on the stick no longer a trucker but once when I was doing day trips I looked down in the guy in the car next to me was jerking his gherkin was driving from California to Seattle took me over 15 hours for sure had a high-speed ejaculation obligatory not a trucker dead stopped in traffic one night on the BQE brooklyn-queens Expressway there was a guy in the center land with his feet out the window playing a guitar he was taking requests from the cars around him made an annoying situation fun and memorable MWF it's nicer to be stuck in traffic on the BQE because then you don't hit the potholes as fast saw a guy driving with his front hood all the way up sigh not a trucker but once watched a livery driver passed me one night on the NJ Turnpike watching a small DVD player attached to the steering wheel of course it was on the freakin Turnpike source and from NJ a 26 feet straight truck in stop-and-go traffic and Maryland I think in 2008 saw the middle-aged guy in a Toyota Corolla in typical office attire put down about 10 mil walky Isis in about ten minutes he must have been just opening his throat and pouring them into his stomach because it seemed like he didn't even swallow I can only imagine what kind of domestic Eric he was heading home to now that's just normal if you have to drive on 95 or the BW Parkway at all seen a few people doing makeup before with the one that takes the cake for me was this one bloke who pulled up to a set of lights next to me eating a bowl of cereal milk and everything not a trucker will use to do deliveries for a junkie I'd spent hours on the road people eating breakfast cereal full-on bowl with milk lots of readers guy with a portable office that I swear never once looked where his car was going suspected motor beta's male and female but the absolute strangest dude shaving with a straight razor had the brush and cup as well that that takes some frickin balls also once saw a woman shaving her legs but that was with a disposable and I'm assuming lotion not a trucker but many years ago on our way to a concert I sat in the back seat of a car with my gf and her best friend when we were close to passing trucks by there would each take turns bobbing up and down as if to simulate that I was receiving gratification while the other would kiss up on my neck we got many truckers to blow their horn and give thumbs up along the way I'm not a trucker but I have seen some stuff when out riding horses as you are able to look down into the cars the most memorable was when I was out riding down the lanes narrow single track road with passing places which you should drive more slowly and cautiously down as you don't know what is around the corner with a friend a car drove past and the driver had his trousers pulled down to his knees and was very busy pleasuring himself he drove back past us five minutes later this time dressed never understood why he pulled his trousers to his knees instead of just unzipping sometimes the zip can rub great on your skin someone doing a McDonald's burger my chicken too the return of the Wonka nning in Pittsburgh right next to where the pens play I saw dude just cruising naked mrs. name say also down in Kentucky I was pulling out of a truck stop with an attached mcdonald's and saw a guy driving and finger-blasting his old lady in the passenger seat they were pulling into the mcdonald's PPG paints formerly known as the Consol Energy Center I was on the bus today and I look down at the vehicle beside us which was a grungy old pickup truck the passenger had one of those wooden boxes that holds the fancy silverware in his lap and was polishing a spoon as they cruised down the road not the weirdest I'm sure that I found it comical nonetheless not a trucker but on a bus ride during high school football we saw a guy getting roadhead he gave us a thumbs up for G in a van that's just bang gross it's people jerking it and committing horrific acts of indifference to highway safety as someone who drives a manual these all seem even more horrifying than they already are not a trucker but I Drive at all regular truck have seen a lady eating a Big Mac putting on makeup and on a laptop at the same time while driving she was doing around 65 I was doing around 57 and trying to merge over into her Lane she was weaving erratically also once caught a whiff of and could see for teenagers college kids in a rice rocket car whom apparently smoked so much pot it was pouring out of the window one was puffing on the joint as the car sped away running across lanes going in the opposite direction and hitting a trash can other things you see at night in true ridic tradition I am NOT a trucker and em on the flip side of this I once looked up into a truck his cabin saw him reading a full-on book I was the passenger so I watched him for three songs on the radio and never once saw him look up I knew a guy who is a trucker and he told me that his truck practically drives itself he said he doesn't do anything distracting though the truck isn't his thirty-year driver and to stick out first was a lady whose shape is best described as round except her titties those were pancakes she had her shirt pulled up and was rolling her nipples between her fingers then there's the Canadian and the GEEP I'm still not sure where the rest of the mule was hidden but it must have been in there somewhere his hand almost hit his chin on the upstroke people want to assume these stories of public masturbation nudity and adult misadventures all feature attractive people but they don't they really really don't not a trucker the driving on the highway saw a woman driving with both her hands under the top bar of the steering wheel above the center where the horn is her elbows bent up and gripping the steering wheel this way essentially imagine yourself driving while trying to do a pull-up with the top of the steering wheel less than 45 degrees to give if you need to make a turn I do that sometimes dunno why just changing things up I guess to the trucker who I know caught me giving my boyfriend road head you're welcome for the show unless you had your talk off all he got was a nice view of the dong once a trucker held up a sign for me that said best legs in Texas as I drove from Houston to Austin what kind of haircut did he have people masturbating packing a bowl using an iPad on the steering wheel and one guy literally had the morning newspaper folded out entirely in front of him while doing 70 in the morning Russia but mostly cell phones stupid fricking cell phones it apparently a lot of people get roadhead which in of itself isn't that weird or interesting I wanna hear about the guys who are shaving gear offs in their backseat or trying to cross international borders with 16 kilograms of turtles in their trunk come on lads and let's lift your weirdness game not a trucker but my old 4x4 II 350 s hood is about the same height as a minivans roof at a stoplight I noticed about 12 cats loose in the back of the nineties book wagon with no rear seats and a 40 year old woman driving was waiting for dispatch to let me know where the rig was next to the road a little bit higher that the actual Road a helper blowing the driver of a tanker truck very macho Hispanic guys with tattoos and crap I knew them never said a word comma never said a word a true hero many years ago I dated a trucker and it was a pretty intense romance didn't last long because well trucker right he would take me on short road trips that's how we spent a lot of our dates just talking and listening to music he introduced me to a lot of the 80s rock I still listened to now I remember him singing along - what's up crazy man he told me you would be amazed at how many people drive without pants on or in their PJs that was a fun summer date a local driver they come home every night saw a woman cutting shapes out of paper while driving super safe s HHH you're not supposed to point that out otherwise nobody would get roadhead hottest gorgeous girl on i-64 flicking the bean skirt hiked up she saw me looking smiled and took the next exit she caught up to me about 30 minutes later still strumming this time she flashed me after she hovered a few minutes strangest is actually another truck driver she had her legs on the dash bail of popcorn in her lap watching a movie on a little 13 inches TV national truck driver appreciation week is the 9th of October 2017 the 17th of September 2007 ladies the girl was trying to hook up with you she was likely hoping that you would take the exit she talked my friend went on a ride with his dad when he was young and seen a man jerking off almost ten years ago I was traveling down a decently busy interstate in the northern part of Idaho can't remember the load only that I was doing good time and debating where to settle for the night I saw truck stop with a few trucks already parked and pulled in parking lot was pretty dang big found a nice spot behind the building and far away from the highway but nice and quiet also hidden from passing cars wasn't warrant first though I'm a big enough dude not some scary combat-trained one but I can hold my own dozed off quickly have been driving for 10 hours straight woke up sometime later half noticed a car parked next to mine confused me why someone would park so close like that I half peek down to see who it was try to stay with me here it gets a little weird there was a money in the driver seat ape may be the most human-like one cute little guy though he rolled the windows down and waved at me okay I'm obviously dreaming cool lucid dream Kratts wonder if I can fly no I'm percent one hundred awake it's 4:00 a.m. there's a monkey in the car next to me and I have to pee I get out kind a peek around no one but the monkey no Keith Iver it was a crank window so he literally rolled it down okay so his owners inside I go in the only place open thankfully the bathrooms vending area no one there pee snacks holy crap there's still a monkey outside run out monkeys okay there's now a penguin in the back seat okay then I'm just going to get in my truck they just kind of hung out the monkey had a cooler off snacks for both of them bananas and raw fish I ended up going back in and getting them a few bottles of water monkey knew how to open them and help the penguin drink and play and some by this time it was 5 a.m. and I had started calling the monkey Einstein and the penguin puffy the morning rush would start soon so I called the non-emergency line the operator told me they you and that Jimmy and James live there she said she didn't know why they had just always been there random people gets them food and ice for the cooler they hang out in the Visitor Center during the day and go to the local Zoo if the temperature gets too extreme for either Einstein must have found the spare keys again they'd send someone out to find them I stopped again a few months later and they were still there but not a year or so after that no one I asked knew what I was talking about once they were gone and I never found a zoo within 100 miles are there I've seen a few guys jacking off while driving women applying makeup while texting it's pretty amazing really and lots of women with their skirts pulled up exposing their panty or lack of my all-time favorite while not in their car was a couple all the way going at a doggy style on the beach like 30 feet from the highway it was a clear warm day probably around 2:00 in the afternoon went at it long enough that I had time to pull off the road double back and pull out my binoculars in time to see him finish pumping and her to stand up and pull up her panties I was probably one of those women with the skirt hiked up I was going to a job interview and didn't want to sweat on it I've seen people giving BJ's too full-on fricking in the backseat seen an older lady doing a crossword while driving I've seen someone get kicked out of a car at a red light but the weirdest has to be an old guy driving his car naked while masturbating wasn't in a truck but her to a bus some guy was jacking off while keeping speed with a bus it didn't register at first but when I realized what he was doing I just sat there with my mouth again he must have seen my face because he pulled away and got off the next exit no more window seats for me got off the next exit I sure hope so think of the hottest girl you've ever seen maybe even a girl you've had a crush on for an eternity but she's so insanely hot she's out of your league even out of Brad Pitt's league and well guess what my friend this tenth stroke 10 drop-dead gorgeous dream girl takes her finger shoves it to the back of her nose and pulls out boogers that resemble John Goodman and then decides i haven't-- eating today and proceeds to rip it apart like prey to a velociraptor not really weird just something I see constantly if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 37,082
Rating: 4.8816276 out of 5
Keywords: truckers, things truckers see in cars, crazy things truckers see, strange things seen by truckers, scary things truckers have seen, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, reddit compilation, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit
Id: bexw7xrbEP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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