Don't Take The Bait - David S. Winston | Overcoming Offense with #Love and #Forgiveness

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amen amen well today I'm going to be teaching you on a topic that all of us can relate to no matter who you are what background you come from no matter what kind of family you come up in with the color of your skin is all of us have one thing in common at least this one thing that we have all been tempted to not walk in love to somebody we have all been tempted by offenses somebody says something does something we all have been in that area and you know the the anointed harvesters they did a great job anybody come out to see triple-threat this past weekend this Friday and Saturday they did a great job and they had a original stage play here but one of the themes was forgiveness it was walking in love and forgiveness and you know with a lot of Christian Productions you know that's a theme that is consistent across a lot of them and I believe that's because a lot of us can relate to having to walk in forgiveness and to have to walk in love and you know we even look at where our world is today and it's amazing you know I think I have seen more people get offended this year then I can ever remember and I know of course we have the political race but then we have you know the the cultural social economic things going on and then you know you got people and those in law enforcement and folks are battling in the streets and you're trying to figure out what has happened you know it seems that the enemy is trying to use a fence to draw to divide people and I know our pastor he's been talking about our lives will be drastically different by December 25th but I believe part of that drastic difference isn't just going to be exterior it's not just going to be in a bank account or a piece of property some of that difference is going to be right here in your heart and the change that you make and God makes in your heart today the title of my message is called don't take the bait say don't take the bait don't take the bait overcoming offense with forgiveness that's good news don't take the bait turning your Bibles with me to Matthew chapter 5 and verse 11 I'm very excited about this word I believe it will be helpful and life-changing to you like my dad does yeah right I've been practicing for many years and you love our man of God he's very unique a man I could go on with bill Winston isms for days isn't that wonderful this is the right Bunch say man to that amen Matthew chapter 5 verse 11 it says blessed say I'm blessed now let's say let's see how you blessed blessed are you when they revile and persecute you oh now sometimes it's hard to feel blessed in the midst of people talking about you God I'll feel bliss right now but a man okay and it says and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice they rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you so it says that you are blessed when they talk about you and persecute you now I believe that as our pastor says that love is the thing that keeps the blessing active in your life that's what love does imma love I believe that love connects you with God you know just driving here this morning I said God what does it mean to just to really walk with you and he said David nobody can walk with me and not love like I do he said those who really want like me and walk with me they end up being like me and God just doesn't have love or just hasn't designed it or it doesn't just talk it or walk in God hasn't designed just an app like for it god is love according to first John chapter four verse eight he is love so if we are walking with him talking like him we are going to start acting the way he is you know sometimes people who hang out spend a lot of time with each other or maybe couples who have been married for a long time they have some of the same mannerisms they even seem to pick up on each other the same way and you know you meet somebody else in the bed oh yeah you're such and such as husband yeah I can tell I could tell and you say well how could they tell because there's a kindred spirit there and when you're really walking with God you're going to pick up that same aroma of love see sometimes you want to say yeah I walk with God but I had no love in the heart like how you walking with love but there is no evidence or trace of love how now that's that's not you or me but I'm just saying you know people if you're writing notes I want you to write this down a fence is an event but offended is a position a fence is an event something happens to you but offended is a position you take it's a disposition think of it like political positions and we see we just have to you know political races and you know Republicans Democrats conservatives liberals right-wing left-wing lover blob wing whatever so you got all the different kind of people and the reason why they wants you to identify with a position is because they want to be able to dictate the outcome of the kind of decisions you will make based on the platform so how do you know that if something has happened to you you've crossed the line from just offense from an event to being offended a position just like those politicians because you'll start making decisions based out of the position based out of the offense retaliation right or you know talking about somebody or you know what I'm just gonna cut this person off or you know what I'm living in the house with them but that doesn't mean I have to like them so we won't walk past each other every time I see him in the house just walk past bump into me did you bump into me just just means but that's how we know and it's interesting how the enemy tries to use this as a tactics a tactic one man says it like this the enemy's agenda is to destroy we see that's true in John chapter 10 verse 10 now God's love has been shed abroad in our hearts so this is not his plan for us but the enemy comes to destroy so his agendas to destroy but his strategy is division that's a strategy now what's the tactic tactical what's the tactic how does he execute this offense offense is the tactic that leads to division that starts to destroy household families marriages communities cities and nations you think he's after your feelings haha you you ain't that cute he tryin to get you but there's an agenda there's an agenda that's trying to be worked but we don't want to let the enemy win because we got work to do right but how can we do the work if we are divided because there's more power with us together it says one can put a thousand fights you could put ten thousand of light so when we're talking about getting together we're not talking about additional power we're talking about multiply power but then what happens when we divide a house divided cannot it's quiet a man that's alright and so we're going to talk about the love of God because the power to forgive comes from understanding God's love and knowing that you were forgiven so I'll forgive turn it with me to first John chapter four and verse twenty first John chapter four and verse 20 now you know the good thing about this kind of teaching is you can just sit right there in your seat and if you don't say anything if you don't make any kind of motion nobody will know that this is you so from talking to you this morning that's okay been through some of my own situations even recently and that's okay if you're going through a situation but we want you to go through it the right way and have the right outcome you don't have to hang your head in shame ever because you're being tempted just don't fall into the trap just don't fall into the temptation that's it it says in 1st John chapter 4 and verse West verse 20 if someone says I love God and hates his brother he is a liar on your writing y'all I didn't write for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen how come how can he love God whom he has not seen and this commandment we have from him that he who loves God must love his brother also that was not optional if we are gods we are commanded to love our brother also so how does unforgiveness then come because unforgiveness it doesn't it doesn't start there unforgiveness is actually the result of something if you can put up my next PowerPoint slide please how many of you all like apples I like Alps yeah I like apples so what happens is unforgiveness is like a tree think of it like an apple tree it's like a tree and it's a thing that tries to be a stronghold in your life and in your heart but where it comes from is it comes from the seed of a fence every time you see an apple you know somewhere there had to be a tree and if there's a tree an apple plant then somewhere there had to be a seed that was buried so what happens is unforgiveness comes from a fence and where does the fence come from a fence comes from unmet expectations that's where a fence comes from so what happens is you expected somebody to behave differently than they did you trusted somebody to do something that you didn't think they would do but they did anyway or you trusted somebody with some information and then maybe they used it against you or maybe they said something or maybe they didn't perform in a way you know I work with the kids and you know unforgiveness with parents is such a huge thing especially when you have a parent that was never there in their life and then the kids they had this expectation like but what's what's wrong with me like I expected them to be there why couldn't they have been there and it's all different reasons I'm sure but when that seed of offense takes root and it is not pushed out by God's love but it stays its water it turns into a tree of unforgiveness now it says in Luke chapter 17 in verse 1 Jesus says offenses will come I mean I can say right now without a shout of a doubt somebody is going to come to try to offend you at some point 2017 it's going to happen it's going to happen but God's will and plan for your life is that you not bow or you or you not succumb to the temptation so jesus said offenses are going to come but that word offense in the Greek it actually means stumbling block or get this it means stick for bait if I could have my next slide please it means stick for bait and so let's call offense bait okay now what do you use bait for is anybody fishing here does anybody ever fish y'all fish okay so you finish and you put the bait on the hook well you know if you're out there and the wilderness maybe you're camping and you're planning on that to be your food then when you get some you know somebody or some fish on the line you're trying to reel it in because you're trying to you know do what you do and cook it and eat it you hungry so this bait of offense it doesn't stop there the Greek word for offended will turn we'll talk about a little bit later but like they were offended at Jesus when he went to his hometown and tried to teach them in Matthew chapter 13 that Greek word for offended scandal ezo it's where we get our word scandalous and the word actually literally translates to fall into a trap so you have offended fall into a trap and then offense the bait so you see how the enemy will come with an event to now get you in the bait to now get you in the trap to make you feel a certain kind of way well that's just how I am no an attitude is not just how you are you're made in God's image and his likeness God is love how can you say that's that's how I am when God is love and you're in the kingdom there is no way I can say that's just how I am but I can say must have fallen into a trap because it's affecting my disposition but God's love come on helps purchase through all of that in proverbs chapter 18 verse 19 in the New Living Translation it says that a friend offended is harder to win than a city and and so if a fence is the bait then offended is the trap but this love that we have God's love shed abroad in our hearts it helps repel that but you know there's a great benefit to this not being offended we talked about you know love keeps the blessing working in our lives turn with me to Matthew chapter 15 because Matthew chapter 15 pastors read it before we see account of a woman and this account of this woman she is showing her love walk in Matthew chapter 15 and verse 21 and we're going to read it says then Jesus went out from there and departed to the region of tear in Sidon and behold a woman of Canaan came from that region and cried out to him saying have mercy on me O Lord son of David my daughter severely demon-possessed but he answered her not a word she just ignored her and Jesus came and urged her excuse me and the disciples came and urged him saying send her away for she cries out after us but he answered and said I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and verse 25 then she came and worshiped him saying lord help me in verse 26 but he answered and said it is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the little dogs and she said yes Lord but even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their master's table and Jesus answered and said to her woman great is your faith let it be to you as you desire and her daughter was healed that very hour now we know that by faith she she jumped over time for what wasn't meant for her yet but grab it but I want us to identify a strong principle here I feel like somebody was being called dog I'm just just saying somebody was being called some kind of something we can't overlook at that point and her response wasn't indicative of her being offended her response was indicative of what her faith was asking him to do so she decided to walk in love in a place in position where she could have chosen to be offended how do I know because people get offended at much less every day and you say I didn't even mean it like that what how did you get this from that the problem is there was already a seed of offense there so they couldn't see what you said for what it was they saw it through their offense and through their position and when you see things through your position you're always going to think somebody's sitting through you they're sitting against you if you see it through a broken position now that's not our position as believers we know we're supposed to walk in love and walk by love and we were walking in love and by love it says love covers a multitude of sins so somebody can come up and plain out insults you you know I was okay I loved him I loved but her reaction didn't disqualify her from the miracle it took hold of the miracle come on drastically different by December 25th amen I know we're getting a lot of faith teaching and our pastor teaches us all walking in love but my question always is are you attempting to grow in love at the same pace as you're trying to grow your faith because Jesus had both it wasn't faith in nothing else Jesus walked in love every day of his life he had people showing up to his meeting just to catch him up imagine them showing up to your job just to find you wrong so they can get a lawsuit every day telling me Jesus didn't walk in love every day but because he was able to keep his love walk intact he never had a power outage so when he laid hands on the sick they recovered he casted out demons and boom that was it he prayed and things changed he could walk on water there was never a power outage because it says in the scripture in Romans 5:5 that Jesus a God has given us the Holy Spirit that has been shed abroad the love of God has been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit and we know that the Holy Spirit power that due to his power in Acts chapter one verse a we know that's real for our lives so as we have the Holy Spirit we can walk in that same power and authority but he's also come to shed the love of God in our hearts so when we have a power outage in our lives dare I said we might have a love shortage I say that love is the power source that powers our faith I can have the best smartphone you've ever seen new stuff Samsung I have found they don't know about this exclusive and I pick it up and I say hey Aaron let me show you this let me show you this new phone he says what is I said I just signed it it's got all kind of new technology nobody's ever seen he says okay I want to see and I say okay I bring it out and I tried to power it on it's not power and try to power on he said well what's up I mean show it to me I said I'm trying to show it to you I got all the hard goods but the problem is I can't show you because the power is out because the battery's dead it's missing the battery this there's no power to show you so you don't get the benefit and I don't get the benefit of what that phone is supposed to do so what God never intended is for a church of broken hurting angry people to try to cover sig with me to try to touch it to try to hood today you can see I'll say this I don't want y'all to get mad at me broken hurting people to try to substitute the love of God with saying that they have faith and trying to make a substitute because they're not walking in love but say well I did everything that bill Winston said to do said that was in the book so I'm walking by faith I'm doing this I'm quitting my job I'm moving here I'm going here I'm sewing here but don't have an ounce of love to be able to power the faith that is necessary to make the connection to reach up into the heavens take that mirror we'll bring it down to make it manifest to say Oh ain't God good this stuff works let me tell you God ain't broke his ways aren't broke his promises are still real and I believe that when we are not seeing it in our lives we have to take a full inventory of what's going on full inventory it's okay to take a loved inventory I got checked myself to tell you never check yourself how did I get over there okay I don't even know how I got over there y'all got me all over you okay so so the woman got her breakthrough and this taught me an important lesson I learned this early on that in the midst of a faith fight you will always have an opportunity from the enemy to get offended to delay your breakthrough in the middle of that faith fight you better believe that there's going to be an opportunity to walk in love there's going to be an opportunity to walk in love because what does it say Galatians 5:6 faith works by what faith works by love Matthew chapter 5 and verse 23 it even talks about if you have aught against your brother don't even give it says lay your gift at the altar go and reconcile then come back and give because God knows that you don't need to be sowing in that kind of heart fix your heart and then come back and so because what's going to happen is because you don't have any love it will delay and hinder your harvest and that will make you think that this promise and this covenant doesn't work but what I want you to do fix your heart fix your stuff with your friend then you sow and once you're so in love so in faith then that covenant that as that thing is going to work the way it said it would I teach our youth this because sometimes this stuff doesn't seem to work in our lives the way we think it should and when we're not strong and matured in the work we think that there's something wrong with God we think of something's are something wrong with bill Winston I don't know because it's nothing working for me but it works every time if you work it the right way Matthew chapter 13 and verse 54 let's go there and then I'll try to bring this to a close Matt Matthew chapter 13 and verse 54 I love God's love is so good so good Matthew chapter 13 and verse 54 it says and this is when Jesus was rejected at his own hometown when he had come to his own country he taught them in their synagogue so that they were astonished and said where did this man get this wisdom in these mighty works is this not the carpenter's son this is not his mother called Mary and his brothers and and his sisters and weren't they all with us and where did this man get all these things they trying to figure Jesus out everybody ever had anybody trying to figure you out oh no no no where were you getting this wisdom why you walking such love and in verse 57 so they were what at him they were offended at him but jesus said to them a prophet is not without honor except in his own home country and in his own house now he did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief now check this out unbelief was the reason he didn't do many mighty works but the tactic used to get the people to unbelief was offense because they were offended at him they could not believe once again strategy of the enemy division what is this agenda to destroy what is the tactic offense he doesn't want you to believe God people are offended at God every day God how could you leave me in this situation you know how they're doing me at this job God why would you give me another job how could you let this happen God people sometimes get offended at his plan you know God says hey move to this place and start this business said what God why would I ever do that things are comfortable here and it stops our ability to receive from God a man come on it says even in mark chapter 11 verse 25 and 26 it talks about that we must forgive so that God can forgive us when you stand praying if you have anything against anyone forgive him that your Father in Heaven may also forgive you your trespasses in the next verse it says but if you do not forgive neither will your Father in heaven forgive you of your trespasses now that's really key because we Center on mark chapter 11 verse 23 and 24 whatsoever things you ask when you pray believe that you receive them me you will have them that's like the blank check that's your ticket like yes Lord come on pastor you shout at that message I see I'll save it now but y'all shout at that mess I see ciao I'll see y'all lastly yeah yes yes hallelujah that's me make no mistake or coincidence the next verses talk about walking in love and forgiveness that's the power source the power source come on God's love is the power source so so why is this so important if I can have my next slide please or go back to the apples and the seas why is this so important in them going to talk about three steps to forgiveness this is so important because when you have a tree of unforgiveness it could be in somebody else's hard or you know maybe God is working with you and something showing you something in your own heart often we start to treat daily life two people interact with people and we don't know but we're serving them up the fruit of what's in our heart imagine do you have that Apple so imagine imagine this all right so I got my Apple and I'm talking to you and I'm going to talk to you out of my perspective out of the things that are out of my heart knowingly or unknowingly here's where it's important because you have somebody in the situation been married for 10 years and unfortunately this woman finds out her husband's been cheating and that's a terrible things very hard thing to go through but this woman that ends in divorce they had some kids but she didn't forgive him so that seed of offense unmet expectations because he expected him to be faithful automated expectations that turned into this tree of unforgiveness now she's got friends who are going to get married and have relationships and so she's giving out unsolicited advice anybody ever have friends give out unsolicited advice think I'm not asking you what you think girl we should okay and so what happens is she starts giving out this advice to her best friend who's engaged to be happily married but what she starts doing is starts giving her the fruit of what's in her heart so bite the fruit here you go bite the fruit and when we entertain it or even when we're you know giving it we are taking bites taking bites and bites and you know there's actually seeds you can put up that slide there's actually seeds you know in the Apple anybody cut up an apple you'll see the apple seeds well the interesting thing about the apple seeds is they have trace amounts of cyanide in them and if you know anything about cyanide it could be poisonous when it's taken in larger quantities and what happens is you know you bite the fruit bite the fruit eat all the fruit and eat so much of that fruit but all those seeds in that fruit they start going into the hearts of others but maybe you know you're talking yourself reinforcing your own issues and you know not accepting the love of God to forgive and so you're biting the fruit also and so what those seeds do they have that cyanide in them and if you take them in such large quantities that could be poisonous and in some cases they can kill people here's the way they kill people though is they actually hinder the blood from being effective to do what it was supposed to do it actually stops the blood from getting oxygen and bringing oxygen to the rest of the body rendering the blood ineffective and patients and people they die from what's called asphyxiation meaning that they suffocate without anybody choking though because the blood was affected from doing what it was supposed to do I said my god God started revealing this to me I said how many people have bitten the fruit and taken so much of this in and so many of those seeds in that it starts to try to negate what the power of the blood of Jesus is supposed to be doing in their walk as believers in their walkest Christian kingdom citizens that the blood of Jesus there's power in the blood of Jesus that the blood of jesus heals and delivers the blood of Jesus cleanses us from our sins but when the blood of Jesus isn't flowing in our lives and operating in our lives like it should and having a potency like it should instead of cleansing us from our sins it always seems to amplify sin where unforgiveness is I said God help us understand what it really truly means to love because I don't ever want to fail in my faith walk I don't ever want to fail in my love walk and I had an opportunity to exercise this even this past week where you know sometimes you find out unfortunate things about people what people might be saying about you your family your wife what people might be trying to do to you and you know it's challenging in the midst but what you got to come back to is what you and that's the word of God and that the love of God has been shed abroad in your hearts so that you can show love to others who don't deserve it look at Jesus he died on the cross for our sins he died on the cross and it's amazing how he was up there dying on the cross for the very people that were mocking him and I got it I said I see why it had to happen he said Father forgive them that was his outward declaration saying I will not let these seeds of offense taint the blood that I am about to shed to save you and me that this blood will never be tainted and it will remain pure so the sins of man can be washed the blood of Jesus it cleanses us and when we have that revelation it makes it easy for us to forgive others god I've been forgiven of so much makes it easy to forgive him of this little thing her this little thing and it gives me such a compassion to see that so many things that people are doing and do on a daily basis that hurt people whether it's malicious or by accident are the result of their own pain will we see a lot of these kids going through in this city talk to him half of them don't have anybody who they feel loves if there's no value there's no love there's a whole lot of resentment anger bitterness unforgiveness the shooting that's just a result of brokenness people aren't just haphazard doing all kind of crazy stuff it looks that way and it is crazy but it's coming from a very specific place very strategic place hurt people hurt people but healed people help heal other people how do people feel after they've come in contact with you so let's finish three steps to forgiveness I'm running out of time and I'm not gonna go over first step three steps to repentance first step or three steps to forgiveness first step is repentance they repent and that's okay that's okay where that's a good word you know repent means to turn away from and so sometimes when God shows us something about our own hearts about our own walk maybe we've missed it maybe we've been a disobeyed him or maybe you know something has happened and we didn't even know but God shows us in our own hearts he'll come with conviction and conviction isn't a bad thing it's just showing you that you didn't live up to the standard of what the Word of God said you should be so what does that mean you say God forgive me first John 1:9 what does it say it says that if you confess your sins he's faithful and just to forgive you of your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness so it's a real simple process now I was reminded of how I was forgiven I said you know was i forgiven because of 2,000 years ago you know did she's died on the cross to make forgiveness available for us was i forgiven because of Who I am no what I wear no were you forgiven because of your degrees no were you forgiven because of where you went to school or who you know what kind of job or business you have or because maybe you were underprivileged so because God was you know felt sorry for you know Jesus went to the cross way before any of us were ever here on this earth so it wasn't because of our own merit that he provided forgiveness check this out it also wasn't because of an apology or an I'm sorry from us that Jesus died the cross he died on the cross before we were able to utter any kind of words which taught me an important principle a true and act of true forgiveness doesn't need to be sparked by an apology what they might have done to you not saying it's fair not saying it was okay but you don't need an apology to decide to forgive them in your heart and with your mouth and that's good news because to be reconciled takes two but to forgive takes one so it's your decision your decision so repentance that's the first part and that's good number two as I close number two deciding to forgive and release it so decide to forgive and release it it says in Colossians chapter three and verse twelve and the New Living Translation since God chose you to be the holy people he loves you must clothe yourselves with tender-hearted mercy kindness humility gentleness and patience make allowance for each other's faults and forgive anyone who offends you remember the Lord forgave you so you must forgive others forgiveness is so key and so many it and it hurts my heart to watch believers not not not just people who don't know God but believers get so caught up and being offended and everything that's going on offended at certain people groups political groups different this group that group colors and races and I said God it was never meant to be this way it was meant for us to take every opportunity to love not every opportunity to be offended because the body of Christ will never be able to rise up and change this earthen nation divided we have to be together and unified God's love unifies us Jesus taught about this and had to practice it on a daily and weekly basis and Matthew chapter 5 and verse 44 as I was going this week let me show you the scripture that came to me as I was going through this week y'all ready because y'all might be going through so so I want to help you if you going through this is what it says but I say to you love your enemies bless those who curse you do good to those who hate you pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you and the message translation starting at verse 43 it says you're familiar with the old written law love your friend and it's unwritten companion hate your enemy but I'm challenging them I'm telling you love your enemies love them and let them bring out the best in you not the worst let me say that again let them bring out the best in you not the worst when someone gives you a hard time respond with the energies of Prayer for then you are working out of your true selves your God created selves let me tell you something God started working and dealing with me in my heart and I said okay well I gotta love these individuals who are trying to do me no good or slander me slander my family my wife I gotta I I love them okay you not forgive them Lord and I'm gonna repel offenses and and I see this is an attack I'm teaching on love and being offended and not being offended in forgiveness so this is a test and attacking I'm gonna pass it praise God you ever had that kind of fervor like I'm gonna pass and I see what the enemy's doing I'm a pastor and God said well let me show you what you need to do to pass the test and I said well I think like I'm doing that like I'm loved and I have forgiven this and that and he said another no read the scripture and I read the scripture again and he said pray for those who persecute you and he said have you prayed for them yet I said man I haven't and he said it's always a continuous walking in love that you're doing in life but your love assignment is never complete until you have prayed for those who have set you up and are persecuting you and he said don't just pray for them you know like okay you know pray Lord just bless them and help them see the error of the ways help them stop acting stupid you know lead them to church make sure they make no excuses I need to get saved no no he said pray for them like you would pray for your best friend come boldly to the throne of grace and intercede for them intercede for their families intercede for them at the job intercede for their safety and the protection of their family speak the blessing over them call them as I call them and I said okay god I get it so I got on my face and I started to hit her seed for them and then I got up and I wept and I said I get it this is why Jesus was so compassionate because when you pray for people like they mean something to you it gives you a heart that just wants to love them but says I see what they did but it doesn't matter because my love and the love that God has given me in my heart is going to win out and this cycle stops with me because the brokenness and the hurting that they might be feeling I'm not going to take those seeds but I'm going to replace those seeds in their heart with love and I'm going to pray that others replace it with love and we're going to stop this cycle and they're going to be healed and set free and delivered and prosperous they're gonna be everything that God is called them to be I said I get it [Music] you can't pray for people you hate [Applause] whether you know them or you don't know that where there's a specific groups or people you can't pray for people you hate effectively you get in the world you receive God's love then you intercede for them like their life depends on and you get in that prayer cloth and you decree and declare God's promises for their lives that's how the blessing stays active in the life I see what my dad was able to climb like he could climb I've lived in that house for many years and I've seen the battles I've seen what he had to fight through you guys go on the internet quickly and find a bunch of things not true but just things that if I just continue to sit and look at it things that could affect my heart because they were trying to destroy the man of God and I understand why he's so blessed I know he's my dad but I understand why he's so blessed because despite everything in everyone he decided to walk in love and that's why the blessing is active in his life right now men and women of God and ministers they want to know like how can I get to where bill Winston wants to get through I think do you want to hear what he went through do you want to hear the extent of love he had to exercise and forgiveness do you want to know about him interceding for people who are trying to set him up if I can tell you about that then you can hear about how he's got blessed through it if I can let you know about that then you'll see where God has brought him now and you'll understand I'm here to tell you it may not be an easy road to your place of drastically different but it's a good road it's a good road cuz you come out better you learn to walk in a deeper level of love the anointing of God the power of God it flows through love let me finish with my last slide my last slide receiving healing receive healing for any pain suffering forgiveness is a decision but healing is a process you have to decide to engage the process to let God heal our heart what does that mean that sometimes we forgive and we might have to forgive over and over and over and over and over again my wife has taught me a great deal about forgiveness because I used to think you know you forgive once an okay is done but Jesus said seventy times seven and I got it I said you know every time that negative feeling comes up when I hear from that person I see that person maybe I'm around that person I'm reminded that situation that's an opportunity to forgive every time it comes up I know I for I forgive them I forgive them I love them and I forgive them every time and how do you know you're healed same way you know you're healed physically you take the cast off or the cut the wound is all healed up and how do you know because your body is not sensitive to it anymore never had a deep cutting you know you don't want anybody to touch it my son you'll hurt her you hurt something you know you don't even want you to touch it because it's a sensitive area people act the same way internally they don't even want you to come close to that area and when you touch it it's like an explosion reaction that's because it's a place of pain but Jesus came to heal the broken heart he came to bring deliverance to the captives freedom to those who are oppressed so we have to receive of God's love so we can get healed in our heart and we can be everything that God has called us to be he's called you to something wonderful and special and good we have to make allowances for others faults but more so we have to make allowance for Cod's love to be poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who shows us what to do and how to do it I'm going to pray in just a moment in first Peter chapter four verse eight in the New Living Translation it says most important of all continue to show deep love for each other for love covers a multitude of sins God wants us to walk in love that's not a new message what are we doing I know it's time to be drastically different time for life to be drastically different by December 25th but for some of us that means that it's time for us to forgive walk in love and we'll see the plan of God and full activity and full motion in our lives
Channel: David S. Winston
Views: 16,881
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Keywords: christian, christianity, jesus, david winston, winston, david s winston, teaching, sermon, message, faith, love, forgive, forgiveness, God, unforgiveness, inner healing, bitterness, revenge, anger, kindness, kind, success, forget, unconditional love, faithful, inspiration, relationships, hurting, pain, hurt, adultrey, help, heart, overcoming, letting go, emotions, offense, offended, dont take the bait, bill winston, son, how to forgive, how to forgive yourself, how to forgive someone who hurt you, bait, take
Id: OMH_qP3t5xU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 31sec (2911 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2016
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